Information Sheet 1 Q

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The purpose of this information sheet is to provide you with sufficient information so that
you can then give your informed consent. It is thus very important that you read this
document carefully and raise any issues that you do not understand with the investigator.

Name of Researcher: XXX

Name of Supervisor: L T

Project Title: A qualitative exploration of friendship development in early adolescence

1. What is the purpose of the project?

This study is looking at the way that young people develop friendships over time, with
an emphasis on friendship formation for adolescents starting university. Previous
research has demonstrated that friendship experiences early on at university have a big
impact on sense of community and overall wellbeing. This study is taking a qualitative
approach which means we will be listening to your views on the topic. We hope to gain
a more detailed understanding of XXX.

2. Why have I been selected to take part and what are the exclusion criteria?
You have been invited to take part because you are over 18 years old and are happy to
talk about your experiences of friendship.

3. What will I have to do?

You will be asked to attend an interview; this may be face-to-face or over a video call
(Microsoft Teams or Zoom). All video call participants will be sent a link prior to the
interview, which allows you to join the call when it is time for the interview to begin.
Some biographical information will be required, including gender and age. You will be
assigned a participant number so that your data can be easily identified. While interview
questions aren’t believed to be invasive, they do ask about personal experiences,
therefore if you do not wish to answer a question then that is fine. The investigator will
begin the interview when you are ready, and interviews will be recorded for later
analysis. Questions will ask about your experiences of friendships. Interviews will last
around 45 minutes, depending on the level of detail you wish to share. Once the
interview is completed, you will receive a debrief sheet explaining the nature of the
research and contact details if you require any further information or wish to withdraw
your results.

4. Will my participation involve any physical discomfort?

No physical discomfort should be caused in this study and all procedures involved have
been risk-assessed.

5. Will my participation involve any psychological discomfort or

The interview contains questions of a mildly personal nature. The study has been risk-
assessed and you are under no obligation to answer any questions that you do not feel
comfortable doing so. Likewise, you can stop the study at any point and any data
collected can be discarded of if you wish.

6. How will confidentiality be assured and who will have access to the
information that I provide?
This study has received ethical approval from the Department of Psychology Ethics
Committee in accordance with the School of Health and Life Sciences Ethics
Committee. The researcher has put several measures in place to protect the
confidentiality of participants. Your participant number will be used to identify your
data if you wish to withdraw. Your personal details, including your name, will not be
associated with your data. Data will be stored on a password-protected computer, in a
private One Drive folder that the researcher has access too. The Ethics Chair (Nick
Neave) and Assignment Tutor (Lisa Thomas) will also have access to the anonymous
data. All data will be stored and treated in keeping with the Data Protection Act.

7. Will I receive any financial rewards / travel expenses for taking part?
No financial rewards or travel expenses will be received for taking part in this study.

8. How can I withdraw from the project?

You can withdraw at any point during the study. If you do decide that this is something
you wish to whilst the study is underway, please inform the researcher as soon as
possible. They will withdraw you and ask you how you would like your data to be
treated in the future. If you decide to withdraw your data after the study has been
completed, you must contact the researcher (contact details can be found in section 9 of
this form). Provide them with participant number if you know it; otherwise give them
your name. You can withdraw your data up to two weeks after your participation,
however after this time it will not be possible as results may have been submitted
already. Your personal data will not be identifiable, due to the anonymity of the data.

9. If I require further information who should I contact and how?

For questions regarding the study or protocol please contact the researcher at: XXX

You can also contact the module tutor using the details below:

If you have any concerns or worries concerning this research or if you wish to register a
complaint, please direct it to the Faculty Ethics Chair
The data collected in this study will be used for an MSc DL Psychology module
Any personally identifiable information and data gathered during this research is subject
to and will be stored in line with the Data Protection Act (2018). Any personally
identifiable information will be destroyed as soon as it is no longer needed (e.g. email
addresses used to keep in contact with you will be destroyed as soon as they are no
longer required). Consent forms with personal details will be destroyed within six
months of the conclusion of the project.
If personal data has been collected during this study, the legal basis for the study’s
personal data processing is that the research is being conducted in the public interest,
and/or is necessary for scientific and historical research purposes. You have the right to
access your data upon request. Contact the Information Commissioner’s Office for
further information, and/or complaints about the University’s processing of personal
This module assignment and its protocol have received full ethical approval from the
Department of Psychology Ethics Committee in accordance with the Faculty of Health
and Life Sciences Ethics Committee. If you require confirmation of this please contact
the Chair of this Committee (Prof), stating the title of the research project and the name
of the researcher.

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