Assessment 1 - English 10
Assessment 1 - English 10
Assessment 1 - English 10
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
San Miguel National High School
San Miguel, San Remigio, Cebu
( MODULES 1 and 2 )
Directions: Fill in the blanks by writing your NAME AND SECTION. This assessment comprises two
lessons of modules 1 and 2. Read each item carefully. Match the column A and B. Provide the letter of
your answer in the blank.
An object. J. demonstration
III. Sequencing of Events. Review the story Daedalus and Icarus. Arrange the sequence of events by
putting numbers as to which comes first. (1 – first, 2 –second and so on). Write the corresponding
numbers on the space provided.
_______ Daedelus also constructed a wooden cow for the queen to hide in to satisfy her amorous
longings for a white bull sent by Poseidon.
_______ Daedalus decided that he and his son Icarus had to leave Crete and get away from Minos,
before he brought them harm.
_______ With countless winding passages and turns that opened into one another, the Labyrinth
appeared to have neither beginning nor end. Daedalus built the maze to imprison the Minotaur, half
man - half bull beast.
_______ King Cocalus promised to do so, but he persuaded Minos to first take a bath and stay for some
______ But vengeful King Minos wasn’t quite done — he then went in pursuit of Daedalus, hoping to
locate and trick the great inventor into revealing himself.
______ The clever Daedalus tied the string to an ant, placed the ant at one end of the shell, and allowed
the ant to walk through the spiral chambers until it came out the other end.
_______ Forgetting his father’s stern advice, Icarus flew too close to the sun god Helios, who was pulling
the sun behind his chariot high in the sky.
_______ He sternly cautioned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun, as it would melt his wings, and not
too close to the sea, as it would dampen them and make it hard to fly.
IV. Graphic Organizers. Read each item carefully. Identify what type of graphic organizer is asked. Then
give the examples of each type and its description. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.
________________1. A type of graphic organizer that show sequence, order or the development.
(Provide all the examples and its description)
Note: Add another sheet of paper if necessary. Make sure to write your name on your extra sheet/s to
avoid loss.