معنى شهادة الايمان (انجليزي)

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The Meanitg

of the
Testimony of Faith


Sheikh:HamoodM. Al-Lahim

Translated by:

Mahmood R. Murad
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llag Frld IYrtbrrl Lilrrry Crhl.3ht.h.klllcrtbr Drtr

Al.Lrlir, f,rrrrl ll.

Thc nrcening of rhc rcstimooy of faitV trrashrcd

by Mahrood R.Murad-Riytdh.
20 Prgcs, 12 x 17 Cm
ISBN: 996O-798-21{
l- Faith (lslemic Crccds)
2- Titlc
241 dc 1539/t6

t egalDepositno, 1539/16

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ri&n Fmidd of t E co?yritl|t iolds. ttdidio for
wl*h 6eld b3 .ddcGl b lhc officr

The testimony of faith is the decisive criterion by

which man is judged to be a Muslim or a Kafir.
This testimony is the foundation upon which Islam
is based. The concept of life, the universe and man
is diffused from it and upon it is based the
message of all Messengers beginning with Noah
and ending with Muhammad, (peace be upon
them all). Allah, the Exalted says:

"We did not send the Messenger before you

zoithout reaealing to him: "There is no god worthy
of being worshipped except I, therefore worship
Me." (Holy Qur'an: Chapter 21, Verse 25)

Allah has created men and jinn and the rest

of creation on account of the testimony of faith,
there is no god worthy of being worshipped except
Allah, Consequently everything in this universe
submits in worship to Allah, to Whom belong the
creation and the authority. He is aware of all
The Meaning of the Testimony of Faith

The testimony (nttl Y! 4ll Y LA ILAHA ILLA

ALLAH) comprises two concepts: denial and

First The testimony of faith denies

everyone and everything other than Allah, the
Exalted, the attribute of divinity. All those other
than Allah, such as the angels, the Prophets, and
the rest of mankind, let alone the idols and the
political regimes in the world, are not god nor do
they deserve to be worshipped. Thus denial in this
respect is not denial of the existence of the alleged
gods, rather the denial of divinity which is
attributed to them.

Second: The testimony of faith affirms and

restricts divinity to Allah Alone. That is, the slave
must believe Allah is the only true God, and
dedicate accordingly no act of worship to other
than Allah.

Since worship with all its legitimate acts

and rites must be dedicated only to the God who
deserve it, therefore, the true god to whom
worship must be dedicated is the one who enjoys
certain attributes, some of which are:

7- Divinity, the Oneness of Allah Who is singled

out as the only true God having no partner to
share His divine attributes, nor His domain. He is
the One the as-Samadl[1].

2- Self-sufficiency. Allah stands in need of no

one; He needs neither a helper nor a spouse or a

3- The capability of doing everything. There is

nothing which frustrates His capability. He does
anything He wishes without exhaustion or
support. If He wills to do a thing, He only says to
it, "Be" , and it is.

l- As-Samad i s o n e o f A l l a h ' sb e a u t i f unl a m e sI.t i s m e n t i o n e idn

Surah#112,it signifiesthe following:the Lord to Whom recourse
is had, or to Whom obedienceis "rendered",without Whom no
affair is "accomplished: or the Oneto Whom Lordshipis ultimately
pertains,or the Creator of everything,of Whom nothing is
independent, and everycreatedthing dependson Him for his or its
meansof subsistence, whoseOneness everythingindicates.
4- The absolute life which is unaffected by
perishment. Allah is Everlasting,and He is Al-

5- Alertress: Allah never sleeps nor is He

heedless,He is neither seized by slumber or

6- Inclusive proprietorship:All existing things

belongto Allah alone.

7- Knowledge: Allah's knowledge

encompassesthe whole universe that even an
ant weight does not escapeHis knowledge. He
is well aware of the hidden and the apparent,
the past the present, the future, and He knows
the inner thoughts of man.

8- Pride and grandeur: There is nothing greater

that Allah neither in His essence or in his
grandeur, nor in his supremacy.

by Whom all thingssubsist.
9- Merciful beneficence: Allah does not wrong
a thing or punish unjustly rather He loves His
devotees, and forgive the sins of those who
repents to Him.

Hence, the One Who possessessuch attributes

deserves to be worshipped God. Allah, the
Exalted, after all is the only One Who possesses
such attributes. He is the King, the Powerful, the
Wise, the One Who knows the seen and the
unseen, the Merciful, the Beneficent.

Only the One to Whom the divine athibutes

belong is a true God Who is worthy of being
worshipped and to whose greatress all creation
submit. It is for this reason the testimony of faith
constitutes denial of divinity to all other than Allah
and confir-i.g it to Allah Alone, for He is the only
true God.

Allah, Who is f.ar removed from every

imperfection, exclusively enjoys the attributes of
divinity. This divinity entails:

The right of legislating lows. Allah is the One

who legislates laws for His creafures, therefore no
one may legislates laws for himself or for others
that do not confirm with those of Allah, or those
given by His Messengers nor may any one design
a mode of worship or a transactional regulation for
individual or groups. Neither is it the right of
anyone to deem things lawful or unlawful on his
own accord. Nor is it the right of anyone to
legislate a penal law on his own accord, for such
rights are exclusively Allah's. Whoever gives
himself such rights presumptuously sets up
himself as god. Whoever obeys him takes him for
a god in lieu of Allah.

Allah the Exalted, has mentioned that

Christians, have taken their scholars and monks as
lords other than Allah only by obeying their lords
who prohibited Allah's lawful things, and
legalized his prohibited things without divine

Th"y did so after knowing that Allah is the true

God to Whom worship must be dedicated and
after knowing that Allah acceptsonly those acts of
worship legislated by Him, and by His Messenger.
Hence we must know the acts of worship so
that we dedicated them to Allah Alone. Once we
know this, we know that He has created the
creatures only to worship Him. Man as part of His
creatures, must dedicate all his life worshipping
Allah, he must be aware of Allah's rulings
respecting everything he does, thus every lawfuI
thing he does, intending it to be a means of
bringing him closer to Allah, turns to be an act of
worship. Worship is an inclusive tern comprising
every utterance and deed, apparent or hidden that
Allah loves.

Having read this brief message about the

meaning of the testimony of faith, and its
requirements, you are probably anxious to profess
it and apply its requirements of this testimony that
are incumbent upon the person who confessesit to

These requirements are:

1- The belief that Allah is a true God to Whom

worship must be dedicated.
He is the One Who possesses all attributes of
perfection, and Who is far removed from every
imperfection such as taking a spouse or a son.

2- The belief that Allah is the Creator of existing

things, the Sustainer, the Giver of life and death,
the Proprietor of the universe, the only Ruler and

3- The belief that Allah possessesthe athibutes

of perfection, and is far removed from every
imperfection as Muhammad, the Messenger of
Allah, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him), informed us in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.
The only two sources from which we know the
attributes of Allah. Were Muhammad to forge lies
against Allah, Allah would have definitely
punished Him. On the contrary, Allah supported
him with miracles that have proven his veracity
and frustworthiness in conveying the lvlessage of
his Rubb.

Allah says:

"Were he Muhammad (Peace and blessings of

Allaah be upon him), to forge some statement

against lls, We would hazteseized him by his right
hand and We would haae cut off his artery." (Holy
Qur'an: Chapter 59, VersesM-46.)

4- Taking the believers for friends, loving and

supporting them. Allah says:

"Muhammad, is the Messengerof Allah and those

who are zaith him are harsh against unbelieaers,
and merciful among themselztes. You see them
bowing and prostrating (in prayer), seeking
bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. On
their faces are marks caused by prostration
(duing prayers). This is their similitude in the
Torah and in the Gospel like a (sown) seed zohich
sendsforth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then
becomesthick and it stands straight on its stem,
delighting the farmers that He (Allah) may enrage
the unbelieuers with them. AIIah has promised
those among them who belieae(i.e. all those utho
follow lslamic Manatheism, the religion of the
Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) till the doy
Resunection) and do ighteous good deeds,
forgiaeness and a mighty retaard (i.e. Paradise)"
(Holy Qur'an: Chapter 48, Verse29).
5- Disavowing the unbelievers and standing
aloof from them.

Allah says:

"lndeed there has been an excellent example for

you in Abraham and those utith him, when they
said to their people; "Verily, u)e are free from you
anil whateaer you worship besidesAllah we haae
rejected you, and there has started betuteenus and
you hostility and hatred foreuer, until you belieae
in Allah Alone, except the saying of Abraham to
his fathen "Verily, I zaill ask for forgiaeness (from
Allah) for you, but I haae no power to do anything
for you beforeAllah. Our Lord! In you (Alone) we
put our trust and to You Alone zpe turn in
repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final
Return," (Holy Qur'an: Chapter 60, Verse 4)

The above are some of the requirements of the

testimony of faith, the testimony which is
considered a prelude and accessto Islam, rather its
base. Whoever confesses it with sincere
attestation, and applies its requirements, would
ultimately be admitted to the Jannah, the heavenly
garden, with the will of Altah. If such a person
committed some sins and died before repenting, it
is up to Allah, He either forgives him or punishes
him by the fire but would the later take him out of
it and admits him to ]annah having been purified
from his sins. It is mentioned in the prophetic
tradition that Musa, the Messengerof Allah, (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him), asked Allah
to assign for him an act of worship and be
particularly his to perform. Allah, the Exalted,
commanded him: "O Musa, say (rll y! 4J!y) "There
is no god who deserves to be worshipped but
Allah. "Musa said: "My Rubb! All your slaves
confess this testimony." To indicate the
significance of the testimony of faith, Allah then
said: "O Musa, were the seven heavens and seven
earths, and all what they contain put in one side of
the scale and (rtrty! 4l! Y) was put on the other side
of it would have overweighed them.

The Prophet, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be

upon him) said:

"[fe who conclude his life with uttering the

testimony of faith, that is to be his last words
before he dies, he will be admitted to the )anna,,.

Confessing the testimony of faith must be coupled
with fulfilling its conditions:

1- Knowledge: which consistsof recognizing Allah

as the only true God to whom worship must be
dedicated, and denouncing all gods worshipped
beside all as false, and that they can neither extend
benefit nor causeharm.

2- Certainty; that the belief in Allah must be

unblemished with any doubt.

3- Acceptance; that is to accept all its conditions.

4- Submission; that is to fulfill its conditions

submissively and willingly being content with
Allah as the Rubb, and Muhammad, (Peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him), as His Prophet
and Messenger.

5- Truthfulness; that is to fulfili its requirements


6- Sincerity; that is to be sincere in worshipping

Allah, dedicating all acts of worship to Him alone.

7- The Love Of Allah; the Exalted, and the love of
His Messenger,Muhammad (Peaceand blessings of
Allaah be upon him), and the love of Allah's
devotees and the people of His obedience.

Finally, it should be borne in mind that Allah must

be obeyed by following His commands and
refraining from his prohibitions. Obedience to
Allah must be associatedwith loving Him, fearing
His punishment, and hoping for His reward,
seeking His forgiveness, and adhering to the
teachings of His Prophet Muhammad (Peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him), is the last of
Allah's Messengersand His Shari'ah (the laws and
religious rites) abrogate all the preceding laws and
religious rites. His comprises the best of every
preceding Shari'ah.

The above is brief explanatory notes on the

meaning of ( At Y! 4l! y ) and its requirements.

I pray to Allah that He may renderit beneficial,

and may He bless His slave, and Messenger,our
ProphetMuhammad,his householdand all of his


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