Cat Kitten Bill of Sale

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I. Date and Parties

THIS AGREEMENT made the ____ day of __________________, 20____ between:

Name: _____________________ Address: ___________________________________

(Hereinafter known as the “Buyer”) and

Name: _____________________ Address: ___________________________________

(Hereinafter known as the “Seller”).

II. Purchase Price & Description

The Buyer agrees to purchase, for the sum of $_________________ (US Dollars), the

following cat or kitten from the Seller:

Name (if any): _____________________ Breed: _____________________

Date of Birth: _____________________ Sex: _____________________

Color: _____________________ Registration (#): _____________________

State of Health: _________________________________________________________

III. Date of Sale

The sale of the cat or kitten shall occur on the ____ day of __________________,

20____ with either:

☐ - A deposit being made in the amount of $_________________ (US Dollars) on the

date of this agreement that will be credited towards the purchase price.

☐ - No deposit.

On the date of sale, the monetary funds shall be delivered to the Seller and the cat or

kitten shall transfer possession to the Buyer. Any outside or other arrangements made

by the Buyer and Seller will not be recognized unless stated in this agreement.

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Buyer Signature ____________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Seller Signature ____________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Witness Signature ___________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Witness Signature ___________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Certificate of Acknowledgement
State of ___________________

County of ___________________

On the ___ day of ________________, 20___ before me, ___________________,

personally appeared, ___________________, ___________________, proved to me

on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are

subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed

the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s)

on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,

executed the instrument.

WITNESS my hand and official seal,

(Notary Signature)

____________________ My Commission Expires: ___________________

(Print Name)

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