Quantum Computer Project
Quantum Computer Project
Quantum Computer Project
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rudianto Sihombing on 10 July 2018.
I am grateful to the God for the good health and wellbeing that needed to
complete this project entitled Quantum Computer. This project is organized as
one of the Organisation Architectures Computer. I would like to express my
special thanks of gratitude to University of Sumatera Utara and my lecturer
Dahlan who gave me the project to do, which also helped me doing a lot of
project and i came to know about so many new things. I am really thankful to
them. Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a
lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame. We recognize that the
preparation of this report is far from perfect, in terms of compilation, discussion,
or writing. Therefore we expect criticism and suggestions that are constructive,
especially from subject teachers to be a reference in the provision of experience
for us to better in the future.
A quantum computer is a machine that performs calculations based on the
laws of quantum mechanics, which is the behavior of particles at the sub-atomic
Evolution Of Computer
1. First generation(1939-’54)-Vacuum tubes
2. Second generation(1954-’59)-Transistors
3. Third generation(1959-’71)- IC
4. Fourth generation(1971-’91)- Microprocessor
5. Fifth generation(1991 & beyond)
Classical Computer , Ac c u r a t e a nd s p e e d y c o mp u t a t io n m a c h i n e
Part of life because logical work can also be done
Makes work easy and faster
Any complex computation or logical work like laboratory work
become easy
Many kinds of numerical problems cannot be solved using conventional
computers. Example: Factorization of a number. The computer time required
to factor an integer containing N digits is believed to increase exponentially
with N.
1. In 1918- Max Planck’s -Energy quantum
2. In 1921-Einstein’s discovery of the photon
3. In 1980- Idea of quantum computation
4. In 1994, Shor’s algorithm was able to factorize large integers in
polynomial time using quantum approach.
5. In 1996, Grover’s came up with an algorithm to search a name in
unsorted database
A quantum bit or qubit is a unit of quantum information.
Quantum Information
Quantum information is physical information that is held in the "state"
of a quantum system. Though the amount of information that can be retrieved
in a single qubit is equal to one bit, the difference lies in the processing of
Quantum Superposition
An electron has dual nature. It can exhibit as a particle and also as wave.
Wave exhibits a phenomenon known as superposition of Waves. This
phenomena allows the addition of waves numerically. Superpositions
occur all the time at the quantum level . i.e any quantum object like a electron
or photon is in superposition
As the number of Qubits increases, the influence of external
environment perturbs the system. This causes the states in the computer to
change in a way that is completely unintended and is unpredictable, rendering
the computer useless. This called decoherence
Quantum Entanglement
In Quantum Mechanics, it sometimes occurs that a measurement
of one particle will
effect the state of another particle, even though classically there is no direct
interaction. When this happens, the state of the two particles is said to be
Building A Quantum Computer.
A quantum computer is nothing like a classical computer in design;
transistors and diodes cannot be used. A new type of technology is needed, a
technology that enables 'qubits' to exist as coherent superposition of 0 and 1
Quantum Dot
It is one of the possible ways to produce quantum Computers A
single electron trapped inside a cage of atoms. When the dot is exposed to a
pulse of laser light of the right wavelength & duration, the electron is raised to
an excited state: a second burst of laser light causes the electron to fall back to its
ground state . Ex: Not Gate
Quantum Liquid
The quantum computer in this technique is the molecule itself and its
qubits are the nuclei within the molecule – a 'mug' of liquid molecules. Advantage
: Though the molecules of the liquid bump into one another, the spin states of the
nuclei within each molecule remain unchanged.
Quantum Teleportation
Quantum teleportation is a teqnique used to transfer information on a
quantum level, usually from one particle to another. Its disgusting feature is that it
can transmit the information present in a quantum superposition, useful for a
quantum communication and computation.
Quantum Parallelism
It is the method in which a quantum computer is able to perform two or
more computations simultaneously.
In classical computers, parallel computing is performed by having several
processors linked together.
A qubit in superposition is in both of the states |1> and |0> at the same
time. Consider a 3 bit qubit register. An equally weighted superposition of all
possible states would be denoted by:
Note : This type of gate cannot be used. We must use Quantum Gates
Quantum Gates
Quantum Gates are similar to classical gates, but do not have a degenerate
output. i.e. their original input state can be derived from their output state,
uniquely. They must be reversible. This means that a deterministic computation
can be performed on a quantum computer only if it is reversible Luckily, it has
been shown that any deterministic computation can be made reversible. (Charles
Bennet, 1973).
Note : Two Hadamard gates used in succession can be used as a NOT gate.
Note : The CN gate has a similar behavior to the XOR gate with some extra
information to make it reversible.
Shor’s Algorithm
Modular Arithmetic
Quantum Parallelism
Quantum Fourier Transform
F(a) = xa mod N
Is a periodic function.
71 mod 15 = 7
72 mod 15 = 4
73 mod 15 = 13
74 mod 15 = 1
Choose an integer q such that N2 < q < 2N2 lets pick 256
Choose a random integer x such that GDC(x, N) = 1 lets pick 7
Create two quantum refisters (these registers must also be entangled so
that the collapse of the input register corresponds to the collapse of the
output register )
Input register: must contain enough qubits to represent numbers as large as
q-1. up to 255, so we need 8 quits.
Output register: must contain enough qubits to represent numbers as large
as N-1. up to 14, so we need 4 qubits.
Now take a measurement on the output register. This will collapse the
superposition to represent just one of the results of the transformation,
let’s call this value c.
|1>, |4>, |7>, or |13> For sake of example, lets choose |1>
Since the two registers are entangled, measuring the output register will
have the effect of partially collapsing the input register into an equal
superposition of each state between 0 and q-1 that yielded (the value of
the collapsed output register).
The probabilities in this case are 1/√64 since our register is now in an
equal superposition of 64 values (0, 4, 8, . . . 252).
So the final state of the input register after the QFT is:
The QFT will essentially peak the probability amplitudes q/4 in our case
256/4, or 64. |0>, |64>, |128>, |192>, … So we no longer have an equal
superposition of states, the probability amplitudes of the above states are
now higher than the other states in our register We measure the register,
and it will collapse with high probability to one of these multiples of 64,
let’s call this value p.
Now that we have the period, the factors of N can be determined by taking
the greatest common divisor of N with respect to x ^ (P/2) + 1 and x ^
(P/2) - 1.
The idea here is that this computation wil be done on a classical computer.
http://www.qubit.org/tutorials/25-quantum- computing.html