Worksheet Fhom Elec 03 - Lesson 8
Worksheet Fhom Elec 03 - Lesson 8
Worksheet Fhom Elec 03 - Lesson 8
RECORD 1. All information created, sent, and received in the course of your job is potentially a ____.
CYBERCRIMINALS 2. Without the right security measures in place, _____can not only access your
records but also install malware into your systems.
OFFICE RECORDS 3. They provide a history of an agency’s unique policies and decisions and contain
a lot of administrative, historical, and legal value.
METADATA 4. The ability to locate the correct content when it’s required is often dependent on ____
CLASSIFIED 5. Organizations must ensure that sensitive, or ____information can only be accessed by
specific individuals with appropriate permissions.
eDRMS 6. Document mismanagement and lack of an effective____ are key contributors to poor
ACTIONABLE 7. A clear and _____records management strategy should be at the heart of your
organization’s records and information architecture, processes, and procedures.
STATUTORY 8. While ____ regulations dictate that some records need to be kept indefinitely, most
records should be destroyed after a prescribed period of time.
SINGLE UNIT 9. An information asset is a body of information, defined and managed as a ____so it
can be understood, shared, protected and utilized effectively.
FORMAL INVENTORY 10. An Information Asset Register (IAR) is a _____of information assets, which
helps organizations better manage the information and records they possess.
RISK 11. An Information Asset Register (IAR) can be a useful tool for ___analysis and information
security planning, for identifying critical systems for business continuity.
OFFICIAL RECORD 12. Records that protect the legal, financial, and other rights of the Government
and its citizens.
ELECTRONIC RECORD 13. Any information that is recorded by or in a format that only a computer can
NON-RECORD 14. Any owned informational materials such as extra copies of documents kept only for
the convenience of reference, stocks of publications such as letters and catalogs.
TEMPORARY RECORDS 15. Financial and payroll records are good examples of ____
HIGH DENSITY OFFICE STORAGE SHELVING 16. This office storage shelving offers the greatest
utilization of floor space while maintaining accessibility.
PERMANENT RECORDS 17. Deeds, mortgages, resolutions, and minutes of the meeting are good
examples of __
PHYSICAL RECORDS 18. These are hard-copy records we are able to touch, such as paper and CDs.
CANTILEVER 19. Features of the ____shelving includes periodical shelves, reference shelves, shelf
dividers, and more.
CASE-TYPE OFFICE STORAGE SHELVING 20. This type of storage shelving is easy to reconfigure or
expand, which is ideal for general filing, upscale businesses, and libraries.
HIGH DENSITY OFFICE STORAGE 21. This office storage shelving offers the greatest utilization of
floor space while maintaining accessibility.
RETRIEVAL 22. Effectively organizing your records ensures an efficient ____of information, which
applies to paper as well as electronic filing systems.
DIGITIZATION 23. While the ______of physical records can be seen as a time-consuming and costly
endeavor, the end result will far outweigh the interim costs and effort.
BLUEPRINT 24. The best way to think about information architecture is that it’s a _____for your
information warehouse’ and is a crucial part of your governance strategy