UTSO Syllabus 2022 2023 PDF

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University of Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3-5pm
plus additional times as posted in the UTSO Rehearsal and
Performance Calendar.

Instructor: Professor Uri Mayer

Conducting Teaching Assistants: Lorenzo Guggenheim, Felipe Luzuriaga, Matheus
Coelho do Nascimento, Shawn Bennett, Emma Moss

Office: EJB 329

Phone: (416) 978-0082
E-mail: uri.mayer@utoronto.ca
Office Hours: by appointment

Course Description: The University of Toronto Symphony Orchestra (UTSO) is a pre-

professional training orchestra whose objective is to prepare students for the experience
of playing in a professional orchestra. The UTSO normally performs four-eight concerts
per year in MacMillan Theatre and Walter Hall. In addition, the orchestra performs twice
yearly in opera performances and in other activities as assigned by the Director of
Orchestral Studies and the Performance Division.
During the course of the planned activities, rehearsals and performances, members of
the orchestra will have the opportunity to improve in the following areas:

 repertoire and stylistic knowledge

 pitch/intonation
 rhythmic accuracy
 tone quality
 dynamic range
 phrasing and musicianship

Grading: Grading for the course is based upon the following:

 Attendance & Punctuality 30%
 Preparation and Performance* 70%
* based upon the attached Faculty of Music’s Marking Guidelines

Credit will be achieved by:

Attending all class meetings, engaged and willing to participate

Credit will be denied by:

Failing to attend classes without communication or without approved absence, lack
of participation in ensemble activities, perceived lack of engagement or commitment
Attendance and Participation: Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled classes,
rehearsals and concerts.

Preparation: Members of the UTSO are expected to arrive at each rehearsal having
prepared what is to be rehearsed. The rehearsal schedule will be posted on the
Orchestra Board in advance of each rehearsal. The Performance Notice Board is located
outside of Room 107. It is the responsibility of each member of the orchestra to
check the weekly rehearsal schedule.

Unexcused absences are unacceptable and will result in the lowering of one’s
grade. Repeated unexcused absences may result in loss of credit or seat in the
orchestra. If the orchestra member feels his/her grade has been lowered unfairly, (s)he
may appeal the decision to the Director of Orchestral Studies.

Excused Absences: Requests must be submitted by e-mail to the Performance Office

(performance.music@utoronto.ca) no later than three days in advance of a given
rehearsal and must be approved by the Director of Orchestral Studies.

Absences for Medical Reasons: Members of the orchestra must contact the
Performance Office as soon as they know they will be unable to attend a rehearsal for
medical reasons. If absent for medical reasons, please make sure that your music arrives
at the rehearsal. Woodwinds, brass, and percussion should discuss with the
Performance Office the need to provide a substitute player. Your absence must be
declared on ACORN, in addition to informing the Performance Office.

Punctuality: A professional standard of punctuality is expected. Members of the

orchestra are to be seated and ready to tune at the scheduled start of each rehearsal. If
a student is coming from a class across campus, which will cause him/her to be late, the
student must notify one of the Orchestras Managers in advance. Otherwise, the student
may be marked late to rehearsal, which may affect the final grade.

Responsibility for Music: Music must be returned immediately following the

concert. Orchestra manager/librarians will outline procedures for returning music. Parts
for each concert should be signed out in the Performance Library room EO16. Students
are responsible for all music signed out and will be charged the full replacement cost for
any lost parts (whether U. of T. owned or rental). In the case of late returns of rental
music, students will be charged a monthly fee until parts are returned. If at the end of the
year parts are still outstanding, final marks will be withheld until that account has been

Concert Attire:
Option 1:
Black tuxedo or black suit with white shirt, black bow tie, black dress shoes, black socks.
No tails, no black sneakers, no black tights. Cummerbund with suit or tux is optional.

Option 2:
Concert black: long (floor length) black skirt or black pants (no denim), long-sleeved
black top. No black sneakers, no black tights. Black socks or hose, black dress shoes.
Open-toed shoes or sandals are acceptable only with dark hose. Skirts of other lengths
are not acceptable.

For Both Option 1 and 2:

Simple jewellery only.
Seating Assignments: Seating assignments are based on the results of the fall
placement auditions and evaluation of performance throughout the academic
year. Conductors evaluate each orchestra member’s preparation and performance as
the season progresses and use these evaluations along with placement audition results
to create seating assignments for each concert.

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