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Communicating with patients about

COVID-19 vaccination

Evidence-based guidance for effective conversations

to promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake www.euro.who.int
Photo © WHO / Ploy Phutpheng

1. Introduction
2. Expectations for this training module
3. Pre-training self-reflection
4. Setting the scene for health workers
5. Learning outcomes
6. Six-part training module
7. Post-training self-reflection and evaluation
8. References


This training module is designed to equip health Intended Audience

workers (HWs) with knowledge, skills, confidence and
resources to help them in their role to recommend • HWs directly involved in COVID-19 vaccination
the COVID-19 vaccine. consultations;
• Clinical and Immunization Programme Managers;
It is tailored to specific patient positions on • Trainers of Trainers (ToTs);
vaccination and provides a structured approach to • HW bodies and organizations;
assist HWs with interpersonal communication during • Immunization advocates and champions.
COVID-19 vaccination consultations.

Overview of training module

Part 1: Vaccine confidence and the role of health workers

Part 2: Communicating risk to patients
Part 3: Vaccine acceptance and demand
Part 4: Responding to different patient positions
Part 5: Putting the pieces together
Part 6: Being pro-active to promote vaccine confidence & acceptance

Expectations for this training module

• A self-paced learning tool to be completed independently or facilitated by a ToT.

• Facilitators/ToTs can adjust content to allow for local considerations.
• Participants are guided through slides focusing on a combination of theory and practical skill
building scenarios.
• Scenarios demonstrate research-based strategies for effectively discussing vaccines during
vaccination consultations that can be utilized in the participant's clinical practice.
• Content is intended to be practical and adaptable to most vaccine consultation settings.
• Expected duration for completion: 3 hours.
• Completion of the pre- and post-training self-reflection and post-training feedback survey is
important to consolidate learning and evaluate the module.

Pre-training self-reflection
Insert link to survey

Setting the scene for health workers

Training Objectives:
1. To support you in your role to confidently
recommend the COVID-19 vaccine to your patients.

2. To provide you with communication strategies and tools

you can use to:
• Facilitate effective conversations during vaccination
• Inform your patients about COVID-19 vaccines,
• Promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake.

© iStock 7
Learning outcomes

At the end of this training module, the participant will be able to:
1. Define vaccine confidence and explain the impact of HWs;
2. Understand and communicate risk to support a patient’s vaccination decision;
3. Examine vaccine acceptance and demand to understand patients’ vaccination behavior;
4. Describe vaccine hesitancy and factors that contribute to it in the context of COVID-19;
5. Identify the different attitudes and positions of patients about COVID-19 vaccination;
6. Determine appropriate communication needs and identify communication goals for a COVID-19
vaccination consultation aligned with the patient’s position about vaccination;
7. Apply a structured approach using strategies grounded in motivational interviewing to respond to
concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness;
8. Deliver clear, concise messages to encourage COVID-19 vaccine confidence and acceptance;
9. Provide guidance to patients to correctly identify credible sources of information on COVID-19 vaccination
and vaccine safety.
Part 1: Vaccine confidence &
the role of health workers

How are concerns about COVID-19
vaccines expressed?

I’m not too We don’t I was already Unknown effects I don’t like
sure that it’s really need sick with of this new needles.
safe to be
vaccinated. this vaccine, COVID so I vaccine might
we’re young don’t need be worse than
and healthy! the vaccine. COVID!

This virus
doesn’t exist! I heard COVID is
Vaccine like the flu and I
companies just was so sick last
want money… year after my flu

Health Worker Opportunity: To promote vaccine confidence

What is vaccine confidence?

The trust that patients, the public and HWs have in:
• Recommended vaccines;
• HWs who administer vaccines;
• Processes and policies that lead to vaccine
development, licensure, manufacturing, and
recommendations for use.

MacDonald, E, N. 2015. Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants

US CDC. 2021. Vaccinate with confidence

How do health workers impact
vaccine confidence?

• Most trusted advisors and influencers

of vaccination decisions.
• A HW’s strong recommendation is a strong A HW
facilitator of vaccination uptake. recommendation
is a major driver
• A HW’s relationship with patients supports HWs may of vaccine uptake
them in their decision to vaccinate. underestimate their
influence + don’t have
• Patients require consistent and accurate much time to talk
information about vaccine safety and about vaccines or lack
benefits from all their health care providers, vaccine confidence
conveyed in a respectful and positive

Dubé, E., et al. 2013. Vaccine Hesitancy, An Overview.

Part 2: Communicating risk to patients
© WHO / Country Office Georgia

Risk perception and decision-making

• Disease and vaccination The general rule:

are associated with risk.
• A person may think
disease is likely and/or
severe and may feel
vaccine side-effects are
likely and/or severe.

• if people perceive high levels • if people perceive high levels of

of risk of disease, they will be risk of vaccination, they will
more likely to vaccinate; become less likely to vaccinate.
WHO. 2017. Vaccination and trust

Communicating risk

Vaccination requires effective

risk communication

It is essential that the public:

• understands the risks
associated with vaccine- Common for new vaccines Goal of effective risk Risk perception is influenced
preventable diseases; to be met with initial communication: Develop an by experience as well as
hesitancy. informed decision‐making personal, religious and cultural
• understands the benefits and partnership. contexts.
Public concern about
risks associated with vaccines; vaccine safety can reduce Health Workers play a vital
When communicating risk with
vaccine coverage rates and role in the success of
• knows where to find accurate, patients be aware of cultural
result in the resurgence of immunization programs by and emotional differences
trustworthy and clear vaccine‐preventable providing information through keeping in mind some people
information about these. diseases. risk communication. are adversarial or misinformed.

Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook; WHO. 2017. Vaccination and trust
Principles of risk communication

Communicate current Your professional Respect differences Represent risks and Adopt a patient‐ Present clear, concise
knowledge opinion matters of opinion about benefits of vaccines centred approach evidence‐based
vaccination fairly and openly messages
• Consider what your • Your strong • Effective decision-
patient already knows. recommendation to • Some patients will Contrast known versus making is best done • Encourage questions,
• Use varied get vaccinated has express reluctance or theoretical risks of the in a partnership address misinformation,
information formats been shown to refusal to accept the vaccine with known between the Health and provide credible
tailored to increase uptake. vaccine for risks associated with Worker and patient. and appropriate
educational levels resources, for those
• Use statements such themselves or their the vaccine‐preventable • Individuals have input
and languages. who want more
as, “I believe this family members. infection. into the decision to
Provide guidance on information.
• vaccine will protect • Ask permission to vaccinate and retain • Respond to specific
how to assess website you”. explore underlying responsibility for their concerns avoiding
reliability and provide • Remember: A trusted reasons without being own health. lengthy discussions.
a list of reliable ones. Health Worker is judgmental. • Reaffirm your
proven to be essential conviction that the
in the decision- vaccine is important to
making process. prevent serious disease
and complications.

Adapted from the Public Health Agency of Canada. 2008. Immunization competencies for health professionals
COVID-19 vaccine risk communication
Key risk communication points for your conversation:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Proactively explain Discuss effectiveness of
Provide reassurance the Promote safety of the Recommend pain
potential side-effects of COVID-19 vaccines and
COVID-19 vaccine is COVID-19 vaccines mitigation strategies
COVID-19 vaccine continued
safe and effective,
providing protection (common and rare)
precautions to decrease
against coronavirus.
risk of COVID-19

NOTE: See more resources to support health workers in COVID-19 risk communication at end of module

Present the risks
& benefits to
Risks of

Benefits of Risks of
Vaccines Vaccines


Risks of COVID-19 Disease
• COVID-19 can have serious, life-threatening complications.
• Risk of severe illness and serious complications from COVID-19 far outweighs any benefits of
natural immunity.
• Once infected, there is no way to know how COVID-19 will affect an individual.
• Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill.
• Adults aged 60 yrs+, and adults with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure,
heart and lung problems, diabetes, obesity or cancer, are at higher risk of developing severe
illness from COVID-19.
• Severe illness from COVID-19 can result in hospitalization, admission to intensive care, intubation
or mechanical ventilation, or death.
• Getting sick from COVID-19 could spread the virus to friends, family and others.
• Some patients can have symptoms that last for weeks or months after recovery from illness.
• People who had mild illness can experience persistent, late symptoms and/or less common serious
long-term complications including: heart and lung problems, kidney injury, rash, hair loss, smell
and taste problems, sleep issues, difficulty with concentration, memory problems, depression,
anxiety, changes in mood. CLICK HERE TO RETURN

US CDC, 2021. COVID-19, people at increased risk

Benefits of COVID-19 Vaccines

• Vaccines help to prevent symptoms of COVID-19 by

creating an antibody response.

• Vaccines are effective at protecting against severe disease,

hospitalization and death.

• Vaccination is a safer way to protect yourself than

contracting the virus that causes COVID-19.

• Vaccination will be an important tool to help stop the




US CDC, 2021. Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine

Risks of COVID-19 Vaccines

• No vaccine is 100% effective*

Review common side-effects and duration (for example):

• Pain and swelling at injection site

• Fever, chills, tiredness, headache

• Short-lived

Review less common reactions (for example):

• May cause allergic reactions from mild to severe however the

risk of a severe allergic reaction is low*.
* Review precautions still necessary post vaccination to prevent virus spread and mechanisms in place to address allergic reactions (i.e. appropriate medical treatment and supervision) TO RISKS AND BENEFITS

Part 3: Vaccine acceptance and demand
© Task Force for Global Health / Ilya Karimdjano

Understanding vaccine acceptance and demand
3 Factors influence vaccination behaviour
Capability – INDIVIDUAL “I learned on face
• Knowledge book that this brand
• Skills, trust in own skills
of the vaccine isn’t as
• Resilience, stamina, will power, surplus energy
• Physical fitness, ability effective as the others”

Motivation – INDIVIDUAL
• Attitudes, perceptions, “I do not trust that the
risk assessment VACCINATION

COVID-19 vaccine is BEHAVIOUR
• Intentions
• Values, beliefs
safe, it was developed
• Emotion, impulse, feelings too fast…”
• Confidence, trust

Opportunity – CONTEXT

Physical Social “I really wanted to

• Access, affordability, • Social, cultural, demands, get the COVID-19
availability of vaccination support vaccine but I can’t
• Convenience, Social, cultural cues, norms,

afford to take the bus
appropriateness of values
to go to the clinic “
• Rights, regulation, legislation

Habersaat, K,B. & Jackson, C. 2020. Understanding vaccine acceptance and demand – and ways to increase them 23
What is vaccine hesitancy?

• A delay in acceptance or Willingness to accept a vaccine falls on a continuum

refusal of vaccines, despite
Increasing confidence in vaccine, vaccinator, health system
availability of vaccination

• Complex and context ACCEPT

Accept ACCEPT SOME, Refuse
specific, varying across All REFUSE BUT All
time, place and vaccine UNSURE REFUSE

30-40% 25-35% 20-30% 2-27% <2%

The majority of people accept vaccination, several are uncertain
and will have questions, few people refuse.

MacDonald, E, N. 2015. Vaccine hesitancy; Dubé È. 2020. Quick and Efficient Vaccine Communication; Leask J., et al. 2012. Communicating with parents about vaccination

Factors affecting COVID-19
vaccine hesitancy

Convenience Vaccine Safety

deniers concerns

Cultural and
Politics of Low perceived
COVID-19 risk of differences in Freeriding
vaccination infection vaccine acceptance

Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

Some people encounter
access barriers related to
affordability and availability
of vaccines that block one's
physical opportunity and
decision to get vaccinated.

Some young and healthy
individuals believe they
are not at risk from



Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

A proportion of people who
are not intending to be
vaccinated against COVID-19
are committed vaccination
opponents and often believe
in conspiracy theories.

Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

Many people understand
the need for a COVID-19
vaccine but have safety
concerns especially
regarding the
development process.

Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

In many countries,
COVID-19 and measures
to address it, including
vaccination, have become
heavily politicized.



Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

Groups that frequently encounter
inequity in health care access
(i.e. Immigrants, refugees, racialized
groups, LGBTQ, homeless or low-
income people, people with
disabilities and other marginalized
populations communities) may lack
access to vaccine programs. CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO

Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

Some people decide to
become “freeriders” letting
others get the vaccine believing
they get the beneficial effect of
herd immunity without being

Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook

Part 4: Responding to different patient
© WHO / Country Office Georgia

How do I identify vaccine hesitancy?

1. Start the conversation with a

statement assuming vaccine Hesitancy
acceptance: ACCEPT
“Maria, you are eligible to receive All BUT DELAY AND
your COVID-19 vaccine today.” SOME

“Maria, now it’s time to receive your “I’m ready” “OK, I guess “I’m not sure “No, I’m not “Vaccines
COVID-19 vaccine.” I’ll vaccinate, ... sure this is are
but..” I don’t right for dangerous,
know... me.” there is no
2. Listen to the response and I will wait for way I will
determine where the patient is on others to get ever be
the Continuum of Vaccine theirs first.” vaccinated.”

Individuals may express one or more of the
attributes in each category...
Acceptors Hesitators Refusers
• Intend to vaccinate because they see the • Focused on questions or concerns about vaccine • Never vaccinated or stopped vaccinating
importance. safety. altogether.
• Immunization advocates or ‘go along to get • Express doubts about vaccine safety and • Hold an existing philosophical position on
along’ groups. necessity. vaccination, or religious beliefs.
• May have questions about the vaccine safety • Present with a lot (sometimes written) of • Cluster in communities with religious,
and side effects. questions. philosophical or alternative beliefs.
• Report a good relationship with their health • Don’t intend to decline vaccination altogether, • Had negative experience(s) with the medical
provider and trust the medical profession. rather plan to vaccinate, delay vaccination, or system (i.e. AEFI).
select out vaccines.
• Lack detailed knowledge about vaccination. • Don’t want to discuss vaccination at all.
• Had a bad experience such as an Adverse Event
• Have process questions such as what to expect Following Immunization (AEFI). • Present for a medical exemption or for another
during and after vaccination. medical concern.
• Lack trust in the medical profession and/or
• Want information about managing common government authorities • Believe vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) are
reactions and when to seek medical advice. benign or beneficial.
• Have heard or read something frightening.
• Want information to help them answer • Distrust pharmaceuticals and conventional
questions from friends or family. • Willing to rely on herd immunity. medicine.
• More likely to seek complementary and
alternative medicine.

Adapted from Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI). 2020; Leask J., et al. 2012. Communicating with parents about vaccination

How do I respond to vaccine hesitancy?
Tailor your conversation to the attitudes you are hearing



Accept all Hesitators Refuse all

1. Ask about contraindications and precautions. Initiate a conversation guided by motivational 1. Do not dismiss, acknowledge.
2. Ask if there are questions. interviewing techniques. 2. Not a debate - explore concerns.
3. Share knowledge: 3. Share knowledge with permission.
• Alert on side-effects 4. Give your strong recommendation.
• Pain mitigation 5. Share expert information or offer referral to a
4. Explain the process. specialist service or community advocate (if
5. Vaccinate and congratulate. available).
6. Book appointment for 2nd dose right away, 6. Inform about risks of vaccine refusal: e.g., not
send a reminder close to the date. protected against COVID-19, may get ill, may
7. Review post-vaccination steps. need specialized health care…, and to watch
for signs and symptoms of diseases in the
7. Leave the door open for discussion.

Responding to the acceptor

• Goal is to vaccinate and congratulate.
Ask about contraindications and precautions
• Keep the conversation brief and straight forward.
• Screen for contraindications and precautions. Ask if there are questions
• Prevent vaccine hesitancy by addressing questions (if
any), acknowledging concerns and sharing knowledge Share Knowledge: 1. Alert on side-effects 2. Pain mitigation
including side-effects and pain mitigation strategies.
Explain the process
• Explain the process and protective behaviours still
necessary post-vaccination to prevent virus Vaccinate and Congratulate
• Book appointment for 2nddose immediately and Book appointment for 2nd dose and send reminder
remind patient, to avoid a loss to follow-up.
Review post-vaccination steps

Responding to the refuser

• Goal is to build trust and engagement.
• Keep the conversation brief. Do Not Dismiss
• Do not dismiss - Every encounter is an opportunity
to revisit and discuss vaccines. Not a debate – focus on concerns
• Avoid confrontation.
• Seek permission before providing facts. Share knowledge with permission
• Be persistent, give your strong recommendation to
vaccinate. Give your strong recommendation

• Share expert information or offer referral to a

Share expert info/offer referral
specialist service or community advocate (if
Inform about Risk
• Inform about risks of vaccine refusal in a non-
judgmental way. Leave the door open
• Leave the door open for discussion.
Responding to vaccine hesitancy
using motivational interviewing (MI)

• MI is a person-centred communication
approach. Hesitant

• Designed to support an individual’s ACCEPT

motivation and commitment to change. BUT
• Aimed at eliciting and exploring reasons for
hesitancy and changing attitudes and
• Requires partnership, acceptance, Shift in
compassion and evocation. Style
Traditional Collaborative
Didactic Talk Conversation

Adapted from Dubé È. 2020. Quick and Efficient Vaccine Communication; Gagneur, A. 2020. Motivational interviewing: A powerful tool to address vaccine hesitancy.

Motivational interviewing skills for vaccination

Skills Objectives Examples

Explore reasons behind hesitancy What did you understand?

Open questions (what, how, tell me, why) Tell me what you heard?

Simple reflection: Repeat what the individual says You are afraid of side-effects.
Reflective listening Complex reflection: What you think the individual means You want to make the best choice for your health.

You are concerned about your health.

Affirmation Encourage the individual and highlight their strengths
You took time to look for information about vaccines.

Here is what I’ve heard…did I miss anything?

Summarize Summarize the interaction and indicate concrete action
Transition to action: vaccination, referral, follow-up visit

Gagneur, A. 2020. Motivational interviewing: A powerful tool to address vaccine hesitancy

Respectfully sharing knowledge
to build trust

An interaction technique to explore concerns further and share information

to address specific patient concerns.

Give evidence-based
Elicit tailored to concern Verify
Ask what the patient knows Verify understanding and
and ask permission to “Most side-effects of the COVID-19 planned behaviours based
complete their knowledge vaccine are mild and should not last on this information
longer than 3 days, such as….”
“Safety studies indicate serious allergic
reactions are rare and….”
“What do you know about the side-effects “Given our discussion, how do you view
of the vaccine?” the decision now? Remember I am here to
Following the response: NOTE: Opportunity to provide your help talk through any concerns you may
“If you agree, I could give you some Strong Recommendation to vaccinate have.”
additional information.” and explain why.

Gagneur, A. 2020. Motivational interviewing: A powerful tool to address vaccine hesitancy 41

The hesitancy conversation objective

To increase vaccine confidence and move patient to vaccinate




Guiding your conversation with a vaccine
hesitant patient
1 6 7
Summarize and decide action
Open with a Elicit
presumptive share knowledge
statement verify

Accepts Vaccine


Refuses Vaccine
2 5
Listen to the response and Affirm
determine where patient is on strengths and provide
Continuum of Vaccine
Acceptance encouragement

3 4
Offer: expert information, refer to
If hesitant, ask an Reflect and Follow Accept specialist service or community Follow Refuse
open-ended-question acknowledge concerns vaccine pathway advocate; schedule follow-up for vaccine pathway
a new discussion

Part 5: Putting the conversation pieces

Tailoring the conversation to attitudes
and beliefs

The following four conversation challenges are examples

of potential scenarios HWs may encounter with adult
patients in the context of COVID-19 vaccination.

These conversations apply the recommended

conversation structure grounded in MI to respond to
concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine safety and

1. Conversation challenge – the fence sitter

Communication Strategy Response

Kasia is a 58 y/o female
in the community who is 1. Is Kasia is a good candidate for the vaccine?
Yes. Kasia has a chronic disease and is overweight – 2 factors
overweight. She is in putting her at a high risk of severe COVID-19 illness.
your office for her Assume she will accept the COVID-19 vaccine.
routine diabetes 2 visit. 2. Use a presumptive approach
“Kasia you are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine today.”
At the end of the visit,
you shift the 3. Identify Kasia on the Vaccine Kasia signals uncertainty, has concerns about the vaccine side-
Acceptance Continuum effects, yet not refusing = Hesitant
conversation to the
COVID-19 vaccine. “Tell me what you have heard about the vaccine side-effects?”
4. Ask an open-ended question

Kasia says, "I know about

“It sounds like you want to make the best choice for your
the COVID-19 vaccine 5. Reflect and acknowledge her concerns
health, but you are worried about the vaccine side-effects.”
but I’m not sure if I
should get it. I’ve heard 6. Affirm and encourage strengths.
“It’s great that you are thinking about what’s best for your
the side-effects are health and looking for information about the vaccine.”
worse than the disease, “If it’s okay with you, I could give you some additional
but I am also worried 7. Elicit- share-verify.
about getting COVID."
We’ve discussed the side-effects of the vaccine today, what do
8. Summarize and decide action
you think you want to do?
Role play activity conversation challenge #1
3-5 minutes for role playing, 5 minutes for discussion in groups of 2 or more

• In small groups, perform a role play between two members of the

• One person act as the HW, who is applying the principles of risk
communication and motivational interviewing.
• The other person act as the “fence sitter” patient described on the
previous slide.
• Others can be observers and provide feedback after the role play.
• After completing the role play, read the following example
conversation and discuss as a group the responses in the role play.

Health Worker (HW): Kasia I want to let you know some great news, you are eligible for the COVID-
19 vaccine today. (Use a presumptive statement, assuming Kasia will get the COVID-19 vaccine today)

Kasia: I know about the COVID-19 vaccine but I’m not sure if I should get it. I’ve heard the
side-effects are worse than the disease, but I am also worried about getting COVID.

HW recognizes Kasia is signaling uncertainty about the vaccine. She has concerns about the vaccine side-effects yet she is not
refusing the vaccine. HW determines Kasia is Vaccine Hesitant.

HW: Okay, we can talk about this. Tell me what you have heard about the vaccine side-effects?
(An open-ended question, tailored to the patient’s concern )

Kasia: Well, I know that vaccines protect us but I’m not sure about this one. I’ve read a lot on the
internet about terrible side-effects from the COVID-19 vaccine, like allergic reactions. I’m worried
about getting sick from the vaccine or having a bad reaction my body won’t be able to handle.

HW: You sound quite worried (empathic response). As you said, the vaccine protects us against the virus. It sounds like you want
to make the best choice for your health, but you are worried about the side-effects. (Reflective listening and acknowledgment of
Kasia’s concern). It’s very good that you are thinking about what’s best for your health and looking for information about the
vaccine. (Affirm and encourage strengths). If it’s okay with you, I could give you some additional information. (Elicit)

Kasia: Sure! I want to know what I am risking.

HW: Yes! You should definitely be aware of risks. (Affirmation) As with all medicines, side-effects
can occur after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. The main side-effects of this vaccine are pain at
the site of the injection, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, fever and chills. However, these mild
side-effects subside after 24-72 hours. Serious side-effects like an allergic reaction are extremely
rare. The rates of severe allergic reactions following this vaccine are very low. A recent safety
study reported a rate of around 1 in 200,000 with this vaccine. To guard against those unlikely
events, people who receive these vaccines are asked to remain under observation for 15 -30
minutes after the injection so that trained medical staff are on hand to help in the rare case
you experience a severe allergic reaction. (Share)

The fact is: The risk of contracting COVID-19 and experiencing severe illness or serious
complications, by far outweighs the risks of the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s why I strongly
recommend for you to get vaccinated today. Does this help to clarify what you are risking?

Kasia: Well… it does help to know what to expect. Thank

you for taking the time to understand my concerns.

HW: I’m happy to help. Given our discussion on the side-effects of the vaccine what do you think
you want to do? (Summarize and decide action)

2. Conversation challenge – the doubter

Communication Strategy Response

Alex is a 76 y/o male
who regularly 1. Is Alex a good candidate for the vaccine?
Yes, due to Alex’s age and risk factors for cardiovascular disease
experiences shortness of and/or respiratory condition.
breath. He is visiting the “Alex, the letter was correct, in fact, you can get your vaccine
nurse for a blood 2. Use a presumptive approach
pressure check. He lets
the nurse know he 3. Identify Alex on the Vaccine Distrusts the safety of the vaccine but not refusing
Acceptance Continuum = Hesitant
received a letter from the
clinic recommending he
4. Ask an open-ended question “What do you know about the safety of the vaccine?”
book a time for the
COVID-19 vaccine.
“I understand you feel like the vaccine was rushed, and you are
5. Reflect and acknowledge his concerns
right it was developed fast...”
Alex says, “I don't know
if I trust the vaccine, I’m 6. Affirm and encourage strengths.
“Its great that you voice your concern, and you are thinking
worried that it was about safety issues.”
rushed out too quickly “If you agree, I could share with you some information about the vaccine
and I can’t be sure that 7. Elicit- share-verify. development and explain why I recommend this vaccine for you.”
it’s safe.”
“We have discussed the safety of the vaccine today and why I
8. Summarize and decide action
think it is important for your health, what would you like to do?”
Role play activity conversation challenge #2
3-5 minutes for role playing, 5 minutes for discussion in groups of 2 or more

• In small groups, perform a role play between two members of the

• One person act as the HW, who is applying the principles of risk
communication and motivational interviewing.
• The other person act as the “doubter” patient described on the
previous slide.
• Others can be observers and provide feedback after the role play.
• After completing the role play, read the following example
conversation and discuss as a group the responses in the role play.

Alex: I got this letter from the clinic to say I should book an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine.

HW: Alex, the letter was correct, and in fact, you can get your COVID-19 vaccine today. (Presumptive statement)

Alex: I don't know if I trust the vaccine, I’m worried that it was rushed too quickly and I can’t be sure that it’s safe. This
vaccine makes me nervous, I don’t know if it’s been fully tested… Maybe they skipped some steps. You know these
companies just want to make money.

HW recognizes Alex is signaling uncertainty about the vaccine. He distrusts the saftey of the vaccine but not yet showing
signs of refusal. The nurse determines Alex is Vaccine Hesitant.

HW: I can hear that you are worried. Tell me, what have you heard about the vaccine development that makes you
uncertain about its safety? (An open-ended question, tailored to the patient’s concern)

Alex: Well, I’ve been talking to my family and friends. A lot of people are worried about the vaccine being too rushed. I read that
vaccines take years to develop but this one only took months, so I just don’t know if corners were cut and whether it’s really safe.

HW: If I understood you correctly, you’re worried about this vaccine because it’s new and was developed quickly in
comparison to other vaccines. (Reflective listening)

Alex: Yes that’s right. I HW: I can understand your worry (Acknowledging patient). I think it’s important
don’t want to be a lab rat. that you voice your concern, and you are thinking about safety issues. (Affirm
and encourage strengths). If you agree, I could share with you some additional
Alex: well, okay sure.. information about the vaccine development and explain why I recommend this
vaccine for you. (Elicit)

HW: You are right that the vaccine was developed quite fast in comparison to other vaccines. (Acknowledging patient)

Because of the high risk from COVID-19 and rapid infection rates around the globe, the clinical trials have proceeded faster than has
been possible with other vaccines. This is because many tens of thousands of people quickly signed up to participate in vaccine trials,
compared to the more usual 12 to 18 months it takes to recruit a fraction of that for other vaccines. In the case of COVID-19, a lot of
resources, including worldwide scientists and investments were rapidly put toward the development of a vaccine. All vaccines have to
go through pre-clinical and three phases of clinical trials. The testing processes for the vaccines didn’t skip any steps, instead vaccine
developers conducted some stages of the process simultaneously to gather as much data as quickly as possible. (Share)

For the COVID-19 vaccines regulatory bodies set up rigorous standards of safety, quality and effectives that must be met before a
vaccine could be authorized for use. So far, none of the vaccine trials have reported any serious safety concerns. Once vaccines are
authorized for use, safety data are continuously monitored by national authorities and the WHO. (Share)

Does this new information help to clarify things for you? (Verify)

Alex: Well, it helps to know this background. But

HW: Yes, it is important you are informed (Build rapport and trust). In
what about the vaccine side-effects?
terms of side-effects, you might expect mild ones such as a sore arm,
headache, fatigue, muscle aches, fever and chills. Most importantly you
will also have protection against COVID-19. I can highly recommend Alex: No, I think it’s a bit clearer now.
this vaccine to protect your health. Without vaccine protection you are
vulnerable to a severe infection that could put you in the hospital. I can
HW: So Alex, given our discussion on
confidently say to you the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh the
the vaccine’s safety would you be
risks. (Strong recommendation) (Pause for reflection) Do you have
willing to have it now? (Summarize
more questions about the vaccine you would like to discuss? (Verify)
and decide action)

3. Conversation challenge – the opponent

Communication Strategy Response

Eva is a 42 y/o
female health 1. Is Eva a good candidate for the vaccine?
Yes. Eva’s work setting puts her at an increased risk for
contracting the virus.
assistant working in a
long-term care 2. Use a presumptive approach “You are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine today.”
residence. She is in 3. Identify Eva on the Vaccine Signals she never vaccinates, may hold a philosophical position
your office Acceptance Continuum = Refuses All
complaining of back
“I would like to understand your decision, can you tell me
pain. You use the 4. Do not debate, explore concern
opportunity to offer
“I can see you have done a lot of thinking about this and I
the COVID-19 5. Acknowledge her concern and share
understand you are concerned about vaccines. If it’s okay with
knowledge with permission
vaccine. you, I’d like to give you my view.”
Eva says, “no way “Given your extremely high risk for contracting COVID-19 at
6. Give your strong recommendation
never! I don’t believe your workplace, I strongly recommend you get the vaccine.”
in vaccines they can 7. Share expert information and/or offer “Would you like to look at this COVID-19 vaccine decision aid together?
make you sick, referral to specialist service if available It can help you weigh the risks of the vaccine and the disease.”
besides I was already
“I understand that you have decided not to vaccinate today. I’d
sick with COVID last 8. Inform about risks of vaccine refusal
like to share with you what this means…”
year, so I have natural
“You are always welcome to come back to the clinic for another54
protection.” 9. Leave the door open for further discussion
Role play activity conversation challenge #3
3-5 minutes for role playing, 5 minutes for discussion in groups of 2 or more

• In small groups, perform a role play between two members of the

• One person act as the HW, who is applying the principles of risk
communication and motivational interviewing.
• The other person act as the “opponent” patient described on the
previous slide.
• Others can be observers and provide feedback after the role play.
• After completing the role play, read the following example
conversation and discuss as a group the responses in the role play.

HW: Eva, your work in a long-term care home is extremely vital in these pandemic times. You are
considered an essential worker. As you are well aware, long-term care settings are prone to
infection outbreaks, therefore it is very important for you to safeguard your health so you can
continue your important work. I have some good news, you are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine
today, (Presumptive statement) this will provide you with an increased measure of protection.

Eva: No way! I don’t believe in vaccines. And besides I was already sick with COVID last year, so I have natural

HW recognizes Eva is signaling she never vaccinates and prefers natural immunity. She may hold a philosophical
position on vaccination causing her to believe vaccines are unsafe = Refuses All.

HW: Eva, I would like to understand your decision, can you tell me more about why you don’t believe in the
(Do not debate or correct misinformation. Explore concern)

Eva: I’ve read plenty on the internet about how vaccines can make you sick. That’s why I never take the flu shot.
Anyway, I just think natural protection is better for me.

HW: I see you have done a lot of thinking about this and I can understand you are concerned about vaccines.
(Acknowledging) If it’s okay with you, I’d like to share with you my view. (Share knowledge with permission)

Eva: Sure….. but I can tell you I’m not getting the vaccine today.

HW: That’s okay. You are right that a previous infection with COVID-19 produces antibodies in your system providing
protection against infection. However, experts do not yet know how long someone is protected from getting sick
again after recovering from COVID-19. Natural immunity also varies from person to person. I can assure you that the
COVID-19 vaccine we use is the best way to prevent you from getting sick again. It is very safe and serious side-effects
are rare. In fact, safety data is being continuously monitored by experts, when a concern comes up, new research is
done to check whether the results are consistent or not. (Share)

Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that reinfection with COVID-19 is possible, I
strongly recommend to vaccinate regardless of whether you already have been sick with COVID-19. (Give your strong
recommendation) Especially because you are at a high risk for contracting COVID-19 at your workplace.

I would like to share with you this COVID-19 vaccine decision aid to take home with you. It can help you weigh the
risks of the vaccine and the disease. (Share credible resources tailored to patient’s concern)

HW: I understand that you have decided not to vaccinate today. Please know you are taking an Eva: I guess I
important responsibility. What this means is that if you experience any of these signs and could take a look
symptoms, you should seek medical attention. (Offer print information about signs and at it, but I’m still
symptoms of COVID-19 infection) You can help to protect yourself and others by performing feeling pretty
frequent handwashing and wearing a mask covering your mouth and nose, however, be aware cautious.
there is still a risk of reinfection. (Inform about risks and responsibilities of vaccine refusal)
Eva: Okay thanks
You are welcome back to the clinic any time if you have questions or have a change of mind.
(Leave the door open for further discussion.)

4. Conversation challenge – go along to
get along

Communication Strategy Response

Maria is an 80 y/o
female in the 1. Is Maria a good candidate for the vaccine? Yes, due to her age.
community. She
2. Identify Maria on the Vaccine Maria is asking for the vaccine and shows signs of motivation
arrives at the clinic Acceptance Continuum. = Acceptor
for routine blood
3. Ask about contraindications and If yes, discuss information and options based on the patient’s
work and asks the precautions responses; offer referral to specialist. If no, continue to 4.
nurse “Can I get my
COVID-19 vaccine? 4. Ask if she has questions. “Do you have questions before we give you your vaccine?”

I am worried about Alert on possible reactions and pain mitigation strategies.

5. Share knowledge and the explain process
getting COVID and Explain how the vaccine is given and what to expect.
I really want to see “Congratulations, you’ve taken a significant step to protect your
6. Vaccinate and congratulate
my grandchildren health.”
again." 7. Book appointment for 2nd dose and send a “Let’s make an appointment for 3-4 weeks from now for your
reminder next dose.”

“To prevent virus spread, I recommend you continue to….”

8. Review post-vaccination steps “I can show you where to wait while you will be monitored for
15 minutes”
Role play activity conversation challenge #4
3-5 minutes for role playing, 5 minutes for discussion in groups of 2 or more

• In small groups, perform a role play between two members of the

• One person act as the HW, who is applying the principles of risk
communication and motivational interviewing.
• The other person act as the “go along to get along” patient
described on the previous slide.
• Others can be observers and provide feedback after the role play.
• After completing the role play, read the following example
conversation and discuss as a group the responses in the role play.

HW: Hello Maria, I understand that you would like to get your COVID-19 vaccine today.

Maria: Yes that’s right, I am worried about getting COVID and I really want to see my grandchildren again…

Maria is asking for the COVID-19 vaccine and shows signs of motivation = Acceptor

HW: I can understand your worry (Building rapport). It’s great to hear you are ready for the vaccine. (Encouragement)
First, we want to make sure it will be safe for you to receive the vaccine. Have you completed the pre-vaccination check
list? This will help us determine if there is any reason you should not get the COVID-19 vaccine today. (Ask about
contraindications and precautions)

HW: Great! I can see that you are in fact eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Do you Maria: Yes, here it is
have questions before I administer the vaccine? (Ask if there are questions)

Maria: Yes, I
HW: That’s a great question. Let’s take a moment to review the possible side-effects of the
would like to
vaccine and what you can do for relief. The COVID-19 vaccine is given through an injection
know if it is
into your shoulder. You may feel a slight pinch when the needle goes in. Afterwards, we
want you to stay here for 15 minutes to be sure you don’t have any allergic reactions.
(Explain the process) In terms of some of the common side-effects, you might have some
pain and swelling at the injection site, or you might have a mild fever and body aches. It’s Maria: Okay
important to remember these side-effects indicate your body is responding well to the thanks for the
vaccine. These usually improve within a few days after vaccination, but if for some reason information
they last longer I want you to contact the clinic. To reduce pain, you can apply a clean,
cool, wet washcloth over the area. If you experience a fever, make sure to drink plenty of
fluids. (Share knowledge: alert on side-effects and pain mitigation). A 2nd dose will be
required in 3-4 weeks. The first dose starts building protection, however a 2nd dose is
necessary to get the most protection the vaccine can offer. (Explain the process)

HW: Okay, so let us go ahead with the vaccine now.

HW vaccinates Maria.

Congratulations, you’ve taken a significant step to protect your health. (Vaccinate and
congratulate) So we don’t forget, let’s book another appointment in 3 to 4 weeks from now
for your next dose. You will be contacted with a reminder close to the date. (Book
appointment for 2nd dose and send reminder)

HW: Maria I want to let you know, it takes time for the body to build protection after any Maria: Thank you!
vaccination. COVID-19 vaccines requiring 2 doses may not protect you until 1-2 weeks after Sounds good.
the 2nd dose. Therefore it is very important to continue with all measures to protect yourself
and others including, wearing a mask to cover your mouth and nose outside of your home,
Maria: Good to
take 1 meter physical distance from others, perform frequent handwashing and try to avoid
crowded, closed and close contact spaces. (Review post-vaccination steps)

HW: Well it was great to see you today and we will see you soon again for your next dose. I
will show you where you can wait while you will be monitored for 15 minutes. (Post-
vaccination steps)

Maria: Thank you

Conversation considerations

Actively listen to Stories can be

understand Use facts Avoid jargon
patients’ concerns, powerful and
sparingly Use language
frame vaccination compelling
– too many can and content that
in a way that – especially if
confuse. fit the patient.
matters to them. personal.

Frame data
clearly and
Respect the Be non-
positively. (e.g.
patient’s judgemental
better to say “99% Build Trust
informed and non-
safe” rather than
decision. confrontational.
“1% risk” of side-

Keep in mind…

• The long-term goal of these conversations is to move the

patient towards a “yes” for acceptance. This may take more
than one visit. The short-term goal may be to win their
• Conversations that guide the patient to explore their
reasons for hesitancy can help increase confidence and trust
in the COVID-19 vaccine.
• Adequate training and practice can help lead to positive

COVID-19 vaccination communication algorithm for health workers

• “You are eligible to receive your • “Now it’s time to receive your COVID-
1 Identify vaccine hesitancy • Start with a statement assuming
vaccine acceptance: COVID-19 vaccine today.” 19 vaccine.”
• Listen and determine where patient is
on continuum:


Respond to

Accept Hesitant Refuse

• Ask about contraindications and precautions. Initiate a conversation guided by MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING techniques: • Do not dismiss,
• Ask if there are questions. acknowledge.
1. Ask open-ended questions – explore main reasons behind hesitancy. • Not a debate – explore
• Share knowledge:
2. Reflect and acknowledge concerns – repeat what the patient says or what you think the patient concerns.
Alert on side-effects
means to reflect the cause(s) of hesitancy. • Share knowledge with
Pain mitigation
3. Affirm strengths and provide encouragement – recognize strengths to identify common goals. permission.
• Explain the process.
4. Elicit, share knowledge, verify – ask what patient knows and seek to complete their knowledge, • Give your strong
share evidence tailored to concern, verify understanding. Strongly recommend vaccination and recommendation.
explain why. • Share expert information;
offer referral to a specialist
3 service or community
advocate (if available).
Vaccinate Recheck intentions to vaccinate • Inform about risks of
and congratulate Summarize concerns; Decide action: vaccine refusal.
• Leave the door open for
Accepts Still hesitant? Refuses
Review next steps with patient
• Book appointment for 2nd vaccine right away,
send a reminder. Share expert information; offer referral to a specialist service or End patient
• Explain protective behaviours still necessary
post-vaccination to prevent virus transmission.
community advocate; schedule follow-up for a new discussion. consultation
• Post-vaccination observation for 15-30 mins.

Sample messages for health workers
Identify vaccine hesitancy*

Start with a statement assuming vaccine acceptance

to normalize the vaccination and demonstrate your confidence in it

“You are eligible to have the “Now it’s time to receive your
COVID-19 vaccine today.” COVID-19 vaccine.”

Listen and determine where patient is on continuum




“I’m ready.” “OK, I guess I’ll “I’m not sure ... “No, I’m not sure this “Vaccines are
vaccinate, but...” I don’t know... is right for me.” dangerous, there is no
I will wait for others way I will ever be
to get theirs first.” vaccinated.”

*The majority of people accept vaccination, several are uncertain and will have questions, few refuse.

Sample messages for health workers

Open-ended questions: “Tell me what you heard about

Responding to “What is your greatest concern about this vaccine?”
the vaccine?”
interviewing “I understand that you want to make the best choice “I understand it can be confusing
Reflect and acknowledge
concerns: for your health but you are worried about the side- to know which information to
effects of this vaccine.” listen to.”
If a patient is
hesitant, initiate a
conversation Affirm strengths and
provide encouragement “I can see you have done a lot of reading and thinking about this vaccine.”
guided by
interviewing "If you agree,
techniques: Elicit, share knowledge “What do you know about the side-effects of this "Does this
and verify vaccine?” I can share
with you
help to clarify
“It sounds like your concerns were mainly about information
Summarize and decide the side-
side-effects. Now that we have discussed the about side-
action effects?"
common ones, what do you think you want to do?” effects.”

Sample messages for health workers

Common patient concerns: HW responses using motivational interviewing:

“I am not sure the vaccine is worth taking

“I understand that you want to make the best choice for yourself. What side-
Side-effects since it sounds like the side-effects are even
effects are you concerned about?”
worse than the disease.”

“I am not sure what to do. Many people I

“I can see you are unsure about this vaccine and how it was made. Can I tell
Safety know are saying the COVID-19 vaccine was
you what I know about how this vaccine was produced?”
rushed so it is dangerous to take it.”

“I read stories about this brand of COVID-19

“It can be very confusing with so much different information online. Social
Quality vaccine on-line, that it isn’t as effective as
media and websites can spread false information too. You can get the latest
on the COVID-19 vaccine from the source I trust the most at [fill in with
credible source that is locally accessible]. I am also here to answer your

Conversation tips

• Listen actively to show interest and concern.

• Do not judge or minimize patients’ concerns or
• Be respectful and avoid arguing.
• Respond with empathy and understanding.
• Offer positive encouragement.
• Give your strong recommendation.

1. Gagneur, A. 2020. Motivational interviewing: A powerful tool to address vaccine hesitancy. Can Commun Dis Rep. 46(4):93–7.
2. Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI). 2020. Discussion Guides.
3. WHO. 2017. Conversations to build trust in vaccination.
4. Leask J., et al. 2012. Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health professionals. BMC Pediatrics.12:154.
Part 6: Being pro-active to promote
vaccine confidence & acceptance
© WHO / County Office Uzbekistan

Messaging to patients when COVID-19
vaccine supply is limited

Promote vaccine confidence by:

1. Reminding your patients: The goal is for everyone to have easy access to COVID-19
vaccination as soon as larger quantities are available.
2. Providing patients with resources about the vaccines and actions they can take before
they get vaccinated, such as:

Learn about the COVID-19

Learn about the COVID-19 vaccines Promote vaccination within your vaccines plans in your community
Continue to take
and their benefits social network by or through your national public
recommended actions to
and follow-up with your sharing accurate and timely health authority and make a
protect yourself and others
health provider if you have information about vaccination plan for yourself or
from COVID-19.
questions. COVID-19 vaccines. family members for when vaccine
is offered.

Regardless of vaccine availability: HWs can start conversations early and proactively recommend the
vaccine to all adult patients.
Guidance adapted from the US CDC. 2021. Essential Workers COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit

Messaging to patients about what happens
after the vaccine

Promote vaccine acceptance by advising patients what to expect and how to behave:

It takes time for the body to build protection after

Expect some We don’t know yet how
any vaccination. COVID-19 vaccines requiring 2 doses
Side-effects. much protection the vaccine
may not protect you until 1-2 weeks after the 2nd dose.
will provide, so continue using
all the measures to protect
yourself and others (mask
covering mouth and nose
+ 1 meter social distance
No vaccine is 100% effective.
+ frequent handwashing,
Patients need 2 doses of the Report any ongoing Some people may still get
avoid crowded, closed,
vaccine for longer lasting troubling side-effects to COVID-19 despite having a
close contact spaces).
protection.* health worker. vaccination, but this infection
should be less severe.

* Dependant on the vaccine used in HW’s clinical practice

Guiding your patients to reliable
COVID-19 vaccination resources

When considering vaccine information on the Internet, Credible sources of COVID-19 vaccination
advise your patients:
information for patients:
1. Check that the information comes from a
credible source (i.e relevant expertise) WHO Resources European Regional Resources
2. Prioritize established/trusted institutions.
WHO, COVID-19 Vaccines ECDPC, COVID-19 vaccines
Look for sources that are known for their credibility
WHO, Coronavirus disease ECDPC, Questions and answers on
(e.g. International Organizations, Ministry of Health, (COVID-19): Vaccines COVID-19: Prevention
academic institutions).
WHO, Vaccines and immunization: Vaccination Portal: COVID 19
3. Check the date, ensure information is current and Vaccine safety vaccines
verify information is updated on a regular basis.
WHO, Coronavirus disease EASPD, What is the coronavirus
4. Avoid commercial sites. (COVID-19) advice for the public vaccine? – Easy to read
5. While it’s a useful tool, the Internet does not
WHO, Q&As on COVID-19 and Video of the European Council:
replace a discussion with a healthcare professional. related health topics COVID-19 Vaccines: Why so fast?

Top tips for navigating the infodemic

COVID-19 vaccine resources for health workers
Factsheets and Job Aids related to Comirnaty and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines* WHO Regional Office for Europe (2021)

COVID-19 Vaccination Communication Algorithm for Health Workers * WHO Regional Office for Europe (2021)

COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination explained WHO Collaborating Centre for Vaccine Safety (2021)

WHO Collaborating Centre for Vaccine Safety (2021)

Explainer videos for health workers on communicating with patients about COVID-19 vaccination*

Online training on COVID-19 vaccination for health workers WHO (2021)

Vaccines explained: The different types of COVID-19 vaccines WHO (2021)

Vaccines explained: How will there be fair and equitable allocation of limited supplies? WHO (2021)

COVID-19 vaccines ; Q&A: COVID-19 vaccine research and development WHO (2020)

Interim recommendations for use of the AZD1222 (ChAdOx1-S (recombinant)) vaccine against COVID-19 developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca WHO (2021)

Vaccine Safety Net WHO

Interpersonal Communication for Immunization UNICEF

COVID-19 Vaccination Communication Toolkit For Medical Centers, Pharmacies, and Clinicians
US CDC (2021)
Pre-vaccination Checklist for COVID-19 Vaccines

Learn About the New mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines US CDC (2021)

COVID-19 vaccination: Guide for healthcare workers Public Health England (2021)

Information for Healthcare Professionals on COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca Public Health England (2021)

The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook Lewandowsky, S et al. (2021)

Social media toolkit for healthcare professionals European Union (2020)

* will be made available soon

Post-training self-reflection and evaluation
Insert link to survey

1. Dubé, È. 2020. Quick and Efficient Vaccine Communication. Vaccine Hesitancy Workshop. PPT.

2. Dubé, È., et al. 2013. Vaccine Hesitancy, An Overview. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 9(8), 1763–1773.

3. Leask, J., et al. 2012. Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health professionals. BMC Pediatrics.12:154.

4. Habersaat, K.B., Jackson, C. 2020. Understanding vaccine acceptance and demand—and ways to increase them. Bundesgesundheitsbl. 63, 32–39.

5. MacDonald, E, N., & Dubé, È. 2018. Addressing vaccine hesitancy in immunization programs, clinics and practices. Paediatrics & Child Health. Vol 23(8):559.

6. MacDonald, E, N. 2015. Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants. Vaccine. Volume 33, Issue 34, Pages 4161-4164.

7. Gagneur, A. 2020. Motivational interviewing: A powerful tool to address vaccine hesitancy. Can Commun Dis Rep. 46(4):93–7.

8. Gagneur, A., et al. 2018. Motivational interviewing: A promising tool to address vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine. 36, 6553–6555.

9. Nyhan, B., et al. 2014. Effective messages in vaccine promotion: A randomized trial. Pediatrics. 133(4), 835-42.

10. WHO Regional Office for Europe. 2017. Vaccination and trust. How concerns arise and the role of communication in mitigating crises. Available from https://www.euro.who.int/__data/
assets/pdf_file/0004/329647/Vaccines-andtrust.PDF Accessed on January 25, 2021.

11. Kerr, J, R., et al. 2020. Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across time and countries. BMJ Yale. Available from https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.09.20246439v1.full.pdf Accessed on February 01,

12. Lewandowsky, S., et al. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformation. Available from https://sks.to/c19vax Accessed on
February 01, 2021.

13. Public Health Agency of Canada. 2008. Immunization competencies for health professionals. Available from https://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/pdf/ichp-cips-eng.pdf Accessed on March 01, 2021.

14. ECDC. 2015. Vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers and their patients in Europe. Available from https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/media/en/publications/Publications/vaccine-hesitancy-among-
healthcare-workers.pdf Accessed on February 04, 2021.

15. WHO. 2017. Conversations to build trust in vaccination. Online Training PPT. Available from https://www.bing.com/search?q=Conversations+to+build+trust+in+vaccination.&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-
1&pq=conversations+to+build+trust+in+vaccination.&sc=0-44&sk=&cvid=3CD69A28361040268243327EE2D58CF9. Accessed on January 06, 2020.

16. Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI). 2020. E-Learning Module. Available from http://www.ncirs.org.au/health-professionals/skai-supporting-health-professionals. Accessed on January 06, 2021.

17. US CDC, 2021. Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine. Available from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html Accessed on February 04, 2021.

18. US CDC, 2021. COVID-19, people at increased risk. Available from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/index.html Accessed on March 05, 2021.

19. US CDC, 2021. Essential Workers COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit. Available from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/toolkits/essential-workers.html Accessed on March 05, 2021.
Thank you!



© World Health Organization 2021.

Some rights reserved. This work is
available under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
IGO license.

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