MS29P TutorialQuestionsIntro

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1. Define operations management in your own words. Will your definition accommodate both
manufacturing and service operations?
2. What is the difference between production and operations?
3. Production is ….................................................................……………………………..….…
4. The three fundamental functions of any business are ………………………………………
5. Production and operations management directs and controls ………......……………………..
6. The functions of management are ………………….....................................................……….
7. The ten decisions of OM are ………………………......................................................…..….
8. The “father” of scientific management is:
(a) Henry Ford
(b) Eli Whitney
( c) Frederick W, Taylor
(d) Adam Smith
(e) None of the above
9. A product in the final or decline phase of its life cycle may require unusual effort in the area
(a) research
(b) high volume production
(c ) product development
(d) enhancement of or addition of capacity
(e) none of the above
10. The person who developed plant wide quality control systems was ………......................…..
11. Give examples of local firms who have made critical strategic moves
12. In the 5M’s of operations, which element is the most important and why? ………………..
13. Draw and explain the production system and give one example of a service firm.
14. Production/operations management can be defined as the management of all activities
directly related to the creation of goods and/or services through the transformation of inputs into
outputs. Discuss
15. The management of information is of great importance to operations management since:
 Without “information” one would have no knowledge of the state of input resources,
process performance, or output goods and/or services
 Properly developed information systems can contribute to the overall integration
required to allow a firm to produce on a competitive basis
 “good” decisions require “good” information –the right information, at the right
place, at the right time. Discuss

D. Anthony Chevers

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