Admin, 6 - Crouzon Syndrome
Admin, 6 - Crouzon Syndrome
Admin, 6 - Crouzon Syndrome
odern era of craniostenosis surgical the basic techiques remain unchanged after
treatment began in 1970, when treatment of over 1.600 patients3.
plastic surgeons and neurosurgeons Crouzon Syndrome is among the rare
joined forces to form craniofacial teams and syndromic craniosynostosis inherited by
described new techniques to solve the autosomal dominant transmission, affecting
functional and the structural problems at the cranial development in consequence of
same time. The techniques developed at the formation from two or more suture
Hopital des Enfants Malades in Paris were premature fusion called craniofacial
published in detail in 1982, and although dysostosis. This is characterized by
some minor changes have been introduced craniosynostosis, exophthalmos, and midface
Zarazade: Severe Constricted Head …
Jurnal Rekonstruksi & Estetik, Vol. 04, No.2, July - December 2019
There was bilateral exorbitism with arriving at the ER, the neurosurgeon
the left eye being very proptotic with performed a emergency ventriculoperitoneal
constant epiphora since two weeks before she shunt in which the dissection was difficult
came to Dr.Soetomo general hospital. There due to the entrapped dura in the multiple
was bilateral lagophtalmus, corneal ulcer on holes on the thin calvaria causing extensive
the left eye, and exposure keratitis with papil bleeding. Because long durante and difficult
atrophy on the right eye. From operation cause a lot of 1500ml bleeding.
ultrasonography examination there was no It was decided to do a
sign of intraocular infection, and normal craniotomy/suturectomy, fronto-orbital
vitreoretinal. ENT finding. This patient advancement (FOA) and cranial vault
snored during sleep with nasal congestion remodelling with the neurosurgical team
without a history apnea. This patient had after splitting the palate to secure the airway
delayed global developmental problem in after extubation.
both pyschomotor and psychosocial. All
extremities were normal in function and
morphology. A CT scan of the head showed
hydrocephalus non communicans, synostosis
of the metopic, bilateral coronal and
lambdoid sutures with severe copper beaten
Figure 6. Before fronto-orbital advancement
Figure 7. Before and after palatal split, fixing the soft
palate to the alveolus with 4.0 silk suture.
Figure 4. CT-Scan showed cloverleaf deformity and
Figure 5. Cranial 3D reconstruction CT-Scan showed
Figure 8. Showed hole in duramater
copper beaten apearance
This patient had eye infection
resulting from severe exorbitism. Surgery had
to be postponed until the infection was
healed. While awaiting surgery his left eye
was protected with a tarsorrhaphy. Soon after
Zarazade: Severe Constricted Head …
Figure 11. Preoperative appearance
Figure 8. Durante Operation, 1cm fronto-orbital Both eyes were displaced forward whenever
baby cried since seven months old. But in
thirteen month age, the protrusion became
more fixed . There are bilateral lagophtalmus,
bilateral proptosis with corneal ulcer on the
left eye, and exposure keratitis on the right
eye. Intra-oral examination revealed high
arched palate, hypoplastic maxilla and
chronic adenotonsilitis. Polysomnography
revealed mixed moderate central and
obstructive sleep apnea. This patient had
Figure 9. Filling the remaining cranial gaps with delayed global developmental problem in
fibrin glue and bone chips
both pyschomotor and psychosocial. All
extremities were normal in function and
CT scan showed Kleeblattschadel head
deformity with premature closure of sagittal,
bilateral coronal, frontal, both lambdoid
sutures. Right and left lateral system ventricle
III-IV were very dilated indicating a
communicating hydrocephalus. The
exophthalmos on the right eye protruded 1,16
Figure 10. After frontoorbital advancement
cm and the left eye 1,19 cm.
Case 2
A-16 month old male patient was admitted to
hospital with abnormal head shape and
eyeball protrusion since seven month old
before. He is the last child from his family
birth atterm with section secaria, weight
3300g, length 50 cm, with normal limbs.
Examination of the head the baby showed
Jurnal Rekonstruksi & Estetik, Vol. 04, No.2, July - December 2019
Difficulties from this patient are high
intracranial pressure caused by
hydrocephalus communicans and make a
copper beaten appearance. Difficult airway
caused obstructive sleep apnea make a
challenge to anesthesiologist. Estimation
blood lost of this surgery is 180 ml. It was
decided to do a split palate to secure the
airway after extubation then a
craniotomy/suturectomy, fronto-orbital
advancement (FOA), cranial vault
remodelling and tapping the ventricle with
the neurosurgical team after
Figure 13. Bone window on computed tomography
scan of Figure 15. Before operative fronto-orbital
Figure 16. Before and after palatal split, fixing the
soft palate to the alveolus with 4.0 silk suture.
Figure 14. Cranium CT performed; 9 month after
fronto-orbital advancement operation
Zarazade: Severe Constricted Head …
Figure 17. Pre and post fronto-orbital advancement Table 2. Standard protocol from Erasmus CF
procedure, showed temporo parietal occipital region center12.
Australian Craniofacial Unit
Jurnal Rekonstruksi & Estetik, Vol. 04, No.2, July - December 2019
The cystic dilatation of the temporal of Crouzon syndrome and Pfeiffer syndrome.
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was hydrocephalus. One had to be treated
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there were the synostosis involved almost all Crouzon, Pfeiffer, and Saethre-Chotzen
the cranial sutures including the lambdoid Syndromes, 2000.
and squamosal sutures9. In both patients, due 8. David JD, Poswillo D, Simpson D. The
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pressure upon the internal table of the skull 1982
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10. Hill.J, Lister Hill National Center For
also caused by the raised ICP. The mechanism Biomedical Communication, Crouzon
of ventricular dilation in Crouzon syndrome is Syndrome With Acanthosis Nigricans, 2018.
not clear , and there are various theories. It 11. Guyuron R., Eriksson E., Persing J., Plastic
could be caused by constriction of the Surgery Indcations and Practice, Saunders
subarachnoid spaces, or it could be due to to Elsevier, 2009
obstruction of venous drainage from venouse 12. Irene, Guidline Treatment and Management
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Acanthosis nigricans is a skin for Plastic Surgery. 2010
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Renier D (2011) Cloverleaf skull deformity
including the neck and underarms10. and hydrocephalus. Childs Nerv Syst
Severely constricted head is an
extreme manifestation and late stage of
Crouzon syndrome. This could have been
prevented by early diagnosis and
multidisciplinary management according to
established protocol.
1. Glaser RL, Jiang W, Boyadjiev SA, Tran AK,
Zachary AA, Van Maldergem L, et al. Paternal
origin of FGFR2 mutations in sporadic cases