9 - Electromagnetic Wave Ex. 1 - 3 Module-4

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Total number of Questions in this chapter are :

(i) Level # 1 ....................... 31

(ii) Level # 2 ....................... 18

(iii) Level # 3 ....................... 28

Total no. of questions ....................... 77

Maxwell's concept of EMW Q.6 The rate of change of voltage of a parallel
displacement current plate capacitor if the instantaneous
displacement current of 1A is established
between the two plates of a 1µF parallel plate
Q.1 The S.I unit of displacement current is- capacitor
(A) Henry (B) Coulomb (A) 106v/s (B) 10v/s
(C) Ampere (D) Farad (C) 108v/s (D) 10–6v/s

Q.2 Displacement current is same as- Questions

based on
Properties of EMW
(A) conduction current due to flow of free
(B) conduction current due to flow of positive Q.7 The relation between electric field E and
ions magnetic field H in an electromagnetic wave
(C) conduction curent due to flow of both
positive and negative free charge carriers µ0
(D) is not a conduction current but is caused (A) E = H (B) E =  H
by time varying electric field
µ0 0
Q.3 The maxwell’s equation : (C) E = 0 H (D) E = µ0 H
   dE 
= µ0  i  0 . dt  is a statement of -
 B . dl   Q.8 The relation between electric field E and
magnetic f ield induction B in an
(A) Faraday’s law of induction electromagnetic waves-
(B) Modified Ampere’s law
(C) Gauss’s law of electricity (A) E = 0 B (B) E = cB
(D) Gauss’s law of magnetism
(C) E = (D) E =
 c c2
 
Q.4 Maxwell’s equation = – B is a
 E . dl dt Q.9 An electromagnetic wave is propagating along
statement of - Y-axis. Then-
(A) Ampere’s law (A) Oscillating electric field is along X-axis
(B) Faraday’s law of induction and oscillating magnetic field is along Y-
(C) Gauss’s law of electricity axis
(D) Gauss’s law of magnetism (B) Oscillating electric field is along Z-axis
and oscillating magnetic field is along X-
Q.5 The charge of a parallel plate capacitor is
varying as q = q0 sin t. Then find the (C) Both oscillating electric and magnetic
magnitude of displacement current through f ields are along Y-axis, but phase
difference between them is 90º
the capacitor. (Plate Area = A, seperation of
plates = d) (D) Both oscillating electric and magnetic
(A) q0 cos(t) (B) q0 sin t fields are mutually perpendicular in
arbitrary directions
q 0 A
(C) q0 cos t (D) cost
Q.10 In electromagnetic wave the phase difference Q.16 A E M wave going through a medium is given
between electric and magnetic field vectors by E = Eosin (kx – wt) and B = Bosin
 
E and B is- (kx – wt) then -
(A) E0k = B0
(A) 0 (B) /2
(C)  (D) / 4 (B) If Electric is in Z direction them magnetic
field should be in –y direction.
Q.11 An electromagnetic wave going through (C) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are correct
vaccum is described by E = E0 sin(kx – t) (D) Only A is correct
Which is the following is/are independent of
the wavelength ? Q.17 A plane E M wave of frequency 25 MHz travels
(A) k (B) k /  in free space in x direction. At a particular
(C) k (D)  point in space and time

E = 6.3 ĵ v/m then B at that point is -

Q.12 In a plane E.M. wave, the electric field
oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of (A) 2.1 × 10–8 – k̂ (B) 2.1 × 10–8 k̂
2.5 × 1010 Hz and amplutude 480 V/m. The (C) 2.1 k̂ (D) 2.1 × 10–8 î
amplitude of oscillating magnetic field will be-
(A) 1.52 × 10 – 8 Wb/m 2
(B) 1.52 × 10 –7 Wb/ m 2 based on
Energy density & Intensity
(C) 1.6 × 10 – 6 Wb/ m 2
(D) 1.6 × 10–7 Wb /m 2 Q.18 The energy density of electromagnetic wave
in vacuum is given by the relation-
Q.13 If 0 and µ0 represent the permittivity and
permeability of vaccum and and µ represent 1 E2 B2 1 1
(A) .  (B) 0E2 + µ B2
the permittivity and permeability of medium, 2 0 2µ0 2 2 0
then refractive index of the medium is given
E2  B2 1 B2
(C) (D)  0 E2 +
0 µ0 µ C 2 2µ0
(A) (B) 0 µ0
Q.19 The average value of electric energy density
 in an electromagnetic wave is (E0 is peak
µ0 0
(C) (D) value)
µ0 0 
1 2 E20
(A)  E (B)
2 0 0 2 0
Q.14 An electromagnetic wave going through
vacuum is described by- 2 1 2
(C) 0 E0 (D)  E
E = E0 sin(kx – t) 4 0 0
B = B0 sin (kx – t)
Q.20 A lamp radiates power P0 uniformly in all
(A) E0 B0 = k (B) E0 = B0k
directions, the amplitude of electric field
(C) E0k = B0 (D) none of these strength E0 at a distance r from it is-
E0  P 
Q.15 The ratio of H for a plane E M wave has the P0 0
(A) E0 = (B) E0 =  
20cr 2  2 0cr 2 
dimension of –
 P   P0 
(A) Impedance (B) Resistance 0
(C) E0 =  2  (D) E0 =  8 cr 
(C) Both (D) None  4 0cr   0 
Q.21 In an electromagnetic wave, the amplitude of Q.26 The waves which can travel directly along
electric field is 1 V/m. The frequency of wave surface of the earth are known as-
is 5 × 1014 Hz. The wave is propagating along (A) ground waves (B) X-ray
Z-axis. The average energy density of electric (C)  -rays (D) sky waves
field in joul/m3, will be-
(A) 2.2 × 10–12 (B) 4.4 × 10–12
Q.27 The distance upto which T.V. signals can be
(C) 6.6 × 10–12 (D) 8.8 × 10–12 received depend upon-
(A) radius of the earth
Q.22 The sun delivers 103 w/m2 of electromagnetic (B) height of the antenna
flux to the earth’s surface. The total power
(C) radius of the earth and also height of the
that is incident on a roof of dimensions
8m × 20 m will be-
(D) none of above
(A) 2.56 × 104 W (B) 6.4 × 105 W
Q.28 The infra-red spectrum lies between-
(C) 4.0 × 105 W (D) 1.6 × 105 W
(A) radio wave and micro-wave region
(B) the micro-wave and visible region
Q.23 The intensity of visible radiation at a distance
of 1 m from a bulb of 100w which converts (C) the visible and ultra violet region
only 5% its power into light is- (D) the ultra violet and the X-ray region
(A) 0.4 w/m2 (B) 0.5 w/m2
(C) 0.1 w/m 2 (D) 0.01 w/m 2 Q.29 Consider an electric charge oscillating with a
frequency of 10 MHz. The radiation emitted
will have a wavelength equal to-
Q.24 On an E M wave, the amplitude of electric
(A) 20 m (B) 30 m
and magnetic fields are 100 v/m and
0.265 A/m. the maximum energy flow is- (C) 40 m (D) 10 m
(A) 26.5 w/m 2 (B) 46.7 w/m 2
(C) 66.5 w/m 2 (D) 86.5 w/m 2 Q.30 The most penetrating radiation out of the
following is -
(A) X-rays (B) -rays
Spectrum & made of propagation (C) -rays (D) -rays
of EMW
Q.31 Which of the following electromagnetic waves
Q.25 The area to be covered for T.V. telecast is
has minimum frequency ?
doubled, then the height of transmitting
antenna (T.V. tower) wilk have to be- (A) radio wave (B) ultasonic wave
(A) halved (B) doubled (C) microwave (D) audible wave
(C) quardupled (D) kept unchanged
Q.1 Which of the following statements about Q.5 A parallel plate capacitor consists of two
electromagnetic waves is/are correct - circular plates each of radius 2 cm, separated
(1) X-rays in vacuum travel faster than light by a distance of 0.1 mm. If voltage across
waves in vacuum. the plates is varying at the rate of 5 × 1013
V/s, then the value of displacement current is-
(2) The energy of X-ray photon is greater than
that of a light photon (A) 5.50 A (B) 5.56 × 102 A
(3) Light can be polarised but X-ray cannot. (C) 5.56 × 103 A (D) 2.28 × 104 A

(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3 Q.6 The transmitting antenna of a radio-station is

(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 2 only mounted vertically. At a point 10 km due north
of the transmitter the peak electric field is
Q.2 A parallel plate capacitor consists of two 10–3 volt/metre. The magnitude of the radiated
circular plates each of radius 12 cm and magnetic field is-
separated by 5.0 mm. The capacitor is being
(A) 3.33 × 10–10 Tesla
charged by an external source. The charging
current is constant and is equal to 0.15 A. (B) 3.33 × 10–12 Tesla
The rate of change of potential difference (C) 10–3 Tesla
between the plates will be- (D) 3 × 105 Tesla
(A) 1.873 × 107 V/s
(B) 1.873 × 108 V/s
Q.7 To double the covering range of a T.V.
(C) 1.873 × 109 V/s transmitter tower, its height should be made-
(D) 1.873 × 1010 V/s
(A) two times (B) four times

Q.3 A lamp emits monochromatic green light (C) 2 times (D) 8 times
uniformly in all directions. The lamp is 3%
efficient in converting electrical power to
electromagnetic waves and consumes 100 W Q.8 In an electromagnetic wave, the direction of

of power. The amplitude of electric field the magnetic field induction B is-
associated with the electromagnetic radiation
at a distance of 5 m from the lamp will be- 
(A) parallel to electric field E
(A) 1.34 V/m (B) 2.68 V/m

(C) 4.02 V/m (D) 5.36 V/m (B) perpendicular to electric field E

Q.4 Transmission of T.V. signals from the surface (C) antiparallel to Poynting vector S
of the moon can be received on earth. But (D) random
transmitted T.V. signals from Delhi can not
be received beyond 110 km distance. The
Q.9 In an electromagnetic wave-
reason is-
(A) there is no atomsphere on the moon (A) Power is transmitted along the magnetic
(B) strong gravitational effect on T.V. signals
(C) T.V. signals travel along a straight line, (B) power is transmitted along the electric
they do not follow the curvature of earth field
(D) there is atmosphere around the earth (C) power is equally transferred along the
electric and magnetic fields
(D) power is transmitted in a direction
perpendicular to both the fields
Q.10 The ionosphere bends the E.M. waves having Q.14 The energy stored in a 90 cm length of laser
the frequencies- beam operating at 10 mw.
(A) less than 40 MHz (A) 3 × 108 J (B) 3 × 109 J
(C) 3 × 10 J (D) 3 × 10–11 J
(B) beyond 40 MHz
(C) nothing is certain
Q.15 Microwaves are used in RADAR because of
(D) depends on the moisture present its-
(A) Small wave length
Q.11 The magnetic field in a plane EM wave is (B) Large wavelength
given by- (C) High speed
^ (D) large penetration power
B = (100 µT) sin [(2 × 1015 s–1)(t – x/c)] j
The equation for electric field is-
Q.16 source of an EM wave is-
(A) E = 100 µN/C sin [(2×1015s–1) (t–x/c)](– k ) (A) A charge moving with constant velocity
^ (B) A charge at rest
(B) E = 3 × 1010 µN/C sin[(2 × 1015 s–1) (t – x/c)](– k )
(C) A charge moving in a circular orbit
(C) E = 3 × 1010 µN/C sin [(2 ×1015 s–1) (t – x/c)] k (D) Charges cannot produce an EM wave
(D) E = 100 µN/C sin [(2 × 1015 s–1)(t – x/c)] k
Q.17 The dimension of E /H is that of -
(A) Impedance
Q.12 For any E.M. wave if E = 100 V/m and B =
(B) Inductance
3.33 × 10–7 T. Then the rate of energy flow
per unit area is- (C) capacitance
(A) 3.33 × 10 – 5 J/m 2 (D) Inductance × Capacitance
(B) 26.5 VA/m 2

(C) 3 × 108 J/m 2 Q.18 Poynting vector P for an EM wave is-
(D) None of these
     
(A) P = E × B (B) P = E × H
Q.13 A variable frequency AC source is connected  
to a capacitor. Then on increasing the  E  E
frequency- (C) P =  (D) P = 
(A) Both conduction current and
displacement current will increase
(B) Both conduction current and displacement
current will decrease
(C) conduction current will increase and dis
placement current will decrease
(D) conduction current will decrease and
displacement current will increase.
Q.1 Which one statement is incorrect about Q.6 Which one statement is incorrect –
electromagnetic wave 1
  (A) Speed of light in free space =  0 0
(A) E  B gives always direction of propagation
  1
(B) E is always perpendicular to B (B) Speed of light in medium = 
(C) Transverse in nature E0 Bo
  (C) B  C (D) E = C
(D) E is always parallel to B 0 0

Q.7 A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency

Q.2 In an electromagnetic wave, the amplitude of 25MHz travels in free space along the
electric field is 10 V/m. The frequency of wave x–direction. At a particular point in space
 
is 5 × 1014 Hz, the wave is propagating along and time E  6.3 ĵ V/m. What is B at this point.
z–axis, then total average energy density of (A) 2.1 ×10–9 T (B) 2.1 × 10–8 T
E.M.wave is – (C) 1.2 × 10–11 T (D) 2.1 × 10–11 T
(A) 2.21 ×10–10 J/m3
(B) 4.42 × 10–10 J/m3 Q.8 Displacement current is –
(A) continuous when electric field is changing
(C) 1.11 × 10–10 J/m3 in the circuit
(D) None (B) continuous when magnetic field is changing
in the circuit
(C) continuous in both types of fields
Q.3 Instantaneous displacement current of 2.0 A
(D) continuous through wires and resistance
is set up in the space between two parallel only.
plates of 1F capacitor, then rate of change
Q.9 In a plane electromagnetic wave propagating
in potential difference across capacitor is –
in space has an electric field of amplitude
(A) 3 ×106 v/s (B) 4 × 106 v/s 9 × 103 V/m, then the amplitude of the
(C) 2 ×106 v/s (D) none of these magnetic field is –
(A) 2.7 × 1012T (B) 9.0 × 10–3 T
Q.4 The T.V. transmission tower in Delhi has a (C) 3.0 × 10–4 T (D) 3.0 × 10–5 T
height of 240 m. The distance upto which the
broadcast can be received, (taking the radius Q.10 A radiowave has a maximum magnetic field
induction of 10–4 T on arrival at a receiving
of earth to be 6.4 × 106m) antenna. The maximum electric field intensity
(A) 100 Km (B) 60 Km of such a wave is –
(C) 55 Km (D) 50 Km (A) zero (B) 3 ×104 V/m
(C) 5.8 × 10 V/m (D) 3.3 × 10–13 V/m
Q.5 Which of the following have zero average value
in a plane electromagnetic wave. Q.11 A capacitor is having a capacity of 2pF. Electric
(A) electric energy field across the capacitor is changing with a
value of 1012 V/s. The displacement current is
(B) magnetic field
(A) 2A (B) 3A
(C) magnetic & electric energy both (C) 6A (D) 9A
(D) none of these
Q.12 A TV tower has a height of 100m. The average Q.18 Which of the following are not electromagnetic
population density around the tower is 1000 waves ?
per km2. The radius of the earth is 6.4 × 106 m.
The population covered by the tower is (A) cosmic rays (B) gamma rays
(A) 2 × 106 (B) 3 × 106 (C) -rays (D) X-rays.
(C) 4 × 106 (D) 6 × 106
Q.19 The frequencies of X-rays, -rays and ultraviolet
Q.13 The shortest wavelength is for rays are respectively a, b and c. Then :
(A) -rays (B) X-rays
(A) a < b, b < c (B) a > b, b > c
(C) ultraviolet rays (D) microwaves
(C) a > b, b > a (D) a < b, b > c

Q.14 An accelerated charge

(A) emits an electromagnetic wave Q.20 A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency
(B) does not emit electromagnetic wave 40 MHz travels in free space in the x-direction.
(C) produces a gravitational field At some point and at some instant, the electric

(D) None of these field E has its maximum value of 750 N/C in
y-direction. The wavelength of the wave is—
Q.15 The electromagnetic radiations are in
(A) 3.5 m (B) 5.5 m
descending order of wavelength in the following
sequence (C) 7.5 m (D) 9.5 m
(A) infra-red waves, radio waves, X-rays, visible
light rays
Q.21 In Q. 20, the magnitude and direction of
(B) Radio-waves, infra-red waves, visible light magnetic field will be—
rays, X-rays
(A) 2.5 T in X-direction
(C) Radio waves, visible light rays, infra-red
waves, X-rays (B) 2.5 T in Y-direction

(D) X-rays, visible light rays, infra-red wave, (C) 2.5 T in Z-direction
radiowaves. (D) None of these

Q.16 X-rays and -rays are both electromagnetic Q.22 The waves related to tele-communication are—
waves, which one of the following statements (A) infra red (B) visible light
is true
(C) microwaves (D) ultraviolet rays
(A) in general, X-rays have larger wavelength
than that of -rays
(B) X-rays have smaller wavelength than that of Q.23 A flood light is covered with a filter that transmits
-rays red light. The electric field of the emerging
(C) -rays have smaller frequency than that of beam is represented by a sinusoidal plane
X-rays wave
(D) wavelength and frequency of X-rays are
Ex = 36 sin (1.20 × 107 z – 3.6 × 1015 t) V/m
both larger than those of -rays
The average intensity of the beam will be—
Q.17 The maximum distance upto which TV (A) 0.86 W/m2 (B) 1.72 W/m2
transmission from a TV tower of height h can (C) 3.44 W/m2 (D) 6.88 W/m2
be received is proportional to
(A) h1/2 (B) h
(C) h3 (D) h2
Statements type question : Q.26 Statement I : If earth did not have atmosphere,
its average surface temperature would be lower
Each of the questions given below consist of
than what it is now.
Statement – I and Statement – II. Use the
following Key to choose the appropriate Statement II : Green house effect of the
answer. atmosphere would be absent.
(A) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are
true, and Statement - II is the correct Q.27 Statement I : Gamma rays are more energetic
explanation of Statement– I. than X-rays.
(B) If both Statement - I and Statement - II are Statement II : Gamma rays are of nuclear
true but Statement - II is not the correct origin but X- rays are produced due to sudden
explanation of Statement – I. deceleration of high energy electrons while
(C) If Statement - I is true but Statement - II is falling on a metal of high atomic number.
(D) If Statement - I is false but Statement - II is Q.28 Statement I : Microwaves have less energy
true. than optical waves.
Statement II : Microwaves move faster than
Q.24 Statement I : A changing electric field
optical waves.
produces a magnetic field.
Statement II : A changing magnetic field
produces an electric field.

Q.25 Statement I : Light can travel in vacuum but

sound cannot do so.
Statement II : Light is an electromagnetic
wave and sound is a mechanical wave.

Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ans. C D B B C A C B B A B
Ques. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ans. C B C C C B D D B A D
Ques. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Ans. A A B A C B C D A

Que s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. D C B C C B B B D B

Que s. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Ans. B B A D A C A B

Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. D B C C B D B A D B A C A A B A A C D C
Ques. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ans. C C B B A A B C

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