Lesson Plan 8th February 2023

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Student Name: Niall Phelan

ID: G00396329

Subject: Wood Technology Topic(s): Trees

Pupil Year Group: 1st years No. of Pupils: 16
Lesson Number: 15 Length of lesson: 60 minutes
Date: 08/02/2023 Time of Lesson: 10:00-11:00


Previous Knowledge The students have not yet done theory since starting in the school. The students
have covered sketching but that is the extent of their knowledge. The students are very keen workers
and know to bring their copy books to class every day. The material in this class could link with
science or biology so some students might know some material about how a tree grows. The students
know that they are finished their projects and that they will be moving onto a new topic.

Previous Skills The students are skilled at making projects but haven't completed any theory yet. The
students are very well behaved, and they are skilled at managing themselves and their resources well.
The students are also skilled at keeping safe in the wood technology classroom. The students are
skilled at bringing their equipment into the classroom such as copies and books which they will use in
today's lesson.

Teacher Observation From my observations I think that this class it is a very good class. The students
are very engaged and show a keen interest in new learning. I think that this will be a great class to
complete theory in, as they are very eager to learn and ambitious when it comes to learning. There is
very little behaviour issues with this class but sometimes, in the class environment it can be very loud,
and I can struggle to raise my voice. I must practise this and work on getting the students full
attention when I speak.

Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson and why you have selected these KEY*
particular teaching, learning and assessment strategies- a justification for the lesson.

In this lesson we will be completing our first class of theory. The students have never NL
covered theory before so this will be all new learning to the students. In the previous lesson
the students finished off the projects and they completed an evaluation sheet and had to RL
take professional photos and upload these to Google Classroom. This will be reinforced at RL
the beginning of the lessons as the students must complete it otherwise, they will be
recorded as having no homework. At the beginning of the lesson the teacher will run
through the learning intentions for the class. NL

The teacher will use PowerPoint to provide the new information to the students and the NL
students will also use an interactive worksheet where they must fill in any gaps. They will be NL
covering the growth of a tree, the life cycle of a tree and the difference between coniferous NL
and deciduous trees. The teacher will then reinforce this new learning by getting them to RL
identify the different types of softwood and hardwoods.

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

3.2 evaluate the characteristics and properties of common species of wood

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s A
enabled to: The teacher will use The students must
• Recognise the different stages of a questioning to answer various
tree’s growth.
assess the students’ higher and lower
knowledge on the order questions
different stages of and they must also
the tree’s growth. sketch images on
their worksheet of
the different stages
of a tree’s growth.
3.3 understand the properties associated with a range of materials applicable to Wood

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

Learning LI’s C
At the end of this lesson the students will be The teacher will The students will
enabled to: assess the students have to explain the
• Explain the process is of transpiration using a discussion process of
and photosynthesis and recap and get transpiration and
them to explain the photosynthesis in a
process of recap activity. The
transpiration and students must also
photosynthesis. sketch and explain
these processes on
their worksheet.
3.12 consider the impact on the natural environment when sourcing materials

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: The teacher will use The students will A
• Identify the different methods of questioning as a have to explain the
transportation for a seed.
method for different methods
assessing the of seed
students’ transportation they
knowledge on how must sketch these
seeds are on their worksheet,
transported and the and they must give
importance of this. a reason why this
process is so



0-5 mins The teacher will get the students to The students will enter the class in
enter the class and take their seats an orderly manner
The teacher will instruct students The students will take their seats
to take out their copy books and and take out their copy books and
pencil cases and leave them on the pencil cases
The students will then call their
The teacher will now call the roll to name for the role.
mark whose present

5-10 mins the teacher will now begin to recap the students will take their seats CL
on the last lesson the teacher will and they will now begin a recap on
inform the students that they must the last lesson the students will be O
finish their evaluation sheet they reminded that they must complete
must take professional photos of their evaluation sheet and
their project and upload these to professional fun take professional
Google Classroom the teacher will photos of their calendar and upload
show to students how to upload these to Google Classroom the
these two Google Classroom. students will be paying attention as
the teacher shows them how to
upload onto Google Classroom.


10-15 mins The teacher will now launch a The students will now be L
PowerPoint to begin the lesson. introduced to the new learning
intentions for the day. O
The teacher will run through the
learning intentions for the day and The students will come up with N
get the students to come up with class goals.
goals that they want to achieve for
the lesson. The students will then be
introduced to the word wall, full of
The teacher will go through a word new words and they will remember
wall of new keywords that the to see if they know or have heard
students must know. of any of these words before.

15-35 mins The teacher will now go into detail The students will now be given a G
on the PowerPoint. worksheet that they must work on
alongside the teacher as the L
The teacher will be asking the PowerPoint is being read through.
students various higher and lower O
order questions throughout the The students will be asked a
lesson. variety of higher and lower order
questions. The students must also
The teacher will inform the take notes on important new
students all about the life cycle of a learnings for the class.
It is very important that the
The teacher would be walking students’ complete sketches on
around visually inspecting the their worksheet.
students as they complete their
interactive worksheet.

35-50 mins The teacher will now play an The students will now play a fun MA
identification game with the game which will reinforce their
students once they have been learning on coniferous and SEN
introduced to the difference deciduous trees.
between deciduous and coniferous
trees. The students must identify the
difference between softwood and
The teacher will have prepared hardwood timber and walk to CL
different pieces of wood. The which side they agree with.
teacher will show the students
these different pieces and get the
students to stand on either side of
the table depending on their
answer one side for coniferous and
one side for deciduous.


50-55 mins The teacher will then go down The students will now take their L
and get the students to finish seats and draw a table comparing N
up their notes. the differences to coniferous and G
The teacher will inform the deciduous trees. They will do this in
students that they must create their copy books
a table and write down the
different properties of
deciduous and coniferous

55-58 mins The teacher will then begin a The students will now begin a recap CL
recap of the new learning for of the new learning for today, O
the day and ask the students where they answer various
different questions on the topic questions on this topic.
of trees.

58-60 mins The teacher will now get the The students will now tidy up put O
students to tidy up and leave all rubbish in the bin and leave the
the class in an orderly fashion. class once the bell rings.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.



Timber examples

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