Ept241 Marked Goals
Ept241 Marked Goals
Ept241 Marked Goals
Teacher Education Student Name: Claudia Mckimmie Due (via EASTS) as part of Assessment Item Two
2. Professional Practice - Copies of lesson plans that clearly structure - In week 1 discuss goal with supervising teacher
Focus area: the sequence of learning activities and - In week 1, discuss with supervising teacher set
3.2- Plan, structure and sequence highlight how students are going to routines/structures already implemented in the classroom.
learning programs transition between these activities. - In week 1&2, observe and take notes of supervising teachers
Descriptor: - Images of resource organisation to aide lesson structure and transition strategies.
Plan lesson sequences using smooth transitions between activities - In week 3, plan additional transition strategies and implement
knowledge of student learning, - Develop class profiles highlighting the a variety of these strategies in lessons to determine which
content, and effective teaching routine/structural needs of the class. ones work best for certain classes.
strategies. - Record the time taken for students to - In week 3, discuss the effectiveness of these strategies in
Goal: transition between activities using different enhancing students’ learning and engagement.
By the end of week 4, I will plan and transition strategies. - In week 4, use effective strategies discussed with supervising
implement 8 well-structured, teacher to sequence 8 well-structured, organised lessons
organised lessons that promote that promote smooth transitions between activities.
smooth transitions between physical
education activities to enhance
student learning and engagement.
3. Professional Engagement - Teacher feedback sheets - In week 1 discuss goal with supervising teacher
Focus area: - Self-reflection book completed at the end of - At the end of week 2, complete a post observation meeting
6.3- Engage with colleagues and each lesson addressing what worked well and discussion with supervising teacher and colleagues to
improve practice and areas for further improvement gain feedback on the effectiveness of my communication
Descriptor: suggested by supervising teacher strategies from the first 2 weeks. This will enable me to
Seek and apply constructive - Re-worked lesson plans highlighting identify additional areas for improvement in the second half
feedback from supervisors and changes for improvement based on of placement.
teachers to improve teaching supervising teacher’s feedback - At the end of week 2, combine notes from lessons following
practices. - Voice recording of supervising teacher discussion with supervising teacher.
Goal: feedback with evaluation of my ability to use - In week 3, discuss re-worked lesson plans with my
By the end of week 2, I will have effective communication strategies to supervising teacher in particular changes to communication
gained written and verbal feedback support students understanding, strategies that were suggested to improve.
from my supervising teacher on my participation and engagement. - In week 4, apply constructive feedback to my teaching
ability to use effective practices and demonstrate this when teaching following
communication in the classroom. I lessons.
will then use this feedback to plan
and refine lessons in weeks 3 and
4 and evidence my growth in
communicating effectively with
students based on my supervising
teacher’s feedback.
Other aims you may have for the professional experience:
If any negotiated changes were made between Subject Coordinator sign-off and commencement of teaching, please note them here
SMART Goals Goals link to the Australian Professional Standards for Goals do not adequately align with the AITSL standards or the
for Teachers (AITSL) and the learning needs of the teacher learning needs of the teacher education student.
Professional education student.
Experience Three specific and clear goals have not been identified, or goals
are clearly Three specific and clear goals have been identified, one each do not include one each from Professional Knowledge,
identified. from Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Practice and Professional Engagement.
Professional Engagement.
Goals are not written in the SMART format.
Goals are written in the SMART format on the template
provided. Each goal does not include three or four sequenced action steps
and/or three
Each goal includes three or four sequenced action steps and appropriate examples of evidence which would demonstrate their
three appropriate examples of evidence which would achievement.
demonstrate their achievement.
Correct General competency with academic conventions. Spelling, Lack of academic conventions with marked problems with
spelling, grammar and punctuation demonstrate a professional spelling, grammar and punctuation that disrupt the meaning of the
grammar standard. text.
Markers Comments:
Very well considered goals that align well with the standards you have chosen. Thank you for your clear adherence to the SMART format and for
submitting comprehensive goals with serious consideration of the relevant action steps and evidence required to achieve and measure them.
It is clear you are very keen to complete your placement and I wish you the very best in your teaching endeavours this Semester!