PHYSICAL EDUCATION – integral part of the educational B. Agility - It is the capacity to change the
program designed to promote the optimum development direction of the body quickly and effectively.
of an individual physically, mentally, socially, and C. Coordination – It is the ability to integrate
emotionally through total body movement in the the senses with muscle so as to produce
performance of properly selected physical activities. accurate, smooth, & harmonious body
LEGAL BASIS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION D. Reaction Time – The time required to
• ARTICLE 14, SEC. 19 OF 1987 CONSTITUTION Respond or initiate a movement as a result
- States that the state shall promote Physical Education of a given stimulus.
and encourage sports program league competitions E. Speed – It is the ability to move one’s body
and amateur sports, including training for international from one point to another in the shortest
competitions; to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and possible time.
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert F. Power – The ability to do strength work at
citizenry”. an explosive pace.
- “All educational institutions shall undertake regular
sports activities throughout the country.
• R.A. 5708 – An Act proving for the promotions and
financing of an Integrated Physical Education and WHAT IS MOVEMENT ENHANCEMENT?
Sports Development Program for the schools in the Movement Enhancement teaches human movement
Philippines. and its benefits to the body’s health and well-being. It
is a guide to provide basic and sufficient knowledge
how to perform various movements.
MOVEMENT – known as the basic activity of a man.
WHAT IS PHYSICAL FITNESS? We start moving during conception and stop at death.
Physical fitness refers to the ability to carry out daily tasks QUICKENING – refers to a baby’s first movements
and physical activities without undue fatigue. inside the womb.
AFTER BIRTH – a stage where arms and legs are
COMPONENTS flexing and stretching, sucking, tonic neck reflexes
1. HEALTH RELATED - refer to those that contribute to AFTER FEW MONTHS – a stage where tumbling,
the development of health and functional capacity of crawling, standing, and walking occurs.
the body.
A. Cardiovascular Fitness - The ability of the CHILDHOOD vs. ADULTHOOD
heart and lungs to function efficiently &
effectively over a prolonged period of time. CHILDHOOD – a stage where an individual has more
B. Muscular Endurance - The ability to continue complex and a wider range of motion, balance, muscle
selected muscle group movements for a strength, coordination, and endurance.
prolonged period of time. ADULTHOOD – a stage where an individual is also
C. Muscular Strength - The ability of the muscle more complex but is more accurate and has precise
to exert force. motor skills necessary to his/ her daily activities.
D. Flexibility - The ability of the joints in the body
to move to their full range of motion. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT & MOVEMENT
E. Body Composition - the ratio of fat to muscle. - foundation of Physical Education.
Minimum of fat and maximum of lean mass is a
sign of a healthy and fit body. MOVEMENT EDUCATION
- Refers to a wide variety of experiential activities
2. SKILLS RELATED – Consists of those components of where one learns the capabilities of their bodies.
fitness that have a relationship with enhanced
performance in athletic activities.
Nutrition is the process of taking in food and using it
for growth, metabolism, and repair.