Form-B (Indemnity)
Form-B (Indemnity)
Form-B (Indemnity)
1. That I/we, am/are the sole/joint holder/s of the Securities in following folios. I/We
request you to issue duplicate certificate(s) for securities, as detailed below in my/our
Distinctive Nos.
Company Name Folio No/s Securities Face Value Security
held Certificate No. From To
**In case of non-availability of Certificate Nos./Distinctive Nos./ Folio nos., security holder shall obtain the same
from RTA.
2. That the above securities were acquired by me/us for valuable consideration out of my/our
own investment/funds against allotment in Public Issue/allotment in Right Issue or acquired
from the market/through inheritance in the year(s) _____________________.
3. I/We hereby jointly and severely agree and undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified,
saved, defended, harmless, the aforesaid _________________________________________
(Name of the Company/RTA)
and its successors and assigns for all time hereafter against all losses, costs, claims, actions,
demands, risks, charges, expenses, damages, etc., whatsoever which you may suffer and/or
incur by reason of your, at my/our request, issuing the said Duplicate Securities as herein
above mentioned, to the undersigned.
Signature-1: ______________________________________
Signature-2: ______________________________________
Signature-3: ______________________________________
Tel No.
For Office Use Only checked ONLY
Email Id
Signature checked by: _________________________________
X -----------------------------------------------
Signature of Notary / JMFC
Official stamp & seal of the Notary Magistrate/ Notary & Regn. No.: