Wind Tunnel

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New Jersey Institute of Technology

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

Experiment 4

Wind Tunnel

Group B

Performed by: George Ibrahim

Date Performed: 04/10/2023

Date Submitted: 04/24/2023


Instructor: Trivikrama Reddy

TA: Mohammed Jafari

Group Members

George Ibrahim

Nicholas Duque

Nana Manu

Antonuos Habib

Ivan Perez-Garcia

Abstract 3

Introduction 4

Theory 5

Experimental System 6-7

Procedure 8

Sample Calculations 9

Results 10-11

Discussion 12-13

Conclusion 14

Reference 15

Appendix 16-18

In a wind tunnel laboratory experiment, researchers study the drag and pressure forces

exerted on a cylinder. To measure the pressure distribution on the cylinder, pressure taps located

at angular intervals on the cylinder are used to collect data. The different velocities of the flow

result in pressure drops associated with the turbulent flow around the cylinder. Frictional forces

associated with the airflow around an object cause drastic pressure differences over small areas

and surfaces, revealing flow separation points along the cylinder and separating the frictional and

drag forces.

During the experiment, three different velocities of air streams are passed through the

tunnel, and the pitot tubes inside the tunnel capture pressure readings used to calculate the air

speed, pressure coefficient, Reynolds number, and coefficients of frictional and pressure drag.

After collecting the data and recording the necessary parameters, researchers calculate and plot

the dimensionless pressure coefficients to evaluate not only the accuracy of the results but also

the flow behavior.

To understand the accuracy of the results, the actual pressure coefficient of the flow as a

function of α is plotted against the theoretical pressure coefficients of an in-viscous flow.

Frictional drag, pressure drag, and their components are also evaluated and used throughout the


The objective of the wind tunnel experiment is to verify and evaluate the theory of

pressure distribution and drag force in the flow around a cylinder. The hydrodynamic force is

determined by the force resultants that arise due to the relative motion between a fluid and a

solid body. The forces generated by shear stresses are caused by viscous resistances or friction

and are proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. In contrast, a non-viscous fluid would produce

no shear and, hence, no drag forces.

The Reynolds Number is an effective indicator of the ratio of the inertial forces to

dynamic viscosity. For this laboratory, both Frictional and Pressure Drag forces are significant

factors that are considered. Frictional Force is directly related to the surface area that is exposed

to the moving fluid and is also influenced by the Reynolds Number. However, the pressure drag

is not as reliant on Reynolds Number as the frictional drag, as it is related to the rapid changes in

pressure around the surface of the object.

Wind tunnels are extensively used by aerodynamicists to test proposed aircraft and

engine components. They are essential tools for aerodynamic research as they enable the study of

the effects of air flow on solid objects. The model being tested is placed in the tunnel test section,

where air is made to flow past it, and the resulting aerodynamic forces are measured using the

tunnel's components. The tunnel is typically a tubular passage, with the object under test

mounted in the middle, and air is propelled past the object by a powerful fan system or other

mechanisms. Suitable sensors are installed in the wind tunnel to measure aerodynamic forces,

pressure distribution, and other relevant aerodynamic parameters.


The primary aim of this experiment is to investigate the fluid flow properties and the

resulting forces generated when a solid object obstructs the flow. Whenever a fluid is in motion

and encounters a solid object, it must change its course to navigate around the obstacle, leading

to the creation of aerodynamic or hydraulic forces acting upon the object. These forces can be

classified into two primary components, namely, the drag force and the lift or pressure force.

They can be described as forces arising from the normal stresses and viscous shear stresses. The

drag force acts parallel to the direction of flow and is primarily attributable to two crucial factors

- Frictional drag and Pressure Drag. Frictional drag is the result of the friction between the fluid

and the surface of the object, and it is largely dependent on the viscosity, density, and velocity of

the fluid. These characteristics of the flow can also be used to calculate the Reynolds Number.

On the other hand, the Pressure drag is the drag that emerges due to the formation of a wake

downstream of the fluid flow, caused by the shedding of boundary layers from the surface of the

object, thus disrupting the flow pattern.

Experimental Systems
In order to initiate the experiment, the first step was to turn on the System. This was

accomplished by switching on the digital manometer and the light in the test section of the wind

tunnel. After that, the wind tunnel was turned on by pressing the "start" button while ensuring

proper ear protection was worn. The door to the wind-tunnel room should be closed and any

movement in front of the wind tunnel settling chamber should be avoided. The temperature and

pressure of the room were recorded both before and after the test. Once these initial preparations

were completed, the desired flow velocity was set using the fan control unit and the cylinder's

position was adjusted so that the bottom pressure tap was facing the flow. The multi-port valve

was set to measure the static pressure of the Pitot tube and the digital manometer was calibrated

to zero level to be at static pressure. Next, the stagnation pressure at the Pitot-tube pressure tap

was measured, followed by recording the pressures at all pressure taps of the cylinder. The

cylinder was then rotated 90° so that the top pressure tap faced the diffuser section of the wind

tunnel and the pressure was measured around the cylinder surface. This process was repeated

twice more by rotating the cylinder 90° each time and repeating the above steps. This entire

procedure was conducted at three different flow velocities which were, 50mph, 65mph, and

The experimental system consists of a low-speed, open-loop wind tunnel that features a

rectangular Test Section. The wind tunnel comprises multiple components, including the Settling

Chamber, Contraction Cone, Test Section, Diffuser, Drive Section, and Exhaust. The Settling

Chamber is employed to stabilize the airflow through the tunnel, as this is essential to obtain

precise pressure readings. The Contraction Cone is used to reduce the volume and increase the

velocity of the air. The Test Section is a rectangular section made of acrylic that contains the

cylinder and the Pitot tube. The cylinder is equipped with 19 pressure taps located at 5-degree

intervals and can rotate up to 90 degrees. The Pitot tube in the Test Section is used to measure

static and stagnation pressure in the flow. The air then passes through the diffuser, where its

velocity is reduced due to an increase in cross-sectional area. The Drive Section houses the fan,

which provides the force to move air through the wind tunnel. The last section of the

experimental setup is the Exhaust, where the air is expelled back into the room.
Turning the system on takes three steps
 Wear proper safety equipment. Safety glasses and ear plugs. Also closed doors while the
wind tunnel is on.
 Turn on the digital monometer.
 Turn on the wind tunnel by start button.
Measure room temperature and pressure
 We set up the flow velocity by using the control unit which will increase the speed of the
 Adjust the position of the cylinder.
 Use the valve to measure the static pressure using the piolet tube.
 Ensure the piolet tube is facing the incoming wind.
 Adjust the zero level of the digital manometer.
 Record the stagnation pressure of the piolet tube.
 Record the pressure at every pressure tap along the cylinder.
 Rotate the cylinder and its taps by 90 degrees.
 Record the measurements for all the raps again.
 Rotate the cylinder two more times to complete 360 degrees.
 Once completed use the fan control unit to increase or decrease the speed of the wind and
repeat measurements for all three speeds.
Turning off the system
 Turn off the wind tunnel by the stop button.
 Shut down the light in the test section of the tunnel.
 Shut down the digital manometer.
Sample Calculations

Wind Tunnel Data at 80mph


80 MPH
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Dimensionless Pressure


-2 Thero




Angle (Degrees)

At the start of the experiment, it was necessary to set the digital manometer to zero.

However, the number on the meter continued to fluctuate, which was also the case when

recording pressure data. To overcome this issue, we had to obtain the average value of the

fluctuating numbers. To mitigate these problems in future experiments, precise digital sensors

with constant readings would be ideal. Once the calculations were completed, we gained

valuable knowledge and experience from the lab. We learned about the pressure distribution on

the surface of a cylinder in airflow and determined the flow separation points for the cylinder.

We compared the drag components using both pressure and shear forces for the cylinder. Our

analysis included determining and comparing the theoretical and measured pressures and

velocities of air flowing past a cylinder at various speeds. We measured the airspeed at different

points on the cylinder, ranging from 0 degrees to 180 degrees.

When a fluid flows around an object, the fluid displaced by the object will flow

completely around it when the frictional forces of the flow dominate the drag forces. As the

speed of the object or the fluid flowing around it increases, the Reynolds Number also increases,

resulting in changes in the flow characteristics of the fluid. To determine dimensionless pressures

for both measured and theoretical values, a series of equations were used. These values were

then plotted against the angle on the cylinder, which showed small deviations from the actual

dimensionless pressure plots. However, when the measured values were plotted against the

angle, a fluctuating polynomial plot was obtained, similar to those found in damping or vibration

The theoretical plot revealed that the pressure on the cylinder was highest when the angle

was close to 90 degrees. At flow velocities of 50 and 65 mph, the separation point occurred at

approximately 25 degrees, while at 80 mph, it occurred at around 30 degrees. Due to the pressure

drag causing the air to separate from the cylinder, the body is classified as a bluff body. As the

Reynolds Number exceeded 2.0*10^5, the forces produced by the flow caused it to become

turbulent, resulting in a separation between the laminar flow passing around the cylinder and the

turbulent flow in the wake behind the cylinder. By comparing our results to an existing fluid

mechanics model for flow around a cylinder, we can determine the accuracy of our data and the

correlation between our experiment and the theoretical behavior of viscous flow over a

cylindrical body. The Coefficient of pressure vs. Angle plot obtained from our data and the

theoretical fluid mechanics model revealed that the flow was laminar up to 90 degrees and that

the separation points of the flow (where it turns turbulent up to 180 degrees) were extremely

accurate. The oscillating motion between data points in the inviscid theoretical plots was

behaving similarly to our data. Therefore, our results were precise in terms of fluid mechanical


In conclusion, the wind tunnel experiment provided a practical demonstration of the

principles of fluid mechanics and allowed for the exploration of the behavior of flow over a

cylindrical object. The experimental results showed good agreement with the theoretical models,

with only minor deviations due to the non-ideal smoothness of the cylinder used in the

experiment. By analyzing the pressure distribution, drag, and separation points of the flow, we

were able to gain a better understanding of the forces acting on the fluid and the effects of

viscosity on the flow. The experiment highlights the importance of understanding the behavior of

fluids in motion, particularly in engineering and design applications where precise knowledge of

fluid mechanics is necessary for the design and optimization of various systems.

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