The document provides a set of instructions for a board game involving questions about the future answered in will or simple future tense. Players roll dice to move around the board, landing on spaces that instruct them to either ask or answer a question about what will happen in the future. The goal is to be the first player to reach the finish space.
The document provides a set of instructions for a board game involving questions about the future answered in will or simple future tense. Players roll dice to move around the board, landing on spaces that instruct them to either ask or answer a question about what will happen in the future. The goal is to be the first player to reach the finish space.
The document provides a set of instructions for a board game involving questions about the future answered in will or simple future tense. Players roll dice to move around the board, landing on spaces that instruct them to either ask or answer a question about what will happen in the future. The goal is to be the first player to reach the finish space.
The document provides a set of instructions for a board game involving questions about the future answered in will or simple future tense. Players roll dice to move around the board, landing on spaces that instruct them to either ask or answer a question about what will happen in the future. The goal is to be the first player to reach the finish space.
win this game. the Iphone & (Say in the Turn Simple Future upon release? “Will” negative / question forms)
In the future, Will you go to Move Ask the next
where will you a party this player a Rules Box work? Back 3 weekend? Question using 1) Roll a dice, Spaces “Will”. more the number of spaces. Read the Question etc. Tell something I will eat Super on your space and you will not do spinach. (Say in Negative and Skip ask or answer a in the future. questions as the Question Form) Move space instructs. Ahead 2) If you answer Oh No! Who will win The car will correctly you stay the next not start. Go back (Say in the on the space, if World Cup / to Start Super Bowl? Affirmative & not you return to your previous Question form.) position and wait for your next turn. Who do you How will you Move think will be celebrate your Ahead 3 3) Two or more the next next birthday? President? Spaces players can be on the same space.
Where will you Tell where you Will people 4) Continue to
will eat this travel to Mars play until be in 5 years? someone reaches week. in the Future? the finish first.
Tell what you Oh No! Will you go What are you
are doing this shopping doing after this Go Back weekend. tonight? class?
Move Will you eat
hotdogs at the Who do you think will win Start Ahead 2 July 4th, this game? Spaces picnic?