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Living in IT Era

Intro to ICT other digital technologies to assist

individuals or institutions in handling or
ICT: An Overview
using information.
 Is technology that supports activities
involving information such as gathering,
Technology processing, storing, and presenting data.
 Presently includes advancements in Increasingly, these activities also involve
communications and how information is collaboration and communication.
handled, thus enabling governments,  Technology related to computing data and
organizations, industries, and ordinary communications.
individuals to improve on their decision- IT
making, business processes, and
everyday living.  Pertains to the industry that involves
computers, software, networking, and
other IT infrastructure to help relay or
Information and Communications Technology message information important in modern-
(ICT) day living as seen primarily in large
companies or corporations.
 Related to technologies that facilitate the  Technology related to computing data.
transfer of information and various types
of electronically mediated communication
(Zuppo, 2012). Breakdown of ICT
 Information
Belongingness Hypothesis  Telecommunications
 Technology
 Baumeister and Leary (1995) states that
people have basic psychological need to
feel closely connected to others that
Difference between Data and Information
caring, affectionate bonds from close
relationships are a major part of human Data
 Data is raw, unorganized facts that need
to be processed. Data can be something
simple and seemingly random and
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
useless until it is organized.
 Conducts an annual study on the
prevalence of ICT around the world.
 When data is processed, organized,
structured or presented in a given context
ICT Development Index so as to make it useful, it is called
 The report includes quantitative indicators
regarding ICT access, usage, and skills in
different regions and countries.
 Refers to the knowledge obtained from
IT vs. ICT reading, investigation, study, or research.
 Is regarded as processed data.
 Needed to make decisions and to foresee
 Is often used in a more general sense, the future.
and is described as using computers and
Living in IT Era
 Ex. Scientist can detect the formation of a specified rules, produce results, and
tsunami using the latest technology and store the results for future use.
warn the public to avoid disasters in the 4. Automation
affected areas.  the technique of making an apparatus,
a process, or a system operate
Knowledge  Includes a broad range of technologies
normally connecting computer
 Processed information systems, such as sensors, wireless
 Helps fulfill daily tasks applications, expert systems, and
 Ex. Knowledge is used to predict system integration, among others.
tomorrow’s weather and decide if there is  Capable of self-acting or self-
a need to bring an umbrella. regulation.
 Knowledge is also used to analyze the  Systems can reduce the instances of
stock market and check which company is errors, which are usually caused by
worth investing in. human-based decision and
 Production companies use automated
Communication systems as part of their business
 Is an act of transmitting messages. process as automation increases
 Is a process in which information is productivity and lessens the time to
exchanged between individuals through market.
verbal and non-verbal means. 5. Intelligent System
 Systems are far more complex and are
capable of learning
In the prehistoric days, humans  This is where the concept of artificial
communicated through signs or symbols intelligence comes in.
as evidenced by cave paintings and  Intelligent car which is capable of
drawings, rock art, stone carvings and the driving and parking by itself.
When face-to-face meeting is not
possible, long-distance communication or Brief History of Computer
virtual communication is now commonly Generations of Computer
and easy with the use of smartphones and
computers with internet access.  First Generation, 1951-1958: Vacuum
 Second Generation, 1959-1965:
Evolution of Technology Transistor
 Third Generation, 1965-1971: Integrated
Human Rationale
1. The concept of technology always starts  Fourth Generation, 1971-1980:
with the basic tool. Microprocessor
2. Machines can do the tasks faster and  Fifth Generation, 1980-onwards: Artificial
more efficiently. Intelligence
3. Computer
 is an electronic device, operating
under the control of instructions stored First Generation Computer (1946-1959)
in its own memory, that can accept
data, manipulate the data according to o ENIAC – the Electronic Numeric Integrator
and Calculator
Living in IT Era
o First electronic computer was developed of microprocessor chips having 10 million
in 1946. electronic components.
o Designed by J. Presper Eckert and John o Involves computer intelligence which is
W. Mauchly from the University of associated with artificial intelligence (AI),
Pennsylvania and financed by the United natural language, and expert systems.
States Army
o Was a modular computer, composed of
several panels capable of performing Components of Computer
different functions. However. It could store
Input  Process  Output  Storage
only limited or small amount of information
and only do arithmetic operations such as Hardware
addition and subtraction of up to 10 digits.
 Pertains to the computer’s physical
The computer was roughly 167 square
meters in size, and weight 27 tons.
 Any part of the computer that can be seen
Second Generation Computer (1959-1965) and touched.
 Consists of interrelated electronic devices
o Transistors were much smaller and faster,
that are used to manipulate the
and more dependable than the vacuum computer’s operation, input devices and
tubes of the first generation computer. output devices.
o The generated less heat and consumed
less electricity but were still very costly. Input Devices

Third Generation Computer (1965-1971)  Keyboard  is the most common input

device that accepts letters, numbers and
o In 1965, Jack Kilby invented the commands.
integrated circuit (IC) that was used  Mouse  lets one select options from on
instead of transistors as the interior screen menus. A mouse is used by
sections to build the computer. moving it on a flat surface, pressing it two
o A single IC has many transistors, resistors buttons (left and right), and scrolling the
and capacitors that even the full circuit wheel that is located between the buttons.
board of a transistors can be replaced  Trackball  has a ball that can rotate
entirely with one chip. This chip made the using a finger or the palm of a hand to
computer smaller, unfailing and effective. move the pointer.
o Remote processing, time-sharing and
 Microphone 
multiprogramming operating system were
 Scanner
 Digital camera
Fourth Generation Computer (1971-1980)  PC video camera
o Very large scale integrated (VLSI) Circuits
were used to build computers.
o Have about 5,000 transistors and other
circuit elements with their connected
circuits on a single chip known as the
o Fifth Generation Computer (1980-
o The VLSI technology has evolved into
what is called ultra-large scale integration
(ULSI) technology, with the manufacture

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