This document provides a catalogue of post-World War II wargames, including rulebooks, scenarios, miniatures, and other accessories. Some of the items listed include:
- "NAM" miniature battlefronts set in Vietnam.
- "2 Para" scenarios book chronicling a British parachute regiment's battles in the Falklands War.
- Rulebooks and guides for land and naval wargames set in conflicts from the 20th century such as the Arab-Israeli Wars, Vietnam War, and Cold War gone hot scenarios.
- Miniature packs, accessories, and terrain making guides to enhance tabletop wargaming realism and experience.
This document provides a catalogue of post-World War II wargames, including rulebooks, scenarios, miniatures, and other accessories. Some of the items listed include:
- "NAM" miniature battlefronts set in Vietnam.
- "2 Para" scenarios book chronicling a British parachute regiment's battles in the Falklands War.
- Rulebooks and guides for land and naval wargames set in conflicts from the 20th century such as the Arab-Israeli Wars, Vietnam War, and Cold War gone hot scenarios.
- Miniature packs, accessories, and terrain making guides to enhance tabletop wargaming realism and experience.
This document provides a catalogue of post-World War II wargames, including rulebooks, scenarios, miniatures, and other accessories. Some of the items listed include:
- "NAM" miniature battlefronts set in Vietnam.
- "2 Para" scenarios book chronicling a British parachute regiment's battles in the Falklands War.
- Rulebooks and guides for land and naval wargames set in conflicts from the 20th century such as the Arab-Israeli Wars, Vietnam War, and Cold War gone hot scenarios.
- Miniature packs, accessories, and terrain making guides to enhance tabletop wargaming realism and experience.
This document provides a catalogue of post-World War II wargames, including rulebooks, scenarios, miniatures, and other accessories. Some of the items listed include:
- "NAM" miniature battlefronts set in Vietnam.
- "2 Para" scenarios book chronicling a British parachute regiment's battles in the Falklands War.
- Rulebooks and guides for land and naval wargames set in conflicts from the 20th century such as the Arab-Israeli Wars, Vietnam War, and Cold War gone hot scenarios.
- Miniature packs, accessories, and terrain making guides to enhance tabletop wargaming realism and experience.
BATTLEFRONT NEW 'NAM RULES £25.00 2 PARA - Skirmish Scenarios BRITTON PUBLISHERS 13 Skirmish Scenarios That Chronicle 2 Para's Struggle To Capture Goose Green During The Falklands War In The Spring Of 1982. From the Burntside House to the Darwin Schoolhouse.It is written for squad to company level rules and includes several solitaire and cooperative opportunities £28.50 ADVANCED WAR GAMES Featherstone, Donald mint pbk reprint £13.99 AGAINST THE ODDS : HEX WARGAMES MAGAZINE WITH GAME - We have quite a few ALL OUR CURRENT STOCK IS LISTED ON EBAY : If you see one you like come back to us and get a 10% Discount on the price £0.00 AIR WAR GAMES 1914-1975 Featherstone, Donald 154p mint pbk REVISED EDITION £14.99 AL-FAJR : 14 wargames scenarios based on the 2nd battle of Fallujah - For any squad to platoon level rules £18.50 ALGERIA 1954-1962 Wargame in a tin from counter-strike. colour map 200 colour pieces. Strategic game £14.99 AMBUSH Z ZOMBIE RE-INFORCEMENT Pack - Cut up your rules or use these. Adaptable & Useful for other horror skirmish rules £13.00 AMERIC: TEAM YANKEE BOOK - £12.00 AMERICA: TEAM YANKEE BOOK - £12.00 ARC OF FIRE: Squad- Company level rules 1900-2000 Fisher & Pringle excellent set of rules. 10mm-28mm back in print. Inf scenarios. plus armour etc data . Very good combined arms system £24.50 ARMIES OF OCTOBER: Armies and Weapons of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War Chadwick, Frank A comprehensive study of the belligerent armies available under a single cover. For the armies of Israeli, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinian Liberation Army. The Armies of October features: Army organization Doctrinal strengths and weaknesses Detailed notes on equipment holdings Order of battle down to the battalion level For Command Decision players we also include game organizations from division to battalion level and a complete list of weapons and combat vehicles with all game statistics. £27.50 BAR-LEV , THE 1973 ARAB-ISRAELI WAR - DELUXE THIRD EDITION - COMPASS GAMES - £110.00 BATTLE FOR BRITAIN: Peter Dennis Paper soldiers See under individual title (1066 : WARS OF THE ROSES: ENGLISH CIVIL WAR) £0.00 BATTLE NOTES FOR WARGAMERS: Solo Wargaming edition Featherstone, Donald F. Don Featherstone presents fifteen small battles suitable for table top gaming. Many maps and diagrams, index, several appendix. £12.50 BATTLE OF HUE: MODERN WAR Volume 48 - Magazine with free tactical military game. £36.50 BATTLEFIELDS IN MINIATURE: Making Realistic and Effective Terrain for Wargames Davies, Paul 256p. All colour ill. MInt hbk The terrain makers handbook £25.00 BATTLEFIELDS: Partizan Press' Wargames scenarios magazine Bumper bundle 3 issue random sample. All periods covered Inc gaming ideas etc A4 glossy, ill inc colour £11.50 Battlegroup Centag Supplement Book Plastic Soldier Company. Includes new army lists for US, West Germans, Dutch, Canadian, Danish, Warsaw Pact (East Germans, Poles and Czechs), Soviet Naval Infantry and Soviet Airborne, plus a new Airborne Assault scenario £19.80 BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG: COLD WAR GOES HOT 1983 -- 10mm scale . Note the we have a huge range of 10mm vehicles & figures suitable for these rules on the Minfigs £19.50 BATTLES WITH MODEL TANKS 1914-1975 Featherstone & Robinson 130p. modern pbk reprint £12.99 BEAR MARCHES WEST - 12 wargame scenarios set during a fictional Warsaw Pact invasion of West Germany in the 1980s. All the scenarios are based on battles depicted in well-known novels, and are designed to be used with whatever rules the players wish. £14.99 BEAR WENT OVER THE MOUNTAIN : SOVIET COMBAT TACTICS IN AFGHANISTAN Grau, L W 220p. maps 47 various small unit actions £25.00 BELLOLUDI : BIG Battle Fog of War cards Main set of cards for the whole series- Useful for any set of rules for hat Fog of War feel £17.50 BLACK OPS : TACTICAL ESPIONAGE WARGAMING Bowers, Guy Modern skimish gaming rules: Historical, semi historical and hollywood £10.00 BLACK OPS: OSPREY RULES Guy Bowers £10.00 BLUE WATER NAVY , THE WAR AT SEA - MEDIUM COMPLEXITY - 2 PLAYERS COMPASS GAMES - £99.50 BOHICA : Vietnam Skirmish rules Eaglestone, Paul 80p. large format all colour pbk. A Joint Partizan Press/Empress Miniatures venture, Bend Over, Here It Comes Again is designed for platoon size actions for figures of any scale. Includes rules for the nasty surprises you'd expect, and practice scenarios £18.50 BOLT ACTION : KOREA SUPPLEMENT WARLORD GAMES SHIPPING NOW £16.95 BORDER RAID: PILLAGE IN PROSCRASTOR. A MINI CAMPAIGN WITH A DIFFERENCE Grant, Charles 80p. large format v well ill inc. colour. Latest in the series. Free play campaign. As ever, a C18th background but useful for any period you fancy. THis volume is particulary transferable to WWII/Modern skirmish rules as it comprises small scale actions with small forces. £18.50 BROTHERHOOD & UNITY - WAR IN THE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 1992-1995 - COMPASS GAMES COMPASS GAMES - £67.00 Bruce Quarrie's Tank Battles in Miniature Volume 5: A Wargamer's Guide to the Arab-Israeli Wars 1948-1973 Quarries, Bruce classic reprint £13.99 CD ROM BACK ISSUES FOR MINIATURE WARGAMES MAGAZINE- ISSUES 1 -25 - Fully printable. Others available- see MINIATURE WARGAMES under magazones £16.50 CD ROM BACK ISSUES FOR MINIATURE WARGAMES MAGAZINE- ISSUES 301-325 - - £16.50 CD ROM BACK ISSUES FOR MINIATURE WARGAMES - 12 different E mail us for detials EACH £16.50 CHARLIE DON'T SURF: Vietnam wargames rules from Two Fat Lardies 6mm-28mm - - £19.50 CHECK YOUR SIX : JET AGE AIR WAR KOREA - Scenario & campaign book £19.50 CHECK YOUR SIX : JET AGE AIR COMBAT & CAMPAIGN RULES Fisher, Scott 2 or more players; 4 - 6 aircraft per side £27.50 CHECK YOUR SIX JET AGE : CRISIS IN KASHMIR : 1965 India Vs Pakistan - scenario & campiagn book. 19 scenarios £23.50 Cherkassy Pocket: Encirclement at Korsun : Decision Games Unpunched very slightly worn box . Hex board war games £39.50 CLASS WARGAMES : Ludic Subversion Against Spectacular Capitalism Barbrook, Richard 330p. ill. Fascinating account of the influence of Debord's Game of War; the activities of Class Wargames & their demonstration games; reports of battles and ideas for scenarios and games. Recommended for the thinking Wargamer £21.50 COLD WAR COMMANDER : wargaming 1946 onwards Blitzkreig commander variant. Battle from the First Indo-China War right up to the present day using miniatures on a tabletop. Command anything from a company right up to a division and get a result in 2-3 hours without becoming bogged-down in detail. Suitable for any scale miniatures from 2mm right up to 28mm and no re-basing required. £27.50 COLD WAR GONE HOT : Force on Force supp 4 2nd hand copy only £17.50 COLD WAR: QUARTERMASTER GENERAL BOARD GAME PLASTIC SOLDIER COMPANY Board game £45.00 COLOURS OF WAR - FLAMES OF WAR / TEAM YANKEE PAINTING GUIDE - FW918 BATTLEFRONT MINIATURES - £15.00 COMMAND AT SEA: 4th edition rule books loose leaf £17.50 CONFLICT EUROPE 1981: BATTLE FOR BAD HERSEFELD Large format pbk 12 scenarios, maps, orbats plus background. Ideal for any WWIII Cold war gone hot rules, though designed for the elusive FIREBALL FORWARD. £27.50 CONGO: Darkest Africa rules from Studio Tomahawk Glossy Rules and Card. template pack. You will need around 30 figures to play the game. In addition to the various troops at your disposal, you will be able to add some larger than life and colourful characters as a newspaper correspondant, a big game hunter, the colonel’s daughter, a withdoctor or a tribal warchief. £32.50 CONTACT : Canadian Army Tactical Training Wargame - Warsaw Pacts Vs Nato rules , based on WRG modern; for 6mm, 10mm & 12mm wargaming designed to illustrate smal unit tactics. large forfmnat mint pbk £10.00 CONTACT FRONT : MODERN WARFARE RULES 92p. All colour illus. large fomat pbk. Any scale of figures. Platoon level skirmish rules for the early C21st £28.50 CONTACT! skirmish wargames rules 1946 - 2006 and beyond - 96p inc From the author of BRITISH GRENADIER Partizan Press. Special Offer was 20 now just 13.50 £13.50 CRUSADERS OVER 'NAM 1966-1968 - CHECK YOUR 6 - JET AGE - 11 Scenarios for CHECK YOUR 6 - JET AGE £22.50 DARK GUEST : Training Games For Cyber Warfare : Wargaming Internet Based Attacks Curry, J 122p. 4 table top games for cyber warfare education. £14.99 DESPATCHES NO.1 - SCENARIOS AND RULES FOR SKIRMISH SANGIN DISHDASH GAMES - £20.00 DESPATCHES NO.2 - SCENARIOS AND RULES FOR SKIRMISH SANGIN DISHDASH GAMES - £20.00 Discovering Wargames Series and Bill Lamming's Medieval Campaign and Battle Rules: Early Wargaming Rules Volume 5 Tunstill & Lamming 172p. more rules than you can shake an average dice at £12.99 DON FEATHERSTONE'S BATTLE NOTES FOR WARGAMERS - Solo Wargaming Edition Featherstone, d 112p. THis classic book reprinted with extra note for solo gaming and surprise elements . pbk £12.50 DONALD FEATHERSTONE'S LOST TALES Featherstone, Donald Inc 12 sets of wargames rules 300BC-1945 0p-lus never before published military & wargaming remininscences £13.99 DOOMSDAY PROJECT: Episode One, The Battle For Germany 1982 Compass Games, Hexboard wargame. 1-4 players, HIGH solitaire, 54x40" map. 12KM to the Hex £99.95 Duke Seifried and the Development of American Miniature Wargaming Including Duke's Melee (1960) and Jim Getz's Napoleoniq - mint pbk £13.99 FATE OF A NATION: ARAB ISRAELI WAR RULES - Battlefront s latest supplement. Inside you will find: - This history of the Six Day War. - The options to field an Israeli P'lugah Tank'kim (Tank Company), P'lugah Ch'ir Mamochan (Motorised Infantry Company), or a P'lugah Tzanhanim (Paratrooper Company). - The options to field a Unit Arab Republic (Egyptian) Kateybat Debabbat (Tank Battalion) or a Kateybat Moshaa (Infantry Company) dug in behind deep minefields and barbed wire. - The options to field a Jordanian Sareya Mudara'aa (Armoured Squadron) or a Sareyat Mosha'aa (Infantry Company). - An in-depth Middle Eastern terrain guide. - A helpful Arab-Israeli Wars painting guide. £22.50 FESTIVE RULES BUNDLE 3) A Random selection of 5 wargame rule sets 1900 to 2000 all from a variety of publishers- may even contain a Hardback. Something to peruse on Boxing Day! £29.95 Flames of War Vietnam TOUR OF DUTY 1965-1971 This new 132 page Softback Sourcebook allows players to recreate some of the iconic battles of the Vietnam War on the tabletop in 15mm scale. Specifically outlined is the Battle of Ia Drang, the fighting in the Iron Triangle, the Battle of the Fire Base Coral, and Operation Lam Son 719. In full-colour, this book icontains an informative history of the conflict overall and each specific battle, it is packed with full-colour artwork, illustrations and maps as well as Army Lists for US, PAVN, ANZAC and ARVN forces. £15.50 FOX TWO REHEAT Wargames Rules for Modern Air combat 1950-Present A&A - £8.00 FREE NATIONS - TEAM YANKEE - FW914 - BATTLEFRONT Hardback supplement, contains background on the 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, French Armee de terre, the Netherlands 1. Korps, and the Australian and New Zealand ANZAC Brigade. Three scenarios featuring the forces of Free Nations. A detailed painting guide to help you prepare your army £13.00 FROM GOLAN TO SINAI : THE arab-Israeli wars 1956-1973 - supplement to CLASH OF ARMOR RULES. Inc 6 scenarios £19.50 FUTURE WAR COMMANDER RULES FEW ONLY £25.00 GUIDE TO MAKING & PAINTING MDF Laser Cut MDF Model Kits - - £18.99 HARD CITY: Noir Roleplaying rules 155p. mint Hardback. In Hard City, character creation is swift and simple, generating competent yet flawed individuals and focusing on what sets them apart as they walk the fine line between right and wrong. Fast action resolution places the emphasis on the momentum of the plot, while the sandbox setting provides evocative hooks for adventures - fight crooks, rescue the innocent, thwart blackmail plots (or start them!), or uncover corruption in the Mayor's office. £14.50 HIGHWAY FM: Modern near future Vehicle Combat / Dropwing SKirmish wargames rules £9.50 HILL BATTLES: KHE SANH, VIETNAM SCENARIOS OMM 12 SCENARIOS for Vietnam skirmish wargaming. £20.00 HIND COMMANDER: Modern Helicopter Warfare in miniature Rules for Copter on Copter ; ground assualt; etc. Any scale of figures (Minifigs N Gauge modern helicopters would be perfect) £27.50 HISTORICAL GAMER : US wargames mag Nice little miniature mag- usual mix of stuff. Flourished in the early 1990s BUMPER BUNDLE of 5 Random issue £10.00 HISTORICAL GAMER MAGAZINE 5) : US Glossy miniatures mag Ancient Romans; Gangster, Omaha scenario etc £5.00 HISTORICAL GAMER MAGAZINE US Glossy miniatures mag SEE MAGAZINE SECTION OF WEBSITE FOR BACK ISSUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS £0.00 HOW TO PAINT MINIATURES FOR WARGAMES - Ammo By Mig Softcover, 168 pages with high-quality colour photographs. In this book, Ruben Torregrosa and numerous guest authors introduce you to some of the most popular miniature painting techniques among wargaming fans, ranging from the simplest methods using a single colour for each element of the figure, to the most elaborate in which five layers are applied to create the illusion of depth by playing with light and shadow. Both the novice and experienced fans will find this title useful for discovering new techniques or perfecting those already being used. £37.50 HOW TO PLAY WAR GAMES IN MINATURE Joseph Morschauser 126p. Mint facsimile reprint of this pioneering Wargame set from 1962. ill £12.95 HOW TO... A GUIDE TO MODELLING 1) Published by Wargames Illustrated . 14 re-vamped articles about building and Terrain modelling £4.50 HOW TO..... A GUIDE T0 MODELLING 1) - Published by Wargames Illustrated . 14 re-vamped articles about building and Terrain modelling £4.50 INNOVATIONS IN WARGAMING 1) DEVELOPMENTS IN PROFESSIONAL & HOBBY WARGAMES Curry, J (ed) This book is about some of the key innovations in wargaming. - TEWT, Kriegspiel; Designing wargames rules; Imperial Staff games £14.99 KALT KRIEG OHNE HASS : Cold War without Hate Flint, L Cold world variant of the well received WWII rules. ANy scale up to 15mm, could be used for larger 28mm £8.00 KEVIN DALLIMORE PAINTING AND MODELLING GUIDE ; MASTER CLASS Large format full colour essential guide- and eye candy of course NEAR MINT COPY (sorry, couldn't bring myself to call it Wargamer's Porn!) £59.50 KONFLIKT '47 Latest set of wargames rules from Warlord Games. Bolt Action, but with Mechs. Available to preorder £25.00 KONFLIKT 47 Konflikt 47 is a standalone game inspired by the hugely successful Bolt Action, adding to the core rules that many gamers are familiar with from Bolt Action, Konflikt 47 allows the addition of completely new types of units and models to existing 28mm Bolt Action armies and the creation of completely new forces set in the alternate future of 1947. Konflikt 47 will also give you the option to include £27.50 LANDSCAPES OF WAR: THE GREATEST GUIDE - DIORAMAS VOL. 1 - 112p. large format. full colour The most life like natural landscapes in scale of the most known combat environment sceneries.Trees, rocks, water, beaches, snow, and ice are depicted as never has been done. A complete research of the products available on the market in order to achieve the maximum realism in the shortest time. £21.50 LEOPARD - WEST GERMAN ARMY SUPPLEMENT FOR TEAM YANKEE Latest supplement provides info for fielding West German forces £10.00 LEOPARD - WEST GERMAN ARMY SUPPLEMENT FOR TEAM YANKEE £10.00 Lionel Tarr's Modern Wargaming Rules 1939-1945: The First Modern Wargamer - Classic rules, with previoulsy unpublished material on the Eastern front campaign. £12.50 Little Cold Wars : Wargaming the Cold War Using Toy Soldiers Gow, T Brings H G WELLS up to date, well, up to the 1980s £12.50 LITTLE WARS : A GAME FOR BOYS Wells, H G 110p. Ill facsimile pbk of the 1913 ed With an appendix on Kriegspiel £14.99 LIVING ON THE FRONT LINE : A Winter of '79 Game- RULES for Civil war in the Disunited Kingdom By Mike Bradford from a concept by Mike Hannam and Matthew Sparkes. Any scale of figures. A4 glossy skirmish rules for an alternative late seventies & early eighties. Play Civilian Vs Military, Military Vs Military. Start your own breakway group, fight to control you own part of the crumbling UK. The rules are also the core set for a series of £17.50 LIVING ON THE FRONTLINE : WILD GEESE SCENARIOS & RULES FOR MODERN AFRICAN GAMING Wayne Bollands. Large format full colour. Modern African scenarios . For any system Includes The Basci rules from LOTFL plus special in country add ons £17.50 LIVING ON THE FRONTLINE- A VIEW OF THE DISUNITED KINGDOM - Winter of 79 game supplement Bollands, Wayne. A4 glossy supplement background with additional rules £17.50 LONG ROAD SOUTH: The Vietnam War - small unit skimish rules 15-28mm. Supplement to SEEK OUT, CLOSE WITH AND DESTROY £19.50 M1 Abrams Tank (Images of War) Green 184p. all colour photos £9.50 MAALINTII RANGERS - BATTLE BOOK 1 FOR SKIRMISH SANGIN DISHDASH GAMES - £20.00 MAGAZINE FOR WARGAMERS - 6 RANDOM COPIES A4 magazine UK 1980s Covered all periods. £10.00 Making Terrain and Buildings for Historical War Games Hall & Sutherland near mint pbk 1 only £37.50 MAN AMONG MEN: Rhodesian Bush war 1964-1979 - Scenario and gaming supplement for post war skirmish rules, in particular SEEK OUT CLOSE & DESTROY £12.50 MASTER SECRETS OF WARGAMES DESIGN: Volume 5: A Tabletop Toolkit of Ideas, Analysis, and Rule Mechanics The fifth volume in the series offers 13 articles detailing the nuts and bolts of wargame design, with suggestions for scenario balancing, rules ideas, and rules mechanics to punch up your wargaming in all eras. These can be used as-is, or adapted for published and homebrew miniatures and boardgame rule £16.99 MATCHLOCK MINIATURES CATALOGUE 10mm - 40mm - Printed catalogue, SOME B &W & Colour illustrations. (Inc MINIFIGS 12mm/ N Gauge; Forgotten Front ; Two Dragons; MDS; RPG Manufacturing; HLBSC 40mm Old West; Naval £2.50 MATRIX GAMES FOR MODERN WARGAMING Developments in Professional and Educational Wargames Innovations in Wargaming Curry & Price 5 matrix games: Falklands; Yugslavia; Crisis in the Crimea; Civil war in Syria; Peace keeping in AFghanistan. A manual to help devlop and run matrix games £12.50 MAYHEM: WASTELAND WARRIORS 2 Hour Wargames Gang warfare in the C21st skirmish rules £8.99 MEAN STREETS: RULES FOR WAR IN GANG INFESTED CITIES C19th- 21st - 28mm skirmish rules Large format pbk £19.50 MEIN PANZER: 01-202 Korean War Data Book 20th-21st CENTURY COMBINED ARMS WARFARE Any scale from 1/300th to 15mm £14.50 MEIN PANZER: 01-303 Scenario Pack #3, Post WW2 Any scale from 1/300th to 15mm and USEABLE FOR ANY RULES 12 Scenarios ARab-israeli: Korea; Indo China £9.50 MEIN PANZER: Korean War Data Book - Supplement to this great set of 20th-21st CENTURY COMBINED ARMS Rules Any scale from 1/300th to 15mm £20.00 MEIN PANZER: Mein Panzer Core System 20th-21st CENTURY COMBINED ARMS WARFARE Any scale from 1/300th to 15mm £28.50 MILITARY HOBBIES : 1990's magazine - wargames, modelling re-enactment. 5 random samples £10.00 MILITARY MODELLING MAGAZINE 1971 ISSUES 1-12 In original binder 1 set only. Pure Nostalgia. I'd forgotten that they had wargames and figures in from almost the start £75.00 MINIATURE WARGAMES - Longest running wargames mag on the market. Bumper bundle of 5 Random issues £10.00 MODELS FOR WARGAMERS Volume 3 Harwood, Tony 112p. Large format all colour photos. Guide to scratch building: Inc Mausoleums & Tombs, Forges, Barns, Hover Tanks: STeampink Planes, Watch towers, etc etc £17.50 MODERN AFRICA SKIRMISH WARGAMES SCENARIOS 1 SOMALIA INTERVENTION -7 games based on BLACK HAWK DOWN £15.00 MODERN AFRICA SKIRMISH WARGAMES SCENARIOS 2 MARINE - 11 scenarios. easily convertable to any modern skirmish rules £15.00 MODERN AFRICA SKIRMISH WARGAMES SCENARIOS 3 TEARS - SEAL OPERATIONS IN NIGERIA. 8 scenarios £15.00 MODERN AFRICA: Rules for modern skirmish battles on the dark continent Martelle, C skirmish rules- 20mm-54mm. Inc air cover and artillery £16.50 MODERN SPEARHEAD RULES - latest edition now out £31.50 MODERN WAR 38: SOYUZ -81: Soviet Invasion of Poland - Magazine based strategic Hex board game £28.50 MODULATIONS AND LIGHT TECHNIQUES - 100p al colour ill. Lighting techniques for dioramas £21.50 MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS CARD DECK: SEE - Redcoats & Tomahawks Card Deck - £7.75 MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS : REDCOATS AND TOMAHAWKS Supplement - £12.00 MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS : TOKEN SET - £7.75 MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS : 2nd edition £25.00 NAVAL SITREP - 4 random issues of the Modern & WWII naval wargames mag. Largely for CLASH OF ARMS games, contaisn useful tecvh and scenario info for any rules £15.00 NAVAL SITREP : C20th & C21 st naval wargames magazine from clash of ARms SEE MAGAZINE SECTION OF WEBSITE FOR BACK ISSUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS £0.00 NAVAL SITREP 46 : AIRCRAFT OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR special Bond, Larry Magazine for the Clash of arms series of games. QUick guide to all types with specs. 9 pages of 32. Inc other articles £4.25 NAVAL WARGAMES Featherstone, Donald mint pbk reprint £15.99 NEW KOREAN WAR CRISIS: 12 Scenarios - Modern Skirmish scenarios for any rules. £16.50 NUTS: FIRE IN KOREA - Korean war supplement for the very well received NUTS WWII skirmish rules. SCenarios; campaign game . Good solo play £14.50 OIL WAR : FW917 - team yankee BATTLEFRONT MINIATURES - £13.00 ONE HOUR WARGAMES: Practical Tabletop battles for those with limited time & Space Thomas Mint pbk. 150p. Rules & Scenarios for skirmish wargames £12.99 One-hour Skirmish Wargames: Fast-play Dice-less Rules for Small-unit Actions from Napoleonics to Sci-Fi Lambshead, John he basic rules are supported by sections which give special rules and scenarios to capture the flavour of a range of different periods £10.00 OPERATION FULL MOON : Skirmish scenarios for the 1973 Arab-Israeli war Large format pbk Colour maps. 40 scenarios of various sizes and type; Tank vs Tank, Infantry vs infantry plus combined arms attack and defense. From the initial Egyptian assault on the Bar-Lev Line to the battle at the Chinese Farm, the players will enjoy 40 meticulously researched scenarios that cover both the Sinai and Golan fronts. £37.50 OPERATION STRYKER DENIAL Lacy, Bennett P 12 Scenarios based on the siege of Sadr City - Britton publishing. Scenarios for the Allied invasion of Iraq in 2004. Any scale of figure and any set of rules £18.50 OPFOR 1985-2020 : Modern Divisional Combat supplement. 6mm-28mm PANZER KORPS RULES VARIANT- You will need the rules. Inc artillery & Airborne, Command structures, Comprehensive vehicle lists, air support and 2 scenarios £23.50 OSPREY JOURNAL - A4 all colour glossy military mag. now defunct random sample £3.50 Paddy Griffith's Counter Insurgency Wargames - 90p. large format pbk. 3 counter-insurgency wargames as used by te British Army in the late 70's £12.99 PAINTING WAR 12 - SPECIAL BASES - BP1825 The issue will show more than 23 different bases, covering different themes such as sci-fi, fantasy and historical. The bases have been classified into 3 difficulty levels so that the reader can know the complexity of each base before starting to work on them. To finish the issue, some quick base creation techniques are shown, allowing you to get decent bases in record time. £10.00 PAINTING WARGAME TANKS 2nd edition. Torregrosa & Jimenez 90p large fomat. All full colour photos Suitable for 10mm, 15mm, 28mm £25.00 PAINTING WARGAMES FIGURES see PARTIZAN PRESS WARGAMERS PAINTING GUIDE - £0.00 PAINTING WARGAMING FIGURES Javier Gomez 192p. v wel ill in colour. SHIPPING NOW. El Mercinario - A highly talented figure painter of long experience and excellent reputation, shares the secrets of his success in this accessible 'how-to' guide to painting miniatures. £14.99 PAINTS: Your complete guide to painting wargames miniatures - Wargames Illustrated special issue. large format all colour 72 pages. A must for any gamer, no matter how good an artist they are! £5.95 PARTIZAN PRESS GUIDE TO SOLO WARGAMING Asquith, S 100p. v well ill inc col. 2nd edition of this classic guide to the various aspects of playing with yourself- with wargames figures of course!. scenarios- campaigns , rules etc £18.50 PERSIAN INCURSION - a Clash of arms/ Harpoon 4 game 1 only - Persian Incursion explores the political and military effects of an Israeli military campaign against Iran. It uses rules adapted from Harpoon 4 to resolve the military action. But its goal is to look beyond the military action by modeling the political and intelligence actions and consequences of a potential political conflict by including a card-based diplomatic/political component to the game. £65.00 PETER PERLA'S ART OF WARGAMING: A Guide for Professionals and Hobbyists Perla, Peter edited by John Curry This reprint book covers professional military wargames and recreational wargames from perspective of professional wargaming in the defence industry and as a gaming hobbyist. £19.50 PIQUET MASTER WARGAMES RULES Main rule set that you require for all the period supplements £15.00 PIQUET: THEATRE OF WAR Campaign system £20.00 PORTABLE WARGAMES: Simple rules for small gaming Cordery Large coffee table/ Small dinner table games on squares or hexes. Inc solo play £5.99 PRACTICAL WARGAMING Wesencraft, C mint pbk reprint £13.99 PROGRAMMED WARGAME SCENARIOS FOR SOLO & MULTIPLAYER GAMES: 2nd edition Grant, C & Grant, C S 166p. revised and expanded edition of this sought after essential wargaming companion 19 scenarios and 2 mini campaigns suitable for any period and fantasy games £29.50 PUSAN TO PANMUNJOM: A Wargamer's guide to the Korean War Hannam Background, idea and unofficial amendments to RAPID FIRE rules. A5 £12.50 RED DAWN AIRBORNE ASSAULT MISSION PACK - £9.00 RED STAR, BURNING STREETS The Allied Defense of West Berlin, 1983 Weiser, Jason 60p. Large format. v well illus. Background, Orbats, Scenarios, maps etc for THE ZONE Skirmish Rules, but compatible with any COLD WAR GONE HOT skirmish rules £17.50 REDCOATS AND TOMAHAWKS Supplement for Muskets & Tomahawks covering the armies that fought in the: French Indian War. American War of Independance. The War of 1812. £12.00 RHODESIAN BUSH WAR : 10 Skirmish & Company Level wargames scenarios - large format. col ill. maps & scenario details £16.50 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: ARMOURED ASSAULT: RULES OF ENGAGEMENT armour supplement - 52p. large format. tank supplement £11.50 RUMOURS OF WAR & INFERNAL MACHINES Gannon C USAAF future war planning conferences & science fiction writers. £19.50 SCENARIOS FOR ALL AGES 150p. ill. 50 scenarios for wargaming Charle S Grant & Stuart Asquith PBK £16.99 SEA BATTLE GAMES 1650 - 1950 Dunn, P Reprint & revised edition of these classic rules for the essential naval periods £15.99 SECRETS OF WARGAME DESIGN 4) CAMPAIGN SECRETS Simon. Wally Tabletop ideas- Largely colonila- BRitish & AWI- but useful for any period £17.50 SECRETS OF WARGAME DESIGN Volume 3 SOLO SECRETS SImons, Wally Tabletop kit of ideas, analysis & rules mechanic. Latest in the very popular practical wargaming series. £17.50 SECRETS OF WARGAME DESIGN 2) MORE SECRETS : A Tabletop Toolkit of Ideas, Analysis, and Rule Mechanics SImon. Wally : A Tabletop Toolkit of Ideas, Analysis, and Rule Mechanics 44p large format £17.50 SEEK OUT, CLOSE WITH AND DESTROY: Modern battle supplement for DISPOSABLE HEROES rules Infantry & Vehicle supplement. Inc Falklands & Somalia scenarios £23.00 SEVEN DAYS TO THE RIVER RHINE RULEBOOK PLUS CARD DECK - GREAT ESCAPE GAMES GREAT ESCAPE GAMES - £14.50 SHOOTING STARS II Space combat, dogfight & fleet action rules £7.50 SIMULATING WAR: STUDYING CONFLICT THROUGH SIMULATION GAMES Sabin, Dr P 362p , ill hbk. AMong other great stuff it allows you to design your own games, and uses extensive examples from Ancient warfare & WWII INCLUDES 8 illutsrative reday to play simulations £17.50 SKIRMISH AFRIKA - FANTASY AFRIKA SUPPLEMENT FOR SKIRMISH SANGIN DISHDASH GAMES - £35.00 SKIRMISH CAMPAIGNS Screaming Eagles at Hamburger Hill - Vietnam wars scenarios £17.99 SKIRMISH ELITE - SCREAMING EAGLES AT HAMBURGER HILL 101st Airborne vs the 29th NVA Regiment, Vietnam 1969. Skirmish Campaign Scenarios from Mark Fastoso £21.00 SKIRMISH SANGIN : PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY - SCENARIOS DISHDASH GAMES Modern skirmish gaming £25.00 SKIRMISH SECRETS OF WARGAMES DESIGN 6) : A Tabletop toolkit of ideas, Analysis and Rules Simon, Wally skirmish rules and ideas from a variety of periods £18.50 SKIRMISH WARGAMING Featherstone, Donald mint 11 scenarios . This edition includes 2 new scenarios & notes on Solo Wargaming. Mint pbk reprint £12.99 SKULL DICE: 15 Bone Coloured, 5 Black - 20 x 6 sided dice in a tin £9.95 SKYHAWK : Rolling Thunder 1966 Solitaire game Skyhawk is a game which puts the player in the cockpit of an A-4E Skyhawk of VA-72 flying missions during the early days of Operation Rolling Thunder. Your base of operations is the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt on duty at Yankee Station. You play as a Navy pilot flying strike missions against targets in North Vietnam. Medium complexity High Solo. £73.50 SNIPERS: DUCK DODGE & SHOOT - 1:1 skirmish rules Birdseye, J Great little skirmsh game for club night or demo games at shows by US veteran £11.99 SOLDAT II : historical miniature wargaming rules 1900 -1955 - 1:1 scale skirmish rules Largely infantry combat. Inc 26 WWII scenarios £19.50 SOLO WARGAMING Featherstone, Donald mint pbk reprint £12.99 SOME CORNER OF A FOREIGN FIELD : ULTRA-MODERN SKIRMISH RULES Moran. Matt Superb Back of a fag packet rules set- well. double sided A4. Written for squads of 4-15 models a side fighting at danger close ranges of 400m or less. ANything from Post WWII onwards £3.25 SPECTRE OPERATIONS: MODERN SKIRMISH GAMING - The game mechanics within this book are realistic, fast paced and quick to learn, optimised for 2+ players with 4 - 40+ miniatures each side. . 152 page softback A4 rulebook, full colour throughout. This is the second edition of Spectre: Operations, released in 2019. £25.00 SPRAWLING WARGAMES : Multiplayer wargaming Griffith, Paddy 260p How to create large-scale multiplayer games- either in large halls or on the internet. Includes examples played at the Imperial war museum and Sandhurst £14.99 STALIN'S WORLD WAR III - A SWEEPING TWO-FRONT WAR IN 1953 COMPASS GAMES - £80.00 STEALTH INVASION Ukrainian Crisis large format. 10 scenarios. illus. the 2014 Ukrainian Crisis in squad- to company-level scenarios. These scenarios are not written with any specific rules in mind, and they should work well with most commercially available sets. £18.50 STORY OF ESCI 1967-2000 carbonel v well ill pbk £14.99 STRAIGHT LINE LASER POINTER GBFG050 Avoid those unnecessary line of site arguments £6.50 Stress of Battle: Quantifying Human Performance in Battle for Historical Analysis and Wargaming Rowland, D . 230p Incredibly useful for C20th wargames rules writers, Also includes a section on Cavalry charges. 230p Incredibly useful for C20th wargames rules writers, Also includes a section on Cavalry charges. The large number of diagrams make the analysis clear and although the book is based around statistics, no in-depth maths is needed to understanding the conclusions. £14.95 TABLE TOP BATTLES FIRST EDITION - A FEW LEFT . very well received SIMPLE rules for any era. 6-28mm figs. Inc sea Siege: Campaign: fantasy, Solo wargaming and Aerial combat Uses a grid based system £7.50 TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS DELUXE: Techniques for Wargaming Success- Full Colour Combined Edition: This deluxe full colour edition of Tabletop Battle Tactics brings together the content of books 1 and 2 in the series, but renders the stunning photographs, maps and diagrams in full colour. Moreover, there is now additional content, with a gallery of inspiring games and an additional scenario featuring pirates and Royal Marines on a tropical island! £25.00 Tabletop Battle Tactics: Techniques for Wargaming Success: Book 1: Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Basics Hyde, Henry. 50p large format pbk. The content spans the globe, launching you from ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium, soaring across medieval and renaissance Europe, and taking in the conflicts of more recent times that might be in Russia, the Western Desert, Iraq or Afghanistan. £10.00 Tabletop Battle Tactics: Techniques for Wargaming Success: Book 2: Theory into Practice Hyde, Henry. 40p Large fromat pbk. In this volume, you get to put into practice all the theory learned in the first book, pitting yourself against a determined enemy in challenging circumstances! Whether your period of choice is ancients, horse and musket, the Second World War or even fantasy or sci-fi, you'll discover plenty of gaming fun in these pages. £10.00 TABLETOP WARGAMES: A DESIGNERS' & WRITERS' HANDBOOK Priestley, Rick & Lambshead, John 150p.wel ill. Much more than just a guide to writing wargames rules!! Essential reading for any wargamer £13.50 TACSPIEL: American Army Wargaming rules for the Vietnam War 1966 - large format pbk reprint of these training set £16.99 Tanks: The Modern Age Starter Set-M1 vs T-64, - Gales force nine/Battlefront - MINT STARTER SET + 1 MODERN Land vehicle code of your choice £19.99 Team Yankee RED DAWN - £13.95 TEAM YANKEE -SOVIET - WW3-04 £12.00 TEAM YANKEE : WEST GERMAN BOOK & UNIT CARD BUNDLE New 2021 West German army book & Unit cards- one lot of postage £22.50 TEAM YANKEE: AMERICA - £10.50 TEAM YANKEE: WEST GERMAN SOURCE BOOK WW3-05 WWIII - Like new Hardback 88 pages at a bargain Price £7.50 TERRAIN ESSENTIALS: A Book about making Wargaming Terrain Bose, Mel. 200pages full colour large format hardback. Hedges & Trees, Rocks & Hills, water ponds & Waterfalls, Houses £32.50 THE NAM : Squad level rules for gaming the War in Vietnam Bollands, Wayne 60p. large format full colour. By using simple to understand mechanics, such as playing cards and 'dice shifting', it is possible to simulate any of the troops who did the fightin` and a-dyin` a long way away from home or amongst their own cities and villages. The rules attempt to embrace all the combatants who played a part in the war on both sides, from the Viet Cong guerrilla to the contributions made by Australia, South Korea and others (see 'Falling Dominoes' supplement). The aim is the use of 28mm-sized figures, but 15 - 20mm miniatures may also be used with no real changes needing to be made. The game is focussed upon platoon level actions, although it should be possible to scale up or down as required (company to rifle squad). £18.95 THE ZONE : THE COLD WAR TURNS HOT- SKIRMISH WARGAMING IN THE LATE C20th Wayne Bolland. Large format full colour paperback. Based on the highly playable rules devised for the Winter of 79 British Civil war series by Mike Bradford. Squad level gaming, 15mm-28mm and above NATO Vs WARSAW PACT IN THE 198Os £18.50 Third World War : Designer Signature Edition BOard wargame Chadwick, Frank Compass Games / One of the largest and ambitious game undertakings to date covering not one but FOUR true wargaming classics by Frank Chadwick, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, deluxe edition. Hailed by many as one of the finest and playable game series covering the NATO and Warsaw Pact, Third World War brings together all four games of the series into one, comprehensive package.This edition of The Third World War features many new enhancements and larger counters £179.50 TOMORROW'S WAR : BY DAGGER OR TALON supplement to Osprey's SF wargames rules TEMP. OUT OF PRINT army lists, extra rules scenarios etc £0.00 Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club : US Navy over Vietnam. 1965-68 : Check your Six JET AGE supplement - 28 Scenarios Plus historical background £21.00 TONY BATH'S ANCIENT WARGAMING incl SETTING UP A WARGAMES CAMPAIGN Hyboria plus ANCIENT WARGAMING Tony bath mint pbk reprint £14.99 VIETNAM 28mm SPECIAL BUNDLE: 1 box Rubicon US INFANTRY; 1 Box VIETCONG + THE 'NAM rules - £68.50 VIETNAM WARGAMES: Modelling & Painting Farnworth, M. 150p. large format full colour. How to paint figures, cammo schemes, modelling vehicles, boats and terrain etc. include tutorials on painting 12mm to 28mm miniatures from the American, French, Anzac, and North and South Vietnamese armies. FEW COPIES ONLY AIRLIFTED OVER £34.50 WAR GAMES Featherstone, Donald Mint pbk. Revised and enlarged 2nd edition JUST OUT £12.50 WAR GAMES AND THEIR HISTORY Lewin 230p. well ill in colour Fascinating history of early board wargames - to about 1960 £19.99 WARGAME CAMPAIGNS Grant C S 150p. ill. All you need to know to set up your own campaigns. ALL periods- inc fantasy, all levels of experience £17.50 WARGAME THE.... PETER DENNIS CuT OUT SLDIERS See under individual title (1066 : WARS OF THE ROSES: ENGLISH CIVIL WAR) £0.00 WARGAMER'S GUIDE TO MAKING TABLETOP TERRAIN : Tales of a Wargames Widow 4) Sutherland, Diane 88p. Large format full colour pbk. 16 articles inc: Trees; Gabions; Burnt Buildings; Roads; Terrain Mats; Noermany Buildings;Haystacks: Scandinavian Fences; Foliage; Stone Buildings; Hills; Fields; Half-Timbered houses etc £17.50 WARGAMER'S DIGEST 2, 7 - May 1975 £5.00 WARGAMER'S DIGEST 2, 8 - June 1975. US wargaming magazine £5.00 WARGAMERS ANNUAL 2022 Charles S Grant 104p Full colour images. Simple Combat, Search for Eldorado, Gettysburg in the gazebo. Freemans farm, Avatar peninsular, famous cavalry regiments, Albuera; Hodges scouts, a tabletop Mysore army, the seven years war, a trial by combat, neither biting nor chariot, the armies of Darrell Hindley, Partizan best of show £18.50 WARGAMERS GUIDE TO MAKING TABLETOP TERRAIN: Tales of a Wargames Widow volume 2) Sutherland, Diane. 88p. all colour illustrations. The 2nd volume in this series that mainly revises articles from BATTLEGAMES and MINIATURE WARGAMES. 16 articles including Frontier Forts; Tents; Arab Stockade; Saling ships; Tembes; Paddle Steamers, Balloons & Zeppelins; Savannah Trees; Muti-Period Embassy Building; Paddy Field; Wadis; Bridges etc £17.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL SUMMER SPECIAL 2014 70p.Full colour large format. 14 articles, scenarios, etc inc. Vignettes Challenge; Cavalry; Elbow River; Back of Beyond; Napoleonic what £16.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2015 £16.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2015 £16.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2019 Grant, Charles S 80p. Zorndorf; Sink The Bismark, Invasion 1744, Berlin 1945, Hungarian Revolution and the usual classic mix of scenarios, painting and basing tips, Plus the ever popular VIgnette challenge £17.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL SUMMER SPECIAL 2015 - 72 full colour large format, pages of summer fun for the gamer. Inc : Lay Haye Sainte, Back of Beyond, French Indian wars campaign, , 1745 with a difference, Unusual Waterloo uniforms, WWII tactics, Vignette challenge and much more £16.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL SUMMER SPECIAL 2016 Charles Grant Paint Horses Quickly; KOLIN SCENARIO; Teddy Bear Fur; Mustering specialist troops; BankfFoot wilderness F-I campaign; Samurai Skirimsh; Mayhem in the Med; Korean War; Vignette Challlenge (Isn't it about time YOUR photo was in there!!) and much much more £17.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2012 Grant, Charles & Friends Yes gang, it's back again - bigger better and glossier than ever. Includes contributions from some of the biggest names in wargaming £16.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2014 Grant, Charles S. Biggest and best edition yet! Large format, glossy 120 pages. Articles from a variety of international contributors include Saga Scenario, Siege of Orleans, Cavalry on the Tabletop, Muskets & Tomahawks, Dossier: Defence, plus all the usual scenery building, tabletop teasers, scenarios and uniform plates you've come to expect! £17.50 WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2016 How to...... Paint Horses Quickly by Kevin Calder How to Create the Kolin Game Scenario by Jim Purky Mats are the Future by Graham Cummings Vignette Challenge Mustering Specialist Troops in Miniature by Stokes Schwartz A Tribute to Bob Marrion The Bankfoot Wilderness Part 2 by Charlie M Grant A Samurai Skirmish by Dale Smith Mayhem in the Med by Angus Konstam A Brief Wargamers Guide to Korea, The Forgotten War by Colin Jack £13.50 WARGAMES FACTORY- see WARGAME FACTORY under FIGURES & PAINTS SECTION £17.50 WARGAMES FOUNDRY COMPENDIUM & PAINTING GUIDE Volume 1) - near mint large format paperback. nearly all colour photos . NOT the volume with pirates etc (we have that too!) £49.50 WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY ISSUE 27 SIege of Numantia 143 BC- Roman special In Saguntum; US 1st division in WWII STe Mere Eglise; How to paint wood; etc £5.00 WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY ISSUE 29 Khartoum Special- Inc painting WWI figures; converting; figures Celtiberians; Red Guards; Builing a 28mm church £5.00 WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY ISSUE 31 BREAK THROUGH AT SEDAN 1940- also inc OCANA 1809; WWII terrain building varnishing figures etc etc £5.00 WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY ISSUE 33 EYLAU: NORTHLEACH 1643; Rorke's Drift; ALmanza £5.00 WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY 111: Vietnam Special - - £5.95 WARGAMES SOLDIERS STRATEGY - SUBSCRIPTION - UK - 5 issue sub . REMEMBER, your magazine subscriptions are safe with us!! £29.50 WARGAMES SOLDIERS STRATEGY SUBSCRIPTION - EUROPE 5 issues £31.50 WARGAMES SOLDIERS STRATEGY SUBSCRIPTION - REST OF WORLD 5 ISSUES £36.50 WARGAMING COMMANDO OPERATIONS and Reflections on Wargaming Featherstone, Donald 150p. all the above and a lot more- scenarios rules and musings £13.00 WARGAMING COMPENDIUM Henry Hyde - Out now! £26.50 WARGAMING ON A BUDGET : Gaming constrained by Money or Space Dickie, I 160p. some ill. Don't be put off by the incredibly dated looking production values and illustrations, there are some useful tips for everyone £13.99 WARGAMING on a Budget: Gaming Constrained by Money or Space Dickie, I SPECIAL OFFER PRICE 162p, ill mint few only £8.99 WARGAMING PIONEERS 1898-1948 : Early Wargames 1) - LITTLE WARS: WAR GAME FOR BOY SCOUTS: WAR GAME by Captain Suchs: LIDDELL HART WARGAME: THE GTEAT WAR GAME E reprints of classic rules; ALL gamers should playe one of these at least once!! £14.99 WARGAMING: AN Introduction Thomas N 280p. colour photos of games. Inc rules & scenarios for all major periods. Pbk £13.99 WARLORD GAMES PLASTIC & METAL 28mm see WARLORD GAMES in FIGURES & PAINTS section - £0.00 WEATHERING MAGAZINE 12 : STYLES - 70p large format full colour. looks at different painting styles £8.00 WEATHERING MAGAZINE 9 : WRECKS - 60p. large format full colour modelling magazine. Special themes plus general articles every issue. Tend to be larger scale THis one includes a plane and a ship wreck £8.00 WILD GEESE : SCENARIOS & RULES. Wayne Bollands. Large format full colour. Modern African scenarios For any system Includes The Basic rules from LOTFL plus special in country add ons £17.50 WORLD WAR III : WEST GERMAN BOOK - WW3-05 BATTLEFRONT - Background on the West German army,1. Panzerdivision, 3. Panzerdivision,Kampfgruppe Muller, and Panzerlehrbrigade 9. Instructions on how to build Leopard 2A5,Leopard 2, & Leopard 1 Panzer, Marder 2,Marder 1, & M113 Panzergrenadier, & three different Panzeraufklarungs companies. £13.50 WORLD WAR III : WEST GERMAN UNIT CARDS - WW3-05U BATTLEFRONT £9.00 WORLD WAR III TEAM YANKEE BRITISH FLAMES OF WAR WWIII BRITISH RULE BOOK £14.40 ZONE, the : THE COLD WAR TURNS HOT- SKIRMISH WARGAMING IN THE LATE C20th Wayne Bolland. Large format full colour paperback. Based on the highly playable rules devised for the Winter of 79 British Civil war series by Mike Bradford. Squad level gaming, 15mm-28mm and above NATO Vs WARSAW PACT IN THE 198Os £18.50