Changanyikeni Apartments PadFtg
Changanyikeni Apartments PadFtg
Changanyikeni Apartments PadFtg
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1500.00 mm
LY 1400.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 267.2 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 268.5 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 159.9 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 158.6 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 1C6 398.1 kN -0.9 kN 47.7 kN 0.0 kN.m -7.5 kN.m
Comb #2 - 1C6 284.9 kN 2.5 kN 33.3 kN -0.6 kN.m -5.3 kN.m
Comb #3 - 1C6 256.1 kN -4.4 kN 22.4 kN 0.6 kN.m -3.5 kN.m
Comb #4 - 1C6 327.2 kN -1.1 kN 40.0 kN 0.1 kN.m -6.3 kN.m
Comb #5 - 1C6 340.8 kN -0.4 kN 40.4 kN -0.2 kN.m -6.4 kN.m
Comb #6 - 1C6 331.8 kN -0.9 kN 42.1 kN 0.0 kN.m -6.6 kN.m
Comb #7 - 1C6 336.3 kN -0.7 kN 38.2 kN -0.1 kN.m -6.1 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #3 - 1C6 X 2.4 306.5 7.84 mm 250.00 mm ✓
Y -12.5 306.5 59.30 mm 233.33 mm ✓
Comb #6 - 1C6 X 0.4 382.2 7.84 mm 250.00 mm ✓
Y -23.4 382.2 61.29 mm 233.33 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 1C6 448.5 444.2 1123.3 0.204 0.40
Comb #2 - 1C6 335.3 329.2 1123.3 0.204 0.29
Comb #3 - 1C6 306.5 290.4 1123.3 0.204 0.26
Comb #4 - 1C6 377.6 373.6 1123.3 0.204 0.33
Comb #5 - 1C6 391.2 385.8 1123.3 0.204 0.34
Comb #6 - 1C6 382.2 380.3 1123.3 0.204 0.34
Comb #7 - 1C6 386.7 379.1 1123.3 0.204 0.34
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 1C6 217.1 494.8 ✓ 194.7 441.9 ✓
Comb #2 - 1C6 155.9 494.8 ✓ 141.0 441.9 ✓
Comb #3 - 1C6 133.4 494.8 ✓ 124.0 441.9 ✓
Comb #4 - 1C6 179.5 494.8 ✓ 160.9 441.9 ✓
Comb #5 - 1C6 185.1 494.8 ✓ 165.9 441.9 ✓
Comb #6 - 1C6 183.3 494.8 ✓ 163.7 441.9 ✓
Comb #7 - 1C6 181.3 494.8 ✓ 163.1 441.9 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1300.00 mm
LY 1300.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 266.9 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 246.3 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 235.3 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 255.9 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 3C19 383.9 kN 6.7 kN 1.8 kN -1.1 kN.m -1.3 kN.m
Comb #2 - 3C19 249.0 kN 3.6 kN 3.3 kN -0.6 kN.m -1.3 kN.m
Comb #3 - 3C19 281.1 kN 6.6 kN -0.1 kN -1.1 kN.m -0.7 kN.m
Comb #4 - 3C19 324.1 kN 5.3 kN 2.0 kN -0.6 kN.m -1.2 kN.m
Comb #5 - 3C19 321.7 kN 5.8 kN 1.2 kN -1.2 kN.m -1.0 kN.m
Comb #6 - 3C19 325.6 kN 5.7 kN 2.7 kN -0.9 kN.m -1.0 kN.m
Comb #7 - 3C19 320.1 kN 5.4 kN 0.5 kN -0.8 kN.m -1.2 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #3 - 3C19 X -3.7 321.6 11.50 mm 216.67 mm ✓
Y -0.6 321.6 8.89 mm 216.67 mm ✓
Comb #2 - 3C19 X -2.1 289.6 8.88 mm 216.67 mm ✓
Y -2.6 289.6 8.89 mm 216.67 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 3C19 424.4 354.2 1140.9 0.204 0.31
Comb #2 - 3C19 289.6 242.6 1140.9 0.204 0.21
Comb #3 - 3C19 321.6 269.6 1140.9 0.204 0.24
Comb #4 - 3C19 364.7 303.8 1140.9 0.204 0.27
Comb #5 - 3C19 362.2 302.7 1140.9 0.204 0.27
Comb #6 - 3C19 366.2 306.0 1140.9 0.204 0.27
Comb #7 - 3C19 360.7 300.4 1140.9 0.204 0.26
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 3C19 166.0 428.8 ✓ 167.4 410.3 ✓
Comb #2 - 3C19 109.7 428.8 ✓ 109.3 410.3 ✓
Comb #3 - 3C19 121.0 428.8 ✓ 123.4 410.3 ✓
Comb #4 - 3C19 140.3 428.8 ✓ 140.9 410.3 ✓
Comb #5 - 3C19 139.1 428.8 ✓ 140.7 410.3 ✓
Comb #6 - 3C19 141.6 428.8 ✓ 142.5 410.3 ✓
Comb #7 - 3C19 137.9 428.8 ✓ 139.1 410.3 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1000.00 mm
LY 1000.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 145.2 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 163.6 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 175.3 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 156.9 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 3C21 136.3 kN -2.8 kN -4.0 kN 0.4 kN.m -0.6 kN.m
Comb #2 - 3C21 95.1 kN -1.8 kN -1.9 kN 0.2 kN.m -0.6 kN.m
Comb #3 - 3C21 100.4 kN -1.7 kN -5.2 kN 0.3 kN.m 0.0 kN.m
Comb #4 - 3C21 120.8 kN -2.0 kN -4.6 kN 0.5 kN.m -0.2 kN.m
Comb #5 - 3C21 110.2 kN -2.8 kN -2.2 kN 0.2 kN.m -0.9 kN.m
Comb #6 - 3C21 118.5 kN -2.2 kN -2.9 kN 0.3 kN.m -0.3 kN.m
Comb #7 - 3C21 112.5 kN -2.6 kN -3.9 kN 0.4 kN.m -0.8 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #7 - 3C21 X 1.4 136.5 10.61 mm 166.67 mm ✓
Y 0.7 136.5 16.69 mm 166.67 mm ✓
Comb #3 - 3C21 X 0.9 124.4 9.54 mm 166.67 mm ✓
Y 2.1 124.4 16.69 mm 166.67 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 3C21 160.3 112.7 1110.4 0.204 0.10
Comb #2 - 3C21 119.1 83.1 1110.4 0.204 0.07
Comb #3 - 3C21 124.4 108.3 1342.4 0.136 0.08
Comb #4 - 3C21 144.8 124.5 1342.4 0.136 0.09
Comb #5 - 3C21 134.2 94.1 1110.4 0.204 0.08
Comb #6 - 3C21 142.5 100.0 1110.4 0.204 0.09
Comb #7 - 3C21 136.5 116.3 1342.4 0.136 0.09
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 3C21 56.9 329.9 ✓ 57.4 315.6 ✓
Comb #2 - 3C21 38.3 329.9 ✓ 39.1 315.6 ✓
Comb #3 - 3C21 44.8 329.9 ✓ 43.7 315.6 ✓
Comb #4 - 3C21 52.2 329.9 ✓ 51.9 315.6 ✓
Comb #5 - 3C21 44.4 329.9 ✓ 45.5 315.6 ✓
Comb #6 - 3C21 49.4 329.9 ✓ 49.6 315.6 ✓
Comb #7 - 3C21 47.1 329.9 ✓ 47.7 315.6 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1300.00 mm
LY 1200.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 218.6 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 265.6 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 254.5 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 207.6 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 3C25 331.6 kN -14.3 kN 1.0 kN 2.2 kN.m -1.3 kN.m
Comb #2 - 3C25 211.7 kN -8.2 kN 2.5 kN 1.3 kN.m -1.2 kN.m
Comb #3 - 3C25 251.0 kN -11.3 kN -0.5 kN 1.8 kN.m -0.7 kN.m
Comb #4 - 3C25 275.9 kN -12.4 kN 0.3 kN 2.2 kN.m -1.0 kN.m
Comb #5 - 3C25 282.6 kN -11.5 kN 1.6 kN 1.6 kN.m -1.3 kN.m
Comb #6 - 3C25 281.8 kN -11.8 kN 1.8 kN 1.8 kN.m -0.9 kN.m
Comb #7 - 3C25 276.7 kN -12.1 kN 0.1 kN 1.9 kN.m -1.4 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #4 - 3C25 X 7.1 313.3 22.77 mm 216.67 mm ✓
Y -1.1 313.3 8.93 mm 200.00 mm ✓
Comb #2 - 3C25 X 4.6 249.2 21.49 mm 216.67 mm ✓
Y -2.2 249.2 8.93 mm 200.00 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 3C25 369.0 311.9 1121.6 0.204 0.28
Comb #2 - 3C25 249.2 209.7 1121.6 0.204 0.19
Comb #3 - 3C25 288.5 243.7 1121.6 0.204 0.22
Comb #4 - 3C25 313.3 265.6 1121.6 0.204 0.24
Comb #5 - 3C25 320.0 269.2 1121.6 0.204 0.24
Comb #6 - 3C25 319.2 269.1 1121.6 0.204 0.24
Comb #7 - 3C25 314.1 265.5 1121.6 0.204 0.24
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 3C25 148.9 428.8 ✓ 150.9 378.7 ✓
Comb #2 - 3C25 96.8 428.8 ✓ 96.7 378.7 ✓
Comb #3 - 3C25 111.3 428.8 ✓ 113.7 378.7 ✓
Comb #4 - 3C25 123.7 428.8 ✓ 126.1 378.7 ✓
Comb #5 - 3C25 127.2 428.8 ✓ 128.1 378.7 ✓
Comb #6 - 3C25 126.6 428.8 ✓ 128.0 378.7 ✓
Comb #7 - 3C25 124.3 428.8 ✓ 126.2 378.7 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1000.00 mm
LY 1000.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 272.2 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 152.7 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 134.2 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 253.8 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 3C24 179.2 kN 17.8 kN 1.2 kN -2.8 kN.m -1.1 kN.m
Comb #2 - 3C24 124.5 kN 11.6 kN 2.0 kN -1.9 kN.m -1.0 kN.m
Comb #3 - 3C24 127.2 kN 10.9 kN -1.1 kN -1.7 kN.m -0.4 kN.m
Comb #4 - 3C24 148.3 kN 16.0 kN 2.5 kN -2.3 kN.m -1.3 kN.m
Comb #5 - 3C24 154.5 kN 14.2 kN -0.3 kN -2.5 kN.m -0.5 kN.m
Comb #6 - 3C24 154.2 kN 15.3 kN 2.3 kN -2.5 kN.m -0.8 kN.m
Comb #7 - 3C24 148.6 kN 14.9 kN -0.1 kN -2.3 kN.m -1.0 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #4 - 3C24 X -8.7 172.3 50.50 mm 166.67 mm ✓
Y -2.3 172.3 13.34 mm 166.67 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 3C24 203.2 195.5 1342.4 0.136 0.15
Comb #2 - 3C24 148.5 141.0 1342.4 0.136 0.11
Comb #3 - 3C24 151.2 141.2 1342.4 0.136 0.11
Comb #4 - 3C24 172.3 167.1 1342.4 0.136 0.12
Comb #5 - 3C24 178.5 169.7 1342.4 0.136 0.13
Comb #6 - 3C24 178.2 171.2 1342.4 0.136 0.13
Comb #7 - 3C24 172.6 165.4 1342.4 0.136 0.12
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 3C24 86.7 329.9 ✓ 94.2 315.6 ✓
Comb #2 - 3C24 61.3 329.9 ✓ 65.5 315.6 ✓
Comb #3 - 3C24 57.6 329.9 ✓ 63.0 315.6 ✓
Comb #4 - 3C24 74.8 329.9 ✓ 80.5 315.6 ✓
Comb #5 - 3C24 72.1 329.9 ✓ 78.9 315.6 ✓
Comb #6 - 3C24 75.6 329.9 ✓ 81.6 315.6 ✓
Comb #7 - 3C24 71.2 329.9 ✓ 77.7 315.6 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 2000.00 mm
LY 2300.00 mm
Height 500.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 116.5 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 267.4 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 271.4 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 120.5 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 1C24 770.7 kN -176.2 kN -5.4 kN 27.6 kN.m 0.9 kN.m
Comb #2 - 1C24 530.1 kN -186.0 kN -28.3 kN 29.2 kN.m 4.4 kN.m
Comb #3 - 1C24 501.9 kN -73.4 kN 13.2 kN 11.5 kN.m -2.1 kN.m
Comb #4 - 1C24 640.1 kN -148.1 kN -6.3 kN 23.3 kN.m 1.0 kN.m
Comb #5 - 1C24 639.4 kN -147.1 kN -6.5 kN 23.0 kN.m 1.0 kN.m
Comb #6 - 1C24 639.5 kN -147.6 kN -6.7 kN 23.1 kN.m 1.1 kN.m
Comb #7 - 1C24 640.0 kN -147.6 kN -6.1 kN 23.1 kN.m 0.9 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #2 - 1C24 X 122.1 651.6 187.46 mm 333.33 mm ✓
Y 18.6 651.6 28.49 mm 383.33 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 1C24 892.1 1038.2 1529.8 0.264 0.68
Comb #2 - 1C24 651.6 839.0 1529.8 0.264 0.55
Comb #3 - 1C24 623.4 600.4 1386.0 0.352 0.43
Comb #4 - 1C24 761.5 883.3 1529.8 0.264 0.58
Comb #5 - 1C24 760.8 881.0 1529.8 0.264 0.58
Comb #6 - 1C24 760.9 881.9 1529.8 0.264 0.58
Comb #7 - 1C24 761.5 882.4 1529.8 0.264 0.58
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 1C24 426.7 552.3 ✓ 500.4 613.8 ✓
Comb #2 - 1C24 343.3 552.3 ✓ 411.5 613.8 ✓
Comb #3 - 1C24 265.0 552.3 ✓ 293.7 613.8 ✓
Comb #4 - 1C24 356.6 552.3 ✓ 418.0 613.8 ✓
Comb #5 - 1C24 355.8 552.3 ✓ 416.7 613.8 ✓
Comb #6 - 1C24 356.4 552.3 ✓ 417.4 613.8 ✓
Comb #7 - 1C24 356.0 552.3 ✓ 417.3 613.8 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1700.00 mm
LY 1700.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 248.6 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 134.1 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 157.4 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 271.9 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 1C25 517.3 kN 83.7 kN -17.0 kN -13.4 kN.m 2.7 kN.m
Comb #2 - 1C25 330.5 kN 102.0 kN -28.3 kN -16.2 kN.m 4.4 kN.m
Comb #3 - 1C25 367.6 kN 25.7 kN 7.1 kN -4.1 kN.m -1.1 kN.m
Comb #4 - 1C25 427.9 kN 70.6 kN -16.0 kN -11.2 kN.m 2.6 kN.m
Comb #5 - 1C25 431.9 kN 71.5 kN -16.0 kN -11.5 kN.m 2.5 kN.m
Comb #6 - 1C25 429.5 kN 71.1 kN -16.9 kN -11.4 kN.m 2.7 kN.m
Comb #7 - 1C25 430.3 kN 71.1 kN -15.1 kN -11.4 kN.m 2.3 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #2 - 1C25 X -57.0 399.9 142.63 mm 283.33 mm ✓
Y 15.8 399.9 39.41 mm 283.33 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 1C25 586.7 581.4 1004.1 0.272 0.58
Comb #2 - 1C25 399.9 504.4 1121.2 0.204 0.45
Comb #3 - 1C25 436.9 392.9 1004.1 0.272 0.39
Comb #4 - 1C25 497.2 492.5 1004.1 0.272 0.49
Comb #5 - 1C25 501.3 497.2 1004.1 0.272 0.50
Comb #6 - 1C25 498.9 494.8 1004.1 0.272 0.49
Comb #7 - 1C25 499.6 495.0 1004.1 0.272 0.49
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 1C25 278.8 560.8 ✓ 303.4 536.5 ✓
Comb #2 - 1C25 216.4 560.8 ✓ 243.6 536.5 ✓
Comb #3 - 1C25 177.4 560.8 ✓ 184.3 536.5 ✓
Comb #4 - 1C25 232.8 560.8 ✓ 252.9 536.5 ✓
Comb #5 - 1C25 235.1 560.8 ✓ 255.7 536.5 ✓
Comb #6 - 1C25 234.6 560.8 ✓ 254.6 536.5 ✓
Comb #7 - 1C25 233.3 560.8 ✓ 254.0 536.5 ✓
Footing Materials
Concrete Material C20/25
Rebar Material Grade 410 (Type 2)
Geometric Properties
LX 1500.00 mm
LY 1500.00 mm
Height 400.00 mm
Taper Height 0.00 mm
Corner Stresses
Lower-Left Corner 265.6 kN/m2
Lower-Right Corner 274.1 kN/m2
Upper-Right Corner 179.5 kN/m2
Upper-Left Corner 171.0 kN/m2
Loading Info
Combinations N Vx Vy Mx My
Comb #1 - 1C26 446.7 kN -4.6 kN 47.7 kN 0.6 kN.m -7.5 kN.m
Comb #2 - 1C26 323.5 kN -8.6 kN 42.1 kN 1.2 kN.m -6.7 kN.m
Comb #3 - 1C26 286.7 kN 1.6 kN 22.4 kN -0.3 kN.m -3.5 kN.m
Comb #4 - 1C26 374.9 kN -4.7 kN 40.2 kN 0.7 kN.m -6.4 kN.m
Comb #5 - 1C26 375.3 kN -3.0 kN 40.2 kN 0.2 kN.m -6.3 kN.m
Comb #6 - 1C26 372.6 kN -3.9 kN 39.9 kN 0.5 kN.m -6.2 kN.m
Comb #7 - 1C26 377.6 kN -3.8 kN 40.5 kN 0.4 kN.m -6.4 kN.m
In order to calculate total axial load, weights are added to axial loads,
ΣN = N + TW
ΣMx ΣMy σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4
Comb ΣN (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Eccentricity Check
Comb Direction Moment (kN.m) Axial Load (kN) Eccentricity (M/N) Limit (L/6) Status
Comb #2 - 1C26 X 4.6 377.5 12.25 mm 250.00 mm ✓
Y -23.5 377.5 62.29 mm 250.00 mm ✓
Punching Check
Comb ΣN (kN) Vpd (kN) Vpc (kN) ac (m) D/C
Comb #1 - 1C26 500.7 494.6 1110.4 0.204 0.45
Comb #2 - 1C26 377.5 382.1 1110.4 0.204 0.34
Comb #3 - 1C26 340.7 290.4 994.4 0.272 0.29
Comb #4 - 1C26 428.9 423.0 1110.4 0.204 0.38
Comb #5 - 1C26 429.3 422.9 1110.4 0.204 0.38
Comb #6 - 1C26 426.6 420.2 1110.4 0.204 0.38
Comb #7 - 1C26 431.6 425.6 1110.4 0.204 0.38
Shear Check
At Column Face,
X-Direction Y-Direction
Comb Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN) Demand (kN) Capacity (kN) Status (kN)
Comb #1 - 1C26 236.5 494.8 ✓ 219.2 473.4 ✓
Comb #2 - 1C26 181.3 494.8 ✓ 167.7 473.4 ✓
Comb #3 - 1C26 143.3 494.8 ✓ 135.1 473.4 ✓
Comb #4 - 1C26 199.3 494.8 ✓ 185.1 473.4 ✓
Comb #5 - 1C26 198.2 494.8 ✓ 183.1 473.4 ✓
Comb #6 - 1C26 197.3 494.8 ✓ 182.9 473.4 ✓
Comb #7 - 1C26 200.1 494.8 ✓ 185.3 473.4 ✓