Trauma: HX and PE (Adults) : For The EMS Providers, (Prior To Patient's
Trauma: HX and PE (Adults) : For The EMS Providers, (Prior To Patient's
Trauma: HX and PE (Adults) : For The EMS Providers, (Prior To Patient's
In accordance with the principles of advanced For the EMS providers, (prior to patient’s A focused history should provide
trauma life support, injured patients are assessed arrival in hospital), they should provide the important information such as:
and treated based on three concepts: following to the receiving ED:
-Circumstances of injury
1) Treat the greatest threat to life first. 1) mechanism of trauma -Ingestion of intoxicants
2) The lack of definitive diagnosis 2) suspected injuries -Pre-existing medical conditions
3) vital signs -Medications
should never impede the application
of an indicated treatment. 4) clinical sx It may be obtained from the:
3) A detailed history is not essential to 5) examination findings Patient or Family members
begin the evaluation of a patient 6) treatments provided Witnesses or Prehospital
with acute injuries. providers
1. Determine airway patency:
Airway a. Foreign bodies
b. Maxillofacial fractures
2. Jaw thrust/chin lift
3. Endotracheal intubation, if:
a. Depressed LOC
b. Inability to protect airway
4. If the patient is obtunded, assume a
cervical spine injury until proven
a. Maintain spinal immobilization
during resuscitation.
Breathing Inspection of thorax and neck: Consider immediate needle thoracostomy for
Open chest wounds suspected tension pneumothorax.
Abnormal chest wall motion (flail chest)
Consider tube thoracostomy for suspected
Deviated trachea (tension
Crepitus (pneumothorax)
Absence/asymmetric of breath sounds
on either side of chest
Circulation Assess for blood volume status: Skin color,
capillary refill, central/peripheral pulses, & BP.
IV placement:
2 large bore IV catheters
Blood transfusion (if indicated):
type O blood: after rapid infusion with
no marked improvement
PRBC/Plasma: clotting and platelet
Perform screening neurologic and
Disability mental status examination, assessing:
Pupil size and reactivity
Limb strength & movement,
grip strength
Orientation, GCS score
Consider measurement of capillary
blood glucose level in patients with
altered mental status
Exposure Completely disrobe patient and inspect
for burns and toxic exposures.
1) Plain Radiographs
anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of extremities
with suspected injury/fracture
Oblique views for suspected retained foreign body
For shotgun or blast injuries, obtain radiographs of the
extremity and joint distal to the injury
2) CT angiography
Primary diagnostic study for the evaluation of vascular
injuries to the extremities
Also assists in the evaluation of extravascular injuries
such as fractures, foreign objects, or joint involvement
Noninvasive; less expensive compared to catheter
3) Ultrasonography
To identify vascular injury
1) Control of bleeding
- direct pressure, pressure dressing, or a tourniquet
2) Arterial injury
- CT angiography
- Positive >>> immediate vascular surgery consult
3) Fractures and joint injuries
- Surgical debridement
- IV antibiotics
4) Wound management
5) Wound closure
6) Soft tissue foreign bodies
- Detection using plain radiographs
7) Follow-up