Future Tenses Board Game: Activity Type
Future Tenses Board Game: Activity Type
Future Tenses Board Game: Activity Type
Focus Procedure
Future forms: present
Explain that the students are going to play a board game where
continuous, be going to,
they talk about various topics for 30 seconds using different
will, won't and would like
future forms.
Divide the students into groups of three or four.
Give each group a copy of the game board, a dice and counters.
To talk about various
topics using the correct Have one student keep the time in each group.
future form.
Students place their counters on the start square.
Preparation Students then take it in turns to roll the dice and move their
counter along the board.
Make one copy of the
game board for each
When a student lands on a square, they have to talk about the
group of three or four.
topic on the square for 30 seconds using the correct future form.
Enlarge the game board
to A3 if possible. You
If a student can’t think of anything to say, makes a grammar
will also need to prepare
mistake, or stops talking before the 30 seconds are up, they go
some dice and counters.
back two spaces.
Level The first student to reach the finish wins the game.
Pre-intermediate (A2) As an alternative, you could have the students miss a turn instead
of going back to their previous square.
30 minutes
how your
town/city will what you
famous you your plans for
Finish would like to
change in
this evening
will have for
the next ten dinner
will robots Oh No! arrangement
ever replace Go back to you have
humans the start made in the
three things
a place where
your plans that definitely
you would like Super skip!
for next won’t happen
to live when Move ahead
weekend to you this
you are old
something something
you are a you are a film you
planning to going to do plan to see
buy tomorrow
what the
a place you
your plans for Earth will look
are going to
next week like in 100
visit soon
Move something a
your plans for
forward 2 friend is going
next month Start
spaces to do soon