EMM410 Task 1
EMM410 Task 1
EMM410 Task 1
Mathematic Pedagogies
and Teaching in the
Primary Classroom
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
This report will be analysing the utilisation of diverse resources, skills, and knowledge within
primary schools within a mathematics classroom, and how the different characteristics of
students’ lives influence how they learn. This report is contextualised through a Stage 1
Classroom in a school within a lower socio-economic area with 22 students (eight girls and
14 boys). This stage 1 classroom has a vast majority of its students from a wide variety of
cultural and linguistic backgrounds, with five of the 22 students in the class being of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, and an additional ten who are from
various international cultural groups. Furthermore, two of the students in the class have
significant numeracy learning needs, with 2 students struggling with mathematics, working at
an Early Stage 1 level. There is also a student who has a diagnosis of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD), who has an increased proficiency in mathematics, being noted by the school
as “gifted and talented”. Through the analysis of how diverse needs can be catered to within
the primary mathematics classroom, with relevant strategies and lesson synopses related to
the Measurement and Geometry strand, students from various backgrounds and skills will be
able to succeed (NESA, 2012; Serow, 2019).
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Diverse needs in the mathematics classroom:
One of the most important factors for this case study is the low Socio-Economic Status (SES)
that most of the students fall under within the classroom, as the resources and opportunities
these students have access to may vary from a traditional classroom, requiring intense care to
keep students engaged (Bachman et al., 2018; Cartwright, 2018; Cathcart, 2011). Research
has found that for Low SES students, they often have a lower level of exposure to quality
mathematics learning opportunities in both pre-schools, and in primary school, due to both
decreased access to resources, as well as lower opportunities for quality learning for students
(Bachman et al., 2018; Booker et al., 2014). This can lead to the students having decreased
literacy and numeracy skills within school, as well as decreased engagement in mathematics,
preventing them from developing higher order maths skill in their adult years (Serow et al.,
2019; ). Research has also found that, for students from low SES status backgrounds, they
often feel a level of disconnect between the content taught within the traditional maths
classroom, being exposed to mathematics in a way that is disinteresting and disconnected
from the students and their experiences (Siemon et al., 2015; Cartwright, 2018). This
negative exposure of students to mathematics presents a negative and boring perspective of
maths, making them less likely to succeed in mathematics when they progress into high
school and their adult lives. These mathematics tasks are often created in an unengaging way
by teachers due to multiple external factors, such as low quality training and pedagogy, fear
of maths and maths teaching, as well as a negative perception of maths as a teacher, further
creating a self-fulfilling cycle of negative mathetmatics perceptions (Bachman et al., 2018;
Cartwright, 2018).
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Teaching students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds is an extremely
important skill as a teacher, as these students often have various cultural and social
differences from their peers that need to be accommodated for by teachers (McKnight, 2016;
Warren & Miller, 2013; Rasheed et al., 2020). Various sources of literature have found that
understanding and accommodating the cultures of the relevant Indigenous Community in an
authentic manner is one of the most effective ways of building effective and positive
relationships with these students (Mcleod & Yates, 2003; Webster et al., 2022). By doing so,
it allows the students to build a mutual respect and understanding of the teacher’s cultural
competence, allowing them to feel recognised and respected by the teacher and the school,
while helping the teacher build their cultural competency and help develop tasks that connect
effectively to Indigenous students, their cultures, and experiences (reference). This
connection is extremely important, as research has shown that there has been a historical
negative perception by indigenous students and parents towards schooling (Nelson et al.,
2010; Lowe & Yunkaporta, 2013). Historically, this has been due to a lack of care, respect or
integration of Indigenous culture, a low level of connection towards the content and their
learning, as well as the stark contrast in culture and environment between their Indigenous
home social structure, and the colonist-centric style of the classroom (Nelson & Hay, 2010;
McKnight, 2016). By developing a stronger connection to Indigenous culture and experiences
in the classroom, it allows Indigenous Australian students to feel connected to and respected
at school, making them more likely to engage in their classroom content (McKnight, 2016;
Killen, 2016; Killen, 2016). According to research, one effective resource for teaching
mathematics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and connecting to their cultures and
identity is the utilisation of the 8 Ways teaching framework and its strategies. This involves
teachers connecting students learning to various aspects of the student’s Indigenous identity,
with story and imagery-based learning, connections to areas of land and the community and
intrapersonal/kinaesthetic learning being especially important for developing mathematical
skills (Lowe & Yunkaporta, 2013). Through the utilisation of the 8 Ways Framework, it
allows students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds to create an effective
interpersonal connection to their learning, while allowing them to share their experiences and
knowledge with their peers (Lowe & Yunkaporta,2013; Van Hiele, 1999) Some researched
examples of integrating the 8 ways framework into the maths classroom includes: connecting
traditional numbers to the relevant Indigenous language and their imagery, shapes and
patterns within nature and the local environment, as well as utilising tactile examples of
shapes and objects, allowing students to connect their classroom learning to their existing
mathematics and societal schema (Lowe & Yunkaporta, 2013; Beresford & Partington,
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Varying skill (high & low)
Being able to differentiate students’ learning and complexity of tasks based on students’
mathematical ability is crucial, as students must be able to work at a stage that is appropriate
for them, allowing them to grow as effectively as possible, based on their skills and ability
(Forgasz & Rivera, 2014; Einat, 2013). Research has found that teaching students of various
skills in the same class is extremely helpful for the students at both ends of the skill spectrum.
This variance in abilities within a class allow students to develop their empathy and
understanding of others, allowing students to alter the difficulty of their learning based on
how comfortable they feel surrounding the content, as well as understand unique perspectives
of mathematics from their peers, with the different skills and abilities bringing new
perspectives to maths and their learning (Killen, 2016; Serow et al., 2019;). Research has also
found that the learning that students engage with in a maths classroom also needs to be at a
difficulty that is applicable for all students, regardless of skills, learning within an appropriate
Zone of Proximal Development appropriate to the students (Booker et al., 2014; Deunk et al.,
2018). This allows these students to learn at a rate that is comfortable for them, while
ensuring that students do not get frustrated or bored with their learning (references). This is
further enhanced through the utilisation of group work, with students with various skills and
skill levels to share their unique ideas with their peers, allowing the low skilled students to
learn from those more experienced, while having the high-skill students act as mentors,
offering alternative perspectives from their lower-skilled peers (Van Hiele, 1999;6 Killen,
2016). Research has found that differentiating tasks based on students’ abilities is one of the
most effective ways of catering to students of varying needs. This ensures that all students
can complete the tasks in a way that is accessible to the students, interesting and engaging,
whilst still being at a stage where the students maths skills can grow (Serow et al., 2019;
Einat, 2013). Some researched examples of utilising differentiated learning within a maths
context includes increasing/decreasing the complexity of tasks and questions that students
complete within a lesson, changing the amount of time that students must complete a task in,
as well as utilising group learning to have students learn from each other in an alternative,
holistic manner (Slavin, 2015; Van Hiele, 1999). Through the utilization of these strategies,
all students within the class will be able to succeed and grow at a rate that is most applicable
to them, developing the necessary mathematics skills to succeed (Deunk et al,. 2018; Siemon
et al., 2015).
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Teaching Strategies
These teaching strategies and lesson examples have been created based on the current 2012
Mathematics syllabus (NESA, 2012):
Strategy 1
One of the most effective strategies for teaching is the utilisation of real-world aspects of
nature and the environment around the students. By connecting the classroom learning to the
aspects of students’ lives and local environment, it ensures that students can be engaged and
understand why they are learning a given topic, as well as ensures a connection from their
learning to their prior experiences, especially for those from Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander (Warren & Miller, 2013; Seimon et al, 2015). This also allows shyer and introverted
students with the opportunity to interact with their peers and share their perspectives with
their peers, building their interpersonal skills (Cathcart, 2015; Forgasz & Rivera, 2014).
1. Teacher introduces the idea that 3d shapes are all around us; what sort of shapes can
you see in the classroom? How do you know what shape they are?
2. In pairs, have students write 4 objects that they can see in the classroom, what shape
they are, as well as how many faces they have.
3. As a class, walk around the school, and note different shapes that students identify
in the world around them. Teacher should note what types of objects and shapes
students do and do not identify
4. Once a student identifies one, have a mini-class discussion on what type of shape it
is, its faces, vertices and edges, as well as why it may be shaped that way (why is a
soccer ball a sphere?)
5. Once students have identified the 3d objects in nature, return to the classroom and
have students draw the objects they identified, labelling different aspects of the
shape (faces, vertices, and edges), as well as identifying other objects they know
that are similar 3d shapes.
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Strategy 2
Another teaching strategy that can be used in mathematics geometry teaching is the use of
tactile objects, such as building blocks, spheres, and cylinders. This allows students to
physically hold and interact with the shapes that they are investigating within the classroom,
allowing students to manipulate and understand the object on a fundamental level, as well as
their sensorimotor skills (Seimon et al., 2015; Johnson & Johnson, 1990). This investigation
also allows for significant differentiation based on students’ understanding of shapes,
allowing for different focuses for students’ analysis based on their skills, such as how many
sides and vertices, or comparing different shapes and their characteristics (Slavin, 2015;
Serow et al., 2019).
1. Teacher introduces the idea that different 2d shapes can be made from various objects
and other shapes: class discussion of how this may occur: what would happen if we
combined two triangles? What would happen if we put one shape on top of another?
3. Once students have made a “new” shape, have them outline the shape on a blank
piece of paper, identifying how many sides it has, as well as what shapes were used in
its construction
4. Once students have practice making new shapes from existing ones, understanding
how shapes can interconnect with each other, have students utilise their existing
pieces to make various existing shapes, such as squares, triangles or rectangles. If
students are having trouble, have students identify key characteristics of each shape,
and what aspects can be utilised to make the new shape
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Strategy 3
Another extremely important teaching strategy for numeracy is the utilisation of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT), such as an interactive whiteboard to visually
express different shapes and interact with them, such as YouTube videos and digital games.
These resources allow students to interpret the use of shapes on a two-dimensional plane in a
creative, entertaining, and collaborative (Booker et al., 2014; Whitton et al., 2010). As most
of the students in the case study are from low socioeconomic backgrounds, with minimal
access to technology, this positive exposure to ICT learning will ensures the students
engagement through technology, seeing its learning potential and positive uses (Slavin, 2015;
Whitton et al, 2010).
1. Teacher introduces the concept of Symmetry: does anyone know what that means? How
can we tell that a shape might be symmetrical? What are some examples of shapes that are
3. Once students have an understanding of which shapes are symmetrical, start the game on
the website, and have students press on the shapes they believe to be symmetrical, and
explain why they believe it is symmetrical. Ensure that all students have an opportunity to
identify shapes that are, and are not symmetrical.
4.Once all students have had an opportunity to correctly identify symmetrical shapes, have
students draw their own shapes, state whether they are/are not symmetrical, and draw the
line of symmetry if it is symmetrical.
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Practical Classroom Activities
Activity Justification Outcomes
Class-wide utilisation of an By utilising ICT, it allows MA1-2WM: Uses objects,
interactive whiteboard with students to be engaged with diagrams and technology to
the “shifting shapes” the content, with the explore mathematical
website, with students program acting as a form of problems
utilising a digital torch to “investigation” of shapes
investigate the size and and objects, identifying MA1-14MG: sorts,
shape of 2-dimensional different shapes, as well as describes, represents and
objects, drawing, and what key characteristics of recognises familiar three-
identifying them on the the shape (sides, vertices, dimensional objects,
whiteboard and/or paper. etc) make the students think including cones, cubes,
it is a given shape (Van cylinders, spheres and
Hiele, 1999; Siemon, 2015). prisms, quadrilaterals, and
It also allows for describes their features
differentiation for students
based on their skills and
ability, with the teacher
being able to choose the size
and shape of the “lens” that
students can look through,
giving students variable
amounts of information to
work from, including the
child with Williams
syndrome (Johnson &
Johnson, 1990).
Have students in groups By utilising physical tools MA1-2WM: Uses objects,
utilise various paper 2- and printouts, it allows diagrams and technology to
dimensional shapes (circles, students to gain a tactile explore mathematical
rectangle, square, triangle, understanding of how problems
etc.) to construct various shapes look and interact
objects in nature and their with each other (Van Hiele, MA1-14MG: sorts,
local environment in groups, 1990; Serow et al., 2019). describes, represents and
investigating why different Furthermore, utilising recognises familiar three-
shapes and objects are the students’ collaborative and dimensional objects,
shape they are (why is a interpersonal skills also including cones, cubes,
soccer field rectangular?) allows for students low cylinders, spheres and
maths skills and SES prisms, quadrilaterals, and
backgrounds to utilise their describes their features
existing societal knowledge
and understanding, forming
ideas of how different
shapes appear, working with
their peers and building a
sense of community
(Cathcart, 2011; Whitton,
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
A class-wide exploration of Exploring the school MA1-1WM: describes
the school grounds to grounds ensures that mathematical situations and
identify different shapes in students can connect to the methods using every day
the school, and how we can land around them and how and some mathematical
tell them apart, writing shapes exist in both objects language, actions, materials,
down different objects in the we use and create, but also diagrams and symbols
school and what type of in nature and how we
shape they are (the football interact with shapes daily. MA1-15MG: Manipulates,
goal posts are cylinders, This connects heavily with identifies and sketches two-
since they are circular and Aboriginal and Torres Strait dimensional shapes,
long, a flower petal is an Islander students, who can including special
oval, since it has one side utilise their connection to quadrilaterals, and describes
and is not even) the environment around their features
them, sharing their ideas
with their peers (Warren &
Miller, 2013; Slavin, 2015)
Overall, through the utilisation of various mathematical skills, resources and knowledge
catered to students’ circumstances and needs, all students can develop their numeracy skills
effectively to become the best version of themselves possible, regardless of barriers that may
be limiting them. This is especially important for students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander backgrounds and those from various backgrounds, as by connecting to students
experience and knowledge on a cultural, it ensures engagement for all students to their pre-
existing knowledge. Furthermore, by differentiating lessons based on each students’ skills
and abilities, it ensures that all students to learn at a pace that is effective for them, while
allowing the teacher to evaluate the progress of all students against their typical mathematics
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Bachman, H. J., Degol, J. L., Elliott, L., Scharphorn, L., El Nokali, N. E., & Palmer, K. M.
(2018). Preschool Math Exposure in Private Center-Based Care and Low-SES
Children’s Math Development. Early Education and Development, 29(3), 417–434.
Beresford, Q., & Partington,G. (2003). Reform and resistance in Aboriginal education: the
Australian experience. Crawley, Western Australia: University of
Western Australia Press.
Deunk, M. I., Smale-Jacobse, A. E., de Boer, H., Doolaard, S., & Bosker, R. J. (2018).
Effective differentiation practices :a systematic review and meta-
analysis of studies on the cognitive effects of differentiation
practices in primary education. Educational Research Review,
24, 31–54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2018.02.002
Forgasz, H., & Rivera, F. (Eds.). (2014). Towards equity in mathematics education: Gender,
culture, and diversity. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1990). Using cooperative learning in math. In N.
Davidson (Ed.), Cooperative Learning in Mathematics (pp. 103-
125). Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Killen, R. (2016). Effective teaching strategies: Lessons from research and practice (7th ed.).
South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning.
Lowe, K., & Yunkaporta, T. (2013). The inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
content in the Australian National Curriculum: A cultural, cognitive and socio-
political evaluation. Curriculum Perspectives, 33(1), 1-14
Mcleod, J., & Yates, L. (2003). Who is 'Us'? Students Negotiating Discourses of Racism and
National Identification in Australia. Race Ethnicity And
Education, 6(1), 29-49.
Nelson, A., & Hay, P. (2010). “I Don't Want to Grow Up and Not be Smart”: Urban
Indigenous Young People's Perceptions of School. The
Australian Journal Of Indigenous Education, 39(1), 54-64.
Rasheed, D. S., Brown, J. L., Doyle, S. L., & Jennings, P. A. (2020). The Effect of Teacher–
Child Race/Ethnicity Matching and Classroom Diversity on
Children’s Socioemotional and Academic Skills. Child
Development, 91(3), e597–e618.
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Serow, P., Callingham, R., & Muir, T. (2019). Primary Mathematics: Integrating Theory
with Practice (3rd ed.). Crows Nest, NSW: Cambridge University
Siemon, D., Beswick, K., Brady, K., Clark, J., Faragher, R., & Warren, E. (2015). Teaching
Mathematics: Foundations to Middle Years. South Melbourne,
VIC: Oxford University Press.
Warren, E., & Miller, J. (2013). Young Australian Indigenous students’ effective engagement
in mathematics: the role of language, patterns, and
structure. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 25(1), 151–
171. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13394-013-0068-5
Webster, E., Hall (Yuwaallaraay/Gamilaroi), A., Hill (Wiradjuri), Y., See (Wiradjuri), C.,
Simons, E., Havrlant, R., & Osten, R. (2022). Building cultural
responsiveness in a mainstream health organisation with “8
Aboriginal Ways of Learning”: a participatory action research
study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
46(4), 517–523. https://doi.org/10.1111/1753-6405.13245
Whitton, D., Barker, K., Nosworthy, M., Sinclair, C., & Nanlohy, P. (2010). Learning for
teaching, teaching for learning. South Melbourne, Australia:
Cengage Learning.
van Hiele (1999). Developing Geometric Thinking Through Activities that Begin with Play.
Teaching Children Mathematics, 5(6), 310-316.
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim. (2013). The co-construction of learning difficulties in mathematics
—teacher—student interactions and their role in the development of a disabled
mathematical identity. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(3), 341–368.
McKnight, A. (2016). Preservice teachers’ learning with Yuin Country: becoming respectful
teachers in Aboriginal education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 44(2),
110–124. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359866X.2015.1066491
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
15 Marks 13-15 marks 11.5-12.5 marks 10-11 marks 7.5-9.5 marks <7.5 marks
The literature review The literature review The literature review The literature review The literature review Does not evaluate
critically evaluates critically evaluates accurately evaluates evaluates mathematics evaluates mathematics mathematics pedagogy
mathematics pedagogy mathematics pedagogy mathematics pedagogy pedagogy through the pedagogy through a or identify and/or
through an accurate through an accurate, through an accurate and identification and discussion of the accurately discuss the
discussion of current insightful and critical insightful discussion of sound discussion of the diverse needs of diverse needs of
mathematics education discussion of the the diverse needs of diverse needs of students identified in students identified in
literature on the diverse diverse needs of a students identified in students identified in the classroom context. the classroom context.
needs of a group of group of students the classroom context the classroom context
students identified in identified in the and how these will be and how these will be This discussion refers And/or irrelevant or
the classroom context. classroom context. catered for. catered for. to relevant and recent inaccurate discussion
[LO1] (less than 10 years old) of mathematics
This discussion This discussion This discussion sources of academic pedagogy suitable to
evaluates a broad range appraises a variety of compares and/or literature, including at the diverse needs of
of relevant and recent relevant and recent contrasts relevant and least two recent peer- students identified.
(less than 10 years old) (less than 10 years old) recent (less than 10 reviewed journal
sources of academic sources of academic years old) sources of articles and one recent And/or discussion is
literature, beyond literature, beyond academic literature, research study should based on fewer than
course materials, course materials, including at least two be referred to. four relevant and recent
including at least two including at least two recent peer-reviewed peer-reviewed
recent peer-reviewed recent peer-reviewed journal articles and one academic sources.
journal articles and one journal articles and one recent research study .
recent research study recent research study should be referred to.
should be referred to. should be referred to.
10 marks 8.5-10 marks 7.5-8 marks 6.5-7marks 5-6marks < 5marks
Reflects on teaching Three specific and Three specific and Three specific and Three satisfactory Less than three
practice by identifying engaging teaching beneficial teaching appropriate teaching teaching strategies, teaching strategies,
and justifying three strategies, examples strategies, examples strategies, examples examples and examples provided,
teaching strategies that and accompanying and accompanying and accompanying accompanying And/or justification of
meet the needs of a justifications combine justifications are justifications are justifications are less than three teaching
diverse class in a an accurate analysis of provided for the diverse provided for the diverse provided for the strategies
mathematics context, academic group of students in the group of students in the diverse group of And/or the teaching
demonstrating an recommendations for identified classroom identified classroom students in the strategies, examples or
understanding of the diverse learners. All context. The context. The identified classroom justifications are
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
role and value of three teaching justifications provided, justifications are context. Most are incorrect interpretations
mathematics in the strategies, examples accurately analyse accurate interpretations accurate interpretations of the literature.
broader school and justifications recommendations for of recommendations of academic literature,
curriculum. demonstrate an the diverse group of from academic demonstrating some And/or the teaching
[LO1, LO2 and LO3] extensive knowledge learners made in literature, understanding of the strategies do not
and understanding of academic literature, demonstrating an diverse needs of the demonstrate an
the diverse needs of the demonstrating a understanding of the example class, as well understanding of the
example class, the thorough knowledge diverse needs of the as the role and value of diverse needs of
impact they will have and understanding of example class, as well mathematics in the students in the example
on students’ learning in the diverse needs of the as the role and value of broader school class or the role of
a measurement and example class, as well mathematics in the curriculum. mathematics in the
geometry context, as as the role and value of broader school broader school
well as the role and mathematics in the curriculum. curriculum.
value of mathematics broader school
in the broader school curriculum.
10 marks 8.5-10 marks 7.5-8 marks 6.5-7marks 5-6marks < 5marks
Interprets the Three creative and Three different Three different Three different Less than three
continuum of learning mostly original practical activities, practical activities are practical activities are different practical
by describing three practical activities are some of which are clearly justified, sufficiently justified, activities are provided
practical classroom clearly justified, creative and original, described and outlined, described and outlined, And/or not sufficiently
activities, aligned with described and are clearly justified, including identifying including identifying justified, described or
a Stage 1 Measurement comprehensively described and outlined, the appropriate syllabus the appropriate syllabus outlined
and Geometry outcome outlined, including including identifying outcomes. All activities outcomes. Most cater And/or appropriate
and at least one Stage 1 identifying all all appropriate syllabus cater for the specific for the needs of the syllabus outcomes not
Working appropriate syllabus outcomes. All activities needs of the diverse diverse student group. identified
Mathematically outcomes with which cater for the specific student group and All activities support And/or activities do not
outcome, that are they are aligned. All needs of the diverse support their learning learning and are cater for the needs of
appropriate and activities cater for the student group and of mathematics content aligned with Stage 1 the diverse student
beneficial for meeting specific needs of the improves their ability and skills aligned with Measurement and group.
the needs of a diverse diverse student group to succeed in achieving a Stage 1 Measurement Geometry outcomes And/or activities do not
group of students. and enhances their a Stage 1 Measurement and Geometry outcome and at least one Stage 1 support learning and/or
[LO3 and LO4] learning outcomes. and Geometry outcome and at least one Stage 1 Working are not aligned with
Insight is shown in and at least one Stage 1 Working Mathematically Stage 1 Measurement
embedding syllabus Working Mathematically outcome. and Geometry
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869
content aligned with a Mathematically outcome. outcomes and at least
Stage 1 Measurement outcome one Stage 1 Working
and Geometry outcome Mathematically
and at least one Stage 1 outcome.
outcome within the
practical activities.
5 marks 4.5-5 marks 4 marks 3.5 marks 2.5-3marks < 2.5 marks
The report adheres to The report is The report is The report is The report adheres to Does not adhere to the
the word limit and structured, concise and structured, concise and structured, adheres to the word limit and may word limit (+/- 10%).
demonstrates a tertiary contains no may contain very minor the word limit and may contain some The report contains
standard of academic grammatical or grammatical or contain minor grammatical and/or significant spelling
writing and APA (7th typographical errors. typographical errors. grammatical and/or typographical errors. and/or punctuation
edition) referencing. Referencing Referencing typographical errors. Referencing and/or grammatical
demonstrates academic demonstrates academic Referencing demonstrates academic errors. Referencing
integrity and conforms integrity and mostly demonstrates academic integrity and generally does not demonstrate
to APA (7th edition) conforms accurately to integrity and generally uses APA (7th edition) academic integrity
style conventions. APA (7th edition) style uses APA (7th edition) style conventions and/or does not use
conventions. style conventions appropriately. APA (7th edition) style
accurately. conventions
Angus Coates Student ID:11685869