Exercise - 3: Advanced Objective Questions
Exercise - 3: Advanced Objective Questions
Exercise - 3: Advanced Objective Questions
x.PA WA M B 5×18
MA = = =178.2
10. Air contains O2 and N2 in the ratio of 1 : 4. The ratio of ΔP 15
Sol. × WB ×100
their solubilities in terms of mole fractions at atmospheric PB0 3000
pressure and room temperature will be (Given Henry’s
7 7
constant for O2 = 3.30 × 10 torr, for N2 = 6.60 × 10 torr) 14. The vapour pressure of benzene at a certain temperature
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 is 640 mm of Hg. A nonvolatile electrolyte solute
(c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 weighing 2.175 g is added to 30.08 g of benzene. If the
Ans. (a) vapour pressure of the solution is 600 mm of Hg, what is
the molecular weight of the solid substance ?
1 K O2 X O2 (a) 79.82 (b) 84.46
Sol. PT = K H X O2 = ×
4 K N2 X N2 (c) 59.60 (d) 49.50
Ans. (b)
1 1 X O2 X O2 1
= × = 2.175 78
4 2 X N2 X N2 2 MA = = 84.46
Sol. 40
11. The relative lowering of the vapour pressure is equal to ×30.08
the ratio between the number of
(a) solute molecules to the solvent molecules
15. Elevation in boiling point was 0.520C when 6 gm of a
(b) solute molecules to the total molecules in the
compound X was dissolved in 100 gm of water. Molecular
(c) solvent molecules to the total molecules in the weight of X is (Kb of water is 0.52 K-kg/mol)
solution (a) 120 (b) 60
(d) solvent molecules to the total number of ions of the (c) 600 (d) 180
solute Ans. (b)
Ans. (b) moles of solute
Sol. According to Raoult’s law, the relative lowering of Sol. Tb kb
Mass of solvent(kg)
vapour pressure is equal to mole fraction of solute, i.e.,
the ratio of number of moles of solute to total number of 6
mole of all component in solution.
0.52 =0.52× M M =60
12. Vapour pressure of a solution of non-volatile solute is
(a) directly proportional to the mole fraction of the
solvent 16. The molal b.p. constant for water is 0.5130C kg mol–1.
(b) Independent of mole fraction of the solute When 0.1 mole of sugar is dissolved in 200 g of water,
(c) inversely proportional to the mole fraction of the the solution boils under a pressure of 1 atm at
solvent (a) 100.5130C kg/mol (b) 100.05130C kg/mol
(d) directly proportional to the mole fraction of the (c) 100.2560C kg/mol (d) 101.0250C kg/mol
solute Ans. (c)
Ans. (a) 0.1
Sol. For solution containing non-volatile solutes, the Sol. Tb 0.513 0.256
Raoult’s law can be stated as, At a given temperature,
the vapour pressure of a solution containing non-volatile Tb =100.256o C kg/mol
solute is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the 17. The freezing point of a 0.05 molal solution of a non-
solvent. electrolyte in water is
(a) –1.860C (b) –0.930C
13. Vapour pressure of a solution of 5 g of non-electrolyte (c) –0.093 C (d) 0.930C
in 100 g of water at a particular temperature is 2985 N/ Ans. (c)
m2. The vapour pressure of pure water is 3000 N/m2, the Sol. Tf k f m
molecular weight of the solute is T f 1.86 0.05 0.096o C
(a) 60 (b) 120
(c) 178.2 (d) 380 freezing point 0.093O C
Ans. (c)
RTb 2 RTb 2 10 10 10
Sol. Kb = LVap =
1000LVap 1000 K b 60 =π > 180 = π > 342 = π
2 1 3
0.25 0.25 0.25
R M1 Tb2
Kb π 2 > π1 > π3
1000 vap H 49. Which of the following pairs of solutions is isotonic ?
Vap H =34.0 kJ/mol (a) 6% urea and 6% glucose (w/v)
(b) 18% urea and 18% glucose (w/v)
45. During depression of freezing point in a solution the (c) 6% urea and 18% fructose (w/v)
following are in equilibrium (d) 34.2% sucrose and 60% glucose (w/v)
(a) liquid solution, solid solvent Ans. (c)
(b) liquid solvent, solid solute Sol. Isotonic solution has same no. of moles of solute
(c) liquid solute, solid solute 6 18
(d) liquid solute, solid solvent = C urea , C fru ctose =
60 180
Ans. (a)
Sol. At the freezing point, the liquid and solid phases of a 50. Two aqueous solutions S1 and S2 are separated by a
substance are in equilibrium with each other. Thus, at semi-permeable membrane. S2 has lower vapour pressure
the freezing point, the liquid solvent and solid solvent than S1. Then
are in equilibrium.
(a) More solvent will flow from S1 to S2
Thus during depression of freezing point in a solution
liquid solvent and solid solvent are in equilibrium. (b) More solvent will flow from S2 to S1
46. On freezing an aqueous solution of sugar, the solid that (c) Solvent from S1 and S2 will flow at equal rates
starts separating out is (d) No flow will take place.
(a) sugar (b) ice Ans. (a)
(c) solution with the same composition Sol. Water will flow from S1 to S2 because S1 has more vapour
(d) solution with a different composition. pressure than S2, S1 has less concentration of solute
Ans. (b) 51. If a solute undergoes dimerization and trimerization, the
Sol. No Solute is dissolved in the ice that separates out minimum values of the van't Hoff factors are
because only Solvent molecules Solidity at the freezing (a) 0.50 and 1.50 (b) 1.50 and 1.33
point. (c) 0.50 and 0.33 (d) 0.25 and 0.67
47. Given that Tf is the depression in freezing point of the Ans. (c)
solvent in a solution of a non volatile solute of molality 1 1
Sol. and
T f 2 3
1, the quantity lim is equal to 52. Solutions A, B, C and D are respectively 0.1 M glucose,
m 1
0.05 M NaCl, 0.05 M BaCl2 and 0.1 M AlCl3. Which of
(a) Lf (latent heat of fusion) the following pairs is isotonic ?
(b) Kb (ebullioscopic constant) (a) A and B (b) B and C
(c) Kf (cryoscopic constant) (c) A and D (d) A and C
Ans. (a)
(d) Hfus (enthalpy of fusion)
Sol. 0.1 1 for glucose
Ans. (c)
0.05 2 for NaCl
Sol. ΔTf =K f m
0.05 3 for BaCl2
lim = kf 0.01 4 for AlCl3
m 1 m
53. Among 0.1 M solutions of urea, Na3PO4 and Al2 (SO4)3,
48. 10 g of glucose (1), 10 g of urea (2) and 10 g of sucrose which is incorrect ?
(3) are dissolved in 250 mL of water at 300 K ( = osmotic (a) the vapour pressure and freezing point are the
pressure of solution). The relationship between the lowest for urea
osmotic pressure of the solutions is (b) the vapour pressure and freezing point are the
(a) 1 > 2 > 3 (b) 3 > 1 > 2 highest for urea
(c) the boiling point is the highest for Al2(SO4)3
(c) 2 > 1 > 3 (d) 2 > 3 > 1
(d) the depression in freezing point is the highest for
Ans. (c)
Sol. CRT
(c) and (a) forms non-ideal solution. (d) only solvent molecules solidify at the freezing point.
60. Which of the following is/are correct statements (s) about Ans. (a,d)
the Raoult’s law applied to a solution of non-volatile Sol. At freezing point, solvent molecules solidify whereas
solute ? solute molecules do not and since the solute particles
(a) Vapour pressure of solution is proportional to mole do not evaporate the vapour pressure of the solution is
fraction of solute lower than that of pure solvent.
(b) V.P. of solution is proportional to the mole fraction 64. A binary liquids mixture of two liquid A and B showing
of solvent the departure from the ideal behaviour :
(c) Relative lowering of V.P. = mole fraction of solute (a) behaves as an ideal solution of B into A when XB0
(d) Relative lowering of vapour pressure is proportional (b) behaves as an ideal solution of A into B when XA0
to the mole fraction of solute. (c) HSol’n is always positive
Ans. (b, d)
Sol. For solution containing non-volatile solutes, the (d) TSSol’n is always positive
Raoult’s law can be stated as, At a given temperature, Ans. (a,b,d)
the vapour pressure of a solution containing non-volatile Sol. According to Raoult’s law, the partial vapour pressure
solute is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the of two component A and B of a solution are given as
solvent. PA PAo x A and PB PBo x B
Po P Therefore, the vapour pressure of the components are
x linear functions of their mole fractions where xA = 1 i..e.,
the liquid is pure A
61. In binary liquid mixture of components, A and B, the
former has greater tendency to escape into the vapour PA PAo 1 PAo
state than demanded by Raoult’s law. Indicate the correct But when xB = 0 i.e., the liquid is pure B
(a) Component A shows positive deviation and the PA PAo 0 0
component B negative deviation It means that when the liquid is pure (xA=1) its vapours
(b) Both components show positive deviations
pressre is equal to PAo but as component B is added to
(c) Component A shows negative deviation and the
component B positive deviation component A (xA decreases), the vapour pressure
(d) The component B has also greater tendency to decreases till it becomes zero (xA = 0). The same goes
escape into the vapour state than demanded by with component B.
Raoult’s law When two pure substance mix there is always an
Ans. (b,d) increase in the entropy.
Sol. Both show + ve deviation. Hsol is greater than zero if the solution has positive
62. Colligative properties of a solution are deviation from Raoult’s law because it is endothermic
(a) independent of the nature of solute dissolution where heat is absorbed but if the solution
(b) inversely proportional to molecular mass of solute
has negative deviation from Raoult’s law, Hsol is less
(c) Proportional to concentration of solute
(d) independent of the amount of solvent. than zero because it would be exothermic dissolution.
Ans. (a,b,c,d) 65. Composition of an azeotrope
Sol. The properties of the solution which depend only on (a) is independent of external pressure because it is a
the number of solute particles but not on the nature of compound
the solute are colligative properties. (b) alters on changing the external pressure
For a particular mass ratio of solute and solvent, all (c) remains unchanged during distillation at a constant
colligative properties should be inversely proportional external pressure
to solute molar mass, colligative property is independent (d) fluctuates even at constant pressure
of amount of solvent and nature of solute. Ans. (b,c)
63. In the depression in freezing point experiment, it is Sol. The exact composition of the azeotrope changes if the
observed that boiling point is altered by a change in the external
(a) the vapour pressure of the solution is less than that pressure. An azeotrope is a mixture of two or more liquid
of pure solvent. whose proportions cannot be changed by simple
(b) the vapour pressure of the solution is more than distillation.
that of pure solvent when an azeotrope is boiled, the vapour has the same
(c) only solute molecules solidify at the freezing point
Po 760
P 754.5
(a) A white precipitate of AgCl is formed on AgNO3 side P n 2
(b) A white precipitate of AgCl is formed on BaCl2 side P o n1
(c) No precipitate is formed on either side 760 754.5 5
(d) Meniscus of BaCl2 solution rises and that of AgNO3
760 m 5.55
solution falls in due course of time m 124.48
Ans. (c,d)
Sol. Only solvent molecule pass through spm For B
Numeric Value Type Questions P in 2
67. When 1.0 g of urea is dissolved in 200 g of an unknown
o n1
solvent X, the X freezing point is lowered by 0.25ºC. P
When 1.5g of an unknown, non-electrolytic solute Y is 760 754.5 i 0.016
dissolved in 125 g of same solvent X, freezing point is 760 1.282
lowered by 0.2 ºC and vapour pressure is lowered by i 0.576
1%. If freezing point of X, is 12ºC, determine molar For dimerisation, n 2
enthalpy of fusion of X in kJ.
i 1
Ans. (0034)
Sol. Tf = kf × m 1
1 1000 0.576 1
0.25 k f kf 3
60 200 1
When further 1.5 gm of unknown solute added then 1
Tf = kf × m 0.8548
1.5 1000 85%
.2 3 x 180 gm / mol
x 125gm
69. A mixture of NaCl and sucrose of combined mass 10.2 g
Since V.P also decreases by 1% So according to relative is dissolved in enough water to make up a 250 mL
lowering of V.P. equation for same solute. solution. The osmotic pressure of the solution is 7.32
P n atm at 23ºC. Calculate the mass percentage of NaCl in
x2 .01 2 the mixture.
P0 n1
Ans. (15.7%)
1.5 g x Sol. V nRT
180 g mol 1 125 gm
x = 150 g/mol [Molecular mass of solvent]
R M solvent T f2
We know k f
1000 H Fus