Eimj20211303 07
Eimj20211303 07
Eimj20211303 07
To cite this article: Mat Nor MZ, Yusoff MSB. SWOT analysis of the Universiti Sains Malaysia
medical educationists’ preparations to make a regional medical education hub: a qualitative study.
Education in Medicine Journal. 2021;13(3):65–75. https://doi.org/10.21315/eimj2021.13.3.7
The aim of this study was to analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that describe
the current circumstances of medical educationists in the School of Medical Sciences in Universiti
Sains Malaysia (USM), particularly towards preparing themselves for becoming a regional hub
in medical education. A total of 21 documents, including nine strategic management records, three
department meeting documents and nine researchers’ observation journals were engaged in this
study. The gained data were clustered by themes for each of the four categories which were strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding medical educationists in the USM. High motivation
and interest of the lecturers, interest in writing, presence of medical background, experienced in
clinicals, experienced in management, presence of good health status, presence of postgraduate
medical education and the presence of international students were designated as strengths of medical
educationists. Presence of personal challenges, a majority of young lecturers and a majority with no
PhD were stated as weaknesses of medical educationists. Positive support from family, strong support
from the top administration to the medical education department, positive attention to individual
instructors, two instructors having a PhD, supportive cadre, positive international perception to the
department of medical education and large opportunities for research and school-provided grants were
indicated as opportunities for medical educationists. Financial issues and facilities were expressed as
threats to medical educationists. Consistent with the positive mode to move forward, there is a good
chance for the USM medical faculty to become a medical education hub.
Keywords: Medical educationist, Medical school, Qualitative study, Regional medical hub, SWOT analysis
Corresponding author Mohd Zarawi Mat Nor, Department of Medical Education, School of Medical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
E-mail: zarawi@usm.my
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE | SWOT Analysis of USM Medical Educationist
skills to effectively undertake their roles as based on the possibility that each document
medical teachers. It includes functions of contributes to variability of the sample.
curriculum development, service provision, In qualitative inquiry, the intent is not to
assessment and ensuring the accreditation generalise to a population, but rather to
of the medical college. In addition, the develop in-depth exploration of a central
direction of medical education is expected phenomenon. The research term used for
to change its shift in pedagogy approaches, qualitative sampling is purposive sampling.
as well as integration of technology and In purposive sampling, researchers
assessment. To align with the predicted intentionally selected accessible documents
changes, medical educationists should and sites to learn or understand the central
prepare themselves in order to manage these phenomenon.
features well (6).
In this research, maximal variation sampling
In spite of the importance of medical is used. Maximal variation sampling is a
educationists in enhancing medical teachers’ purposive sampling strategy in which the
professionalism, very little information researcher samples documents that differ
exists on methods of improvement in the in content (8). Documents in this study
aspects of both talent and performance. must meet the following criteria such as
This has led to a lack of methods to properly explaining the strategic management of
train medical educationists. This situation medical educationists, and explaining
has caused a lack of practise models researcher’s observations pertaining to
in empowering medical educationists the behaviour and attitude of medical
worldwide. For this reason, the present educationists in the department. Documents
study aims to explore the strengths and which are not related to the research
weaknesses medical educationist in the interests were excluded from the study.
School of Medical Sciences, USM and To meet the outlined criteria, a total of
this research is well-timed. In addition, 21 (9–10) documents were involved in
no studies have been conducted to date this study. They consisted of strategic
with SWOT analysis, particularly for management records, department meeting
examining the current situation of medical documents and the researchers’ observation
educationists in USM. The research journal. The observation journal was based
question is as follows: What are the on the department meetings, personal
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and conversations with colleagues within or
threats facing medical educationists in outside departments and online department
USM? conversations through social media
applications such as WhatsApp.
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Education in Medicine Journal 2021; 13(3): 65–75
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE | SWOT Analysis of USM Medical Educationist
that could potentially lead to answering the (15–16). This means that the analysis unit
research objectives. made by the researcher correlates with the
proposed themes.
The triangulation and thorough description
were two measures taken in order to seek
the validity of the data. In this research, RESULTS
the researcher utilised the documents that
represented the overall perspectives of A total of 21 documents were examined
medical educationists as a data collection in the study. Majority of the documents
method. By using a variety of documents, were SMR (43%) and ROJ (43%), while
the data became valid and reliable (9, 13). the remaining 14% consisted of DMD
Aside from this, a thorough explanation (Table 1).
of the data retrieved was presented by
the researcher. An in-depth explanation Table 1: Document profile
provided by the researcher enabled the
readers to come to a personal conclusion Type of document n = 21 (%)
concerning the outcomes of different SMR 9 (43)
settings with similar contexts. DMD 3 (14)
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Education in Medicine Journal 2021; 13(3): 65–75
Strengths Weaknesses
High motivation of lecturers High commitment to family
Interested in writing Majority are junior lecturers
Experienced in clinical field The majority are no PhD holder
Having a good health status
Presence of international of postgraduates’
Opportunities Threats
Positive support of their family Facilities need to be upgraded
Very strong support from top management
to medical education department
Two lecturers having PhD
Very supportive staff
Positive perception to the department of
medical education internationally
Many grants provided by internal and external
Figure 1: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of medical educationists in USM.
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE | SWOT Analysis of USM Medical Educationist
Sub-theme 7: Positive support of their family [Apart] from that, we have positive
support staff, they work very
We can see their partner and hard, [and understand] their job
children really understand their specification [well]; importantly
task, thus I am sure that they [are] they work independently with…
able to [manage] time well so far. minimum monitoring from the
(ROJ-8/15/4/2019) supervisor. In other words, [they do
help] to achieve the vision. (SMR-
Interestingly, in my opinion some 2/20/3/2019)
of their [partners offer for] them to
pursue their [PhD study]. (ROJ- Yes, our non-academic staff [is]
1/15/3/2019) very supportive; I [have] been here
for five years…they help me to
Sub-theme 8: Very strong support from top manage many things [and they are
management to the department of medical experts] in their tasks and a humble
staff. (ROJ-6/13/4/2019)
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE | SWOT Analysis of USM Medical Educationist
postgraduate students both locally and of Medical Education. The findings do not
internationally who wish to further their represent the real status in the context of
studies at USM. Therefore, this opportunity becoming a medical education hub. Second,
may, in turn, enhance the quality of research we did not apply the previous validated
and teaching (19). Regarding threats to questionnaire for the data collection. This
medical educationists, positive support is due to the fact that no previous SWOT
from top management can potentially be analysis was conducted on this subject
utilised to reduce them. For instance, top matter. Considering these limitations, it
management may be asked to recommend is suggested that other groups should be
financial support in providing facilities, such involved in future studies. Also, a broad
as teaching-learning equipment. In this way, SWOT analysis is recommended to gain
the top management factor is important to significant study results.
achieve the visions of the organisation.
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