Cat Kitten Bill of Sale
Cat Kitten Bill of Sale
Cat Kitten Bill of Sale
The Buyer agrees to purchase, for the sum of $_________________ (US Dollars), the
The sale of the cat or kitten shall occur on the ____ day of __________________,
date of this agreement that will be credited towards the purchase price.
☐ - No deposit.
On the date of sale, the monetary funds shall be delivered to the Seller and the cat or
kitten shall transfer possession to the Buyer. Any outside or other arrangements made
by the Buyer and Seller will not be recognized unless stated in this agreement.
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Buyer Signature ____________________ Date _________ Print ________________
Certificate of Acknowledgement
State of ___________________
County of ___________________
on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
(Notary Signature)
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