OBL Module GIT Class Notes 2022 2023
OBL Module GIT Class Notes 2022 2023
OBL Module GIT Class Notes 2022 2023
MODULE 2........................................................................................................................31
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MODULE 1: Information Technology in Basics
Unit 01: Information Technology Defined
Technology has reshaped our lives at home, at work and in
education. Almost all businesses have an online presence and most
business processes require the use of computers in some way.
Information Technology is the use of any computer, storage, networking and other physical
device to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. IT focuses on
the information processing from the collection, to the processing, and the sharing of information.
IT deals with the methods and tools used in the information processing.
Information is now a necessity in today’s society, sometimes even provided real-time and
reaches people in different parts of the world. This is an engagement in the 21 st century that is
lucrative in a business setting. IT, beyond communications, offers many personal career paths
and company growth leading to competitive advantage in each respective field. To become more
competent in each respective field, one must know basic computer skills and must build a
foundation using the fundamental technology concepts.
We go beyond learning the basic definition of information technology in the classroom, but also
in an online or digital presence. An individual’s ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear
information through writing and other media on various digital platforms is known as digital
literacy. Computer literacy is also known as digital literacy. An individual must keep up with the
changes in technology and become computer literate.
Now why do we need to study information technology? Simply because we use these
technologies in our everyday lives, and we need to further understand how these hardware and
software are working. Computer skills are needed regardless of setting and field, whether at
home, work, school or play. By understanding computers, you become self-sufficient whether
you use it for research, communications or time management. By mastering fundamentals,
you will develop a strong base to support furtherance of your knowledge in the years to come.
1. Tiny embedded computers control alarm clocks, entertainment centers and home
2. Today’s automobiles cannot run efficiently without embedded computer systems
3. An estimated 10 mil people work from home instead of commuting to work
because of PCs and networking technologies
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4. People use social media for communications nearly 10 times as often as snail mail
and 5 times more than a telephone.
5. Routine daily tasks such as banking, buying groceries are affected by computer
In a world that being defined by technology and digital trends, the demand for digital literacy has
increased exponentially. We need to expand our knowledge to avoid unfamiliar situations and
modernize our skills to stay relevant in a dynamic work environment. That is why it is important
for us to learn the fundamentals of information technology.
As previously discussed, a computer is a machine, a collection of parts that work together. The
collection of parts is categorized in many ways, in this case they are categorized according to
their function. In this unit, we learn the different components (parts) of a computer system. The
most important parts, how the different components work together to achieve success in terms of
using a computer will be shown.
A computer system is a collection of parts, a computer combined with hardware and software
used to perform desired tasks. No matter the size and capability of a computer system, it consists
of four (04) parts: hardware, software, data, and the user.
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Refers to the tangible, physical computer equipment and devices which provide support for the
major functions of the computer system. Mainly the mechanical aspects of the computer. As seen
in Figure 03-A, the hardware controls the input of data into the computer system and the output
of information from the computer system. All these devices are interconnected with each other.
Below are some classifications of hardware based on their functions.
Input Devices – Used to enter data or instructions into a computer system. Input devices
fall into two categories: manual input devices (needs to be operated by a human to input
data) and automatic input devices (can input data on their own. Each input device is
concerned with a specific type of data: Scanner – documents or images, Digital Camera –
still and moving images
Output Devices – Used to convey information from the computer system to one or more
people. When raw data has been processed it becomes usable information. Output devices
are pieces of hardware that send this usable information out of the computer. Output
devices send information out temporarily and some send information out permanently:
temporary output device (monitors) and permanent output devices (printers which output
information onto paper as hard copy).
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Figure 03-D: Common Output Devices
Almost all input and output devices are known as ‘Peripheral Devices’. These are non-
essential hardware components that usually connect to the system externally. Peripherals
are called non-essential because the system can operate without them.
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o Processor – The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer.
Electronic component that interprets and carries out basic instructions. The CPU
'controls' what the computer does and is responsible for performing calculations
and data processing.
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Figure 03-H: Example of a Read-only Memory
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Table 03-A: Differences between RAM and ROM
Contents are lost when the computer is turned off. ✓
Contents are not lost when the computer is turned off. ✓
Stores instructions that tell the computer how to start up. ✓
Stores data and programs currently in use. ✓
Your computer will perform faster with more of this. ✓
This cannot be written to (altered) ... only read. ✓
Stands for Random Access Memory. ✓
Stands for Read Only Memory. ✓
Storage Devices – Holds data, instructions and information permanently for future use. It
records (writes) and/or retrieves (reads) items to and from storage media. Secondary
storage devices are used to store data that is not instantly needed by the computer.
Secondary storage devices permanently store data and programs for as long as we
need. These devices are also used to back-up data in case original copies are lost or
damaged. There are two categories of storage devices: internal storage (internal hard disk
drives) and external storage (external hard disk drive, memory sticks, etc.)
o Magnetic Storage Device – one of the most popular types of storage used.
- Hard drive – An internal hard drive is the main storage device in a computer.
An external hard drive is also known as removable hard drive. It is used to
store portable data and backups.
o Optical Storage Device – uses lasers and lights as its mode of saving and
retrieving data.
- Blu-ray disc – A digital optical storage device which was intended to replace
the DVD format.
- CD-ROM disc – An optical storage device that is read-only or cannot be
modified nor deleted.
- CD-R and CD-RW disc – CD-R is a recordable disc that can be written to
once, while CD-RW is a rewritable disc that can be written to multiple times.
- DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW disc – DVD-R and DVD+R are
recordable discs that can be written to once, while DVD-RW and DVD+RW
are rewritable discs that can be written to multiple times. The difference
between the + and – is in the formatting and compatibility.
o Flash Memory Device – is now replacing magnetic storage device as it is
economical, more functional and dependable.
- Memory card – An electronic flash memory device used to store digital
information and commonly used in mobile electronic devices.
- Memory stick – A memory card that is removable.
- SSD – Solid State Drive – A flash memory device that uses integrated circuit
assemblies to save data steadily.
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USB flash drive, jump drive or thumb drive – A small, portable storage
device connected through the USB port.
o Online and Cloud – is now becoming widespread as people access data from
different devices.
- Cloud storage – Data is managed remotely and made available over a
network. Basic features are free to use but upgraded version is paid monthly
as a per consumption rate.
- Network media – Audio, Video, Images or Text that are used on a computer
network. A community of people create and use the content shared over the
Communication Devices – Enables a computer to send and receive data, instructions, and
information to and from one or more computers. A hardware device capable of
transmitting an analog or digital signal over the telephone, other communication wire, or
Examples: Bluetooth devices, Infrared devices, Modem (over phone line), Network card
(using Ethernet), Smartphone, Wi-Fi devices (using a Wi-Fi router)
Software is known as the series of related instructions that make the computer perform tasks. In
other words, software tells the computer what to do. The term ‘program’ or ‘application’ refers
to any piece of software. Some software exists to help the computer perform tasks and manage
resources; some software performs tasks that are more specific. The types of software are
systems software and application software.
Systems Software – Systems software includes the programs that are dedicated to
managing the computer itself, such as the operating system, file management utilities,
and disk operating system (or DOS). Without systems software installed in your
computers, no instructions would be executed for the tasks needed to be done.
Examples: Utility software (antivirus, disk tools), system servers, device drivers,
operating systems, windows/graphical user interface (GUI) systems
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Consists of individual facts or pieces of information that are used by the computer system to
produce information. Data by themselves may not make much sense to a person. The computer’s
primary job is to process data in various ways, making them useful. Without data, the computer
wouldn’t be able to function properly.
Example: The grades of fifty students in one class, all different pieces of data which doesn’t
make much sense yet, but when a chart is created from the data, and frequencies are developed.
This now makes sense at a glance.
The operator of a computer is known as ‘peopleware’, other books call them liveware, or human
ware. The user commands the computer system to execute on instructions. Some computer
systems are complete without a person’s involvement, but not all computers are totally
autonomous. Basically, anyone who communicates with a computer system or uses the
information it generates.
Knowing the parts of a computer system allows us, users, to understand better each function of
the computer system and our make the experience of using the computer system more efficient.
Also, according to Gary Shelly, a computer is defined as “An electronic device operating under
the control of instructions stored in its memory that can accept data, process the data, produce
and store results for future use”. Computers can also store data for future use with the
appropriate storage devices.
A supercomputer is a computer at the leading edge of data processing capability, with respect to
calculation speed. Supercomputers are used for scientific and engineering problems (high-
performance computing) which crunch numbers and data, while mainframes focus on transaction
The term originally referred to the large cabinets called “main frames” that housed the central
processing unit and main memory of early computers. Later, the term was used to distinguish
high-end commercial machines from less powerful units. Most large-scale computer system
architectures were established in the 1960s, but continue to evolve. Mainframe computers are
often used as servers.
A microcomputer is a small and relatively inexpensive computer that has a microprocessor as its
central processing unit. It includes memory, a microprocessor, and minimal input/output circuitry
built on a single printed circuit board. Micro-computers are classified into workstations – Also
known as desktop machines, workstations are mostly used for intensive graphical applications,
personal computers – more affordable and easier to use than workstations and are self-
sufficient computers intended for one user, laptop computers and Mini PCs – Mini PCs are tiny
computers that can fit in the palm of your hand.
The hardware of an embedded computer is also specially designed to withstand stresses in its
intended environment. For instance, an embedded computer installed under the hood of a car is
designed to withstand high temperatures. Embedded computers are everywhere. They are in
phones, microwaves, airplanes, automobiles, and calculators.
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Some computers handle small and big data and simultaneous number of users, some computers
are more powerful because of the data they are processing, which are most often used by
organizations, such as businesses or schools.
Going over the technologies in the past and how it has evolved to the technologies we
have in the present gave us an idea of what is possible in the future. It is with the
creativity and ingenuity of us, human beings, that we are able to make sense of
technological developments and turn them into productivity boosting tools.
But technologies are not developed to match exactly what every person
needs. After all, each person has something different to do and to work on. It is thus
important for these technologies to be transformed into something that is geared
towards making every person productive despite the difference in their needs.
Technologies are being specialized. So how exactly does these technologies work?
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Information Systems
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● Traditionally, a company either developed its own information systems, called in-house
applications, or purchased systems called software packages from outside vendors.
● Today, the choice is much more complex. Options include Internet-based application
services, outsourcing, custom solutions from IT consultants, and enterprise-wide
software strategies.
The Internet has drastically reduced the intermediaries within a transaction. Internet-
based commerce is called e-commerce (electronic commerce) or I-commerce (Internet
commerce). The E-commerce includes two main sectors: B2C (business-to-consumer) and
B2B (business-to-business).
B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
● Using the Internet, consumers can go online to purchase an enormous variety of
products and services. This new shopping environment allows customers to do
research, compare prices and features, check availability, arrange delivery, and choose
payment methods in a single convenient session.
B2B (Business-to-Business)
● Business-to-business (B2B), also called B-to-B, is a form of transaction between
businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a
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In the past, IT managers divided systems into categories based on the user group the
system served. Categories and users included office systems (administrative staff), operational
systems (operational personnel), decision support systems (middle-managers and knowledge
workers), and executive information systems (top managers). Today, traditional labels no longer
apply. For example, all employees, including top managers, use office productivity systems.
Similarly, operational users often require decision support systems. As business changes,
information use also changes in most companies. Today, it makes more sense to identify a
system by its functions and features, rather than by its users.
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● Records Management (MIS)
● Enrollment System (TPS)
● Attendance Monitoring (MIS)
● Payroll (TPS)
● Queuing (TPS)
Top managers
● Strategic plans
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Operational Employees
● Operational employees include users who rely on TP systems to enter and receive data
they need to perform their jobs.
We are living in extraordinary times where extraordinary technologies are within reach from
anywhere, by anyone. We almost always take these technologies for granted because they
have become part of the everyday life of people.
To start with this module, see the presentation for IT Trends: Lesson04GITTechTrends
The rise of information and communication technologies (ICT) – that is, computers,
software, telecommunications and the internet – and the large impact that these new
technologies are having on the way that society functions, have prompted many to claim that we
have entered a new era.
Industrial Revolutions
A period of development in the latter half of the 18th century, where there is change from
one economy to another.
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Generally, the term refers to eras when rapid and significant technological changes
fundamentally alter the way that production is carried out in society, affecting not only how
people work but also how they live their lives.
Industrial revolution involves technological, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects. It
occurs when technological change fundamentally transforms the way in which a society carries
out the production and distribution of goods.
The changes could be inventions, innovations, product innovations, or process
innovations. The term ‘invention’ refers to the discovery of new products or processes, while
‘innovation’ refers to the commercialization (bringing to the market) of new products or
Invention is the discovery of new products and processes.
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Innovation is the commercialization and improvement of the existing products.
Product innovations result in the production of a new product, such as the change from a
three-wheel car to a four-wheel car, or the change from LP (Long Play/Playing) records to CDs
(Compact Discs). Process innovations increase the efficiency of the methods of production of
existing products, for example the invention of the assembly-line technique.
Here are the different Industrial Revolutions with their products / services,
transportation, production system, and communication.
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● Products / Services – electricity, chemicals, petroleum, steel
● Transportation – automobiles, aircrafts
● Production System – machine-aided equipment
● Communication – telephone, telegraph
● Started with the development of transistors and the rise of electronics and digital
● Products / Services – Internet, rise of electronics, source of energy: nuclear power
● Production System - Automation
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See Lesson04Video1IndustrialRevolutions.mp4
Klaus Schwab described the fourth industrial revolution as marked by an era of technological
revolution that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres.
Watch Lesson04Video2FourthIndustrialRevolution.mp4
Economists interested in the pervasive effects of technological change in different
industrial revolutions have devised the concept of a General Purpose Technology (GPT). It is a
technology of wide application used in various industries and whose impact is strong on their
Main Characteristics of a GPT
As you read the list, consider how a new technology such as electricity or information
technology fulfils each criterion.
● It must have a wide scope for improvement and elaboration - this means that the
technology does not appear as a complete and final solution, but as a technology that
can be improved through the different opportunities for technological change that
surround it.
● It must be applicable across a broad range of uses - this means that its use is not
restricted, for example, to only one industry but open to many different types of
industries and consumers.
● It must have a potential use in a wide variety of products and processes - this means
that the new technology should not result in the creation of only one set of products
(such as a computer), but a wide set of products (such as complex new air-traffic control
systems or new inventory controls).
● It must have strong complementarities with existing or potential new technologies - this
means that the technology does not only replace existing methods but also works with
them, ensuring an even broader impact on the systems of production and distribution.
Productivity is the quality of producing something. It is a measure of the efficiency of a person,
machine, factory, system, etc., in converting inputs into useful outputs. It is an indication of the
efficiency of production or distribution.
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The Effect of Technology on Productivity
Labor productivity can be measured as output produced per hour of labor. For example,
consider an automobile factory that is able to produce 10 cars per day using 100 hours of
labour. If a new invention permits those same workers to produce 20 cars in the same amount
of time, their productivity has been doubled.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and
services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Total output divided by
total labour hours in the year gives us a measure of labour productivity. A 5 per cent growth in
UK productivity over a year means that the UK economy has become 5 percent more productive
than it was in the previous year. This should mean that the economy can produce 5 per cent
more output (GDP) with the same amount of inputs.
Example Computation for Productivity
Question1: If a group of workers produces 10,000 units of output in one year, and 12,000 units
the next year. Calculate the percentage increase in productivity.
You want to know the percentage increase represented by the second year's output, 12,000,
over the first year's output, 10,000. Subtracting 10,000 from 12,000 gives us the increase.
Divide the answer by 10,000 to calculate the increase relative to the first year. Then multiply
by 100 to turn the answer into a percentage.
12,000−10,000=2,000 ; ∗100=20 %
So, output increased by 20 percent. As the number of workers stayed the same, this is also
the increase in productivity.
Question2: Calculate the percentage increase in productivity if the output expands from 12,000
in year 2 to 15,000 in year 3.
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Increases in productivity can lead to higher incomes for an economy's citizens. All output
must be transformed, through the process of production and sale, into someone's income (e.g.
the boss's profits and the workers’ wages). Hence, increases in productivity, which allow more
output to be produced by a given amount of inputs, also lead to more income per head, that is,
greater wealth for society. For example, if more cars can be produced due to increases in the
productivity of car production, more cars are sold, which means that the car manufacturers’
revenues increase.
●Productivity – Cost of Production
If increases in wages are linked to increases in productivity, then workers’ wages may
also rise (or, at least, their employment prospects may be more secure). Second, increases in
productivity diffused throughout the economy have an effect on prices. Increases in productivity
tend to lower the cost of production, precisely because more output can be produced with the
same amount of inputs. Since cost reductions tend to be translated into price reductions,
increases in productivity eventually tend to reduce prices. Indeed, the introduction of assembly
lines made a substantial contribution to the affordability of consumer durables such as the car.
The increase in income per head and the reduction in prices allow consumers to be better off.
Industry structure refers mainly to the way in which power is distributed among firms.
This can be described by factors such as the number of firms in the industry and the distribution
of market shares.
Sustainability of Productivity
All economies fluctuate in a business cycle. For a few years, growth is quite rapid, output
and incomes rise, and unemployment falls. This is the ‘boom’. Then the cycle turns. Growth
slows, and in a true recession the total output of the economy falls. This is the down-turn of the
cycle. The industry life cycle focuses on those economic mechanisms that cause firms to be
born (to ‘enter’ an industry), to grow, and to die (to ‘exit’ an industry).
● Industrial Internet of Things - the use of connected sensors attached to different objects
throughout the production process to feed live data to central computers, usually seen
on the factory floor.
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● Electric Vehicles - vehicles whose main system of propulsion depends on (externally
generated) electricity rather than fuel. (e.g. Tesla)
● Industrial Biotech - the use of biological processes of living organisms for industrial
purposes, drawing on recent scientific insights such as systems genomics and
metabolomics. Uses enzymes and microorganisms to make bio-based products in
sectors such as chemicals, food ingredients, detergents, paper, textiles and biofuels.
Electric Vehicles and Industrial Biotech concern innovations of specific products (and
related processes), and have a more narrow applicability to particular sectors
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1. Increasing centrality of (digital) information – information as a key source value
2. Mass Customization – flexible production process with interconnecting objects
3. Servitization – technologies involve the gradual replacement of manufacturing as
traditionally understood by a type of economic activity that is closer to the traditional
concept of services
4. Increased Labor/Resource Efficiency – more efficient use of materials and energy in
1. Upgrading of occupations
2. Higher level of ICT competence
3. Decline of repetitive and routine industrial work brought about by digital factories
While there are innumerable positives that can be drawn from these Game Changing
Technologies, it is imperative that we also take a look at the adverse effects that these
technologies cause.
Like many other things, there are always two sides of the story. On one end,
productivity numbers received a massive boost thanks to new technologies. On the
other end, there is a question of whether the same numbers are not telling the whole
While new technologies, even new applications being downloaded, have made an
impact, some of them have caused other people to rely too much on technology and
not develop their own skills anymore. Technology, in some ways, has become workers
of our time instead of serving as a tool to help us.
Quite possibly, the worst effect of it is the accessibility of such technologies. With only
a fraction of the people in the world having the chance to know how to take advantage
of these new technologies, what happens to those who are not as fortunate?
It matters that we look into all the effects of technology. It is only through looking at the
other side that we can actually discover how to improve what we currently have and
develop new technologies that would benefit everyone.
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A platform is a business that connects people through technology, making an ecosystem
that allows value to be created and exchanged. This works by matching users to each other in
order to make financial or social transactions that create value.
Platforms don’t own the resources that create value, they can grow much faster than
pipeline businesses. These businesses make up a platform-based economy. Some key features
of a platform will include:
Platform Model
● platform - controller of the channel or platform and arbiter of the participants in the
● consumers/customers - buyers or users of the outputs offered through the platform
● producers/providers - supplier of the outputs sold through the platform
● NEUFEIND, M., RANFT, F., AND O’REILLY, J. (2018) Work in the Digital Age:
Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd
● The Open University (2016). Information Technology: a new era. Walton Hall, Milton
Keynes, MK7 6AA. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/people-politics-law/politics-policy-
people/ sociology/information-technology-new-era/content-section-1
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GRADED Activity 1
Part 1: Unit 1(10 pts)
1. What do technologies look like when they are still being discovered?
2. How did the life of people change back then?
3. Are we going through a similar change right now?
4. What’s in store for the future?
5. Have we actually progressed as a result of the technologies that we have discovered
throughout time? Explain in 2-3 sentences.
Part 2: Unit 1(10 pts)
1. Which technology of the past do you think had the most impact in the way of life of
people today? Discuss in 3-5 sentences.
2. Did new technologies help in making humans more productive or have these caused a
decrease in the efficiency of work of people? Explain your answer in 3-5 sentences.
Part 3: Unit 2(15 pts)
What do you think is the way forward with the Game Changing Technologies that we
currently have? What are its flaws, and how can these be improved further? Explain your
answer in 8-10 sentences.
Part 4 (25 pts)
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System development is the process of defining, designing, testing and implementing a
software application.
A system development project includes a number of different phases, such as feasibility
analysis, requirements analysis, software design, software coding, testing and debugging,
installation and maintenance.
Systems Planning – It is the initial stage in the systems development life cycle (SDLC). It is the
fundamental process of understanding why an information system should be built and determine
how the project team will go about building it. It describes how IT projects get started, how
systems analysts evaluate proposed projects, the feasibility of a project, and the reasoning
behind the proposed system development.
Systems Analysis – System analysts must do analysis activities when creating a new system
or improving an old system. If an information system is built properly, it will give the expected
benefits to the company. To achieve this goal, system analysts define what the information
system requires by performing the analysis activities.
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Systems Analysis Activities
The systems analysis phase consists of requirements modeling, and process modeling, object
modeling, and consideration of development strategies.
business flowchart shows the steps that make up a business process, along with
who's responsible for each step.
They are useful for analyzing current processes, planning improvements, and
crystallizing communication between process participants
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Types of Flowchart:
● Document
• Illustrates the flow of documents and information between areas of
responsibility within an organization.
• A document flowchart is particularly useful in analyzing the
adequacy of control procedures.
● System
• System flowcharts depict the relationship among the input,
processing, and output of an AIS
● Program
• A program flowchart describes the specific logic to perform a
process shown on a systems flowchart
Check the following videos for further discussion on the Flowcharting process.
● Lesson 08 FlowCharting.mp4
● Flowchart Tutorial (with Symbols, Guide and Examples)
Systems Design – Systems Design is the third of five phases in the systems
development life cycle (SDLC). Now you are ready to begin the physical design of the system
that will meet the specifications described in the system requirements document. Systems
design tasks include output and user interface design, data design, and system architecture.
A video by Johnny Khoury has explained how the Design Phase in SDLC (Lesson07
video01 Design Phase in SDLC) works. It is all about the design phase of creating a system.
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System Design Guidelines:
The systems analyst must understand the logical design of the system before beginning
the physical design of any one component
• Data design
• User interface
• Architecture
• System design specification
System Design Objectives
• The goal of systems design is to build a system that is effective, reliable, and maintainable
• A system is reliable if it adequately handles errors
• A system is maintainable if it is well designed, flexible, and developed with future modifications
in mind
•User Considerations
❏ Carefully consider any point where users receive output from, or provide input to,
the system
❏ Anticipate future needs of the users, the system, and the organization – hard-
❏ Provide flexibility
❏ Parameter, default
• Data Considerations
❏ Data should be entered into the system where and when it occurs because
delays cause data errors
❏ Data should be verified when it is entered, to catch errors immediately
❏ Automated methods of data entry should be used whenever possible
•Data Considerations
❏ Audit trail
❏ Every instance of entry and change to data should be logged
❏ Data should be entered into a system only once
❏ Data duplication should be avoided
•Design Trade-Offs
❏ Most design trade-off decisions that you will face come down to the basic conflict
of quality versus cost
❏ Avoid decisions that achieve short-term savings but might mean higher costs
The method by which a prototype is developed. It involves a repetitive sequence of
analysis, design, modeling, and testing. It is a common technique that can be used to design
anything from a new home to a computer network.
Prototyping Methods
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Design prototyping or Throwaway prototyping – method of development that employs
technical mechanisms for reducing risk in a project, when the project needs are vaguely and
poorly laid out. The end product of design prototyping is a user-approved model that
documents and benchmarks the features of the finished system.
Prototyping offers many benefits
Users and systems developers can avoid misunderstandings
Managers can evaluate a working model more effectively than a paper specification
Consider potential problems
The rapid pace of development can create quality problems
In very complex systems, the prototype becomes unwieldy and difficult to manage
Prototyping Tools – systems analysts can use powerful tools to develop prototypes
• CASE tools - Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE), also called computer-
aided software engineering, is a technique that uses powerful software, called CASE
tool, to help systems analysts develop and maintain information systems.
• Application generators -A tool that supports the rapid development of computer
programs by translating a logical model directly into code. Also called a code generator.
• Report generators - a computer program whose purpose is to take data from a source
such as a database, XML stream or a spreadsheet, and use it to produce a document in
a format which satisfies a particular human readership
• Screen generators - or form painter, is an interactive tool that helps you design a
custom interface, create screens forms, and handle data entry format and procedures.
Limitations of Prototypes
❏ A prototype is a functioning system, but it is less efficient than a fully developed system
❏ Systems developers can upgrade the prototype into the final information system by
adding the necessary capability. Otherwise, the prototype is discarded
Future Trends in Software Development
User Interface
Describes how users interact with a computer system, and consists of all the hardware,
software, screens, menus, functions, output, and features that affect two-way communications
between the user and the computer.
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Graphical User Interface - uses visual objects and techniques that allow users to communicate
effectively with the system.
Usability – user satisfaction, support for business functions, and system effectiveness
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Systems Implementation – This phase begins once the client has tested and approved the
system. The system is installed at this phase to support the specified business functions. The
performance of the system is compared to the performance targets defined during the planning
1. When communicating with people online, remember how you want to be treated, that’s
probably how others want to be treated too, with respect.
2. Always be aware that you are talking to a person, not a device. Be courteous.
3. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.
4. Know where you stand. Netiquette varies from domain to domain. What is acceptable in
a chat room may not be appropriate in a professional forum so “lurk before you leap”.
5. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
6. Spelling and grammar count! Always check, recheck your posts and keep your language
7. Keep under control the posts or content that invoke rage, sadness, humiliation, self-
doubt, and others.
8. Respect other people’s privacy. Ask consent for everything! From posts sharing, to
citations, to using of materials and more.
9. Help out those people who are new to the technology.
10. Read, and research before asking. Try not to waste other people’s time.
11. Some emotions and meanings do not transmit very well in an email or a post. However,
do not use all caps if you want to communicate strong emotion. All caps will make you
look like you’re shouting. Don’t overuse smileys and emoticons because they make you
look unprofessional. Constructing your sentences carefully and editing what you write
before hitting send is often enough.
12. Remember that your posts and account can be easily traced back to you even if you
write under an alias or a made-up handle. You leave data footprints whenever you’re
online. These are stored and can be retrieved. Even when using incognito. Always be a
decent and responsible netizen.
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Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people – If it is unethical to harm people
by making a bomb, for example, it is equally bad to write a program that handles the
timing of the bomb. Or, to put it more simply, if it is bad to steal and destroy other
people’s books and notebooks, it is equally bad to access and destroy their files.
2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work – Computer viruses are
small programs that disrupt other people’s computer work by destroying their files,
taking huge amounts of computer time or memory, or by simply displaying annoying
messages. Generating and consciously spreading computer viruses is unethical.
3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people’s computer files – Reading other people’s
e-mail messages is as bad as opening and reading their letters: This is invading their
privacy. Obtaining other people’s non-public files should be judged the same way as
breaking into their rooms and stealing their documents.
4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal – Using a computer to break into the accounts of
a company or a bank and transferring money should be judged the same way as
robbery. It is illegal and there are strict laws against it.
5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness – The Internet can spread untruth
as fast as it can spread truth. Putting out false "information" to the world is bad. For
instance, spreading false rumors about a person or false propaganda about historical
events is wrong.
6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid – Software
is an intellectual product. In that way, it is like a book: Obtaining illegal copies of
copyrighted software is as bad as photocopying a copyrighted book. There are laws
against both. Information about the copyright owner can be embedded by a process
called watermarking into pictures in the digital format.
7. Thou shalt not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper
compensation – Multiuser systems use user id’s and passwords to enforce their memory
and time allocations, and to safeguard information. You should not try to bypass this
authorization system. Hacking a system to break and bypass the authorization is
8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people’s intellectual output – For example, the
programs you write for the projects assigned in this course are your own intellectual
output. Copying somebody else’s program without proper authorization is software
piracy and is unethical. Intellectual property is a form of ownership, and may be
protected by copyright laws.
9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the
system you are designing – You have to think about computer issues in a more general
social framework: Can the program you write be used in a way that is harmful to
society? For example, if you are working for an animation house, and are producing
animated films for children, you are responsible for their contents. Do the animations
include scenes that can be harmful to children? In the United States, the
Communications Decency Act was an attempt by lawmakers to ban certain types of
content from Internet websites to protect young children from harmful material. That
law was struck down because it violated the free speech principles in that country's
constitution. The discussion, of course, is going on.
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10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for
your fellow humans – Just like public buses or banks, people using computer
communications systems may find themselves in situations where there is some form of
queuing and you have to wait for your turn and generally be nice to other people in the
environment. The fact that you cannot see the people you are interacting with does not
mean that you can be rude to them.
McCombes, S. (2020, January 13). How to Do a Case Study: Examples and Methods.
Retrieved June 7, 2020, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/case-study/
NewLeaf. (2012). ROI or Payback Period? Retrieved June 7, 2020, from https://newleaf-
Requirements Modeling. Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t0ichoFHG8 Part
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u5KQh_B1_U
ROSENBLATT, H. (2014) Systems Analysis and Design, 10th edition. Shelly Cashman
Series. Cengage Learning
Top five causes of scope creep ... and what to do about them. A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fourth edition
Feronika, N. (2018, January 15). Systems Analysis Activities. School of Information
Systems. https://sis.binus.ac.id/2018/01/15/systems-analysis-activities/
System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) | Michigan Tech Information Technology. (n.d.).
Michigan Technological University. https://www.mtu.edu/it/security/policies-procedures-
Thakur, D. (2013, January 30). What is system maintenance? What are its different
types. Computer Notes. https://ecomputernotes.com/mis/implementation-and-
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Unit 08: Computer and Cybersecurity
The vulnerabilities of a computer system should not be left alone for perpetrators. We should
prevent perpetrators from gaining access to our computer systems. To ensure that information
presented by your computer system is reliable and not prone to computer fraud and malware.
Computers and the internet have transformed the lives of many people in many good ways.
Unfortunately, this vast network and its associated technologies also have a number of security
threats. It is our duty to protect ourselves from these threats and attacks. Scammers, hackers
and identity thieves are looking to steal your personal information - and your money.
Computer security, the protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and
unauthorized use. Computer hardware is typically protected by the same means used to
protect other valuable or sensitive equipment, namely, serial numbers, doors and locks, and
alarms. The protection of information and system access, on the other hand, is achieved
through other tactics, some of them quite complex. Computer security deals with the
protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.
Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic
systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology
security or electronic information security. The term applies in a variety of contexts, from
business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories.
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not plug in unidentified USB drives, and various other important lessons is vital for the
security of any organization.
Security is a constant worry when it comes to information technology. Data theft, hacking,
malware and a host of other threats are enough to keep any IT professional up at night. We’ll
look at the basic principles and best practices that allow users to keep their systems safe.
Individuals and companies must employ the best security measures suitable to their needs to
prevent fraudulent activities.
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Effectively executing all three principles of the Security Triad creates an ideal outcome from an
information security perspective.
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Avoid visiting unknown websites or downloading software from untrusted sources.
These sites often host malware that will automatically install (often silently) and
compromise your computer. If attachments or links in the email are unexpected or
suspicious for any reason, don't click on it, just visit the actual sender website.
10. Keep applications up to date
Turn on automatic updating or make sure that all applications are also up to date.
Definition of terms
Firewall: A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network
traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security
Hackers: A hacker is a person who breaks into a computer system. The reasons for hacking can
be many: installing malware, stealing or destroying data, disrupting service, and more. Hacking
can also be done for ethical reasons, such as trying to find software vulnerabilities so they can
be fixed.
Threats: A threat is anything that can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of
an information system.
Malware: This refers to malicious software such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses
that can infect computers and devices, steal sensitive information, or damage systems.
Phishing: This is the practice of sending fake emails or messages that appear to come
from a trustworthy source, such as a bank or a popular website, in order to trick people
into revealing sensitive information.
Ransomware: This is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's files and demands a
ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: These attacks overload a website or online
service with traffic, making it inaccessible to users.
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Advanced persistent threats (APTs): In an APT, an intruder or group of intruders sneak
into a system and remain undetected for an extended period. The intruder leaves
networks and systems intact to avoid detection so that the intruder can spy on business
activity and steal sensitive data.
Information security, also known as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed
and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption,
destruction, and inspection.
IT security is about protecting things that are of value to an organization. Security controls exist
to reduce or mitigate the risk to those assets. They include any type of policy, procedure,
technique, method, solution, plan, action, or device designed to help accomplish that goal.
Recognizable examples include firewalls, surveillance systems, and antivirus software.
There are two (02) ways to classify controls in an organization: (01) by type – physical,
technical, or administrative – and (02) by function – preventive, detective, and corrective –.
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Control Types
Control Functions
Preventive Controls – These is any security measure that is designed to prevent or stop
any malicious activity from happening. These can be fences, alarms, and antivirus
Detective Controls – These is any security measure taken or implemented to detect and
alert to unwanted or unauthorized activity in progress or after it has occurred. It can be
alerting guards or notifications from a motion sensor.
Corrective Controls – Any measures taken to repair damage or restore resources and
capabilities following an unauthorized or unwanted activity. This may include rebooting
the system, or terminating a process, or quarantining a virus.
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Table 02-A: Examples of Control Functions and Types
GRADED Activity 2
Part 1: Unit 3(10 pts)
1. What use does the internet have for you? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
2. If you have a phone, a laptop, or any similar kinds of technology, which 2 apps or
softwares do you use often to be more productive? Explain in no more than 3 sentences
each how you think these apps or softwares work and what makes them useful for you.
Part 2: Unit 3 (15 pts)
1. Information is commonly referred to as processed data, data being the raw material. The
key factor here is that data needs to undergo certain processes before it becomes
information. With this in mind, give 5 examples of data being transformed into
information. Present your work in a creative and concise output that organizes the data,
the process it will undergo, and the resulting information.
2. Think of any business around you (your bank, convenience store, etc.) and identify ways
on how you think they can be more productive. Explain in 3-5 sentences.
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Part 3: Unit 3 (5 pts)
1. Computers perform many jobs that previously were performed by people. Will computer-
based transactions and expanded e-commerce eventually replace person to-person
contact? From a customer’s point of view, is this better? Why or why not?
2. What types of information systems might a large company use?
Part 4: Unit 4 (10 pts)
Solve the following problem applying the method used in the video uploaded in your powerpoint
presentation. You may check: Lesson 07 Video 01 Payback period
Problem. Assume the following cash flow for 2 projects. Assuming that the cash flows are
occurring at the end of the year. Find the payback period for both these projects.
0 -1000 -1000
1 600 100
2 400 400
3 200 600
4 200 600
5 100 700
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Content marketing can be a very hectic mess unless you organize it into clear business
processes. Consider the following process:
The content writer takes up & finishes the first draft of an article. Includes descriptions
of any custom images that are to be used in the article
The marketer gathers influencer contact information, to be used for advertising and
marketing once the article is done
The editor proof-reads the article, makes points on grammar, style, spelling, etc.
The designer creates custom images as asked, sending them over to the content writer
The writer takes the comments into consideration, fixes any mistakes, and adds the
images to the article
The SEO expert makes sure that the article meets the right optimization best-practices
& publishes the article
The marketer uses a combination of advertising & email outreach to make sure that the
article is read.
Activity: Construct the business process diagram and apply the flowcharting process
Note: This example is taken from: https://tallyfy.com/business-process/
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McCombes, S. (2020, January 13). How to Do a Case Study: Examples and Methods.
Retrieved June 7, 2020, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/case-study/
NewLeaf. (2012). ROI or Payback Period? Retrieved June 7, 2020, from https://newleaf-
Requirements Modeling. Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t0ichoFHG8 Part
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u5KQh_B1_U
ROSENBLATT, H. (2014) Systems Analysis and Design, 10th edition. Shelly Cashman
Series. Cengage Learning
Top five causes of scope creep ... and what to do about them. A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fourth edition
With the internet being the center for acquiring information nowadays, and more and more
systems being developed to suit the needs of different businesses, all of which make use of the
internet as a medium for marketing and operations, there is a question of how the security of
everyone is maintained. Having a singular tool used as a platform by different business and
individuals alike has definitely made it easier for everyone to communicate and do transactions.
But it has also made it easier for others to exploit the vulnerability of persons who are not
knowledgeable about the risks of using the internet.
To start with this module, take some time to reflect on the following questions:
1. Have you ever felt that your security is compromised while using the internet?
2. Do you think you have done something that might have been illegal?
3. Have you ever searched anything in Google and used it as part of one of your outputs?
4. Have you created anything that was used by someone else without your consent
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Explore Activity
1. Search for an example of an apparent cybercrime. From this example, give your thoughts on
how you think that could have been prevented.
2. Downloading files through the internet is rampant, whether legal or not. An example of which
is downloading of movies, TV series, or animes via a torrent client. Currently, this is an illegal
act, but authorities have little resources to stop this completely. Do you think this kind of
activity must be stopped, or do you think this is something that must be accepted as legal?
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• Course notes - Atty Marco Polo E. Cunanan. Public Attorney II, PAO San Fernando (P)
District. Lecturer, Tarlac State University School of Law
• Federis & Associates Intellectual Property Firm. (2013). What is Copyright? Retrieved
from FEDERIS Intellectual Property Law:
• Lawphil.net and Chanrobles.com
Unit 01 Question2: Calculate the percentage increase in productivity if the output
expands from 12,000 in year 2 to 15,000 in year 3.
Take the output in year 3 which is 15,000 and subtract it with the output in year 2 which is
12,000 to get the increase from year 2 to year 3.
15,000-12,000 = 3,000
Then divide it from the output from year 2 which is 12,000 then multiply it by 100 to get the
increase by percentage
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