Maths Past Papers

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Mark Scheme (FINAL)

October 2019

Pearson Edexcel IAL Mathematics (WMA12)

Pure Mathematics P2
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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October 2019
Publications Code WMA12_01_1910_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2019
General Marking Guidance

All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should
be used appropriately.
All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
he ca dida e e e is not worthy of credit according to the mark
Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme
a ca dida e s response, the team leader must be consulted.
Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.

General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 75.

2. The Pearson Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

M a : Me h d a a e a a ded f i g a eh d a d a e i g a i , e
otherwise indicated.
A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M) marks have been earned.
B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
Marks should not be subdivided.

3. Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark schemes and can
be used if you are using the annotation facility on ePEN.

bod benefit of doubt

ft follow through
the symbol or ft will be used for correct ft
cao correct answer only
cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the question to obtain this mark
isw ignore subsequent working
awrt answers which round to
SC: special case
oe or equivalent (and appropriate)
d de dependent
indep independent
dp decimal places
sf significant figures
The answer is printed on the paper or ag- answer given
d The ec d a i de e de gai i g he fi a

4. A A a a e c ec a e (ca .), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to indicate that

previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread however, the subsequent A marks
affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded A marks.

5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it, deduct two
from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected. If you are using the annotation
faci i ePEN, i dica e hi ac i b MR i he b d f he script.

6. If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:
If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT crossed out.
If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all the attempts and score the
highest single attempt.

7. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.

8. Marks for each question are scored by clicking in the marking grids that appear below each student
response on ePEN. The maximum mark allocation for each question/part question(item) is set out in the
a i g g id a d h d a ca e a c e f 0 1 f each a , ai , a hown:

0 1

9. Be careful when scoring a response that is either all correct or all incorrect. It is very easy to click down
he 0 c he i a ea be 1 a d a c ec .

General Principles for Core Mathematics Marking

(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles).

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation
( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p)( x + q), where pq = c , leading to x =
(ax 2 + bx + c) = (mx + p)(nx + q), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to x =

2. Formula
Attempt to use correct formula (with values for a, b and c).

3. Completing the square

Solving x + bx + c = 0 :
(x b 2
2) q c, q 0, leading to x =

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x xn 1 )

2. Integration
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x
xn +1 )

Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice gi e i ece e a i e
reports is that the formula should be quoted first.

Normal marking procedure is as follows:

Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are small mistakes in the
substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from correct working with
values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.

Exact answers
E a i e e ha e e ha i ed ha he e, f e a e, a exact answer is asked for, or working
with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts to using rounded

Answers without working

The rubric says that these may not gain full credit. Individual mark schemes will give details of what
ha e i a ic a ca e . Ge e a ic i ha if i c d be d e i head , detailed working
would not be required. Most candidates do show working, but there are occasional awkward cases and if
the mark scheme does not cover this, please contact your team leader for advice.

Scheme Marks
(x 5) = 2 x
2 3 2
1 (a) y = 2x 10 x B1
= 6 x 2 20 x M1
dy 10
Sets = 0 6 x 2 20 x = 0 x = 0, oe dM1 A1
dx 3
(b) x 0, x M1 A1
(6 marks)
Alt (a)
= uv '+ vu ' u = 2 x2 , u ' = 4 x, v = x 5, v ' = 1 B1

dy M1
= Ax( x 5) + Bx 2

dy 10 dM1 A1
Sets =0 4 x( x 5) + 2 x 2 = 0 x = 0,
dx 3

B1 Expands to a correct form ( y = ) 2 x 2 ( x 5) = 2 x3 10 x 2
(may be implied by sight of = 6 x 2 20 x )
If a candidate uses the product rule then award this mark for correct terms for u, u’, v and v a ed

M1 Differentiated reducing a power by one on one of their terms.

If a candidate uses the product rule then look for = Ax( x 5) + Bx 2 . (Do not award for just
differentiating the factor in front of the bracket and the x 5 )

dM1 = 0 and solves a quadratic equation to find at least one solution. (Usual rules for solving a
quadratic). Values such as 0 and 3.33 to imply this mark.

It is dependent on the previous method mark. Dividing by x to find one of the solutions is also
acceptable for this mark.

Allow answers to be just written down but you may need to check these on your calculator.

A1 x = 0, oe (Must be seen in (a)
Allow if embedded within pairs of coordinates for the stationary points of C
SC If no calculus work shown then 0001 for achieving the correct x coordinates.

SC If no credit worthy work seen in (a) but they use calculus in (b) then B1M1M1 can be awarded but
withhold the A mark.
(b) Note we are now marking this on epen as M1A1
10 10
M1 One of x "0" or x " " . Allow for x "0" or x " " .
3 3
They must have only achieved a maximum of two x coordinates in (a).
Do not award for inequalities using solutions from y = 0 or if they have integrated instead.
10 10
A1 Both x 0, x . Allow both x 0, x . Ig e a j i i g a e e ch a a d , a
3 3
10 10
set notation eg. or and allow statements such as ( , 0], , . does not need to be in its
3 3
lowest terms. Isw after two correct inequality statements unless they contradict. (Eg ignore after two
10 10
correct inequalities x 0, x a statement such as 0 x but withhold the final mark if they
3 3
subsequently write 0 x )

Scheme Marks
2 (a) States or uses r = 1.02 B1
Attempts 25000 1.0213 = 32340 or 32341 or 32300 M1 A1


a ( r n 1) 25000 (1.0214 1) 125000 (1.0214 1)

(b) Attempts = or M1 A1
( r 1) 1.02 1 1.02 1

£1997 000 A1
(6 marks)

B1 States or uses r = 1.02, 102% , (1+2%) oe

M1 Attempts 25000 " r "12 or 25000 " r "13 . Allow eg r = 2 for this mark. They may show the increase
each year which is acceptable. Expect to see at least one correct increase for their r and attempting 12
or 13 increases by the same percentage. Allow a misread if 2500 or 250000 is used instead.
Awrt 31706 which is 25000 1.0212 is usually sufficient evidence for this mark.

A1 32340 (or 32341). Must be an integer. Allow 32300 which is the answer rounded to 3sf.

a (r n 1) a (1 r n )
M1 Attempts or with a = 25000 or 125000 , n = 13 or 14 and r = 1.02 or their r from
r 1 1 r
part (a).

25000(1.0214 1) 125000(1.0214 1)
A1 For or or equivalent. Awrt 1 997 000 implies this mark.
1.02 1 1.02 1

A1 1 997 000 only



M1 If they attempt to add year by year then look for 13 or 14 values being added with the first year 25000
and at least one increase year to year of 2% or their r.

A1 All 14 values seen or implied from either column 2 or 3 of the table on the next page. Allow values to
be truncated or rounded to 3 significant figures. Awrt 1 997 000 also implies this mark.

A1 1 997 000 only

n x1.02^(n-1) x5
1 25000 125000
2 25500 127500
3 26010 130050
4 26530 132651
5 27061 135304
6 27602 138010
7 28154 140770
8 28717 143586
9 29291 146457
10 29877 149387
11 30475 152374
12 31084 155422
13 31706 158530
14 32340 161701
399348 1996742

Scheme Marks
12 1 2 3
x x 12 11 x 12 11 10 x
3. (a) 1+ = 1 + 12 + + + ... M1
4 4 2 4 3! 4
33 2 55 3
= 1 + 3 x, + x + x B1, A1
8 16

x2 + 8 x
(b) 1+ =
x5 4
55 1 99
Sight of a term independent of x = " " or 8 12
C5 (= ) B1ft,
16 4 16

55 1 55 99 77 M1 A1
" " +8 12
C5 = + =
16 4 16 16 8
(6 marks)

M1 For an attempt at the binomial expansion. Score for a correct attempt at term 3 or 4.
2 3
x 12 x12
Accept sight of C2 or C3 condoning the omission of brackets. Accept any relevant
4 4
coefficient a ea i g f Pa ca ia g e. FYI 12C2 = 66 , 12C3 = 220

B1 For 1 + 3x Must be simplified. Also allow 1,3x if written as a list.

33 2 55 3
A1 For + x + x Accept +4.125x2 + 3.4375x3
8 16

(All four terms do not need to be written as a summation and may be written as a list).

55 1 99
B1ft Sight of " " or 8 12
C5 (= ) which must be independent of x
16 4 16
Most candidates do not find the additional term in the expansion of 1 + so typically would only
score a maximum of 100 in (b)

5 5
55 12 1 1
M1 For attempting to add their " " to 8 C5 or 8 792
16 4 4
A1 For oe eg 9.625

Scheme Marks
4 (a) 35 B1
2 2 2 2
(b) Attempts f =0 3 3 + +a 35 = 0 M1
3 3 3 3
( 2 + a ) = 35 a = 17 * A1*
(c) f ( x) = ( x 3) ( 3 x + x 17 ) 35 = 3 x
2 3
8x 2
20 x + 16 B1
= ( 3x 2 ) ( x 2 2 x 8) M1 A1
= ( 3 x 2 )( x + 2 )( x 4 ) M1 A1
(8 marks)


B1 35 stated

2 2
M1 Attempts to set f = 0 . Must see substituted into the expression and set equal to zero.
3 3
Condone bracket errors for this mark. They may multiply out the expression before substituting so
allow errors in the manipulation for this mark. (FYI 3x3 + x2 + ax 9 x2 3x 3a )
=0 a be implied by their working.

A1* Achieves the given answer with no incorrect work (including brackets) and at least one correct
intermediate line before proceeding to a = 17 . =0 be ee somewhere for this mark.
Eg. (2 + a) = 35 a = 17

Alt (b)
M1 Assumes a = 17 and attempts f = 0 where f ( x) = ( x 3)(3x2 + x 17) 35
A1* Achieves f = 0 with no incorrect work, at least one correct intermediate line and states hence
e e he ac edge e f he f .

B1 Multiplies out to achieve f ( x) = 3x3 8x2 20 x + 16 . This may be implied by eg (3x 2)( x2 2 x 8)

M1 Attempts to divide or factorise out (3x 2) from their cubic.

By factorisation look for 3x3 ...x2 ...x 2 = (3x 2)( x2 + kx ) k 0 or they may equate
coefficients correctly to find k.

( + 2)
x2 x..........
By division look for 3x 2 3x3 x 2 ............... (Usually x2 6 x.... )
3x3 2 x 2

There are various other methods but we should be seeing a correct method to find at least two of the
coefficients (allow ±) of their quadratic for the method mark. Send to review if unsure how to mark a

A1 Correct factors (3x 2)( x2 2 x 8) The two factors do not need to be written together eg this mark
can be awarded if the quadratic factor is seen at the top of their algebraic division.

M1 Factorises their quadratic factor of the form Ax2 + Bx + C with A, B, C 0 . Score for
( Ax2 + Bx + C ) = (dx + e)( fx + g ) where A = d f or C = e g

A1 (3x 2)( x + 2)( x 4) on one line following B1M1A1M1

2 2
isw (3x 2)( x + 2)( x 4) x = , 2, 4 and allow 3( x )( x + 2)( x 4)
3 3
Note the question says using algebra and showing each step.
f ( x) = 3x3 8x2 20 x + 16 (3x 2)( x + 2)( x 4) is 10000.
Beware f ( x) = 3x3 8x2 20 x + 16 = 0 x = , 2, 4 (3x 2)( x + 2)( x 4) is 10000
f ( x) = 3x3 8x2 20 x + 16 = 0 ( x )( x + 2)( x 4) is 10000
isw (3x 2)( x + 2)( x 4) x = , 2, 4
2 2
isw 3( x )( x + 2)( x 4) ( x )( x + 2)( x 4)
3 3

Scheme Marks


Shape or intercept at 1 M1
( 0,1)
Fully correct A1

h = 0.5 B1
(b) Area
4.25 + 16.06 + 2 ( 6.427 + 9.125 + 12.34 ) M1
= awrt 19.0 A1
4 x 4 x 4
1 1 3 2
(c) x( x 3) + dx = x2 + 3x dx = (b) x M1
2 2 2 2 2 2

= awrt 1.0 A1ft

(7 marks)


M1 For either the shape in quadrants 1 and 2 only or the y-intercept at 1. Condone slips of the pen but the
gradient should be tending to 0 as x increases. Condone (1,0) marked on the correct axis.

A1 Fully correct. Shape in quadrants 1 and 2 only with the y-intercept at 1. Condone slips of the pen
towards the x-axis but the graph should not cross the x-axis. Condone (1,0) marked on the correct axis.
For a fully correct graph its asymptote should not appear to be y = 1 . As a rule of thumb look for the
asymptote to be at least half way below its y-intercept.

Do not be too concerned about relative position of the curve in the second quadrant as long as the
curve gets steeper as x

B1 For h = 0.5 seen or implied by sight of in front of the bracket

M1 For the correct bracket structure 4.25 + 16.06 + 2 (6.427 + 9.125 + 12.34) condoning slips copying
from the table or the omission of the final bracket.
eg 0.5 (4.25 + 16.06 + 2 (6.427 + 9.125 + 12.34)
Recovery from missing brackets to achieving the correct answer can still score full marks.

A1 19.0235 but awrt 19.0 will usually score full marks

Note: The ca c a a e f he eg a 18.937 h ch A0.

Examples of mark traits where full marks are not scored:
0.5 4.25 + 16.06 + 2 (6.427 + 9.125 + 12.34) ( = 72.9065 ) is B1M0A0
0.5 4.25 + 16.06 + 2 6.427 + 9.125 + 12.34 ( = 51.4415) is B1M0A0

4 x 4 x 4
1 1 3 2
M1 For realising that x( x 3) + dx = x +
3x dx = (b) x
2 2
2 2 2
4 4
3 2
i.e. (b) x must be seen or (b) ( 3x ) dx (b) 18 for this mark. The 3x term must be
2 2 2
isolated from the rest of the integral that is identified in some way to be their part (b). There must be
some integration carried out so look for 3x ...x2 . Condone poor notation.

A1ft 1.0235 but accept awrt 1.0 or follow through on their answer or their unrounded answer from (b) 18
provided M1 has been scored.

Note: The calculator answer for the integral is 0.937 (awrt 0.9) is M0A0

Scheme Marks
6(a) Attempts line with gradient 2 and point (4, 1)
y + 1 = 2( x 4) M1
y = 2x + 7 A1
1 1 14 7
(b) y= x meets y = 2 x + 7 when x = 2 x + 7 x= ,y= oe M1 A1
2 2 5 5
2 2
14 7 36
Attempts r = 4 '' ''
+ 1 '' '' =
oe dM1 A1
5 5 5
( x 4 ) + ( y + 1) = 5 oe
2 2
(7 marks)


M1 Attempts the equation of the line with gradient 2 and point (4, 1)
Condone a slip on one of the signs of the (4, 1) . For example y 1 = 2( x 4)
If the form y = mx + c is used they must proceed as far as c = ...

A1 y = 2x + 7

Alt (a)
M1 Differentiates implicitly the equation of the circle ( x 4) 2 + ( y + 1) 2 = r 2 2( x 4) + 2( y + 1) =0
dy 1
and substitutes in =
dx 2
A1 y = 2x + 7
M1 Attempts to find where y = x meets their y = 2 x + 7 . Expect to see candidates proceed to x = ...
14 7 14 7
A1 , or any other form eg ( 2.8,1.4 ) or x = , y =
5 5 5 5
14 7
dM1 Attempts to find the distance between their , and (4, 1) i g P hag a he e . L f
5 5
an attempt to subtract the coordinates, square and add. It is dependent on the previous method mark.
Condone a slip on one of the signs.
36 36
A1 For ( r = ) or ( r 2 = ) oe
5 5
A1 ( x 4) 2 + ( y + 1) 2 = or ( x 4)2 + ( y + 1)2 = 7.2 or 5( x 4)2 + 5( y + 1)2 = 36 only

Alt (b)
M1 Substitutes y = x into ( x 4)2 + ( y + 1)2 = r 2 , i ie a d ea a ge =0
A1 5x2 28x + 68 4r 2 = 0 or 5 y 2 14 y + 17 r 2
dM1 Uses the discriminant b2 4ac = 0 and proceeds to r = ... or r 2 = ... It is dependent on the previous
method mark.
36 36
A1 For r = or r 2 =
5 5
A1 ( x 4) 2 + ( y + 1) 2 = oe eg ( x 4)2 + ( y + 1)2 = 7.2 or 5( x 4)2 + 5( y + 1)2 = 36

Note: Candidates who substitute y = 2 x + "7" into ( x 4)2 + ( y + 1)2 = r 2 and attempt the
discriminant approach will score 0 marks in (b)

Question Scheme Marks
7. (i) a 1 1
log a = log a a log a b = k M1 A1
b 2 2
(ii) log a a b 2 log a a + log a b 2 + k
= = M1 A1
log a b3 3log a b 3k

(iii) 50

( k + log b ) = 50k + (1k + 2k + 3k + ... + 50k ) or ( 2k + 3k + 4k + ... + 51k )


n =1

Uses the sum formula an AP with n = 50, d = k M1

50 50
S = 50k + ( 2k + 49k ) S = ( 2k + 51k ) A1
2 2
= 1325k A1
(7 marks)

M1 Uses log laws to achieve log a log b or eg 0.5log a log b
A1 k oe

... ...
M1 Uses correct log laws on the numerator or denominator. Score for or or sight of the
3log b 3k
numerator 2log a + log b which does not have to be part of a fraction (May be implied by 2 + k )
2+k 2 1
A1 or + do not isw
3k 3k 3


M1 Either uses the sum formula for an AP in terms of k on part or all of the expression
with n = 50, d = k , a = k or n = 50, d = k , a = 2k . It is sufficient to see the terms substituted in for this
50 50
50 50
nk = ( 2k + 49k ) or (k + nk ) = (2k + 51k ) .
n =1 2 n =1 2
n 50
You may see the equivalent sum (a + L) eg (k + 50k )
2 2
Or uses the sum formula for an AP in terms of log a b on part of the expression with
n = 50, d = log b, a = log b
log b n = ( 2 log b + 49 log b )
n =1 2
n 50
You may see the equivalent sum (a + L) = log b n = ( log b + 50 log b )
2 n =1 2

A1 A correct unsimplified answer in terms of k.
50 50
Eg. S = 50k + (2k + 49k ) or S = (2k + 51k )
2 2
A1 1325k

Scheme Marks
8 x 5 2 5 2
8 (i) dx = 4x x dx B1

2 5 1
M1 A1
= 8x + x ( + C)
4 3
2 5 2 5 5 37
4x x dx = 4+ 4 2+ =4 2 dM1 A1
2 8 4 8
1 2 1 3
(ii) x + k dx = x + kx M1 A1
2 6
6 6
1 2 1 3 9
x + k dx = 55
x + kx = 55 ( 36 + 6k ) 2
3k = 55 k = ... dM1
3 3

k= A1
(9 marks)

8 x 5 5 2
B1 For 4x 2
x (seen or implied). Ignore any +C
2x2 2
8 x 5 1
You may also see a factor of ½ taken out eg 2
8x 2 5x 2
2x 2
M1 For raising any index by one on one of their terms. Follow through on incorrect indices but do not
allow for candidates who attempt to integrate the numerator and denominators separately.

A1 Correct terms (may be unsimplified but the indices must be processed)

dM1 Substitutes 4 and 2 into an integrated function and subtracts either way round. Dependent on the
previous method mark. awrt 1.03 following B1M1A1 is sufficient evidence to award this mark.

37 32 2 37
A1 4 2 or exact equivalent (eg 4 2 4.625 or )
8 8
Note: Answer only scores 0 marks.
1 3
1 2 x
M1 Attempts to integrate x + k with one term correct unsimplified so allow eg 23 or kx1 but the
index must be processed.
1 3
A1 x + kx (allow unsimplified equivalent expressions as above)
dM1 Substitutes 6 and -3 into Ax3 + kx , subtracts, sets = 55 and proceeds to k = ... . Do not be concerned
with the mechanics of their rearrangement.

A1 k= or exact equivalent eg 1.61 b d a 1.6 1.61 1.61 .

Scheme Marks
9.(i) 3sin ( 2 10 ) =1 (2 10 ) = arcsin M1
19.47 + 10 160.53 + 10
= , dM1
2 2
= awrt 14.7 , 85.3 A1, A1
1 1
(ii) (a) Writes sin = 2sin oe M1
tan tan
2 2cos
= 3sin = 3sin 2cos = 3sin 2 * dM1 A1*
tan sin
(b) 2cos = 3sin 2
2cos = 3 (1 cos 2
) M1
3cos + 2cos 3=0 A1
2 2 40
Attempts to solve 3cos + 2cos 3=0 cos = oe dM1 A1
= 5.517 radians A1
(12 marks)

M1 For proceeding to x = arcsin which may be implied by the sight of awrt 19.5 or awrt 160.5
(Allow awrt 0.340 (radians) for this mark)

dM1 For correct order of operations leading to one answer for . May be implied by 14.7 /14.8 but
cannot be scored by adding 10 to an angle in radians but may be implied by awrt 0.257 / 0.258 rad

A1 One of = awrt 14.7 ,85.3 ignore any others.

A1 Both of = awrt 14.7 ,85.3 and no others in the range.

Note that solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable so
answers only will score 0 marks.

1 1
M1 Uses the terms of an AP to set up a correct equation. Eg sin = 2sin ,
tan tan
cos cos 1
sin = 2sin . They may also do 2 sin = 2sin sin . Condone mixed
sin sin tan
variables and poor notation for the method marks.

sin 1
dM1 Uses tan = within an equation involving ,sin & 2sin . This mark can be implied but
cos tan
do not award if they just proceed straight to the final answer. It is dependent on the previous method
cos cos
mark. A candidate starting with sin = 2sin scores M1dM1 straight away.
sin sin

A1* Proceeds to given answer with no errors or omissions. The equation must start with an equation
involving tan but see the note below for further guidance. Withold this mark for incorrect notation
eg sin 2 or if they had mixed variables on the same line. Eg and .

Note: In the example below they can score full marks as tan = is implied by their second
term listed on the first line. Had they not written these first three terms or stated somewhere in their
solution tan = in their working then we would withhold the final mark.

tan = implied here

M1 Attempts to use sin 2 + cos2 = 1 Eg. 2cos = 3sin 2 2cos = 3( 1 cos2 ) . Beware that a
candidate may use this identity in part (ii)(a) which would not gain the mark in this part.

A1 3cos2 + 2cos 3 = 0 The =0 a be i ied by later work but the terms must be collected on
one side. Evidence of this may be awarded for correct coefficients substituted into the quadratic

dM1 Attempts to solve their 3cos2 + 2cos 3 = 0 by the formula/completing the square, usual rules for
solving a 3TQ apply but do not award for attempted factorisation unless their quadratic factorises.
1 10
Award for ( cos = ) or ( cos = ) awrt 0.72 or awrt 1.4 or equivalent. You may need to
check decimal values on your calculator.

2 + 40 1 + 10
A1 ( cos =) oe (typically ( cos =) ) . Implied by ( cos = ) awrt 0.721 or
6 3
( =) awrt 5.52 radians.

A1 ( = ) awrt 5.517 radians and no others in the given range

Scheme Marks
10.(a) x = 2, y = 5 5 = 8a 12 + 6 + b M1
dy dy
= 3ax 2 6 x + 3 AND x = 2, = 7 7 = 12a 12 + 3 M1
dx dx
4 1
Solves 11 = 8a + b and 7 = 12a 9 a = ,b = A1 A1
3 3
(b) Sets = 3ax 2 6 x + 3 = 0 with their value of a and b M1
4 x2 6 x + 3 = 0 and attempts '' b2 4ac '' dM1
b2 4ac = 12 0 hence there are no turning points oe A1*
(7 marks)

M1 Substitutes x = 2, y = 5 into y = ax3 3x2 + 3x + b to get an equation in a and b (condone slips)
dy dy dy
M1 Substitutes x = 2, = 7 into = 3ax 2 6 x + 3 to get an equation in a ( must be correct)
dx dx dx
A1 a = or exact equivalent
A1 b = or exact equivalent
M1 Sets their = 0 with their value of a. This may be implied by later working.
dM1 Attempts to find b2 4ac or roots via the formula

A1* Achieves 4 x2 6 x + 3 = 0, b2 4ac = 12 and states 12 0 and so there are no turning points or
equivalent. They may attempt to solve the equation and either state that no real roots so no turning
points or achieve complex roots and state that no real roots so no turning points. Note full marks can
1 4
be scored with an incorrect value for b = but cannot be scored from an incorrect value for a =
3 3
from part (a)
Alt (b)
= 3ax 2 6 x + 3 for their value of a to achieve eg 4 ( x ...)
M1 Attempts to complete the square for
or ( 2 x ...)

2 2
3 3
dM1 4 x2 6 x + 3 = 4 x ... or 4 x 2 6 x + 3 = 2 x ...
4 2
2 2
3 3 3 3
A1* Achieves 4 x 2
6x + 3 = 4 x + or 4 x 2 6 x + 3 = 2 x + and states there are no turning
4 4 2 4
points as 0 (for all x) or equivalent.
If you see any other ways that may be credit worthy then send to review

Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom


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