PE & Health Reviewer: 11-STEM - SEM 1 2022

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PE & Health Reviewer

1st Semester, 1st Quarter

11-STEM | SEM 1 2022

part of the body around the axis.

b. Lift, Raise – To elevate parts of the
Physical Education
body or the whole body to a desire
● came from the Latin words level.
“physica” which means physics c. Stretch, extend, straighten – To
and “education” which means lengthen a part of the body.
training of the bodily organs and d. Twist – To move the body around a
powers with a view to the long axis.
promotion of heart and vigor. e. Circle – To move a body around a
● plays an integral part in the human point.
development for both physical and f. Swing – to move continuously from
mental. one point to the other.
● a course taught in school that g. Turn, Rotate – To change direction to
focuses on developing physical move around an axis.
fitness and the ability to perform
and enjoy day-to-day physical LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS – are
activities with ease. Develop skills movements that bring the performer from
necessary to participate in a wide one place to the other.
range of activities
● its aims are the development of: a. Walk – is a series of steps in all
Physically, Mentally, Socially & directions.
Emotionally. b. Run – is a walk with a longer stride and
Physical Development there is a push-off by the foot to suspend
● The selected activities such as the
games, sports and recreational body momentary in air.
activity develop students’ sense of c. Hop – is a spring on one foot and land
responsibility to maintain their on
good health. The physical skills the same foot.
they will acquire will serve as d. Skip – is a step and hop with the same
motivation to further enhance their foot
growth and development. on one count.
Social Development e. Leap – is a spring on one foot and land
● Students involved in physical on
activities develop social traits that the other foot.
are essential to social life which f. Jump – is to spring on both feet and
enables them to adjust in every land on
situation. one both feet.
Emotional Development
● Through engaging the students in Heart Rate - a measure of how many
physical activities, students times your heart beats in a minute. For
develop and be able to express most people, a healthy resting heart rate
their feelings and emotions. (RHR) is between 50 and 90 beats per
Mental Development minute.
● Physical Education involvement
through different performances Fitness - broad term that means
expands and masters the students’ something different to each person, but it
mental capabilities upon being refers to your own optimal health and
engaged into different movements.
overall well-being.
movements done by a part or several
parts of the body in a stationary place. The components of Health-Related
Fitness - basis from which to measure our
a. Bend or Flex – To move the body or general well-being.

PE & Health Reviewer
1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | SEM 1 2022


– Is also referred to as aerobic fitness, and - is the ability to maintain equilibrium when
is a with exercise which stationary or moving
places demands on the circulatory and
respiratory system over a 3. POWER
prolonged period of time. This occurs in - is the ability to contract muscles with
activities such as running, speed and forces in one
walking, cycling and swimming. explosive act.

– Is the measure of free movement in a - is a measure of the ability to overall or
person’s joints. This is part of the body as quickly
especially important in gymnastics or as possible
3. MUSCULAR STRENGTH - Is the ability to carry out a series of
– Is the maximal force that can be applied movements or Motor task
against a resistance. It could smoothly & efficient.
be measured by the largest weight a
person could lift or the largest body 6. REACTION TIME
they could push or pull. - Is the ability to respond to a stimulus
– Is differ from muscular strength in that it FIVE COMPONENTS OF
is a measure of a person’s HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS
ability example in a series of push-ups, 1. CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE
over a period of time. – Is also referred to as aerobic fitness, and
is a form of exercise which places
5. BODY COMPOSITION demands on the circulatory and
– Is usually measured by the percentage respiratory system over a prolonged
body fat a person carries. period of time. This occurs in activities
such as running, walking, cycling and
Components of Skill Related Fitness - swimming.
are not the skills associated with any
particular sport, such as running, catching, 2. FLEXIBILITY
tackling or kicking, but are the underlying – Is the measure of free movement in a
skills which are brought to bear when person’s joints. This is especially
participating in a sport. important in gymnastics or exercise.


- Is the ability to rapidly and accurately – Is the maximal force that can be applied
change the direction of the against a resistance. It
body at speed. It necessitates a could be measured by the largest weight a
combination of speed, balance, power person could lift or the
and coordination. largest body they could push or pull.

PE & Health Reviewer
1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | SEM 1 2022

– It differs from muscular strength in that it
is a measure of a person’s ability, for
example in a series of push-ups, over a
period of time.

– Is usually measured by the percentage
body fat a person carries.

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