Semi Detailed LP English 1
Semi Detailed LP English 1
Semi Detailed LP English 1
Lesson Plan in
English 1
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
At first, the teacher will show different pictures and then, she will
ask her students what do the pictures were all about. She will also
ask them about how they feel about the pictures being shown and
encourage them to make sentences about it. After that, the teacher
will provide an activity. She will group the class into four groups
and each group will be given a specific picture on which they will
formulate sentences and create a scenario out the picture. The
group who has interesting result will get a prize.
C. Discussion
Her shoes were brand new, and now they are missing.
D. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to give examples of the
different kinds of sentence.
E. Application
Write down the type of each sentence. There are end
punctuation on these sentences because that may give you the
answer. Decide by the function of the sentence and mark down
the end punctuation.
4. Today is my birthday
V. Assignment
On a short coupon band, write a composition about a place relevant to
your life. Include the kinds of Sentences according to it’s function.