Senior Project

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The M-word

Our planet is suffering. Increasing carbon dioxide emissions are overheating our planet

and raising our sea levels. One of the main sources of this impounding catastrophe is how we eat,

more specifically, our consumption of red meat products. As a result, throughout my high school

career, I focused on the planet's well-being, feeling that I had to personally do something to

impact the world. Therefore, during my freshman year, I became a vegetarian. Changing my diet

would decrease my ecological footprint and carbon impact, a small but progressive step towards

making a change. However, after my life took a turn during my sophomore year, my iron levels

became extremely low, and I always felt fatigued.

To find a way to continue being a vegetarian while maintaining optimal health, I had to

actively pay attention to what was being put in my body. I needed to do some research to make

sure my health was ameliorating. By doing more and more research, I began to become more

interested in health and nutrition. Instead of surrounding my diet with carbohydrates, my diet

consisted of more lipids and proteins. My low iron levels were impacted by not eating enough

meat or plant protein, therefore, I decided to eat more beans, soy, nuts, eggs, flax, hemp seeds,

and other sources of healthy fats. By changing my diet, my energy levels increased dramatically,

my mental health improved, and I could finally start physical exercise again.

Additionally, taking a nutrition class at Diablo Valley College furthered my studies. I

learned the fundamentals of nutrition, specifically, the impact certain foods have on global health

and the rising issue of obesity rates. Also, participating in an internship at NCI, the Nutrition

Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, taught me how to research

nutrition and gave me real-world experience in the medical field. I learned the procedures of how

to properly conduct an experiment and how nutrition impacts disease. Lastly, volunteering with


Stanford Farm, I learned the fundamentals of how to grow and harvest produce, teaching me

sustainable agriculture by experimenting with products and conducting agricultural research.

Recently, to research more in detail about my senior project, attending classes about

plant-based meat at the University of California, Berkeley has given me a basic understanding of

what plant-based meat is, and how key aspects of the fake meat business are kept hidden from

consumers. As a teenage vegetarian, my passion for nutrition and ending climate change has

made me curious about plant-based meat, and the real impacts of red meat. I needed to meet my

protein intake while making sure the food was sustainable for the environment. Yet, if

plant-based meat is as good as it markets itself to be, it raises the question: What is plant-based

meat and what are its effects on our environment and our long-term health?

Plant-based meat is a meat alternative that is designed to mimic red meat by smelling,

tasting, and looking the same while having a lower impact on our environment. According to

“Meatless burgers: Are they better for you than beef?”, “This term (plant-based meat) could be

used to describe any burger that does not contain actual meat. ‘Meatless burger’ these days

usually refers to the recently introduced products that have been designed to look and taste like

meat” (Shiue). In plant-based products, the keyword is “mimic,” as plant-based products can not

be used as a replacement to red meat without consequential diet changes. Plant-based meat

products are produced differently depending on the brand, such as Impossible foods or Beyond

Burgers, but much consist of “50-80% water content, 4-20% textured base protein, 10-25%

vegetable textured based proteins, 3-10% additives for flavor enhancement, 0-15% fats, 0-5%

coloring agents, and 1-15% binding agents” (Ahmad). All plant-based products are also

produced through the extrusion process, which makes them highly processed. Yet, plant-based


meat products are much more sustainable to the environment, as they relieve huge carbon

dioxide emissions emitted from agriculture.

Plant-based meat products are more sustainable because they emit less greenhouse gas

emissions, require less land, are more water-efficient, and use less energy. An article by Future

Foods mentions, “Saget et al report that PBAPAs are associated with 82-87% less climate change

per nutrition density unit compared to beef burgers. It is claimed that switching from beef

burgers to vegetable patties could save 9.5-11 million tonnes of CO2 annually, which is 2.4% of

the UK's territorial emissions” (Bryant). By switching most meat consumption from red meat to

plant-based meat, huge amounts of greenhouse gas emissions would be limited, helping the

planet reverse climate change. Food production, particularly the farming of livestock, is the

number one factor in carbon emissions and land use. Indeed, Bryant, author of “Plant-Based

Meat Alternatives: Compositional Analysis, Current Development, and Challenges” says, “Beef

has a land production of 7-420 m2, while plant-based meat substitutes used 2-3 m2. Thus,

plant-based products were up to 420 times more land efficient than animal products” (Bryant).

Cutting down red meat consumption and substituting for plant-based alternatives, would require

less land for agriculture, which would then help improve biodiversity worldwide. By cutting

down red meat, the land used to raise livestock would then be unnecessary and could transpire

into a being a new home for new or nearby species. Biodiversity is extremely important as it

balances food webs, and creates healthy ecosystems. Without biodiversity, many of our resources

would be scarce. Lastly, plant-based meat production conserves more non-renewable resources

and energy compared to red meat. Bryant continues to say that, “Smetana et al. (2021) found that

compared to plant-based burger patties, beef burger patties required 2.7-4.8 times more

non-renewable energy” (Bryant). Through the implementation of plant-based meat, the increase


in consumer demand for red meat could slowly decrease, reversing red meat’s impact on the

environment. However, not all plant-based products are better for the environment.

The whole food ingredient images on plant-based meat packaging can be deceiving.

Those soy, coconuts, and whole food ingredients are not what you are actually consuming.

Rather you are eating highly refined plant components where the benefit of the whole plant is

lost. Not every plant-based food is environmentally better than animal-based food because of the

environmental impact of soy protein isolate, coconut oil, and high levels of transformation. As

the authors of “Life cycle assessment of soy protein isolate” state, “Results indicate that SPI has

global warming potential higher than unprocessed chicken and pork, similar to beef” (Berardy et

al.). SPI stands for soy protein isolate, which is used in plant-based meat to replicate the meat

texture and nutritional profile of a variety of meats. Yet, soy protein isolates come from soy meal

which has to undergo lots of mechanical and chemical processing which then increases the

environmental impact of the product. Additionally, Ricardo San Martin, a professor at the

University of Berkeley, who is the co-founder of the Alternative Meat Lab at the university says,

“70% of coconut oil is produced in the Philippines and Indonesia which threatens 18.33 species

per million tons of oil produced” (San Martin). A main ingredient of plant-based products is

coconut oil, as it is the main fat source because it replicates animal-based oils. This can be a

cause for concern as coconut oil plantations cut down rainforests and decrease biodiversity.

Indeed, coconut oil is the oil with the highest number of threatened species per million tons of oil

produced with 18.33 species threatened, while the second highest oil is olive oil with 4.12

species threatened (Meijaard et al.). Lastly, processing plant-based meat decreases its

sustainability. Weele et al. in the article, “Meat alternatives: An integrative comparison. Trends

in Food Science & Technology” explains that, “High levels of transformation and processing


limit the environmental sustainability gains of cultured meats, highly processed plant-based meat

alternatives, algae, and insect-based foods”(Weele et al.). Plant-based meat has more potential to

be sustainable than red meat but at a cost. With increasing awareness and attention, this product

can also have environmental concerns. But, like any newly developed project, it is not immune to

potential shortcomings. Yet, these potential shortcomings of plant-based meat are incomparable

to the cemented ecological harm that red meat has on human health.

Red meat is carcinogenic, can lead to lower life expectancy, increase the risk of type two

diabetes, and is linked to viral infections. Gonzalez et al. explain in the article “Meat

consumption: What are the current global risks? A review of recent (2010-2020) evidence” that

“The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that red meat was a probable

carcinogen to humans, while consumption of processed meat was carcinogenic to humans”

(Gonzalez et al.). Although red meat is marketed as needed for the human body, research has

also shown the nutritional side effects of red meat. A food scientist, Josh Withworth, who works

with food safety at Bio-Rad, the global leading company for developing and manufacturing

products for research and clinical diagnostic markets, explains why red meat is carcinogenic to

human health. Withworth says “Red meat is a carcinogen to humans because we don't have that

enzyme to digest it” (Withworth). Withworth is specifically talking about haem iron, which is an

iron-containing substance that the body is not able to digest, which increases the likelihood of

prostate cancer, breast cancer, or colorectal cancer. Additionally, red meat has been shown to

increase the likelihood of other diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. For example, Gonzalez et al.

state, “the replacement of red meat consumption by fish and poultry were associated with a lower

risk of type two diabetes” (Gonzalez et al.). Red meat increases the likelihood of type two

diabetes due to its high saturated fat concentration. Because red meat makes human health more


vulnerable to fatal diseases, it can also affect life expectancy. A study on meat consumption,

“Meat consumption: What are the current global risks? A review of recent (2010-2020)

evidence”, says, “The current intake of red meat is harming life expectancy” (Gonzalez et al.).

By replacing some red meat products with plant protein, plant-based meat, or other healthier

meat substitutes, vulnerability to diseases would lessen and the immune system would be

stronger. Lastly, red meat (especially wild meat) can lead to virus contamination. As Ivy

Fernandez, a Ph.D. student at the University of California, San Diego studying developmental

biology, says “There are a lot of diseases that you think about nowadays, that does start as

zoonotic diseases that jump from animals to humans and typically from animals that are in

crowded conditions” (Fernandez). Without being careful, red meat can be related to virus

infections, as we have seen previously from the Coronavirus in 2019 to the Bubonic Plague in

1346. Precautions are essential, and limiting red meat from diets can substantially decrease the

likelihood of zoonotic diseases. Although red meat has nutritional downsides, it also has needed

nutritional value that plant-based meat does not replicate.

Plant-based meat does not contain all needed micronutrients required from the body and

is associated with junk food. There are nutritional impacts from completely switching from

animal to plant-based foods. For example, Forde and Tso from MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital

Publishing Institute, state, “Animal products provide an important source of nutrients since they

contain all nine essential amino acids. Many plant foods do not contain all essential amino acids

and are termed “incomplete protein sources”(Forde and Tso). Plant-based products are derived

from plants and do not contain all needed amino acids the body needs to properly function. In

our bodies, there are two types of amino acids: essential and non-essential. Non-essential amino

acids are amino acids the body can produce itself, yet essential acids are needed throughout our


diet. Forde and Tso, continue to explain, “Plant-based diets with large portions of novel

plant-based meat alternatives substitutes and vegan diets in the absence of nutritional

supplements run the risk of being inadequate in several important micronutrients” (Forde and

Tso). Red meat contains all the needed amino acids and can be an easy way to get needed

nutrients without diet changes. This means that if one were to switch to a completely plant-based

diet, essential amino acids would have to come from different sources of plant protein, which

does not include plant-based meat products. Additionally, plant-based meat products are highly

processed and are targeted as junk food. Authors of “Unintended Consequences: Nutritional

Impact and Potential Pitfalls of Switching from Animal- to Plant-Based Foods” then say,

“However, this desire for clean eating conflicts with many novel PBMAs which are highly

formulated, processed products that rely on protein isolates, colors, flavors, and processing aids

to achieve a ‘meat like’ sensory appeal” (Forde and Tso). To appeal to customers and market as a

“meat” product, most plant companies in the business target themselves as a healthy alternative

while being junk food. This conflicts with their true nature, because many consumers may

believe they are eating a healthier and more nutritious alternative without knowing they are

eating a type of highly processed food. Withworth explains why highly processed foods are

harmful to our health, “The more processed the food is, the more it can irritate the cells in your

stomach lining, which can then cause cancers if they're constantly repairing themselves”

(Withworth). Due to high formulations and processing, plant-based products are not as healthy as

they market themselves to be, however, they can still be a great alternative by lowering the

increasing consumer demand for red meat.

Plant-based meat has similar nutritional value as red meat and can be a good substitute to

decrease the consumer demand for red meat. Linda Shiue, a doctor at Kaiser Permanente says,


“Compared to burgers made with beef, they are about equal in saturated fat and calories and

higher in sodium and carbohydrates. They do contain more fiber, but most of that is in the form

of fiber supplements” (Shiue). Even though plant-based meat products are targeted as junk food,

they also contain a lot of protein and fiber that are needed. The differences between red meat and

plant-based meat then come with how the product is used. Plant-based meat products cannot

substitute for everyday protein, amino acid, and micronutrient needs, but can mimic and be an

alternative to occasional meat burgers. Indeed, Forde and Tso from MDPI, Multidisciplinary

Digital Publishing Institute, explain, “a recent review of Canadian epidemiological studies

supports consumption of well-planned vegetarian or vegan diets over omnivore diets to improve

nutritional adequacy and reduce risks of chronic conditions and cancer” (Forde and Tso). This

shows that a diet without meat that is organized and well-planned is significantly better than a

diet that does include meat. Most of the nutrients needed by our bodies can be obtained through

plant protein, and by replacing plants with meat, there would be no nutritional side effects of red

meat. Yet, it can be hard to plan your next meals, especially at a young age, which is why most

people rely on meat to satisfy their needed nutrients. However, this can have huge health and

environmental consequences. Additionally, the meat market is extremely competitive with

limited space, making plant-based companies go bankrupt.

Plant-based meat companies have struggled to manage growth as the meat market has

become selective, and prices of red meat are cheaper. Tyler Brown, a partner at Boulder Food

Groups, explains “The market can’t support 100 alternative meat businesses. It can barely

support that many animal meat businesses, and that industry is 30 times bigger” (Sorvino). Due

to its popularity back in 2020, plant-based meat businesses were booming, and the market was

increasing with meat alternatives. However, now that the popularity of plant-based meat products


is decreasing, the meat market is competitive and products have become too similar. Smaller

plant-based product brands that can’t afford high-end marketing or slotting go bankrupt while

bigger names pay grocery stores to secure a spot on the shelf. Additionally, the red meat industry

produces and sells its product for much cheaper than plant-based meat alternatives. Ethan

Brown, CEO and President of Beyond Meat, a famous plant-based meat brand, states, “other

meat alternative companies are facing challenges as they compete with less expensive real meat

at a time of inflation and consumer uncertainty over the health benefits of what many see as

highly processed products”(Newman). Even though much of the business of plant-based meat is

decreasing, many households continue to continually buy meat alternatives or have tried them

throughout restaurants all over the world. Additionally, it can be hard for people to change their

diets, or even try something out of the ordinary which can make it harder for plant-based

businesses to stay afloat.

Plant-based meat is a meat alternative that is designed to mimic red meat, even though it

cannot be used as a replacement. It is a great alternative due to its sustainability and similar

nutritional value. Indeed, red meat has consequential effects on the environment and our

long-term health. With a rising population and an increased demand for red meat, meat

alternatives are great ways to reduce our impounding CO2 emissions and health crises. Red meat

uses lots of land, energy, and water resources while being one of the greatest factors in soaring

levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. Additionally, red meat has proven to be carcinogenic and cause

other diseases, such as diabetes. However, plant-based meat also does have its downsides.

Plant-based meat lacks needed micronutrients for the body, are excessive in saturated fat and

sodium, is highly processed, and has some consequential environmental effects. In a diet, the

body needs certain micronutrients the body cannot produce itself. Therefore, humans need to get


these essential amino acids from the food we eat. Red meat in general has all 9 of our essential

amino acids, while plant-based meat does not. However, it has been proven that well-planned

vegetarian and vegan diets are superior to omnivore diets, which include both plants and meat.

This is because plant protein, aside from plant-based products, consists of all needed essential

amino acids; yet, is less concentrated and more widespread. It is easier to have a well-balanced

diet with meat because it is sure to have the needed nutrients included. However, an omnivore

diet that includes red meat can have catastrophic long-term effects on human health and the

environment. In the end, neither a well-planned vegetarian nor omnivore diet is the perfect

solution, and that is the lesson learned from nutritional studies. Perfection all comes down to

balance with our foods and diet.


Works Cited

Ahmad, Mudasir, et al. “Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Compositional Analysis, Current

Development, and Challenges.” Applied Food Research, Elsevier, 20 June 2022, Accessed

January 21, 2023.

Berardy, A., Costello, C., & Seager, T. “Life cycle assessment of soy protein isolate.”

Researchgate, 2015,


essment-of-Soy-Protein-Isolate.pdf Accessed March 22, 2023.

Bryant, C. J. “Plant-based animal product alternatives are healthier and more environmentally

sustainable than animal products.” Future Foods, 27 July 2022, Accessed March

22, 2023.

Fernandez, Ivy. Personal interview. 14 February 2023.

Forde, Ciarán G. and Tso, Rachel. “Unintended Consequences: Nutritional Impact and Potential

Pitfalls of Switching from Animal- to Plant-Based Foods.” MDPI, Multidisciplinary

Digital Publishing Institute, 23 July 2021,

Accessed February 12, 2023.

González , N., Marquès, M., Nadal, M., & Domingo, J. L. D. L. “Meat consumption: What are

the current global risks? A review of recent (2010-2020) evidence.” Food research

international, 2020, Accessed January 31,



Meijaard, E., Abrams, J. F., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Voigt, M., & Sheil, D. “Coconut oil, conservation,

and the conscientious consumer.” Current Biology, 6 July 2020, Accessed March

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Newman, Jesse. “Beyond Meat's Very Real Problems: Slumping Sausages, Mounting Losses.”

The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 21 November 2022,

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San Martin, Ricardo. Personal Interview. 14 January 2023.

Shiue, Linda. “Meatless Burgers: Are They Better for You than Beef?” Kaiser Permanente, 3

July 2019,

they-better-for-you-than-beef-. Accessed January 19, 2023.

Sorvino, Chloe. “Lifeless Market for Meatless Meat.” Forbes Magazine, 23 June 2022,

Accessed March 9, 2023.

Weele, C. van der, Feindt , P., Jan Van der Goot, A., Mierlo, B. van, & Boekel, M. van. “Meat

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Withworth, Josh. Personal Interview. 24 February 2023.



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