9 - Electromagnetic Wave Ex. 1 - 3 Module-4
9 - Electromagnetic Wave Ex. 1 - 3 Module-4
9 - Electromagnetic Wave Ex. 1 - 3 Module-4
Q.3 A lamp emits monochromatic green light (C) 2 times (D) 8 times
uniformly in all directions. The lamp is 3%
efficient in converting electrical power to
electromagnetic waves and consumes 100 W Q.8 In an electromagnetic wave, the direction of
of power. The amplitude of electric field the magnetic field induction B is-
associated with the electromagnetic radiation
at a distance of 5 m from the lamp will be-
(A) parallel to electric field E
(A) 1.34 V/m (B) 2.68 V/m
(C) 4.02 V/m (D) 5.36 V/m (B) perpendicular to electric field E
Q.4 Transmission of T.V. signals from the surface (C) antiparallel to Poynting vector S
of the moon can be received on earth. But (D) random
transmitted T.V. signals from Delhi can not
be received beyond 110 km distance. The
Q.9 In an electromagnetic wave-
reason is-
(A) there is no atomsphere on the moon (A) Power is transmitted along the magnetic
(B) strong gravitational effect on T.V. signals
(C) T.V. signals travel along a straight line, (B) power is transmitted along the electric
they do not follow the curvature of earth field
(D) there is atmosphere around the earth (C) power is equally transferred along the
electric and magnetic fields
(D) power is transmitted in a direction
perpendicular to both the fields
Q.10 The ionosphere bends the E.M. waves having Q.14 The energy stored in a 90 cm length of laser
the frequencies- beam operating at 10 mw.
(A) less than 40 MHz (A) 3 × 108 J (B) 3 × 109 J
(C) 3 × 10 J (D) 3 × 10–11 J
(B) beyond 40 MHz
(C) nothing is certain
Q.15 Microwaves are used in RADAR because of
(D) depends on the moisture present its-
(A) Small wave length
Q.11 The magnetic field in a plane EM wave is (B) Large wavelength
given by- (C) High speed
^ (D) large penetration power
B = (100 µT) sin [(2 × 1015 s–1)(t – x/c)] j
The equation for electric field is-
Q.16 source of an EM wave is-
(A) E = 100 µN/C sin [(2×1015s–1) (t–x/c)](– k ) (A) A charge moving with constant velocity
^ (B) A charge at rest
(B) E = 3 × 1010 µN/C sin[(2 × 1015 s–1) (t – x/c)](– k )
(C) A charge moving in a circular orbit
(C) E = 3 × 1010 µN/C sin [(2 ×1015 s–1) (t – x/c)] k (D) Charges cannot produce an EM wave
(D) E = 100 µN/C sin [(2 × 1015 s–1)(t – x/c)] k
Q.17 The dimension of E /H is that of -
(A) Impedance
Q.12 For any E.M. wave if E = 100 V/m and B =
(B) Inductance
3.33 × 10–7 T. Then the rate of energy flow
per unit area is- (C) capacitance
(A) 3.33 × 10 – 5 J/m 2 (D) Inductance × Capacitance
(B) 26.5 VA/m 2
(C) 3 × 108 J/m 2 Q.18 Poynting vector P for an EM wave is-
(D) None of these
(A) P = E × B (B) P = E × H
Q.13 A variable frequency AC source is connected
to a capacitor. Then on increasing the E E
frequency- (C) P = (D) P =
(A) Both conduction current and
displacement current will increase
(B) Both conduction current and displacement
current will decrease
(C) conduction current will increase and dis
placement current will decrease
(D) conduction current will decrease and
displacement current will increase.
Q.1 Which one statement is incorrect about Q.6 Which one statement is incorrect –
electromagnetic wave 1
(A) Speed of light in free space = 0 0
(A) E B gives always direction of propagation
(B) E is always perpendicular to B (B) Speed of light in medium =
(C) Transverse in nature E0 Bo
(C) B C (D) E = C
(D) E is always parallel to B 0 0
(D) X-rays, visible light rays, infra-red wave, (C) 2.5 T in Z-direction
radiowaves. (D) None of these
Q.16 X-rays and -rays are both electromagnetic Q.22 The waves related to tele-communication are—
waves, which one of the following statements (A) infra red (B) visible light
is true
(C) microwaves (D) ultraviolet rays
(A) in general, X-rays have larger wavelength
than that of -rays
(B) X-rays have smaller wavelength than that of Q.23 A flood light is covered with a filter that transmits
-rays red light. The electric field of the emerging
(C) -rays have smaller frequency than that of beam is represented by a sinusoidal plane
X-rays wave
(D) wavelength and frequency of X-rays are
Ex = 36 sin (1.20 × 107 z – 3.6 × 1015 t) V/m
both larger than those of -rays
The average intensity of the beam will be—
Q.17 The maximum distance upto which TV (A) 0.86 W/m2 (B) 1.72 W/m2
transmission from a TV tower of height h can (C) 3.44 W/m2 (D) 6.88 W/m2
be received is proportional to
(A) h1/2 (B) h
(C) h3 (D) h2
Statements type question : Q.26 Statement I : If earth did not have atmosphere,
its average surface temperature would be lower
Each of the questions given below consist of
than what it is now.
Statement – I and Statement – II. Use the
following Key to choose the appropriate Statement II : Green house effect of the
answer. atmosphere would be absent.
(A) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are
true, and Statement - II is the correct Q.27 Statement I : Gamma rays are more energetic
explanation of Statement– I. than X-rays.
(B) If both Statement - I and Statement - II are Statement II : Gamma rays are of nuclear
true but Statement - II is not the correct origin but X- rays are produced due to sudden
explanation of Statement – I. deceleration of high energy electrons while
(C) If Statement - I is true but Statement - II is falling on a metal of high atomic number.
(D) If Statement - I is false but Statement - II is Q.28 Statement I : Microwaves have less energy
true. than optical waves.
Statement II : Microwaves move faster than
Q.24 Statement I : A changing electric field
optical waves.
produces a magnetic field.
Statement II : A changing magnetic field
produces an electric field.
Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ans. C D B B C A C B B A B
Ques. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ans. C B C C C B D D B A D
Ques. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Ans. A A B A C B C D A
Que s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. D C B C C B B B D B
Que s. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ans. B B A D A C A B
Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. D B C C B D B A D B A C A A B A A C D C
Ques. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ans. C C B B A A B C