1321 - 015 Requirements For Medical Evacuation
1321 - 015 Requirements For Medical Evacuation
1321 - 015 Requirements For Medical Evacuation
This General Instruction describes the procedure to request an aircraft medical evacuation. It contains the following
1. Purpose
2. General
3. Definitions
4. Procedures
5. Responsibilities
The purpose of this instruction is to ensure that all organizations use the same method to request an aircraft medical
evacuation (MEDEVAC). Non-compliance with this General Instruction will result in a delay of the response time by
the Medical and Aviation Departments.
Every Saudi Aramco organization with remote sites i.e., pump stations, offshore platforms, Tanajib etc., has a
responsibility to provide their employees and contractors with a rapid response to a medical emergency and transport
them to a proper medical facility.
3.1 The following definitions will be used to identify patient status.
3.2 Saudi Aramco patient - All Saudi Aramco employees and dependents, all authorized contractor personnel.
3.3 Non-Saudi Aramco patient - All residents of Saudi Arabia that are not Saudi Aramco employees, dependents or
authorized contractors. All seamen not holding a Saudi Arabian Government visa.
4.1 In the event of a medical emergency that may require transport by air, a call should be made to the Area
Medical Service Organization health care provider, using the "110" line whenever possible.
4.2 If "110" service and/or medical provider is unavailable, call the Area EMS for MEDEVAC directly as follows:
5.1 All Saudi Aramco Departments
5.1.1 All Company organizations will include MEDEVAC procedures in that department's
Emergency/Disaster plans.
5.1.2 Supervisors at all work locations should be aware that Area EMS personnel will authorize a
MEDEVAC flight only after a medical evaluation, based on information provided by the person
initiating the call, has been conducted.
5.1.3 To assist with the patient's medical evaluation and reduce the MEDEVAC response time, as much of
the following information as possible should be provided to the EMS:
a) If the injured or ill person is on a marine barge or vessel, the captain will make a radio call to
Port Control requesting a MEDEVAC. Port Control in turn will call "110". At this time
medical personnel will answer the "110" phone and establish what medical assistance is
required at the scene.
b) Port Control should obtain the following supplementary data from the barge or vessel and
relay the information to the appropriateAviation Department Flight Dispatch office if
aMEDEVAC is required:
4) Whether a suitable clear area is available for a helicopter hoist operation or landing
and its location on the deck.
5) Direction and speed of the relative wind and visibility in the area.
6) Is the barge or vessel capable of transmitting on 410 KHZ continuous, for purposes of
aircraft homing on this signal.
7) Whether the barge or vessel has a medical chest, and whether a physician or other
medically trained person is aboard.
c) The department requesting the MEDEVAC will advise the Area EMS of the contact
telephone number at the scene.
a) If a MEDEVAC flight is required, the Area EMS will contact one of the following Aviation
Department Flight Dispatch offices and requestthe service of a MEDEVAC aircraft. The EMS
Area Physician will inform the Flight Dispatch office if there is a need to carry any medical
equipment which might require the removal of seats, or other modification to the aircraft. He
will give the contact telephone number at the scene, should Flight Dispatch require further
b) The Area EMS will ascertain whether a doctor, nurse or only an attendant is required on the
flight and assign the appropriate personnel. This information is to be passed to the Area
Flight Dispatch office.
c) The Area EMS will determine the location where the patient is to be transported for
definitive medical care. If destination is Dhahran, EMS will inform DHC-EMS.
e) If a MEDEVAC is requested for a non-Saudi Aramco patient, the Area EMS must contact
the Area Saudi Aramco Affairs Representativ immediately. The main gate can provide the
after hours contact number of the Saudi Aramco Affairs Representative when "110" is called
or by calling the main gate at:
DHAHRAN 874-2055
ABQAIQ 572-5291
RAS TANRA 673-5231
TANAJIB 378-3301
UDHAILIYAH 577-8212.
5.2.2 Eastern Province - DHC-EMS.
a) DHC-EMS will arrange for an ambulance at Dhahran Main Camp (Helicopter) or Saudi
Aramco Hangar (Airplane).
b) If the MEDEVAC is for a non-Saudi Aramco patient and destination is Dhahran, DHC-EMS
will advise Saudi Aramco Affairs Eastern Province (SAA-EP). DHC-EMS will treat or
transport to Government Medical Facility.
a) The pump station nurse will make the initial assessment of the patient's condition. The nurse
will treat or transport by land to local medical facility.
b) If an air MEDEVAC is considered appropriate by the pump station nurse, DHC-EMS will be
contacted; a qualified medical person at that facility will determine if the patient must be
moved by air transport or surface transport to an appropriate medical facility.
b) If an air MEDEVAC is required, DHC-EMS will obtain approval from Saudi Aramco
Affairs Eastern Province (SAA-EP).
c) DHC-EMS will contact Aviation Flight Dispatch with MEDEVAC requirements and
destination information. If the destination is Dhahran, DHC-EMS will arrange for an
ambulance and treat or transport to Government Medical Facility.
5.3.1 Each Flight Dispatch office will establish MEDEVAC procedures as part of the Emergency Reaction
Guide ERG).
5.3.2 Aviation authorization for MEDEVAC flights will only be granted by the Medical Department. Any
other requests for MEDEVAC flights should be referred to the appropriate Medical Department.
5.3.3 The Flight Dispatch office will determine which type aircraft is best suited for the MEDEVAC,
configure the aircraft to meet the requirements, and assign a flight crew.
5.3.4 It is essential that an adequate number of hoist operators be assigned to a helicopter MEDEVAC,
which will be conducted from a barge or vessel, if the barge or vessel is deemed inadequate for a
landing. The decision of whether to hoist from a barge or vessel or to land on deck is the
responsibility of the Helicopter Captain and will be based on the information received from Port
5.3.5 The Flight Dispatch office will inform the Area or DHC-EMS of the ETA and status of the
MEDEVAC flight.
5.4.1 Eastern province. If the MEDEVAC is for a non-Saudi Aramco patient, the Area SAA or SAA-EP
will advise the appropriate Government authorities.
5.4.2 Pipeline.
a) Saudi Aramco Affairs-EP will approve the use of Company aircraft for MEDEVAC of
critically ill or injured non-Saudi Aramco patients after consultation with DHC-EMS.
b) Saudi Aramco Affairs-EP will contact the receiving Eastern Province medical facility or
contact Saudi Aramco Affairs in Yanbu or Riyadh to insure the rapid reception of patients
being MEDEVACed to medical facilities in those areas.
Chief , Emergency Medical Services Div.
Director, Surgical & Diagnostic Svcs. Dept.
General Manager, District Medical & Support Svcs.
Manager, Aviation Department
General Manager, Government Affairs Operations
1. Contacts Area EMS 1. Contacts Aviation Flt. 1. Contacts SAA-EP if 1. If patient is Non-Saudi
to request Medevac Dispatch with patient is Non-Saudi Aramco, arranges for
using “110” Medevac Aramco. reception of patient at
requirements and designated medical
contact phone number facility.
at scene.
A.Provides details of A. Determines the A. Determines and A. Arranges for 2. Advises appropriate
Patient’s condition destination of configures aircraft. ambulance at DHA Government Authorities.
and cause of accident. Medevac. MAIN CAMP
helipad at ETA.
1. Makes initial !. Decides on method of 1. Grants approval for 1. Arranges for 1. Determines and configures
assessment of patient transport. use of company reception of patient aircraft.
condition. aircraft. at designated medical
2. Treats or transports by 2. If evacuation by air is 2. Contacts AREA SAA 2. Advises appropriate 2. Provides transport to
land to local medical required, contact to make arrangements Government destination as directed by
facility. SAA-EP for approval at destination medical Authorities. DHC-EMS.
and destination. facility.
3. Ifnorms DHC-EMS of
3. Contacts DHC-EMS 3. Contacts Aviation 3. Contacts appropriate
ETA and status.
for consultations for dispatch with Government
Air Medivac. Medevac Authorities if
requirements and destination is