4as Sample
4as Sample
4as Sample
1. Greetings
“Good Afternoon everyone”
2. Prayer
“The reporter will lead the prayer.”
3. Checking of Attendance
“Class monitor who is/are absent today?”
4. Setting of Classroom Standards
1. Kindly listen and pay attention while I am discussing the topic.
2. You’re only allowed to talk with your classmate unless your discussion is related to the topic.
3. Just raise your right hand if you want to interrupt and ask some question/s regarding with my
topic or to give some insights or additional information on the discussion.
5. Review
“What was our topic last meeting all about?”
6. Motivation
Score Masters
Students will collect and accumulate score while participating (5 points) and achieving on
activities in the class discussions. The top three students who accumulated the most points will
receive perks by the end of the class.
Board Passers
The teacher will post the outputs of the students on the classroom bulletin.
Battery check/Ice breaker
The teacher will ask the students if they still have energy left. If they have little energy left, they
will have an ice breaker (a Student will lead an action song).
a. Activity
“Short Essay Writing”
The teacher will present random topics (about local issues and innovative ideas) and they will
write a short opinionated essay. They will craft it for 10 minutes, composing it with at least
100 words. Afterwards, they will exchange their papers and the class will criticize the outputs
with the guidance of the teacher. Afterwards, they will return the papers for analysis.
b. Analysis
Observing the feedback, what can you do to improve your output?
While criticizing others’ work, are there anything from your peers’ output which you can
apply to your own work?
What are the ways you can think of to motivate writing?
c. Abstraction
The reporters will give a lecture about the topic: ‘responding to written work’ in a three-part
Improving the Quality of Writing
Measuring Proficiency in Writing
d. Application
“A Longer Essay”
With the critiqued essay at hand, students will now create a longer expanded essay with at
least 200 words, applying what they have learned. The teacher will check their output and
give their paper on the next session.
Students are tasked to write a reflection on their learning. Write your answers in a document file
(.docx) to be submitted in the google classroom of this subject.
Movie Feedback: The students will write a short feedback on a movie they had recently watched.
They will present their written feedback on the next session.
Based on the evaluation, out of ___ students of BSE II – English, ___ got ___ % mastery level.
___% of the students got ___% mastery level because