Ivory Coast General General (See Plan) : Also See Abidjan SBM/MBM

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GENERAL (See Plan) PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Masters must advise ETA and draft,
24 hours and again 6 hours before their arrival, to the Port Commandant
(COMPORT) or in his absence, to the consignee. For a night arrival, the
GEO-POLITICAL: telegram must arrive at the station before 1700 hrs.
Capital City: Yamoussoukro. When at anchorage off Vridi Canal, vessels should watch for signals from
Nationality: (noun) Ivoirian, (adjective) Ivoirian. Vridi Signal Station, which keeps continuous watch, and advise them
Population: 20,617,068. regarding the time the Pilot will board their ship. Port Captain’s office and
Vridi Signal Station keep a permanent watch on VHF Channels 12 and 16.
COMMUNICATIONS: Agents may be obtained through Abidjan Radio on 2182 kHz. Abidjan Radio
International Direct Dial Code: 225. answers on 1813 kHz.
Number of Internal Airports: 7.
Major Languages Spoken: French (official), 60 native dialects with Dioula VHF: Port Control listens on Channel 16 and works on Channel 12.
the most widely spoken. Channel 12 is strictly reserved for the harbour traffic, and ships wishing to
talk to each other should do so on a ship-to-ship Channel 8.
ECONOMY: Also see ‘‘VTS/Radar’’.
Currency: 1 CFA Franc BCEAO (XOF) of 100 Centimes.
Exchange: (as of March 2010) VTS/RADAR: Installed in the Harbour Master’s office. Vessels can contact
US$ 1.00 ␦ XOF 488.99 port radar by calling ‘‘Comport Abidjan’’ on VHF Channels 16, 12 and 11, or
Exchange rates under licence from XE.com through Abidjan Radio, which keeps watch on Channel 16.
Main Industries: Foodstuffs, beverages, wood products, oil refining, truck TUGS: Tugs join vessel at the port entrance. Towing lines are provided by
and bus assembly, textiles, fertiliser, building materials, electricity and ship the tug. Tugs work on VHF Channel 8.
construction and repair. BERTHS: Bananier Quay: (Banana Carrier Quay): Length 350 m., two
ENVIRONMENT: berths, depth 7.0 m.
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m. North Quay: Length 775 m., five berths (No. 1 – 5) from east to west, depth
Other Maritime Claims: Continental Shelf: 200 n.m. 10.0 m.
Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m. West Quay: 1,525 m., 10 berths (No. 6 – 15) from north to south,
Coastline Extent: 515 km. depth 10.0 m.
Climate: Tropical along coast, semiarid in far north; three seasons - warm South Quay: 1,145 m., six berths (No. 16 – 21) from north to south,
and dry (November to March), hot and dry (March to May), hot and wet depth 11.5 m.
(June to October). Ro-Ro Berth: Length 200 m. Depth 12.5 m.
Natural Resources: Petroleum, natural gas, diamonds, manganese, iron A temporary Ro-Ro berth is located at the north quay of the fishing harbour,
ore, cobalt, bauxite, copper, gold, nickel, tantalum, silica sand, clay, cocoa length of the quay 350 m., depth 7.0 m.
beans, coffee, palm oil and hydropower. A quay 90 m. long, situated on the south bank of the lagoon between the
Natural Hazards: Coast has heavy surf and no natural harbors; during access canal and the discharge canal (Bietri Canal) extended by a system
the rainy season torrential flooding is possible. of piles, permits the mooring of vessels 140 m. long and with 7.92 m. draft.
Terrain: Mostly flat to undulating plains; mountains in northwest. This quay is called Siveng Quay and is reserved for the company of the
Average Temperatures: same name.
Month High Low Mooring buoys lined up in the north part of the port (Banco Bay) are used
January 32␥ C 23␥ C by vessels taking on timber.
June 28␥ C 22␥ C The quays of the port are not equipped with cranes, so loading and
September 28␥ C 22␥ C unloading operations are undertaken by vessels own gear.
BULK FACILITIES: Vessels arriving with cereals destined for Grand
Moulins d’Abidjan are received at Berth No. 1, or they are given a berthing
ABIDJAN: 05␥ 18' N 004␥ 00' W (See Plan) priority. Handling is by means of suckers and conveyor, average rate of
discharge 150 t.p.h. The capacity of the silos is 30,000 tons. The Grand
Also see Abidjan SBM/MBM Moulins are also equipped to load pellets in bulk at this berth. They can also
receive cereals for third parties; in this case the transporting vessel still
PORT LIMITS: The pilotage zone is limited by a circle with a 3.5 mile benefits from the mooring priority.
radius centred on the pier lighthouse of the west jetty of the entry canal. The handling companies Transafric and Socopao are also equipped with
DOCUMENTS: All ships calling at Abidjan to discharge cargo will have suckers (Vigan pumps) for discharge of cereals. Evacuation is then made
to supply on arrival altogether 13 sets of Cargo Manifests and 4 sets of either by tipper lorries (Transafric) or by direct discharge under hangar
Freighted Manifests for each port of loading (IMO Class Code for all (Socopao). The vessels are then directed to the ordinary berths and do not
hazardous cargoes), as the administration no longer accepts reproductions benefit from any mooring priority. The rates of discharge are 50 – 70 t.p.h.
of documents supplied by the Agents. Prime materials for manufacture of fertilisers are received in bulk at the
Furthermore, Masters are reminded to hand to Agents on arrival the Siveng Quay where discharge is by derricks and suckers.
following: The timber yard is situated in the north part of the port. It is bordered by
5 Animal Lists (or nil) a quay of 380 m. from which the timber is put in the water or loaded on
Arms and Ammunition List (or nil) barges before being towed to the vessel on which it is to be loaded. The
4 Bonded Stores Lists equipment of this park (yard) is as follows: 10 ton and 10 ton gantry cranes,
4 Crew Effects Declarations 10 ton derrick, 36 ton and 1 ton forklifts.
6 Crew Lists The park for discharged timber is situated between the west quays and
5 Ports of Call Lists the fishing port; it is bordered by a quay of 350 m. called Quai de Chalandge
5 Narcotics Lists (or nil) (lighterage quay), depth 2.5 m. The equipment for this park comprises: 50 ton
6 Passenger Lists (or nil) and 12 ton forklifts.
4 Stores Lists CONTAINER FACILITIES: Four berths (No. 22 – 25) each 200 m.
1 Vaccination List length are in service. A study with regard to equipping these quays with
Furthermore, the attention of Masters is drawn to the fact that the customs gantry cranes is being undertaken. The area of the container park is
services are strictly enforcing the control regulations on incoming vessels 60,000 sq.m. Loading and unloading of the containers is by ship’s gear.
and very heavy fines are imposed in cases of omission or mistakes in Transport on the quays is made by trailers.
Declarations of Slop Chests, Stores Lists etc. OTHER FACILITIES: Ro-Ro Berth: This berth has a park of
All manifests and Bills of Lading should refer to the IMO class code for approximately 40,000 sq.m.
hazardous cargoes. Details of the ramp of the temporary berth, situated on the north quay of
It should also be noted that hazardous cargo found and not mentioned in the fishing harbour are as follows: width 17.0 m., height above chart datum
above documents will have to remain on board. 1.5 m., permissible loading 20 tons by pulley. The height of the quay above
Also see ‘‘Notices’’ and ‘‘Shipmasters’ Reports’’. datum is 1.8 m.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 243 m., draft 10.06 m. Greater LOA may be accepted. The port has two floating cranes: one with 150 tons capacity and one of
For drafts over this limit, a special request should be addressed to the port 25 tons capacity.
authorities, who, after taking the tide and current into consideration, will Reefer Cargoes: The banana carrier quays are provided with air
decide whether or not the vessel should enter. conditioned and stocking hangers as well as necessary equipment for
Tankers: Draft 9.45 m. loading.
Also see ‘‘Abidjan SBM/MBM’’. SOGIP Shipping: Private quay for fishing vessels. Cold room with capacity
DENSITY: Varies from 1025 in January to 1000 in November. of 2,200 tonnes at ␤20␥C.
RESTRICTIONS: Ships may enter or leave Abidjan only between certain TANKER FACILITIES: Two oil wharfs situated on the east bank of the
time limits. These limits can be obtained from the Pilot Station on access canal accommodate large vessels of more than 200 m. with a max.
Channel 12 or from the local Agent no more than 3 or 4 days ahead of time. draft of 9.45 m.
PILOTAGE: About 1 hour prior to arrival ships equipped with VHF shall Palm oil is usually taken on board at Berth No. 16 where two pipelines
confirm to the pilot station, on Channels 12 or 16, their correct hour of arrival come from the oil depots. The diameter of these pipelines are 4 in., and the
off the roads; then the boarding time for Pilot shall be communicated. It is flow rate is 250/280 t.p.h. Vessels mooring at this berth do not have priority.
essential that these times are clearly understood both by ship and pilot station. These oils may be taken on board at any other berth by tankers.
Ships shall stay in a position so they keep across the swell and the wind Wine in bulk is also received at the ordinary berths and also discharged
which both generally come from the south and they shall put the pilot ladder by tankers.
on the lee side, i.e. port if steering eastward, starboard if steering westward. Mooring of tankers at the wharves of the Vridi Canal is made at slack water
Pilotage is compulsory, except for shifting alongside quays. For ships and departure at the end of high tide. It is also to be noted that, in spite of
leaving harbour or shifting within harbour limits, request for a Pilot should be reinforced moorings, the mooring to these wharves is sometimes rendered
made at the Harbour Master’s office at least 3 hours before sailing or shifting. impossible because of the heavy swell which builds up in the canal.
For a night sailing or shifting, request must be made before 1700 hrs. Also see ‘‘Shipmasters’ Reports’’ and ‘‘Abidjan SBM/MBM’’.
Warning: When embarking Pilot, keep well clear of sandbank extending STEVEDORES: Gangs must be ordered before 1700 hrs. on the previous
from entrance to Vridi Canal. day.
ANCHORAGES: Vessels may anchor on the outer road in 20 – 30 m. of MEDICAL: All medical services and hospitalisation can be arranged
water, firm sandy bottom, also to the south and to the west of the west jetty without difficulty. Crew members are obliged to have valid certificates against
of the Vridi Canal. yellow fever.
PRATIQUE: Request for free pratique is given by the Agent to Port Health FRESH WATER: Supplied from the quay at the rate of 40 t.p.h. per
Authority, who will board vessel on arrival. hydrant. Can be supplied by barge.

1592 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page x)

FUEL: 1500 secs. fuel available from Abidjan Refinery. Notice required. CUSTOMS: Each man allowed to retain 200 cigarettes and one bottle of
DRY DOCK: CARENA: Operator: Compagnie Abidjanaise de alcohol.
Reparations. Tel: +225 (20) 222227. Fax: +225 (20) 216056. SHORE LEAVE: Allowed without restriction.
Email: carena@carena-ci.com Web: www.carena-ci.com Also see ‘‘Notices’’.
Facilities: Two floating docks m, capacity 10,000 tons and REPATRIATION: Can be arranged. m., capacity 2,000 tons. Three floating cranes 12 – 100 tons. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Should be carried by crew going ashore.
REPAIRS: See ‘‘Dry Dock’’. DEVELOPMENTS: The port extension project of the Locodjro site (west
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 355757. Fire Tel: 238/82. bank of the Bay of Banco) to be constructed. Facilities to include container
Ambulance Tel: 238/82. terminal, mineral terminal, additional fishing port, clinker berth and additional
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Services of shore watchmen are general cargo berths. 20 ton gantry cranes to be installed.
recommended. SHIP OFFICER’S REPORT: August 1994
Also see ‘‘Notices’’. Vessel: Tanker.
PIRACY: February 1988: Whilst at anchor overnight awaiting berth, vessel Berth: SIAP Berth (Texaco-Total-Agip) in Vridi Canal (also see ‘‘Plan’’).
was boarded by armed pirates who threatened crew and stole stores and Vessel’s Characteristics: Double hull tanker. LOA 135 m., beam 20.0 m.,
crew effects. draft at berth 6.50 m. Bow propeller and pitch propeller. 11,380 d.w.t. Total
Vessel berthed in morning and worked from 0730 – 1930 hrs. During the cargo on board on arrival at Abidjan 8,200 tonnes Avogas 100 LL.
night, whilst alongside, the vessel was again boarded and plundered.
Anchorage: Vessel anchored in position Lat. 05␥ 12.8' N,
HOLIDAYS: 1 May and 7 December no work can be carried out. Other Long. 004␥ 02.4' W, 1.6 miles from land, and waited for berth. During the
holidays which may be worked at overtime rates are: 1 January, Easter night, it is recommended to keep a good watch to prevent possible actions
Monday, Whit Monday, Ascension Day, 1 November, Christmas. against vessel and crew. All doors of the living quarters were closed, except
NOTICES: the bridge entrance. Also, all the doors to deck stores were secured, including
Agent’s Notice to Masters : engine room external entrance, so the vessel was completely safe. It is also
Dated 1968. recommended to clear all the equipment from lifeboats and close the free-fall
DOCUMENTS – SECURITY – WARNINGS. launch, if vessel is equipped with one. To discourage boarders, we suggest
In order to comply with the various local regulations and meet the different illumination of the sea every 15/20 minutes with the searchlight. During the
Port of Abidjan Authorities requirements, we give below, the necessary night, there were two persons on watch and nothing occurred to the ship and
instructions, information and warnings. crew.
Documents: Upon arrival you will have to hand over the following Berthing: The Pilot boards on the starboard side close to the entrance of
documents to the corresponding authorities: the Vridi Canal. It is recommended to leave the QR Whis ‘‘AN’’ Buoy on port
1. To the Agent: 4 Crew Lists, 4 Ports of Call Lists, 4 Passenger Lists, side as the ship proceeds for berthing with inward tide. The tug joins the
1 Store List, 1 Animal List, 1 Crew Declaration List, 1 Drugs List, vessel in Vridi Canal and the towing line is provided by ship. When in position,
1 Arms and Ammunition List, 2 full sets of Inward Manifests. drop port anchor (useful for unberthing), and start mooring operations with
2. To the Customs Officers: 1 Crew List, 1 Ports of Call List, 1 Passenger head/stern line (only one by mooring boats). As soon as possible arrange
List, 1 Store List, 1 Crew Declaration List, 1 Drugs List, 1 full set for springs and breast lines, and when the ship is well positioned, complete
Inward Manifest. mooring operation of 3/2/2 at Total. Pay attention when vessel is close to
3. To the Police Officers: 1 Crew List, 1 Ports of Call List, 1 Passenger the circular cement dolphins, as they are not well equipped with fenders.
List, 1 Animal List, 1 Arms and Ammunition List. Berthing is always starboard side alongside. Gangway with net to be supplied
4. To the Health Officers: 1 Crew List, 1 Ports of Call List, 1 Passenger by the ship. Hoses of 6 in., 8 in. and 10 in. are fitted by shore personnel. It
List, 1 Animal List, 1 Vaccination List. is recommended to have other ropes ready as Vridi Canal is the access to
5. Remarks: We must stress that all these above documents must be the port, and when vessels of deep draft transit the Canal, ranging at the
correctly and accurately completed, your attention is especially drawn berth occurs. When alongside, keep all doors and bridge closed, to prevent
to the documents given to the Customs Officers: Store List, Crew stowaways entering accommodation.
Declaration List, Drugs List, which will be thoroughly checked and Documents: Before arrival prepare following documents:
any discrepancies could lead to heavy fines to the vessel. 4 Animal Lists
Customs Regulations require that any item which is not absolutely 4 Arms and Ammunition Lists
necessary to the functioning of the ship must be declared. This 4 Cargo Manifest Lists (including cargo even if in transit)
concerns mainly any television, radio, video, or other electrical 4 Crew Effects Declarations (any items such as
apparatus belonging to the ship which have to be mentioned on the radios/cameras/hi-fi/gold/watches/souvenirs/currency/etc.)
Store List together with all items usually declared. 10 Crew Lists
Also for exchange control operations, Customs require that any 4 Deck/Engine Stores Lists (see ‘‘Appendix’’ below)
amount of foreign currency which is either personal to a crew member 4 Lists of Ports of Call
or belonging to the ship’s funds in excess of CFA150.000 per man 4 Narcotics Lists, with expiry dates
(approx. USD335.00) must be declared on the Provisions or Crew 4 Ship’s Currency Lists
Declaration List. 4 Stores and Provisions Lists
Security: You are hereby advised that security wise, Abidjan Port is quite 4 Stowaway Lists
unsafe these days, and Master must protect his ship against the following: 4 Vaccination Lists (Cholera and Yellow Fever compulsory)
Robberies and Pilferage of Cargo and Vessel Property: Police officers Immigration, Port Health Authority, fire brigade, Customs and many
watch is compulsory on vessel discharging foodstuffs. However, additional shipchandlers, the Agent and four watchmen board on arrival. It is very
watchmen (private or police) are recommended to avoid robberies and important to cooperate with authorities, especially (repeat especially) with
pilferage of cargo. Please discuss this matter with your Agent who can order Customs.
the necessary watchmen at your request and for your account. No difficulties encountered and no fines occurred to the ship and authorities
It is further recommended to keep all cabins closed and keep a watch at were very friendly.
the entrance to the living quarters. Leaving the Berth: Pilot joins vessel from shore. Make sure that stowaway
Prostitution: Even though they are not allowed to enter the port area, check is done.
prostitutes board vessels either from shore or lagoon side. The anchor and tug (ship’s line) used to shift vessel from berth, and as
You are hereby informed that such practices are strictly prohibited and soon as the anchor is clear, tug leaves the ship and remains for assistance
vessel will be prosecuted and fines levied by police in case prostitutes are only. Ship turned in Vridi Canal, near the berth, using the bow propeller only
found on board your vessel. and making optimum use of the outward current/tide. Pilot leaves ship from
port side as vessel leaves Vridi Canal.
Warnings/Smuggling: We draw your attention on the strictness of the local
Customs regulations and hereby warn you and your crew of the heavy risks Appendix:
taken in case of any attempt at smuggling. Port . . . . . Date . . . . .
We strongly warn crew members not to deal with anyone trying to sell local Ship’s Manifest of Deck and Engine Stores
produce (such as cocoa or coffee) or to buy any part of your cargo or personal Televisions ..... Interface .....
effects (such as radios, televisions, videos, watches, sugar, rice, fish, etc.). Video Rec. Player ..... Interface Sample .....
Please note that some of these ‘‘dealers’’ are ‘‘Agent Provocateurs’’ and the Radio Cass. Player ..... Flash Light (new) .....
Customs usually prosecute the vessel with fines out of all proportions. Video Tape ..... Flash Light (used) .....
You are also reminded that crew members are not allowed to carry in and Electr. Calculator ..... Lantern .....
out the port any personal effects or provisions of any value. Typewriter ..... Cell for Lantern .....
Copy Machine ..... Cement .....
CONSULS: The following countries are represented locally: Binoculars ..... Rags .....
Algeria Gabon Norway Walkie-Talkie ..... Tow .....
Argentina Germany Poland Safety Shoes (new) ..... Soda .....
Austria Ghana Romania Work Suit ..... Sawdust .....
Belgium Guinea Russia Rain Coat ..... Mooring Ropes .....
Benin Guinea Bissau Senegal Gas Tester ..... Wire Ropes .....
Brazil India Spain Sounding Line ..... Whip .....
Canada Israel Sudan Oxygen Detector ..... Paint .....
Central African Republic Italy Sweden Cell Batteries ..... Solid Soap .....
Chile Japan Taiwan Explosimeter Cal. Kit ..... Liquid Soap .....
Colombia Korea Tunisia Explosimeter ..... Powder Soap .....
Congo Lebanon UK Work Gloves ..... Line .....
Congo, DR of Liberia USA Rubber Gloves ..... Thinning .....
Denmark Mali Upper Volta Eskimo ..... Paint Brush .....
Egypt Mauretania Vietnam Company Flags (new) ..... Paint Roll .....
Ethiopia Morocco Zambia Wipping Waste ..... Ipoc. Sodium .....
Finland Netherlands Neon Tube ..... Elec. Bulb .....
France Nigeria Small Cup ..... Cup .....
Saucer ..... Coffeepot .....
TELEPHONES: Can be connected on board if requested for vessels Table Knife ..... Spoon .....
moored at Quays No. 1, 2, 4 and 5. Coffeespoon ..... Fish Knife .....
NEAREST AIRPORT: Abidjan International Airport, 10 km. Nutcracker ..... Peppermill .....

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page x) 1593

Laddle ..... Saucepan ..... Berthing: Ship berthed starboard side alongside at Berth No. 1, discharging
Tin Opener ..... Glasses ..... wheat using shore gear, only one unit from factory, discharging rate 110 t.p.h.
Hot Plate ..... Plates ..... Gangway/Deck Watchman: Compulsory to employ watchman.
Oil & Vinegar Cruet ..... Sugar Bowl ..... General: Two ship’s headlines were secured to a buoy. At 0300 hrs. two
Cheese Bowl ..... Ice Bucket ..... thieves using a small boat cut the lines attached to the buoy. They fled when
Soup Tureen ..... Towel ..... discovered.
Single Sheet ..... Double Sheet .....
Pillow Slip ..... Table Cloth ..... SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: December 1998
Napkin ..... Mess Jacket ..... Vessel: Tanker, 30,000 d.w.t.
Bed Cover ..... Blankets ..... Berth: Petroci, Societe Ivoirienne de Raffinage Terminal.
Baker Shovel ..... Cutlery Kit ..... Cargo: HPFO.
Engine Oil ..... Diesel Oil ..... Port Formalities: The Agents were very helpful. Dealings with customs
Fuel Oil ..... and the port authorities were handled very judiciously. They also provided
Plus anchors, chains, nautical instruments, cabin furniture, kitchen utensils, all necessary information and kept the vessel informed about delays in
deck and engine equipment/furniture for navigation. berthing.
Signed . . . . . . . . Master. The port authorities were courteous and left upon completion of
documentation, having received normal gratuities.
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: December 1995 The Agent sends a message listing documents required:
Vessel: Tanker. 7 Arms/Ammunition Lists
Vessel Size: 41,000 d.w.t.. 3 Crew Effects Declarations
Berth: Petro Ci (T-type jetty).. 8 Crew Lists
Cargo: Gasoline (transhipped to vessel at next berth via shoreline).. 3 Dangerous Cargo Lists
Terminal: Societe Ivoirienne de Raffinage. 7 Drugs Lists
Connection: 1 in. hose. 7 Narcotics Lists
7 Passenger Lists
General: Pilot boards at stated pilot station, one Pilot for all operations. 7 Ports of Call Lists
Vessel moored starboard side to (3-2-2) and used port anchor. Leads for Shore passes are required by all intending to go ashore
moorings are good, both forward and aft. Springs sent from poop without 3 Stores List (with deck, engine, cabin and bonded items)*
problem. Mooring boats used forward and aft. Two tugs used, pushing 7 Stowaway Lists
alongside only, without making fast. 3 Vaccination Lists
Shore gangway used, good position and manoeuvrable. Jetty surrounded * Note from Agents regarding Stores List: ‘‘We draw your particular attention
by security fencing and both jetty and gate manned at all times. to the quantity of paint, thinners, chemicals, grease, lube oil, cement, arrival
Jetty is in Canal de Vridi and strong currents can be experienced, especially bunkers, empty drums, full drums, VCRs, video cassettes, refrigerators and
during rainy season. Maximum current encountered 1 knot. washing machines. Everything onboard must be declared to avoid heavy
Agents were very helpful and can be contacted via VHF throughout. customs fine.’’
Company mail received onboard and crew changes carried out without many The customs were very particular in checking all stores items, so do not
problem. We were warned that customs authorities are most particular about
forget to take into account allowances for gratuities.
Stores Declaration, down to the number of drums of grease onboard. We
The vessel was also boarded by the Port Control authorities who checked
were advised to conduct meeting with Customs in crew messroom as
all ship’s certificates, officers Certificates of Competency, Carriage of
opposed to general office. All other officials were very courteous, congenial
Dangerous Cargoes Certificates, and went around checking all safety
and prompt. Customs did not attend vessel.
Information obtained from Loading Master is that if loading cargo at this equipment on board.
berth, only 10 in. chicksan is available for each grade and the normal loading Approaches: Vessel contacted ‘‘Comport Abidjan’’ on VHF
rate given is 800 cu.m./hr. Channels 16 and 68, about 2 hours prior to arrival at the roads and passed
There is a vast amount of weed and grass floating in and out of the canal on all particulars. As there were no instructions for berthing, I preferred to
on the tide. This becomes choked alongside jetty and around the vessel, drift about 12 miles off the harbour entrance, to avoid boarding by pirates.
giving the appearance of being moored in a field. As a precautionary measure, all doors were kept closed and only the bridge
Vessel berths and sails on slack water. access door was left open. Additional locks were placed on storerooms and
Pirates: Whilst waiting at anchorage, this vessel was attacked by pirates. two persons were on continuous deck watch at night. There were no
Pirates also attacked another tanker at anchor in ballast condition. occurrences, except on one occasion, when a boat tried to approach but
turned away due to the presence of a vigilant deck watch.
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: November 1997 During daytime, the vessel moved close inshore to pick up the cargo
Documents: The following documents are required: surveyor for sampling. Numerous small local craft approached the vessel
4 Animals Lists offering local fruits in exchange for empty drums, ropes, etc., but were not
4 Arms and Ammunition Lists
2 Bonded and Provision Stores Lists
Pilot boarded the vessel off the AN Buoy (characteristic QR with whistle)
8 Crew Lists
6 Dangerous Cargo List. and berthed the vessel. The entrance to the Vridi Canal is made with extreme
Dangerous Cargo List and Crew List must be sent 48 hours prior to arrival. caution and vessels should use maximum power with good steerage,
2 Deck Declarations especially loaded tankers, as the stream setting towards the banks can attain
2 Engine Declarations a rate up to 5 knots. The leading lights marking the entrance are well marked.
4 Kroo Boy Lists The Pilot informed us that when currents are over 2 knots in the canal, the
4 Mail Lists canal is closed for navigation.
1 Maritime Declaration of Health Berthing: Port anchor was dropped off the berth and the vessel was pushed
4 Narcotics Lists towards the berth by two tugs (tugs are not made fast). The tugs and mooring
4 Parcel Lists boats passed at the earliest opportunity, all the mooring lines except the
4 Passenger Lists spring lines. Head lines and stern lines were passed first, to position the
2 Personal Effects Declarations vessel. All stern lines were secured to a buoy, and one must have rope
6 Ports of Call Lists stoppers ready for securing to the buoy. The mooring arrangement was
2 Ship’s Stores Inventories 4-2-3 fore and aft with 7 shackles on deck on the port anchor. Pilots and tugs
4 Stowaway Lists left as the last line was secured.
1 Vaccination List The berth is offset from the centre of the main channel and berthing is
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: March 1998 always starboard side alongside. Whilst at the berth, it was noticed that the
Documents: Prepare all forms so acceptable format by INM-C. vessel surged continuously, and at times about 2.0 – 4.0 m. Strong current
Before berthing and to avoid any custom’s fines please prepare the and ships passing close by result in heavy surging, often causing mooring
following: ropes to part. Broken lengths of spring or breast lines can be retrieved by
6 Animals Lists the ship’s crew, but for head and stern lines, the services of a mooring boat
6 Arms/Ammunitions Lists from the Port Authority is required. If left unattended overnight, there is every
3 Crew Declaration Lists possibility that the mooring line tails will be missing by morning. The vessel
10 Crew Lists had a few instances of ropes parting that had to be replaced immediately.
6 Dangerous Cargo Lists With the help of a passing local craft, the mooring line tails could be retrieved.
6 Narcotics Lists Ship’s gangway is to be used, but due to constant surging, made
10 Passengers Lists accessibility difficult. The MOT ladder was used instead. Gangway net and
10 Ports of Call Lists rat guards are to be put out upon berthing as inspectors from the Harbour
3 Provisions Lists. Master’s office board at any time and impose heavy fines in case of absence.
3 Stores Lists Unberthing: When unberthing, one tug was made fast aft with ship’s line after
6 Stowaways Lists vessel had singled up to a head and spring line. Once the vessel had let go
Check on arrival bunkers, all kinds of paints, chemicals in the engine room, and cleared the berth, the tug was cast-off and then used to assist the vessel
solvents, thinners, etc. Declare soft drinks, beers, liquors, radios, videos, in turning around in the turning basin at the inner end of the channel. The
video cassettes, films, cigarettes, engine and deck stores, acetylene, oxygen Pilot disembarks just off the Vridi Canal entrance from the lee side.
and freon (empty or full) bottles, personal belongings, refrigerators, washing Cargo Operations: Normally 1 in. hose is connected for discharging fuel
machines, grease, filters and currency. Everything should be declared to
oil (once had a 6 in. hose connected). The maximum discharge rate achieved
avoid custom’s fine and arrest of the ship because customs here are very
strict. using an 8 in. hose connection was 750 cu.m. per hour. Towards the
Be careful because bunkers may be checked on berthing. completion of discharge, caution has to be observed, as there is often
Declare all stores including those which are kept aside for presents. excessive back pressure (up to 200 p.s.i.), forcing the vessel to stop
discharging until the pressure has eased. The Loading Master and Cargo
Officials: Customs officers count everything in bonded stores, if any Surveyors are only present while starting discharge and towards completion.
discrepancies, this will result in a heavy fine. Even with no mistakes they
also ask for many cartons of cigarettes, whisky, beer and soft drinks. After Repatriation/Mail: Crew changes, crew mail and spares handled without
giving out presents Master can take what he needs for entertaining in harbour any problems.
from bonded store, then Customs officer seals it. Gangway/Deck Watchman: Three watchmen are posted onboard from
There are many port officers who come on board, checking something but the Agency, and they often act as interpreters and are helpful.
ask just for present. The sludge oil declaration should be correct. Garbage Disposal: Garbage collection service is provided daily, at a
Max. Size: Draft limit (sea water) 10.50 m. charge.

1594 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page x)

Storing: Ship chandlers can offer seasonal fresh provisions and other BERTHS:
general stores, but at very high rates and of poor quality.
Multi Buoy Mooring Terminal (MBM): This terminal is designed to
AUTHORITY: Port Autonome d’Abidjan, BP. V85, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. provide loading facilities for heavy fuel oil, and discharging facilities for heavy
Tel: +225 2123 8000, 2123 8280. FAX: +225 2123 8080, 2123 8282. fuel oil and crude oil.
Telex: 42318 DGPAA CI. Email: info@paa.ci.org Web: www.paa.ci.org It can accommodate ships from 30,000 – 80,000 d.w.t., length 170 m. (min.)
Contact: Director General. to 250 m. (max.)., max. draft 13.7 m. Derrick to have minimum SWL of
8 tonnes. Diameter of manifold 12 in.
A 24 in. nominal flow line connects the terminal to the refinery
ABIDJAN SBM/MBM: 05␥ 18' N 004␥ 00' W (See Plan) (approx. 5 km.). The underwater hose system consist of two hose strings of
12 in. which do not float (each 60 m. long). They are on the sea bed
Also see Abidjan (16 – 20 m. depth).
This terminal consists in eight moorings as follows:
LOCATION: Multi-Buoy Mooring Terminal (MBM): 1 n.m. in a a) 2␺7 tons anchors and 2␺80 mm. ␺ 30 m. chains (except
170␥ direction from Port Bouet Lighthouse (Lat. 05␥ 14' N, No. 8 which only has one anchor)
Long. 003␥ 57.5' W). b) A 90 m. (3␺30 m.) master chain, 80 mm. thick on sea bed
Single Buoy Mooring Terminal (SBM): 1.2 n.m. in a 210␥ direction from Port c) A 21 m. (9 m. and 12 m.) chain line linking the master chain to mooring
Bouet Lighthouse (Lat. 05␥ 13.7' N, Long. 003␥ 58' W). buoy
Territorial Waters: The sovereignty of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire extends d) A 5 ton cylindrical mooring buoy (except No. 8)
to 12 miles from the lowest sea water mark along coast. e) A steel mooring cable (46 mm. ␺ 200 m.) for Buoys No. 1 – 4 and
(46 mm. ␺ 300 m.) for Buoys No. 5 – 8.
CHARTS: French charts issued by the Marine Hydrographic Department When not in use, the cables are laid on sea bed. The cable ends end with
No. 5853, 6126, 6127.
a 22 mm. cable with a marking buoy.
Nautical Publications: French Nautical Instructions, Volume V, Series C, Vessel will berth at SIR MBM with both anchors out and 8 terminal wires
Africa West Coast. secured as follows:
Book of Lights and Fog Signals, Series C. a) four around the stern
DOCUMENTS: Boarding Formalities: The port of Abidjan, Pilot is b) two on the main deck forward
commissioned by Health Authorities for Health Declarations. c) two on forecastle (Necessary to have 2 winches aft).
For customs and police formalities, contact your shipping Agent. Vessel must have ready on arrival:
Also see ‘‘Abidjan’’. a) four messenger lines
MAX. SIZE: MBM: 30,000 – 80,000 d.w.t., LOA 170 – 250 m., draft 13.7 m. b) two wire line stoppers.
SBM: 80,000 – 250,000 d.w.t., minimum LOA 200 m., draft 21.0 m. The terminal can provide 8 wire rope stoppers.
Mooring at MBM: Mooring at MBM can only be carried out by day, in specific
PILOTAGE: Pilotage is carried out by the Pilots of the port of Abidjan. meteorological conditions (time is fixed by the Port Authority), with the
Signals for Pilot are international code signals. A Pilot may be obtained assistance of a tug as follows:
through VHF Channels 12 or 16. Pilotage is compulsory for mooring and a) approach according to Pilot’s instructions
sailing. On the request of the Master, the Pilot remains on board during the b) drop starboard anchor first, then port anchor
ship’s call. Boarding point shall be either at temporary anchoring point or, if c) moor aft, then forward, lines hooked up from SIR mooring launch
the ship can moor on arrival, between two and three miles south of the Vridi d) make fast mooring lines and chains.
Canal entrance. In favourable weather conditions, mooring may take 2 – 4 hours. Mooring
Please note that ‘‘pilotage consists of assistance given to Masters for the lines are provided by SIR and consist of 46 mm. steel cables supported by
leading of vessels entering and leaving the pilotage area or for moving within buoys on 22 mm. cables.
this area by staff commissioned by the Port Authority’’.
The attention of Masters is drawn to the fact that they are at any time fully Single Buoy Mooring Terminal (SBM): This is a single swivel buoy type
responsible for any damage or accident caused, by night or day, by the mooring and is designed to provide discharging facilities for crude oil. It
leading and manoeuvring of their vessels. accommodates vessels from 80,000 – 250,000 d.w.t., with single mooring
Also see ‘‘Tugs’’. point on the bow.
ANCHORAGES: Temporary Anchorage: 2.5 – 3 n.m. ␺ 235␥ from the Diameter of manifold is 16 in.
Vridi Canal entrance, ships anchor without assistance. SWL of derrick to be minimum of 10 tonnes.
Navigation Aids: Bow to centre manifold distance to be maximum of 150 m.
a) Port Bouet Lighthouse: Square white tower with a black top, with A 42 in. nominal diameter 5 km. long line connects the SBM Terminal to
flashing light, 34 m. high. the refinery.
Position: Lat. 05␥ 14.9' N, Long. 003␥ 57.5' W. The underbuoy hose system is divided into two lines of 24 in., which do
The range of the light is 23 n.m., Fl.(3) 15s. not float.
b) Light Buoy SL, located south of the MBM Terminal. The floating hose system tied to the loading point is made up of:
Position: Lat. 05␥ 13.40' N, Long. 003␥ 58.15' W. a) a 190 m. ␺ 24 in. floating hose string
The range of the light is 8 n.m., Fl.(2) 6s. b) one T-shaped reduction piece 24 in./16 in.
c) IMODCO SBM Terminal light. c) 2␺35 m. ␺ 16 in. floating hoses to be connected to the tanker’s port
Position: Lat. 05␥ 13.7' N, Long. 003␥ 58.15' W. manifold.
The range of the light is 5 n.m., Fl.(2) 3s. Water depth at the terminal is 49 m. in a 400 m. radius. Water depth varies
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: ETA: ETA must be radioed to from 30 – 80 m.
The terminal consists of a 12.5 m. diameter IMODCO buoy, with a circular
shipping Agents in Abidjan 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours prior to arrival.
fender projecting approximately 1.5 m. beyond the hull diameter under the
The vessel must keep Agent informed of any change of ETA. The message
water line. The buoy is moored by six chain legs spaced at 60␥ intervals and
must give the following information:
6␺20 ton anchors within a 300 m. radius.
a) ship’s name, call sign and flag
The mooring system consists of:
b) ETA (GMT)
a) a single nylon 450 mm. hawser (minimum) with breaking strength of
c) maximum loading/unloading rate
430 tons (950,000 lbs.), 46 m. long (150 ft.) with 20 pocket hawser
d) time for deballasting/ballasting (clean ballast)
e) maximum draft
b) a hard rubber anti-chafing chain (67 mm.␺9 m.), supported by a buoy
f) length overall
c) a polypropylene messenger line (254 mm.␺61 m.)
g) displacement.
d) an emergency mooring aid system consisting of a hawser pipe and
The Master must also cable the Abidjan Port Master, the day before arrival
three mooring bitts, located on the mooring arm and allowing the ship
on the Vridi Roadstead and at least 6 hours prior to arrival, to confirm ETA to send three doubled-up bow lines.
(GMT) and fore and aft drafts. Cable address: ‘‘COMPORT ABIDJAN’’.
Mooring at Single Buoy Mooring on Swivel Buoy: Mooring on the swivel
Telex: 23674, 23476 COMPORT).
buoy is done in daytime only, with assistance of a tug as follows:
VHF: Harbour Master on Channels 12 and 16. Tugs on Channel 6. a) approach according to Pilot’s instructions
Terminal’s stand-by tug (‘‘N’Gounie’’) on Channel 14. b) floating hoses hooked by SIR service launch
Private Frequencies: SIR has the free use of two private frequencies for c) messenger line taken to vessel’s bow by SIR service launch
its operations, 155.850 MHz and 155.875 MHz (priority on 155.850 MHz). d) mooring.
A permanent radio link is established by SIR Agent with the refinery during During calls, the assistance of a tug is compulsory to keep vessel clear of
vessel’s call with portable sets. buoy in case of violent change of current.
TUGS: Towage and stand-by security are compulsory at both berths (MBM Vessels required to anchor on arrival will anchor from 2.5 – 3 n.m. ␺ 235␥(T)
and SBM). The terminal’s tug (‘‘N’Gounie’’) can be called through VHF from Vridi Canal entrance, or as otherwise instructed by Port Authority.
Channel 14. Towage and stand-by security expenses are incurred by the Ship’s anchor without Pilot’s assistance.
ship. Vessels are advised to anchor only in the stated area due to the existence
The local towage station Ivoirienne de Remorquage et de Securite (IRES) of submarine pipelines in other areas.
can be called through VHF Channel 6. With the exception of the anchoring required under control of the Pilot at
Mooring Service/Boat Service: Mooring is carried out by a launch and the MBM berth, anchoring is forbidden in any other area outside the stated
personnel designated by SIR. These personnel remain at the Shipmaster’s area.
disposal during the time necessary for manoeuvring.
A company Loading Master and a mooring gang will board the tanker at CARGO OPERATIONS: Notice of Readiness (NOR): NOR must
either the anchorage area or other agreed location to take her to her assigned be addressed to SIR.
berth. The Loading Master will advise the Master on the proper approach to Connection: General: The tanker’s port side derrick (SWL 10 tonnes at
the terminal, mooring and unmooring operations, connecting and SBM and 8 tonnes at MBM) must be rigged before mooring is completed.
disconnecting of hoses. During connection and disconnection of hoses, the assistance of the
Tug(s) and/or launch(es) assist in berthing vessels. Such tug(s) or vessel’s crew is necessary, in particular to operate winches and derrick.
launch(es) are under the direct control and supervision of the Loading Master. During the vessel’s call at the terminal, a SIR Agent will act as Loading
Any service and/or facilities provided by SIR, including but not limited to, the Master, with the assistance of a SIR crew, and will remain in VHF contact
services of Loading Masters, tug(s) and/or launch(es) and their crews, or with the refinery and the launch service.
berthing and loading/unloading equipment are provided entirely at the risk Permanent access on board the tanker must be provided (ladder or
and the responsibility of the vessel without any liability from SIR. gangway).

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page x) 1595

MBM: Connection at the Multiple Buoy Terminal is carried out with two strings requirements, the SIR representative and one of the tanker’s officers will,
of underwater hoses, 60 m. long (180 ft.) ␺ 12 in. nominal diameter, ending prior to loading operations and at periodic intervals, thereafter make a routine
with a valve and a flange (150 ASA series). SIR cannot provide any reduction inspection to verify each item on the Safety Check List.
pieces. The Master will be fully responsible for security onboard during the call at
SBM: Connection at the swivel buoy is carried out with two hose strings, the oil terminal.
35 m. long ␺ 16 in. nominal diameter, ending with a valve and a flange The Master must:
(150 ASA series). SIR cannot provide any reduction pieces. a) maintain on board sufficient crew to deal with an emergency
Pumping: General: Tank inspections, ullage reports, sampling before and b) ensure at all times that there is at least one member of the tanker’s
after loading or discharging are carried out in the presence of the Loading crew on duty on deck near or within sight of the manifold and another
Master, representing SIR and any other Agent commissioned to survey on the forecastle when the tanker moors to the SBM
loading or discharging. c) ensure that hawsers are not subjected to undue stress
When loading, the officer on duty will inform SIR Agent 20 minutes before d) ensure that loading/unloading hoses are not subjected to undue wear
completion to allow pumping to be stopped in due time. or chopping which might deteriorate them
The vessel’s Master is fully responsible for valve operation on board and e) ensure that the vessel will not ride over the buoy.
for security. Readiness to Move: No engine repairs will take place whilst at the MBM/SBM.
Masters are warned of the serious consequences of closing or partially The vessel’s main engine and auxiliaries must remain ready with full power
closing valves against the oil flow from the terminal. Should damage to the for immediate use.
terminal’s loading equipment result from such malpractice, costs of all direct Firefighting Measures: It is strictly prohibited to:
and consequential damage shall be for vessel’s account. a) smoke, use naked lights or tools causing sparks outside the security
When discharging, operations can only start after SIR’s agreement has zones where normally allowed on a tanker
been radioed to Loading Master who informs the officer-in-charge. Loading b) leave the anchors cockbill
may start only after the Safety Check List has been fully covered and c) make repairs or handle goods on deck
approved jointly by vessel and Loading Master acting as SIR Agent. This d) test the propellers
Check List must be dated and signed by both parties before operations may e) use equipment and tools not approved for use in a dangerous zone
start. by a competent authority.
MBM: Vessel must receive and segregate on arrival SIR line displacement SIR reserves for itself the right to take any measure deemed useful in case
of about 2,000 cu.m. of LCO (Light Cycle Oil) or fuel oil 180 CST and pump of danger, and in particular to stop loading or discharging.
it back on completion of discharging/loading. During loading or discharging:
After discharging/loading, the vessel can be required to put water in hoses. a) all hull valves when not in use (water circulation) must be closed and
Loading: Heavy fuel is loaded at a rate of 800 – 1,200 cu.m./hr., according to sealed
the nature and temperature of the product. b) all scuppers must be plugged
Discharging: Heavy fuel and crude oil are discharged so that pressure at the c) two fire hoses will be connected fore and aft, fire pumps must be kept
vessel’s manifold does not exceed 10 bars which corresponds to: under pressure
1,500 – 2,500 cu.m./hr. for heavy fuel or d) all doors and port holes facing loading deck will be kept closed
2,500 – 3,500 cu.m./hr. for crude oil. e) in case of a storm, the Loading Master may decide to stop
The vessel is requested to maintain discharging pressure at the manifold loading/discharging if deemed necessary
at about 10 bar without dropping under 7 bar. Any drop under a 7 bar pressure f) in case of fire on board the moored vessel, Master must sound the
will be reported and be the subject of a letter of reservation on any possible alarm (at least 5 short siren calls at short intervals). Additionally, the
demurrage. Master must immediately inform Port Authority on VHF
SBM: Crude oil will be discharged so that pressure at vessel’s manifold will Channels 12 or 16.
not be higher than 10 bar, approximately 8,000 cu.m./hr. He must use technical and human means to fight the fire and maintain his
The vessel is requested to maintain a discharging pressure of 10 bar, vessel’s stability and security. He must take all measures to sail if required
without dropping under 7 bar. Any drop under 7 bar in discharging pressure to do so.
will be the subject of a letter of reservation on possible demurrage. WEATHER/TIDES: Seasons: The long dry season is from December
After discharging, the vessel can be required to put water in the hoses. to April, the long rainy season from May to mid-July, the short dry season
BALLAST: Deballasting: Port Bouet Terminals have no ballast reception from mid-July to September and the short rainy season October to November.
or slop disposal facilities, and therefore vessels arriving in ballast must ensure Winds: As a rule, there are very few violent winds. Prevailing winds are
that the ballast is clean and suitable for pumping directly to the sea. Vessels SW/NE (Force 2 – 4). Violent tropical storms may occur in April-May
arriving with ballast unsuitable for pumping to the sea will be rejected for and October-November. The Harmattan, a dry wind from NE, may blow from
loading, or will be required to keep on board that portion of their ballast December to February.
unsuitable for discharge to the sea, and SIR will not entertain any claim for Temperatures: Air temperature: Average maximum: 29.17␥C. Average
delay and/or deadfreight so caused. minimum: 23.5␥C.
POLLUTION: The Master is responsible for ensuring that no petroleum Water temperature (surface down to 20 m.): Max. 29␥C, min. 17␥C.
is discharged or spilled from his ship into the waters of the terminal. Drip Rains: Annual average level ␦ 2.0 m.
pans shall be in place at all times under all manifold connections and all Tides: Semi-diurnal, uneven, from 0.4 – 1.3 m. (average level 0.7).
overside deck scupper pipes or openings on the loading (and/or transfer) Swell: Swell is permanent from SSW, average amplitude 1.5 m., time period
decks, shall be securely closed and oiltight. is 10 seconds. However, from May to July it may reach a 2 – 3 m. amplitude.
Any vessel causing pollution of the waters of the terminal or sighting such Currents: Mainly tide currents, they are influenced by coast and sea bottom
pollution shall immediately inform the SIR representative. as well as by the Vridi Canal, linking the ocean and the lagoon.
In the event that any ship should discharge or spill any dirty ballast, The two prevailing directions are 110␥ and 275␥, mainly (due) east like the
petroleum, contaminated water, bilge water or petroleum waste in the waters main Gulf of Guinea currents and under the influence of SW prevailing winds.
of the terminal, SIR shall have the right (but without prejudice to any other Current’s average speed is 1 knot, but may reach 2 knots to 3 knots.
rights it may have) to take any action which in its opinion is necessary to Visibility: Although generally good (8 – 12 miles), it may be reduced to 1 mile
clean up or remove any contamination or pollution resulting from discharge when the Harmattan blows (December to February).
or spill. Morning mists may lessen visibility during the same period (December to
The vessel will be responsible for all payments, cost and expenses made February).
or incurred by SIR in cleaning up or removing any such contamination or During the rainy season, visibility is reduced according to rainfall.
pollution, as well as all charges and losses of any kind whatsoever in respect
to time lost whilst cargo operations at the terminal involving the vessel in NEAREST AIRPORT: Felix Houphouet Boigny International, 10 km.
question, and all other vessels and operations are stopped. GENERAL: Ferry to Abidjan: There is no regular ferry link between the
Port Bouet Terminals and the port of Abidjan. SIR boats and launches cannot
MEDICAL: There are three hospitals (Treichville University Hospital, be used by tanker’s crew.
Cocody University Hospital and Yopougon University Hospital, locally
referred to as CHU de Treichville, CHU de Cocody and CHU de Yopougon), SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: September 1995
many private clinics, general practictioners, specialists, surgeons and dentists The following telex was received by the Master:
available. Quote:
In case of emergency, SIR may provide transportation, but takes no Customs Formalities:
responsibility whatsoever. In order to enjoy your call and avoid problems with Customs Authorities,
be instructed as follows: Make one (1) list with at least four (4) copies of
FRESH WATER: Bunkers and drinkable water are available at Port Bouet each list: Crew List – Ports of
Terminals. Call – Passengers – Stowaways – Animals – Narcotics – Firearms and
Bunkering and drinkable water supply are carried out by a small tanker of Ammunition – Dangerous Goods – Crew Effects Declaration – Stores
4,200 d.w.t. List – Bonded Stores.
Supply varies according to certain conditions (vessel to moor upon arrival, Regarding Stores and Bonded Stores List, you should declare everything
vessel to anchor and await instructions or vessel to bunker before or after correctly. Pay special attention to following items: spirits, beers, soft drinks,
loading/unloading). cigarettes, TV and video cassettes, lub oil in bulk and in drums, No. of drums,
Notice must be given before vessel’s arrival time and Master must contact paints, thinner, varnish, extra ropes, freon bottles, gas bottles, all purpose...
Agent. chemical products.
FUEL: See ‘‘Fresh Water’’. Be careful not to make any misdeclaration or wrong declaration, as this
CHANDLERY: There is a variety of shipchandlers in Abidjan, but the will be subject to fine. Therefore, for paints you should take the following
distance to the Port Bouet Terminals makes supply difficult. layout: Declare used paints as well as full drums and specify. Full drums will
SIR will under no circumstances take orders or carry supplies. be according to the quantity (example five drums of 2 litres) and used paints
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Abidjan’’ and ‘‘Tema’’. according to the number of used drums.
Please confirm the above is received and understood.
REPAIRS: Abidjan has sufficient naval works to carry out repairs on board Unquote.
(contact Agent).
SAFETY: General: SIR is firmly committed to a policy of maximum safety SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: April 1997 Updated 1998
in all areas of its operations, and demands compliance within the terminal Vessel: Tanker.
limits. Cargo: Crude oil.
Safety requirements, as a minimum, are those specified in the International Berth: SBM/MBM.
Guide for Oil and Terminals (ISGOTT). The Sea Line Berth at Port Bouet Near Abidjan:
Prior to any loading/unloading operations, the Master’s agreement to Introduction: Vessel ordered to part discharge 21,000 tons of crude. With a
cooperate and enforce all the safety requirements set out in the Safety Check max. draft of 48 ft. 6 in., this was the largest vessel to use these facilities,
List is mandatory. In order to ensure compliance with these safety the previous largest being about 60,000 d.w.t. (1973).

1596 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page x)

Approach from Sea: Coast line is low with few distinguishing marks. Outline The FPSO is in depth 970 m., has storage capacity of 2.3 million barrels
picked up at about 18 miles range (using Marconi Raymark), at about the and is capable of processing approximately 75,000 barrels of oil per day,
same time as 100 fathom line was crossed. Coast is very steep-to with a 75,000,000 cu.ft. of natural gas (being transported to shore via the Espoir
pronounced rift in sea bed leading to canal entrance in Abidjan. Field infrastructure, Block CI-26) and 100,000 barrels per day of water
Anchorage: Vessel anchored about 2 miles from sea line terminal at Port injection.
Bouet. The usual anchorage is to west of canal, which would permit a more LOCATION: Approx. 13.5 n.m. off the Ivory Coast, West Africa, Gulf of
suitable approach to the berth. Guinea in Block CI-40, and approx. 43 n.m. SW of Abidjan.
Berth: The sea berth is situated about 1 mile SSE of Port Bouet light. CHARTS: BA Charts No. 3100 (Sassandra to Lagune Aby), 3101 (Outer
According to chart prepared by terminal authorities Societe Ivoirienne de Approaches to Port d’Abidjan).
Raffinage (SIR), the depths of water in the berth are 16 m. aft and 19 m.
for’d, at chart datum. Members of the diving team and terminal representatives
DOCUMENTS: Government Officials: Government officials, such as
Customs, Quarantine and Immigration officers may visit the vessel and should
are of the opinion that there is greater than 1 m. more water than indicated;
be provided with food and accommodation by shuttle tankers, including
this is backed up by observed soundings of for’d depth of 21 m., with a rise suitable boarding arrangements for the officials if required.
of tide of 0.5 m.
Moorings consist of 4␺6 in. shore wires from buoys aft; four similar wires MAX. SIZE: Tankers: Min. 60,000 d.w.t., max. bow to manifold 172 m.
for’d, two from buoys, two from the sea bed; both anchors are used with RESTRICTIONS: Exclusion Zone: Ships, support vessels, barges,
about 8 or 9 shackles of cable on each. launches or other vessels are not permitted to enter the 2 n.m. restricted
Hoses are connected on port side, 2␺12 in. leading to a 1␺24 in.␺5 km. zone around the terminal, without first obtaining permission from the Baobab
sea line. Back pressure is limited to 7 kg./sq.cm. (about 100 lb./sq.in.). Berth Marine Terminal. Only vessels that have been duly nominated in accordance
is aligned to head into the prevailing southwesterly wind. Unfortunately this with the Procedures for Scheduling Tanker Lifting and which comply in all
places the vessel beam on to the current which is unpredictable in both respects with the shuttle tanker berthing parameters will be permitted to berth.
magnitude and direction. After nine year’s experience at the berth, the diving Submarine Pipelines: Submarine pipelines extend from the FPSO bow
team are unable to predict for a particular time if the current will run at all, turret inwards from 80 – 135␥(T) proceeding for a distance of approximately
or in what direction or at what strength. Current velocities of up to 2.5 knots 2.5 n.m. to the production manifolds.
are normal. If the current starts to run at this strength at an early stage of a Berthing Parameters: Tandem mooring will be called off in any of the
berthing operation it is probable that the operation will have to be abandoned. following conditions:
Berthing: Approach to the berth is made on a heading of 145␥ in line with Approaching Offloading
buoys A and B on SIR chart. During much of the approach the vessel is Limit (Continuous Conditions) (Continuous Conditions)
within five cables of the shore, but, with one exception, the depth of water Wave Height exceeds 3.5 m. (if 2.0 – 3.5 m. Height exceeds 4.5 m.
is adequate. waves then OIM, Mooring Master and
When the vessel was between one and two ship’s lengths from Buoy A, tanker’s Master to evaluate actual and
in grid reference position 579.030 393.280 on SIR chart, the under keel forecast weather condition including
clearance was 15 ft., for several minutes. There was a very low, barely ability of hose handling vessel to
discernable, swell running, but the approach to the berth runs with this swell manoeuvre)
directly abeam, causing the vessel to roll an estimated 5␥; the effect of this Wind Speed exceeds 30 knots Speed exceeds
was to give a min. bilge clearance of 10 ft. (15.4 m./sec.) 40 knots (20.6 m./sec.)
Berthing operation is routine, with some shore labour assisting with wires. Current Exceeds 2.0 knots
No carpenters’ stoppers are provided for wires, but two each end can be Visibility Below 1 n.m. Below 100 m.
made fast on to the storage drums of the winches. Exact weather conditions under which safe operations can be carried out
Discharging: Limiting back pressure maintained by two cargo pumps running may vary and the above is a guide only. Approaching and offloading
at 1,200 r.p.m. Discharge rate achieved was 2,237 t.p.h., which is usual for operations are not conducted unless both vessel’s Master and the Mooring
this berth. Master are satisfied that conditions are suitable for mooring and cargo
Bunkering: Bunkers are available in the berth in amounts greater than transfer.
500 tons. As bunkers are taken via the same sea line as cargo is discharged, Also see ‘‘Mooring’’.
the operation is somewhat clumsy and time consuming: crude in the sea line APPROACHES: Fishing Vessels: Tankers in the vicinity of the terminal
is displaced by fuel oil; the hose is shifted to bunker connection; bunkers are both entering, departing or on anchor are cautioned to be aware of possible
taken; the hose is re-connected to cargo manifold; the fuel oil in the sea line presence of unlit small fishing vessels.
is displaced by crude oil. This sequence of operations took a total of eight
hours. If a total discharge was planned, it might be advisable to take bunkers
PILOTAGE: Pilot/combination ladder to be rigged as per IMPA and SOLAS
requirements on the port side. If the Mooring Master agrees, a pilot hoist
in the middle of the discharge, in order to obviate the need to use stripping
may be used in lieu of an accommodation pilot ladder combination but a
pumps to displace the fuel oil in the sea line, amounting to some 1,200 tons.
standard pilot ladder shall be immediately available in the event of a failure
Notice: Information for the attention of the Masters of tankers mooring at of the pilot hoist. The Mooring Master will board the vessel approximately
the SIR sea-line of Port Bouet: 2 n.m. from the terminal.
The conditions at this sea-line necessitate the presence on board of the Mooring Master: Vessels berthing at the terminal will be boarded by a
following personnel during operations of mooring and connection of the Mooring Master who will assist the shuttle tanker’s Master in all operational
hoses: activities within the berthing area as well as control of crafts which render
1 Superintendent who combines the duties of Mooring Master, assistance to the shuttle tanker. All manoeuvring of vessels within the Baobab
Loading Master and chief diver Marine Terminal area shall be done only in accordance with the advice of a
4 divers who also assist in the mooring/unmooring and the connecting Mooring Master, subject to the understanding that in all cases and
operations circumstances the Master of the vessel will be solely responsible for the
2 seamen for the refinery’s launch actual manoeuvring procedures.
2 assistants for the mooring and connecting operations The Mooring Master must be immediately warned about any acts or facts
2 surveyors (for sampling). that may jeopardise the safety of the vessel or the system, as well as
These personnel will be present until pumping starts. We would be glad if operational events that may possibly alter the existing conditions.
you would provide meals for them during this period (from 8 – 12 hours ANCHORAGES: A deep-water anchorage has also been designated for
normally). shuttle tankers awaiting loading at the FPSO within the area bounded by a
Usually the Superintendent and the refinery’s representative eat in the 1.0 n.m. radius circle centered upon position Lat. 05␥ 04' 08" N,
officer’s mess and the rest in the crew’s mess. Long. 004␥ 23' 24" W. Masters of shuttle tankers electing not to anchor within
Once pumping has started the following personnel stay on board: the the designated anchorage and to drift off or anchor in another position should
Superintendent, the refinery’s representative, two seamen and one assistant. notify the FPSO of their intentions.
We would be grateful if you can provide cabins and meals in the officer’s
mess for the Superintendent and refinery’s representative and sleeping PRATIQUE: Rules governing the quarantine of shuttle tankers are similar
to those found in other parts of the world.
quarters and meals for the three other persons until the tanker’s departure.
The refinery’s launch, the ‘‘Sirius’’, helps during the mooring and connecting PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION:
operations and serves as a liaison launch between the tanker and the refinery. FPSO Contact Information:
Would you reserve a mooring berth on the starboard side of the tanker with Baobab Ivoirien MV10 call sign ‘‘C6FV6’’.
pilot’s ladder for access aboard? The mooring ropes are provided by the Tel: (871 or 873) 7636 16981 (cargo control room), 6002 54559 (OIM).
refinery and should be reserved for the launch ‘‘Sirius’’. The Agent’s launch Fax: (871 or 873) 7636 16983/6002 54560 (cargo control room).
or any launch other than the ‘‘Sirius’’ should moor forward of this berth and Telex: (583 or 581) Sat-C Bridge 311488000.
should be provided with its own pilot’s ladder. Pre-Arrival Message: Welcome to Baobab Ivoirien MV 10 Marine Terminal
We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation in this matter and wish To: Master of nominated shuttle tanker
you a satisfactory stay on the sea-line. From: Baobab Marine Terminal FPSO Baobab Ivoirien MV 10
Signed: General Manager, Societe Ivoirienne de Raffinage. We hold your nomination of . . . . barrels at 60␥F of . . . crude oil, approx. Api
OPERATOR: Ste Ivoirienne de Raffinage, 01 BP 1269, Abidjan 01, . . and approx. Temp . . ␥F.
Republique de Cote d’Ivoire. Tel: +225 (21) 270160, 270427. Kindly furnish the following information:
FAX: +225 (21) 271798, 273217. Telex: 42399 DIRSIR, 43317 SIR, 1. confirmation to load the nominated volume
2. quantity and grade of any transit cargo you have on board
43352 SIRLOG, 43442 SIRFIN.
3. quantity of clean ballast (estimated time required to deballast), quantity
of segregated ballast
4. quantity and type of slop on board to load on top or to be kept
BAOBAB IVOIRIEN MV10: 04␥ 58' N 004␥ 33' W segregated
5. maximum loading rate in bbls./hr.
(See Plan) 6. arrival data: draft (trim should not exceed 3 m. by stern) and S.d.w.t.
7. departure data: estimated draft and d.w.t.
OVERVIEW: The terminal consists of the 346,000 d.w.t. Floating 8. distance from bow to manifold in metres
Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Baobab Ivoirien MV10, handling 9. confirmation you are able to load and deballast simultaneously,
oil and gas. maintaining double valve segregation throughout or retaining your
Characteristics: The FPSO is permanently moored with an External Turret ballast on board
Mooring System (providing full passive weather-vaning capability) and an 10. confirmation latest edition of following publications are on board:
eight-legs symmetric high-holding power drag embedment anchors ISGOTT safety guide
arrangement. Its bow mooring, hoses, pipeline end manifold and pipeline OCIMF ship to-ship transfer guide
from the production manifolds and all waters surrounding the FPSO Baobab International Chamber of Shipping Guide to Helicopter/Ship
Ivoirien MV10 within a 2 n.m. radius are within the terminal limits. Operation

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page x) 1597

IVORY COAST Baobab Ivoirien MV10
11. whether the vessel is equipped with hull cathodic protection, if yes Vessel to Vacate on Request: Any vessel entering the terminal area may
what type and working conditions be required to vacate the berth terminal area promptly on being requested
12. Master’s full name by terminal. Should any vessel become an obstruction in any part of the
13. date vessel built terminal area, or approaches thereto, or in any area of submarine pipeline,
14. previous vessel’s name the terminal may take any steps necessary to remove the obstruction, with
15. vessel’s flag or without notice, and with all expenses being for the account of the vessel
16. expiry date of vessel safety management certificate (SMC) concerned.
17. validity of the International Ship Security Certificate or interim
certificate and issuing authority MOORING: Shuttle tankers must be fitted with OCIMF recommended bow
18. security level at which the vessel is currently operating chain stopper(s) of tongue-type or hinged bar-type (AKD) to accommodate
19. confirmation that appropriate ship security procedures were size 76 mm. chafing chain(s) as follows:
maintained during any ship-to-ship activity during the last 10 calls at a) vessels up to 150,000 d.w.t. with at least one bow chain stopper
port facilities b) vessels greater than 150,000 d.w.t. with at least two bow chain
20. any other security related information to ensure the safety and security stoppers.
of persons, port facilities, ships and other property Pre-Mooring Requirements: Prior to the shuttle tanker closing within
21. best ETA and bearing when vessel at 10 miles from terminal 10 n.m., the shuttle tanker’s loading system, cargo lines and all equipment
22. confirmation that vessel is fitted with OCIMF recommended bow chain in the machinery space required for close proximity operations shall be tested
stopper of tongue type or hinged bar type to accommodate 76 mm. and functioning, sufficient generators shall be on line and available; all
size chafing chain steering motors, redundant power sources shall be tested and confirmed to
23. max. S.d.w.t. if vessel is using different loading marks be functioning. Gyros and repeaters shall be checked against each other to
24. whether there is accommodation for pilot, port agent and cargo ensure that they agree. The machinery space shall be manned and all
surveyor, who should stay on board your vessel electrical and mechanical maintenance that could inadvertently lead to critical
25. for SBT vessels only: total capacity of tanks that are part of SBT systems tripping shall be brought to a close until after the shuttle tanker has
system completed the off-take and departed.
26. confirmation that IGS is in good working condition maintaining O2 Preparations for Mooring: Shuttle tankers shall contact the terminal at
content less than 8% by volume in all cargo tanks. least 10 n.m. from the terminal’s outer limits on VHF Channel 74. Prior to
The following instructions are hereby tendered: approaching the FPSO, the following measures should be taken by the Master
⌻ Your vessel is scheduled to moor on arrival (daylight only). on board the shuttle tanker.
⌻ Upon notification by your owners that you are going to load at Baobab 1. A pilot ladder and/or accommodation ladder should be made ready
Terminal, send us your best ETA at 72, 48 and 24 hours in advance for access.
via email and/or telex. 2. 15 tonne SWL derrick/crane ready to lift ancillary mooring and hose
⌻ When in range, contact terminal via VHF Channel 74 for berthing handling equipment. The hoses will be connected on the starboard
instructions. side of the shuttle tanker and the manifold should be made ready.
⌻ On arrival have your pilot ladder ready on side as per Pilot’s 3. A 32 mm. ␺ 90 m. messenger line should be placed on the forecastle
instructions and your starboard boom min. SWL 15 tonnes rigged for head with a large hammer, axe and long crow bar available forward.
16 in. hose handling. 4. All void and cargo spaces, ventilators and pump room openings
⌻ A marine terminal representative will board your ship to check tanks’ should be securely closed prior to mooring.
inerted atmosphere.
⌻ Pumping of any bilge water overboard and disposal of garbage at sea Pre-Mooring Meeting: Prior to any mooring operations or cargo transfer,
is strictly prohibited. a meeting will take place to establish procedures, responsibilities and
⌻ Operation safety checklist as per OCIMF ship-to-ship guide must be supervisory roles. The Master of the shuttle tanker must establish, with the
adhered to. Baobab Marine Terminal, procedures for passing orders through a
⌻ 1␺16 in. floating hose will be connected to your starboard manifold. responsible officer.
⌻ One support vessel will stand by based on your ETA if you are going Approach Speed: The tanker should reduce speed to agreed limits as it
to berth on arrival. approaches the terminal and confirm having done so to the terminal at each
Notification of ETA: Vessels calling at the terminal shall advise the stage. Typical speed limits are transit speed at 10 n.m., less than 5 knots at
terminal of their ETA at least seven days prior to arrival and/or, if at sea, as 3.0 n.m., less than 2 knots at 1,000 m. and less than 0.5 knots at 500 m.
soon as orders are received to proceed to the terminal. The ETA shall be Mooring Operations: Weather permitting, mooring operations are
repeated to the terminal and to the port of Abidjan Port Authority, 72, 48 and conducted during daylight hours only. Unmooring is permitted at any time.
24 hours prior to arrival. In order to ensure that all mooring activities occur during daylight hours, the
Additional notification shall be given if the vessel’s ETA varies from the mooring operation will not commence unless at least 3 hours of daylight
original 72 or 48 hours’ notification by four hours or more. Notwithstanding remain.
the foregoing, in case the sea passage from the vessel’s last port is less Vessels arriving at the terminal will be moored in tandem mooring, bow to
than 72 hours from the terminal, notice shall be given immediately after stern. A Multi Functional Support Vessel (MFSV) will remain secured to the
leaving such port of call to update or confirm original ETA. Subsequent notices stern of the tanker during the entire loading operation. As the shuttle tanker
shall be given at the regular times. starts the approach to the FPSO, a messenger line is made ready on the
Should the ETA change by one hour or more following the 24 hours’ notice, forecastle running through one of the bow fairleads and passing through the
the vessel shall promptly notify the terminal of the new ETA. chain stopper before going to a winch. If at all possible, the messenger should
The time to be used for notification of the ETA is the local time zone (GMT be secured around a winch drum so that the whole operation can be carried
throughout the year). out on a hands-off basis. When close to the FPSO, the messenger line is
A vessel wishing to call at the terminal, that has received damage and/or lowered to the line handling vessel for connection to the pick-up rope. When
is leaking oil, must include details of the situation in the ETA advice, so that the line handling vessel is clear, the system starts winching in. The pick-up
a terminal representative can inspect the vessel before it enters the terminal rope is then fully retrieved until the chafe chain(s) passes through the fairlead
area. and reaches the required position.
Operations Plan: Additionally, a pre-arrival plan of trim and transverse Once the chafe chain is in position it is secured to the stopper. Once the
stability during cargo and ballast operations should be prepared by the Master chain is connected and secured the pick-up rope is slowly walked back until
and, upon request, cabled to the terminal. The plan of operations should all weight is transferred to the chain stopper. As soon as the hawser has
include data on loading rate limitations, manifold size and characteristics, been attached, the shutter tanker propeller shall be put slow astern.
de-ballasting rates and IGS operability. Hawser Tension: Offtake should normally only continue provided the
Simultaneous cargo and ballast handling can save significant time and hawser(s) tension remains within acceptable limits. The low limit alarm is set
enhance safety, since the vessel is never in a completely light condition. to 10 tons and high limit 75 tons with the high-high limit alarm 100 tons.
VHF: All communications shall be conducted in English. MFSV works on Mooring system load meter is in the main control room on the FPSO. When
Channel 68. Terminal listens on Channel 16 and works on Channel 74. limits are reached, the shuttle tanker will be alerted for hose disconnection
Also see ‘‘Cargo Operations’’. and unmooring as follows:
TUGS: Terminal currently has one support and one line-handling vessel ⌻ ⬎110 tons once – cargo operations suspended and terminal/shuttle
available to participate in the tandem mooring operations. tanker evaluate whether to disconnect
The MFSV will make fast to the shuttle tanker’s stern using its own towline. ⌻ ⬎110 tons twice in 30 minutes – cargo operations will be called off,
The support vessel, as directed by the shuttle tanker’s Master and assisted hose disconnected and the shuttle tanker unmoored
by the Mooring Master, will maintain sufficient pull on the towline to prevent ⌻ ⬎160 tons once – cargo operations will be called off, hose
the shuttle tanker from riding up to the stern of the FPSO and also assist in disconnected and the shuttle tanker unmoored
maintaining alignment between the shuttle tanker and the FPSO. ⌻ for shuttle tankers 150,000 d.w.t. or less, only one hawser will be
Support Vessels: An 80-tonne bollard pull Multi-Functional Support Vessel deployed
(MFSV) will assist for the mooring, offloading and unmooring operations. The ⌻ tankers greater than 150,000 d.w.t are moored by using two identical
52 mm. soft eye tow wire will be secured to the shuttle tanker’s stern towline hawsers.
approximately 1.0 – 0.5 n.m. from the FPSO. The towline is secured to the The hawser is released by releasing the complete hawser connection from
shuttle tanker’s bollards, which shall have minimum SWL 90 tonnes. a claw.
Launches: A mini-tug, LOA 9.5 m., beam 4.2 m., draft 0.6 m. and bollard Weather Vaning: When due to wind, wave and/or current forces, the MSFV
pull 2 tons will also assist for the mooring, offloading and unmooring is not able to maintain alignment between the shuttle tanker and the FPSO,
operations. cargo operations will be suspended and/or mooring aborted if the shuttle
BERTHS: Notice of Readiness (NOR): NOR establishes the beginning tanker starts to yaw excessively and/or the MSFV is operating at 50% power.
of laytime on which demurrage charges are based. The shuttle tanker will be alerted for hose disconnection and unmooring.
Every effort will be made to load vessels upon arrival, weather permitting. 1. 25␥ – Advisory: Tanker Master and FPSO Marine Superintendent
NOR will not be accepted unless the vessel is ready to load. Arrival time will evaluate the position. However if in doubt disconnect.
be considered as the time the Mooring Master boards the vessel. 2. 35␥ – Cargo operations suspended and terminal/shuttle tanker
The NOR will be signed for receipt only by a terminal representative. If it evaluate whether to disconnect.
is subsequently found that the vessel was not in all respects ready to load 3. 40␥ – Cargo operations will be called off. Hose will be disconnected
due to, for instance, high oxygen readings in cargo tanks or excessive and the shuttle tanker unmoored.
deballasting time or other proceedings for the nominated cargo, a Note of
Protest will be delivered to the vessel, which will automatically cancel the Dynamic Interaction: The most serious problem affecting shuttle tanker
Baobab Marine Terminal’s initial acceptance of the NOR. In such cases, the operations at FPSO facilities. Due to the changing draft of the shuttle tanker
vessel must prepare a revised NOR, cancelling the first one and stating a in relation to the FPSO, great care should be taken during the offloading
time tendered in accordance with its subsequent readiness. operation.

1598 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page x)

Baobab Ivoirien MV10 IVORY COAST
Unmooring Operations: When un-mooring, the chain(s) is walked back Cargo Measurement: The terminal uses the American Petroleum Institute
into the water and the pick-up rope slowly paid out through the fairleads. All in their Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Table 6, API
ancillary equipment belonging to the terminal should be stored in a toolbox Standard 2540 (equivalents: IP 200, ASTM D1250-52 and ANSI/ASTM
and passed to the support vessel on completion of the operation. D1250-52). Shuttle tankers should have those publications available on
HOSES: Terminal personnel are responsible for ensuring that all equipment board.
supplied by the terminal used in hawser and hose connections meets Immediately after completion of loading, the shuttle tanker’s cargo figures
prescribed standards and is adequately maintained. The Master of the shuttle should be calculated by her officer-in-charge. Shuttle tankers are encouraged
tanker is responsible for ensuring that all onboard operational aspects of to use measurement standards published by API in Chapter 17 of the Manual
hose lifting and connection are understood and followed by their shipboard of Petroleum Measurement Standards in the interest of uniformity. The vessel
personnel. experience factor (VEF) should be used for mitigating inaccuracies in the
Tandem Mooring Hose: Tandem mooring floating hose string is 363 m. ship’s tank calibration tables.
long, consisting of a 20 in. dia. section ending with a 16 in. dia. hose fitted The terminal is equipped with a metering/automatic sampler. In the event
with butterfly valve, camlock coupling, single pick-up chain and hang-off chain of the metering/automatic sampler not functioning, cargo measurement will
at the shuttle tanker rail hose. The maximum allowable flow velocity through be done by taking ullages with the resulting volumes corrected for the FPSO.
the tandem hose string is 15 m./sec. at 15 bar (225 PSIG). A shuttle tanker representative may witness all cargo measurements.
Manifold Connection: 1␺16 in. ANSI 150 flanges for cargo connections, Cargo Documents: When the ship tank inspections are made and figures
reducers and spools on the ship’s manifold must conform to the OCIMF have been calculated and agreed upon, cargo documents are issued and
publication Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associated signed. The petroleum inspector completes official reports of cargo
Equipment. All bolted flange connections must be fully bolted. measurement.
Crane/Derrick: Shall have SWL at least 15 tonnes and should be rigged The following documents will be issued:
and centered over the starboard manifold prior to mooring. Bill of Lading
Hose Handling: On completion of mooring operations, the hose string will Cargo Manifest
be lifted on board to the starboard manifold. The shuttle tanker’s crew shall Certificate of Origin
connect and disconnect the hose with assistance from Baobab Marine Certificate of Quantity and Quality
Terminal personnel. Receipt for Documents (Listing all cargo documents provided to the
Cargo Hose Flushing: At the discretion of the Baobab Marine Terminal shuttle tanker)
operator, loading cargo hose flushing could be required on completion of Receipt for Samples
lifting operation by using production water. The shuttle tanker will be advised Ship Ullage Report
of this operation prior to arrival at the terminal. Tanker Time Sheet
A Letter of Protest may be issued.
CARGO OPERATIONS: Crude Oil Specification:
Gravity (API): 22.02 Departure Procedures: The shuttle tanker’s Master will receive at least
Specific crude gravity 16 – 19␥C (60 – 66␥F): 0.92 one set of cargo documents prepared by the terminal. On completion of
Max. RVP (Reid vapour pressure): 118.0 kPa (abs) (17.0 Psia) loading, the Master should give his figures for the adjusted total calculated
Max. TVP (true vapor pressure): 100 kPa (abs) (144.5 Psia) volume (TCV) loaded (i.e. gross standard volume loaded adjusted by vessel
Wax appearance temperature: 26␥C (79␥F) experience factor plus free water loaded) to the terminal and will receive the
Bulk wax precipitation temperature: 19 – 20␥C (66 – 68␥F) terminal’s preliminary TCV. Comparison of such figures should then be made
Pour point: ␤48␥C (␤54␥F) as follows:
H2S / CO2 Molar %: 0.000 / 0.212 Shuttle Tanker adjusted TCV divided by Terminal TCV times 100 to get
Max. BS&W: Lower than 0.5% by volume percentage factor.
Max. salt: 40 lb./1,000 bbls. If the percentage is greater than 99.8%, the shuttle tanker will be released
and will sail. If the percentage is greater than 99.5%, but less than or equal
Pre-Operations Meeting: Upon arrival at the terminal and prior to any to 99.8%, the shuttle tanker, upon rechecking its figures, may sail following
cargo transfer, a pre-transfer conference will be held between a terminal a protest. If the percentage is less than or equal to 99.5%, upon rechecking
representative and the shuttle tanker’s Master and Chief Mate. by both the shuttle tanker and terminal, the shuttle tanker may sail following
Load on Top: With the written permission of the shuttle tanker owner, the a protest.
terminal will load on top of slops. Upon receiving the final Bill of Lading figures, the shuttle tanker Master
Loading Rate: Maximum loading rate is 30,000 bbls./hr. Actual loading rate signs the Bill of Lading, issues a protest (if necessary), and completes the
will depend on the agreed maximum rate, the quantity of cargo to be loaded remaining documentation requirements of the lifter.
and other operational factors. The shuttle tanker should give one hour then BALLAST: On arrival, vessels shall have max. trim 3.0 m. (10 ft.) by the
fifteen minutes’ stand-by notices when loading is nearing completion. stern with full propeller immersion.
Manning Level: At all times during loading operations, a responsible officer Shuttle tanker must have ability to maintain a minimum 30% of her summer
shall be in charge of operations on board the shuttle tanker, either on deck d.w.t. through the whole cargo operation.
or in the cargo control room, and the deck must be continuously patrolled All vessels found to have contaminated ballast while at the terminal will
by a watchman in contact with the officer or with the cargo control room. be required to retain such contaminated ballast on board and the terminal
Sufficient crew should remain on deck to deal with the operation and security will not entertain any claims for deadfreight so caused.
of the shuttle tanker. Draft and Trim Requirements: Unless otherwise authorised by the
Communications During Loading: Terminal Loading Master will bring a terminal, shuttle tankers in ballast or in a partly laden condition shall, upon
portable UHF radio set (walkie-talkie) on board to be used during the shuttle arrival, meet the draft and trim requirements specified in Appendix 3. Vessels
tanker’s stay at the terminal. sailing from the terminal with a part-cargo must also conform to the above
Hourly comparisons of cargo quantities should be made between the draft and trim conditions.
shuttle tanker and the terminal. Any drop in pressures or any marked Dirty Ballast: The terminal does not have facilities to accept dirty ballast.
discrepancy between the shuttle tanker and terminal estimates of quantities The responsibility for avoiding oil pollution rests with the shuttle tanker. Ballast
could indicate pipeline or hose leaks and requires that cargo operations be in cargo tanks and segregated ballast tanks must be clean for overboard
stopped until investigations have been made. discharge and inspected before deballasting.
Good communications must be maintained at all times between the shuttle
tanker, FPSO and the support vessels and be checked frequently. In addition Tank Inspection: Ballast from segregated ballast tanks is to be visually
to the deck watch, an experienced crew member, equipped with UHF portable inspected prior to being discharged overboard, in compliance with MARPOL.
radio, must be stationed on the forecasle of the shuttle tanker at all times. Ballast discharged from cargo tanks must be replaced with inert gas so as
If during cargo operations radio communications equipment fails, to maintain the oxygen content of the tank atmosphere at no more than 8%
operations are to be immediately suspended until communications are by volume. The responsibility for discharging clean ballast remains with the
re-established. shuttle tanker. Terminal will not issue any dry certificate.
Inert Gas System (IGS): Shuttle tankers shall confirm that they have a POLLUTION: The shuttle tanker’s Master must sign the Pollution
fully operational IGS maintaining positive pressure on all tanks with the Prevention Notice prior to commencing deballasting/cargo loading
oxygen content of the inert gas less than 8% by volume and is in compliance operations. Any pollution shall be reported promptly to the Loading Master.
with SOLAS 1974 Convention, Chapter II-2, Part D, and the latest edition of Spill Cleanup Kit: The shuttle tanker must be equipped with spill cleanup
the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT). In kit and it should be located at or near the manifold area.
the event of IGS failure and repair taking more than 6 hours, a safe MEDICAL: MedVac: The terminal may arrange emergency medical
deballasting/loading plan must be agreed with the terminal prior to resuming evacuation of seriously ill or injured crew members by helicopter. The use
operations. of each such helicopter requires a suitable landing/winching area, safety and
Illumination of Vessel: During hours of darkness, vessels discharging firefighting readiness and personnel on the shuttle tanker as recommended
ballast or loading cargo will illuminate the area around the ship, to the in the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) guidelines for helicopter
satisfaction of the Mooring Master. operations.
Topping Off: When topping off, the shuttle tanker’s officer-in-charge shall DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Takoradi’’.
be in control of the operation. The shuttle tanker should always allow sufficient REPAIRS: State of Readiness: Terminal is considered an open
ullage in final tank(s) to accept the draining of loading hose. roadstead, and under no circumstances may a vessel’s engines be shut down
Samples: Cargo gauging and sampling procedures at the terminal are for repairs while moored. All vessels must be able to clear and shall clear
carried out under a closed cargo gauging and sampling system within immediately upon the instructions of the Mooring Master. No repairs are
pressurised and inerted tank atmospheres. On arrival the shuttle tanker may permitted which would interfere with this requirement.
be requested to gauge various tanks for the purpose of sampling, water
finding, temperature taking, tank inspection, etc. and this will only be done FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Each vessel’s fire main must, where practical,
through dedicated vapour locks as per ISGOTT Section 7.2.3. remain fully pressurised and ready for use with fire monitors trained on the
Offshore Installation Manager (OIM): The OIM has overall responsibility cargo manifold area and other vulnerable locations during all cargo operations
for the operation of the FPSO. and where not possible, fire pump shall be ready for immediate use. If not
fitted with fire monitors in the manifold area, hoses with nozzles shall be
Cargo Inspectors: Petroleum inspectors attend cargo transfers and the connected to the fire main and run out forward and aft of the cargo manifold.
associated gauging and sampling of the cargo. These inspectors are
independent contractors appointed by shuttle tanker owner, terminal and, Portable dry chemical fire extinguishers shall be placed in the vicinity of the
where appropriate, buyer or seller of the cargo. Their primary functions are cargo manifold.
to inspect tanks to ensure that they are clean, dry and ready to receive cargo SECURITY/GANGWAY: Security: The Master of the shuttle tanker is
and to measure and record the quantity and quality of the cargo transferred. responsible for gangway access control to the vessel, surveillance on board
The presence of an inspector on board does not relieve the Master or the the vessel and surveillance of the waters surrounding the vessel. The Master
vessel’s personnel of their responsibilities for measuring and sampling the should also institute a system of package control to include the issuance of
cargo transferred. appropriate property passes for items authorised to leave the vessel.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page x) 1599

IVORY COAST Baobab Ivoirien MV10
WEATHER/TIDES: Climate: The climate is generally warm and humid The services of Mooring Master are provided upon the express
and is, overall, transitional from equatorial to tropical. Seasons are more understanding and condition that when any Mooring Master furnished by CNR
clearly distinguishable by rainfall and wind direction than by temperature. goes aboard a vessel, he becomes for such purposes, the servant of the
Continental and maritime air masses, following the apparent movement of owners of the vessel, and neither CNR, the Mooring Master, the FPSO nor
the sun from north to south, determine the cycle of the seasons that is any assisting tug shall be liable for any damages or injury which may result
associated with heat and cold farther from the equator. from the advice or assistance given or made by such Mooring Master while
Rain: Along the coast equatorial conditions prevail. Some rain falls in most aboard or in the vicinity of such vessel.
months, with an average of 200 cm. annually, but four seasons are generally Visiting export tankers may not commence final approach to the terminal
distinguishable. Heavy rains fall between May and July in most years, and until the Mooring Master from the FPSO is on board and has completed all
shorter rains during August and September. The minor dry season still brings required safety checks and has authorised the export tanker Master to
sparse rainfall during October and November, followed by the major dry proceed with final approach to the mooring.
season from December to April. Exchange of Arrival Documentation: When the Mooring Master is
Temperature: Generally follows the same pattern as above with average safely aboard the export tanker, all required and designated documentation
temperatures 25 – 30␥C and ranges from 10 – 40␥C. shall be exchanged between the export tanker Master and Mooring Master.
Humidity: Average relative humidity is 85%. Validation of Safety Condition/Measures: Prior to authorising final
approach to mooring, the Mooring Master shall satisfy himself that all
NEAREST AIRPORT: Abidjan International Airport, 80 km. requirements relative to safety conditions and measures aboard the visiting
GENERAL: Craft Alongside: No unauthorised craft allowed alongside. export tanker are in place and/or in a state of readiness according to the
When craft alongside cargo operations to be shut down. parameters of the OCIMF/ICS STS Transfer Guide.
Courtesy Flag: Shuttle tankers are required to fly the flag of the Ivory Coast ANCHORAGES: Anchoring within the Maritime Exclusion Zone around
during daylight hours while at the terminal. the terminal is prohibited.
Code Flag: During deballasting or loading the international code Flag B shall Anchorage Area: A deep-water anchorage has been designated for export
be displayed during daylight hours and at night an all round red light shall tankers awaiting a loading berth at Espoir Terminal within the area bounded
be displayed visible at a distance of at least 1 mile, and show an unbroken by a 1 n.m. radius circle centred upon a position 4 n.m. ENE of the FPSO.
light all around the horizon. Masters of export tankers electing not to anchor within the Designated
Visitors: Generally not allowed while vessel is berthed at the terminal. Anchorage and to drift off or anchor in another position should notify the
AGENCY: MODEC does not perform any vessel agency functions. Shuttle FPSO of their intentions.
tankers calling at Baobab Marine Terminal must make their own agency Also see ‘‘Restrictions’’.
arrangements. PRATIQUE: The rules governing the quarantine of export tankers are
AUTHORITY: Port Autonome d’Abidjan, BP V85, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. similar to those found in other parts of the world.
Tel: +225 320166. Telex: 3674 COMPORT. PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Pre-Arrival Messages: The
Operator Head Office: MODEC International LLC, Yorktown Plaza Drive, export tanker shall send an initial ETA message to CNR upon departure from
Houston, Texas 77040, USA. Tel: +1 (281) 529 8100. Fax: +1 (281) the previous port. The message shall be updated 72 hours, 48 hours and
529 8102. Web: www.modec.com 24 hours before arrival at the Espoir Field.
Operator Local Office: Nationale d’Operations Petrolieres, Base It is important that all in-coming export tankers advise CNR at least
Logistique SDV, Viridi Canal, BP15, 432 Abidjan 15, Ivory Coast. 72 hours before the estimated time of arrival, giving best estimate of the
Tel: +225 2121 7880. Fax: +225 2127 1597. ship’s arrival at the terminal.
Email: icm.baobab@modec.com Contact: Dick Bowles, Marine Time to be used for ETA is GMT.
Superintendent. Tel: +225 2121 7878. Mobile: +225 720 5359. ETA Notification Message:
Email: Dick.Bowles@modec.com The first ETA notification message should include the following
1. vessel’s name, call sign including Inmarsat number for voice / telex
ESPOIR TERMINAL: 05␥ 03' N 004␥ 27' W / fax if so fitted
2. cargo requirements
OVERVIEW: The terminal consists of the FPSO Espoir Ivorien, with a 3. max. loading rate
subsea pipeline running on a heading of 328␥(T), connecting the FPSO to 4. arrival draft fore and aft
the shore. 5. last port of call
The terminal consists of a 155,000 d.w.t., LOA 280 m., loaded draft 15.3 m., 6. confirmation that vessel has clean bill of health
FPSO Espoir Ivoirien, with storage capacity of 1,160,630 bbls. at 60␥F. The 7. if there is any sickness onboard, give all available information as to
FPSO is turret moored by six mooring chains extending 900 m. from the the possible type of sickness
turret mooring. There are no anchor mooring buoys. 8. distance in metres from the bow to the vessels loading manifold
The maximum parcel for a lifting is approx. 900,000 bbls. 9. LOA
LOCATION: Off the west coast of Africa, in the territorial seas of the Ivory 10. a statement with respect to the ability of the export tanker to make a
Coast and is 19 km. offshore in depth of 110 m., in position Lat. 05␥ 02' 35" N, connection to the floating hose 16 inch flange
Long. 004␥ 27' 05" W. 11. a statement to the effect that the vessel can perform ‘‘closed loading’’
The wellhead tower is located 1,000 m. ␺ 200␥(T) from the FPSO in 12. confirm that the vessel is equipped with a bow stopper able to receive
position Lat. 05␥ 01' 09" N, Long. 004␥ 27' 16" W. 76 mm chain
The mooring buoy is located in position Lat. 05␥ 01' 09" N, 13. name and particulars of local Agent.
Long. 004␥ 27' 01" W. Further ETA messages should be sent to CNR 48 and 24 hours prior to
CHARTS: BA Chart No. 1361. arrival and if ETA changes, by 6 hours or more. If the sea passage from the
vessel’s last port is less than 72 hours, the first notice shall be given
DOCUMENTS: Government Officials: Government officials such as immediately after departure and subsequent notices shall be given at the
the Customs Officer, Quarantine Officer, Immigration Officer, etc. may be
regular times.
expected to visit the vessel. It is expected the export tanker will provide food
and accommodation for these governmental officials. Export tankers calling Should the ETA change by one hour or more following 24 hours’ notice,
at the terminal must provide suitable boarding arrangements for subject the vessel shall promptly notify CNR of the new ETA.
officials if required. Pre-Arrival/Arrival Exchanges:
Prior to final approach to terminal (2 hrs.) the export tanker shall notify
MAX. SIZE: Tankers: 160,000 d.w.t. the FPSO of its ETA together with the following details:
RESTRICTIONS: Exclusion Zone: There is a 2 n.m. Maritime a) draft and trim
Exclusion Zone around the terminal and a 500 m. Operational Exclusion Zone b) capacity for loading
around the FPSO and wellhead tower. Vessels arriving at the terminal may c) details ballast plus time required for discharge
not enter either the Maritime Exclusion Zone without permission of the d) max. freeboard
Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) and the operational areas without first e) quality inert gas
gaining permission from the FPSO and OIM of the drilling rig, if applicable.
f) any other information that may be deemed relevant.
PILOTAGE: Mooring Master Pick-Up Zone: The Mooring Master The FPSO shall advise the export tanker of the holding/anchor location
pick-up zone is an area approximately 3 n.m. ENE of the FPSO, or such and confirm ETA, mooring master, boarding party and transfer method.
other position as agreed with the Mooring Master. Vessels should take a
suitable heading to allow safe access for the Mooring Master. Following
FPSO Contact Details: The FPSO call sign is ‘‘H3VA’’.
The contact information for the FPSO CNR representative is:
receipt of instructions from CNR or the Mooring Master, an export tanker
should proceed from the anchorage area to the Mooring Master’s pick-up Tel: +44 (1224) 331900
zone where the Mooring Master will board the vessel. Mobile: +225 (07) 075130
Fax: +44 (1224) 331901
Boarding Procedure: Boarding arrangements should be strictly in Email: Email: EspoirIvoirien.offshoreco.rep@cnrinternational.com
accordance with SOLAS requirements (SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2001,
Chapter V, Regulation 17). Refer also to the International Maritime Pilots Emergency Procedure: Prior to the commencement of any operational
Association (IMPA) recommendations. phase, a secondary, stand-by procedure for the communication of emergency
signals shall be established, agreed upon and understood.
Use of Mooring Master by Export Tanker: One or two Mooring Signals are:
Masters will be provided by CNR. One Mooring Master shall be an
radio communication inoperative
experienced Pilot. The other may have less experience and work as an
assistant Mooring Master. emergency stop.
Pilotage compulsory within a 2 n.m. radius of the FPSO. The Mooring When primary radio communication fails, all operations should be
Master will advise the export tanker Master with respect to approaches to suspended pending restoration of the service.
the FPSO, mooring and unmooring, connecting and disconnecting hoses and Immediately the need for emergency signalling procedures becomes
in all other operations within the terminal area. All manoeuvring of ships within evident, action should be taken to determine and correct the problem.
the terminal area shall be carried out under the advice of the Mooring Master. VHF: The terminal listens on Channel 16 and operates on Channel 68.
The Master of the vessel being manoeuvred shall remain solely responsible, The FPSO maintains a continuous watch on Channel 69 and Masters of
for the safety and proper manoeuvring of the vessel. arriving vessels are recommended to use this channel when they are within
The Mooring Master shall assist with export tanker operations until the range of the Espoir Field Marine Terminal particularly when approaching the
export tanker has disconnected from the FPSO and been conducted to a terminal.
safe position well clear of the terminal. Masters are reminded that if their vessel is requested to anchor to await
The export tanker’s Master or a suitably qualified deck officer must be on mooring, it is their responsibility to maintain a constant listening watch on
the bridge at all times while the vessel is manoeuvring within the terminal Channel 69 and/or an agreed working channel, to receive terminal
area. instructions. Any delay due to failure to maintain constant listening watch will

1600 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page x)

Espoir Terminal IVORY COAST
be for the arriving vessel’s account and will not be included in a subsequent POLLUTION: All export tankers shall conform to the International Maritime
lay time or demurrage calculation. Organisation regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil and
All communications shall be in English. requirements pertaining to the control of pollution of any type.
TUGS: Compulsory. Tug secured aft with minimum bollard pull of not less REPAIRS: Repairs or other work, which may prevent the rapid departure
than 30 tons. of the export tanker, should not be undertaken while the export tanker is
The tug currently on station is the MV ‘‘Lewek Ivory’’, 5,200 h.p., capable moored.
of 65 tonnes BP. SURVEYORS: The FPSO has a laboratory onboard capable of analysing
BERTHS: Terminal Layout: Permanent moorings 6␺900 m. (chain). limited numbers of cargo samples.
Wellhead tower (EWHT) 1,000 m. from turret, direction 202␥(T). In case of absence of a third party cargo surveyor, the Mooring Master
FPSO LOA 280 m. shall witness the ullage of all tanks onboard the export tanker prior to and
FPSO to tanker distance (berthed) 86 m. following completion of transfer operations.
Stern tug (company supplied), not less than 30 tonnes BP. FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Each export tanker must have its fire fighting
Mooring hawser 75 m. system fully operational prior to commencing any mooring and/or transfer
Offloading hose 312 m. ␺ 20 in. with 16 in. tail and rail hoses. operations.
MOORING: Export tanker mooring comprises of a 21 in. ␺ 75 m. mooring TIME: GMT throughout year.
hawser with 8 m. ␺ 3 in. chafing chain. The hawser has 150 m. pick-up line
a 150 m. messenger line. WEATHER/TIDES: Weather Conditions: Prior to commencing
A support vessel with a bollard pull of not less than 30 tonnes will assist mooring and/or cargo transfer operations, reasonably available weather
the export tanker in mooring to the FPSO and will be used to hold the export forecasts for the FPSO location will be obtained by the FPSO.
tanker off the FPSO during cargo transfer operations. Bollard pull of the vessel The operations should proceed and / or continue only if the FPSO OIM,
employed will depend on the d.w.t. of export tanker. the CNR Offshore Representative, the export tanker Master and Mooring
Master are satisfied the prevailing and anticipated conditions are within the
Departure Procedure for Export Tanker: After the disconnection of the limits considered safe for such an operation. Should the Mooring Master
transfer hose the export tanker will vacate the berth immediately. suspect failing weather, offloading should be halted immediately and the
Watchmen: A watchman should be stationed at the bow of the export tanker export tanker moved to a safe distance.
to monitor the condition of its moorings and to report any condition, which
may indicate imminent failure of the moorings as well as monitoring for any
Operating Environment: Mean air temperature 18 – 36␥C.
Seawater temperature 21 – 33␥C.
leakage of oil.
Current 0.5 – 2.0 knots ␺ 240␥(T).
The export tanker is responsible for the frequent monitoring and careful
tending of its moorings to ensure that movement of the export tanker is GENERAL: Courtesy Flag: Export tankers are required to fly the flag of
minimised. Ivory Coast during daylight hours while at the terminal.
The FPSO will monitor the load on the Mooring Assembly continuously. AGENCY: CNR does not perform any vessel agency functions. Export
Loads will be relayed to the export tanker/mooring master on request. tankers calling at Espoir Field Marine Terminal must make their own agency
While moored, the export tanker equipment and machinery essential for arrangements.
manoeuvring shall be maintained ready to permit rapid disconnection of the OPERATOR: Offshore Terminal: CNR International. Tel: +44 (1483)
mooring at short notice. 401323. Mobile: +225 (07) 075130. FAX: +44 (1483) 401404.
HOSES: Cargo transfer via 20 in. ␺ 312 m. floating hose, terminated at the Email: offshorerep.ei@cnrinternational.com Contact: John Allen, Terminal
export tanker end with 2␺16 in. lightweight tail hoses and a 16 in. barbell Operations Manager (Tel: +225 (20) 310015. Fax: +225 (20) 310050.
type rail hose with a butterfly valve and blind flange secured by a shaft spool Mobile: +225 (07) 072812). Mike Brumfit, CNR Representative.
camlock. When not connected to the export tanker, a blind flange is fitted to
the open end of the camlock. A Marine Breakaway Coupling is included
between the last section of mainline full floating hose and the three lengths
of lightweight tail hose at the export tanker end. LION TERMINAL: 05␥ 02' N 004␥ 48' W (See Plan)
When not connected to an export tanker, the cargo transfer hose shall
remain in the sea. OVERVIEW: The FPSO has been removed and replaced by an Single
A marker buoy (unlighted) shall be permanently attached to the pick up Point Mooring (SPM) Buoy SIR II.
line at the export tanker end of the transfer hose. Cote d’Ivoire under licenses granted by the Government of the Ivory Coast.
During hose handling operations, and prior to and following connection to The terminal is governed by the laws of the Ivory Coast.
export tanker, care must be exercised to prevent kinking or other damage to LOCATION: 210␥(T) ␺ 1.2 n.m. from the Port Bouet Lighthouse.
the transfer hose. A minimum radius of 3 m. for any bend in the hose is MAX. SIZE: Tankers: 250,000 d.w.t., draft 21.0 m., bow to manifold
recommended. 150 m. Minimum 80,000 d.w.t., LOA 200 m.
Hose Disconnection: The Mooring Master or his Assistant shall witness RESTRICTIONS: This terminal is designated to provide
the export tanker closure of the hose termination butterfly valve, disconnection discharging/loading facilities for crude oil.
of the hose from the manifold and fitting of the blind flange on end of hose. PILOTAGE: Mooring during daylight hours only. Latest acceptable arrival
The export tanker shall check and confirm that all manifolds are securely time is 1500 hrs. Available seven days per week.
blanked, the vessel is clear of obstructions, that winches and windlass are Unmooring/sailing conducted throughout 24 hours, subject to Mooring
powered and operational, that crew is standing by and ready to release the Master/Chief Pilot’s agreement.
mooring hawser.
BERTHS: Vessels are berthed at a SPM.
CARGO OPERATIONS: Pre-Loading Meeting: Prior to authorising
the connection of the transfer hose to the export tanker, the Mooring Master HOSES: Manifold to accept hose dia. 16 in.
shall determine from the export tanker Master that the export tanker crew is Derrick: Minimum SWL 10 tonnes.
in a state of readiness and is proficient in emergency safety, fire and other CARGO OPERATIONS: Handling Rates: Loading rate Lion Crude
related procedures to ensure maximum safety during transfer operations. 2,500 cu.m./hr.
Loading Rate: The FPSO maximum discharge rate is 6000 cu.m./hr. Discharging rate crude oil 35,000 – 40,000 bbls./hr.
Inert Gas System: All export tankers must be fitted with an inert gas system BALLAST: Deballast: No deballast reception or slops disposal facilities
and confirm that all tanks have an oxygen content of less than 5% by volume available ashore. Vessels arriving in ballast must ensure that any ballast to
prior to loading. be discharged is clean ballast water.
On request, the vessel will demonstrate the oxygen quality to the Mooring DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Tema’’.
Master / terminal representative prior to commencement of transfer or at any OPERATOR: United Meridian International Corporation (UMIC).
time so requested during transfer.
In the event of a failure of the inert gas system, immediate action shall be
AGENT: Head Office: GETMA International, 66 Rue Pierre Charron,
75008 Paris, France. Tel: +33 (1) 5383 8383. Fax: +33 (1) 5383 8362,
taken to prevent air from being drawn into the tanks. All tank loading
5383 8363. Email: getma@getma.fr Web: www.getma.fr
operations shall be stopped and the deck isolating valve closed.
All export tankers must be equipped with a fully operational inert gas Abidjan: GETMA Cote d’Ivoire SA, Km. 1, Boulevard de Marseille,
monitoring system which shall be in a monitoring mode (for oxygen, content, PO Box 1753, Abidjan 16, Cote d’Ivoire. Tel: +225 242016, 241455.
pressure etc.) prior to commencing any mooring and/or transfer operations. Fax: +225 240092, 353290. Email: ouele.shipping@getma.ci
Cargo/Ballast Tank Contents/Ullage: The export tanker will load cargo
and discharge ballast according to the Offloading and Loading Plans. This
plan will be in written form signed and placed in the Cargo Control Room SAN PEDRO: 04␥ 44' N 006␥ 38' W (See Plan)
before operations commence.
Cessation of Operations: To ensure a safe operation the FPSO OIM, the LOCATION: The Port of San Pedro is located at the old mouth of the river
CNR Offshore Representative, and export tanker Master, usually on advice bearing the same name. The river has been diverted and now comes into
from the Mooring Master, may at their sole discretion, order cessation of the sea to the east of the hill on which a light is located.
mooring or transfer operation. In such an event the responsible persons of Charts: Charts No. 3051 and 1362.
the other vessels shall immediately act as required to cease such operations. DOCUMENTS:
Cargo Measurement: Each measurement record shall be delivered to and 3 Crew Lists
retained by the OIM of the FPSO. 3 Lists of Ports of Call
BALLAST: Export tankers shall arrive ballasted to at least 25% of d.w.t. 1 Passenger List
The propeller must be fully immersed and the vessel must not be trimmed 1 Declaration of Arms and Ammunition
by more than 3.0 m. by the stern. Any deviation from these conditions will 3 Kroo Lists
require the approval of the CNR Operations Manager, the OIM of the FPSO 1 Health Declaration
and the Prosafe Operations Manager. A formal safety review shall be 6 Manifests
undertaken in advance of such approval. 2 Bills of Lading
When the export tanker is loading, it may commence discharging clean 3 Lists of Hazardous Cargo, disembarking or in transit.
ballast concurrently with loading only if the ballast system is completely Also see ‘‘Shipmaster’s Reports’’.
separated from the cargo system. MAX. SIZE:
Export tankers having clean ballast in cleaned cargo tanks and lines are Berth Max. LOA Max. Draft
recommended to suspend loading when discharging ballast. (m.) (m.)
Export tankers may only discharge ballast that is clean and complies with Oil Berth* 90 5.5
the MARPOL 73/78 regulations. Berth No. 1 155 10.5
The FPSO is not equipped to receive dirty ballast. Berth No. 2 200 10.5

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page x) 1601

Berth Max. LOA Max. Draft HOLIDAYS: Public: May 1st, (May Day).
(m.) (m.) Legal Holidays: The following are considered public holidays with pay unless
Berth No. 3 190 10.2 they fall on a Sunday:
Berth No. 4 195 10.5 January 1st; End of Muslim’s Lent (Ramadan); November 1st, All Saints’
Berth No. 5 140 10.5 Day; Ascension Day; Assumption; Easter Monday; Whit Monday; December
Berth No. 6 150 8.5 25th.
South Quay 150 8.5 It should also be noted that when May 1st falls on a Sunday the following
West Quay 586 10.5 day is considered a public holiday.
* currently unavailable. WEATHER/TIDES: The tropical climate with tradewinds is mild
RESTRICTIONS: Tides impose no restriction. However vessels drawing (maximum 30␥C, minimum 20␥C, the absolute minimum being 15␥C in
34 ft. (the authorised maximum) operate during HW to facilitate their January). The rainy seasons is from May to August; the region is irrigated
movements. by tornadoes from April to May and September to October. The average rate
of rainfall reaches 1,600 mm./year.
APPROACHES: In Clear Weather: Current: The slight SW’ly current at the port entrance of 0.5 to 1 knot is
The first recognisable port characteristics are:
negligible inside the port.
1. The lighthouse to the NE of the port on a hill (Lat. 4␥ 44' 55" N,
Long. 6␥ 36' 00" W) – which is a four-sided pylon 26.8 m. high on the top of Tidal Range: The maximum tidal range is 1.5 m. (about half an hour ahead
which is a square metal shelter with horizontal red and white stripes and on of the tidal times at Abidjan). There is a slight tidal rip at the South Quay.
its middle part on the southern side is a white sphere. The height of the light But in the whole port and particularly at the South Quay, there is a
is 160.3 m. considerable undertow between the months of June and September.
2. Hertzien Relays: Cylindrical telecommunications tower, grey in colour CONSULS: France.
and 59.3 m. high. It is located 1,100 m. – 268␥ from the light of the eastern NEAREST AIRPORT: San Pedro Airport, 5 km.
jetty on a hill dominating the port. Its height in relation to sea level, is 127 m. CUSTOMS: 200 cigarettes and 1 bottle of spirits.
At the top of it is a metal aerial mast. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None.
In Misty Weather: There is an aeronautical radio beacon (Lat. 4␥ 46' 12" N,
Long. 6␥ 38' 58" W) operating from 0730 - 1830 hrs. and at night on request GENERAL: Fresh Food: Only available in small quantities.
(frequency 330 A1 call sign ‘‘SAP’’). The request for night operation must be Roads: A tarmacadam road connects with Abidjan, distance 350 km.
made to ASECNA at Abidjan. Port Officials: The Port Captaincy, the pilotage and tug control are all in the
Captaincy building which is a two storey structure, raised on a circular dias
PILOTAGE: Pilotage is compulsory for entering and leaving and for moving located at Pointe Quiquerez. The Customs are within the port to the south
within the pilotage limits, defined by a circle of four miles radius centred on of the Western Quay.
the base of the Western Jetty (Pointe Quiquerez).
All vessels wishing to enter the pilotage area of the port must send at least DEVELOPMENTS: In order to cater for increased exports and imports,
24 hours prior to arrival, a telegram or a telex stating ETA, overall length, the port will have 4 anchorage points and 7 quay berths, one of which will
draft, nature and tonnage of goods to be loaded or unloaded. be multi-purpose. This will involve extending the port to the north and
The telegram or telex should be sent for the attention of the Port enlarging the Northern Dock, creating an Inner Port, extension of dredging,
Commandant, or otherwise to the Consignee. creation of open storage areas and construction of quays. In all, the plan,
The pilot boat is a cutter which has a black hull and white superstructures from a long term aspect, is to have 10 km. of quay, 500 ha. of port industrial
marked ‘‘Pilote San Pedro’’. The usual summoning signals for the Pilot are area and 200 ha. of commercial areas.
also supported by two long and one short (G) audible signals on the siren. SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: November 1997
Pilotage is available day and night for leaving the port and for movements The following documents are required:
at the quay. Berthing at the buoys only possible during daylight hours. 8 Crew Lists.
Departures are announced at the daily port conference. 2 Bonded and Provision Stores Lists.
Pilot service not available 24th & 31st December (1800 – 0800 hrs.). 2 Ship’s Stores Inventories.
Three hours before sailing, the Agent must confirm or modify the time for 2 Personal Effects Declarations.
sailing as is expected. 6 Dangerous Cargo Lists.
The vessel must confirm again its departure one hour before sailing 4 Narcotics Lists.
(by VHF or by any other means if the vessel does not have VHF). 6 Ports of Call Lists.
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Vessels anchored can communicate 1 Vaccination List.
with the Port Captaincy on VHF (Channel 16 and 12 with permanent watch). 1 Maritime Declaration of Health.
There is permanent radiotelephone watch on 2182 kHz, as well as 4 Stowaway Lists.
communication by light signals. 4 Passenger Lists.
4 Animals Lists.
TUGS: One tug of 1,300 h.p. 4 Kroo Boy Lists.
BERTHS: The port protection structures comprise of a western breakwater 4 Parcel Lists.
265 m. long and a breakwater to the east of 145 m. length. Access is by 4 Arms and Ammunition Lists.
means of a 120 m. wide channel dredged to 13.0 m. The entrance passage 4 Mail Lists.
is 200 m. wide. A heading of 291.5␥ leads to the port. 2 Deck Declarations.
The channel gives access to a manoeuvring basin of 400 m. diameter 2 Engine Declarations.
dredged to 11.8 m. depth. Dangerous Cargo List and Crew List must be sent 48 hours prior to arrival.
South Quay: Length 155 m., depth 9 m. SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: March 1998
West Quay: Length 181 m., depth 11 m. and Length 405 m., depth 12 m. Documents: Prepare all forms so acceptable format by INM-C.
Service Quay: Length 109 m., depth 4 m. 6 Crew Lists.
There are five loading points at buoys for timber: Two to the north of 6 Ports of Call Lists.
Western Quay, and three to the north of Eastern Breakwater, which can take 6 Passenger Lists.
vessels with a maximum length up to 140 m. at 3 buoys and 200 m. at 6 Animals Lists.
2 buoys. Depth 11 m. 6 Narcotics Lists.
Cement Handling Berth: Length 200 m. Vessels berth against dolphins and 6 Arms and Ammunition Lists.
secure to buoys fore and aft. Depth of water 11 m. 6 Stowaway Lists.
There is also inside the port a small tanker berth for vessels not exceeding 6 Dangerous Cargo Lists (whether in transit or not).
100 m. on the Eastern Breakwater. The areas located to the north and east 3 Crew Declaration Lists.
of these berths are used for storing timber. 3 Ship’s Stores Lists.
Also see ‘‘Max. Size’’. 3 Bonded Stores Lists.
TANKER FACILITIES: See ‘‘Max. Size’’. 3 Currency Lists.
CRANES: 1␺60 ton mobile crane and 1␺30 ton challenger crane for 3 Provisions Lists.
handling containers. 3 Deck Stores Lists.
No quay cranes, cargo handled by ships gear. 3 Vaccination Lists.
CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Lighters: 200 ton and 300 ton 3 Customs Declaration Lists.
capacity. Special care should be taken with ship’s and personal items so as to avoid
discrepancies between declared and physical stocks.
STEVEDORES: Available throughout 24 hours. Please declare: Bunkers on arrival, paints, chemicals, solvents, grease,
WASTE DISPOSAL: There is no special collection service. Vessel’s thinners, varnishes, acetylene, freon and oxygen bottles (full or empty),
garbage is retained on board in plastic bags and removed by lorry hired by personal belongings, refrigerators, TV sets, radio, video, cameras, all relevant
agent. apparatus, cassettes, films, cigarettes, beer, soft drinks, alcohol and
SLOPS DISPOSAL: No local service available. In case of absolute perfumes.
necessity, contact ship’s agent. Everything should be declared to avoid fines or arrest of ship. Please
inform/remind crew that no business transactions (sales, exchanges) are
MEDICAL: There is a hospital with limited facilities at San Pedro. For allowed during the ship’s stay in port.
serious cases, patients are taken by medical plane to Abidjan (which is All stores must be declared including those which are kept aside for
1 hour’s flight away). presents.
FRESH WATER: Available at the quays, rate 30 t.p.h. Also available at Officials: Customs are very strict in this port.
the buoys by barge, capacity 300 tons, rate 25 t.p.h. Customs Officer counts everything in Bonded Store. When no
FUEL: Available alongside at the quays by road tanker. discrepancies found, asks for present. Afterwards Master can take cigarettes,
REPAIRS: There are several workshops for effecting small repairs. The whisky, brandy, spirit, beer, etc., for entertaining in harbour, then they will
Port Authority also undertakes repairs, contact Harbour Master. seal the Bonded Store.
TSM workshop: Welding, painting, engine maintenance, etc. When all formalities are completed no other visitors come on board. If
Tel. +225 (34) 711665. anybody comes aboard you can call your agent, and the uninvited guest will
leave without a word.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: +225 (34) 711343; Anchorages: Outside beyond the channel is deep water, difficult for
Ambulance Tel: +225 (34) 711025; Hospital Tel: +225 (34) 711121, 711601. anchoring.
TIME: GMT. Max. Size: Draft limit 10.00 m.

1602 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page x)

Berthing: Berthed alongside Berth No. 4. Shore gear used to discharge cargo.
Only one suction pipe, discharge rate 110 t.p.h.
If the ship has Port Clearance when discharge of cargo is completed, ship’s
Master decides upon sailing time.
Give Pilot Station one hour’s notice for sailing. Ship can sail at night.
Gangway/Deck Watchman: Compulsory to employ watchman.
AUTHORITY: Port Autonome de San Pedro, BP 339/340, San Pedro,
Ivory Coast. Tel: +225 (34) 717220. Telex: 9910, 9911 COMPORT-CI.
Fax: +225 (34) 717215. Cables: Comport San Pedro.
Web: www.sanpedro-portu.com Contact: Daiio Desire Noel Laurent,
Director General. Ado Ado Jean-Jacques, Operations Director. Yao
Tiecoura, Commercial Director. Koman Ankiehi, Harbour Master.
AGENT: Afritramp-Socopao, Boulevard du Port, BP 363, San Pedro, Ivory
Coast. Tel: +225 (34) 3171 1589. Fax: +225 (34) 71 1567, 71 1583.
Telex: (983) 99103, 99104. Email: socospy@africaonline.co.ci

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page x) 1603

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