Gek 116328 9fa Water Injection System

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GEK 116328a
Revised, December 2011

GE Energy

9FA and 9FB Water Injection System

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to
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© General Electric Company, 2011. GE Proprietary Information. All Rights Reserved.
GEK 116328a 9FA and 9FB Water Injection System

The following notices will be found throughout this publication. It is important that the
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9FA and 9FB Water Injection System GEK 116328a


I. GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 4
A. On-Turbine Base.................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Off-Base Skid ........................................................................................................................................ 4
II. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 5
III. CONTROL AND MONITORING............................................................................................................ 6
IV. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................... 7
A. Customer Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 7
B. Operation ............................................................................................................................................... 7
V. MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................................... 9
A. Periodic Maintenance............................................................................................................................. 9
B. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................... 9
C. Long-Term Storage.............................................................................................................................. 10


Table 1. Properties of Water for Injection system................................................................................................ 11

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GEK 116328a 9FA and 9FB Water Injection System

This document applies to a 9FA and 9FB frame size unit.


The water injection system provides water to the combustion system of the gas turbine to limit the levels
of nitrogen oxides (NOX) in the turbine exhaust. This limitation is required by strict local and federal
regulations. The water injection system schedules water flow to the turbine as a function of total fuel
flow, relative humidity, and ambient temperature. The required water/fuel ratio is established through
field compliance testing of the individual turbine. A final control schedule based on these tests is
programmed in the SPEEDTRONIC * control, which then regulates the system.

The water injection system, shown in the reference drawings section of this manual, consists of both on-
base components and an off-base water injection skid. This skid is a factory assembled and enclosed
package. It receives water from the customer’s treatment facility (See Table 1 – Injection System Water
Quality Requirements for an overview and GE document GEK 101944 for complete for water injection
water quality criteria), and supplies water at the pressure and flow rate required to meet the applicable
emissions requirement at that operating condition.

The injection water is introduced to the turbine combustion system through a water supply manifold. The
manifold supplies water to each of the 18 combustors on the gas turbine. The manifold inlet connection is
located on the turbine base. The water is injected through identical nozzles in each of the combustors.

The following is a listing of the on-base and off-base components, together with a brief functional
description of the system. More detailed information on individual items is given in the manufacturer’s
literature (Equipment Publications), which follows this text.

A. On-Turbine Base

1. Air actuated stop valve (VS2–1) is located outside the skid near the turbine base. This includes
Solenoid (20WN-1), Actuation Pressure Regulator (VPR62–11), Actuation Pressure Relief
Valve (VR70–1), Quick- Exhaust Valve (VQE1–1) and “Last Chance” Filter (FW3–1).

2. Water injection manifold and associated piping to carry water to the manifold. Eighteen tubing
arrangements to carry water to the connection points of each of eighteen combustion chambers.
Eighteen flow proportioning valves, one installed in each of the tubing lines supplying each of
the combustors. A low point drain is provided on the turbine base adjacent to the inlet connection

3. Eighteen separate combustors, each with a set of identical water injection nozzles fed from a
single connection point per combustor.

B. Off-Base Skid

1. Inlet water strainer (FW1-2)

2. Inlet water pressure switch (63WN-1)

3. High pressure centrifugal water injection pump/motor assembly with a motor space heater
(PW1- 1/88WN-1/23WN-1)

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9FA and 9FB Water Injection System GEK 116328a

4. A variable frequency drive unit with pump/motor speed feedback and alarm relay (97WN-

5. Water pump discharge pressure transmitter (96WP-1)

6. A 40 micron absolute simplex water filter assembly (FW1-1)

7. Water filter differential pressure switch (63WN-3)

8. A V-Cone flowmeter with one transmitter (FM1-1/96WF-1).

9. Associated piping, flanges, check valve, pressure gauges, manual isolation valves, and inlet
water temperature gauge.

10. Compartment ventilation/cooling fan/motor, 88JS-1, and cooling thermostat, 26JS-1, are
provided to keep the skid cool. Thermostat 26JS-2, which is set at a higher temperature than
26JS-1, signals a high temperature alarm in the SPEEDTRONIC* control.

11. Compartment heater, 23WR-1, and heating thermostat, 26WR-1 are provided to maintain an
internal skid temperature, to minimize condensation and prevent freezing. Thermostat 26WR-2,
which is set at a lower temperature than 26WR-1, signals a low temperature alarm in the

12. Skid lighting consists of light switch ASW-28 and AC lights AL-58, AL-59, AL-82 and AL-86.
AL-58 has DC battery backup on AC failure. There are two AC power outlets, AR-41 and AR-
42, each with grounded receptacles.


The water injection system supplies treated and filtered water at the required flow rate and pressure to the
combustion system of the gas turbine. The customer is responsible for supplying water to the water
injection skid from the customer’s treatment and storage facility (see Customer Responsibilities).

Water enters the skid and passes through a strainer (FW1-2), which protects the system components from
damage by foreign objects. A pressure switch (63WN-1) senses pressure upstream of the pump. The
SPEEDTRONIC* control system will trip the pump motor if the pressure sensed by this switch falls
below a nominal level. This protects the pump from damage due to cavitation.

An electric motor (88WN-1) drives the centrifugal water injection pump (PW1-1). The speed of the
electric motor is controlled by a variable frequency drive unit or VFD (97WN-1). The VFD modulates
the frequency of the AC power supplied to the motor (88WN-1). By varying the frequency of the AC
power, the pump speed can be precisely controlled. The discharge flowrate of the pump is controlled by
varying the pump speed. The VFD controls the pump speed in response to a 4-20 mA demand signal
from the SPEEDTRONIC*. A 0-10 V speed feedback signal (96WN-4) from the VFD is fed back to the
SPEEDTRONIC* for monitoring and fault detection purposes.

The minimum and maximum flow rates for this Gas Turbine are specified in the water Injection System
Piping Schematic included in this Manual.

A discharge pressure transmitter (96WP-1) is located downstream of the pump. The signal from this
transmitter is fed back to the SPEEDTRONIC* for monitoring and fault detection.

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GEK 116328a 9FA and 9FB Water Injection System

The flow passes through a simplex high pressure filter assembly (FW1-1). The filter elements are
contained in a high-pressure filter housing, with a vent and drain. A differential pressure gauge indicates
the pressure drop across the filter. A differential pressure switch (63WN-3) also senses the differential
pressure across the filter, and signals an alarm in the SPEEDTRONIC* control if the pressure differential
exceeds the pressure specified in the device summary.

Downstream of the filter, the flow is split into a main line to the turbine and a recirculation line. The
recirculation line returns to the pump inlet upstream of the inlet strainer via the "cascade" recirculation
orifice. This recirculation allows the pump to operate in a stable and safe condition during periods of low
or no flow requirements. It is important that the pump is not run only on recirculation flow for an
extended period of time (see Diagram Schematic PP-Water Injection Unit). Extended running on pump
recirculation only may cause overheating of the pump, or damage to the pump seals.

The water flow in the main line next passes through a V-Cone flowmeter (FM1-1), with single
Transmitter (96WF-1). The flowmeter provides a signal to the SPEEDTRONIC* control system.

Downstream of the flowmeter, the flow exits the skid and is carried by customer supplied piping to the air
actuated stop valve (VS2- 1), with solenoid control valve (20WN-1),which shuts off water flow in
response to a command from the control system.

Interconnecting piping (provided by the customer) carries the water flow from the skid discharge to the
manifold connection on the turbine base (“WI2”). The manifold distributes flow equally to eighteen flow
proportioning valves (VWP1-1 to 18). These valves have a 15 psid (1.0 kg/cm2) cracking pressure, and
provide a graduated flow restriction such that the flow resistance is relatively high at low flows. The
purpose of the flow proportioning valves is to provide an even flow distribution at start-up and at low
flows. The discharge from each of these valves is connected to tubing, which carries the flow of water to
one of the combustors.


Total water flow to the turbine is scheduled as a function of fuel flow to the turbine. A control schedule
must be established during field compliance tests to meet emissions limits specified by the applicable
local or federal standards. The compliance curve, determined as a result of these tests, is programmed
into the SPEEDTRONIC* control system. It is used as a reference for comparison to the actual water
flow, in order to verify that emissions regulations are being met.

The electronic controllers (micro-computers R, S, and T) in the SPEEDTRONIC*, control the flow of
water in accordance with the control schedule and compliance control curve. The controllers generate a 4
to 20 mA demand signal to the variable frequency drive, which accurately modulates pump speed to
obtain the required flow. The control signal is generated in accordance with the control schedule, to
achieve the required emissions levels at that particular operating condition. The skid flowmeter (FM1-1)
generates a 4-20 mA output proportional to flow rate, which the SPEEDTRONIC* uses in the flow
control loop as a feedback signal.

For a more detailed description of the control system and the operation of the water injection system,
refer to the Control and Protection text in this manual.

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9FA and 9FB Water Injection System GEK 116328a


A. Customer Responsibilities
The customer must supply water meeting the quality requirements of Table 1.

The fluid must be water, not a water/glycol mixture. The customer must provide a storage tank of
suitable size, and the necessary piping from the tank to the skid. Water must be supplied to the skid
within the specified temperature and pressure ranges shown on the water injection system schematic
diagram. The storage tank and related piping should be designed and positioned to deliver water to
the skid within this pressure range.

The customer must provide stainless steel piping, flanges, valves, etc., to and from the water injection
skid. The water storage tank must be stainless or suitably coated. The piping from the skid to the gas
turbine base must be designed to limit pressure drop at the maximum water flow at or below the
maximum allowable pressure drop as indicated on the water injection system schematic diagram.

The storage tank and all piping must be completely clean before the system is operated. As there are
no water filters or strainers on the turbine base, this is particularly important for the piping from the
skid to the turbine base. In order to ensure clean piping, the system must be flushed. For system
flushing instructions, refer to long-term Shutdown Checks herein.

B. Operation
1. Long Term Shutdown Checks
Before operating the skid for the first time, following an overhaul, or following a period of extended
shutdown, the following checks are required:

a. Verify that the water-injection pump gear-box and/or bearing housing is filled with lubricant.
The lubricant color and level should be checked. Refer to the pump manufacturer’s instructions
in the Skid Manufacturer’s Service Manual/Equipment Publications.

b. Check all manual valves (isolation valves etc.) for operability.

c. Verify tightness of all flanges, bolted joints etc. to ensure against leaks.

d. Check alignment of pump and motor in accordance with the pump or skid manufacturer’s
recommendations. Check motor mount and pump mount bolts and tighten if required.

e. Check water filter elements to ensure that they are properly seated. When replacing the filter
head it is important to ensure elements remain correctly aligned, and to tighten all studs evenly.
This will ensure against any leaks on startup.

f. Remove and inspect strainer baskets. Clean if necessary.

g. Verify all gauges are zeroed.

h. Verify that all the settings programmed in the VFD unit are in accordance with the as shipped
values supplied by the Skid Manufacturer (refer to the Skid Manufacturer’s Service Manual/
Equipment Publications for these settings).

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GEK 116328a 9FA and 9FB Water Injection System


The variable frequency drive has been factory set and tested. Alteration of the factory
settings may cause system malfunction or failure. Do not change these settings unless
such a change has been approved by the manufacturer of this skid. A list of the factory
settings is included in the skid service manual.

i. Jog the pump in accordance with the pump manufacturer’s operating instructions.


Do not operate or jog the pump until the water supply has been connected to the system.
Even brief operation of the pump without water can cause failure of the shaft seal.

j. The water injection skid and the piping from the skid to the turbine should be flushed on site
using water of the same quality as specified for normal operation. The flush should be of at least
one-half hour in duration. The water discharged during flushing should not be supplied to the
turbine combustors but should be drained, or reclaimed. The flushing strainer should then be
checked for debris. If any debris is found, the strainer should be cleaned, re-assembled, and the
skid should be flushed once again for the same time period. The strainer should then be checked
again. This process should be repeated until the strainer is found to remain clean. The system
should be checked for leaks during and after this flush and any leaks should be corrected. When
the flush is complete, the skid filter elements should be checked for cleanliness, and replaced if
necessary before continuing with system operation.


To prevent damage to flowmeter, prior to flushing the system, the flowmeter should be
removed and replaced with a spool piece. Upon completion of flushing the system
should be drained and the flowmeter replaced. After reinstalling the flowmeter, ensure
that the system is vented of air prior to operation. Do not exceed the maximum flow
rating for the meter. Failure to comply with this procedure may cause flowmeter

2. Pre-Operation Checks
All manual isolation valves in the system delivery flow line should be open. All isolation/snubbing
valves in the sensing lines to pressure gauges should be open. The valves on the filter vent lines
should be closed.

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9FA and 9FB Water Injection System GEK 116328a


To prevent damage to the pump seals, the pump seal drain must be open to the
atmosphere at all times that the pump is in operation. Do not install a plug in or
otherwise modify the pump seal drain discharge. A small amount of water weepage from
the drain is normal and does not indicate a seal failure. Refer to the pump
manufacturer’s instructions. Failure to comply with this caution may cause severe
damage to the pump seals.

3. Startup
When the system is started, the valve on the filter vent line should be opened slightly to bleed off
any trapped air. When a steady stream of water comes out of the vent, the valve should be tightly

A. Periodic Maintenance

1. During the first week of operation, the system should be checked periodically for leaks or other
problems. After this it should be checked at monthly intervals. Check the pump seal drain for
leakage (an occasional drop of water from this drain is normal).

2. The pump, motor, and VFD should be maintained in accordance with instructions from their
respective manufacturers in the section following this text.

3. The inlet strainer should be checked and cleaned or replaced as necessary.

4. The filter elements should be replaced when the filter differential pressure reaches 15 psid (1.0
kg/cm2). Replace the filter elements in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. All manually operated valves should be cycled once per month to verify freedom of movement.
They should be returned to their normal running position following this check.

B. Troubleshooting
If the water injection system fails to provide water to the turbine at the required flow rate or pressure,
the following possible causes should be investigated.

1. Water supply exhausted: Verify adequate water supply.

2. Insufficient supply pressure to water injection skid: Verify 15 psig minimum supply pressure at
inlet pressure gauge.

3. Loss of pump suction: Check for air leaks in pump inlet piping. Check condition of gaskets.
Tighten all joint connections.

4. Excessive inlet strainer differential (FW1-2): Verify 6 psid (0.42 kg/cm2) or less from skid inlet
to pump inlet. Remove and clean strainer basket if necessary.

5. Excessive filter pressure differential: Verify 15 psid (1.0 kg/cm2) or less indicated on filter
differential pressure gauge at design flow rate. Replace elements if dirty.

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GEK 116328a 9FA and 9FB Water Injection System

6. Variable Frequency Drive (97WN-1) not responding: Verify correct power supply and control
signal to the VFD. Verify motor/pump are running at correct speed in response to control signal.
Refer to VFD manufacturer’s instructions in the Skid Manufacturer’s Service Manual/Equipment
Publications. Refer also to Turbine Control specification.

7. Stop valve (VS2-1) closed: Verify correct porting and power supply to 20WN-1 solenoid valve.
Check for blockage in control pressure supply line to solenoid valve. Check for correct operation
of stop valve.

8. Skid inlet or discharge lines blocked: Check for blockage. Verify lines are not frozen if exposed
to cold temperatures.

9. Pump discharge inadequate: Verify that pump to motor coupling, drive shaft, or pump impeller
key has not sheared. Disassemble pump and inspect if necessary. Check pump gearbox. Verify
pump is rotating in correct direction. Refer to pump manufacturer’s instructions in the section
following this text for further pump troubleshooting guidance.

10. Pump motor failed: Verify motor is not single-phased. Verify motor operable. Refer to motor
manufacturer’s instructions in the section following this text for further motor troubleshooting

11. Incorrect pressure gauge or flowmeter readings: Verify calibration. Check flowmeter to ensure it
is generating an output signal to the SPEEDTRONIC* controller, and that the correct “K” factor
(recorded on a tag attached to the flowmeter) is set for the flow Transmitter. Check
SPEEDTRONIC* to ensure correct calibration is programmed.

C. Long-Term Storage
The water injection skid is an enclosed structure designed to maintain the system from freezing. If the
skid will not be operated for an extended period of time, the operator may choose to drain the system.
However, it is still recommended that the power to the skid space heater and motor space heaters (if
provided) be left connected in order to protect the skid from freezing damage and to minimize the
condensation of moisture in the skid. The following procedure may be used to prepare the skid for

1. Close the skid inlet isolation valve.

2. Open the filter vent line valve.

3. Open the filter drain.

4. Open the pump drain (e.g. by removing the plug in the lower half of the pump casing).

5. Remove the plugged tap on the line from the pump outlet.

6. Close the manual isolation valves at the skid discharge.

7. Open strainer drain to evacuate as much water as possible from the skid piping.

8. Open all low point drains in the skid piping. Allow any water present to drain fully before
replacing low point drains.

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9FA and 9FB Water Injection System GEK 116328a

When returning the skid to service, the above steps should be reversed.

Table 1. Properties of Water for Injection system

Total of Sodium (Na) + Potassium (K) + Lead (Pb) + Vanadium (V) + Lithium (Li) = 0.5 ppm
Total of dissolved plus undissolved solids = 5 ppm maximum
pH = 6.5 to 7.5


Refer also to paragraph “Non-Fuel Contaminants” in “Gas Turbine Fuel

Recommendations” under FLUID SPECIFICATIONS tab.


Refer also to GE drawing GEK 101944 for water injection water quality criteria.

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GEK 116328a 9FA and 9FB Water Injection System

g GE Energy
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