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11, NOVEMBER 2015

Conformal Electromagnetic Particle

in Cell: A Review
Collin S. Meierbachtol, Member, IEEE, Andrew D. Greenwood, Senior Member, IEEE,
John P. Verboncoeur, Fellow, IEEE, and Balasubramaniam Shanker, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Conformal (or body-fitted) electromagnetic particle- In EM-PIC, the electromagnetic fields are traditionally
in-cell (EM-PIC) numerical solution schemes are reviewed. assigned to fixed locations on a virtual mesh structure, while
Included is a chronological history of relevant particle physics the particles are tracked in continuous physical space [4]–[6].
algorithms often employed in these conformal simulations. Brief
mathematical descriptions of particle-tracking algorithms and Regular quadrilateral (or hexahedron) meshes are often chosen
current weighting schemes are provided, along with a brief sum- as the EM-PIC unit cell in two (or three) dimensions, suggest-
mary of major time-dependent electromagnetic solution methods. ing a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) electromagnetic
Several research areas are also highlighted for recommended field solution algorithm. The FDTD method is simple in
future development of new conformal EM-PIC methods. theory, easily implemented, and extensively studied. However,
Index Terms— Computational electromagnetics, conformal the well-known drawbacks of the FDTD method include its
mesh, particle in cell (PIC), plasma simulation, reviews. failure to accurately capture field behavior in the presence
of irregular (curved or misaligned) boundaries and numerical
dispersion. The representation of these irregular boundaries is
I. I NTRODUCTION often addressed using the well-known staircasing approxima-
tion. The limitations of the staircasing approximation when
T HE ELECTROMAGNETIC particle-in-cell (EM-PIC)
numerical simulation technique is commonly used to
model systems of interacting electromagnetic fields and
using the FDTD method to simulate electromagnetic fields
are well documented in [7]–[13]. Further limitations are also
charged particles. The advantages that EM-PIC exhibits over present in FDTD-based EM-PIC simulations, where staircas-
other numerical simulation techniques include its ability to ing can lead to inaccurate particle behavior at these boundaries.
accurately predict the behavior of many complex physical A common work around is to increase the mesh resolution in
systems, its validity over a wide range of operating regimes the immediate vicinity of these irregular boundaries, thereby
(extending to relativistic phenomena), and the simplicity reducing the effective distance separating the numerical repre-
of its underlying solution algorithm. Since its inception sentation of the physical system boundaries [14]. However, this
over half a century ago [1], [2], many contributions have approach can significantly increase the total number of system
resulted in improved physics fidelity and computational unknowns and the overall time to solution. It can also severely
performance [3]–[6]. EM-PIC has also been used to simu- limit the maximum simulation time step [9], [15]–[22], without
late and analyze numerous physical systems including high- completely solving the problem of accurate particle emission.
power microwave sources, accelerator beams, high-frequency Finally, the staircase approximation can lead to singularities in
semiconductor devices, and deposition reactors. The scalability the field solution at convex corners as the cell size approaches
of the EM-PIC method is limited only by the choice of zero.
hardware. While the first EM-PIC simulations were limited to The accurate simulation of irregular boundaries is also
a few hundred particles along a single dimension, the present possible through the application of conformal FDTD-based
simulations may contain billions of particles simulated in three EM-PIC algorithms. Such schemes avoid unnecessary mesh
dimensions while running on massively parallel computer refinement and lead to more accurate particle behavior
architectures. in the vicinity of such boundaries. Numerous conformal
EM-PIC schemes have been published, with several of these
Manuscript received January 13, 2015; revised July 26, 2015; accepted mathematical and geometric methods adapted, or borrowed,
September 6, 2015. Date of current version November 6, 2015. from other computational science communities. With many
C. S. Meierbachtol was with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Directed available algorithms to choose from, it can be a daunting and
Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 87117 USA. He is now
with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos, time-consuming task to choose the algorithm suited best for
NM 87545 USA (e-mail: cmeierbachtol@lanl.gov). a particular problem. Since this group of relevant references
A. D. Greenwood is with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Directed has yet to be compiled into a single source, it is the primary
Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 87117 USA.
J. P. Verboncoeur and B. Shanker are with the Department of Electrical and objective of this work to gather these sources and provide
Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 comparisons of their main features. Of course, this is not the
USA (e-mail: johnv@egr.msu.edu; bshanker@egr.msu.edu). first review of conformal electromagnetic solution schemes.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Instead, it builds upon many previous reviews [6], [23]–[31]
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2015.2487522 while updating and including newly developed methods. It is
0093-3813 © 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted,
but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

the hope of the authors that this grouping of references will

aid the reader in selecting appropriate EM-PIC algorithms and
perhaps even aid in the development of future conformal
EM-PIC solution methods. Specifically, this review will
address the following:
1) provide records of and citations to published conformal
EM-PIC schemes and related algorithms;
2) provide brief mathematical descriptions of and summa-
rize relevant conformal EM-PIC algorithms;
3) highlight areas for recommended future conformal
EM-PIC development.
Conformal EM-PIC remains only one simulation technique
with a multitude of other PIC solution frameworks. As such,
the present scope must be limited, so the following topics
will not be addressed in this review (except when relevant for
historical context):
1) early PIC history and related works
(see [6], [27], [32]–[35]);
2) nonconformal EM-PIC schemes (including adaptive
mesh refinement);
3) non-EM-PIC methods (unless necessary to provide Fig. 1. Examples of (top left) nonconformal (e.g., staircased), (top right)
historical context); approximately conformal, and (bottom) exactly conformal meshes represent-
ing a curved physical boundary.
4) nonparticle or hybrid-particle schemes (i.e., fluid-based
plasma simulation methods);
5) computer-science-based and hardware developments
highlights areas of recommended research in conformal
(e.g., graphics processor unit and parallel implementa-
EM-PIC methods, while a brief summary of this paper is
provided in Section V.
Before proceeding, the meaning of conformal must be
addressed. In what follows, conformity (also referred to as
body fitting) will refer to solution domains and corresponding II. C ONFORMAL E LECTROMAGNETIC
meshes that closely match material interfaces and physical S OLUTION M ETHODS
boundaries. Note that the traditional staircased mesh The conformity of any simulation is intimately related to
(see Fig. 1) is considered nonconforming in this work when its virtual solution domain, which in the case of EM-PIC
considering a curved or misaligned boundary (or misaligned is determined by the mesh structure. Since electromagnetic
with respect to the simulation coordinate axes). The term field samples are located on this mesh, the electromagnetic
closely here includes both approximate and exact confor- solution itself is an integral part of a conformal EM-PIC
mity. For example, a virtual domain and/or mesh with outer model. Furthermore, since EM-PIC schemes are almost always
boundaries or material interfaces exactly matching the physical time-dependent solutions (in order to capture nonlinear
location and shape of their corresponding physical boundaries temporal effects), the following algorithms are limited to
and interfaces demonstrates exact conformity. On the other temporal electromagnetic schemes. The mesh-based electro-
hand, if simulation boundaries and interfaces only partially magnetic field solution algorithms cited here were first devel-
or closely match the position and shape of their physical oped by the computational electromagnetics community prior
counterparts, then the mesh is only approximately conformal. to their inclusion in EM-PIC schemes. Thus, due to both
Visual depictions of both conformal and nonconformal meshes their important role in conformal EM-PIC schemes and their
are provided in Fig. 1. previous chronological development, an overview of confor-
It should be noted that a hexahedron-based mesh aligned mal electromagnetic field solution methods is warranted, but
along all three Cartesian coordinates is in fact typically exactly only a brief review is provided here. Further reading may
conforming when representing a brick structure. However, the be obtained elsewhere in the many review papers on the
discussion from hereon will address irregular boundaries and subject [23], [24], [26], [29]–[31], [36].
interfaces as those representing curved or slanted features
when referring to systems and methods demonstrating
conformity. A. Finite-Difference Time Domain
This paper is organized as follows. Due to its parallel Arguably the first, simplest, and most widely used
development history and strong influence on conformal time-domain electromagnetic field solution algorithm is the
EM-PIC methods, a brief review of conformal electromagnetic FDTD method, first developed and published in 1966 [37].
simulations is first outlined in Section II. Many particle physics Although fast and based upon simple theory, the Yee FDTD
and related algorithms often used in conformal EM-PIC algorithm is not conformal for irregular boundaries and is
simulations are presented in Section III. Finally, Section IV thus available (without staircasing) only for a small subset

of mesh structures. In light of these drawbacks, many have charge divergence, while Hermeline [91] introduced energy-
proposed augmented FDTD methods in attempts to achieve conserving algorithms. The stability of the FVTD algorithm
conformity while maintaining its attractive qualities. Such was later analyzed in [92]–[96].
conformal FDTD methods are discussed in the following.
The first conformal electromagnetic FDTD schemes were C. Finite-Element Time Domain
published in [38]–[42], albeit for straight-edged domains.
These early methods were later extended to curved Following several early methods originally developed for
boundaries [43]–[45] and curvilinear meshes [46], [47]. Other simulating temporal electromagnetic scattering [97]–[105],
conformal FDTD implementations of note have included Lynch and Paulsen [106] were the first to publish an explicit
the use of both overlapping conformal and nonconformal finite-element time-domain (FETD) formulation. Still others
grids [48], the inclusion of conformal dielectric weights in independently developed and published similar explicit FETD
the FDTD algorithm [49], [50], simple area weighting for algorithms the same year [107], [108]. Recent applications
diagonal cells [51], [52], the introduction of a field correction of the explicit FETD method have included inhomogeneous
step [53], improved stability [54], and localized boundary media [109], hybrid boundary integral schemes [110], the use
implementations [55]. of various cell shapes [111]–[116] and mesh structures [117],
One of the most popular conformal FDTD algorithms is finite difference-based schemes [118], unconditionally stable
the Dey–Mittra scheme (after its developers) [56]–[62]. explicit time-stepping [119], [120], mass lumping [121], sparse
Generalizing [51] and [58], the Dey–Mittra algorithm employs matrix approximations [122], and higher order accuracy [123].
the integral form of Faraday’s law by calculating modified Implicit FETD schemes were first published
face areas and realizing that the tangential electric field in in [124] and [125], with unconditionally stable schemes
any conformal surface must go to zero. While simple in later introduced in [126] and [127]. Recent implicit
theory, the Dey–Mittra scheme is applicable only when perfect FETD developments have included the use of mixed basis
electric conductors (PECs) are present, and can also reduce the functions [128]–[130], Whitney element schemes for vector
maximum allowable time step in order to maintain stability. bases [131]–[134], variational integrators [135], [136],
Zagorodnov et al. [63], [64] and Xiao and Liu [65], [66] and the application of other implicit time-stepping
later developed area-extending interpolation schemes that suc- schemes [115], [137], [138].
cessfully addressed this issue. Other related methods involve
grouping electric flux calculations and local time-stepping D. Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain
schemes [67], and flux-limiting methods adapted from the The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) time domain (DGTD)
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) community [68]. method remains attractive for its ability to achieve higher-
On the other hand, irregular interfaces separating order accuracy independent of the original mesh resolution
two dielectrics have been effectively treated by employing [139], [140]. Recent DGTD applications have included cavity
whole cell weighting [49], [50], [69], [70], applying material mode analysis [141], and local mesh refinement [142] and time
differences at individual cell edges [71], and borrowing stepping [143].
similar algorithms from photonic bandgap methods [72]–[74].
Schemes citing second-order accuracy have also been devel-
oped for various material interface combinations [75], [76], E. Hybrid Methods
while recent implementations have cited even higher order Some of the first hybrid electromagnetic solutions
accuracy [67], [77]–[80]. Of course, these works represent combined both FDTD and FVTD algorithms on con-
only a small subset of available methods for effectively formal hybrid meshes [144]–[146]. Yee et al. [48] and
simulating systems containing dielectric interfaces. Yee and Chen [147] later proposed a hybrid FVTD/FDTD
Finally, many FDTD-based schemes have been designed scheme employing overlapping meshes assuming edge- and
for curvilinear meshes (which preserve the exact confor- node-based field assignments. Later extensions included 3-D
mity of even curved boundaries), including early works by nonhexahedral-based meshes [147], separate curvilinear and
Holland [81]. More recent works have included efficient rectangular meshes [148], and impedance boundary condi-
temporal schemes [82], higher order algorithms [83], and tions [149]. Yang et al. [150] adapted this overlapping mesh
Lagrangian-based approaches [84]. scheme for curvilinear PEC boundaries with inhomogeneous
cell filling, while Donderici and Teixeira [151] extended it
to arbitrary mesh orientations. Although accurate [48], [147],
B. Finite-Volume Time Domain early FVTD/FDTD schemes proved unstable at later time
The first to apply finite-volume time-domain (FVTD) steps (often referred to as late-time instability) [17], [152].
methods in simulating electromagnetic fields on conformal Riley and Turner [17], [152], [153] were the first to develop
meshes were Madsen and Ziolkowski [85], Shankar et al. [86], a hybrid FVTD/FDTD method that avoided the late-time
and Mohammadian et al. [87]. Holland et al. [88] instabilities associated with earlier methods [146], [154] by
improved upon these early methods by introducing second- introducing artificial numerical damping.
order accuracy for nonuniform and nonorthogonal grids. Wu and Itoh [155], [156] developed the first FETD/FDTD
Gedney and Lansing [89] and Madsen [90] later independently hybrid methods in the mid-1990s independently of
developed a method guaranteeing the preservation of local Darve and Loehner [157]. Feliziani and Maradei [158]

later employed Whitney elements in the independent

development of a more accurate hybrid FETD/FDTD scheme,
while Koh et al. [159] developed an interpolation scheme
for passing between nonconforming meshes. Others have
extended these works to dispersive materials [160], simplified
formulations [161]–[164], and DG-like flux passing
schemes [165]–[168].
As with the FVTD/FDTD hybrid schemes, computational
issues quickly arose in these hybrid FETD/FDTD schemes,
taking the form of nonphysical reflections and late-time
instabilities [161], [169]–[171]. Hwang and Wu [169]
were the first to address these problems in FETD/FDTD Fig. 2. Triangle area weighting scheme used for the electrostatic simulation
of slanted boundaries. Figure adapted from [192].
methods by applying a numerical low-pass filter, while
Rylander and Bondeson [170] and Rylander [172] later
interpreted the wrapper layer by applying trapezoidal The same diagonally bisected conformal cell scheme was
integration, thus avoiding the late-time instability later adapted in [192] for a fully time-dependent EM-PIC
previously observed. Riley [173], Riley et al. [174], scheme. Mezzanotte et al. [51] later independently developed
Montgomery et al. [175], Edelvik [176], Abenius et al. [177], a similar algorithm to simulate purely electromagnetic fields.
El Hachemi et al. [178], [179], and Rylander et al. [180] have Accurate charge assignment within the conformal bisected
more recently adapted this hybrid FETD/FDTD algorithm Cartesian cells was ensured by modifying the standard bilinear
for numerous electromagnetic scattering applications, while interpolation schemes of earlier EM-PIC works. For example,
Monorchio et al. [181] interfaced it with still more boundary a point charge located within a given triangular cell may be
methods. distributed to its three surrounding cell nodes via inverse area
Driscoll and Fornberg [182] and Fomberg [183] were weighting according to
the first to lay the foundations of DGTD/FDTD, while q0 A i
Garcia et al. [184], [185] were the first to explicitly publish a q i = 3 (1)
j =1 A j
hybrid DGTD/FDTD scheme.
Although too numerous to name them all here, other where qi is the fraction of the original charge mapped to the
hybrid schemes have included FVTD/FETD schemes [186], i th node and Ai is its associated fractional area. A visual
Taylor–Galerkin methods borrowed from CFD [187], representation of this charge assignment algorithm is shown
FETD/DGTD hybrid schemes [188], and finite-integration in Fig. 2.
technique (FIT)/FVTD schemes [189]. Pointon [192] also addressed accurate particle emission at
slanted boundaries and around corners by solving Gauss’ law
III. E LECTROMAGNETIC PARTICLE - IN -C ELL S CHEMES at local boundary cells. The same slanted boundary particle
The electromagnetic field update represents only one of emission method was later generalized to Cartesian meshes in
the four major components of the EM-PIC solution algorithm three dimensions [193].
(the others being force interpolation, particle push/tracking, Grote et al. [194] published the first application of true cut
and current weighting) [4]–[6], [190]. The particle push in cells when describing their ES-PIC code, WARP. Cut cells
any EM-PIC scheme is unaffected by the choice of mesh were first implemented in an EM-PIC computational frame-
structure due to its representation in a continuum domain. work, VORPAL, two years later [195], [196], and became one
Thus, only the interpolation between fields and particles (force of its important capabilities and features [197]–[201].
interpolation), particle tracking across mesh cells, and current Nieter et al. [195], Smithe et al. [197], and Nieter et al. [198]
weighting are affected. It should be noted the absorption and originally developed a conformal emission scheme based
emission of particles from material and domain boundaries upon extending the particle path from its nearest exterior
are also affected by the choice of either an approximate or node. Although simple in theory, this method introduced
exact conformal mesh, although its inclusion in the EM-PIC more noise than comparable algorithms [197] and did not
algorithm depends on the system being simulated. A summary guarantee charge conservation [195], [198]. It also incorrectly
of the various numerical methods employed by conformal assigned emitted charge to the two closest interior nodes prior,
EM-PIC schemes during these algorithm steps will be leading to spurious charges [195], [197]. Improved emission
discussed in the following. algorithms (visually depicted in Fig. 3) were later developed
to avoid these shortcomings [199].
The particle seen in Fig. 3 is initially assigned to either the
A. Conformal FDTD-PIC nearest node or opposing edge (face) in two (three) dimen-
Prior to conformal EM-PIC developments, Quintenz [191] sions, and is then emitted normal to the conformal boundary.
introduced the first electrostatic PIC (ES-PIC) scheme capable This two-step process avoids the problem of premature space
of simulating slanted emission surfaces. Although limited charge introduction prior to physical emission [199]. Both
in conformity to diagonally bisected quadrilaterals in two of the above node and edge (or face) emission algorithms
dimensions, his work represented the first conformal PIC code. are essentially identical in accuracy and charge positioning,

Fig. 4. Visual representation of triangle area summation. Noncontained (left)

and contained particles (right) with correspondingly shaded areas.

Fig. 3. Charge-conserving cut-cell particle emission via corner (solid line) unstructured meshes. As a result, more complex algorithms
and edge (dashed line) schemes. Emission via the noncharge-conserving with additional computational costs are required to accurately
orthogonal edge scheme (gray line) is also shown. capture the corresponding particle physics and track particles
through the mesh. Several of these algorithms are described
only differing in their coding complexity [199]. In each case, below.
emission uniformity was addressed via a stochastic surface The first FV-based PIC scheme developed specifically for
area weighting scheme [197]. an unstructured mesh was published in [215]. Based upon
One potential issue introduced by these two emission the earlier methods of Winslow [216] and limited to a
algorithms includes the particle move itself. For example, 2.5- dimensional ES-PIC formulation, this work by Matsumoto
if the physical lengths of these two moves are significantly and Kawata represented the first PIC scheme capable of simu-
different, then nonphysical fields can result at the emission lating system behavior within a tetrahedron-based unstructured
surface [199]. This currently remains an unsolved problem in mesh. After updating particle velocities and positions, the
Dey–Mittra EM-PIC schemes and is recommended for future containing mesh cell for every particle must be identified.
research. Matsumoto and Kawata performed this search within a two-
Particle behavior (both absorption and emission) in the dimensional unstructured mesh by summing particle-edge tri-
vicinity of domain boundaries and material surfaces is para- angle areas and testing with the original cell area, as visually
mount to the operation of many real-world plasma systems. depicted in Fig. 4.
This also holds true for their corresponding EM-PIC sim- For example, the total area of the image on the right in Fig. 4
ulations. As the most accurate and flexible choice, several is equal to that of the test cell, while the total area associated
EM-PIC simulations have been developed for curvilinear (or with the left particle position is larger than the test cell. Thus,
nonorthogonal) meshes in efforts to capture this important the particle in the image on the right in Fig. 4 belongs to the
behavior. current mesh cell, while the particle in the left image does not.
Although Halter [202] was the first to develop an If the cells are not efficiently searched, the testing phase
ES-PIC code on nonorthogonal meshes, Jones [203] was the can prove prohibitively expensive for a large unstructured
first to develop an EM-PIC code on nonorthogonal meshes. mesh. Matsumoto and Kawata [215] limited this search to
Seldner and Westermann [204] later published the first particle those cells falling within a maximum particle traversal radius
push algorithm tailored specifically for curvilinear meshes by as determined by the simulation time step. Although signifi-
interpolating between nonorthogonal (physical) and orthogonal cantly more efficient than the exhaustive brute force method
(logical) meshes. Westermann [205]–[208] pursued this work, described previously, this maximum radius search method
developing algorithms for transformed coordinate frames, neglects all cells traversed on the way from the original to
while Friedman et al. [209] also employed similar methods. the final cell, if they exist. In this case, these traversed cells
Grote et al. [194], [210] later developed a suite of tools for use are required for assigning current weights prior to updating the
in their WARP code, which included cut cells and the ability electromagnetic fields at the start of the next solution cycle.
to process warped meshes. These particle–mesh interpolations were calculated by first
Recent work in FDTD-based PIC schemes on choosing a maximum radius of the searchable area, or typically
nonorthogonal meshes has included 3-D ES-PIC formulations the maximum length of any cell edge. Assuming node-based
developed in [211]–[214] with 3-D versions currently under fields, the total force acting upon any given particle was
development. Citing the benefits of a structured mesh then calculated by summing over all enclosed effective forces
with exact geometric representation, curvilinear EM-PIC via [215]
simulations remain promising and are also recommended for
future research and development. Fi 1
FP = (2)
li li
B. FVTD-PIC i=1 i=1

The improved geometric flexibility and accuracy often where N is the total number of enclosed nodes (or fields
associated with FV-based PIC methods developed for unstruc- in this case), Fi is the force on the particle at P due to
tured meshes lead to added complexity when simulating the fields associated with node i , Fp is the total force on
particle behavior. Most notably, the incremental cell indexing the particle, and li are the distances separating the i th mesh
associated with structured meshes is no longer available in node and the particle position P. A visual representation

Fig. 5. Visual representation of the Matsumoto and Kawata particle–mesh

interaction space.

of this calculation is provided in Fig. 5, with the enclosed Fig. 6. Gatsonis and Spirkin particle search algorithm displaying a particle-
(red dots) nodes highlighted. Charges and current densi- intersecting face, f 123 (shaded region).
ties were assigned to mesh nodes in a similar manner.
Matsumoto and Kawata [215] reported the conservation of where the scalar unknowns τ , α, and β represent the time
numerous physical quantities, citing the use of reciprocal of flight from r0 to the intersection point with face f 123 ,
interpolation schemes. and the intersection points in the skewed coordinate frame,
Hermeline [217] and Adolf et al. [218] published the respectively. If 0 < τ < 1 and 0 < α + β < 1, then
first electromagnetic FVTD-PIC code around the same time. the particle-intersected face f 123 and the adjacent cell must
FVTD electromagnetic field solution methods were paired be checked for further face intersections. Conversely, if τ is
with a PIC update scheme on unstructured grids in two negative or greater than one for all tested faces, the particle
dimensions for the cylindrical coordinate frame. Unlike [215], is assumed to belong to the current cell. In all other cases,
the FVTD-PIC scheme used in [217] and [218] employed a a particle–face intersection does not exist, and the next face
Delaunay–Voronoï dual-mesh structure [219], [220]. Here, is checked. This particle search algorithm is visually depicted
particle tracking was performed using fully vectorized search in Fig. 6.
scheme [221], while charge assignment employed weighted The Gatsonis and Spirkin particle search algorithm identifies
distributions [218]. Hermeline [222] later extended their all traversed cells (in order) and locates their point of inter-
method to three dimensions and solved the Maxwell-Vlasov section, with the latter being useful in the case of boundary
system. intersection. However, this method does require solving a
Karmesin et al. [223] later developed particle-tracking and matrix equation for each particle and every corresponding face
current assignment schemes on nonorthogonal meshes for tested, which can be computationally expensive when tracking
use in FVTD-PIC codes by updating the particle velocity billions of particles.
in the physical frame, with the particle position updated in Further FVTD-PIC applications have included
the logical frame. This was similar to the method developed charge-conserving schemes employing higher order time
in [204]–[206], which was adapted in [224]. Charge and stepping [232], drift–diffusion models for simulating glow
current density assignments were then available through discharges [233], atmospheric plasma simulations [234],
the application of the well-known Villasenor and Buneman development for parallel architectures [223], [235], charge
scheme [225] on the logical mesh [223]. While accurate correction [18], [236], [237] and conservation schemes [238],
and extremely flexible, these transformations between logical time splitting of the particle push update [239], and stochastic
and physical spaces contribute added complexity to the over- collision modeling [228]–[230], [240], [241].
all EM-PIC algorithm. Earlier weighting methods developed
in [226] remained applicable, while more recent schemes have C. FETD-PIC
demonstrated decreased computational effort [227].
The first FE-based particle codes were purely electrostatic
Gatsonis and Spirkin [228], [231] and
in nature, simulated only electron gun systems, and solved
Spirkin and Gatsonis [229], [230] later published an
the Vlasov–Poisson equations [242]–[247]. Physical–logical
improved particle search algorithm for unstructured meshes
space interpolations for nonorthogonal meshes [242], [243]
using the known particle velocity to dictate the search
and with bilinear interpolation within elements [244]–[246]
direction. Based upon [221], it required solving [228]
were developed. Other early works in FE-based PIC included
r0 (t) + v(t)τ = αr12 + βr13 (3) Galerkin testing methods [248]–[250] and particle pushing
algorithms [251].
as a matrix equation for the unknown scalar values Although earlier works have been cited [252], [253], the
⎡ ⎤
α first full and detailed descriptions of FETD-PIC schemes
⎣ β ⎦ = [ r12 r13 −v ]−1 [ r0 ] (4) were independently published in [218] and [254]–[256].
τ Degond et al. [256] introduced mass lumping in order to

Fig. 8. Particle tracking across an unstructured mesh of triangles.

Fig. 7. Scalar basis function assignment in the transformed coordinate method may identify external cells through which the particle
frame [257].
never entered. This is due to the identification of the most
likely traversed adjacent cell based solely on the minimum
nodal basis function value. As a result, those cells identified
decrease the computation time of the field solve, while mesh-
as traversed by a particle may extend outside the path of the
to-particle electromagnetic field interpolations were computed
particle and may contain erroneous cells. This may not only
using area weighting techniques. The first tracking
lead to assigning current and charge to incorrect mesh edges,
algorithms for unstructured meshes were published by
but may also result in errors in particle–surface interactions
Löhner and Ambrosiano [257] who borrowed heavily from
(including absorption).
the CFD community. Here, each triangular cell within the
In an attempt to capture exact geometric conformity,
3-D unstructured mesh was mapped to a regular right triangle
FETD-PIC schemes have been developed for nonorthogonal
with edge length unity. The three nodal basis functions within
meshes as well. Arter and Eastwood [262], Eastwood [263],
these transformed coordinates then become
and Eastwood et al. [264]–[267] were the first to develop such
N1 (ξ, η) = ξ, N2 (ξ, η) = η, N3 (ξ, η) = 1 − ξ − η (5) an FETD-PIC method. Similar to other methods developed
for nonorthogonal meshes, coordinate transformations between
where ξ and η represent the transformed coordinate frame physical and logical spaces were employed in [264], [267],
unit vectors corresponding to x̂ and ŷ in the physical frame. and [268], removing the need for complex particle search
A visual representation of this is provided in Fig. 7. algorithms or mesh–particle interpolations. Charge and current
This transformation between coordinate frames drastically conservation in unstructured and nonorthogonal meshes was
simplified the particle search algorithm. For instance, once the also developed and reported in [263] and [267].
corresponding ξ and η positions were computed for a given FETD-PIC schemes have more recently been applied in the
particle position in the physical frame, the particle belonged simulation of traveling-wave tubes [269], ion thrusters [270],
to the current cell if [257] beam dynamics [271]–[279], high current sources [280]–[282],
min{N1 , N2 , N3 } ≥ 0, max{N1 , N2 , N3 } ≤ 1 (6) and gas cells [283], [284]. Electrostatic FETD-PIC
schemes [285]–[289], higher order basis functions [290],
which avoids the matrix inversions from (4) entirely, although adaptive meshing [291], [292], charge and current
the calculation of all Ni values at the current particle posi- conservation [136], [293]–[296], parallelization [297],
tion is still required. The resulting vectorized particle search and others works [298], [299] have also been reported.
algorithm is as follows [257].
1) Perform the scalar basis function test from (6), starting D. DGTD-PIC
with the previous known cell. Much like its corresponding and purely electromagnetic
2) If the particle belongs to the current cell, move on to formulations, DGTD-PIC has received increased interest
the next particle. If not, continue. in recent years. Jacobs and Hesthaven [300], [302] and
3) Gather the cell index opposite the present node with the Jacobs et al. [301] were the first to publish a DGTD-PIC
lowest basis function value. scheme, while also proposing and implementing a unique
4) Recompute basis functions in (6). particle search algorithm. For any particle leaving its parent
5) Repeat Steps 2–4 until all particles are located, moving cell during the particle push, the node in closest proximity to
those particles to the end of the active list. its traveled path is identified and stored. All adjacent mesh
A visual representation of a particle traversing an unstructured cells connected to this identified node were then searched in
grid is provided in Fig. 8. logical space for particle containment. Due to the large size of
Degond et al. [256] later implemented a node-based the higher order elements employed, particles were typically
vectorized search, allowing for the simultaneous updating of found within this first grouping of adjacent cells [300].
both cell location and charge assignments. Further enhance- Of particular interest to Jacobs and Hesthaven was the
ments were later introduced in [221] and [258]–[261]. accurate assignment of charge back to the unstructured mesh.
Although computationally more efficient than the unstruc- In their original DGTD-PIC work, they proposed and analyzed
tured mesh particle search of Gatsonis and Spirkin, the a series of charge assignment functions based upon continuous
Löhner and Ambrosiano particle search does not necessarily and differentiable functions [300]. These functions were
identify only traversed mesh cells. Instead, their particle search chosen to avoid grid heating and instability, along with

Gibbs-like phenomena [4], [300]. Comparing against an draw upon? What advances might they provide in terms of
analytic solution, weighting functions with more confined rep- computational cost and improved accuracy or flexibility?
resentations were found to exhibit less noise, although at the For a 3-D EM-PIC code on a curvilinear mesh,
cost of increased run time [300]. Several charge conservation the electromagnetic field solve would likely expand
methods were also developed and detailed in [300]. upon [46], [47], [211]–[214], and [264]–[268]. This
DGTD-PIC methods have recently been used to simulate could then be paired with particle push, tracking, and
many real-world systems, including linear accelerator scattering algorithms developed specifically for curvilinear
cavities [19], electron guns [21], and gyrotrons [303]. meshes [214], [264], [265], [267]. The resulting conformal
The DGTD-PIC method has also been used to solve EM-PIC code would likely be much less computationally
Vlasov–Poisson [304]–[309] and Vlasov–Ampere expensive compared with the FE-based nonorthogonal mesh
systems [310], [311] and to accurately capture physical field solve developed in [264], [265], and [267]. However,
phenomena [312]. the stability and accuracy of such a solution when including
particles and related current sources may still present issues
and may need to be addressed.
E. Hybrid Methods
Hybrid EM-PIC schemes also promise much improved
Unlike their purely electromagnetic counterparts, few hybrid geometric conformity while simultaneously minimizing any
PIC schemes have been developed. In fact, Seidel et al. [313] cost increases. Such schemes would employ both unstructured
developed one of the only hybrid PIC schemes, employing a and structured mesh regions, similar to previous hybrid mesh
hybrid FVTD/FDTD electromagnetic solution. As usual, tetra- electromagnetic works [170], [171], [174], [180]. The elec-
hedral elements lining curved and slanted domain boundaries tromagnetic field solve would likely draw upon the methods
were interfaced with hexahedron elements forming a wrapper developed in [170], [171], [174], and [180], while particle
layer. FVTD was applied within all tetrahedra and the wrapper tracking and current assignment could be updated, employing
layer, while FDTD was applied within all remaining elements. any one of the above-mentioned algorithms. It appears that
Particle tracking was performed using the previously detailed such a hybrid EM-PIC scheme is presently achievable by
methods, while charge and current density were assigned via merely gathering and combining various currently independent
volume weighting. Although too numerous to mention here, algorithms.
Seidel et al. [313] discussed many other issues encountered in Finally, any improved particle emission method devel-
this hybrid PIC method. oped for cut cell-based conformal FDTD (CFDTD) EM-PIC
To date, the authors know of no other published hybrid schemes would need to address the path length issue
PIC schemes. Although references to other hybrid PIC meth- described by Loverich [199]. Moreover, since several CFDTD-
ods do exist, their authors either avoid detailed development based EM-PIC codes are presently used [200], [322],
citing complexity concerns [314] or the code remains untested improving upon this two-step emission algorithm in CFDTD-
or incomplete [315]–[317]. Hybrid PIC schemes could prove based EM-PIC is highly recommended.
very successful and advantageous in future applications, and
are recommended as an area of future research.
F. Other EM-PIC Methods Conformal EM-PIC solution methods and algorithms have
been presented, discussed, and detailed. Brief mathematical
Numerous other EM-PIC schemes have also been published.
descriptions for many important and popular methods were
For example, Weiland et al. [318] adapted the FIT method to
provided and also visually depicted. Conformal finite differ-
simulate accelerator beam physics, while Friedman et al. [209]
ence, volume, and element along with discontinuous Galerkin
and Grote et al. [194], [210] later employed spatial
electromagnetic solution methods were also briefly discussed.
transformations to predict particle behavior in bent beams.
Various algorithms developed for particle tracking and current
More recent developments have included the application of
weighting for unstructured and nonorthogonal meshes were
phase-space methods in solving the Vlasov equation [319],
detailed. The advantages and disadvantages associated with
Green’s function-based approaches [320], and improved data
many of these methods were also highlighted. Differences
extraction FIT methods [321].
between similar algorithms were highlighted where relevant.
Many conformal EM-PIC schemes currently exist, with very
IV. F UTURE D IRECTIONS good mathematical and theoretical descriptions readily avail-
There is much potential for continued research into able. In many cases, the reader needs only to select a handful
conformal EM-PIC schemes. As previously highlighted, rec- of numerical algorithms that conform to a given set of cri-
ommended areas of future research and development into teria (including computational cost, desired accuracy, generic
conformal EM-PIC methods include finite difference-based applicability, etc.) to successfully simulate complex systems.
EM-PIC schemes for nonorthogonal meshes, hybrid EM-PIC Finally, several areas of future research in conformal
frameworks, and improved particle emission for cut-cells. EM-PIC methods were recommended. These included
All of these methods promise significant improvements over EM-PIC frameworks on both nonorthogonal and hybrid
current conformal EM-PIC simulation capabilities. But if such meshes and an accurate particle emission algorithm for cut
simulations were developed, what algorithms would they likely cells, which avoids erroneous field generation.

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no. 4, pp. 245–292, 1984. in 1987 and 1992, respectively.
[319] F. Filbet, E. Sonnendrücker, and P. Bertrand, “Conservative numerical He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with UCB
schemes for the Vlasov equation,” J. Comput. Phys., vol. 172, no. 1, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
pp. 166–187, 2001. Livermore, CA, USA, and a Research Engineer
[320] M. Hess and C. Park, “A multislice approach for electromagnetic with UCB. He joined the Nuclear Engineering
Green’s function based beam simulations,” in Proc. IEEE Particle Faculty, UCB, in 2001, where he was the Chair of the Computational
Accel. Conf. (PAC), Jun. 2007, pp. 3531–3533. Engineering Science Program from 2001 to 2010. In 2011, he was appointed
[321] J. W. You, H. G. Wang, J. F. Zhang, W. Z. Cui, and T. J. Cui, “The as a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with Michigan State
conformal TDFIT-PIC method using a new extraction of conformal University, East Lansing, MI, USA. He currently serves as the Associate Dean
information (ECI) technique,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 41, no. 11, of Research with the College of Engineering, Michigan State University.
pp. 3099–3108, Nov. 2013. He has authored or co-authored over 300 journal articles and conference
[322] R. E. Clark et al., “Locally conformal finite-difference time-domain papers, with over 2400 citations, and has taught 13 international workshops
techniques for particle-in-cell plasma simulation,” J. Comput. Phys., and minicourses on plasma simulation. His current research interests include
vol. 230, no. 3, pp. 695–705, 2011. theoretical and computational plasma physics and applications.
Dr. Verboncoeur is a member of the American Physical Society Division
of Plasma Physics, and serves as an Associate Editor of Physics of Plasmas.
Collin S. Meierbachtol (S’09–M’13) received the He served as the Technical Program Co-Chair of the 2013 IEEE Pulsed
B.A. (cum laude) degree in physics from Gustavus Power and Plasma Science Conference, and is the President-Elect of the
Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, USA, in 2007, and IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI,
USA, in 2009 and 2013, respectively.
He was a Government Assistance in Areas of
National Need Fellow from 2007 to 2010. He was
a National Research Council Research Associate
with the Directed Energy Directorate, Air Force
Research Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base,
Albuquerque, NM, USA, from 2013 to 2015, where he developed the first
mesh-flexible electromagnetic particle-in-cell code. He is currently with the
Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics Group, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos, NM, USA. His current research
interests include computational plasma physics, computational electromagnet-
ics, multiphysics simulations, advanced meshing schemes, and high perfor-
mance parallel computing.
Dr. Meierbachtol is a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Balasubramaniam Shanker (M’96–SM’03–F’10)
Society, the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, the American received the B.Tech. degree from IIT Madras,
Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics, the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Chennai, India, in 1989, and the M.S. and
Society, the Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society, the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Ph.D. degrees from Pennsylvania State University,
and the Sigma Pi Sigma Honor Society. He received the National Research University Park, PA, USA, in 1992 and 1993,
Council Research Associateship in 2013. respectively.
He was a Research Associate with the Department
Andrew D. Greenwood (S’90–M’98–SM’06) of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Iowa State Univer-
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from sity, Ames, IA, USA, from 1993 to 1996, where
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA, he was involved in the molecular theory of optical
in 1993 and 1995, respectively, and the activity. From 1996 to 1999, he was a Visiting
Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois Assistant Professor with the Center for Computational Electromagnetics,
at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA. From
in 1998, all in electrical engineering. 1999 to 2002, he was an Assistant Professor with the Department of
He studied the use of the finite element method Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University. He currently
to compute electromagnetic scattering and radiation holds joint appointments as a Professor with the Department of Electrical
from axisymmetric bodies with the University and Computer Engineering, the Department of Computational Mathematics,
of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. In 1996, Science, and Engineering, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
he joined the Rome Laboratory as a Palace Knight Employee. In 1998, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA. He has authored or co-
he joined the Directed Energy Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, authored over 350 journal and conference papers and presented a number
Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM, USA. He conducts research of invited talks. His current research interests include all aspects of com-
on numerical methods, parallel computing, and the simulation of high putational electromagnetics (frequency and time domain integral equation-
power microwave devices, and on high power microwave antennas. He based methods, multiscale fast multipole methods, fast transient methods,
is currently the Recognized Computational Electromagnetics Expert with and higher order finite element and integral equation methods), propagation
the High Power Microwave Division. He is one of the primary developers in complex media, mesoscale electromagnetics, and particle and molecular
of the state-of-the-art electromagnetic particle in cell code ICEPIC. He dynamics as applied to multiphysics and multiscale problems.
holds the patent for the All Cavity Magnetron Axial Extractor, which he Dr. Shanker is a Full Member of the USNC-URSI Commission B.
designed using ICEPIC simulation. He has authored numerous articles in He was a recipient of the Withrow Distinguished Junior Scholar in 2003, the
peer-reviewed journals and professional conferences. Withrow Distinguished Senior Scholar in 2010, the Withrow Teaching Award
Dr. Greenwood is a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation in 2007, and the Beal Outstanding Faculty (formerly Distinguished Faculty)
Society, the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society, the Tau Beta Pi Awards in 2014. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE A NTENNAS AND
Engineering Honor Society, and the Eta Kappa Nu Engineering Honor W IRELESS P ROPAGATION L ETTERS . He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE
Society. He is active in the Electromagnetic Code Consortium and has served T RANSACTIONS ON A NTENNAS AND P ROPAGATION, and the Topical Editor
two terms as the Chair. of the Journal of Optical Society of America: A.

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