Comparative Study For Overead and Intze Tank

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© 2021 JETIR October 2021, Volume 8, Issue 10 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Shubham Gotavade, 2Sankesh Gawade, 3Rahul Dhuri, 4Jamaluddin Maghrabi, 5Priyanka Salunkhe
BE Final Year Student, 4Assistant Professor, 5Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
Terna Engineering College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India – 400 607

Abstract: Water storage reservoirs are used by localities, factories, universities, towns, villages, and so on to store water to tide
over the daily water requirement. In particular, the elevated service reservoir (ESR) is used to supply water to a particular region
so that the water can reach the users by gravity and pressure. These elevated structures have a heavy consolidated mass at the top
and act as a slender supporting structure, like an inverted pendulum. This paper deals with the designing, analysis and
construction cost estimation of RCC elevated service reservoir (Intze type) with two different types of staging system viz. frame
type staging and shaft type staging system. The results will be compared to conclude the better type of staging system in terms of
performance and economy.

Index Terms – Intze Tank, frame staging, shaft staging, economical

For storage of large quantities of liquids like water, oil, petroleum, acid and sometime gases also, containers or tanks are
required. These structures are made of masonry, steel, reinforced concrete and pre stressed concrete.
Out of these, masonry and steel tanks are used for smaller capacities. The cost of steel tanks is high and hence they are rarely
used for water storages. Reinforced concrete tanks are very popular because, besides the construction and design being simple,
they are cheap, monolithic in nature and can be made leak proof.
Generally no cracks are allowed to take place in any part of the structure of Liquid Retaining R.C.C. tanks and they are made
water tight. In addition, sometimes water proofing materials also are used to make tanks water tight.


These tanks are supported on staging which may consist of masonry walls, R.C.C tower or R.C.C. column braced together. The
walls are subjected to water pressure from inside. The base is subjected to weight of water, weight of walls and weight of roof.
The staging has to carry load of entire tank with water and is also subjected to wind loads.

Fig. 1 Elevated R.C.C. Water Tanks


This is a special type of elevated tank used for very large capacities. Circular tanks for very large capacities prove to be
uneconomical when flat bottom slab is provide. Intze type tank consist of top dome supported on a ring beam which rests on a
cylindrical wall. The walls are supported on ring beam and conical slab. Bottom dome will also be provided which is also
supported by ring beam. The conical and bottom dome are made in such a manner that the horizontal thrust from conical base is
balanced by that from the bottom dome. The conical and bottom domes are supported on a circular beam which is in turn,
supported on a number of columns or shaft staging.

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© 2021 JETIR October 2021, Volume 8, Issue 10 (ISSN-2349-5162)

It can be divided into two types based on the type of support system:
a) Supported on column-bracing (frame) staging system
b) Supported on shaft staging system

Fig. 2 Intze tank with frame type staging Fig. 3 Intze tank with shaft type staging


Elevated Intze type tank is to be designed for a capacity of 500 m3. The Intze tank will be supported on two different types of
staging viz. shaft type staging and frame type staging. Both the designs will be carried out manually. The concrete design is
done as per codal provision of IS 3370-2(2009) taking seismic and wind loads into account as per IS 1893-1(2002) and IS 873
part-3 and their results will be tabulated. Then, detailed estimation will be carried out for tank with two different staging types
to find out which staging type is better and in terms of economy.

The design of tank involves the following:-

1. Top Dome: The dome at the top usually 100mm to 150mm thick with reinforcement along the meridians and latitudes,
the rise is usually l/5th of the diameter
2. Ring Beam B1: The ring beam is necessary to resist the horizontal component of the thrust of the dome. The ring beam
will be designed for the hoop tension induced.
3. Cylindrical Wall: This has to be designed for hoop tension caused due to horizontal water pressure. Thickness of the
wall should be kept minimum 150mm.
4. Ring Beam B3: This ring beam is provided to resist the horizontal component of the reaction of the conical wall on the
cylindrical wall. The ring beam will be designed for the induced hoop tension.
5. Conical Dome: This will be designed for hoop tension due to water pressure. The slab will also be designed as a slab
spanning between the ring beam at top and the bottom circular beam B 2 at bottom.
6. Bottom Dome: The floor may be circular or domed. This slab is supported on the bottom circular beam B 2. The rise of
the bottom dome should be 0.2 times diameter of the bottom dome. The diameter of bottom dome should be 0.6D.
7. Ring Beam B2: This will be designed to support the tank and its contents. The beam will be supported on columns /
shaft and should be designed for resulting bending moment and torsion.
8. Column / Shaft Section: These are to be designed for the total load transferred to them. They have to be designed for
wind pressure whichever govern.
9. Braces (in case of column section): These are used to reduce the buckling of the columns. These are placed at regular
intervals along the length of the columns
10. Foundations: These are used to support the columns. These are used the transfer the load from columns to soil through
bottom circular beam B2.



Capacity of tank = 500 m3

Height of staging upto bottom of tank = 12 m
Assume, bearing capacity of soil = 150 kN/m2
Density of RCC = 25 kN/m3
Unit weight of water (𝛾) = 9800 N/m3
Modular ratio (m) = 9.33
Grade of Concrete = M 30

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Grade of Steel = Fe 415

Permissible stresses in concrete in bending compression (𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾) = 10 N/mm2
Permissible stresses in concrete in direct compression (𝛾𝛾𝛾) = 8 N/mm2
Permissible stresses in concrete in bond for HYSD bars in compression (𝛾𝛾) = 1 N/mm2
Permissible stresses in steel bars (𝛾𝛾𝛾)= 130 N/mm2
k = 0.418, j = 0.86, R = 1.797 𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾 = 3.5 N/mm2

Table 1 Designed sizes of various components

Components of tank Frame type staging (in mm) Shaft type staging (in mm)
Diameter of tank 12000 12000
Height of tank upto ground level 20900 20900
Rise of Top Dome 1800 1800
Thickness of Top Dome 100 100
Ring Beam B1 350 × 350 350 × 350
Height of Cylindrical wall 4000 4000
Thickness of Cylindrical wall 250 250
Ring Beam B3 800 × 600 800 × 600
Height of Conical Dome 2000 2000
Thickness of Conical Dome 400 400
Ring Beam B2 700 × 1000 700 × 1000
Diameter of Ring Beam B2 8000 8000
Rise of Bottom Dome 1600 1600
Thickness of Bottom Dome 250 250
Height of Staging upto tank bottom 12000 12000
Diameter of Column 700 ---
Size of Braces 300 × 500 ---
Diameter of Shaft --- 8000
Thickness of Shaft wall --- 230



 For Intze tank with Frame type staging:-

Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3

Table 2 Quantity of RCC and Steel in tank with Frame staging

Sr. No. Description Qty. Of RCC (m3) Qty. Of Steel (kg)
1. Top Dome 12.73 600
2. Ring Beam B1 1.39 121
3. Cylindrical Wall 38.49 3022
4. Ring Beam B3 13.53 1063
5. Conical Dome 26.14 2668
6. Bottom Dome 16.07 1767
7. Ring Beam B2 17.60 2073
8. Column 37.0 5802
9. Braces 11.4 1340
10. Foundation 37.2 2042
11. Gallery 3.5 220
12. Staircase 3.41 188
Total 218.35 20906

Total Quantity of RCC = 218.35 ≈ 219 m3

Total Quantity of Concrete = 215.69 ≈ 216 m3
Total Quantity of Steel = 20.9 ≈ 21 MT

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 For Intze tank with Shaft type staging:-

Density of Steel – 7850 kg/m3

Table 3 Quantity of RCC and Steel in tank with Shaft staging

Sr. No. Description Qty. Of RCC (m3) Qty. Of Steel (kg)
1. Top Dome 12.73 600
2. Ring Beam B1 1.39 121
3. Cylindrical Wall 38.49 3022
4. Ring Beam B3 13.53 1063
5. Conical Dome 26.14 2668
6. Bottom Dome 16.07 1767
7. Ring Beam B2 17.60 2073
8. Shaft 69.37 7080
9. Foundation 72.94 6585
10. Gallery 3.5 220
11. Staircase 3.41 188
Total 275.2 m 25387

Total Quantity of RCC = 275.2 ≈ 276 m3

Total Quantity of Concrete = 271.97≈ 272 m3
Total Quantity of Steel =25.4 ≈ 26 MT

Quantity of Quantity of
concrete steel
30 (cum) 3 (MT)
0 0

25 2
0 5

20 2
0 0

15 1
0 5

10 1
0 0
Frame Shaft Frame Shaft
50 type type 5 type type

0 Fig. 4 Quantity of Concrete in both tanks 0 Fig. 5 Quantity of Steel in both tanks

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Cost of Cost of
concrete steel
1 (in lakhs) 1 (in lakhs)
2 2

1 1
0 0

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 Frame Shaft 0 Frame Shaft

type type type type

Fig. 6 Cost of concrete in both tanks Fig. 7 Cost of steel in both tanks



1 Cost of Steel (lakhs)

5 Cost of Concrete
Frame Shaft
type type
Fig. 8 Total cost comparison between both tanks

1. The quantity of concrete and steel required for construction of frame type staging is less than shaft type staging.
2. Since, the quantity of concrete and steel required for construction of frame type staging is less, the total cost of materials
will be ultimately lesser than shaft type staging. Hence, frame type staging being the economical type of staging system.
3. Base shear for tank supported on concrete shaft staging is more than that of tank supported on frame type staging.
4. Base moment is also greater in case of tank supported on shaft type staging. Hence, in region of higher seismic intensity,
shaft type staging is more vulnerable than frame type staging.
5. The shaft staging being hollow from inside, it can be used for variety of uses – storage, office space, etc. It also provides a
sufficient space for valves and controls for the tank.


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