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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Quantum Computing: Future Computing

Mr. Vishal Ramchandra Gotarane1, Mr. Sushant Savita Madhukar Gandhi2
1P.G. Scholar A.R.M.I.E.T., Shahapur,Mumbai,India
2P.G. Scholar A.R.M.I.E.T., Shahapur,Mumbai,India

Abstract: Quantum computing is the new field of Quantum computers are different from them which uses
science which uses quantum phenomena to perform the theoretical computer science. Quantum computer
operations on data. The goal of quantum computing is to makes use of qubits where classical computer works on
find algorithms that are considerably faster than classical binary digits which are either 1 or 0. The qubit can be in
algorithms solving the same problem. In this paper we will superposition’s of states i.e. it can take any value
talk about need of quantum computation and the between 0 and 1. A quantum Turing machine is called as
advantages they offer us in compare with the classical the universal quantum computer which is a theoretical
computers. We will discuss what the elements of Quantum model of such computers. Quantum computers share
computing are. Along with this we will talk about the theoretical similarities with non-deterministic and
challenges to Quantum computing. probabilistic algorithms.

Keywords- Quantum computing, phenomena, classical 3. ELEMENTS OF QUANTUM COMPUTING

A classical computer has worst performance than
1. INTRODUCTION quantum computer only in few thing so it makes sense
to do the bulk of the processing on the classical machine.
As of 2016, actual quantum computers are yet to be In general we’ll modify a classical computer to design a
developed, but using small number of bits several quantum computer which will have some kind of
experiments are carried out. Research in the field of quantum circuit attached to it and some kind of interface
Quantum Computing is being funded by many military between conventional and quantum logic.
agencies and national governments to develop Quantum
Computers. Theoretical and practical research is on for 3.1 Bits and Qubits:
Quantum Computing.
These are the building blocks of quantum computing. It
Problems solved by classical computers with best gives the description of qubits, gates, and circuits.
possible algorithms available can be solved by using Quantum computers perform operations on qubits
Large-scale quantum computers much more quickly. Any which can be in superposition of state which is an
possible probabilistic classical algorithm runs slower additional property and are same as bits used by
than Quantum algorithms like Simon's algorithm.. Any classical or digital computer.
classical computer can make use of quantum algorithm
as quantum computation does not violate the Church– In comparison with classical computer a quantum
Turing thesis. register with 2 qubits can store 4 numbers in
superposition simultaneously where classical register
2. QUANTUM COMPUTING with 2 bits stores only 2 numbers and 300 qubit register
holds more numbers than the total number of atoms in
In Quantum computing operations on data are the universe. This leads to storage of infinite information
performed using principle of superposition which is one at the time of computation but we can’t get at it. The
of kind of quantum mechanical phenomenon. While problem occurs at the time of reading out an output in a
classical or digital computers are based on transistors, superposition state holding so many different values.

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1424
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Superposition state collapses and we get only one value. it can be expanded to:
This tantalizes us but sometimes it can work as
computational advantage for us.

3.2 The Ket | >:

Part of Dirac’s notation is the ket (|>). The ket is just a Upon measuring the first qubit (a partial measurement)
notation for a vector. The state of a single qubit is a unit we get 0 100% of the time and the
vector in C2. So,
state of the second qubit becomes:

is a vector, and is written as: giving us equal probability for a 0 or a 1.

3.4 Quantum Gates:

Single Qubit Gates

Just as a single qubit can be represented by a
column vector, gate acting on the qubit can be
represented by a 2 x 2 matrix. The quantum equivalent
of a NOT gate, for example, has the following form:


The only constraint these gates have to satisfy

(as required by quantum mechanics) is that they have to
be unitary, where a unitary matrix is one that satisfies
the condition underneath. This allows for a lot of
3.3 Entangled States: potential gates.

Subatomic particles are in entangled state which means

that regardless of distance between them they are
connected to each other. They show instantaneous effect
on measurement with each other. This effect is useful for
computational purposes.
Multi Qubit Gates
Consider the following state (which is not entangled):
A true quantum gate must be reversible, this requires
that multi qubit gates use a control line, where the
control line is unaffected by the unitary transformation.
In the case of the CNOT gate, the classical XOR with the
input on the b line and the control line a. Because it is a
two qubit gate it is represented by a 4 x 4 matrix:

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1425
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig 2: Basic Structure of Quantum Computer

The input register can be prepared as a superposition of

states, e.g. superposition of all integers from 0 to 2 can
be stored in input register. The computer then calculates
in parallel the function applied to all 2 integers
simultaneously. From QMP (Quantum Measurement
3.5 Quantum Circuits: Postulate), when we measure W, according to resulting
wave of qubits which is in entangled state a Boolean
Quantum circuit is a quantum state which represents value for every bit from the output register is chosen. To
one or more qubits on which unitary operators i.e. maximize the probability that the answer we want and
quantum gates are applied is sequence. We now take a output we measure is same we have to design F.
register and let gates act on qubits, in analogy to a
conventional Circuit 4. CHALLENGES

The challenges to build a quantum computer are

enormous and can be separated in physics and
engineering challenges.

The physics challenges are mainly- coherence time of

output bit in superposition state and qubits in entangled
Fig 1: Generalized Quantum Circuit
state and on defining ways to increase the exactness of
This gives us a simple form of quantum circuit (above) the qubit and to compensate for the errors that occur
which is a series of operations and measurements on the during the quantum operations. The engineering
state of n-qubits. Each operation is unitary and can be challenge can be summarized by the word ‘scalability’.
n n Several articles emphasis that due to the above
described by a 2 X 2 matrix. Each of the lines is an mentioned physical challenges, we will need a very large
abstract wire, the boxes containing unitary quantum number of qubits in order to perform any meaningful
logic gates or it can be a series of gates. Meter symbol is a quantum operation. For instance, in order to apply the
measurement. Quantum algorithms implementation is famous factorization algorithm developed by Shor, it is
all together this gates, wires, input, and output expected that for the factorization of 2000 bit number in
mechanisms. sufficiently lesser time we require around 5 billion
physical qubits. But we know that on today’s date we can
It is always possible to rearrange quantum
create and control maximum of 10 physical qubits, it
circuits so that all the measurements are done at the end
immediately becomes clear that several breakthroughs
of the circuit. Quantum circuits are one way circuits that
are needed to achieve the goal of building a quantum
just run once from left to right, whereas traditional
computer. This is further illustrated by the speed at
classical circuits contains loops.
which qubit technology needs to evolve to reach the goal
of billions of qubits in 30 years from now.
3.6 Quantum Computer:
A quantum computer looks like this, taking n The engineering challenges are thus focused on the
input qubits, the register V, and producing n output scalability by preservation of exponential computing
qubits, the register W: power of qubits which means qubits are needed to be
corrected and controlled. Sometimes we need to
manipulate the qubit.

The quantum state of the qubit is very fragile because a

qubit is in entangled. Any small interaction with the
environment causes a superposition state to decohere
lead by phase shift error. In addition, the superposition

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1426
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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