LS1 Finals

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Learning Skills I

Finals 1st Meeting

What is the Difference between a Groups and Teams?

• One of the first things that an instructor must recognize is the difference between an individual
working as part of a group and an individual working as part of a team. Below is a list of the
differences that exist between these categories. After reading through the list, it should be clear
what the difference is and which one would be ideal in a classroom. Could be used as handout
preparing the students for effective teamwork.

• A group is a collection of individuals who coordinate their efforts, while a team is a group of
people who share a common goal.

• On the other hand, at team is a group of people who share a common team purpose and a
number of challenging goals. Members of the team are mutually committed to the goals and to
each other. This mutual commitment also creates joint accountability, which creates a strong
bond and a strong motivation to perform.

• Without purpose and goals, you cannot build a team. The purpose must be worthwhile and
create a sense of doing something important together. The goals must be challenging and
specific so that each member can understand how they contribute to the success of the team.

• A well-defined strategic plan outlining the purpose, values, goals and objectives of the team
becomes the glue that binds the group together and helps transform them into a team.
Participation in developing that plan helps to build understanding, consensus, and commitment.
As a leader, you use the plan to set expectations for individuals and the team as a whole.

• The power of a team emerges from the sense of community that develops and exerts strong
influence on the attitudes and behaviors of the participants. Peer pressure and a desire to be a
productive member of the team helps to shape priorities and direct efforts where they will
support the team goals.

• As a leader and manager, you are no longer limited to managing individuals. You have an
opportunity to manage the team as a whole and enlist the support of the team to help manage
the individuals.

Members work independently and they often are Members work interdependently and work
not working towards the same goal. towards both personal and team goals, and they
understand these goals are accomplished best by
mutual support.

Members focus mostly on themselves because Members feel a sense of ownership towards their
they are not involved in the planning of their role in the group because they committed
group's objectives and goals. themselves to goals they helped create.

Members are given their tasks or told what their Members collaborate and use their talent and
duty/job is, and suggestions are rarely welcomed experience to contribute to the success of the
team's objectives.

Members are very cautious about what they say Members base their success on trust and
and are afraid to ask questions. They may not encourage all members to express their opinions,
fully understand what is taking place in their varying views, and questions.

Members base their success on trust and Members make a conscious effort to be honest,
encourage all members to express their opinions, respectful, and listen to every person's point of
varying views, and questions. view.

Members may have a lot to contribute but are Members are encouraged to offer their skills and
held back because of a closed relationship with knowledge, and in turn each member is able
each member. contribute to the group's success.

Members are bothered by differing opinions or Members see conflict as a part of human nature
disagreements because they consider it a threat. and they react to it by treating it as an
There is not group support to help resolve opportunity to hear about new ideas and
problems. opinions. Everybody wants to resolve problems

Members may or may not participate in-group Members participate equally in decision-making,
decision-making, and conformity is valued more but each member understands that the leader
than positive results. might need to make the final decision if the team
cannot come to a consensus agreement.

Stages of Team Growth

• It is important for teacher and students (the team members) to know that teams do not just
form and immediately start working together to accomplish great things. There are actually
stages of team growth and teams must be given time to work through the stages and become
effective. Team growth can be separated into four stages.

Stage 1: forming.

When a team is forming, members cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior.
They search for their position within the group and test the leader's guidance. It is normal for little team
progress to occur during this stage.

Stage 2: Storming.

Storming is probably the most difficult stage for the group. Members often become impatient about the
lack of progress, but are still inexperienced with working as a team. Members may argue about the
actions they should take because they faced with ideas that are unfamiliar to them and put them
outside their comfort zones. Much of their energy is focused on each other instead of achieving the goal.

Stage 3. Norming.

During this stage, team members accept the team and begin to reconcile differences. Emotional conflict
is reduced as relationships become more cooperative. The team is able to concentrate more on their
work and start to make significant progress.

Stage 4. Performing.

By this stage, the team members have discovered and accepted each other's strengths and weaknesses,
and learned what their roles are. Members are open and trusting and many good ideas are produced
because they are not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions. They are comfortable using decision making
tools to evaluate the ideas, prioritize tasks and solve problems. Much is accomplished and team
satisfaction and loyalty is high. Since working as part of a team can improve learning and is a much-
needed skill in today's workplace, some team exercises should be included in the classroom. With well-
planned out tasks, careful guidance, and close observation, instructors can make team exercises
extremely valuable learning experiences.
Learning Skills I
Finals 2nd Meeting

Characteristics of Effective Teams

The following are eight characteristics of effective teams that were identified by Larson and LaFasto in
their book Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong (Sage Publications 1989).

1. The team must have a clear goal. Avoid fuzzy, motherhood statements. Team
goals should call for a specific performance objective, expressed so concisely that
everyone knows when the objective has been met. The elements of a goal include
(a) what is to be achieved; (b) a measure of accomplishment – how we will know
when the outcome has been reached; and, (c) the time factor – when we want to
have the goal completed.
2. The team must have a results-driven structure. The team should be allowed to
operate in a manner that produces results. It is often best to allow the team to
develop the structure.
3. The team must have competent team members. In the education setting this can
be take to mean that the problem given to the team should be one that the members
can tackle given their level of knowledge.
4. The team must have unicied commitment. This doesn't mean that team members
must agree on everything. It means that all individuals must be directing their
efforts towards the goal. If an individual's efforts is going purely towards personal
goals, then the team will confront this and resolve the problem.
5. The team must have a collaborative climate. It is a climate of trust produced by
honest, open, consistent and respectful behavior. With this climate teams perform
well...without it, they fail.
6. The team must have high standards that are understood by all. Team members
must know what is expected of them individually and collectively. Vague
statements such as "positive attitude" and "demonstrated effort" are not good
7. The team must receive external support and encouragement. Encouragement
and praise works just as well in motivating teams as it does with individuals.
8. The team must have principled leadership. Teams usually need someone to lead
the effort. Team members must know that the team leader has the position because
they have good leadership skills and are working for the good of the team. The
team members will be less supportive if they feel that the team leader is putting
him/herself above the team, achieving personal recognition or otherwise benefiting
from the position.
Learning Skills I
Finals 2nd Meeting

Meeting Strategies to Help Prepare Students for Group Work

Source: The Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo

Working in groups is quite different than working individually. One of the main reasons why
students find it difficult is that they were not trained to perform effectively in a team setting. An
instructor can help by teaching organizational, personal, and discussion skills that will help
students manage group dynamics and have a positive teamwork experience. Meetings are key
events during group work, and there are several techniques for running effective meetings. This
sheet could be used as a handout, to prepare students for effective gorupwork.

Planning and Running a Meeting

Steps that should be taken becore a meeting happens:

plan the meeting carefully: who, what, when, where, why, and how
manyprepare and send out an agenda, identifying issues to be
set up meeting room send out background information about members

Steps that should be taken during a meeting:

start on time
make introductions of group
members clearly define roles
review, revise, and order the
agenda set clear time limits
review action items from previous
meeting focus on one issue at a time

Steps that should be taken at the end of and after a meeting:

record final decisions or actions to be

taken assign tasks to group members
set deadlines for the tasks
set the date and place of the next meeting and develop a preliminary
agenda evaluate the meeting, get feedback from members
close the meeting
positivelyclean up the
prepare the group memo, distribute to members and others who need to know
Learning Skills I
Finals 2nd Meeting
Skills that students need to develop/use to promote effective group work:

active and tolerant listening communication skills

flexibility accountability

respect for others' contributions helping others to master content

giving and receiving constructive


patience managing disagreements


keeping deadlines
Learning Skills I
Finals 2nd Meeting

Activities and tools that can be used in a group meeting cor:

Opening discussion

list available resources

state different perceptions of what the real
problem brainstorm ideas - all ideas are
encouraged and accepted
legitimize - show an understanding of how others see the
problemkickstart with an example
propose some potential solutions
ask each individual for a possible solution

Narrowing down the solutions

evaluate solutions using some

criteria make sure solutions
address the issuesrank ideas in
order of priority categorize
separate solutions based on
"pros/cons" look for redundant
and overlapping ideas
force field analysis (what ideas give support to solving the problem? which ones
preventreaching a solution?)

Closing the discussion

y voting
build up/eliminate (add or subtract from different options to arrive at a new option
thateveryone can support)
combine ideas (avoid either/or decisions)
Learning Skills I
Finals 3rd Meeting

Constructive and Destructive Group Behaviors

One suggested exercise: Have each student in a group share with their group one constructive and one
destructive behavior they have found in themselves. Can be used at group formation or mid-project as a
Adapted from Brunt (1993). Facilitation Skills for Quality Improvement. Quality Enhancement Strategies. Madison, WI

Constructive Group Behaviors

Cooperating: Is interested in the views and perspectives of the other group members and is willing
to adapt for the good of the group.

Clarifying: Makes issues clear for the group by listening, summarizing and focusing discussions.

Inspiring: Enlivens the group, encourages participation and progress.

tarmonizing: Encourages group cohesion and collaboration. For example, uses humor as a relief
after a particularly difficult discussion.

Risk Taking: Is willing to risk possible personal loss or embarrassment for the group or project

Process Checking: Questions the group on process issues such as agenda, time frames, discussion
topics, decision methods, use of information, etc.

Destructive Group Behaviors

Dominating: Takes much of meeting time expressing self views and opinions. Tries to take control
by use of power, time, etc.

Rushing: Encourages the group to move on before task is complete. Gets "tired" of listening to
others and working as a group.

Withdrawing: Removes self from discussions or decision making. Refuses to participate.

Discounting: Disregards or minimizes group or individual ideas or suggestions. Severe discounting

behavior includes insults, which are often in the form of jokes.

Digressing: Rambles, tells stories, and takes group away from primary purpose.

Blocking: Impedes group progress by obstructing all ideas and suggestions. "That will never work
Learning Skills I
Finals 3rd Meeting

Group Roles: Maximizing Group Performance

Adapted from: The Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo

Having a diversity of skills and ideas within a group often enriches the group process and can improve the
final product. However, working with others different from ourselves can be a challenge. One way to
cture group functioning and benefit from one another’s strengths is to assign roles to each member of
the group. These team roles can be assigned based on individuals’ strengths or rotated periodically to
increase each member’s understanding of the roles aand nd of themselves as team members. There are four
fundamental roles to consider: facilitator, moderator/contribution manager, notetaker/time keeper, and
devil’s advocate/skeptic/challenger. For larger groups, some of these roles can be divided between two


Clarifies the aims of the group and helps the group to set sub
goals at the beginning of each
meeting. Sub-goals
goals should serve as an agenda of issues that need to be addressed during the
Makes sure that all group members understand the concepts and the group’s conclusions.
Starts the meetings, introduces each topic, and keeps the group on task and oriented towards its
Ensures that the group completes its tasks before deadlines.

Typical phrases:

"Thanks for your contribution, Bill. What do you think, Mary?”

"From what I’m hearing, it appears that the key issues are A, B, and C. Why don’t we
start by discussing A, if that is agreeable to everyone?”
"So, it appears that we are all agreed that …”

Moderator/contribution manager

Observes group functioning carefully and initiates regular discussions on group climate and
process, especially if he or she senses tension or conflict brewing.
During disagreements or conflicts, clarifies the arguments and proposes suggestions for resolving
Ensures that all group members have a chance to participate and learn; may elicit comments from
members if they are not participating.
Acts as a cheerleader for the group whenever possible, praising members for work well done.

Note: For larger groups the role of “encourager” could be done by a different student.

Typical phrases:
"We haven’t heard much during our meeting from you, John. Do you have any
thoughts?” “It might be helpful if you backed off a bit, Kate, so we can hear what Doug
has to say.”
"I’m sensing a bit of tension among us over this decision; I think we should get our
disagreements out into the open.”
Learning Skills I
Finals 3rd Meeting

"I think we can feel really good about what we’ve accompl
ished to this point.
Especiallynice work on the project outline, Kim!”

Notetaker/Time Keeper

Takes notes during meetings to keep a record of what has been decided, tasks that
have beenassigned, when meetings are scheduled, etc.
Summarizes discussions and decisions for the rest of the group. Distributes a summary of
eachmeeting to all group members.
Presents group material to the rest of the class/supervisor.
Keeps track of time during meetings to avoid spending excessive time on one topic. This
is besthandled by deciding how much time will be allocated to each issue in the agenda,
and letting everyone know when this time is up. It is also useful to point out when time is
almost up so thatissues can be wrapped up appropriately.

Note: For larger groups, the roles of notetaker and time keeper could be fulfilled by two students.

Typical phrases:

"Hold on, please, I just need to get this down before we move on.”
"I’ll send you an updated version of our report tomorrow, along with a summary
oftoday’s meeting.”
"We’ve spent about 15 of the 20 minutes we allocated to this topic, so we’ve got
about 5more minutes to sort it out.”

Devil’s Advocate/Skeptic/Challenger

Remains on guard against “groupthink” scenarios (i.e., when the pressure to reach the
group goalis so great that the individual members surrender their own opinions to avoid
conflict and view issues solely from the group’s perspective).
Ensures that all arguments have been heard, and looks for holes in the group’s decision-
makingprocess, in case there is something overlooked.
Keeps his or her mind open to problems, possibilities, and opposing ideas.
Serves as a quality-control
control person who double
checks details to make sure errors have
not beenmade and searches
arches for aspects of the work that need more attention. Keeps an
eye out for mistakes, especially those that may fall between the responsibilities of two
group members.

Note: For larger groups, this role of devil’s advocate could be divided into two roles: devil’s advocate
andquality control.

Typical phrases:

"Let’s give Mike’s idea a chance.”

"OK, we’ve decided to go with plan C, but I noticed that we still haven’t dealt with
the sameproblem that plan A didn’t address. What can we do to solve this?”

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