Twig Magnets PDF
Twig Magnets PDF
Twig Magnets PDF
Any moving charge creates a magnetic field around it, and this is the
reason that there is a magnetic field around a current carrying wire.
However, the source of the magnetic fields generated by materials
like permanent magnets, which have no current flowing within them,
is due to a property of the particles within the material (their ‘magnetic
moment’), as well as the motion of electrons within the atoms. Usually
these cancel out, but in some materials they can align to produce an
overall magnetic field.
• Suggested Film
A permanent magnet is a piece of metal that
- What Are Magnets? possesses a magnetic field
Extension Questions
Q1. What units are used to measure magnetism?
There are various units used to measure magnetism. The strength of a magnetic field is usually measured in tesla;
a tesla is a large unit. The Earth’s magnetic field is a few hundred thousandths of a tesla and very powerful magnets
would have fields of a few tesla. Gauss is an older, smaller unit that is sometimes used; 1 tesla is equal to
10,000 gauss.
Some materials respond to a magnetic field, and we are used to seeing this when some metals, like iron, are attracted
to magnets. However, this is only one form of magnetism, ferromagnetism; materials can also be paramagnetic or
Ferromagnetic materials are strongly attracted by magnetic fields and can retain their magnetic properties even after the
field is removed. For this reason permanent magnets are made from ferromagnetic materials. Iron, nickel and cobalt are
Paramagnetic materials are weakly attracted by magnetic fields. This effect is usually so weak that it is not noticeable.
After the magnetic field is removed paramagnetic material does not retain its magnetic properties.
Diamagnetic materials are repelled by magnetic fields, but the effect is usually very weak. Superconductors can be
strongly diamagnetic and this means they can be levitated above powerful magnets.
Extension Questions
Q3. What is a domain?
Within a ferromagnetic material there are regions where the atoms have their magnetic moments aligned in the same
direction. However, each of these regions aligns in a different direction and so the material has no overall magnetic
field. These regions are known as domains and a strong magnetic field can cause these domains to align. If the
domains stay aligned, even after the magnetic field is switched off, the material will become a ‘permanent’ magnet.
Striking or heating the material can cause the domains to align randomly again, demagnetising the material.
Any moving charge will generate a magnetic field. For current flowing
in wires these are generally very weak unless the current is very large.
However, a larger magnetic field can be produced by winding the wire
into a coil. In an electromagnet this can be further increased by adding
a core of ferromagnetic material such as iron. Electromagnets are useful
as the strength of the field can be controlled by increasing or decreasing
the current in the wire or changing the number of turns and, unlike
permanent magnets, can be switched on and off. Electromagnets have
many applications, including in motors, loudspeakers and powered door
locks, such as those used in the central locking systems of cars.
The magnetic field of a simple electromagnet Powerful electromagnets can be made by using superconducting wire.
This allows very large currents to be used as superconductors have no
• Suggested Film resistance and so large currents do not cause heating. Unfortunately
- What Are Electromagnets? superconductors only work at very low temperatures.
Extension Question
Q5. How are magnets used in particle accelerators?
Electromagnets are often used in particle accelerators. The magnetic field they create is used to make particles
follow a curved path. Beams of particles can also be focused using special configurations of electromagnets called
quadrupoles. These use two north poles and two south poles, which are arranged around the beam so that each pole
is directly across from a similar pole. This produces a magnetic field which increases the further the particles are from
the centre of the arrangement, and means the particles are pushed into the centre, focusing the beam.
• Suggested Film
- How Do Generators Work?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses powerful magnets to image the human body. It relies on protons in the water
molecules within body tissue aligning with a strong magnetic field. When the field is switched off the protons return to their
original state, and the energy released when this happens can be detected and used to produce images of tissue inside
the body.
Unlike other scans, MRI does not use X-rays and so the patient is not exposed to radiation. However, care has to be
taken to check that the patient does not have metal in their body, which could move and cause injury during scanning, or
medical implants which could be affected by the magnetic fields.
• Suggested Film
Extension Question - MRI
Q6. What is a SQUID?
Very weak magnetic fields can be measured using a SQUID (a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device). A
SQUID measures the flow of current through a circuit containing two structures known as Josephson junctions (which
are made of two superconductors separated by a thin insulator), and the current through this circuit can be affected
by magnetic fields. SQUIDs can measure magnetic fields of only a few millionths of a trillionth of a tesla and can be
used to measure the very weak magnetic signals due to electrical currents in the brain. It is possible that in the future
SQUIDS may be used to build smaller, cheaper MRI machines which use weaker magnetic fields.
Extension Question
Q7. Is blood magnetic?
Blood contains iron so it often assumed that blood is magnetic. In fact, the iron in blood exists as part of a long
molecule, haemoglobin, and in this form it is not ferromagnetic and so magnets do not influence blood flow.
The Earth has a magnetic field which protects us from the solar wind, a
stream of charged particles which emanate from the Sun. It is caused by
the flow of molten iron in the Earth’s outer core. The Earth’s magnetic field
lets us navigate using a compass, a small magnet which is free to move
and so will orient itself in the direction of the field. The end of the magnet,
which points north, is called the north pole. However, as opposite poles
attract, this means that the magnetic pole which is found in the north is
actually the south pole of the Earth’s magnetic field.
The Moon has almost no magnetic field. The very weak magnetic field it does have appears to be due to rocks in its
crust which have become magnetised. It is possible that the Moon did have a magnetic field early in its history when
currents were still flowing in its core.
A simple compass containing a magnet supported at its centre could be difficult to read. This is because as the
magnet moves it could overshoot the correct position before being pulled back. It would then pass the correct position
again and this oscillation could continue for some time. For this reason, compasses are often filled with a liquid like
water, which reduces the oscillations and causes the magnet to settle far more quickly.
• Quizzes
Basic Advanced
• Which of these cannot be used to make a permanent • Which of these is an advantage of electromagnets?
Basic Advanced
D – the number of poles the magnet has B – it points out from the wire
can be controlled C – it is circular
D – it is continuously changing
• Answers
Basic Advanced
• Which of these cannot be used to make a permanent • Which of these is an advantage of electromagnets?
Basic Advanced
D – the number of poles the magnet has B – it points out from the wire
can be controlled C – it is circular
D – it is continuously changing