Most Important Topics PDF
Most Important Topics PDF
Most Important Topics PDF
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1. Personality Alertness Courtesy Maturity Aptitude
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2. Sound health Initiative ~/
Refined Manners Tactfulness Enthusiasm Reliability
3. Appearance Self-ConfidenceV Open- Straight-forward Discipline Stability
4. Voice Resourcefulness Loyalty Training Ambitious
5. Dress Sense Imagination
6. Neatness Foresightness
1. Physical Qualities: Physical Fitness is the greatest asset of a salesman. A Salesman can be
called a good salesman if he is physical fit. He must be the owner of sound physique and
robust personality. He should be neat, clean, handsome, smiling, face full of self-confidence.
His dress sense should be appealing. He should have good stamina and should not feel tired
after putting some efforts and work. He should be patient, tolerant and a good listener.
Powerful voice is the most important to define one's personality.
2. Mental Qualities: A Salesman needs to be intelligent and should have sound presence of
mind Always be willing to take initiative and equip himself with latest knowledge from
all fronts. It is rightly said, creativity sells the product. So be imaginative and creative and
should have foresightness. Vision makes you arrive before others. He should have a sharp
memory. The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental
energies to one's problem incessantly without growing weary. If you can•t make it good,. at
least make it look good.
. Social Qualities: Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has
reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcomed. Life is great but only if you
llnderstand it well and for that connect and relate yourself socially. Mix the thinking of
bran, and love of heart and you will be a success. Be broad-minded, display good manners.
~kills are not enough, its your attitude that makes the difference. Be courageous as it pays
in the long way.
· Qualitiea: It is rightly said, "Invest yourself in everything you do but th • fun .
eing Human. "It is required that one should act with maturity, at the so:netlm e~es m
0 truthful
st not to harm anybody but for your self-respect and self-a r e tactful
be raight forward and not keep anybody on edge To· . hpp oval. It 18 essential
. is straig t forwardness of the
11.28 11 Advertising, Personal Selling and Salesmanship
salesperson will let the prospect plan and be organized. Loyalty towards your product, firm,
from the prospect would be there. The «end" doesnt come when you close a deal, instead,
the relationship should evolve into one trust which provides a return on investment for the
customer and brings repeat sales.
s. Vocational Qualities: Knowledge may give weight but accomplishments give luster
Vocational qualities are practical skills that help a person master a job. Aptitudes of
salesman should accomplish prospects into paying customers. So he should have well
thought and flexible sales approach. If one is enthusiastic about his work he will exhibit his
full potentialities Discipline is the root and core for success and one should also be keen
to be in tune with the changing times. Excellence comes from unending enthusiasm and
6. Character: It is very rightly said that knowledge will give you power, but character gives
you respect. And the salesperson has to earn this respect by being honest, reliable and at
the same time in true sense be ambitious also.
So a sftlesman should be a complete package of good th.oughts, good attitude, good habits and
ultimate a man of character.
In a good old days, there was a feeling that these qualities were enough to become a successful
salesman. But in_today's hi-tech cons~m~r oriented marketing where intense competition is always
there, fast changmg consumer behavior 1s very fast, these qualities are not enough and a person has
to acquire some additional qualities also which are:
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11.30 II nersonal Selling and Salesma nship
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the customers 1•c0 r repeat sales and at the same time create new customers. The selling
techniques commonly used are:
(a) Consider the customer your king and bow down to his wishes.
(b) Be empathy as a good salesman knows how to feel what their customers feel. So he
should always put himself in the shoes of customers and then go ahead after anticipating
what a customer wants.
(c) Always give undivided attention and focus to the customer.
(d) Aim for repeat sales and for this he should be able to judge deals they are trying to .
close with promising leads.
(e) Be planned and talk fast to objections to overcome any barriers to success sales.
(0 Act as a friend, guide and philosopher for the customer understand them fully and
take interest in providing utmost satisfactions to him.
(g) Search out for new prospects for increase and additional sales.
(h) Be courteous, patient and a good listener to th_e customers.
(i) Adapting to the customers schedule and preferences can make all the differences.
(j) Salesperson who position themselves at the top, stay in touch with their customers.
They send birthday, anniversary and thank you cards. It's all about looking for new
ways to stay in a customers heart and mind.
6. Knowledge of Competitors: The main competition is not for the share of profits. Ifs for
share of your customer's hearts. It takes weeks to find a customer seconds to lose one.
And for this always keep a strict eye on the competitors. Knowing who your competitors
are, and what they are offering, can help you to make your product more distinguished
provided your presentation is very effective and point-to-point. This will ultimately provide
competitive advantage also. It makes recall easy, offers sustainable competitive advantage,
builds hr.anding and loyalties also. So he should be able to push his brand in the midst of
several other brands. The most successful salespeople are the best cheer leaders for their
business. The real superstars in this line of wor~ understand that selling is not just about
'l number game but the game of value system also. Of course the realization is true that under
I the pressure of modern business condition , no product should be sold unless the selling is
not systematic, organized and at the same time professional.
1. Selling gives solution to th~ problems: Whatever you are selling it will relieve pain or else
provide plt;asure and satisfactions. Depending on what you sell, the customer will be better
able to get their problems solved. When you do your job you help people get what they
want out of life. With this the salesman also achieve self-approval, job satisfaction.
2. Only your.efforts and creativity limit your potential: Selling is the classic example of pay
for performance. High:..~nergy, focused p~ople are _for sales job. And hence their level of
accomplishments ·and achievements and incomes has no ceiling.
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O Hing though was in shadow because of populatity and acceptability of advertisements,
personal S~ selling has ensured to the customer that it speaks their language and reflects their needs
but person and promises to give high satisfactions to them It is necessity and important marketing
and want:,,ess, stability and survival of the business. It has become the most recognized potent
tool for; romotion. It is definitely means of creating relationship marketing.
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nal selling 1s very successful tool of marketmg. It 1s the only concept which targets the
;:;rospect. It is viewed as ~oth an art and science. As selling is an art which requires patient,
,spe .. and use of correct techniques. As a science, it requires mastery over certain fundamentals
Practict ntial for success m •
that alt esse
EffectiVe personal selling addresses the buyers needs and preferences without making him feel
ressured. It is most effective and economical when a product is of a high unit value, when it is in the
itroductory stage of its life cycle, when it requires personal attention to match specific consumer
needs or when it requires product presentation, demonstration or after sale services.
·: iii:;:~,-~.:'/ ·aue$tions-for Discussio~
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1. In these days of mass production and mass selling, personal selling continues to be an essential
promotional tool for sellers,, Why?
2. It is quoted that, "Nothing happens until somebody sells something:' How would you explain
this statement, giving the importance and functions of Personal selling?
3. "The objective of Personal Selling is not to close a sale but build long term relationships.
4. Explain the various personal selling situations. What is the salesman's job in different situations?
· What is the role of Personal Selling in marketing of product? How can a salesperson be
successful in dealing with different personal selling situation- customers being aggressive,
6 w·
· nte short notes on:
(a) Personal selling - A science or an art (b) Back-door selling
(c) Cr t·
ea ive salesperson (d) Technical salesperson
(e) li,1· .
7 issionary salesman (f) Service selling
· Distin .
8 I)· guish between Personal Selling and Advertising?
' lStin ·
9. I) guish between Personal Selling, Salesmanship and Sales Management?
efine p
to. Wh . ersonaI Selling. Describe its objectives?
too1:: Persona} Selling Comment on its importance and why in spite of being the complete
lllarketi · ks?
ng, it has certain drawbacks. What are these drawbac •
11 _34 II Advertising, Personal Selling and Salesmanship
15. "Personal selling is a two-way communication best suited to a company marketing consumer•
products with poor brand loyalty? Discuss.
16. •Advertising and Personal Selling are complementary"? Explain.
17. Define Personal Selling. Elaborate its features.
18. "Good salesmen are born, not made, "Do you agree with it? Give reasons for your answer.
19. State the functions of Personal Selling?
20. Which selling methods would you recommend for the following products:
(a) Laptops (b) Watches
(c) Car (d) Pumps
(e) Organic Foods.
21. Why is Personal Selling usually much more important in industrial marketing than in
consumer marketing?
22. "Personal Selling consists of winning the buyer's confidence for seller's house. Comment on
the statement from the viewpoint of the seller and the buyer"?
23. To improve a company's long-term position, sales people should be doing more missionary
work and developing long-term customers to meet expected competition." Comment
24. What is the technology which helps the sales function in being more effective and efficient?
25.. What is the most important aspect of a salesperson's job?
26. Which sales job is the more complex than the rest as listed by McMurry and Arnold?
27. What is the most important factor between buyer-seller interaction?
28. How does relationship-oriented selling differ from transaction-oriented selling?
29. Define the concept of relationship marketing. Why is it important in today's changing scenario?
30. What are the various challenges being prefaced in the selling process in 21st century?
31. What selling techniques and efforts you recommend to the salesperson in the Post covid-19
period for selling the products of his firm?