1.1 BPUPKI-Enrch
1.1 BPUPKI-Enrch
1.1 BPUPKI-Enrch
Date :
Learning Outcomes:
Participants are able to appreciate the history of the birth of Pancasila as a gift from God Almighty
which should be grateful for.
Participant able to teach explain birth process, formulation, until determination Pancasila as National
Learners able to practice the values of Pancasila in life everyday in socialize, nation, and patriotic.
Pancasila's Birthday on June 1, 1945 is one of the important histories that the Indonesian
people must remember. Pancasila itself consists of two words taken from Sanskrit, namely "Panca"
which means five. And "Precepts" which means principles.
b. . d.
4. The sixteenth ABRI Commander who announced the formatioon of The Inquirer Body of Preparation
Efforts of Indonesia Independence or Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai, on March 1, 1945 was ....
a. Lieutenant General Yaiciro Nagano c. Abdul Gaffar Pringgodigdo
b. Lieutenant General Kumakici Harada d. Itchibangase Yoshio
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5. The first session of BPUPKI (The Inquirer Body of Preparation Efforts of Indonesia Independent) is
discussed about the principles of Indonesia independence manuscript of the Indonesia Constitution
and was chaired by Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat and was assisted by two person they are ….
a. Prof. Moh. Yamin and Itchibangase c. Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta
b. Ahmad Soebardjo and R. Pandjisoeroso d. R. Pandjisoeroso and Itchibangase
6. In the secon session, The Inquirer Body of Preparation Efforts of Indonesia Independent succeeded to
form 3 committees. The results of the committee's discussion except ….
a. the committee of Constitution Planing Body, chaired by Ir. Soekarno
b. the committee of Fatherland Protector, chaired by Abikusno.
c. the committee of Finance and Economics, chaired by Moh. Hatta.
d. the content of the constitution planning was complete by a small Committee which was chaired
Mr. Soepomo.
7. The figure name of this picture is….
a. Abdul Kahar Muzakkir c. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, SH
b. Drs. Moh. Hatta d. Abikoesno Tjokrosoeroso
6. There are three figures got the opportunity to submit his idea about Indonesia independent state of
philosophy. A figure who are proposing Independent Indonesia state philosophy except ….
a. Mr. Muhammad Yamin c. Drs. Mohammad Hatta
b. Ir. Soekarno d. Mr. Supomo
7. At BPUPKI conference on May 31, 1945 Prof. Dr. Mr. Supomo got the opportunity to submit his idea
about Indonesia independent state of philosophy. The followings are the Independent Indonesia state
philosophy formulas from Prof. Dr. Mr. Supomo, except ….
a. unity c. people justice
b. democracy d. fellowship
8. Muhammad Yamin put forward a written proposal about draft bill of Republic Indonesia Constitution
(UUD) which includes the formula of the five principles of the Republic of Indonesia’s state
philosophy, which is....
a. social prosperity c. social justice for all Indonesian people
b. Internationalism or humanism d. deliberation
9. The sixteenth military commander who announced the establishment of the Indonesian Independence
Preparatory Efforts Agency or Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai, on March 1, 1945 is....
a. Lieutenant General Kumakici Harada c. Empu Tantular
b. Lieutenant General Yaiciro Nagano d. General Itagaki
10. The Inquirer Body of Preparation Efforts of Indonesia Independence is also known as Dokuritsu
Zunbi Cosakai. The purpose of establishing BPUPKI except....
a. to study the important features about economics
b. to study the important features about politics
c. to study the important features about all of the lesson
d. to study the important features about governance arrangement as preparation for the independence
of Indonesia.
Read these sentences below to answer number 11 and 12!
A. Pancasila is applied as a base in arranging state and the management of the country.
B. Pancasila is the life hold, life guidance, and direction guide for all activity of the people of
Indonesia in various life aspects.
C. Pancasila is the image of the attitude and behavior of the people of Indonesia which differ from
other nations.
D. Pancasila must be preserved ceaselessly.
E. Pancasila as the aspiration and goal of the Indonesia people is written in fourth paragraph of the
Preamble of UUD 1945.
11. The sentences above are the meaning of....
a. the formula of Pancasila c. the nature of Pancasila
b. the unity in Diversity d. the position of Pancasila
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12. The sentence that shows the meaning of the exalted agreement of the people is ….
a. Pancasila is the image of the attitude and behavior of the people of Indonesia which differ from
other nations
b. Pancasila is applied as a base in arranging state and the management of the country
c. Pancasila as the aspiration and goal of the Indonesia people is written in fourth paragraph of the
Preamble of UUD 1945
d. Pancasila must be preserved ceaselessly
Read these sentences below to answer number 13 and 14!
A. Do not favoritism in friend
B. Carry out the result of deliberation decision
C. Following all of activities at society
D. Do not differentiate all people based on the religion, tribes, economic level or education
E. Respect to friend that have a different religion
13. The example of applying the third of Pancasila value is showing by number ....
a. E c. C
b. D d. B
14. “Carry out the result of deliberation decision” is one example of applying ... principle.
a. first c. second
b. fifth d. fourth
15. The first principle constitutes and inspires the second, third, fourth, and fifth principle. UUD 1945
(The 1945 Constitution) has also arranged religious issues, that is in Article 29 Subsection (1) and (2)
UUD 1945. The sentence of Article 29 Subsection (2) is ....
a. Negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduk untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan
untuk beribadah menurut agama dan kepercayaannya itu
b. Usaha pertahanan dan keamanan rakyat semesta oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesia dan Kepolisian
Negara Indonesia, sebagai kekuatan utama, dan rakyat sebagai kekuatan mendukung
c. Kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut Undang-Undang Dasar
d. Cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi negara dan yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak
dikuasai oleh negara
Look at the picture below to answer these questions number 16-18!
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…………………………………………... …………………………………………
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2. We have learn about BPUPKI, now read these questions below and answer by writing the
appropriate answer!
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3. There are 62 members in the first session of BPUPKI that was May 29th to June 1st, 1945. The first
session talked about the prblems releated to the state principle.
Now, match the correct job of the figure based on the picture below!
4. Read these sentences about BPUPKI below. Write “true” to the correct sentence and “false” to the
wrong sentence!
Moh. Yamin got the first opportunity to submit his oration about
Principles and Basics of the Independent Indonesian State.
The first session of BPUPKI was on May 229th to June 1st, 1945 and the second
session was 10-17 July, 1945 in Chuo Sangi In Building, Central Jakarta.
5. Read the sentences below and answer the questions by giving tick ()! You can choose more
than one answer to do it!
a) BPUPKI arranged a Committee of Nine on June 22, 1945 to be used as the basis of the state by
referring to the speech delivered by Soekarno and there are nine figure in the Committee Nine,
they are ....
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6. The Indonesian Coat of Arm is Burung Garuda. Look at the picture of Indonesian Coat of Arm
below and complete the sentences on the box!
........................................ ..............
7. There are five symbols of Indonesian Coat of Arm that we have learn.
Now, look at these pictures of Indonesian coat of arm and answer by labeling!
............................................ ............................................
........................................... ...........................................
............................................ ............................................
........................................... ...........................................
2. After BPUPKI was considered complete, than PPKI (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia) or
Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai was formed. PPKI (The Committee of preparation of Indonesia Independence)
has 27 members. On August 18, 1945 the committee of PPKI arranged a meeting and specified
several things. Now, write the result of meeting!
3. After knowing about history of Pancasila as the basis of Indonesian Ideology. Now, what will you do
to commemorate Indonesia's Independence Day?
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4. After study about BPUPKI, now explain what you know about BPUPKI!
5. The second trial of BPUPKI was held on 10-17 July 1945. The second session of BPUPKI aims to
discuss the form of the state, the territory of the state, citizenship, the draft constitution, economics
and finance, and education. The Inquirer Body of Preparation Efforts of Indonesia Independent
succeeded to form 3 committees. Write it!
1. ..................................................................................... .............................................
2. .................................................................................... .............................................
3. ..................................................................................... ............................................
Explain about the Indonesian coat of Arm that you have learnt with your friend!
Your friend will check your explanation based on the material that we have learnt.
Your friend will help to give score by giving () tick or cross (x)!
Your Wing Tail National Head of Beringin
Furs Star and Chain
Name Feathers Feather Motto bull tree
Good Luck
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