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GENERAL (See Plan) 5 Negative Passenger Lists (if none landing)

3 Stores Lists
9 Tallybooks.
Boarding Party: The boarding party that meets the vessel once alongside is
GEO-POLITICAL: usually quite numerous and includes two or three armed Dominican Navy
Capital City: Santo Domingo. men. Once free pratique and customs clearance are granted, one or two
Nationality: (noun) Dominican, (adjective) Dominican. uniformed Customs guards are posted onboard near the vessel’s gangway,
Population: 9,507,133. and they are rotated until the vessel sails. They are responsible for ensuring
COMMUNICATIONS: nothing that is not authorised comes off or goes on board. Usually these
International Direct Dial Code: 1-809. Customs guards eat their meals onboard the vessel.
Number of Internal Airports: 15. BILLS OF LADING: According to Dominican Republic law, all cargo is
Major Languages Spoken: Spanish. discharged from a vessel into the custody of Customs. Original Bills of Lading
ECONOMY: (or in lieu thereof an adequate bank guarantee) are required by Customs
Currency: 1 Dominican Peso (DOP) of 100 Centavos. from the consignee before the cargo may be removed from the Customs
Exchange: (as of May 2008) controlled port areas. Hence, neither the Master nor the Agent may demand
US$ 1.00 ␦ DOP 34.05 presentation of the Original Bills of Lading prior to discharging, as the ultimate
DOP 1.00 ␦ US$ 0.03 destination of the Original Bills of Lading is the Dominican Customs office.
Exchange rates under licence from As this is frequently a source of confusion, it is of great importance to clear
Main Industries: Tourism, sugar processing, ferronickel and gold mining, up this matter prior to the vessel’s arrival, in order to avoid costly delays
textiles, cement and tobacco. and/or disputes.
ENVIRONMENT: PILOTAGE: Pilotage is compulsory in all Dominican ports. Pilots are
Territorial Sea: 6 n.m. ordered for the vessel from the respective Harbour Master’s office based on
Other Maritime Claims: Contiguous Zone: 24 n.m. the vessel’s ETA at the pilot station. Refer to each port for more specific
Continental Shelf: 200 n.m. or to the edge of the continental margin. information on the matter.
Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m. TOWAGE: Towage is compulsory for all vessels in those ports where tugs
Coastline Extent: 1,288 km. are available. Vessels will be billed for towage according to the tariff, even
Climate: Tropical maritime; little seasonal temperature variation; seasonal if tugs are not required or used. In many Dominican ports, the tugs available
variation in rainfall. are not very powerful, and sometimes, due to breakdowns, may not be
Natural Resources: Nickel, bauxite, gold and silver. available. Refer to the information on the specific port in question and for the
Natural Hazards: Lies in the middle of the hurricane belt and subject to most updated information, contact Agent.
severe storms from June to October; occasional flooding; periodic SHIFTING: Vessels are sometimes forced to shift to another berth within
droughts. the port or to anchorage, giving preference to other vessels. With a few
Terrain: Rugged highlands and mountains with fertile valleys interspersed. exceptions, the costs for these shiftings are paid by the vessel given
Average Temperatures: preference.
Month High Low HARBOUR DUES: Most Dominican ports are subject to basically the
January 30␥ C 19␥ C same charges, with the notable exception of Cabo Rojo and Punta Palenque,
June 32␥ C 22␥ C which are exempt from harbour fees. The vessel and Agents are always
September 30␥ C 20␥ C responsible for payment to the Port Authority and adequate arrangements
DOCUMENTS: should be made to avoid misunderstandings.
As per Dominican law, vessels calling at Dominican ports require a STEVEDORES: Basically all ships are discharged by ship’s gear. In all
complete Dominican consular despatch from each loading port, as well as Dominican ports, stevedore gangs are hired from the Union Hall (Sindicato
from the last foreign port of call. In theory, these documents should be at the de Estibadores) and the first gang consists of 13 men plus 4 additionals (time
discharging port before the arrival of the vessel, as they are required for keeper, water carrier, foreman, tally man). The second and subsequent gangs
inbound Customs Clearance. In practice, this is not the case, and it does not consist of 13 men plus 2 additionals (foreman, tally man).
present any problem for the vessel if the consularised documents are not There has never been any shortage of gangs in Dominican ports.
received prior to the ship’s arrival. If there is no Dominican Consulate at the The ‘‘Sindicato de Estibadores’’ is not covered by liability insurance, and
loading port, the Agent should give a certificate to this effect, and the Agent stevedore damage claims are all but impossible to collect. Owners, charterers
in the Dominican Republic will attend to all the local formalities. The consular and operators should cover this potential liability through P&I Club.
fees charged by the Dominican Consulates are sometimes quite steep and The stevedores’ wages depend on the type of commodity and work method.
will depend on the quantity and value of the cargo loaded. Contact Agent if Some cargoes are paid for with hourly wages and others on a per metric ton
you have any questions. basis. Social security, Christmas fund and accident insurance is also
The following are the papers required for the Port Authorities which the included. Overtime compensation depends also on commodity and work
Master should have ready on arrival for Inward Clearance: method. Contact Agent for rates and further details.
Port Doctor: Hatches: The crew is allowed by local regulations to open and close the
1 Crew List hatchcovers, and it is customary for the crew to do so.
1 Crew Vaccination List
1 Derat Certificate POLLUTION: No garbage, refuse, etc., can be thrown overboard. Vessels
1 Health Declaration liable to heavy fines for oil pollution, etc.
1 Landing/Transit Passenger List. INSPECTIONS: Phytosanitary Inspections: Cargoes consisting of
Harbour Master/Port Authority: agricultural commodities such as grain and grain products, forest products,
4 Arms Lists etc., are subject to strict phytosanitary inspections by the local agricultural
5 Bills of Lading authorities, often resulting in the requirement to have the cargo fumigated in
6 Cargo Manifests the holds prior to discharging. One step, recommended in order to try to avoid
4 Crew Lists this problem, is to have available copies of the phytosanitary inspection and/or
4 Landing/Transit Passenger Lists fumigation certificates, if any, on hand at the time the cargo is inspected.
4 Negative Passenger Lists (if none landing) These can be sent by telefax to Agent if not available on board the vessel.
Port clearance from last port of call SPARES: Spares may be shipped in transit to the vessel and are thereby
2 Stowage Plans. exempted from heavy Customs duties levied on imports into the Dominican
Customs: Republic. Clearance for ‘‘Spares-in-Transit’’ can usually be arranged within
2 Arms Lists 24 – 48 working hours after arrival, if previously notified. Airway Bill and the
4 Cargo Manifests shipping documents should be consigned c/o Agent and clearly labelled
2 Crew Lists ‘‘Ships Spares in Transit’’. Please contact Agent for any further information
2 Crew Personal Effects Lists including preferable routing, etc.
2 Landing/Transit Passenger Lists CREW REPATRIATION/JOINING: Agent can arrange for
2 Negative Passenger Lists (if none landing) arriving/departing crew members of most nationalities to join the vessel
2 Stores Lists. without a Dominican Republic visa, given proper pre-advice and all the
Immigration: information about the crew members. If the vessel is not in port when the
2 Crew Lists crew member arrives, however, an Immigration officer must be in attendance,
2 Landing/Transit Passenger Lists. increasing the expenses. For specific information regarding distances from
Police: the airports to the different ports and other details, please refer to the
1 Crew List individual ports or contact Agent.
1 Landing/Transit Passenger List. STOWAWAYS: One of the greatest problems that has intensified greatly
Department of Agriculture: in recent times in all Dominican ports is the growing number of people stowing
2 Cargo Manifests away on cargo vessels thought to be sailing to Puerto Rico or the United
2 Crew Personal Effects Lists States. Although Agents try in every way to induce the Harbour Master’s
1 Stores List. office and the Port Authority to tighten security measures, there has been
Agency: little improvement in the situation. A search is conducted by a party of
2 each B/L (if not couriered or faxed) Dominican Navy officers and enlisted men, prior to sailing which may
1 Crew List sometimes take several hours, yet after the vessel has sailed sometimes
1 Crew Personal Effects List large numbers of stowaways are discovered onboard. Warning is hereby
1 Landing/Transit Passenger List given to all Masters to take the appropriate security measures onboard to
4 Manifests (if not couriered or faxed) avoid this costly problem.
2 Stowage Plans. TIME: GMT minus 4 hours all year round.
Additional required for distribution by the agent: LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day (1 January); Epiphany
5 Arms Lists (6 January); Our Lady of High Grace (21 January); Duarte’s Day
2 B/L (if not previously airmailed) (26 January); Independence Day (27 February); Good Friday (variable);
4 Cargo Manifests (if not previously airmailed) Labour Day (1 May); Corpus Christi (variable); Restoration of Independence
10 Crew Lists (16 August); Our Lady of Mercy (24 September); Christmas Day
10 Landing/Transit Passenger Lists (25 December).

824 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Note: Holidays falling on a Sunday are not observed on the following Monday PILOTAGE: Pilot arranged by Agent on basis of Master’s advance notice
as in other countries. Saturday is officially half a working day, unless an of ETA. Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted by radio-telephone on
official holiday falls on a Saturday, in which case Saturday is observed as a 2738 kHz., as well as on VHF Channel 16. The Pilot boards approximately
full holiday. Although 24 December, 31 December and the Thursday before 1.5 miles outside the port. There is only one buoy left marking the channel
Good Friday are not legal holidays, there are frequent Government decrees (an old drum), and there are no lights.
declaring these days as non-working days, and offices are usually closed at Charts: B.A. Chart No. 471.
least in the afternoons. ANCHORAGES: Deep water anchorage available just outside port
Usually, however, stevedores will work until 1800 hrs. on these days. entrance. Pilot will indicate best location on request.
Overtime on holidays is 100% over straight time rates, whereas overtime
after regular working hours on normal days is 50% over straight time. PRATIQUE: Pratique granted after Health Authorities have boarded and
cleared vessel. In case of disease aboard notify Agents before arrival.
SPARES: Same can be withdrawn same day of arrival via air express. No Pratique is automatic when proceeding from another port in the same country.
Customs duties assessed as brought under Customs custody on board
vessel. Airwaybill should be addressed to Agent, with clear indication that it VHF: Santo Domingo Radio may be contacted on Channel 16.
covers spares for such and such a vessel. TUGS: There is one small tug, ‘‘Tanac V’’, which is owned by the local
SECURITY: Stevedores board vessel with special passes issued for vessel sugar mill, and has a nominal 350 h.p. Towage is compulsory. Ship’s lines
in question. Any other visitors must obtain pass from Harbour Master’s office. used.
Nevertheless it is definitely recommended that all cabins be kept locked. This BERTHS:
also applies to hatches that are not being worked. Berth No. 1: This berth, consisting of the northern side of a 12 m. (40 ft.) wide
AGENT: Perez y Cia Dominicana, Avda de Mexico 66 (Sector Gazcue), finger pier, is 216 m. (710 ft.) long and about 1.0 m. above the waterline at
PO Box 20319, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. high tide. The berth was previously used to load sugar in bags, and in theory
Tel: +1 809 689 9111/16. Fax: +1 809 687 0590. Telex: ITT could still be used for this purpose because there are railroad tracks
3460284/CODETELEX 3264161 or 2014161. Email: connecting it to the sugar mill. However, due to the slowdown in sugar exports,
AOH Tel: +1 809 227 8817. Mobile: +1 809 943 6585. this berth is no longer used for cargo handling, and is usually occupied by
Email: (Tony Mota, Director). AOH small Dominican Navy vessels and fishing vessels.
Tel: +1 809 728 1450. Mobile: +1 809 222 5909. Storage Facilities: None available.
Email: (Camilo Rodriguez, Operations Equipment: None available.
Manager). Berth No. 2: This berth, consisting of the southern side of a 12.0 m. wide
finger pier, is 137 m. (450 ft.) long and is about 1.0 m. above the waterline.
It is not very frequently used, except sometimes as a lay-bye berth, and it is
mostly occupied by Dominican Navy vessels and small fishing boats.
Maximum Draft: 27 ft. (salt water).
AZUA (Puerto Viejo): 18␥ 30' N 070␥ 40' W (See Plan) Storage Facilities: None.
Equipment: None available.
OVERVIEW: The port of Azua is also known as Puerto Viejo de Azua Berth No. 3: This berth is 160 m. (525 ft.) long and is about 1.0 m. above the
and is located about 15 km. S.W. of the town of Azua. It was built in the water level at high tide. This berth is the most frequently used in Barahona,
1950’s, but has rarely been used. However, recently a large, modern LPG because alongside are the mechanical installations for loading gypsum in
terminal was completed. bulk.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 500 ft., beam 80 ft. and draft 30 ft. Maximum Draft: 29 ft. 6 in. (salt water).
Storage: The Salt and Gypsum Mines Co. maintains a gypsum export
DENSITY: 1025. terminal at this pier, and they usually have about 20,000 tons of rock gypsum
RESTRICTIONS: Berthing and departure strictly during daylight hours. on site awaiting shipment.
PILOTAGE: Contact can be established with the Pilot and Harbour Master Equipment: The system for loading gypsum in bulk consists of a large
on VHF Channel 16. The Pilot will board the vessel about 0.5 miles from the crane which feeds a hopper and conveyor belt system to load the vessel.
seabuoy. Pilot Tel: (809) 521-3246. No ship’s gear is required. This equipment loads gypsum at an average rate
Charts: B.A. Chart No. 471. of approximately 400 – 500 tonnes/hr.
ANCHORAGES: Deep water anchorage available off the port. Berth No. 4: This berth is 146 m. (479 ft.) long and about 1.5 m. above the
PRATIQUE: Pratique is obtained by Agent. In case of infectious illness waterline at high tide. However, this berth frequently accommodates vessels
the whole crew is put in quarantine. of up to 550 ft. LOA, because vessels are turned in the basin and docked
with the bridge beyond the pier. This berth is used exclusively by the sugar
TUGS: Not available. mill for exports of sugar and blackstrap molasses.
BERTHS: There is a concrete finger pier 185 m. (600 ft.) long and 38 m. Maximum Draft: 27 ft. (salt water).
(125 ft.) wide, which has a ramp for Ro-Ro vessels on the western side. This Storage Facilities: The sugar mill has large warehouses for storing sugar
port is almost exclusively used by LPG tankers, hence there is no congestion. in bulk and in bags and also tanks for molasses.
Storage facilities: There are 2 sheds which have not been used in the recent Equipment: Rail flatbed trucks are used to bring the sugar in bags alongside
past, and hence may require repairs. There is an LPG terminal with complete the vessel. Ship’s gear is used to load the bags with slings into the vessel.
storage facilities for several thousand tons. These are then ‘‘bled’’ into the ship’s holds and the empty bags returned
STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Straight time working hours are ashore. The usual loading rate is about 15 – 20 tons per gang per hour.
0800 – 1200 hrs. and 1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays through Fridays, and Pipeline and accessories available for loading blackstrap molasses in bulk.
Saturdays 0800 – 1200 hrs. Except on major holidays (New Year, Easter and Note: The finger pier (Berths No. 1 and 2) and the gypsum berth (No. 3) have
Christmas), overtime may be ordered around the clock and on weekends. deteriorated to the point where trucks are no longer permitted to enter, as
Hatches: Carried out by crew. the concrete top can no longer support their weight.
MEDICAL: Emergency and minor medical care available in Azua, about TANKER FACILITIES: Discharge at Berth No. 4.
15 km. from the port. STEVEDORES: ETA’s required 24 and 12 hours before arrival to arrange
Hospitalisation and more complex cases must be treated at Santo gangs.
Domingo, about 130 km. east of the port. Working Hours: Berths No. 1, 2 and 4: Normal working hours for stevedores
FRESH WATER: Sometimes available by pipeline at LPG pier. are 0800 – 1200 hrs. and 1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays through Fridays, and
FUEL: Available by truck from Santo Domingo. Arranged through Agent. 0800 – 1200 hrs. on Saturdays. Some overtime may be worked according to
the availability of sugar and other factors. Please contact Agent for further
REPAIRS: Only available in Santo Domingo. details.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Tel: 175. Berth No. 3: At this installation, the shippers usually work 24 hours around
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Required. the clock, on weekends and holidays (except New Year, Christmas, Easter)
CONSULS: All consular affairs for this port are handled at Santo Domingo. at their own expense.
TELEPHONES: None available on board. Hatches: Can be performed by crew or stevedores.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Very inconvenient for repatriation, as Las MEDICAL: Medical attention can be arranged after vessel is cleared,
Americas International Airport (Santo Domingo) is more than 120 km. away preferably ashore. Minor cases are dealt with locally, more serious cases
and more than 3 hours drive by car. are transported to Santo Domingo.
CUSTOMS: Bonded stores are sealed. FRESH WATER: Berths No. 1, 2 and 3: There is a 3 in. pipeline at the
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. head of the pier, but it requires a long hose, and usually there is very little
pressure. The local fire department has a tank truck which can be hired in
REPATRIATION: Facilities available. case of an emergency requirement.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Not required. Berth No. 4: There is a pipeline available alongside, but due to low pressure,
AUTHORITY: Harbour Master – Tel: +1-809 (809) 521-3283. a portable pump is required. Otherwise, potable water must be delivered by
Operator: Opuvisa. Tel: +1-809 (809) 567-6510. tank truck.
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. FUEL: By truck from Santo Domingo. Arranged through the ship’s Agent.
REPAIRS: Minor repairs only. More major repairs carried out at Santo
BARAHONA: 18␥ 12' N 071␥ 04' W (See Plan) POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police, Tel: 417; Ambulance, Tel: 441;
Fire, Tel: 348 or 398.
OVERVIEW: The port of Barahona is mainly used as a port for loading SECURITY/GANGWAY: Compulsory gangway watch kept by Customs
bulk cargoes. The two main exports are sugar in bulk, which is loaded guards.
manually in bags onto the vessels where they are bled through the ship’s CONSULS: All Consuls at Santo Domingo.
hatches into the cargo holds, and gypsum, which is loaded mechanically by TELEPHONES: Shore telephone alongside ship connected to Sugar Mill.
conveyor belt. Of the 4 berths in the port, only the sugar and gypsum facilities NEAREST AIRPORT: Las Americas International Airport is
are used regularly to handle cargo; the other two are used mainly as approximately 150 km. from Barahona or 3.5 hours by car.
lay-berths for vessels undergoing repairs or fishing vessels awaiting orders. Also see ‘‘Santo Domingo’’.
The sugar mill also exports some bulk molasses from its facilities. CUSTOMS: Bond is sealed, but can be opened at Master’s request.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 600 ft., beam 100 ft., draft 27 ft. SHORE LEAVE: Allowed.
DENSITY: Salt water inside harbour. REPATRIATION: Can be arranged.
RESTRICTIONS: No entry or departure at night. Sometimes in the late IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are provided by Immigration
afternoon, strong winds make docking of large vessels in ballast very difficult. Authorities.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 825
GENERAL: No boats to be lowered without official permission. PRATIQUE: Pratique granted after Health Authorities have boarded and
AUTHORITY: Harbour Master. Tel: +1-809 (809) 524-2384. cleared vessel. In case of disease aboard notify Agents before arrival.
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. Pratique is automatic when proceeding from another port in the same country.
VHF: Santo Domingo Radio can be contacted on Channel 16.
TUGS: No tugs available.
BOCA CHICA: 18␥ 27' N 069␥ 35' W (See Plan) BERTHS: Ideal Dominicana: This berth is about 100 m. long and the apron
is about 8.0 m. wide. There are 2 mooring dolphins, which allow vessels of
up to 700 ft. LOA to dock safely alongside. A mechanical conveyor belt and
OVERVIEW: The port of Boca Chica is one of three ports serving the spout system is used for loading limestone and bauxite into the vessel’s
capital city of Santo Domingo, and is situated about 20 miles east of the city, cargo holds, one at a time. This equipment is in a fixed position and can
but scarcely 5 miles east of the international airport. Although this port was only shift sufficiently to trim the holds. Hence, the vessel must be warped
built in the 1950’s to serve the Boca Chica sugar mill, and was meant to be with her own lines to position each hold to be loaded. On arrival, the vessel’s
used to export sugar, it is now almost exclusively used for import cargoes, No. 2 hatch coaming must be no more than 36 ft. above the waterline, in
mainly trailers, containers and some lumber, newsprint, and homogeneous order to be able to commence loading.
cargoes. Storage Facilities: The shippers keep several tens of thousands of tonnes
MAX. SIZE: LOA 400 ft., beam 70 ft., draft 25 ft. (S.W.). of bauxite and limestone in storage at the loading facilities, in order to expedite
DENSITY: Salt water inside harbour. the loading of vessels. Ideal Dominicana has other storage facilities for their
RESTRICTIONS: No entry or departure at night. occasional import cargoes.
Equipment: Ideal Dominicana has all the shore equipment necessary for
PILOTAGE: Pilot arranged by Agent on basis of Master’s advance notice loading gearless vessels with limestone and/or bauxite in bulk at a rate of
of ETA. Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted by radio telephone on
about 15,000 tons/day. Exact loading rate will depend on vessel’s size,
2738 kHz. Contact may also be established on VHF Channel 16. Pilot will
configuration, cargo to be loaded, etc.
board about 1 mile outside the first seabuoy.
Working Hours: The shippers load cargo 24 hours around the clock,
ANCHORAGES: Deep water anchorage available outside port. Pilot will including Saturday, Sundays and holidays. Accurate updates of ETA are
advise best location. important at this berth, in order to arrange for the required loading personnel,
PRATIQUE: Pratique granted after Health Authorities have boarded and particularly when arriving on a weekend or holiday.
cleared vessel. In case of disease aboard notify Agents before arrival. TANKER FACILITIES: One tanker at a time could be accommodated.
Pratique is automatic when proceeding from another port in the same country.
STEVEDORES: Hatches: Performed by crew.
VHF: Santo Domingo Radio can be contacted on Channel 16. MEDICAL: Minor cases are dealt with locally, more serious cases are
TUGS: Not available locally. Small boat available to run lines. transported to Santo Domingo.
BERTHS: L-shaped pier 615 m. (2,018 ft.) in length and 12.0 m. (39 ft.) FRESH WATER: Only in case of emergency, fresh water can sometimes
width, about 1.0 m. above the water level at high tide. Two or more vessels be arranged for locally. Please consult Agent.
may occupy the berth, depending on their size and characteristics; but not
more than 400 ft. LOA. FUEL: Not available.
Maximum Draft: 25 ft. (S.W.). REPAIRS: Not possible.
Storage Facilities: One enclosed shed 240 m. ␺ 35 m. with approximately POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Contact Port Authority.
2,200 sq.m. storage capacity for general cargo. Also container and trailer SECURITY/GANGWAY: Compulsory gangway watch kept by Customs
yard, and open space available for lumber, etc. guards.
Equipment: Forklifts of 4.5 tons, 6 tons and 10 tons available on site. Motor CONSULS: All Consuls at Santo Domingo.
cranes, if required, must be transported from Santo Domingo.
TELEPHONES: Telephone on dock connected to Alcoa office.
TANKER FACILITIES: Only small propane gas tankers can be NEAREST AIRPORT: Las Americas International is a very long and
difficult drive (360 km.) from Cabo Rojo. For crews to join or be repatriated
STEVEDORES: ETA’s required 24 and 12 hours before arrival to arrange is very inconvenient and expensive, therefore not recommended, but feasible
gangs. in case of emergency.
Working Hours: Straight time working hours are 0800 – 1200 hrs. and
1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays through Fridays, and Saturdays 0800 – 1200 hrs. CUSTOMS: Bond is sealed, but can be opened at Master’s request.
Except on major holidays (New Year, Easter and Christmas), overtime may SHORE LEAVE: Allowed.
be ordered on all days, and work may be done around the clock and on REPATRIATION: See ‘‘Nearest Airport’’.
weekends. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are provided by Immigration
Hatches: Can be performed by crew or stevedores. Authorities.
MEDICAL: Minor cases are dealt with locally, more serious cases are GENERAL: This port is exempt from most harbour fees and dues, because
transported to Santo Domingo. it is privately operated. Hence, port expenses are very low. Please contact
FRESH WATER: Pipeline alongside has very low pressure. Potable water Agent for further details.
can also be supplied by tank truck, which is more expensive, but more AUTHORITY: Operator: Ideal Dominicana S.A.
dependable. AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
FUEL: Fuel and diesel oil are available by tank truck from Santo Domingo.
Arrangements to be made in advance through the Agent. Trucks carry either
5,000 or 10,000 American gallons.
LA ROMANA: 18␥ 26' N 068␥ 57' W (See Plan)
REPAIRS: Minor repairs only. Major repair shops in Santo Domingo.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: At Santo Domingo. OVERVIEW: The port of La Romana is situated on the Romana River
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Compulsory gangway watch kept by Customs and is primarily a sugar and molasses (also furfural) loading port for the
guards. Central Romana sugar mill. It is also used for handling various import cargoes
CONSULS: All Consuls at Santo Domingo. (fuel, lumber, steel and general cargo) for the sugar mill, and more recently
TELEPHONES: No connection to vessels. some containers are handled in and out for the industrial free zone
manufacturers established in La Romana.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Las Americas International, the major airport in
the Dominican Republic, is about 5 miles away and may be conveniently MAX. SIZE: LOA 600 ft., beam 90 ft., draft 28 ft. on sailing, but only 26 ft.
used for repatriation and crew joining a vessel at Boca Chica. for arrival.
Maximum draft is strictly enforced by Pilot and other authorities, as a greater
CUSTOMS: Bond is sealed, but can be opened at Master’s request. draft is dangerous because of obstructions at the entrance channel.
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. DENSITY: 1025.
REPATRIATION: Can be arranged. RESTRICTIONS: No entry or sailing in hours of darkness.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are provided by Immigration PILOTAGE: Compulsory. Ordered by Agents on receipt of vessel’s ETA,
72, 48 and 24 hours before arrival. Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted
AUTHORITY: Harbour Master. Tel: +1-809 (809) 523-4262. on 2638 kHz and 2738 kHz. Contact may also be established on VHF
Port Manager. Tel: +1-809 (809) 523-4669. Channel 16. Pilot will board vessel from white launch marked ‘‘LP-24’’ on its
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. sides. Pilot boards about 1.5 miles from port entrance (N.E. of Catalina
Island). Pilots: Tel. (809) 550-1494.
Charts: B.A. Chart No. 467.
CABO ROJO: 17␥ 54' N 071␥ 40' W (See Plan) ANCHORAGES: Best anchorage is west of Catalina Island in depths of
15 to 18 fathoms. There is no protected anchorage immediately outside the
port. Authorisation to anchor must be applied for to the Harbour Master
OVERVIEW: The port of Cabo Rojo is a one berth private installation, through the Agent.
built by the Alcoa Exploration Co. for its bauxite and limestone mining Also see ‘‘Agent’s Report’’ dated August 2000.
operations near the Haitian border in the S.W. corner of the Dominican
Republic. This mining operation is now controlled by another company, Ideal PRATIQUE: Pratique granted after Health Authorities have boarded and
Dominicana S.A., and the port facilities are still used for the shipments of cleared vessel. In case of disease aboard notify Agents before arrival.
limestone and bauxite. Pratique is automatic when proceeding from another port in the same country.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 700 ft., beam 120 ft. and draft 36 ft. TUGS: One tug of 620 h.p. available and compulsory. Extra charge for use
of tugs line.
DENSITY: Salt water inside harbour.
BERTHS: The pier is 220 m. (720 ft.) long and the apron is approximately
RESTRICTIONS: Entry and departure permitted daylight only. 20 m. (65 ft.) wide; the wharf is about 2.5 m. above the water line.
PILOTAGE: Pilot arranged by Agent on basis of Master’s advance notice Storage Facilities: The only storage facilities at this port are those of the
of ETA. Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted by radio telephone on Central Romana sugar mill, which has warehouses for bulk sugar, and tanks
2738 kHz. Contact may also be established on VHF Channel 16. The Pilot for molasses and furfural.
boards about 2 miles off the port. Accurate ETA is important, as Pilot must Cargo Handling Equipment: Sugar is loaded mechanically by conveyor belts
come from Barahona (about 2 hours away by car). directly from the warehouse to the ship using 3 spouts. Average loading rate
Charts: B.A. Chart No. 3689. 400 – 500 tons/hr., depending on vessel size and configuration. There are
ANCHORAGES: Deep water anchorage available immediately outside 2␺10 in. connections for the discharge of fuel and diesel oils. There are no
port. Pilot will advise best location. forklifts available for general cargo. Small motor cranes may be hired for

826 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
handling general cargo, which must be loaded directly onto railroad flat cars AGENT’S REPORT: August 2000.
and be removed from ship’s side. Isla Catalina: Isla Catalina, situated approximately 5 nautical miles to the
Also see ‘‘Agent’s Report’’ dated August 2000. S.W. of La Romana port, has an offshore mooring arrangement for cruise
PASSENGER FACILITIES: See ‘‘Agent’s Report’’ dated August 2000. vessels within a sheltered anchorage, consisting of 2 mooring buoys on its
TANKER FACILITIES: See ‘‘Berths’’. western, leeward, side.
STEVEDORES: Working Hours: General cargo is worked on straight time The anchorage is approached from the open sea in the S.W. quadrangle.
0800 – 1200 hrs. and 1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays through Fridays, and The position of the mooring buoys is Lat.18␥ 21.9' N., Long. 69␥ 01.6' W.,
0800 – 1200 hrs. on Saturdays. Overtime rates for all other times and holidays in approximately 45 ft. of water and approximately 3 cables off the beach.
may be ordered, except major holidays (New Year, Easter, Christmas, etc.). At the southern end of the beach, bearing 166␥ ␺ 5.5 cables from the
Sugar is always loaded around the clock and on holidays, as well as with mooring buoys, there is a small floating jetty, fixed by piles, with approximate
the liquid bulk operations, the shippers usually paying any additional depth of 8 ft. at its outer end.
expenses for overtime. A raft, arranged for ship’s launch/tender docking, is available as a landing
Hatches: Generally by ship’s crew. platform for placing below ship’s gangway.
MEDICAL: Doctors and hospital facilities available. Various craft are available at La Romana for shuttling passengers between
FRESH WATER: Available from 2 in. pipeline on pier at 8 t.p.h. – 10 t.p.h. the ship, La Romana and the beach.
Casa de Campo: Cruise vessels sometimes anchor off La Minitas beach, at
FUEL: Fuel and diesel are available by truck only, and in limited quantities, the Casa de Campo resort, landing their passengers by semi-rigid inflatable
due to the logistics of delivering from the Refinery in Haina in trucks of either
onto the beach or by tender at La Romana.
5,000 or 10,000 gallons. Delivery is also subject to permission from the
Central Romana. Contact Agent for further information. AUTHORITY: Harbour Master. Tel: (809) 556-3285.
REPAIRS: Only minor repairs can be effected. Operator: Central Romana Corp. Tel: (809) 556-4534.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police, 235; Ambulance, 455; Fire, 455. AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: To be provided by vessel. Compulsory
gangway watch kept by Customs Guards.
CONSULS: All consuls in Santo Domingo.
TELEPHONES: In dock office, ask Sugar Mill for number required. MANZANILLO: 19␥ 43' N 071␥ 45' W (See Plan)
NEAREST AIRPORT: La Romana has a small airport, but the only
commercial flights are to San Juan, Puerto Rico, from where connections to OVERVIEW: Manzanillo was built by an American banana exporting
all the world; however, more frequent flights from Las Americas International company in the 1950s, but was abandoned many years ago. The pier has
Airport, which is only about 45 miles away or about an hour by car. undergone extensive repairs, completed 1994. This port has about five
CUSTOMS: Seamen may take ashore only 2 packets of cigarettes and sailings per month for export of fresh fruit, mainly bananas and import of
no alcohol. clinker.
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
Also see ‘‘Agent’s Report’’ dated August 2000.
REPATRIATION: Arranged via Santo Domingo. MAX. SIZE: LOA 700 ft., beam 120 ft. and draft 30 ft.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes issued by Immigration DENSITY: 1025.
Officer. RESTRICTIONS: Entry/departure only during daylight hours.
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: March 1989. APPROACHES: Coast Guard Service recommend that a ship, entering
Chart: BA. Chart No. 467 – Bayajibe to Haina and La Romana – Plan. Manzanillo Bay from the east, should stay well out until it has rounded shoals
Sailing Directions: No. 70. West Indies Pilot, Volume 1, page 120. surrounding Seven Brothers Islands. At approximately Lat. 19␥ 58' N. a
Approaches: No difficulties. La Romana is easily identified by large quantities course of 127␥ will bring it into the bay near the wharf. A ship arriving from
of black and white smoke issuing from the Central Romana Corporation plant the west should stay about 6 miles off Cape Haitian Light. When abreast the
close to the west of the dock. light a course of 111␥ will lead into the Bay a short distance north of the pier.
No berthing or unberthing is attempted at night and no response is received
to calls on the VHF until about 0630 hrs. As Santo Domingo, Haina and La PILOTAGE: Compulsory. Pilot boards incoming vessels about 1 mile from
Romana start at that time and all use Channel 16 exclusively, it is a little the dock. Pilot and Harbour Master’s office can be contacted by Mobile: (809)
noisy for a while. 481-4542 or VHF Channel 16.
Agent and Pilot were contacted on VHF Channel 16 and instructions given. ANCHORAGES: Vessels that cannot be docked on arrival will find safe
Berthing: Pilot boarded less than 1 mile off from a 15 ft. boat with a small anchorage in Manzanillo Bay to the east of the dock where there is plenty
outboard. Ship is best stopped altogether. of swinging room, in about 20 fathoms of water.
As a shoal patch extends eastwards from the west side of Rio Romana PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Vessels bound for Manzanillo,
there is a dog-leg in the short channel immediately before the entrance, and should advise ETA to Port Authority and Agent.
as the port is little more than a 100 m. wide slot in the coast, there is no
room for mistakes or uncertain engine starts. TUGS: No tugs available.
Ship is swung to starboard as the entrance is passed and then the BERTHS: Prevailing winds are easterly and sometimes interfere with
starboard anchor is let go and held at 1 shackle just off the berth. Judged docking or undocking. On the east side, vessels should dock bow in, since
correctly, vessel can be stopped just off the berth and pushed alongside by there is not enough room to swing vessels safely around for a port docking.
the tug. On the west side, vessels can dock either side to the pier, depending on
On departure, the tug is made fast on a bridle aft and the ship is towed the direction and force of the wind.
out stern-first, using engines for steering. The pier is a steel construction with a concrete deck 230 m. (750 ft.) long,
There is deep water within 2 cables of the shore so ship can be swung 27.0 m. (88 ft.) wide. Both sides of the pier are protected with a fender system.
very soon after leaving the channel. The water depth at land end of pier is 18 ft. and at the seaward end 38 ft.
Two buoys mark the channel, both are still to be changed to the IALA
system. STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Straight time working hours are
Berth: (See ‘‘Plan’’). Wharf is solid and well fendered. Length of wharf is 0800 – 1200 hrs. and 1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays to Fridays, and
720 ft., with 3 sugar loading arms at the north end and several liquid cargo 0800 – 1200 hrs. on Saturdays. Overtime may be worked at overtime rates
loading points set into the dock for molasses (blackstrap and edible) and at night, on weekends and on most holidays.
furfural. Wharf is kept tidy and clean. Hatches: Crew or stevedores.
Loading: 4,200 tonnes of furfural loaded in 19 hours (221 tonnes/hr.) through MEDICAL: Emergency first aid only. The town of Montecristi is 30 km.
a 6 in. hose. Hose was connected to a 4 in. line on dock so this was a away, where further medical attention is available und full hospitalisation in
respectable rate. Santiago, approximately 100 km. away.
On completion of loading, shore labour disconnected the hose after a
sloppy line blow. They did not bother putting a blank on the hose so furfural FRESH WATER: Sometimes available by pipeline in limited quantities
was spilled all over the deck; after which they tossed the hose over the side and at varying pressures.
where it drained down the ship’s side and into the dock. FUEL: Diesel available by truck (no pump) from Santo Domingo. Contact
Port/Berth Information: Agent for further details.
Density: Salt water. REPAIRS: Minor facilities.
Distance from Pilot to berth: 1 mile.
Bridges: None. SECURITY/GANGWAY: Carried out by crew onboard and
Controlling depth in approaches: 33 ft. Customs/Port Authority at foot of gangway.
Max. draft in approaches and alongside: 28 ft. CONSULS: At Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata.
Max. LOA: Vessels with greater length than this vessel (LOA 170 m.) would
have difficulty entering. NEAREST AIRPORT: La Union International Airport is about 130 km.
Fresh water: Available. away, near Puerto Plata, with regularly scheduled flights to Puerto Rico and
Fuel: Not available. the United States.
Tugs: One tug available and should be used. CUSTOMS: Each crew member will be allowed to take ashore one only
Anchorage: None. opened package of cigarettes.
Loading/discharge hoses: 1 ␺ 6 in. furfural. SHORE LEAVE: Members of crew are allowed to go ashore at this port,
1␺ 10 in. molasses. but Masters should caution them not to take on their persons any dutiable
Other points available. articles, as the Customs will search such men upon landing and should any
Slop facilities: None. such articles be found on their persons, this will be treated as an attempt to
Repair facilities: None. smuggle; severely punishable offence.
Officials: Cabins searched on arrival and before departure. Berth was well
guarded, so ship was free of unwelcome visitors. REPATRIATION: Facilities available.
Agent/Berth Operator: Central Romana Corporation. Office on the wharf. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Required, but seldom demanded.
Helpful and efficient. Telephone communication with outside world easy and
quick. AUTHORITY: Harbour Master. Tel: +1-809 (809) 579-9410. Port
General: Many tourists in evidence. Passenger ships moored further upriver Manager. Tel: +1-809 (809) 579-9615.
and charter boats entering and leaving throughout the day. AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 827
PALENQUE: 18␥ 12' N 070␥ 11' W SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: June 1977 (Updated 1998).
Vessel: Tanker.
OVERVIEW: Palenque or Punta Palenque is a Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) Berth: SBM.
facility, operated by the Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo. Cargo: Crude oil.
LOCATION: The SBM is approximately 2.5 n.m. off Punta Palenque. Documents:
CHARTS: BA Chart No. 471. 8 Crew Lists
MAX. SIZE: LOA 250 m., draft 13.7 m. 5 Firearms Declarations
DENSITY: Salt water. 1 Last Port Clearance
RESTRICTIONS: None, except in the case of extreme weather 6 Passenger Lists (nil)
conditions. 3 Stores Lists
PILOTAGE: Compulsory, can be arranged throughout 24 hours. Pilot 1 Vaccination List.
boards approximately 1 n.m. SW of the SBM, from a small tug having black To be legitimised by Dominican Consulate if possible, otherwise notarised
hull and white superstructure. Pilot vessel operates on VHF by the Chamber of Commerce at sailing port or pay local requirements fee.
Channels 16 and 14. Pilotage: Pilotage compulsory. Pilot boards 1 n.m. SW of SBM which is the
TUGS: Available and compulsory. A small tug is used for transportation of waiting area. ETA required by Pilot at least 6 hours before arrival. The vessel
personnel and equipment from/to the shore. Contact Agent. cannot under any circumstances dock without the Pilot as the Loading Master
TANKER FACILITIES: The terminal mainly handles reconstituted crude is stationed on the forecastle head and advises Pilot of helm and engine
oil from Venezuela and Mexico, and is pumped by pipeline to the Refinery requirements when approaching SBM.
in Haina (Itabo). Anchorage: Temporary anchorage on the coastal bank to the west of SBM
MEDICAL: No facilities available, except for extreme emergencies, patients to suit vessel’s draft.
are landed and taken to Santo Domingo. Restrictions: A vessel may enter and leave the port during hours of
FRESH WATER: Not available. darkness and at any stage of the tide.
FUEL: Not available. Max. Size: Length 854 ft., draft 48 ft.
SERVICES: None. Radar: The radar reflector on the SBM is excellent and gives out a good
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Santo Domingo’’. echo at 10 miles.
REPAIRS: No facilities available. Tugs: No tug assistance required. Mooring launch attends on arrival and
CONSULS: All consular affairs are handled at Santo Domingo. departure bringing to and removing from the vessel all the gear required for
NEAREST AIRPORT: El Higuero International Airport, 50 km. Las mooring (snotters, strops, etc.). At night the launch also illuminates the hose
Americas International Airport, 100 km. string.
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: April 1976 (Updated 1998). Berthing: Position of SBM 18␥ 12' N, 70␥ 11.4' W.
Vessel: Tanker. Terminal Operator: Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo SA (Refidom SA).
Berth: SBM. At the time of berthing depth of water under the keel by echo sounder was
45 ft., the nature of the bottom at the berth was sand and coral.
Cargo: Feedstock. As stated above the vessel is able to dock and un-dock at any stage of
The vessel called at Punta Palenque to discharge a cargo of feedstock
the tide day or night.
from Venezuela.
When 1 n.m. from the SBM (waiting area) vessel approaches the buoy on
Location: In position Lat. 18␥ 12.2' N, Long. 70␥ 11.3' W, and operated by a NE heading parallel to the hose strings and then turns the vessel to stem
Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo SA. the current flow.
1 Clearance last Port
Moorings: Plaited ropes with cable chafing lengths shackled between the
1 Crew Effects Declaration two plaited ropes. Snotters to the bitts from the central Panama lead.
7 Crew Lists The port derrick to be rigged in advance to accept mooring gear from the
2 Lists of Arms and Ammunition tug and lift hoses (2␺12 in. string).
2 Lists of Narcotics Hoses: SBM hoses connected to the ship’s manifold (2␺12 in.). Distance
1 Maritime Declaration of Health from the SBM to the shore tanks is 1.5 miles. Shore booster pump not
2 Passenger Lists available, steam jacket or similar facilities not available. Max. pressure on
2 Stores Lists. line 125 p.s.i., max. weight to be lifted 5 tons.
Pilotage: Compulsory. Mooring and unmooring 24 hours a day. Pilot boards Product Handled: Crude oil. Ship’s accommodation ladder not required.
approximately 1 mile southwest of SBM. Density: 1025.
Pilot boat, a small tug with black hull and white superstructure, is equipped Time: Pilot advises time is GMT minus 4 hours (throughout the year).
with VHF Channels 16 and 14, call sign ‘‘Punta Palenque Pilot’’. Pilot moors
the vessel with the assistance of the Loading Master who gives directions Services: None of the following are available; fresh water, provisions,
on the forecastle. The tug delivers the mooring gear consisting of one repairs, airport, fuel oil, doctor, hospital, laundry.
grommet rope of 15 in. circumference. The rope is to be attached to the ship’s All cargo handling surveyed by independent inspector nominated by
bow stopper by OCIMF standard chafing chain. Refidomsa. Slop discharge possible upon request and after agreement.
Health: Radio pratique not available. Under no condition is pure water to be discharged via the hoses.
Radio: Crude predominantly supplied from Pemex (Pajaritos, Mexico) and Shore Leave: Not possible.
Maraven (Cardon/Miranda, Venezuela). Masters to send ETA Punta General: Vessel’s ETA by telex to be given to Santo Domingo from the last
Palenque before sailing from loading ports, handing the message to local port of call, any changes should be passed to the Agent through ‘‘Curacao
agents. Radio’’ as at no time whilst on passage from Punta Cardon could traffic be
Messages should include draft on arrival, number of crew, whether any passed through ‘‘Santo Domingo Radio’’. The Pilot acts for Agent. Customs
sickness on board. Messages to be sent to Refidomsa, Santo Domingo and and Immigration are in attendance, leaving with papers, cables and telex,
copy to Agent (B&R SA, see ‘‘General – Authorities’’. consignees documents etc., after the vessel is all fast. The ship’s official
Tugs: Not available for mooring. Messengers to and from SBM are handled documents were not examined. Two Customs guards and the Loading Master
by a small work boat. remain on board and should be provided with cabins and meals.
Berthing: Single Buoy Mooring, property of Refineria Dominicana SA Cargo surveying is carried out by an independent surveyor, he also
(Telegraphic Address: Refidomsa), located about 2,500 m. offshore, or maintains VHF contact with the Agent in Santo Domingo through the refinery.
2.5 n.m. SW of Punta Palenque light. Nature of bottom: sand over coral. Buoy The Loading Master, Berthing Master and Sailing Pilot all speak English.
fitted with radar reflector and flashing red light. VHF contact made with the refinery when 45 miles from the SBM who then
Loading Master plus three men remain on board. passed our amended ETA to the Pilot.
Connection amidships, port side. Authority: Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo SA, Apartado 1439, Santo
Loading: Shore Line System: From shore to ship: Domingo, Republica Dominicana. Tel: +1 (809) 542 2700. FAX: +1 (809)
1␺28 in. submarine line 2,550 m. 542 3566, 542 2520. Telex: 3460342 (ITT), 3264320 (RCA). Cables:
1␺28 in. line from tank farm to shore 750 m. Refidom. Contact: Maximo Vina, Operations Co-ordinator.
2␺16 in. underwater hose systems from seabed to buoy.
2␺16 in. floating hoses, about 165 m. long. AGENT’S REPORT: May 1996.
2␺12 in. hoses to ship’s manifold 27.5 m. long. Palenque or Punta Palenque is a Single Buoy Mooring facility, located at
Maximum rate of discharge: 6,000 cu.m./hr. Lat. 18␥ 12.2' N, Long. 70␥ 11.3' W, and is operated by the Refineria
Maximum back pressure: 150 p.s.i. Dominicana de Petroleo. They receive reconstituted crude oil, mostly from
Product: Crude oil discharge. Venezuela and Mexico, at this facility, and it is pumped by pipeline to the
Storage: 889,000 barrels. Refinery in Haina (Itabo). This facility is about 2.5 n.m. off Punta Palenque,
Repairs: None available. and a small tug is used for transportation to/from shore.
Services: Fresh water, provisions, fuel oil and diesel oil not available. No Pilotage: Pilotage is compulsory and can be arranged 24 hours a day. Pilot
medical assistance. Shore leave not permitted, repatriation not possible. boards about 1 n.m. SW of SBM from a small tug with black hull and white
Weather: Wind: NE Trades. superstructure. Pilot can be contacted on VHF Channels 16 and 14.
Current: Predominating from east to west but sometimes shifting to opposite Restrictions: None, except in the case of extreme weather conditions.
direction for short periods. Velocity about 1.5 knots. Max. Size: LOA 1,000 ft., draft 45 ft.
General: No navigational hazards approaching Punta Palenque from the VHF: See ‘‘Pilotage’’.
south. SBM shows on radar at a distance of about 11 n.m.
Reference BA Charts No. 471 and 3689; West Indies Pilot Volume 1, Tugs: Available and compulsory. Also a small tug carries crew and gear
Supplement No. 3 1975. required, etc.
Master’s Remarks: When approaching from the south, the coast of Dominican Medical: Not available, except for extreme emergencies, which must be
Republic gives a good radar target. SBM could be picked up at about 11 n.m. taken to Santo Domingo.
distance. Punta Palenque Pilot could be contacted at a distance of 30 n.m. Consuls: All consular affairs must be handled at Santo Domingo.
Authorities: After vessel is moored Pilot acts as Agent together with a senior
Custom officer who came on board with the Pilot. Two junior Custom officers Repairs: Not available.
will stay on board during the stay in port, also Loading Master and/or his Airport: Las Americas International Airport is about 100 km. away, and has
assistant. Pilot delivers outward clearance. frequent flights to the United States, Europe, Caribbean and South America.

828 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
General: Because of the nature of this installation, there are no facilities for BERTHS:
supplying bunkers, fresh water or other services. This berth is the eastern side of the ‘‘New’’ finger pier, built in the 1970’s,
OPERATOR: Refineria Dominicana de Petrolio SA, Apartado 1439, and which is 984 ft. (300 m.) long and 144 ft. (44 m.) wide. Two or more
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Contact: Milciades Perez Molina, vessels may occupy this berth, which is usually very busy with deep-draft
Supervisor Operaciones Marinas (Tel: +1 (809) 542 472 999 (ext. 9903). vessels, including cruise ships which have preferential berthing rights. The
Email: pier is approximately 10 ft. above the water line.
Maximum Draft: 29 ft. (outer), 20 ft. (inner), (S.W.).
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first Dominican Republic port. Storage Facilities: There is a shed managed by the Port Authority with
6,000 sq.m. capacity, and which is divided into 3 sections for different import
and export cargoes.
Equipment: Forklifts of various capacities are available for the handling of
general cargoes. For the handling of bulk cargoes, there are hoppers, grab
PUERTO CAUCEDO: 18␥ 24' N 069␥ 36' W buckets and payloaders, but the ship’s gear is used in most cases. There is
also pneumatic discharging equipment or vacuvator available for heavy grain,
LOCATION: The port is located on the SE coast of the country close to but its capacity is only about 40 – 50 tonnes/hr.
Boca Chica.
Berth No. 1 (New): This berth is on the western side of the ‘‘New’’ finger pier,
General Description: The port is primarily dedicated to handling container built in the 1970’s, and which is 984 ft. (300 m.) long and 144 ft. (44 m.) wide.
Two or more vessels may occupy this berth, depending on their length. This
Charts: BA Chart No. 467. berth is used by several container vessels with regular service to the U.S.A.
DOCUMENTS: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. ports.
Maximum Draft: 24 ft. (S.W.) (outer), 16 ft. (S.W.) (inner), shallow away from
MAX. SIZE: LOA 318 m. and draft 15.0 m. dock to as little as 14 ft. – 15 ft. at about 100 ft. from and parallel to the dock.
RESTRICTIONS: Navigation available throughout 24 hours. Controlling Storage Facilities: See Berth No. 1 (New).
depth of the entrance channel is 14.7 m., harbour basin 13.5 m. and at the Equipment: See Berth No. 1 (New).
berths 13.5 m.
Berth No. 2 (New): This berth is located at the tip of the ‘‘New’’ finger pier,
APPROACHES: Width of the entrance channel is 370 m. built in the 1970’s, and can accommodate a vessel of up to 250 ft. LOA.
Also see ‘‘Restrictions’’. Maximum Draft: 24 ft. (S.W.).
PILOTAGE: Pilotage available throughout 24 hours. The Pilot boarding Storage Facilities: See Berth No. 1 (New).
area is located in position Lat. 18␥ 24.6' N, Long. 69␥ 36.3' W. Equipment: See Berth No. 1 (New).
Caucedo Pilot Station call sign is ‘‘Caucedo Pilot Station’’, listening on VHF
Channel 16 and working on Channels 10 and 13. Berth No. 3 (New): This berth is on the western side of the ‘‘Old’’ finger pier.
It is about 360 ft. (110 m.) long. The pier is about 2.75 m. above the water
TUGS: There are two tugs available (1␺50 ton and 1␺65 ton bollard pull). line at high tide. It is not presently being used except as a lay-by berth, due
BERTHS: The port handles vessels up to post-Panamax size. There are to its state of disrepair.
two berths C1 and C2. Total berthing length 600 m. First 300 m. operational Maximum Draft: 26 ft. (S.W.).
in December 2003 and second 300 m. phase in January 2004. Height of quay Storage Facilities: There is a small shed of approximately 2,000 sq.m.,
4.0 m. above the water level. Maximum berthing speed is 0.11 m./sec. operated by the Port Authority. There is also a pipeline for fuel and diesel
Bollards: Berth C1 has bollards spaced at 30 m. with capacity 100 tons. oil that leads to the utility company’s shore tank nearby.
Equipment: See Berth No. 1 (New) for information. However, please note that
Berth C2 has bollards spaced at 30 m. with capacity 120 tons.
this berth is not presently being used for general and bulk cargo operations,
Fenders: Berth C1 has Bridgestone model SUC 1600 H (RE+5) spaced at due to its poor condition.
every 15 m. Berth C2 has Bridgestone model SUC 1600 H (RE+10) spaced
at every 15 m. Berth No. 1 (Old): This berth is located on the eastern side of the ‘‘Old’’ finger
Draft: Berth C1 has draft 13.5 m. and Berth C2 15.0 m. pier and is about 360 ft. (110 m.) long. The pier is about 2.75 m. above the
water line at high tide. Because the pier is in poor structural condition, it is
CONTAINER FACILITIES: The terminal has five container gantry rarely used, except by tankers discharging fuel and diesel oil for the local
cranes (two in December 2003 and a further three in January 2004.) with utility company, and as a lay-by berth.
outreach 18 rows and air draft 47.0 m. boom to water; 10 RTGs (six in Maximum Draft: Depth alongside 29 ft. 6 in. (S.W.).
December 2003 and a further four in January 2004.) and 390 reefer Storage Facilities: See Berth No. 1 (Old).
points (2004). Equipment: See Berth No. 1 (Old).
The terminal’s container yard covers 7 ha. (when completed in March 2004,
will cover 20 ha. with final expansion to 50 ha.) with capacity 9,500 FEUs.
TANKER FACILITIES: Vessels berth at molasses/petroleum berth.
STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Terminal labour commences work at Smith-Enron Power Plant: At the western end of the bay, there is a 3 buoy
0700 hrs. on day of arrival. Overtime can be arranged with prior notice to mooring facility for reception of diesel and fuel oil to the Smith-Enron Power
terminal and ship’s Agent. Plant.
FRESH WATER: Available by tank truck. The multi-buoy mooring system was designed for a barge with maximum
dimensions 130 m. (425 ft.) ␺ 25 m. (82 ft.). The area has been dredged to
FUEL: Available. 34 ft. depth.
GENERAL: Lube Oil: Not available. Two hoses, 1␺12 in. for diesel oil and 1␺16 in. reduced to 12 in. for fuel
oil, on pick-up buoys, are connected to submarine pipelines approximately
DEVELOPMENTS: On completion of development, the port will 400 m. from the storage tanks on shore.
cover 50 ha. CRANES: Not available.
OPERATOR: CSX World Terminals Dominicana, Puerto Caucedo, STEVEDORES: ETAs required 24 hours and 12 hours before arrival to
Dominican Republic. Tel: +1 (809) 542 2591. FAX: +1 (809) 542 2882. arrange gangs.
Web: Contact: Manuel Garmilla, General Manager Working Hours: Straight time working hours are 0800 – 1200 hrs. and
(Email: 1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays through Fridays, and Saturdays 0800 – 1200 hrs.
AGENT: Perez Y Cia Dominicana, Avda. de Mexico 66 (Sector Gazcue), Except on major holidays (New Year, Easter and Christmas), work may be
PO Box 20319, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tel: +1 (809) ordered at overtime rates around the clock and on weekends.
689 9111, 227 8817 (After Hours), 943 6585 (Mobile). Fax: +1 (809) Hatches: Can be performed by crew or stevedores.
687 0590. Email: Web: MEDICAL: Full medical attention is available in Puerto Plata, and further
facilities available in Santiago and Santo Domingo.
FRESH WATER: Pipeline at wharves. Ship’s hoses used.
FUEL: Diesel and fuel oil available by truck from Santo Domingo. Contact
ship’s Agent.
PUERTO PLATA: 19␥ 49' N 070␥ 41' W (See Plan)
REPAIRS: Minor repairs only. Further repair facilities available in Santo
OVERVIEW: The port of Puerto Plata is the main commercial port on POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: At Santo Domingo.
the north coast of the Dominican Republic, and is the only one in this area
receiving both general and bulk cargoes, and also exporting tobacco, SECURITY/GANGWAY: Compulsory gangway watch kept by Customs
agricultural commodities, etc. guards.
CONSULS: All consular affairs for this port are generally handled in Santo
MAX. SIZE: LOA 700 ft., beam 100 ft. and draft 30 ft. (S.W.). Domingo.
DENSITY: Salt water inside harbour. TELEPHONES: Nearest in Customs House alongside wharves.
RESTRICTIONS: No entry or departure at night. NEAREST AIRPORT: La Union International Airport is located about
Depth at entrance 42 ft., depth on bar 37 ft. HW and 34 ft. LW, depth in 20 km. east of Puerto Plata and has daily flights to/from San Juan, Miami
harbour 30 ft. and New York.
PILOTAGE: Pilot arranged by Agent on basis of Master’s advance notice CUSTOMS: Bond is sealed, but can be opened at Master’s request.
of ETA. Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted by radio telephone, SHORE LEAVE: Allowed.
frequency 2738 and 2638. Pilot boards 0.5 miles from the sea buoy. Pilot REPATRIATION: Can be arranged.
also on VHF Channel 16. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are provided by Immigration
ANCHORAGES: Deep water anchorage available outside port. Pilot will Authorities.
advise best location. In rough weather, the anchorage is dangerous. GENERAL: No boats to be lowered without official permission.
PRATIQUE: Pratique granted after Health Authorities have boarded and SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: March 1989.
cleared vessel. In case of disease aboard notify Agents before arrival. Approaches: BA. Chart 463.
Pratique is automatic when proceeding from another port in the same country. Owen Rock and the wreck, partly above water, are conspicuous, also the
chimney S.E. of Punta Fortaleza which has a conspicuous plume of smoke
TUGS: Compulsory for vessels over 500 g.t. A Dominican Republic Navy giving a good indication of wind direction and strength.
tug (800 h.p.) is stationed at the port. The light S.E. of Pta. Fortaleza is sometimes working but is very weak.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 829
The leading lights are fixed red and are conspicuous on the leading line Stowaways: Stowaways are a problem in spite of the patrolling guards. The
and appear to be in the charted positions. They are displayed from white port security fence has been removed over a distance of a few hundred
square towers with red tops. metres, although the gate is always closed and guarded, potential stowaways
These lights are unreliable and although usually on throughout the day are will swim out to ships from the beaches.
often out at night. Communications: All arrival messages are sent to Santo Domingo office and
The buoys are not as charted, Buoy No. 1 and Buoy No. 6 are missing, relayed whether by telephone or public telex to Puerto Plata.
Buoy No. 3 is close to its charted position, Buoy No. 2 has been moved closer The telex and telephone system in the Dominican Republic is often out of
in shore and Buoy No. 4 into the harbour. order.
Approximate positions of the buoys obtained by radar (bearings and Casual Labour: Available at negotiable rates, about U.S.$12.00 per day, but
distances from Pta. Fortaleza light): before any work is started permission must be obtained from the Comandante
No. 2 352␥ 0.465 miles del Puerto. The request for permission must contain the names of the
No. 3 334␥ 0.265 miles. prospective employees and is stamped by the Official and issued to the dock
No. 4 328␥ 0.355 miles. guard.
None of the buoys are lit and all are of the same rust colour. Syndicate employees are charged at about U.S.$25.00 per day.
The chart shows the shelf off Pta. Fortaleza extending into the buoyed Search the vessel well after they finish work and before sailing as casual
channel but with the movement of the buoys this is no longer the case. workers could be potential stowaways.
The leading lights give a line slightly to the east of the centre of the buoyed Cargo Work: Discharging of ground nut pellets is by grabs on ship’s cranes
channel. into hoppers on the dock and taken away by lorries.
Pilots: The ETA will be passed to the Pilots by the Agents. The holdups are all due to lorries and although it is possible to work around
There is VHF communication with the pilot office but once he leaves the the clock there are usually no lorries available and work ceases about
office to come to the vessel there is no further communication. 2100 hrs. each night, starting again at around 0800 hrs.
Channel 16 is used exclusively for communications. The tonnage discharged is checked by truck weights.
There have been a number of changes recently in the pilots and in March Total discharged 3,300 tonnes.
1989 Pilot Domingo proved competent both entering and leaving. Gross gang hours 155.75 Gross rate 21.19 t.p.h.
The Pilot boards from a small fibreglass boat as close to the buoys as the Net gang hours 66.6 Net rate 49.55 t.p.h.
vessel is willing to come.
Wait until the boat is seen crossing the harbour before approaching too Time lost: Lack of trucks 49.5 hours
close as it can take a long time from the Pilot advising that he is on his way Rain 37.8 hours
until the boat reaches the channel buoys. Breakdown 1.8 hours
Tugs: There is no tug available at this port. The trucks used are small general purpose vehicles carrying about
Current: There is usually a strong set to the west when approaching on to 15 – 20 tonnes each and on some occasions only one truck was available to
the wreck and Owen Rock but on occasions this can be reversed and an serve the two gangs working. The Agents are the stevedores but they do
easterly or southerly set experienced. not supply the trucks.
Entry and Departure at Night: Not recommended, none of the lights are Shore Passes: Shore passes are issued by Immigration on arrival and should
reliable and the buoys are often not clear on radar due to clutter. be carried, but generally they are not asked for by the gate guards.
There are no lights on the old pier and vessels berthed there are usually Repatriation: There is an international airport close to Puerto Plata used
in darkness. mainly to fly tourists into the hotel complex some 20 km. out of town.
The lights on the new pier are confined to the walls of the cargo shed Baggage and personal effects are cleared by Customs at the dock and it
which is at the landward end of the pier. can take up to 8 hours to complete formalities.
There were 2 floodlight towers on the new pier, both are damaged and not Local agents have difficulty in obtaining flights, and on one occasion a
working, the closest one to the end has now been demolished. Chief Engineer after waiting for 5 days caught the next managed vessel back
The Pilot advised that entry and departure is in daylight only. to the U.S.A. for repatriation. On another occasion, a crane engineer
Berths: The Eastern, ‘‘Old Pier’’, is in poor condition with the end corner discharged here was lost to his Company for two days.
bollards either missing or damaged. AUTHORITY: Harbour Master. Tel: +1 (809) 586-2576.
The length of this pier is approximately 115 m. Port Manager. Tel: +1 (809) 586-6566.
The eastern side of this pier has a line of steel pilings approximately 2 m.
from the side of the pier, these pilings are in very poor condition due to
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
corrosion and damage. An attempt has been made to fender the tops of the
pilings with tyres but most have slipped and afford little protection.
The chart shows some 5.1 m. alongside this pier but the Pilot has advised RIO HAINA: 18␥ 25' N 070␥ 01' W (See Plan)
that there is 29 ft. (8.8 m.) there, and no problems were experienced berthing
there with a draft of 7.75 m. on one occasion. OVERVIEW: There are port facilities on both banks of the river. The port
The western, ‘‘New Pier’’, is in fairly good condition with fendering on the of Haina mostly handles bulk, containers, trailers and homogeneous
east and west sides. breakbulk cargoes, such as steel products not requiring covered storage and
The usual grain and feed berth is the outer end of the east side of this bagged cargoes.
pier, but on Mondays this is reserved for the passenger vessel ‘Caribe’ which General breakbulk is not handled in great volumes due to the lack of sheds
arrives at about 0800 hrs. and sails around 1700 hrs. Any vessels on this at the piers for storage, hence mostly homogeneous breakbulk is removed
berth are moved off either to another berth if available or out to sea. directly in trucks from the discharging vessel.
There is about 31 ft. 6 in. of water alongside at this berth (9.6 m.) as a LOCATION: To the west of the centre of the city on the Haina River (Rio
vessel of this draft was seen struggling to get alongside and eventually Haina), within the modern city limits.
managed. CHARTS: BA Chart No. 471.
The alternative berth is the west side of the New Pier, and the Pilot reports MAX. SIZE: LOA 213.36 m., beam 30.48 m., draft 9.75 m. and depth
that there is 23 ft. of water alongside (7.01 m.), this was the berth used on 10.67 m.
this occasion and no problems were experienced berthing with drafts of
5.01 m. forward and 6.12 m. aft, the echo sounder showing clearance under DENSITY: Brackish water, exact density depends on location of berth and
the keel. flow of river.
There is much less water at the landward end of this pier. RESTRICTIONS: Night-time entry and sailing is restricted, but depending
The outer 30 m. of this berth is used by small container vessels and there on circumstances, weather conditions and vessel characteristics, the Pilot
is timber strengthening for their mobile crane over this area, making it useless can be induced to move the vessel at night.
for any other discharging operations. PILOTAGE: Pilot boards from small boat flying a flag with a white ‘‘P’’ on
Depths: The depths are not as charted and the water gets shallow to the a black background, about 1.0 mile from harbour entrance. Contact Pilot on
west of the leading line. The bottom is soft mud and the harbour appears to 2738 or 2638 and Channel 16 VHF. Tel: +1 (809) 542 – 3550.
be silting up from the Rio San Marcos. Depths, particularly to the west side ANCHORAGES: It is suggested that vessels anchor off the port of Santo
of the harbour, are doubtful. Domingo, which is only 4 miles away. Anchorage at Haina is considered
General Weather: Early morning it is usually calm with the wind increasing unsafe and only to be used in case of emergency.
from the east throughout the morning becoming strongest in the late TUGS: 2 tugs, 1,200 h.p. and 850 h.p. Use of tugs is compulsory.
afternoon. BERTHS: 12 berths available. Vessels going to load sugar swing inside
There is sometimes a swell in the port, but this usually doesn’t affect the harbour with the aid of a tug, and berth starboard side to the quay. Ship’s
vessels berthed alongside. gangway is recommended. There is sometimes quite a swell running inside
Expect rain at all seasons, usually in very heavy downpours. the harbour. The port anchor is used for berthing and unberthing.
Fresh Water: This is available from the dock, although sometimes difficult to This is the berth nearest to the breakwater. It is 190 m. (623 ft.) long, apron
get, especially at weekends, even though the hydrants on the dock are 8.0 m. (26 ft.) wide and 3.0 m. above the water line at HW. This berth has a
continuously running and stevedores open up the hydrants to wash. mechanical bulk sugar loading facility, consisting of a continuous conveyor
Provisions: Available and of reasonable quality and price. belt system from the Rio Haina Sugar Mill directly to the spout-thrower that
General chandlery and working stores are almost impossible to obtain. loads and trims the cargo. This berth is also frequently used by tankers
Courtesy Flag: This must be the plain flag, not defaced with the Coat of Arms. discharging fuel and/or diesel oil to shore tanks.
Load Line Zone: Puerto Plata is just inside the Tropical Zone but from Maximum draft: 28 ft. (brackish water).
16th July to 31st October the Summer Zone is entered after 16 miles Storage facilities: The sugar mill has 2 bulk sugar warehouses with a total
(northbound). capacity of more than 150,000 tons.
Port Authorities: The authorities will board on arrival with the Agent, usually Equipment: The mechanical bulk sugar loading system loads at about
7 to 10 people. A search of the vessel and accommodation is carried out for 200 – 250 tonnes/hr.
contraband and stowaways before the vessel is cleared inwards. Bunkers: Fuel and diesel oil are available by tank trucks of either 5,000 or
A further search is carried out before departure and before the clearance 10,000 American gallons.
is issued. These searches are usually only formalities at this port. Note: Presently there are no bunkers available for ships because of a local
Documents: Ship’s standard forms are accepted. shortage of fuels.
1 copy Maritime Declaration of Health. Fresh water: Fresh water must be delivered by tank truck only, as there is
8 copies Crew List. no pipeline alongside.
8 copies Passenger List (Nil declaration required). Working hours: Sugar is usually loaded 24 hours around the clock by the
8 copies Arms and Ammunition List (Nil declaration required). sugar mill, as well as on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays with all overtime
5 copies Stores List. for the shippers’ account. The average loading rate is 4,000 – 5,000 tons
5 copies Crew Effects List. during 24 hours.
8 copies of a Stowaway List are required if vessel has any on board. Also see ‘‘Shipmaster’s Reports’’ dated June and October 2002.

830 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Berth No. 6 West: This berth is privately owned by Sociedad Industrial
Dominicana (SID), a large importer of corn and soybeans in bulk, and is used
Berth No. 1 West (Sugar Berth): This berth is 113 m. (370 ft.) long, with an to discharge feed grain and meal in bulk as well as vegetable oils and fats
apron approximately 8.0 m. (26 ft.) wide and 2.75 m. above the water line at in bulk. The berth consists of a central platform supporting a shore crane on
HW. It was reconstructed in 1997 for the sole use of liquid petroleum tankers rails and hoppers for discharging and three dolphins for securing the vessel’s
and also to discharge distillate to shore tanks belonging to the local Refinery. lines.
Maximum draft: 33 ft. (brackish water). Two of the hoppers feed directly into trucks and the third onto a conveyor
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. leading to the silos. Each dolphin has one bollard at its centre and the central
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. platform has 3 bollards over a distance of about 28 m. The total length of the
Working hours: Straight time working hours are 0800 – 1200 and berth, between the outer dolphins, is 153 m. (500 ft.), and approximate height
1400 – 1800 Mondays through Fridays, and 0800 – 1200 on Saturdays. of apron above the water line at HW is 2.75 m. Vessels normally berth
Overtime may be worked around the clock and on weekends, except major starboard side alongside utilising the bollard at the end of Berth
holidays. Please contact Agent for further information. No. 2 (Fersan) for its head lines. There is a bollard on the breakwater, about
100 m. from the southern dolphin, and 180 m. from the central platform.
As vessels have to shift back and forth in order to position the hatch
openings within reach of the crane, it is advisable for larger vessels to place
Berth No. 2 West: This berth is 181 m. (593 ft.) long, of which only 110 m. a mooring line, leading astern, from its spring or breast fairlead to the southern
can presently be used for berthing, due to the state of disrepair; the apron dolphin.
is also in a damaged condition; the pavement is cracked and the supporting Maximum LOA permissible is about 700 ft.
structure weak. Hence, this berth is presently used by small general cargo Minimum depth: 32 ft. (SW).
vessels handling light cargoes such as plywood, lumber, etc., and only rarely Storage facilities: SID has 6 silos, each with a capacity for approximately
for containers directly onto flatbeds. The pier is approximately 2.75 m. above 1,200 tonnes of heavy grain. There are also 6 storage tanks for vegetable
the water line at HW. oils and fats, with a total capacity for 6,000 tonnes.
Maximum draft: 30 ft. (brackish water). Equipment: Grain is discharged with a shore crane into hoppers at an average
Storage facilities: There are 2 sheds, each with 2,100 sq.m. storage space rate of 150 – 200 tonnes/hr., depending on the type of vessel and cargo.
available. These sheds were originally built to store bagged sugar awaiting Meal is slower, averaging about 100 – 125 tonnes/hr. Stevedores also use a
shipment, but are now primarily used for various import cargoes requiring large front-end loader to clean the holds. Actual discharging rate is sometimes
covered storage. slower than capacity, due to the slow take-away by trucks.
Equipment: Forklifts of 4.5 tons, 6 tons and 10 tons capacity are available for Bunkers: Fuel and diesel oil are delivered by tank truck. Arrangements must
handling cargo. Mobile cranes, if required, may be used at this berth. be made in advance of arrival through the Agent, in order to co-ordinate
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. timely delivery, because delivery cannot be made during the discharging
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. operations. Trucks carry either 5,000 or 10,000 American gallons.
Working hours: Straight time working hours for general breakbulk and Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above.
containerised cargoes are 0800 – 1200 and 1400 – 180 Mondays through Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above. However, receivers frequently
Fridays, and 0800 – 1200 on Saturdays. Overtime may be worked around the work overtime at this berth for their own account, usually at night on
clock and one weekends as per tariff, except during major holidays. Please weekdays, during weekends and on most holidays. Otherwise for overtime
contact Agent for further details. rates please contact Agent.

Berth No. 1 East (Proteinas): This facility is called the Fersan Berth, because
Berth No. 3 West: This berth is 264 m. (866 ft.) long and approximately it is controlled by the fertiliser company Fertilizantes Santo Domingo (Fersan)
2.75 m. above the water line at HW. It is used by molasses tankers loading and used primarily for their own bulk discharging operations, exporting
from the shore storage tanks belonging to the Rio Haina Sugar Mill, and is fertilisers in bags, and also for bulk liquid chemicals. Occasionally, the berth
therefore frequently referred to as the Molasses Berth. Since 1983/1984, this is used for discharging bulk grain. This pier is 185 m. (600 ft.) long with apron
berth has also been used for discharging coal in bulk for the electric utility approximately 1.9 m. above the water line at HW.
Company into hoppers owned by Maritima Dominicana. Early 1994, Sealand Maximum draft: 30 ft. (brackish water).
installed a new container (gantry) crane, and was granted preference at this
Storage facilities: The fertiliser company has storage space available for both
dock. When not occupied by these vessels, the berth is used for other bulk
bulk and bagged fertilisers. Total capacity exceeds 30,000 tons.
cargoes (soda ash, bulk fertilisers, mineral sand, etc.) and for homogeneous
Equipment: Fersan has one crane mounted on rails which is used for all bulk
breakbulk and containers.
discharging, and occasionally for assisting in the loading of bagged fertiliser
Maximum draft: Maximum draft 33 ft. (brackish water).
for export. This crane discharges fertiliser at about 100 – 125 t.p.h. on
Storage facilities: Molasses storage tanks connected by pipeline hold average, directly into a stationary hopper which feeds a conveyor to the
approximately 5 million gallons and are used for exporting molasses; there Fersan mixing plant. Fersan also has front-end loaders for the cleaning of
is no shed available for cargo, and limited space for lumber and other ship’s holds, and forklifts for handling bagged cargoes. When bulk grain is
homogeneous breakbulk cargoes. Coal and other bulk cargoes must be discharged at this berth, small hoppers are used and the cargo is hauled
hauled away immediately by trucks. away in trucks. This limits the discharge rate to about 80 tons/hr. for this type
Equipment: Forklifts of 4.5, 6 and 10 tons are available to handle general of cargo.
breakbulk. Coal is usually discharged by ship’s gear into hoppers, and Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East (Proteinas)’’above.
front-end loaders are used in the ship’s holds.
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East’’ above.
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above.
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East’’ above.
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above.
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above.
Berth No. 2 East (Fersan): This berth is 215 m. (700 ft.) long with apron
approximately 10.0 m. (33 ft.) wide and height 1.9 m. above the water line
at HW. The Falconbridge Dominicana Terminal is located alongside, and
Berth No. 4 West (Molasses Berth): This berth is called the Sealand Berth, vessels carrying cargo for this company have preference in the use of this
because this company has a portainer crane and leases a 3,800 sq.m. berth. Falconbridge receives fuel oil in bulk frequently; exports ferro-nickel
warehouse and open container terminal from the Port Authority, and by products on pallets and in crates as well as in containers, and imports general
contract has preferential berthing at this pier for its own vessels. Because of breakbulk and containerised cargoes on a regular basis. This berth may also
the volume of its operations, this berth is rarely used by any other vessels. be used by other vessels, when Falconbridge vessels are not occupying it.
The berth is 194 m. (636 ft.) long. The pier apron has height of approximately
Maximum draft: 30 ft. (brackish water).
2.75 m. above water line at HW.
Storage facilities: Falconbridge has a Terminal, which is basically an open
Maximum draft: 30 ft. (brackish water).
yard for containers, palletised ferro-nickel ingots, ferro-nickel cones in
Storage facilities: 3,800 sq.m. container stripping terminal warehouse and wooden crates and import cargoes such as electrodes, lumber, etc.
open storage for containers.
Equipment: Forklifts are available for handling the cargo on the pier and in
Equipment: Sealand has a private portainer and ancillary container handling the vessel’s holds. Mobile cranes can be hired if required due to breakdown
equipment for its operations. of vessel’s gear or for gearless ships.
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East (Proteinas)’’ above.
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East’’ above.
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above. Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above.

Berth No. 3 East (Falconbridge): This berth is 215 m. (700 ft.) long with apron
Berth No. 5 West (Sealand): This berth is 134 m. (440 ft.) long, with an apron
approximately 12.0 m. (39 ft.) wide and 1.8 m. height above the water line
approximately 8.0 m. wide and 2.75 m. above the water line at HW, and is
at HW, and is used frequently by Ro-Ro vessels. There are 3 ramps available,
used by tankers for discharging LPG, lubricants and liquid paraffin to shore
one at each end and one in the centre. When not in use by one of the
tanks. However, LPG operations are increasingly rare at this berth, because
regularly scheduled Ro-Ro liner services, the berth is used to discharge
the local Refinery has completed an off-shore buoy installation for receiving
general breakbulk or homogeneous cargoes.
LPG by pipeline which is used by most vessels.
Maximum draft: 30 ft. (brackish water).
The berth was reconstructed during 1998 to also receive cement and
Storage facilities: The Port Authority’s Shed No. 4 with approximately
clinker for Cementos Colon. 2 hoppers on rails have been placed on the
3,600 sq.m. is available nearby for general cargo requiring enclosed storage.
The open yard is available for trailers, containers and breakbulk cargo not
Maximum draft: 28 ft. (brackish water).
requiring covered storage.
Storage facilities: Storage tanks are available for lubricants, liquid chemicals,
Equipment: 3 ramps allow Ro-Ro vessels to discharge at this berth. Forklifts
LPG and liquid paraffin. No other storage facilities available at this berth.
of various capacities are available, and the stevedoring companies have other
Equipment: Only shore facilities are pipelines for above-mentioned liquid equipment (mules, etc.).
cargoes from the vessel to the storage tanks.
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East (Proteinas)’’ above.
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above.
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East’’ above.
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above.
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above.
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 831
Berth No. 4 East: This berth is 214 m. (702 ft.) long with apron approximately When the bow is clear of Buoy No. 5, and to seaward of it, the port anchor
12.0 m. (39 ft.) wide and height 1.8 m. above water line at HW, and is used should be dropped and allowed to run out whilst a stern movement is
primarily for the handling of containers and general breakbulk cargo. instigated.
Maximum draft: 31 ft. (brackish water). At this point, the tug should be ordered to push on the starboard quarter,
Storage facilities: The Port Authority’s Shed No. 1 with 2,855 sq.m. capacity if so required. With an offshore wind, the assistance of this tug is essential
is located nearby and can accommodate general cargo, and is used for and attempts at mooring without it should be avoided. At the same time, the
stripping containers, etc. Open yard can accommodate containers and mooring launch should be instructed to run mooring lines to Buoy No. 4.
trailers. When these lines are secure and slack taken up, the tug should be instructed
Equipment: Mobile cranes, spreaders, forklifts and other equipment may be to stand-by whilst the remainder of the lines are run out, with the weather
hired for operations, although most vessels using this berth are lines having priority. If conditions permit, it is better to manoeuvre the ship
self-sustaining. Contact Agent for further information. to the PLEM marker, using the ship’s mooring lines rather than the tug.
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East (Proteinas)’’ above. When lines to the weather buoys have been secured, the starboard anchor
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East’’ above. should be recovered and the port anchor allowed to run out until the vessel
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above. is in position. On no account should the port anchor be recovered whilst the
vessel is in the berth, as it provides the only security, should the vessel break
Berth No. 5 East: This berth is 700 m. (2,280 ft.) long with apron 17.0 m. out of the moorings.
(55 ft.) and height of 2.0 m. above the water line at HW, and was intended On completion of mooring, it is essential that all mooring lines are taut and
for handling containers, but due to the frequent congestion of other berths, that the winch brakes are fully secure.
this pier is sometimes used for bulk cargoes, steel, scrap, etc., and almost Unmooring Operations: The vessel should single up to either one or two
any other vessels with deep drafts, including passenger cruise ships. Due lines to Buoy No. 4 and the remainder let go in the following order: No. 1,
to its length, the pier is divided into sections A, B, C (515 m.) and D (185 m.). No. 2, No. 5 and finally the remaining lines on Buoy No. 4. After the lines
Minimum depth: 32 ft. (at 6A) – 25 ft. (at 6C) and approximately 20 ft. at 6D, from Buoy No. 5 have been recovered, the port anchor should be put in gear
brackish water ranging between 1016 and fresh water. and heaving commenced as soon as the lines from Buoy No. 4 have been
Storage facilities: A large open yard for containers and trailers with modern released. It may be necessary to use the rudder and engines to keep the
lighting and other facilities is presently nearing completion of construction. vessel clear of the seaward buoys whilst the anchor is being recovered, but
The nearest warehouse is the Port Authority’s Shed No. 1, with 2,855 sq.m. care should be exercised so that the vessel does not over-run the anchor.
storage capacity. If necessary, the mooring launch could be used to nudge the buoys clear of
Equipment: The Port Authority owns and the Shipping Association operates the vessel’s stern.
a large overhead gantry crane on rails that can handle containers. However, Also see ‘‘Berths’’, ‘‘Shipmaster’s Report’’ dated September 1994,
many vessels use their own gear. There are also several large hoppers on ‘‘Operator’s Reports’’ dated November 1995 and March 1996.
the pier which are used to discharge bulk cargoes (coal, clinker and grain) STEVEDORES: See individual berths.
into trucks. Other equipment, such as payloaders, forklifts, mobile cranes,
etc., are also available for hire. MEDICAL: All facilities in Santo Domingo.
Bunkers: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 West’’ above. FRESH WATER: Fresh water available by truck.
Fresh water: See ‘‘Berth No. 1 East’’ above. FUEL: Fuel oil, diesel and intermediate fuels available by truck. Also see
Working hours: See ‘‘Berth No. 3 West’’ above. ’’Berthing’’.
REPAIRS: Minor repairs in Santo Domingo.
OTHER FACILITIES: See ‘‘Berths’’. CONSULS: In Santo Domingo.
TANKER FACILITIES: CBM operated by Refineria Dominicana de NEAREST AIRPORT: Las Americas International Airport in Santo
Petroleo, S.A. Domingo, 25 miles.
General Description: The approximate position of this facility is REPATRIATION: Possible.
Lat. 18␥ 24' N, Long. 70␥ 01.5' W. This new installation, consisting of
4 mooring buoys and 2 cargo hose pick-up buoys, off the port of Haina, is DEVELOPMENTS: Berth under construction. On completion there will
used for discharging LPG and refined petroleum products such as gasoline, be 750 m. of berthing space for 3 Ro-Ro vessels.
diesel fuel, etc., to the shore installations of the Refineria Dominicana de Container berth under construction, length 520 m.
Petroleo. The moorings can accommodate vessels up to 570 ft. LOA. Vessels SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: September 1994.
must have a derrick boom capable of handling a hose weighing approximately Vessel (On arrival):
3 tons. LOA: 226.25 m.
Restrictions: Vessels are docked during daylight hours only. Breadth: 32.2 m.
Depth: 19.6 m.
Tugs: A tug assists on arrival, mooring vessels bow pointing towards the Cargo onboard: 24,995 tonnes of fuel oil.
sea. Departure is normally without tug assistance. D.w.t.: 31,749 tonnes.
Hoses: For discharging, there is 1␺8 in. 300 ASA hose connected to the Displacement: 45,905 tonnes.
port side for LPG. For discharging clean petroleum products, the diameter Draft: Forward 26 ft. 9 in., aft 27 ft. 2 in.
of the hose is 8 in. Ship’s port crane or boom to be ready on arrival and Restrictions for Rio Haina:
manifold reducer fitted. Ship’s crew performs connection with supervision AA) Max. draft: 29 ft. Fresh water and even-keel.
from terminal personnel. BB) No max. length given. When asked, Pilots/Port did not have a
General Services: There are no facilities for supplying fuel, fresh water dedicated figure. Pilots/Port said vessel was OK for berthing.
and other port services. CC) Tankers only berth/unberth in daylight.
Shore Personnel: 5 personnel from ashore remain on board during the
duration of the discharge operations, and accommodation for them should Vessel arrived on 1st September at 0230 hrs. Pre-arrival ETA’s and
be provided by the vessel. For all other information regarding this facility messages to Agents had not been acknowledged by them. Called Pilots/Port
contact the Agent. on VHF prior to arrival, and after arrival, but no reply until 0530 hrs., when
we were advised that the Pilot would board at 0700 hrs. at the Pilot Station,
Before Boarding The Tanker: An inspection of the berth area must be which is about 3 nautical miles south of the port.
made from the mooring launch for wind and swell conditions. If these Pilot boarded at 0724 hrs. His knowledge of English was limited, but
conditions exceed the working limitations of the mooring launch, then the sufficient.
operation must be delayed until the weather improves. We entered the harbour through the entrance (buoyed channel), came
A decision to abort the berthing operation can be made under the following astern on the engines, dropped starboard anchor, and the tugs manoeuvred
circumstances: vessel alongside.
a) When swell measured on the graduations of the PLEM marker is As per plan, our berth was just inside the entrance. Sufficient speed is
estimated to be in excess of 2.0 m. required to pass through the narrow entrance channel (the tugs wait inside
b) When wind speed is in excess of 25 knots. for the ship) followed by the need to stop as quickly as possible (There was
c) When the approach to the berth is likely to be hindered by poor visibility about 10 m. clearance either side of the ship when passing the entrance
caused by an approaching rain front or by the onset of darkness. It is buoys). Therefore as soon as we were inside the harbour, it was engines up
estimated that a normal approach will take 45 minutes to 1 hour, and to full astern and drop the starboard anchor. The 2 tugs (3,000 h.p. each)
that visibility towards the shore is drastically reduced within a few then attended to assist in working us alongside, although neither made fast.
minutes after sunset. As a general rule, approaches to the berth should Ship’s engines and anchor were utilised in conjunction with the tugs to bring
not be considered after 1730 hrs. the ship alongside.
d) If the draft of the tanker is in excess of 9.5 m. (31 ft.) SW. The jetty was of solid concrete construction, fitted with large tyre fenders
Approach To The Berth: The tanker should be instructed to proceed to only. It was important to bring the vessel slowly and squarely in to the jetty
a point 1 nautical mile south of the CBM, and have a lee prepared for boarding to prevent any part of the ship falling in between the fenders and contacting
the Pilot on the port side and with all way taken off the ship. the jetty.
The initial approach is in a northwesterly direction with a gradual turn to Approaching the berth, a mooring boat attended to assist in running lines.
starboard (see ‘‘Plan’’). Speed must not be allowed to build up to an extent The first lines were head lines.
where engines have to be used to reduce it to a safe entry into the buoy Final moorings were as per plan.
area. Speed should therefore be kept to a minimum, consistent with steerage. Once in position, the forward part of the vessel was ahead of the forward
At no point during the approach must the vessel be allowed to cross the end of the jetty, and the headlines really were more like breast lines. All line
10 m. contour, and on the final approach, the PLEM marker must always be handling ashore was by ‘‘hand power’’, but there was sufficient manpower
on the port bow. To assist in these requirements, the Power Station chimney to enable the job to be done in a reasonable time.
and the Refidomsa flare must never be allowed to close, and Buoy Once alongside, the anchor was slacked until there was no weight on the
No. 2 should be used as a point of reference when entering the berth. cable. At this time, there were 4 shackles on deck. We expressed our concern
As an additional precaution, speed at entering the berth should be as low that the anchor itself was stuck out in the middle of the harbour with ships
as possible. With minimum way on the vessel, the starboard anchor can be passing over it. Pilot said all was OK and no other deep draft vessels would
dropped and the engines used to assist in turning the vessel into the berth. be passing over it during our stay.
Excessive speed at this point may require the use of stern movements to Wind was NNE to east during our stay, which kept vessel nicely alongside
reduce headway, and this may impart a sideways drift into the berth and the in conjunction with the moorings.
possibility of running over the hose and PLEM markers. 1␺8 in. hose was connected.
Mooring Operations: The starboard anchor should be dropped when the The ship’s accommodation ladder was lowered to the jetty for access.
bow of the tanker is just within the boundaries of the buoys and run out to Rat guards were fitted to all moorings, and hawse pipe guards were in
2 shackles. The vessel should at this stage be turning to starboard under place.
engines and rudder. By holding on to the starboard anchor, this swing will Agents, Authorities, surveyors, etc., were all friendly, and no problems were
be accelerated and allowed to continue until the bow has cleared Buoy No. 5. encountered.

832 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
The Agents advised they could be contacted via VHF, or could be buoys. The port anchor was then let go. Mooring lines were run by the mooring
telephoned from the Pilot’s office, which was about 200 m. from the ship. launch to the 4 mooring buoys (2 buoys, one on the port and starboard bow,
Two shore police officers were arranged by the Agent for security. These and 2 buoys, one on the port and starboard quarters). The mooring lines
turned out to be useful, as during the first night alongside there were were used to heave the vessel into position. Mooring arrangement was 3 lines
2 separate instances of thieves climbing the mooring ropes and gaining to each buoy, 2 from the bow and stern, and one from the main deck. All
access to the main deck. Fortunately on both occasions they were spotted mooring line leads were of medium length (see ‘‘Plan’’).
by ship’s staff and shore security, and they quickly fled, once they realised Cargo Handling Facilities: The manifold connection is located on the port
they had been discovered. side. Two steel submarine pipelines run from the Refidomsa storage tanks
Shore maximum back pressure allowed was 10 kg. Average discharge rate to the berth.
was 4,800 bbls./hr. The shore line was 10 in. and discharge was into 2 shore The ends of the pipeline are marked by 2 white marker buoys, and the
tanks. The tanks were 0.6 km. away and at a height of 42 ft. above sea level. cargo hose pick-up lines by red marker buoys.
Communications with the shore were verbally across the dock. The ship’s crane was used to lift the cargo hoses onboard, with the
Prior to departure, shore police boarded the vessel to carry out a stowaway assistance of the mooring launch (See ‘Plan’’).
search. The Pilot did not board until they had completed this search and Hoses: See ‘‘Plan’’.
cleared the ship. Ship’s staff also carried out their own search. SHIP OFFICER’S REPORT: December 1998.
On departure, all lines were let go and the anchor heaved in, which pulled Vessel: Tanker 41,000 d.w.t.
the ship off the berth. The Pilot taking us out was the son of the Pilot who Berth: Berth No. 1-2 west.
had brought us in. His English was very good. To prevent the stern swinging
in to the jetty, engines and rudder were also used. The two 3,000 h.p. tugs Entry: On entering the harbour from the south, the berth is to the NW beyond
the new breakwater, which has a navigation light located at the northern end.
attended but did not make fast. The vessel went ahead to the widest part of
the harbour (See ‘‘Plan’’) and turned to port, with one tug forward and one Berthing: The berth lies NNE – SSW, and is located at the northern end of
tug aft pushing. Engines were utilised to keep the vessel positioned during the west quay. It consists of a flat faced quay with flat faced fenders
the turn. The bow of the ship passed approximately 20 m. clear of the adjacent approximately 20 m. apart. There is a recess at the northern end of the quay.
jetty, although there was some more room to play with aft. Once turned Notice: Issued by the Port Authority in April 1998:
around, the tugs stood-off and the ship gathered speed to transit the channel. By means of this letter, we state here in that, as of this date, there is a
Once clear, the Pilot disembarked. minimum draft reading of 33.5 ft. alongside Piers No. 1 and No. 2 of Rio Haina
Occidental. These readings were taken using a manual sounding during this
OPERATOR’S REPORT: November 1995. morning.
Berth LOA Beam Draft Product Handled/ Remarks Signed: Director of Operations.
(m.) (m.) (m.)
Mooring: The ship berthed starboard side to. Mooring arrangement was
CDE Wharf 180 27.4 7.31 Black, fuel, LPG. 3-2-2 fore and aft. Wires were used for the spring lines and ropes were used
Falconbridge 180 26.2 8.53 Fuel oil. for all other mooring lines. All mooring lines were secured to conventional
Refidomsa (CBM) 170 – 9.50 White, LPG. Max. size mooring bollards on the quay. All leads were short to medium in length.
32,000 d.w.t. The ship’s gangway/ladder was landed aft of the cargo manifold on to the
Novapour return. quay (see ‘‘Plan’’).
Sugar Terminal 182 27.4 8.53 Black, Gas oil, Mogas.
Lubridom/CDE 170 26.0 8.83* Lube oil.
Cargo Handling Facilities: See ‘‘Plan’’.
* Draft if 15 – 20 ft. off Quay. Pollution: Anti-pollution equipment is located to the north of the shore
If alongside, max. draft is manifold.
21 ft. Firefighting Equipment: There is a fire pump located at the northern end
of the quay.
Refidomsa Buoy Moorings: The approximate position of this facility is Vessel: 41,000 d.w.t., chemical tanker.
Lat. 18␥ 24' N, Long. 70␥ 01.5' W. Berth: No. 1 – 2.
This installation, consisting of 4 mooring buoys and 2 cargo hose pick-up Pilotage: On arrival, the pilot ladder was rigged on the port side 1.0 m.
buoys, off the port of Haina, is used for discharging LPG and refined above the water. For departure, a combination/accommodation ladder and
petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, etc., to the shore pilot ladder were used on the starboard side 1.0 m. above the water.
installations of the Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo. Vessels must have a
boom to handle a hose weighing about 3 tons. The moorings can
VHF: Refidomsa Loading ‘‘Mastee’’ operates on Channel 71. Our Agent
‘‘Bravo Romeo’’ listens on Channel 16.
accommodate vessels up to 570 ft. LOA. Vessels are docked during daylight
hours only, and pilotage and mooring crew are compulsory. The Pilot boards Tug: Three tugs and 2 mooring boats were used during berthing operations.
about 1 mile south of the moorings. A tug assists on arrival, mooring vessels Vessel’s ropes used.
bow pointing towards the sea. Departure is normally without tug assistance. Berthing: The vessel berthed starboard side alongside. The depth alongside
Maximum draft: 31 ft. (9.5 m.) SW. the quay varied from 9.8 m. aft of midships to 11.0 m. forward and up to
Equipment: For discharging there is one hose to the port side, 8 in. 11.5 m. on the offshore side of the vessel at LW.
diameter, 300 ASA for LPG. For discharging clean petroleum products, the Arrival draft 8.15 m. fore and aft.
diameter of the hose is 8 in. Ship’s port crane or boom to be ready on arrival Moorings: The tie-up was 3-2-2 fore and aft. Wires were used for the
and manifold reducer fitted. Ship’s crew performs connection with supervision springs.
from Terminal personnel. Gangway: Ship’s accommodation ladder was used.
Storage facilities: The storage tanks of the Refineria Dominicana de Density: 1022.
Petroleo hold LPG, gasoline and diesel oil pumped ashore by vessels from SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: October 2002.
the Refidomsa Mooring Buoy. Vessel: 41,000 d.w.t., chemical tanker.
Note: Because of the nature of this installation, there are no facilities for Berth: No. 1 – 2.
supplying bunkers, fresh water and other port services. Five persons from VHF: Refidomsa Loading ‘‘Mastee’’ operates on Channel 71. Our Agent
the shore remain on board for the duration of the discharge operations, and ‘‘Bravo Romeo’’ listens on Channel 16.
accommodation for them should be provided by the vessel.
Tug: Three tugs and 2 mooring boats were used during berthing operations.
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: March 1998 (Updated 2000). Vessel’s ropes used.
Vessel: Chemical tanker, 40,700 d.w.t. Berthing: The vessel berthed starboard side alongside. The depth alongside
Berth: Berths No. 1 and 2. Operator Occidental. the quay varied from 10.0 m. aft of midships to 10.9 m. forward and up to
VHF: Port/Terminal operate on Channel 71. Agent ‘Bravo Romeo’ operates 11.4 m. on the offshore side of the vessel at LW.
on Channel 16. Arrival draft 8.75 m. fore and aft.
Drafts: The arrival draft was 9.0 m. even-keel fore and aft. Minimum depth Moorings: The tie-up was 3-2-2 fore and aft. Wires were used for the
alongside the quay is 9.6 m., with minimum depth off the berth at the bow springs.
being 10.0 m., in tidal range only 0.08 m. Gangway: Ship’s accommodation ladder was used.
Tugs: 3 tugs were used for berthing, meeting the vessel at the outer turning Density: 1022.
basin off Berth No. 1. The vessel then proceeded to the inner basin turning AUTHORITY: Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana, Margen Oriental, Puerto
to port and proceeding back to berth on the west bank of the river at Berths de Haina, Rio Haina, Dominican Republic. Tel: +1 (809) 537 7201.
No. 1 and 2. For turning the vessel, one tug secured to the bow, with one FAX: +1 (809) 535 8926. Contact: Port Manager.
pushing on the port quarter and one on the starboard shoulder. For berthing AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
the vessel alongside, only 2 tugs were used pushing on the port side.
Also see ‘‘Plan’’.
Berthing: The vessel berthed between Berths No. 1 and 2 at the end of a SAMANA (Puerto Duarte), including Arroyo Barril and El
continuous quay. We berthed starboard side alongside with mooring lines
tie-up 3-2-2 fore and aft with the springs being wires. Our vessel berthed Botado: 19␥ 12' N 069␥ 26' W (See Plan)
alongside 4 large low impact fenders.
Cargo Handling Facilities: The cargo was discharged via 3 hoses OVERVIEW: The port Samana is known by several other names. It is
(1␺8 in. and 2␺10 in.). sometimes called Puerto Duarte, at other times El Botado, and occasionally
Density: 1024. Arroyo Barril, because there is a landing strip of this name nearby.
Gangway: Ship’s accommodation ladder was landed on the quay. MAX. SIZE: LOA 700 ft., beam 120 ft. and draft 34 ft.
Current: The river current flows from north to south through the port. DENSITY: 1025.
SHIP OFFICER’S REPORT: July 1998. RESTRICTIONS: Day and night entry is possible.
Vessel: Tanker 41,000 d.w.t. PILOTAGE: The Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted by VHF
Berth: Refidomsa CBM. Channel 16. The Pilot will board at Punta Balandra. The entrance channel
Berthing: The CBM berth lies NW – SE, and is located south of Rio Haina is marked with 8 buoys. Pilot Tel: (809) 538-2283.
Harbour. The berth consists of 4 mooring buoys with 2 submarine pipelines ANCHORAGES: Deep water anchorage is available at several places in
leading from the CBM to the storage facility. Samana Bay, but it is highly recommended that the local Pilot be consulted
Mooring: The ship approached the berth from the south. The port and before anchoring.
starboard anchors were used during berthing. As the vessel approached the TUGS: None available locally. Tugs must come from Puerto Plata or Santo
mooring buoys, the starboard anchor was let go to assist in swinging the Domingo, if required.
stern to port, at the same time a tug pushed amidships on the starboard side. BERTHS: Arroyo Barril Berth: This finger pier is 230 m. (755 ft.) long and
Once the stern had been swung to port, the starboard anchor was heaved approximately 25.5 m. (84 ft.) wide and was built in the mid-1970’s, primarily
home. The vessel proceeded ahead, placing the bow between the 2 SE as a passenger terminal for the development of Samana Bay as a tourist

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 833
destination. The pier can accommodate vessels on each side. Access ramp Berth No. 2: Berth is 183 m. long, with apron approximately 20.0 m. wide
connecting the pier to the shore is 350 m. long and 13.5 m. wide. Mostly and height 1.5 m. above waterline at HW. Berth is used to export molasses,
refrigerated and dry cargo containers handled now at this facility, although but primarily bulk clinker and coal are discharged into two movable hoppers
occasionally some palletised and loose cargo moved. Very rarely a cruise by self-discharging vessels. The berth can also be used for general cargoes.
vessel will call at the port. Max. draft recently dredged to 7.92 m. (brackish water). However,
Maximum draft: 34 ft. (salt water). experience shows maximum safe draft to be approximately 7.31 m.
Storage facilities: An enclosed shed of 2,200 sq.m. Storage: None, except the pier itself is used for discharging bulk coal and
Equipment available: Forklifts, mobile crane and some other equipment clinkers as described above.
available. Contact Agent for details. Equipment: See ‘‘Berth No. 1’’ above.
STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Straight time working hours are Also see ‘‘Reports’’ dated August 2001 and June 2006.
0800 – 1200 hrs. and 1400 – 1800 hrs. Mondays through Fridays, and Berth No. 3: (Ferquido)
0800 – 1200 hrs. on Saturdays, except official holidays. Work may be ordered Berth is 262 m. long with apron approximately 18.0 m. wide and height
at overtime rates on holidays and around the clock, except on major holidays 1.2 m. above waterline at HW. Ferquido has four small hoppers on the pier
(New Year, Easter, Christmas, etc.). For ordering of gangs and stevedoring for discharging bulk fertiliser, and these are connected by conveyor belts to
rates, contact Agent. their fertiliser mixing and bagging plant. Berth is almost exclusively used for
MEDICAL: First aid and emergency treatment only. Further treatment discharging bulk fertiliser and loading in bags, although it can be used for
available in San Francisco de Macoris, about 1 hour’s drive by car. general cargoes.
FRESH WATER: Available on pier. Rate 6 t.p.h. Max. draft 7.00 m. (brackish water). Bottom is soft mud.
Storage: Ferquido has its own large warehouse for both bulk and bagged
FUEL: Available by tank truck from Santo Domingo. For prices and fertilisers.
conditions, contact Agent.
Equipment: Ferquido uses small grabs at the end of ship’s gear, and can
REPAIRS: No facilities for repairs. work up to four gangs. Depending on the number and capacity of the vessel’s
CONSULS: At Santo Domingo. gear, they achieve an average discharging rate from
NEAREST AIRPORT: Las Americas International and La Union 1,000 – 2,000 tonnes/day.
International in Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata respectively are Large vessels arriving to load swing inside the harbour using starboard
approximately a 4-5 hours’ drive by car. anchor and berth port side to quay. At a later date, barges are placed between
GENERAL: Charts: B.A. Chart No. 463. the ship and quay, to permit greater draft, and Pilot receives extra payment
for doing so. Use of gangway is recommended.
AUTHORITY: Harbour Master. Tel: (809) 538-2214. Also see ‘‘Shipmaster’s Report’’ dated June 2006.
Port Manager. Tel: (809) 223-0071.
BULK FACILITIES: Vessels loading sugar use ship’s gear and ship has
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. to supply rope slings. The chains on the centre sections of MacGregor
hatches are broken, and a gap of about 0.6 m. made, through which the
bags of sugar are bled into the holds at the rate of about 220 tons per gang
SAN PEDRO DE MACORIS: 18␥ 26' N 069␥ 18' W per day. Only 6 bags per sling are lifted at a time. Stevedores cover hatch
(See Plan) openings with tarpaulins when loading is completed for the day. They will
make up any extra slings that are required if ship supplies rope.
LOCATION: On the Higuamo River on the southern coast of the island, Also see ‘‘Ship Officer’s Report’’ dated August 2001.
about 60 km. east of Santo Domingo. TANKER FACILITIES: Pipeline diameter 8 in. Max. pressure 60 p.s.i.
Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
PORT LIMITS: See ‘‘Ship Officer’s Report’’ dated August 2001.
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. STEVEDORES: Working Hours: 0800 – 1200 and 1400 – 1800,
Mondays to Friday. On Saturday, half-day is worked from 0800 – 1200. Except
MAX. SIZE: LOA 198.1 m., beam 30.48 m., draft 7.31 m. on major holidays (New Year’s, Easter and Christmas), overtime may be
Tankers: LOA 213 m., draft 12.5 m. ordered on all days and work can be done around the clock and on weekends.
Larger vessels leaving port after loading may require to use port anchor Hatches: Crew.
to manoeuvre around sharp bend in buoyed channels just inside harbour
MEDICAL: Full medical facilities available.
Also see ‘‘Reports’’ dated August 2001 and June 2006. FRESH WATER: Due to low water pressure and limited extension of
pipeline, a pump and long water hose are required. This can sometimes be
DENSITY: Brackish water, density varies with tides and seasons. hired locally. Alternatively, fresh water can be supplied by tank truck.
RESTRICTIONS: Channel depth 8.53 m. Up to LOA 146.3 m. no FUEL: Fuel and diesel oil must be transported by tank truck from Santo
restrictions. Arrival and departure in daylight hours only. Domingo. The trucks carry either 19 cu.m. or 38 cu.m. For information and
Also see ‘‘Shipmaster’s Report’’ dated June 2006. prices contact Agent.
PILOTAGE: ETA required 24 hours before arrival. Pilot meets vessels Note: Presently not available for ships, due to local shortage.
0.5 miles from the Sea Buoy. Pilot Radio Station frequency is 2738 and 2638, REPAIRS: Minor repairs only.
also VHF Channel 16. In the event of bad weather, vessel should remain
3 miles south of the buoy. Pilot boards from small unmarked motor boat.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Emergency Tel: 911.
Also see ‘‘Ship Officer’s Report’’ dated August 2001. SECURITY/GANGWAY: Available.
ANCHORAGES: One mile south of the lighthouse; depth 18.29 m. Pilot REGULATIONS: Rat guards to be fitted on all ropes. No boats to be
will advise best location if requested. lowered without official permission.
Also see ‘‘Ship Officer’s Report’’ dated August 2001. CONSULS: In Santo Domingo.
PRATIQUE: In case of illness or death on board, send a cable before TELEPHONES: No telephones on board.
arrival; doctors available. NEAREST AIRPORT: Las Americas International Airport (Santo
TUGS: Compulsory. One tug 500 h.p. Tug joins vessel inside the port, Domingo) 30 km.
45.71 m. from the quay. CUSTOMS: Only sufficient for port consumption. Allowed take only two
Also see ‘‘Reports’’ dated August 2001 and June 2006. open packets cigarettes ashore.
Operators Berth Max. LOA Length Draft Remarks REPATRIATION: Can be arranged.
(m.) (m.) (m.)
Multiple terminal operators:
1 185 260 7.0 Cement, clinker, SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: June 2006.
general, molasses, Vessel: Chemical Carrier.
sugar Vessel Size: 11,600 d.w.t.
Cemex, and multiple terminal operators: Cargo: Branached alkyl benzene (BAB).
2 183 183 7.6 Cement, clinker, Berth: Berth No. 2.
chemicals, molasses,
Location: Lat. 18␥ 26.75' N, Long. 69␥ 18.65' W.
Ferquido and multiple terminal operators: Charts: BA Chart No. 467.
3 168 262 7.0 Bulk/bag fertiliser and Density: 1003 (berth).
sugar, molasses Approaches: The depth of the approach channel as per the pilot is 7.16 m.
Coastal Petroleum Dominicana: (HW). Range of tide is approximately 0.30 m. Seabed soft mud.
CBM East 213 260 12.5 Diesel, gas, petroleum The channel is marked by unlit buoys.
Cogentrix CBM West Diesel Pilotage: Pilot boards the vessel 1 n.m. south of the buoyed channel.
The port is used mainly for exporting sugar and molasses produced by Boarding from a small under-powered fishing boat flying Flag ‘‘H’’. Pilot listens
several sugar cane mills in the region. It is also used to import bulk fertilisers, on VHF Channel 16.
coal and cement clinker in bulk. Occasionally, fertilisers in bags and cement Restrictions: All manoeuvring operations are conducted during daylight
in bags are also exported in small vessels to the adjacent islands. Tankers hours only. Vessel was advised max. draft permitted is 7.01 m. and arrived
discharge fuel and diesel oil to shore tanks. with max. draft 7.00 m.
Berth No. 1: Pier is 260 m. long, with apron approximately 15.0 m. wide The Guide to Port Entry states depth as 8.53 m. However, vessel navigated
and height 1.0 m. above waterline at HW. However, about 100 – 150 m. of most of the channel with less than 0.1 m. under-keel clearance.
its length is occupied by a floating dry dock, Dominican Navy vessels and Max. Size: LOA 185 m., draft 7.01 m. It would be prudent to arrive with draft
other equipment. Pier can accommodate several vessels simultaneously, and not greater than 6.10 m.
is used primarily to load sugar for export. It is also used by vessels loading Tugs: Two available. 1␺1,000 h.p. used for berthing/unberthing using ships
molasses in bulk and for discharging bulk liquid petroleum products. lines. Tugs meet the vessel at the entrance to the channel, escorting vessel
Max. draft 7.62 m. (brackish water) about 6.0 m. from the pier, and 7.01 m. to berth and for unmooring, escorts vessel till clear of the buoyed channel.
about 3.0 m., from the pier. Alongside there is 5.49 m. of water only, due to Berthing: Three berths available. Vessel berthed at Berth No. 2, starboard
sedimentation by the river. side to. The berth had sustained damage in many places. Our vessel never
Storage: There is a general cargo shed alongside, but it is not presently in quite went alongside the berth, approximately 1.5 m. off the berth at all times
use. due to less depth alongside especially towards the after end of the ship.
Equipment: Because of the limited operations at this port, most equipment Least depth around the vessel checked by hand lead was 6.85 m. Vessel
must be transported from other ports. did not use any anchor for berthing.

834 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Cargo Handling: Vessel discharged BAB into trucks. Ship’s hoses were Granja Mora Bulk Cargo Berth:
used for the discharge. Discharge was quick and uneventful. This private installation is located on the east bank of the Ozama River,
Fresh Water: Available at the berth. a little over one mile from the entrance to the port. The berth is 130 m. long,
composed of a central platform 15 m. ␺ 12 m., and two dolphins. The channel
Repatriation: Via Santo Domingo. has about depth 6.10 m., brackish water. Airdraft restriction is 30.48 m. due
Time: GMT minus 4 hours throughout the year. to bridges encountered en-route.
Storage: Granja Mora has grain silos on the premises holding approximately
Shore Leave: Permitted, market/town is close and accessible by motorbike 6,000 tonnes of corn; these, however, must be fed by trucks, as there is no
taxis. conveyor belt system from ship’s side to the silos. There is also a tank farm
Stowaways: We maintained a strict watch throughout the stay. Vessel was for bulk liquids.
searched by local police prior to departure and later another thorough search Hoses: Vessel needs about 18.3 m. of hose. Granja Mora’s intake is 4 in.
was carried out upon departure. diameter.
Equipment: Due to the difficulty of access, it is very difficult to bring motor
AUTHORITY: Head Office: Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana, cranes or other large equipment to this berth. Discharging is ideally with
Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental, Oficina Central, Santo Domingo, ship’s gear. Small grab buckets may be hired for this purpose as well as
Dominican Republic. Tel: +1 (809) 537 7201. FAX: +1 (809) 537 1706. small payloaders. There is no hopper available at this facility.
Port Office: Contact: Port Manager (Tel: +1 (809) 529 2093). Harbour Working Hours: See ‘‘Pronalba Bulk Cargo Berth’’.
Master (Tel: +1 (809) 529 3383). Port Officer (Tel: +1 (809) 446 4257.
Fax: +1 (809) 415 3701).
Molinos Dominicanos:
A private berth belonging to the local flour mill of the same name located
AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. on the eastern bank of the Ozama River. It is a berth used exclusively for
bulk cargoes, mostly wheat, but occasionally corn and other grain and grain
products. This berth consists of dolphins with the stationary pneumatic
discharging equipment and conveyor system in the middle on a tower
SANTO DOMINGO: 18␥ 28' N 069␥ 53' W (See Plan) Storage: Molinos Dominicanos has silo storage for about 90,000 tonnes of
grain which are fed by a conveyor belt directly from the vessel alongside.
Discharging Equipment: Vessels are discharged with stationary pneumatic
LOCATION: On the south coast of the Dominican Republic. equipment (three suckers), and the ship must be warped by the crew to
position each hold which must be discharged. Average discharging from
MAX. SIZE: LOA 228 m., beam 30.48 m., draft 8.84 m. 75 – 88 tonnes per hour worked, depending on configuration of the vessel,
Also see ‘‘Berths’’. etc. Ship’s gear is not used, nor any other equipment. Power failures
DENSITY: Brackish inside harbour. Effect of tide negligible. frequently affect the number of hours worked, and hence the discharging
RESTRICTIONS: Limited entry and departure during night-time at Pilot’s Fuel: No delivery of bunkers at this berth, because tank trucks cannot reach
discretion and usually requiring bonus to Pilot. Vessels with deep draft or the vessel alongside. If emergency bunkers are required, an appropriate lay
other special conditions usually not handled after dark. berth must be arranged.
Working Hours: The flour mill works 24 hours a day, on weekends and most
Bridges: Vessels proceeding up river, height limited to 28.95 m. above water holidays (excepting New Year’s, Easter, Christmas) receivers paying for all
line. overtime expenses. Most common interruptions are power failures and when
PILOTAGE: Pilot arranged by Agent on basis of Master’s notice of ETA. shifting (warping by ship’s lines) from one hold to another.
Pilot and Agents can be contacted by radio telephone, frequency 2738, 2182,
and 2638 kHz. Pilot boards 1.5 miles off breakwaters. Pilot also on VHF
Pronalba Bulk Cargo Berth:
This facility is a private installation owned by the Lavador Group of
Channels 12 and 16.
companies, and used for discharging their own dry and liquid bulk cargoes.
ANCHORAGES: Deep-water anchorage available outside port. Pilot will It is used for handling tallow, caustic soda, liquid fat, etc., as well as feed
advise best location. grain ingredients such as corn, soybeans, soybean meal, peanut meal, etc.
The berth has a small central pier of approximately length 25 m. and width
PRATIQUE: Pratique granted after Health authorities have boarded and 12 m. and three dolphins for tying up the vessel. The vessel is warped
cleared vessel. In case of disease aboard notify Agents before arrival. alongside in order to shift discharging from one hold to another. This berth
Pratique is automatic when proceeding from another port in the same country. is on the eastern bank of the Ozama River, about 2 miles from the entrance
to the port. There is an airdraft restriction of 30.48 m. due to bridges en-route
TUGS: Tugs are available and compulsory for docking and undocking inside upriver.
the harbour. They will also join vessel outside for an additional fee, if required. Storage: Pronalba and Industrias Lavador have their own silos, warehouses
Two tugs are usually available with maximum 1,200 h.p. A tug of 2,000 h.p. and tanks for about 10,000 tonnes of dry bulk cargoes, and 5,000 tonnes
can be brought from Rio Haina, upon request and minimum 36 hours’ notice. liquid bulk cargoes on the premises.
Equipment: Pipeline from the berth to the tanks for the liquid bulk cargoes.
BERTHS: Dry bulk cargoes are discharged with a portable SKT conveyor which is
Berth LOA Beam Draft* Length Remarks attached either to the ship’s gear (if of sufficient capacity, i.e. 10 tons) or
No. (m.) (m.) (m.) (m.) handled by a motor crane hired for the purpose. Average rate of discharge
1 8.22 280 Containers, Ro-Ro, with this equipment from 20 – 50 tonnes/hr., depending on the type of grain
general cargo or meal being handled.
2 4.87 77 Containers, general Working Hours: Tankers may pump 24 hours around the clock, including
cargo Sundays and holidays without restrictions. Dry bulk cargoes are usually
3 5.79 167 Containers, general worked 24 hours around the clock including Sunday and holidays, with
cargo receivers paying the overtime differential.
4 5.79 290 Containers, Ro-Ro,
general cargo Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
5 3.96 379 Cruise CONTAINER FACILITIES: See ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Cargo Handling
6 5.79 125 Petroleum Facilities’’.
7 4.87 150 Small craft PASSENGER FACILITIES:
Agrotech 91 15.20 3.65** Bulk
Granja 106 18.28 4.87 130 Bulk, bulk liquid Sans Souci Passenger Terminal:
Molinos 213 30.48 8.22 Bulk Located on the eastern bank of the Ozama River, passengers are
Pronalba 121 4.87 Bulk, bulk liquid transported by bus or taxi to the Colonial Centre of Santo Domingo, which
San Souci: is about 3 km. from Sans Souci.
Passenger 8.53 300 Passengers Facilities: Terminal was built in the mid-1970’s and is operated by the Port
Liquid bulk 8.83 300 Bulk liquid Authority. Arrangements can be made for arriving/departing passengers.

* Brackish (almost salt water). Also see ‘‘Berths’’.

** Fresh water. OTHER FACILITIES: See ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Cargo Handling Facilities’’.
Sans Souci Liquid Bulk Cargo Berth:
Agrotech Bulk Cargo Berth: This berth, sometimes referred to as Punta Torrecilla, is located in Sans
This private facility is located on the Isabela River (a tributary of the Ozama) Souci on the eastern bank of the Ozama River nearest to the harbour
about 4 miles from the entrance to the port of Santo Domingo. It is used for entrance. The berth is fendered by three floating (10 m. ␺ 10 m.) pontoons.
the discharging of bulk cargoes only. The berth has a central platform of This berth is used exclusively for discharging liquid bulk cargoes to several
about 10 m. in length with dolphins used to tie up the vessel. Airdraft tank farms located at Punta Torrecilla, about 1 km. east. Mostly tankers call
restriction is 30.48 m. due to bridges en-route to the berth. here to discharge petroleum products, including fuel and diesel oil, lubricating
Storage: Small private silos for storage of corn and soybean meal holding oils, asphalt products, etc. Access to this area is restricted, because a small
about 6,000 tonnes. Dominican Naval Base and officers’ club are located at the eastern tip, and
Equipment: Receivers hire a small motor crane with grab bucket for all traffic must pass through these installations.
Storage: Tanks for petroleum products located at Punta Torrecilla owned by
discharging, as well as small payloaders for handling the cargo in the vessel’s
the major oil companies with various capacities.
holds. Discharging is into a hopper on the pier, which feeds a conveyor belt
Equipment: 5 in. pipeline with connecting valves and accessories is used by
to the silos. tankers to pump liquid petroleum products ashore to Punta Torrecilla. No
Working Hours: See ‘‘Pronalba Bulk Cargo Berth’’. other shore equipment available.
General: This berth is not being used very frequently due to the draft restriction
and difficulty of access. Usually no tugs are available here. This berth is Also see ‘‘Berths’’, ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’ and ‘‘Shipmaster’s Reports’’.
sometimes used, as well as several others nearby, either for topside repairs CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Berth No. 1: Enclosed Shed
to small vessels or for cutting up hulls. No. 1, operated by the Port Authority, 243 m. ␺ 37 m. with approximately
9,000 sq.m. storage capacity. Also open container and trailer yard and space
for motor vehicles.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 835
Forklifts of 4.5 tons, 6 tons and 10 tons. Motor cranes and other heavy Berthing: Our vessel berthed starboard side alongside. The berth consists
equipment may not be used at this berth, due to the poor structural condition of a flat faced quay with three platforms placed between the vessel and the
of the pier. quay. The fore and aft platforms had large Yokohama fenders in place, while
Berth No. 2: Enclosed Shed No. 2, operated by the Port Authority, is the central platform acted as the discharge platform (see ‘‘Plan’’). The
140 m. ␺ 24 m. with approximately 3,360 sq.m. storage capacity. Limited mooring line tie-up was 3-2-2 fore and aft.
space in open yard for containers. Drafts: Vessel’s arrival draft was 6.3 m. forward and 6.8 m. aft.
Equipment as ‘‘Berth No. 1’’. Depths: On the starboard side (inshore) of the vessel, the minimum depth
Berth No. 3: Shed No. 3, operated by the Port Authority, is 155 m. ␺ 19 m. was 8.3 m. and port side (offshore) 10.0 m. Max. depth observed was 11.0 m.
with approximately 2,900 sq.m. storage capacity. Open yard for containers, forward. Tide was +0.12 m.
trailers, vehicles and breakbulk cargo not requiring warehousing. Cargo Handling Facilities: Vessel discharged via 1␺8 in. flexible hose.
Motor cranes may be used for cargo handling. Density: 1016.
Forklifts of 4.5, 6 and 10 tons capacity are available. SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: July 2002.
Berth No. 4: No shed available at this berth. At additional cost and with Vessel: 41,000 d.w.t., chemical tanker.
some delays, one of the nearby sheds may be used for covered storage.
Open storage available for trailers, containers, etc.
Berth: San Souci Liquid Bulk Cargo Berth.
Equipment as ‘‘Berth No. 3’’. Berthing: The vessel berthed starboard side alongside. Three pontoons
Also see ‘‘Berths’’. were placed between the vessel and the quay. The fore and aft pontoons
had fenders. The depth alongside the pontoon fenders varied from 7.7 m. aft
STEVEDORES: ETAs required 24 and 12 hours prior to arrival to arrange of midships to 8.7 m. forward of the most forward pontoon and up to 10.5 m.
gangs. on the offshore side of the vessel.
Working Hours: 0800 – 1200 and 1400 – 1800 Mondays to Fridays, and Arrival draft 6.3 m. forward and 7.0 m. aft.
0800 – 1200 on Saturdays, except official holidays. Work may be ordered at Moorings: The tie-up was 3-3-2 forward and 4-4 (1-3) -2 aft. Wires were
overtime rates on holidays and around the clock, except on major holidays used for the spring lines.
(New Year’s, Easter, Christmas). For ordering gangs contact Agent. AUTHORITY: Head Office: Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana,
Opening/Closing Hatches: Performed by crew or stevedores. Km. 13 Haina Margen Oriental, Oficina Central, Santo Domingo,
MEDICAL: Medical attention can be arranged after vessel is cleared, Dominican Republic. Tel: +1 (809) 537 7201. FAX: +1 (809) 537 1706.
preferably ashore. Contact: Arsenio Borges, Executive Director. Harbour Master (Tel: +1 (809)
FRESH WATER: Available by pipeline or trucks. 593 5904). Port Manager (Tel: +1 (809) 682 8792). Port Commandant
(Tel: +1 (809) 682 5260).
FUEL: Available by truck at most berths.
Port Office: Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana, Francisco Camano, Avenida
DRY DOCK: Can accept vessels up to 121.92 m. long, 15.24 m. beam Del Puerto, Malecon, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
and 6.1 m. draft. Contact: Executive Director.
REPAIRS: Minor repairs only. AGENT: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: +1 (809) 682 3000.
Ambulance Tel: +1 (809) 682 4288. Fire Tel: +1 (809) 682 2000.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Compulsory gangway watch kept by Customs
CONSULS: All consuls at Santo Domingo.
TELEPHONES: No connection to vessels.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Herrera International Airport, 15 km. Las
Americas International Airport, 33 km.
CUSTOMS: Bonded stores are sealed.
REPATRIATION: Can be arranged.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are provided by Immigration
GENERAL: No boats to be lowered without official permission.
DEVELOPMENTS: Santo Domingo’s Sans Souci Tourism Wharf,
phase 1, is now under construction on the eastern side of Santo Domingo
Phase 1 of the project comprises the construction of a dock with a platform
measuring 250 m. in length by 31.40 m. in width. Totally made out of precast
prestressed concrete members, it is designed to accommodate
simultaneously two 20,000 metric ton displacement passenger ships or one
of 50,000 metric tons. Besides the dock itself, there is a 1,858 sq.m.
passenger terminal building to be built which will be equipped with all the
services and facilities necessary to allow cruises to originate in the new port.
Also under construction is a 1,000 tonnes potable water reservoir with a
190 cu.m./hr. pumping station.
The site selected, the eastern shore of Ozama River, is 15 minutes by car
from Santo Domingo’s Las Americas International Airport.
The entire harbour will be dredged to a minimum depth of 10.66 m. below
mean sea level.
The Sans Souci Tourism Wharf completed. Depth 8.53 m.
Phase 2 and Phase 3 consist of berthing facilities for one 20,000 tonne
displacement passenger ship each; construction of these additional berths
has not yet been ordered by the Government.
Vessel: Tanker 41,000 d.w.t.
Berth: Sans Souci Liquid Bulk Cargo Berth (Punta Torrechilla).
Berthing: The berth lies NE – SW. The berth consists of a flat faced quay
with three large pontoons secured alongside the quay by mooring chains.
The pontoons at either end have large cylindrical fenders. The length of the
pontoon berth is approximately 75 m.
There is an underwater obstruction inshore of the line of the pontoons, to
the east of the berth (see ‘‘Plan’’).
Mooring: The ship berthed starboard side to. Mooring arrangement was
2-2-2 forward and 3-2-2 aft. All mooring lines were secured to conventional
mooring bollards on the quay. All leads were short to medium in length.
The ship’s gangway/ladder was landed aft of the cargo manifold on the
westerly pontoon (see ‘‘Plan’’).
Cargo Handling Facilities: The shore cargo manifold is located on the
quay directly behind the central pontoon. The shore manifold consists of four
connections. There are three shore pipelines, with the two most easterly
connections branching off the same pipeline. Flexible hoses are used to join
the shore to ship’s manifold.
Pollution: There is an anti-pollution boom located behind the westerly
General: Access: There is a gate at either end of the quay and one next
to the manifold.
Vessel: Chemical tanker, 40,700 d.w.t.
Berth: Sans Souci Liquid Bulk Berth (Punta Torrichella).
Tugs: Three tugs were used on the vessel’s port side during berthing
operations. Two tugs (‘‘Hispaniola’’ and ‘‘Neyba’’) were used for pushing
midships and aft, with one (‘‘Saona II’’) made fast forward.

836 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)

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