Serranillo Chapter 1 5 12 I
Serranillo Chapter 1 5 12 I
Serranillo Chapter 1 5 12 I
Studies have shown the important role of marketing in the performance of small and
medium enterprises. Gleeson (2019) states that, “Marketing isn’t simply an important part of the
business success – it is the business.” Marketing is important to identify the consumer needs,
how to respond to consumers with ongoing product development, it fins the shortest path
between the consumer and the brand and lastly is it creates campaigns that respond quickly to
consumer preferences. However, there is inconclusive evidence about the impact of the
traditional and digital marketing on the performance of the SME’s. Some scholars have argued
that traditional marketing is more effective to the business performance relative to the digital
recognizable type of marketing, encompassing the advertisements we see and hear every day. It
is the rather broad category that incorporates many forms of advertising and marketing making it
a substratum of all the marketing forms we have today. On the other hand, Digital marketing is
widely used to manage different forms of online presence such as social media pages of the
company, mobile applications and online stores; According to Chakrabarti (2017) the said
approach is cost effective than the traditional marketing by just accruing the convenience of
However, there is no study that has been conducted from the perspective of the
Philippines in terms of comparing the two marketing strategies on the performance of the small
and medium enterprises. Therefore, this only aims to examine and compare the impact of the
Traditional and Digital marketing strategies on the performance of small and medium businesses
in Antipolo City.
This study aims to compare the impact of traditional and digital marketing on the
performance of small and medium businesses in Antipolo City. Specifically, the study will
5. What is the significant relationship between traditional and digital marketing strategies
The researchers will use the null hypothesis to project initial answer for the questions that
H0: There is no significant relationship between traditional and digital marketing strategies
Conceptual Framework
Scope and Limitation
This study will focus on the comparison of traditional and digital marketing on the
performance of small and medium enterprises in Antipolo City. The study will identify the
businesses regarding on how they market their product and the effects of it to the consumer
behavior. Through the study of consumer behavior, people would be more aware of the factors
that contribute to the effectiveness of comparison of traditional and digital marketing. Extraneous
Advertisers. This will give a better idea of how advertisers see digital marketing and
Business Owners. They will strategize more effectively on how to reach a wider
customer base and apply the things stated in the research to gain better insight of the relation
between the proper application and usage of traditional and digital marketing
Future Researchers. This will help the future researchers as their reference in their
Marketers. This study will help them identify the aspects they need to focus on to have
more effective advertisements. The research will benefit them by elaborating the things they
need to avoid and focus more to the things that the businesses can improve on.
Society. They will understand why customers prefer one product over the other. They
will have enough knowledge on the factors affecting the consumer buying behavior and
preferences on the usage of aligned marketing tool. Through the feedbacks input of customers,
the type of marketing businesses use can better analyze the feedback and understand the
Educational Institutions. The study will benefit to the educational institutions on how
they can market or advertise the school that they are in for the admins of the schools. And as for
the students, the study will help them on how they will differentiate small and medium
Definition of Terms
Advertising - the attempt to influence the buying behavior of customers or clients with a
and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined
techniques deployed to reach customers via digital technologies. It is the promotion of products,
services or brands via one or more forms of digital media. Digital media is so pervasive that
customer has access to information any time and any place they want it. (Santanu, Das, 2016)
Financial Performance - is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from
its primary mode of business and generate revenues. The term is also used as a general measure
Non-Financial Performance - Non-financial KPIs are not expressed as monetary
values—in other words, they aren’t directly associated with dollar signs. They focus on other
aspects of the business and are often leading (forward-looking) measures, whereas financial KPIs
Personal Selling - Personal selling is where businesses use people (the "sales force") to
sell the product after meeting face-to-face with the customer. (, n.d)
Print Media Advertisement – Any type of advertisement that is through using printed
media such as flyers, brochures are an example of Print media advertising. In addition are
magazines, newspapers to be able to reach customers, other businesses that is interested in your
marketing that involves creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to
advertising and marketing. It is the most recognizable type of marketing, encompassing the
advertisements we see and hear every day. It often utilizes television advertisement and printed
Local Literature
Previously, it is said that people prefer traditional marketing because they create
relationship and extend partnership that can help them not only to gain profit but to gain future
Personal selling involves two-way flow communication between a buyer and seller, often
face to face encounter, designed to influence a person’s or group’s purchase decision. It remains
a highly human intensive activity despite the use of technology. Accordingly, the people involved
must be managed. According to Keri (2013) personal selling serves three major roles in a firm’s
overall marketing effort. First, salespeople are the critical link between the firm and its
customers. This role requires that salespeople match companies interest with customer needs to
satisfy both parties in the exchange process. Second, salespeople are the company in a
consumer’s eyes. They represent what a company is or attempts to be an are often the only
personal contact a customer has with the company. Third, personal selling may play a dominant
role in a firm’s marketing program. This situation typically arises when a firm uses a push
marketing strategy that directs the promotional mix to channel members to gain their cooperation
in ordering and stocking product. This concept often leads to understanding both seller and
consumer to have a fair exchange of benefits using the face to face selling. Consumer can gain
satisfaction while seller can gain more sales through the patronization of products bought by the
consumers. Some people still believes personally on what they see rather than relying on digital
Keri discusses the three major rolse on a firm’s overall marketing effort, to be able to gain
satisfaction and to gain more sales through the patronization of products brought by the
Furthermore, according to Ingram. T. (2012) more than four decades ago, four basic
approaches to personal selling were identified such as stimulus response, mental states, need
satisfaction, and problem solving. Stimulus response selling is the way of salesperson to furnish
the stimuli from a repertoire of words and actions designed to produce the desired response. The
salesperson attempts to gain favorable responses from the customer by providing cues to
influence the buyer. After the customer has been properly conditioned, the salesperson tries to
secure a positive purchase decision. Second is the mental states selling or the formula approach
that assumes that the buying process for most buyers is essentially identical and that buyers can
be led though certain mental states or steps in the buying process. These mental states are
typically referred to as AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action). Appropriate sales message
provides a transition from one mental state to the next. Third is the need satisfaction selling it is
based on the notion that the customer is buying to satisfy a particular need or set of needs. The
salesperson attempts to uncover customer needs that are related to the product or service they are
actually offering. Lastly, problem solving selling that is focused on the extension of need
satisfaction selling. It goes beyond identifying needs to developing alternative solutions for
As Stated by Ingram, there are four basic approaches to personal selling were identified
such as stimulus response, mental states, need satisfaction, and problem solving. Stimulus
response selling is the way of salesperson to furnish the stimuli from a repertoire of words and
actions designed to produce the desired response. For the salesperson attempts to gain favorable
responses from the customer by providing cues to influence the buyer. In addition to this is, As
the critical link between the firm and its customers, salespeople can create customer value in
many ways. For instance, by being close to the customer, salespeople can identify creative
solutions to customer problems. Relationship selling then takes places because customer value
creation is made possible, the practice of building ties with customer needs overtime.
Relationship selling involves mutual respect and trust among buyers and sellers. It focuses on
creating long term customers, not a one-time sale. On the other hand, partnership selling or also
known as the enterprise selling, buyers and sellers combine their expertise and resources to
create customized solutions; commit to joint planning; and share customer, competitive, and
company information for their mutual benefit. This is one of the reason why others prefer
traditional marketing because they create relationship and extended partnership that can help
them not only to gain profit but to gain future investors and wider brand awareness through
On the other hand, according to Boone (2013) today’s technology allows people to
transmit memos, reports and drawings quickly and inexpensively over phone lines, cables or
wireless devices. People can subscribe to personalize new services that deliver article summaries
on specified topics directly to their computers or cellphones. They can communicate via social
media, email, voice mail, text messages, video conferencing, and computer networks. Through
social marketing it is much easier for the sellers to reach their customers and potential customers
can also be tapped because of the fast transmission of information regarding the product in just
one click. Through this interactive marketing can happen leading to the conversion of new
customers to be an advocate of the products that are being offered. Buyer and seller
communications can be strengthened because of the immediate access of information for the
customers and profit for the sellers leading to fair benefits of both parties.
Align with this is the article that states that through social media marketing it is much
easier for the sellers to reach their customers and potential customers can also be tapped because
of the fast transmission of information regarding the product in just one click. Moreover, among
the most important reasons are price and availability of free shipping. Seller is someone whom
the purchaser trusts is also a very important factor. According to the data presented by
E-Marketer, Inc, (2014) the reasons why consumers choose the online channel is because of the
different factors such as the lower price having a percentage of 59%, Shop from home with 53%,
Shop 24/7 with 44%, Wider variety of products available with 29%, Easier to compare and
research products and offers with 27%, Products that are only available online with 22%, Online
customer reviews with 18%, Better product information available with 7%, Promotion via e-mail
Foreign Literature
On the previous content, social marketing or digital marketing became a good alternative
to attract customers without spending a ton of money just to market their product and engage
potential customers. This became an effective and efficient ground for businesses and advertiser
to lessen their expenses and turn it into future investment and current capital said by Kingsnorth.
Also, now that the internet is mainstream, information technology is a part of most business
strategies and the economy is on an upturn, and we are again in a position to expect big changes
in e-business. One reason is that the profitability of many Internet firms renewed confidence in
e-business strategies after the dotcom bust. Another stimulus is the rapid adoption of broadband
services, which allows for faster and more stable Internet connections. Interconnectivity will
increase in both depth and reach. Other important trends include the rise of customer power that
allows the ability of consumers to uncover the truth, share stories about the products or even
search for alternative suppliers that is a reason for the company to improve quality and create a
win-win relationship to the customers. Second is the rise of trust is the reduction in the cost of
maintaining relationships will lead more companies towards selected or fully trust based
marketing approaches, including new tools to customize products and services. and advisors to
Moreover, the internet has spawned entirely new ways to identify and communicate with
customers including search engine marketing, social marketing, behavioral targeting and targeted
e-mail, among others stated by Laudon and Traver, but also, Product is the key considerations
whether the product can or will be sell online. (Kingsnorth, S. 2016). There are different
consumer behaviors that a marketer should know and understand thoroughly. It largely focuses
on the different motivations and usage habits for the products and an efficient vital to get the
right marketing for the digital age. This helps the customers to achieve their satisfaction through
the product or services that the marketers are offering. This serves as a foundation of good
marketing approach that customers can gain clarity of the advertisement. Price and promotion
will all be influenced by the product. Getting found is only half the battle. Convincing your
prospective customers that your product or service can deliver is the real deal of the digital
marketing Trying to save the customers time and giving them a “hassle free shopping” can
According Mangold and Faulds (2009), social media marketing such as Facebook enables
companies to achieve a better understanding and consideration of customer needs hence build
effective relationships. From the definition of social media as an activity, practices and behaviors
among communities of people who gather online to share information, knowledge and opinions
through conversation, Facebook is seen as a developing platform that can be used by businesses
towards interacting with customers. Through Facebook, small businesses can take the
opportunity of sharing information about the goods and services that they offer and targeted
customers will get to see and comment about it. Also 12 it is an opportunity for these small
businesses to introduce their products and services to completely new clients in the market
(Safko & Brake, 2009). Reaching Wider Range of Customers According to Walsh & Lipinski,
(2009) found that traditionally in marketing their firms; SMEs rely heavily on their personal
contact network. Also economic structures favor larger firms; however, today’s economy is
distinguished by relationships, network, and information, favoring some of the characteristics of
SMEs. Instead of relying only on their personal contact network, small businesses rely on the
networks of customers as well. Today, these customers can be reached through different social
media tools such as Facebook and able to reach customers whom have never met before by
Through this, numerous marketing opportunities exist for small businesses, namely
networking and word of mouth marketing. Not only do owner-managers of small businesses rely
on their personal contact network, but they rely on the networks of their customers as well. Small
businesses often rely on word of mouth 10 recommendations for new customers. Word of mouth
marketing provides small businesses with an opportunity to give customers a reason to talk about
products, making it easier for word of mouth to take place. Networking is a widely cited
marketing activity for SMEs and is important during their establishment, development, and
growth (Walsh & Lipinski, 2009). Siu (as cited in Walsh & Lipinski, 2009) found that in
marketing their firms, SMEs rely heavily on their personal contact network. The Word of Mouth
Marketing Association (2011) recognizes all word of mouth marketing techniques as being based
association describes the basic elements of word of mouth marketing as: “Educating people
about your products and services; Identifying people most likely to share their opinions;
Providing tools that make it easier to share information; Studying how, where, and when
opinions are being shared; and Listening and responding to supporters, detractors, and neutrals”
(WOMMA, 2011). In 2011, Linkdex, a company that helps businesses increase online marketing
performance, conducted a survey on small and medium-sized businesses in the UK and USA to
find out which marketing tools were most important. Of the companies surveyed, 81%
considered word of mouth to be the most important marketing tool for SMEs (Straw, 2011).
According to Straw (2011) “The perceptions by companies match the changing ways in which
consumers find information about the products and services they want to buy.” Small firms are
generally at an advantage because their small size makes it easier to get close to customers and
obtain valuable feedback (Gilmore et al., 1999). Such an advantage enables small businesses to
take advantages of the marketing opportunities networking and word of mouth marketing
provide. The impact of social media is that enabling customers to talk to one another is, in a
sense, an extension of traditional word of mouth communication (Mangold & Faulds, 2009).
According to the website of “”, it says that social media tools help
companies communicate with individual consumers, which can in turn help establish long-term
relationships. Social media tools such as forums, blogs, or chat rooms create an interactive
dialogue for companies to engage consumers. However, at the same time, consumers are able to
produce information about a company and educate other consumers about products, brands,
services, and more. Equally important, on the research that the group had searched it provides
evidence of potential advantages of utilizing web pages and social media sites for small
businesses in underserved locations. The findings show that a web presence integrated with
meaningful and sustained social media promotion can have a positive impact on business success
in terms of increased traffic, awareness and revenues. This study has the potential to shed light
on how internet technologies and social media can help struggling small businesses to
communicate cost effectively with customers on a global scale, opening new opportunities for
with approximately 1.73 billion users in 2013 across different platforms, but unfortunately there
are even more companies who have not. There is also a common problem that many companies
do not properly utilize the social media sites to go beyond the test of their abilities. On the other
hand, traditional marketing forms include radio, television, billboards, corporate fairs, gifts,
websites and many more (Fill 2005, 610). Companies have gained the ability to use these
different forms of advertising over time, but expect to instantly have a great understanding and
use of social media. Although this would be ideal in all aspects of life and business,
unfortunately it is only a dream that most likely will never be reached. This is why the
researchers have decided to examine and thoroughly compare both of these forms of traditional
marketing and digital marketing. This allows the companies to relate social media to traditional
media in a way that they will be able to learn and compromise to show how traditional marketing
forms of advertisement can be related social media sites, marketing and trends.
The newest tool to allow companies to interact at this level is social media. The reason
why social media is so important to marketing today is it allows companies to not only advertise
but immediately get feedback either by comments, likes, or reposts. Although this is a huge
responsibility for any company because how they market the product will also be the result of
good feedback and wider customer reach for higher percentage of gaining profit and customers.
Kotler and Keller issued that the newest tool to allow companies to interact at this level is
social media. The reason why social media is so important to marketing today is it allows
companies to not only advertise but immediately get feedback either by comments, likes, or
reposts. Although this is a huge responsibility for any company because how they market the
product will also be the result of good feedback and wider customer reach for higher percentage
of gaining profit and customers. Apart from this, the first principle of marketing and sales is
“know thy customer.” Who is online, who shops online and why, and what do they buy. In 2015,
around 3.1 billion people of all ages had access to the Internet. About 670 million households
worldwide (almost 32% of all households) have broadband access to the Internet. Online
marketing and advertising spending continues to increase worldwide (by over 15% in 2015),
compared to only about 6% for traditional media marketing and advertising meaning there are
more people attached into online shopping rather than the brick and mortar process of marketing.
On the other hand, video advertising continues to be one of the fast growing formats leading to
On the final analysis, according to Kuberappaa, YV., & Kumar AHS. (2016) due to
limitations in its dynamics, traditional marketing grab audience attention for short time contrary
to which digital marketing content can engage the audience for long time as it gives valuable
information through variety of channels such as blogs, articles, podcasts, infographics, videos
etc. Traditional marketing offers one-way communication to reach audience with collateral
limitations, digital marketing offers marketers to instantly customize the experience and have
real time communication. This reciprocity among customer leads to big impact in any business.
Expertise in digital marketing influences to implement efficient and effective strategies at right
time. Knowledge and experience also helps to manage content, design and improve website
traffic, enhance social media interactions, which helps to increase visibility in profit, and
customer satisfaction. Planning, implementing and monitoring the digital marketing strategies
require time and timing. Time is essential to measure and monitor the strategies and align them
to the projected period to achieve goals. Digital marketing strategy mainly involve customer
reach, acquisition, conversion (act and convert) and retention (long term engagement) Both
traditional marketing and digital marketing have different approaches and have positive qualities
to reach target market and to gain profit. By combining traditional and digital marketing methods
in the digital strategy, expanded reach through multiple channels, interactivity for increased
engagement and to build more personal relationships to retain customers more effectively.
Moreover, Kuberrappa and Kumar said that due to limitations in its dynamics, traditional
marketing grab audience attention for short time contrary to which digital marketing content can
engage the audience for long time as it gives valuable information through variety of channels
such as blogs, articles, podcasts, infographics, videos etc. Identically, according to Das, S.K., &
Lall, G.S. (2016) There are countless ways of marketing products and services. Traditional
marketing methods include print advertisements, such as newspaper ads, billboards and flyers, as
well as television commercials and radio spots. Digital or online marketing methods, which are
becoming increasing popular, include websites, ads on social media, YouTube videos and search
engine optimization (SEO), among many others. The world has transitioned into a very digital
environment. Not only are magazines going digital, many of our daily tasks such as banking
online and much of our reading is done on e-readers. With rise of the digital age it is good to
invest in a digital campaign. Even though traditional marketing still has a place, it is diminishing
in the digitally based world. For today’s businesses, it is imperative to have a website and use the
web as a means to interact with their consumer base. By getting involved with social networking
and managing it carefully, you can build customer loyalty and create a reputation for being easy
to engage with, also by giving exclusive offers to your customers, you are rewarding and
reminding them that you’re not only the brand to engage with but also to buy from. By taking
advantages of such strategies can help you to make your marketing more effective. Through
electronic channels and by posting positive comments, feedbacks about product, you can attract
new customers and build healthy relationship. But, it works in both ways. Happy customers can
help you, but unhappy customer can harm your business very seriously. However regardless of
these problems it is reasonable to conclude that digital marketing is on the whole positive
development for businesses and that despite certain dangers its impact upon business has been
largely positive.
The world has transitioned into a very digital environment. Not only are magazines going
digital, many of our daily tasks such as banking online and much of our reading is done on
e-readers. With rise of the digital age it is good to invest in a digital campaign. Even though
traditional marketing still has a place, it is diminishing in the digitally based world stated by Das
and Lall. By the same token, according to Listkova (2015) there are weaknesses that the two
approaches have. In traditional approach, the market has this set of limitation when it comes to
innovating their product as soon as possible, because there are instances that they should wait for
the customers’ feedback. On the other hand, non-traditional or digital approach, the factors to be
considered are the effectiveness and the efficiency use of the information and the technology in
our generation. The research also stated that products and services cannot rely on the internet
platforms and also the traditional marketing approach itself. There are several areas wherein the
traditional and digital marketing can actually be compared first is the cost comparison which
discusses about the cost of marketing, we have to pay in both the terms. In the case of traditional
marketing, we pay for ads in a newspaper, magazines, post emails, broadcasts, banners,
brochures etc. But for the digital marketing you will pay on search engine and social media
marketing ads or he digital marketing company or person who is doing marketing for you.
Second is the audience target. Digital marketing is obvious to reach large audience extent as
compared to traditional marketing. Traditional marketing is limited to local customers and if you
want it to reach more audience, then it would cost double. Whereas digital marketing cost almost
same for reaching a local and global audience. Moreover, digital methods help in targeting only
those audiences who are interested in their business, where traditional marketing does not have
that factor. Digital marketing can easily reach more audience in different cities and countries
through campaigns because of the increasing number of people using internet sources. Third is
the Customer’s Trust When someone uses traditional marketing techniques for promotion, he
wouldn’t know if people like their ways or services. They’ll only know when they get feedback
from each one of the viewers. But in digital marketing, one can easily communicate with
customers, get to know about their needs and hence gain the trust of customers. Fourth is the
Growth Analysis it is a major factor for a business to develop. Conversion of viewers into
One can analyze his business growth while marketing online sources but it is difficult to check in
old methods. Because you don’t get to know how many people are watching to your ads and how
much of them are interested to become your customers, analysis made difficult in case of
communication. People watch your ads and can communicate with you if they are interested in
your business. Whereas traditional marketing is one-way communication and people hardly
reach to you if they have any queries to ask. Thus, it will lead to reaching more customers
resulting in your business expansion. For the last are Quick results are next in line because
customers. But digital marketing provides real-time results. We will be able to make customers
quickly by communicating with them whenever they just think to buy your product.
The researcher has synthesized the following due to the foreign and local literature that
was presented above. The research entitled “Comparative Study between Traditional and
Digital Marketing on the performance of Small and Medium Businesses in Antipolo City”
depicts how traditional and digital marketing differ from one another. According to Listkova
(2015), In traditional approach, the market has set their limitation when it comes to innovation of
products within the period of time given to them because they tend to wait for the customers
rather than considering the formation of strong relationship to create business to customer
relationship making it a factor of effectiveness and efficiency of utilizing all the resources at
hand. The Small and Medium Businesses in Antipolo City is the representation of Ingram’s
research wherein they have already formulated different strategy without the utilization of Social
Media. As to this, business owners have their own competitive marketing strategies that makes
their way of attracting, obtaining and embracing potential customer more optimistic and
Furthermore, digital marketing reach a wider customer base that allows the business
owners to captivate potential customer and retain customer’s loyalty through the engaging and
appealing way on how they present their marketing strategies. With this, digital marketing can
easily reach more audience in different cities and countries through campaigns because of the
increasing number of people using internet sources. Customer’s Trust can rapidly increase due to
the online feedback that are posted by other customer making other people as the extended and
new potential customer of the business. As to this, digital marketing allows the business to easily
communicate with customers, to understand their pain points, get to know about their needs and
hence gain the trust of customers making an intact relationship than traditional marketing.
The growth analysis is a major factor for a business to develop. With the digital age it is
easy to assess and convert the viewers into customers through an online medium as compared to
This chapter aims to describe the research design, research setting, population, sampling
technique and sample, including the research instrument. This will serve as a guide to directly
and accurately establish information regarding the difference of both traditional and digital
marketing. As to this, the credibility and validity of the research paper will be observed through
Research Design
The researchers made use of the quantitative research method; particularly the
comparative research design. Comparative research is a research design that aims to make
comparisons between different variables or data sets. (Summer, 1995). Typically, this means that
comparative research design identify similarities and differences that enhance individual’s
understanding and awareness. With this, the researcher can better explicate, validate and study
the variables that are being compared to further assess the significant differences and similarities
Research Setting
The study will take place at Antipolo City wherein the researcher can widely focus on the
different MSME’s located around the place. As to this, the division of different “Barangay”
Mambugan Inarawan
According to official and latest census of Population and Housing (CPH 2010) conducted
by the National Statistics Office (NSO) last May 1, 2010 placed the city’s population of 677,
741. This represents an increase of 6.9% compared to last 2007 census of population conducted
by the NSO last August 1, 2007 which is 633, 971. As to this, the researchers have verified that
for 2010- 2015 the latest release of the National Statistics Office consists of 613 small and
medium businesses in Antipolo City. The said population will be beneficial in terms of
determining all the small and medium businesses within the scope of Antipolo City.
Sampling Technique and Sample
The researcher will be using the stratify sampling technique wherein the actual process of
conducting a survey will equally be divided and subject to further analyze the results and give
accurate information regarding the similarities and differences of the variables that are being
presented. As to this, the sample size will be computed using the Slovin’s formula. Hereunder is
The result of the calculations states that researchers would be needing 242 respondents in total.
Research Instrument
The researchers used a researcher made questionnaire checklist to elicit information from
the respondents following a 1-4 Likert Scale to code the verbal data into numerical data in
preparation for the statistical treatment. The scale is given below:
The mean scores of the perception of the different respondents will also be compared and
the results will be interpreted as follows:
Scale Verbal Interpretation
3. 27 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
2. 51 – 3. 26 Agree
1.75– 2. 50 Disagree
1.00 – 1. 74 Strongly Disagree
The researchers followed strategic step towards the actual process of gathering the data
through the survey questionnaires that the respondents will be filling out. The researchers made a
letter for the authority to address and inform them what will be the sequence of events during the
time that the researchers will be focusing on the data procedure. With this, all the necessary
person are incorporated to sign the said letter of permission such as Mr. Nicholas Nti, Mr. Dennis
Angelo Mejia and Ms. Paulette Dela Cruz. Afterwards, the researchers compiled all the survey
that have been answered and this will be kept confidential to protect the respondents rights. The
survey aims to target all the residents and actual business owners located in Antipolo City. As to
this, tabulation and interpretation of data will follow. The formulated interview guide are direct
and aligned to the questions established in the survey questionnaire to elicit answers honestly and
accordingly. All the answers prompted are analyzed and unbiasedly interpreted.
Data Processing
The researcher will make use of the Microsoft Excel to encode all the necessary data that
will help determine which marketing strategy is more effective. The researcher will also assign
values for each choices to easily determine the breakdown of each choices that have been
established. The data gathered will also be the basis of the researcher whether it is commonly or
rarely used by the MSME’s located in Antipolo City. As to this, all the necessary similarities and
In order for the researchers to answer the research questions regarding the difference of
digital and traditional marketing strategy between Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in
Antipolo City in terms of its chosen marketing platform, strength of the business, weakness of
the business, value and importance of the content that is being marketed. The researcher will be
able to accurately determine this through the usage of percentage / frequency, weighted mean
and regression that will help the business assessment and relationship. Align with this is the
assessment of the significant difference or similarities of both variables that are presented.
The findings of the study are presented in this Chapter. Chronologically, the presentation
follows the arrangement of the statement of the problems outlined in Chapter 1. Descriptive
statistics -- frequency and percentages were used to analyze the statement of the problem one
which deals with the business profile. Weighted mean was used for the statement of the problem
two, three and four. While Standard Regression were used for the analysis of the statement of the
problem five.
(N =360)
Nature of Business
Table 1 shows the analysis of the profile of the Businesses in Antipolo City based on the
percentage distribution. The data showed that service business accounted for 78 (21.67%) of the
Business that resulted to 106 (29.99%) and Hybrid Business that accounted to 68 (18.18%).
Also, the data showed the number of years the businesses have existed, one hundred and
forty – seven (147) of the businesses have existed below 3 years representing (41.94%), followed
by the enterprises that existed for 3- 5 years (41. 66%). Finally, the business that existed for
Table 2.1 presents the participants’ assessment of their traditional marketing. The data
shows that “We use word of mouth in promoting our business” received a weighted mean of 3.7
which is interpreted as strongly agreed. The rest of the items received agreed with the following
weighted means 3.0, and 3.2, respectively. The overall weighted mean for the professional
Table 2.2 represents the participants’ assessment of the traditional marketing based on
Printed Advertisements. The data shows that “The business usually use flyers in promoting our
products/business” received a weighted mean of 3.5 which is interpreted as strongly agreed. The
rest of the items received agreed with the following weighted means 3.4, and 3.4, respectively.
The overall weighted mean for the professional competency is (3.4) with the interpretation of
strongly agreed.
videos on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter
3. The business keeps the social media 3.4 Strongly Agreed
comments through
Table 3.1 represents the participants’ assessment of the digita l marketing based on Social
Media Advertisements. The data shows that “Our customers usually contact us through our
Facebook page” received a weighted mean of 3.5 which is interpreted as strongly agreed. The
rest of the items received agreed with the following weighted means 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5,
respectively. The overall weighted mean for the professional competency is (3.4) with the
the products/services.
3. The business uses digital visual content 3.5 Strongly Agreed
Table 3.2 represents the participants’ assessment of the digital marketing based on
Content Marketing. The data shows that “The company interacts with our customers through our
website” received a weighted mean of 3.5 which is interpreted as strongly agreed. The rest of the
items received agreed with the following weighted means 3.5 and 3.5, respectively. The overall
weighted mean for the professional competency is (3.5) with the interpretation of strongly
industry average
2. Sales Turnover of our business is above the 3.3 Strongly Agreed
industry average
Table 4.1 represents the participants’ assessment of the Financial Business Performance.
The data shows that “Cash Flow of our business is above the industry average” received a
weighted mean of 3.5 which is interpreted as strongly agreed. The rest of the items received
agreed with the following weighted means 3.3, 2.9 3.4, 3.4 and 3.5, respectively. The overall
weighted mean for the professional competency is (3.3) with the interpretation of strongly
1. Personal .161 1.47 0.144
2. Printed .181 1.59 0.113
The overall model was found to be significant 8.14, F (4, 355) = 7.86, p < .001,
accounting for 81.4 % ( 𝑅 = .814) variability in the SME’s business performance. The table
shows that out of variables representing Traditional and Digital Marketing, Social Media
the business performance was improved by Social Media Advertisement ( B = 0. 2391, t = 2. 61,
P < 0.05) , followed by Content Marketing that has a result of (t = 2.61, P < .001). However, the
two variables such as Personal Selling that has a result of (B = 0.161 t = 1.47, p = .144) and
Printed Advertisement that has (B = 0. 181 t = 1.59, p < .113) does not have any significant
relationship to the business performance. Therefore, the null hypotheses “There is no significant
relationship between social media advertisement and content marketing, and non- financial
business performance.” It can be rejected. However, personal selling and printed advertisement
cannot be rejected.
1. Personal .053 0.68 0.496
𝑅 = 8.14, F (4, 355) = 7.86, p < .001
The overall model was found to be insignificant [F (4, 355) = 7.86, p < .001], accounting
for 81.4 % ( 𝑅 = .814) variability in the SME’s business performance. The table shows that out
of variables representing Traditional and Digital Marketing, Personal Selling (t = 0.68, P < 0.05)
and Social Media Advertisement ( t = 2. 61, P < 0.05) did not significantly predict business
However, the two variables such as Printed Advertisement (t = 2.53, P > 0.05) and
Content Marketing (t = 2.53, P < 0.01) have significant relationship to the business performance
Therefore, the null hypotheses “There are no significant difference between personal
selling and social media advertisement and financial business performance of the business are
rejected”. It can be rejected. However, personal selling and social media advertisement cannot be
This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and the recommendations
made by the researchers in which all the necessary information are bounded to the data and
results presented in the paper. Sequentially, the first part is the summary of the findings of each
statement of the problem that the study has; followed by the main conclusions that are gathered
from the study, and lastly the recommendations that are enlisted to further assess what benefits it
Summary of Findings
The study have a total of five (5) statement of the problem whereas the researcher
undergo with the due process to conducted a survey and develop interpretation, that leads to the
Summary of Findings.
As to the result of the survey, for the number of employees 6 – 29 employees got the
The years of the business existence depicts how long a business is existing in the market
but as to the result of the survey the group “below 3 years” 41. 94%, the group 3 – 5 years got
41.67%. Lastly, the group of “Above 5 years” resulted to 17.50%. With the researchers
assessment, the group of “3-5 years” of business existence got the highest frequency among all
For the nature of the business, there are four (4) different types of business to choose
from 1st is the Service Business that has a percentage of 21. 67 %, 2nd is the Merchandising
Business with 30%, 3rd is Manufacturing Business with 29. 99 %. Lastly, the Hybrid Business
that has 18.19 % in its percentage form. Therefore, there are many existing business in
Merchandising making it the highest frequency among all the other type of business.
The 2nd statement of the problem has 2 factors which are the 2 sub areas of traditional
marketing namely personal selling and printed advertisements. The result of the 1st question
under personal selling “We use word of mouth in promoting our business” is 3.7 which boils
down to the verbal interpretation as “Agee”. The next question under personal selling “We
usually visit our customers to inform them about our product/business” resulted to 3.0 which is
“Agree”. 3rd question is “The business usually updates about the customers about the incoming
products/services” that has a result of 3.2 that also implicates a verbal interpretation of “Agree”.
Leading to an overall weighted mean of 3.3 meaning that the respondents agree on using
Printed Advertisement on the other hand also has a 3 statements, first is “The business
usually uses flyers in promoting our products/business”, second is “The business use posters
in promoting products/business” and last is “The business maximizes the usage of tarpaulin
in promoting their products/services offered” the results of the three statements are strongly
agree resulting to an overall weighted mean of 3.4 which also means that respondents
The 3rd statement of the problem has 2 factors which are examples of digital marketing
mainly; Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing. The Social Media Marketing has
statements in which the respondents will have to answer; “Our customers usually contact us
through our Facebook page”, “The business usually post pictures and videos on
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter”, “The business keeps the social media accounts updated for new
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter”. The weighted mean results of the said statements are 3.5, 3.3, 3.4,
3.5, respectively are all bounded to the verbal interpretation of “strongly agree”. The overall
weighted mean of the data is 3.4 which means that the respondents strongly agree that Social
Media Marketing is helpful when it comes to advertising their businesses and engaging more
Next is the Content Marketing, that has statements such as “The company interacts with our
customers through our website”, “The business use detailed information about the
products/services.” And “The business uses digital visual content (posters) to advertise their
product / services through social media”. The results of the statements are all the same which is
3.5 and interpreted as strongly agree. And the overall weighted mean is 3.5 which means that
Content Marketing is also part of the verbal interpretation depicting the “Agree” choice.
For the 4th statement of the problem, there are only one factor which is the Financial
Business Performance. The first statement states that “Cash Flow of our business is above the
industry average” the result is 3.4 and it means strongly agreed. Next is, “Sales Turnover of our
business is above the industry average” that has a result of 3.3 and also resulted to strongly
agreed. Following is, “Return on Sales of our business is higher than the industry average”
shows a weighted mean of 2.9 and it means agree. Then next statement goes, “Return on
Investment of our business is above the industry average” that has a weighted mean of 3.4 and is
interpreted as strongly agreed. Next is, “Market Share of our business is greater than most of our
competition” that has a result of 3.5 and is also under the Strongly Agree choice. Lastly, “The
current Net profit of our business is above the previous years” that shows a 3.5 weighted mean
and it meant strongly agree. The overall weighted mean of the data is 3.5 that means that the
Analysis shows that Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing significantly
business, while the Personal Selling and Printed Advertisement did not have any significant
The purpose of the study is to compare traditional and digital marketing on the
performance of small and medium business in Antipolo City. The study used the Financial and
Non-Financial Business Performance to discuss the Business Performance of Small and Medium
Enterprises. With the used of Quantitative Design, the researchers gathered the data, specifically
through the results of survey that has been conducted. . From the summary, the following
1. Majority of the businesses are small enterprises that existed less than 6 years and operate
2. Personal Selling and Printed Advertisement must also be improved so that the SME’s can
have a better knowledge and background on how they can use an effective marketing
strategy in terms of the two mentioned types of traditional marketing. As to this, personal
selling and printed advertisement resulted to agreed and strongly agreed respectively.
3. Social Media Advertisement and Content Marketing under Digital Marketing enhances
the performance of SME’s through the wide base of marketing their product and the
business can freely engage and communicate with their existing and new target market.
4. There is a significant impact in the financial business performance if the business shows
that they are earning what they have invested in the business through the usage of right
and content marketing contributes a lot in gaining growth of the population that knows
the business and making each individual a target through the use of wider scope digital
5. The significant relationship between traditional and digital marketing is that Personal
Selling & Printed Advertisement must also be relayed to SME’s owners so that they can
improve and better embrace what this 2 types of marketing strategy namely Personal
Selling & Printed Advertisement. According to Keri (2013) personal selling serves three
major roles in a firm’s overall marketing effort. First, salespeople are the critical link
between the firm and its customers. This role requires that salespeople match companies
interest with customer needs to satisfy both parties in the exchange process. Second,
salespeople are the company in a consumer’s eyes. They represent what a company is or
attempts to be an are often the only personal contact a customer has with the company.
Third, personal selling may play a dominant role in a firm’s marketing program. This
situation typically arises when a firm uses a push marketing strategy that directs the
promotional mix to channel members to gain their cooperation in ordering and stocking
product. This concept often leads to understanding both seller and consumer to have a
fair exchange of benefits using the face to face selling. Consumer can gain satisfaction
while seller can gain more sales through the patronization of products bought by the
consumers. This proves that personal selling & printed advertisement can help the
company grow and engage more with the customer. Second, Social Media Advertisement
and Content Marketing must be retained in order for the SME’s to collaborate with
traditional marketing and better improve the selling and customers engagement and
In view of the findings and conclusion from the study, following recommendations were
1. The Local City Government should put in policies or programs on how to improve Small
MENTOR ME Program initiated by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the
program aims to assist SMEs by education entrepreneurs with the necessary skills to run
obligations and contracts. Second, Barangay Micro Business Enterprise signed into law
in 2003, the Barangay Micro Business Enterprise (BMBE) Law encourages the formation
of such through incentives and benefits. As an entrepreneur, registering will grant you
income tax exemption, exemption of coverage from the minimum wage law, social
security and healthcare benefits, priority for a special credit window, assistance programs
and training and, through it depends on the LGU, possibility of reduction in the amount
2. Researchers recommends that Personal Selling and Printed Advertisement must be taken
into growth and development so that SME’s can better provide options for the customers
who prefer face to face contact and word of mouth rather than the other variable.
3. Researchers recommend that Small and Medium Enterprises should embrace Social
Media Marketing and Content Marketing. They are the most powerful tool as per the
result of the survey because majority of the population are attracted and engage with the
power and use of social media leading to higher revenues and lesser expense of
marketing strategy because the business can easily access the use of word of mouth /
page referral through social media advertisement and content marketing. Therefore,
4. In terms of the Financial Business Performance, the different programs laid out by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the government must have more programs that
will focus on the enhancement of technological use of marketing strategy through digital
marketing to offer lesser expense but higher number of target market and possible
forecast of sales. With this, SME’s can provide more for the community without limiting
with the “needs & wants” rather the Expectation that the product can give to the
customer. The government can always intervene to improve and develop all the necessary
areas of SME’s that are lacking such as the personal business training wherein if it its
improve, SME’s can fully maximize its reason for existence to provide satisfy while
advertisement and content marketing to also improve the non-financial aspect of the
5. Researchers recommend that traditional marketing and digital marketing strategies can
better improve the business performance if they are collaborated and handled properly
because traditional marketing can target customers within the reach of physical store
while SME’s can reach a wider customer base if they can handle social media and content
6. Lastly, the researchers recommend that future researchers can use the said study to
expand the mixed method phenomenon wherein they can conduct further researches
about the small and medium enterprises in handling the marketing strategy of their
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