Materi English Grammar Week 4 PDF

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English Grammar
Countable & Uncountable A1.1

Countable Noun

• Countable nouns are nouns that you can

• Countable nouns can take SINGULAR or
PLURAL form.


1. There is a man outside the building. (singular)

2. There are two men outside the building (plural)
3. An elephant has a trunk. (singular)
4. Elephants have trunks. (plural)
5. I ate an apple this morning (singular)
6. I ate three apples this morning (plural)

ALWAYS USE SINGULAR NOUN after the words below:

a/an A Single

One Another

This Each

That Every

1. Every student has to perform.

2. I’m going to talk to each person about this.
3. We need to hire another person for this job.
4. There was not a single car in the parking lot.

“Ketika impianmu tak berhasil membuatmu takut, mungkin karena impianmu tak cukup
Countable & Uncountable A1.1

USE PLURAL NOUN after the words below:

all these dozens of

some those hundreds of

some (of the) every one of thousands of

a few(of) each one of a number of

many (of) each of the number of

a lot of one of a couple of

lots of both several (of the)

various other

1. Every one of the students has to turn off their phones before the test.
2. I don’t meet many of the requirements for that job.
3. I visited a couple of comic books stores just to find the comic book I

Uncountable Noun
Uncountable nouns are nouns that use only a singular form and take a
singular verb.
Uncountable nouns are the things that you CAN’T count.
For example:

• Hair
• Money
• Water
• Sugar
• Salt
• Milk
• Rice

“Hanya pendidikan yang akan bisa menyelamatkan masa depan, tanpa pendidikan
Indonesia tak mungkin bertahan.” – Najwa Shihab
Countable & Uncountable A1.1

Instead of saying “Two milks” you can say “two glasses of milk”
Instead of saying “I eat three rices” you can say “I eat three plates of rice”

DO NOT use these for uncountable nouns:

• a/an
• Another
• One
• Other
• Every
• Each
• These
• Those

Instead, use these for uncountable nouns:

• Much
• Little
• An amount of
• All
• Some
• A lot of
• Lots of
• Plenty of

“Jangan biarkan ucapan orang lain menjatuhkan mimpimu. Bungkam mulut mereka
dengan prestasimu.”

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