Paper 01 Day 02 2023 PDF

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Past Papers(Paper 01)

DAY 02
M/J 2017(12)
2(a) From the Qur’an passages set for special study in the syllabus, describe the ways in
which God gave knowledge of Himself to His Messengers. [10]
M/J 2011
2 (a) Write about the experiences of two prophets you have studied in the Qur’an (not including
the Prophet Muhammad). [10]
O/N 2016
2 (a) From Qur’an passages you have studied, write about what lessons can be learnt from
God’s conversations with Adam and Jesus. [10]
M/J 2019
2(a) Using the Qur’an passages set for special study in the syllabus, outline
the relationship between God and two of His Messengers: Adam, • Abraham, • Jesus. [10]
Answer [Learn and write]:
Adam (2.30–37): Adam was the first human to be created by God. God had told the angels He would
place a representative on earth, and the angels asked why, if he will only make mischief unlike the angels
who only glorify God. When God spoke to Adam, he gave him knowledge about Himself through the
things he was taught the names of, and the lessons he learnt in obedience to God. God gives knowledge
to whom He wills. “And He taught Adam the names of all things.” It shows the superiority of humans
over angels due to what they know, and so it stresses the importance of gaining knowledge.
God also told Adam that he and his wife should live in the Garden but they were not to touch a specific
tree. “But donot approach this tree, or you will run into harm and transgression.” Satan, who was
jealous of Adam and had refused to bow to him, came to tempt Adam and his wife into eating from the
tree. He is from the mischief makers who whisper evil into the minds/hearts of humans.
God sent Adam and his wife to live on earth. Adam realised his mistake and through this event turned to
God for forgiveness. And God, because He is the most merciful, turned towards Adam, meaning He
forgave Him. . Through these events Adam learnt about God’s creation, His Knowledge and His
This passage tells Muslims about the favours God gives his prophets. He gives them knowledge for
guidance, and He forgives when people turn to Him in repentance.
Ibrahim (6:75-79) was a native of Mesopotamia, presently southern Iraq. He lived amongst the
idolaters. His father Azar was an idol maker. Most of the people of his time worshiped the sun, the moon,
and the stars and prayed to them. He was given knowledge of God through the law and order of the
heavens and the earth. One night he went out in search of God to the mountains. He looked to the stars
and the moon and the sun, which people at his time worshipped. God inspired him to realise that the
things in creation that do not last cannot be the things to be worshipped as God does not change.
“Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be of those who go astray.”
Ibrahim was gifted with exceptional wisdom Through which he understood the concept of Oneness of
God despite he was born in the people who were polytheists. It describes the stages of Ibrahim’s spiritual
enlightenment until he declared the unity of Allah to his people and forbade them from associating
partners with Allah (shirk). “And never shall I give partners to Allah.”
Through these events he turned himself to believe in God and did not associate partners with Him. God
showed Ibrahim His Unity, and His control over creation.

“How should I fear (the beings) you associate with Allah when you fear not to give partners to Allah..”
It also show that all the Messengers conveyed the same message of oneness of Allah (Tauheed)
Jesus (5.110) was the son of Maryam (Mary). His birth was a Miracle. He was born to Maryam without
a father by Allah’s command. He spoke as an infant and defended his mother. He was given special
miracles which helped him understand God’s personality and His ultimate power. God asked Jesus to
recount the blessings that God had given him and his mother (Maryam), showing that God gives his
prophets favours to help them in their lives. God then gives a list of the things He has given Jesus, and the
benefits of those favours: He was given the holy spirit which allowed him to speak to the people as a child
and when he was older. He was also taught the Law and the Gospel to teach the people how to live their
lives in accordance to God’s laws. He was also able to give life to the dead and heal the sick, by the will of
God. “And you heal those born blind, and the lepers by my leave ,and behold you bring forth the dead
by my leave.” (5 :110)
He also protected Jesus from the unbelievers who accused Jesus of magic and did not believe His powers
were a sign of God’s majesty. “That they said (in boast) “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary the
Apostle of Allah;” But they killed him not, nor crucified him but so Allah raised him up unto Himself;
and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” This all showed Jesus the favours he was given by God which
allowed him to believe in Him and follow Him.
The Prophet Muhammad faced hardships like the other prophets, but God reminds him that He
gave him blessings in this life and the next.
God revealed Surah Kauthar(108) to console and give hope to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) under the increasing
difficulties in Makkah by promising that he would be given abundant blessings in this worldly life and in
the hereafter.” To you have we granted abundance”. It is interpreted as fountain in heaven, his spiritual
progeny (Muslims) and his daughter Fatima, who gave him two grandsons Hassan and Hussain. Prophet
(P.B.U.H) was instructed to remain loyal to his faith by continuing to live as God taught him. “So pray to
your Lord and sacrifice”. It also warned that it would not be the Prophet (P.B.U.H) but his enemies that
would be cut off. “He who hates you, he will be cut off”.
Surah Duha (93) reassured him that “your lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased”. It also gave
him the glad tiding of successful future life by saying, “and the hereafter will be better for you than the
present .”which referred to his successful future life in Madina. It reminded the prophet (pbuh) of God’s
support for him throughout his life “did he not find you an orphan and give you shelter ; And he found
you wondering and he gave you guidance ; And he found you in need and he made you independent”
After the revelation of these surah the Prophet (P.B.U.H) continued his mission with renewed hope,
strength and devotion.
In this way these passages of Quran strengthen our belief in all the messengers which is an article of faith in
Islam. They also show God’s special concern for his chosen people and how they were helped throughout
their lives.
2(b) ‘Undergoing hardships brings a person closer to God.’ Agree or disagree with this
statement, giving reasons for your answer. [4]
Yes, it brings a person closer to God. All prophets were tested which allowed them to get closer to God,
likewise humankind now can get closer to their Lord through their hardships, as long as they reflect and
understand that God is testing them. Also, by remaining patient and steadfast, and not leaving their worship,
they will gain rewards and understanding. Prophets were tested and remained steadfast, so Muslims should
also expect to be tested and they should also remain steadfast.
(b) As God’s “representative (khalifa) on Earth” say how men and women can serve God,
giving examples. [4]

Muslims can serve God on earth by understanding and fulfilling their obligation to Him, primarily through
praying and fulfilling the five pillars, and by not disobeying His commands. They should be grateful to Him for
what He has given them, food, shelter, clothing, and thank Him. This can be done by praying, reciting Qur’an,
being generous to others, helping those in need, e.g. by feeding the poor, giving gifts and charity.
They should also look after the provisions God has given them, whether it be the food and the environment
it grows in, the knowledge He gives for guidance or the people who are in a person’s life for their help and
wellbeing, e.g. by not wasting food or eating too much, by learning something and teaching others, by
respecting teachers and colleagues.

3(a) The Pledges of Aqaba were made in the Prophet’s last years in Makka. Outline the
reasons for these pledges and write about the details in them. [10]
O/N 2012
Q3(a): Describe the events surrounding the Pledges of Aqabah and the main details in them. [10]
Answer [Learn and write]:
The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has incurred the displeasure of Quraish by preaching Islam openly
in Makkah. As a result of that he had to face severe persecutions and difficulties. The Prophet’s clan Banu
Hashim was boycotted for three years i.e 7th to 10th year of prophethoodSoon after Abu Talib’s death
conditions became unfavorable for the Prophet in Makkah because his worst enemy Abu Lahab became the
chief of Quraish, which meant that the prophet had no clan protection. He decided to go to Taif, accompanied
by his freed slave and adopted son,Zaid bin Harith to invite the people of Banu Saqeef tribe to Islam. He
invited the 3 chiefs and then the common people to Islam. They rejected and persecuted him. He was so
severely injured that the blood trickled down his body and filled his shoes. Angel Jibrail appeared with the
angel of mountains and offered him to destroy the town but he forgave them and prayed for their guidance.
• The Holy Prophet returned from Taif to Makkah and resumed his preaching. He had started preaching
to the pilgrims who came to Makkah each year. In the eleventh year of prophethood (620A.D) six pilgrims
from the tribe of khazraj in Yasrib Came to Makkah. They embraced the faith after hearing the teachings of
Islam by the prophet. They promised to spread the message of Islam in Yasrib to their friends and relatives.
• Later in 12th year of prophet hood/ 621 AD, twelve persons met the Prophet pbuh. Two of them
belonged to the Aws tribe, and 05 of them had already accepted Islam last year. They accepted the faith and
pledged to abstain from all the un-Islamic practices i.e stealing, adultery, killing their children, slandering or
disobeying the prophet etc and to lead a righteous life believing in one Allah. In this first Pledge of Aqabah
they vowed: “We pledge our allegiance to the Messenger of Allah that we would associate nothing with
Allah, that we would neither steal, nor commit fornication, nor slay our offspring, not utters slanders; and
that we would not disobey him in that which is right.”
These people promised to spread Islam in Yasrib and the Holy Prophet sent Musab bin Umair with them to
recite the Quran and to preach Islam to the residents of the city. This pledge is also known as “Pledge of
women”(Bayyat e Nisa) because fighting was not mentioned in it.
• In 13th year of prophet hood (622A.D) a deputation consisting of 73 men and 2 women came from
Yasrib to take the same Pledge. This is called the second Pledge of Aqabah. The Prophet’s uncle Abbas, who
at that time was a non muslim, accompanied the Prophet pbuh and asked the people of Madina to support
him through thick and thin. They promised to listen and obey the Prophet, to spend in plenty as well as in
scarcity for the cause of Islam, to enjoin upon good and forbid evil, fear no one but Allah and to defend the
Prophet against his enemies if he needed and to lay down their lives for the cause of Islam. They also invited
the Prophet to Yasrib and pledged full support for him. Here, Bara, a chieftain of Yathrib, took the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) and swore: “By Him who sent you with the truth, we will protect you as we protect them (our
wives and children). So accept the pledge of our allegiance, O Messenger of Allah, for we are men of war,
possessed arms that have been handed down from father to son.” The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied: “I

am yours and you are mine. Whom you war against, him I war against. Whom you make peace with, him I
make peace with.” This pledge came to be known as Bayyat e Harb i.e the pledge of war.
• When the unbelievers came to know of these developments they redoubled their persecution, so the
Prophet allowed his companions to secretly migrate to Yasrib and family after family left in this manner.
• Mut’im, the chief of Nawfal tribe, passed away soon after the second pledge of Aqabah; with his
death, the Prophet (P.U.H.H) was once more vulnerable to the violence of the Quraish. Abu Jahal now
perfected a plot to murder him. The Quraish held a meeting in the council hall,“Dar-un-Nadwa” where it was
decided that one person from each tribe should be selected who would simultaneously attack the Prophet
and kill him.
The prophet was informed of this plan of his enemies by Allah and was told to leave Makkah that same night.
The Holy Prophet asked Ali to sleep in his bed, and then he quietly left the house unnoticed. Accompanied
by Abu Bakr, he made his way to Yasrib.

3(b) In your view, why should Muslims provide a safe haven for others? Give reasons for
your answer. [4]
• They should provide a safe haven for people who are fleeing persecution, such as those fleeing the war
in Afghanistan / Syria etc. and their governments should provide shelter and basic facilities for them.
• It is from the teachings of Islam to care for others and to provide the basic needs of fellow human beings.
• Muslims could also provide a safe haven for those who have lost their families, especially children who
are now orphaned, whether it be due to war or famine or natural disasters.
• Providing homes and shelter for them would allow them to start a new life much like Muslims of Makka
started a new life due to the invitation of the Madinans.
• Also, the Prophet said that the person who looks after an orphan will be with him in paradise.

4(a) The Muslims in Makka faced a lot of hostility after the Prophet began preaching openly.
Describe the persecutions against the followers of the Prophet at this time. [10]
M/J 2011
(a) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makka. [10]
M/J 2013
(a) Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam in Makka. [10]
O/N 2020
(a) Describe the main difficulties faced by the early followers of Islam. [10]
Answer [Learn and write]:
• For the first few years the Prophet (pbuh) preached the message in secret. Initially only a handful of
Muslims accepted Islam, the main ones being Khadija, Zaid, ‘Ali and Abu Bakr, who in turn brought many
people to Islam including, ‘Uthman, Zubair ibn Awwam, and Talha. Other early converts were Bilal, Abu
‘Ubaida, Abu Salamah. Prayer was established morning and evening. They would pray and practise their
faith in secret, often praying in the mountains.
• The Prophet pbuh proclaimed the message of Islam openly on the mount of safa after the divine command
for open preaching of Islam in 613 AD,
“Expound openly what you are commanded and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.”
He was rejected and after this event, period of persecutions and difficulties started for the prophet
pbuh and his followers especially the poor and the weak.
• Another victim of the cruelty of Quraish was Ammar bin Yasir (R.A), a freed slave of Banu Makhzum,
who had accepted Islam in its early days along with his parents. They were repeatedly made to lie on
the burning sand and beaten. At times, Ammar was also thrown on burning embers.

His parents Sumayya and Yasir were persecuted to death by Abu Jahl when they refused to abandon
their faith. They were the first martyrs of Islam.
• Bilal bin Rabah (R.A) was the slave of Ummayah ibn Khalaf was severely beaten by his master.
Sometimes, a rope was put around his neck and he was dragged by street boys around the streets
and hiss of Makkah. He was deprived of food and drink, and one day during its hottest hour, he was
bound and a heavy stone was put on his chest. He was then asked to renounce his faith, but he kept
repeating ‘One, One’ to honour the oneness of Allah. Hazrat Abu Bakr was passing by and, moved by
the sight, he purchased Bilal from his master and freed him.
Not only the poor and the weak but the rich and the noble Muslims were also persecuted.
• Once Abu Bakr(R.A) was pulled by his beard and was dragged through the streets of Makkah for
protecting the Prophet pbuh.
• Usman(R.A) was wrapped in palm leaves by his uncle and fire was lit around him so that he would be
suffocated but despite this, he did not leave Islam.
• Harith bin Abi Hala(R.A) was also killed by the Makkans when he was trying to protect the Prophet
against his enemies.
• Zinra (R.A), a Roman slave girl was beaten and made blind by her master.
• Suhaib Rumi(R.A) was beaten so badly that he became unconscious,
• Khubaib -bin--Arat(R.A), a blacksmith was branded by his own tools; his body was burnt badly as they
threw him on burning coal.
• Abdullah bin Masud(R.A) was persecuted mercilessly when he recited the Quran loudly near the
The poor and the weak Muslims were deprived of their possessions and their means of livelihood were
taken away.
• Due to the severity of the persecutions, the Prophet (pbuh) told the believers to meet secretly at Dar
al-Arqam, In 5th year of prophet hood/615AD the Prophet (S.A.W) permitted some of his followers
specially the poor and the weak, to migrate to Abyssinia to the protection of the Christian king Negus.
The Quraish followed them and demanded Negus to send them back. He called the emigrants and
after listening to the speech of Jafar bin Abu Talib, he refused to send them back and the Makkans
had to return unsuccessfully.
• The Prophet pbuh and his family Banu Hashim were boycotted for three years i.e., from 7th till 10th
year of prophethood and were forced to live in a narrow valley outside Makkah which is also known
as Shib-e-Abu Talib. It was a time of difficulties and hardships but they remained steadfast. They were
not allowed to worship at the Kaaba.
4(b) In today’s world how practical are the reactions of the Prophet’s followers to these
persecutions? [4]
• living in a situation where their family may not want them to practise their faith, to pray, fast or wear
hijab, they can try to conceal their faith and practice it where they can and in secret.
• if they are being persecuted by the wider community for their beliefs, they could migrate to a safer
place where they would be accepted and allowed to live in freedom. It is not going to be an easy
journey, but the early Muslims did not go back on their decision.

5(a) Outline the tasks performed by the Prophet’s scribes during his lifetime. [10]
M/J 2014
5 (a) Write briefly about the tasks carried out by the Scribes of the revelation at the time of the
Prophet. [10]
Answer (Learn and write):
• Scribes of the Prophet (pbuh”) were among the closest companions, They not only kept a record of
revelations but also wrote letters and treaties as commanded by the Prophet(pbuh). They were the

four rightly guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, and Ali, who accompanied the Prophet
(pbuh)from his childhood and was a memorizer of Quran. He also wrote the terms of Treaty of al-
• The Qur’an was written in its entirety during the Prophet’s time even though it was not compiled in
one text. There were various scribes who had different roles as companions, who wrote the verses
down on a number of materials. These included animals skin, shoulder bones of camels, palm leaves,
stone tablets and pieces of wood etc.
• Some of them were official scribes who wrote letters for him (for example Ubayy ibn Ka’ab) whilst
some became scribes because they kept their own personal copies of the revelations (for example
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As. He sought the Messenger’s specific permission asking, ‘May I write
down everything I hear from you in the states of contentment and anger?’ He replied, ‘Yes, for I speak
nothing but the truth.’). A number of companions had their own personal copies of the words of the
revelations, which were later used to verify the one copy in the time of Abu Bakr. Companions who
kept a private record of the text of the Qur'an satisfied themselves as to the purity of their record by
reading it out to the Prophet.
• The Prophet used to instruct the scribes about the sequence in which a revealed message was to be
placed in a particular Sura (chapter). In this manner, the Prophet arranged the text of the Qur’an in a
systematic order till the end of the chain of revelations. Zayd ibn Thabit reported, “We used to record
the Qur’an from parchments in the presence of the Messenger of God.” There was always a scribe
on hand to write down the revelation or to insert new ones revealed to Holy Prophet under Divine
guidance through angel Jibrael during 610AD to 632AD. This is mentioned in Quran,
“(written) by the hands of the scribes honourable, pious and just.”(80:15-16)
• Zayd bin Thabit, one of the chief scribes relates: "I used to write down the revelation for the Holy
Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. When the revelation came to him he
felt intense heat and drops of perspiration used to roll down his body like pearls. When this state
was over I used to fetch a shoulder bone or a piece of something else. He used to go on dictating
and I used to write it down. When I finished writing the sheer weight of transcription gave me the
feeling that my leg would break and I would not be able to walk anymore. When I finished writing,
he would say, 'Read!' and I would read it back to him. If there was an omission or error he used to
correct it and then let it be brought before the people."
Some companions, who did not write down the revelations, had memorized them instead and their
versions were used to verify the written copies after the Prophet’s death.

5(b) The scribes had the Prophet as a source of information. How useful is the internet as a
source of information about Islam? [4]
It is a useful source of information because e.g. there is a lot of information easily available on the internet
so it is possible to do a few searches and find a lot of sources available for you to read on a subject. The
Qur’an and most hadith books are all online now, so people can easily access the information they need.
People who may not have access to books about Islam can learn about it online, and would be useful for
those interested / new to Islam.
it is not useful because e.g., the internet has a lot of information about Islam that is questionable, and it
would be difficult to know which sites are presenting the material in the correct way / giving the correct
information about an issue. Better answers may say that the Prophet said, “go to those who know”, meaning
that people should learn from scholars who have studied in a traditional way, as they would provide an
understanding that a person would not necessarily get from the internet. Those interested in Islam may be
put off by the sites that present Islam inaccurately, and it can also lead to people hating Islam / Muslims
because they have read information that is not true.

5.(b) Explain the importance of the principles employed by the compilers of the Qur’an at
the time of the Caliphs. [4]
After the Prophet’s death there was deemed a need to compile to Qur’an into a book form. Various principles
were employed, all of them to ensure authenticity to the original message.
• The Qur’an was compiled in the dialect of Quraysh because it was the original dialect –other dialects
could have been fabricated or distorted.
• Zayd bin Thabit gathered written materials from various companions, and checked all these versions
with those who had committed the Qur’an to memory –
• this was to ensure that none of the written copies had anything added or omitted and so that the
Qur’an remained authentic to the way the Prophet had received it.
• The order of the suras was not complied in the order that the Prophet had received revelation, but
generally in order of descending length – this was due to the belief that the order of the suras was
divinely ordained and the main scribes would have known this.

1. Choose any two of the following passages from the Qur’an, and:
(a) briefly describe the main theme(s) in each passage. [4]
(b) briefly explain the importance of the themes in the daily living of Muslims. [4]

(a)Main Theme: [2 marks]

• This verse of Surah Fussilat also known as Ha Mim was revealed during the early years in Makkah. It
discusses the theme of Allah in Himself.
• Fussilat means “clearly spelt out message of Quran.” It is directing attention to the concept of Tawhid
(Oneness of God) by saying that God creates and controls everything; in this verse specifically the sun
and the moon.
• celestial bodies and the cycle of nature on earth are the signs of God’s power for mankind and help
them to identify our true Lord and His presence. The Quran says, “Behold! in the creation of the
heavens and the earth and the alternation of Night and Day – there are indeed signs for men of
wisdom.” (3:190)
• The order of the sun and the moon shows that God alone should be praised and worshipped and
nothing should be associated with Him. It is a negation of paganism; the sun and moon are not to be
(b) Importance [2 marks]

• This passage is important in daily lives of Muslims because it creates a strong link with God so Muslims
do not look up to anything/anyone else, famous people, money, etc., and they worship only Him.
• It stops them from committing shirk by making them realise that all created things are not

• God's signs invite Muslims to observe their environment and ponder over His signs. It creates awe
and wonder to help get closer to Him.
• Muslims in their daily lives learn from this passage that God administers all affairs. Thus, they consider
themselves humble servants of God and turn to Him for salvation through prayer, fasting and other
acts of worship.

(a) Main theme: [2] marks

• These verses of the surah ash-Shura, a makkan surah, represent the theme of God in Himself.
• These verses confirm God’s power, majesty and His ultimate authority over all that exists in this
Universe. God is the owner of everything because He created everything
• His majesty is so much that the heavens tremble and are almost ready to tear out by His glory.
Everything in the Universe acknowledges His power and supremacy by praising Him. The Quran says,
“Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.”
• It further discusses that angels always glorify God’s attributes of forgiveness and mercifulness for
those who repent and request Him for their forgiveness. Humans are reliant on God’s mercy as He is
the most forgiving, the most merciful

(b) Importance [2 marks]

• The importance here is that God tells humankind of His power and control over all things, so they
should remember that they do not have any power in comparison which in turn protects them from
• In their daily lives Muslims need to show humbleness like Angels who despite having magnificent
power to dispose different affairs but they fear God and seek His mercy day and night. The
obedience of angels to God can encourage humans to be obedient to God too.
• Humans should not despair of Him or give up on His mercy – even if they have sinned, they should
turn back to Him and He will forgive. They must keep trust in God who would help them in all their
• As God is merciful to humankind, they in turn should be grateful through acts of worship like
prayer,fasting etc and also try to be forgiving of others, even if they have been hurt or injured.

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