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Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Review Article

Anterior segment imaging in minimally invasive

glaucoma surgery – A systematic review
John Tsia-Chuen Kan,1 Bjorn Kaijun Betzler,2 Sheng Yang Lim2 and Bryan Chin Hou Ang1,3
Department of Ophthalmology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, National Healthcare Group Eye Institute, Singapore, Singapore
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Department of Ophthalmology, Woodlands Health Campus, National Healthcare Group Eye Institute, Singapore, Singapore

ABSTRACT. recent years as a group of newer

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) has grown in popularity over the surgical options for glaucoma and has
past decade. This systematic review explores the peri-operative and intraoperative been described as having an ab interno,
application of anterior segment imaging to maximize the efficacy and safety of micro-incisional approach; minimal
MIGS. A review of the PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL databases was trauma to target tissue with negligible
conducted, with inclusion criteria restricted to MIGS that had received United disruption of normal anatomy and
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) premarket approval, FDA 510(K) physiology; at least modest efficacy; a
premarket notification, or were listed as a class 1 device exempt from FDA good safety profile; and rapid recovery,
approval or notification. 21 manuscripts from 21 unique studies were identified with minimal impact on patient’s qual-
ity of life (Saheb & Ahmed 2012).
pertaining to MIGS devices including the XEN Gel Stent, Trabectome, iStent
MIGS has grown steadily in popularity
Inject, 1st-generation iStent and the Kahook Dual Blade (KDB). Anterior segment
due to its IOP-lowering efficacy and
imaging modalities included anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS- superior safety profile compared with
OCT), ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), aqueous angiography, OCT volumetric traditional glaucoma surgeries (Minck-
scans and in vivo confocal microscopy. Identification and evaluation of aqueous ler et al. 2005; Minckler et al. 2006;
outflow pathways before and after MIGS have potential for improving patient Francis et al. 2008; Gedde et al. 2012;
preoperative patient selection and postoperative outcomes. Intraoperative imaging Jordan et al. 2013; Fea et al. 2014;
potentially provides the resolution needed for good visualization of angle anatomy Iordanous et al. 2014; Voskanyan et al.
and accurate evaluation of surgical endpoints in angle-based MIGS. Anterior 2014; Arriola-Villalobos et al. 2016;
segment imaging has been used to identify procedural complications, provide Tan & Au 2016; Ansari 2017; Chen &
objective information on implant location in relation to surrounding anatomy, Sng 2017; Kerr et al. 2017; Rahmatne-
assess the post-implantation structural impact of MIGS devices and manage bleb jad et al. 2017; Ahmed et al. 2018;
failure and scarring. Technical difficulties in incorporating imaging modalities into Fingeret & Dickerson 2018; Popovic
the surgical microscope, variable quality of images and optical interference from et al. 2018; Hassan et al. 2019; Hern-
ocular structures or surgical instruments are remaining barriers, which discourage stadt et al. 2019; Le et al. 2019; Sng
et al. 2019; Bartelt-Hofer & Flessa
the widespread clinical use of this technology.
2020; Cubuk & Unsal 2020; Hong
et al. 2020; Ioannidis et al. 2020;
Key words: glaucoma – imaging – minimally invasive glaucoma surgery – systematic review
Kansal et al. 2020; Meier-Gibbons &
Toteberg-Harms 2020; Newman-Casey
Acta Ophthalmol. et al. 2020). It has ignited a paradigm
ª 2021 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd shift in the surgical approach to glau-
doi: 10.1111/aos.14962 coma treatment, filling in the potential
treatment gap between surgery and the
Introduction laser therapy. Traditional filtering sur- conservative options of medications
Glaucoma is the leading cause of irre- gery, such as trabeculectomy and tube and laser therapy.
versible blindness and is projected to shunt surgery, is performed in more With the adoption of these new
further increase in prevalence (Tham advanced or refractory glaucoma given surgical techniques, methods to ensure
et al. 2014). Intraocular pressure (IOP) its associated risks and potentially appropriate preoperative patient selec-
reduction remains the primary target of sight-threatening complications. tion and planning, optimal intraopera-
treatment today and is usually suffi- However, minimally invasive glau- tive device placement as well as
ciently achieved with medication or coma surgery (MIGS) has emerged in effective postoperative management

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

and device manipulation, need to be define imaging and minimally invasive studies and one was an observational
explored in order to maximize the glaucoma surgery (MIGS). We study. MIGS that was included was the
efficacy and safety of MIGS. employed the terms ‘((minimally XEN (eight of 21 studies), trabectome
The use of ocular imaging has been AND invasive AND glaucoma AND (eight of 21 studies), iStent inject (three
well established in the management of surgery) OR istent OR hydrus OR of 21 studies), 1st-generation iStent
glaucoma. While primarily used to aid trabectome OR (trab AND 360) OR (one of 21 studies) and the KDB (one
diagnosis and monitoring of disease, itrack OR visco360 OR (visco AND of 21 studies).
improvements in technology and the 360) OR omni360 OR (omni AND The majority of studies examined
emergence of newer imaging modalities 360) OR fugo OR (fugo AND plasma AS-OCT use (15 of 21 studies) followed
have encouraged greater peri-operative AND blade) OR kahook OR (kahook by UBM (four of 21 studies). The use
use today (Binder et al. 2011; Hirn- AND dual AND blade) OR xen OR of aqueous angiography, OCT volu-
schall et al. 2013; Au et al. 2015; Ehlers endocyclophotocoagulation OR (mi- metric scans and in vivo confocal
et al. 2015; Das et al. 2016; Swami- croprobe laser)) AND ((imaging OR microscopy was examined in one study
nathan & Chang 2017; Ang et al. 2020). (optical AND coherence AND tomog- each.
This systematic review aims to raphy) OR (ultrasound AND biomi- Across the included studies, imaging
explore the peri-operative application croscopy) OR UBM OR (aqueous was applied mostly postoperatively (19
of anterior segment imaging in MIGS, AND angiography) OR (ultrasound of 21 studies). Intraoperative (three of
by examining and consolidating avail- AND B-scan) OR (Ultrasound AND 21 studies) and preoperative imaging
able literature. Limitations of current Bscan))’. A secondary search of the (one of 21 studies) were less common.
imaging techniques in relation to references of all retrieved articles and
MIGS are discussed. We also explore review articles was performed to iden-
potential areas for the further develop- tify other potentially relevant studies.
ment and application of imaging in The search workflow was designed in The trabectome (NeoMedix Corpora-
MIGS. adherence to the Preferred Reporting tion, Tustin, CA) is used in ab interno
Items for Systematic Reviews and trabeculotomy (AbIT), a procedure
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement which allows direct aqueous outflow
Methods (Fig. 1). The PRISMA checklist is from the anterior chamber into Sch-
This systematic review was conducted provided in the Appendix S1. lemm’s Canal via mechanical rupture
in accordance with the guidelines stated Initial database query provided 434 of the trabecular meshwork (TM). It
in Preferred Reporting Items for Sys- unique reports. The identified studies has been in use since the early 2000s
tematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses were assessed independently by three and has been used to treat both pri-
(PRISMA). An electronic search of authors (JK, BB and SY) to determine mary glaucoma and secondary glau-
the PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL eligibility for inclusion in the analysis. coma with good efficacy (Minckler
databases was performed indepen- If any discrepancies were identified, a et al. 2005; Minckler et al. 2006).
dently by two authors (JK and BB), senior author (BA) was consulted, and Uncommon complications include
from the date of database inception any differences were resolved. Articles reflux of blood into the anterior cham-
until 21 April 2020. not written in English and those that ber, injury to the corneal endothelium
We limited our literature search to did not involve human participants and Descemet’s membrane, formation
MIGS which had received United States were excluded from this review. Full- of peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS),
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) text articles were assessed for eligibility. derangements of IOP such as IOP
premarket approval, obtained FDA 510 Papers with no reference to anterior spikes or hypotony, ciliolenticular
(K) premarket notification, or those segment imaging in the context of block and cyclodialysis cleft (Minckler
listed as a class 1 device exempt from MIGS, irrelevant study types such as et al. 2006; Osman & AlMobarak 2015;
FDA approval or notification. These systematic reviews, and studies that Berk et al. 2017; Ahmed et al. 2018). A
included MIGS devices and procedures were conducted in vitro were excluded total of eight studies have reported the
that (1) increase trabecular outflow such from our analysis. We were unable to use of anterior segment imaging in
as the iStent and iStent inject, Hydrus, obtain the full texts for seven of our AbIT and describe the use of imaging
trabectome, Trab360 trabeculotomy, search references, and these were during the intraoperative and postop-
excimer laser trabeculotomy, excluded. There was no limit on min- erative phases.
gonioscopy-assisted trabeculotomy, ab imum number of patients required.
interno canaloplasty, Fugo plasma Anterior segment optical coherence tomog-
blade and Kahook dual blade; (2) create raphy (AS-OCT)
subconjunctival outflow such as the
Results Intraoperative application. Two studies
XEN45 gel stent; and (3) decrease aque- After full-text evaluation by the examined the use of AS-OCT intraop-
ous production such as endocyclopho- authors, 21 unique manuscripts were eratively and demonstrated early pro-
tocoagulation. The CyPass Micro-Stent, identified that addressed the applica- mise in improving procedural
which previously received FDA tion of anterior segment imaging in visualization and objective assessment
approval, was recalled due to safety MIGS. An overview of the included of the desired surgical end point.
concerns prior to our literature search studies is provided in Table 1. Junker et al. reported use of the
and was not included in this review. Of the 21 unique studies included in LUMERA 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec
A combination of subject headings our review, 11 were case series, seven AG, Jena, Germany) microscope with
and text words was used as needed to were case reports, two were prospective an integrated spectral-domain iOCT

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Fig. 1. PRISMA Flow chart.

RESCAN 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec anterior chamber angle, prior to rou- mirroring effect from the ACA. Junker
AG). This AS-OCT platform allows tine trabeculotomy using only the stan- et al. also faced challenges capturing
the display of OCT and microscope dard goniolens without the iOCT good quality images of the ACA and the
images concurrently on a touchscreen, (Fig. 2). The authors found that visu- trabectome tip for the same reasons and
which also allows for an assistant to alization of the instrument within the observed that the overlaying iOCT scan
control the OCT display. Real-time angle was only possible when the presented additional challenges to focus-
OCT images, captured OCT images as microscope with the overlaid iOCT ing. When iOCT images were overlaid
well as the scan marker, can be merged was adjusted to a more horizontal onto the microscopic eyepiece, this also
into the microscopic eyepiece for the position from the regular position of caused difficulty in focusing on the area
surgeon’s viewing as an overlay, allow- 60°. They also described the applica- of interest. Obtaining video recordings
ing the surgeon to simultaneously tion of iOCT in trabecular aspiration of the surgery was not feasible due to
observe the OCT and live operation (Trabecular aspirator, Geuder, Heidel- repeated changes in focus and light
site. The study found the quality of berg, Germany), both in vivo and in reflectance. An assistant was also usually
imaging comparable to that of a stan- porcine cadaver eyes (Fig. 3). In this required, as handling of the iOCT while
dalone AS-OCT and described the setting, the use of longer wavelengths performing surgery remained techni-
relative ease of acquisition and focus- and oblique scanning enabled better cally challenging for the surgeon. Lastly,
ing of retinal and corneal images. In all visualization of the angle and trabecu- the duration of surgery increased due to
their cases, the angle could be visual- lar meshwork as well as imaging of the additional time required to obtain iOCT
ized and optimal settings were found to spatial relationship between the trabec- images.
be a short scan length of 3mm in tome tip and the trabecular meshwork. Postoperative application. Postopera-
conjunction with a vertical scan mode. This may potentially eliminate the need tively, AS-OCT has been used to
The iOCT enabled them to easily for intraoperative gonioscopy and objectively determine the direct effect
determine the success of surgery imme- allow for real-time imaging during of trabectome surgery on the anatomy
diately postoperatively, with objective removal of the trabecular meshwork. of the angle, such as the trabeculotomy
evidence of TM removal. While both studies were successful in size. Wecker et al. utilized the AS-OCT
Heindl et al. (2015) reported the use utilizing the iOCT in trabectome sur- to investigate the effect of trabeculo-
of another AS-OCT platform, the gery, key limitations were also high- tomy opening (TO) size on postopera-
iOCT (OptoMedical Technologies, lighted. While Heindl et al. could tive IOP after trabectome surgery
Luebeck, Germany), mounted onto a visualize the entire trabectome tip on (Wecker et al. 2017) (Fig. 4). Swept-
surgical microscope (HS Hi-R NEO iOCT inside the AC (albeit with a mod- source AS-OCT was used to determine
900A NIR; Haag-Streit Surgical ified surgical position), visualizing the the extent of the AC angle circumfer-
GmbH, Wedel, Germany). The iOCT ACA anatomy itself remained challeng- ence that was open, defined as being
was used to determine the position of ing due to shadowing artefact from the >1/4 of the height of Schlemm’s Canal
the trabectome tip in relation to the more superficial layers as well as a on the OCT image. It was determined

Table 1. Summary of included studies

MIGS Imaging Glaucoma

Author, Year Study type Device modality Imaging system Usage Population Intervention subtype

Mastropasqua Prospective case XEN OCTA AngioVue OCTA system Postoperative 43 eyes of 43 patients Six eyes XEN + Phaco POAG
(2020) series (Optovue Inc) Adults in Italy Phacoemulsification PXG
37 eyes XEN only PDG
Figueroa- Case Report XEN AS-OCT Triton Topcon Postoperative 77-year-old female, two eyes Two eyes XEN only POAG
Vercellino Spain
Gillmann Prospective case iStent Inject AS-OCT Spectralis OCT (Heidelberg Postoperative 110 eyes of 85 patients 81 eyes XEN + POAG
Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

(2019) series Engineering AG) Adults in Switzerland Phacoemulsification PXG

19 eyes XEN only
Huang (2019) Prospective case iStent Inject Aqueous Spectralis HRA+OCT Pre- & 14 eyes of 14 patients Combined iStent + POAG
series Angiography (Heidelberg Engineering) Postoperative Adults in USA Phacoemulsification PXG
Lenzhofer Prospective, XEN AS-OCT Visante OCT (Carl Zeiss Postoperative 66 eyes of 54 patients 34 eyes XEN + POAG
(2019a) (1) longitudinal Meditec AG) Adults in Austria Phacoemulsification
clinical study 32 eyes XEN only
Lenzhofer Prospective XEN AS-OCT – Postoperative 78 eyes of 60 patients 42 eyes XEN + POAG
(2019b) (2) single-armed Adults in Austria Phacoemulsification
cohort study 36 eyes XEN only
Mozo- Case Report XEN AS-OCT – Postoperative 78-year-old female 1 eye XEN only POAG
Cuadrado Spain
Rigo et al. Retrospective XEN AS-OCT DRI OCT Triton (Topcon Postoperative 16 eyes of 15 patients 15 XEN + Phacoemulsification POAG
(2019) case series Medical Systems, Oakland, Adults in Spain (POAG) PXG
NJ, USA) 1 XEN only (PEXG)
Shue (2019) Case Report KDB UBM – Postoperative 55-year-old male Combined KDB + POAG
USA Phacoemulsification
Teus (2019) Cross-sectional XEN, AS-OCT DRI OCT Triton (Topcon, Postoperative 25 eyes of 25 patients Five eyes XEN + POAG
study Trabectome Madrid, Spain) Adults in Spain Phacoemulsification
five eyes XEN only
12 eyes Trabectome +
three eyes Trabectome only
Gillmann Case Report iStent Inject AS-OCT Spectralis OCT (Heidelberg Postoperative 74-year-old female Combined iStent + POAG
(2018) Engineering AG) Switzerland Phacoemulsification
Yoshikawa Prospective case Trabectome SS-OCT DRI OCT-1 (Topcon, Tokyo, Preoperative 15 eyes of 13 patients Nine eyes Trabectome  POAG
(2018) series volumetric Japan) Adults in Japan Phacoemulsification
Berk (2017) Case Report Trabectome AS-OCT, Visante OCT (Carl Zeiss Postoperative 55-year-old male Repair of a cyclodialysis cleft POAG
UBM Meditec AG) Canada (right eye) created during a
Trabectome procedure
3 years prior.
Fea (2017) Prospective case XEN AS-OCT, RTVue-100 (Optovue, Inc, Postoperative 12 eyes of 11 patients Two eyes XEN + POAG
series IVCM Fremont, CA, USA) Adults in Italy Phacoemulsification
10 eyes XEN only
Table 1 (Continued)

MIGS Imaging Glaucoma

Author, Year Study type Device modality Imaging system Usage Population Intervention subtype

HRT II/Rostock Cornea

Module (RCM) (Heidelberg
Engineering, Inc)
Junker (2017) Retrospective Trabectome AS-OCT iOCT RESCAN 700 (Carl Zeiss Intra- & Nine patients Trabectome only POAG
case series Meditec AG) Postoperative Adults in Germany PXG
Olate-Perez Prospective case XEN AS-OCT DRI OCT Triton Swept-Source Postoperative 30 eyes of 18 patients Combined XEN + POAG
(2017) series OCT device (Topcon) Adults in Spain Phacoemulsification
Wecker (2017) Retrospective Trabectome AS-OCT Casia SS-1000 (Tomey, Postoperative 93 eyes of 93 patients 38 eyes Trabectome + POAG
case series Erlangen, Germany) Adults in Germany Phacoemulsification PXG
55 eyes Trabectome only PDG
Akil (2016) Prospective case Trabectome AS-OCT SS-1000 CASIA (Tomey Co. Pre- & 38 eyes of 24 patients 20 eyes Trabectome + POAG
series Ltd., Nagoya, Japan) Postoperative Adults in USA Phacoemulsification
(1 month) 18 eyes Trabectome only
Mantravadi Case Report iStent (1st UBM – Postoperative 57-year-old female Combined iStent + POAG
(2016) Gen) USA Phacoemulsification
Heindl (2015) Correspondence Trabectome AS-OCT iOCT (OptoMedical Intraoperative Two eyes of two patients Trabectome only POAG
Technologies) Additional three porcine eyes PXG
for experimental analyzation
of image quality
Adults in Germany
Osman (2015) Case Report Trabectome UBM – Postoperative 33-year-old male Trabectome only JOAG

AS-OCT, anterior segment optical coherence tomography; IVCM, in vivo confocal microscopy; JOAG, juvenile open-angle glaucoma; KDB, Kahook Dual Blade; NTG, normal tension glaucoma; OCTA,
optical coherence tomography angiography; PDG, pigment dispersion glaucoma; POAG, primary open-angle glaucoma; PXG, pseudoexfoliation glaucoma; UBM, ultrasound biomicroscopy.
Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021


(A) (C)

Fig. 2. Intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT) during ab interno trabeculotomy. Courtesy of Heindl et al. (A) Video image. The
trabectome (arrows) is placed within the iridocorneal angle. The horizontal line demonstrates iOCT scanning direction. (B) iOCT image of
iridocorneal angle during placement of the trabectome. Trabecular meshwork is shadowed by scleral tissue, but iris is visible (Co, cornea; CA,
chamber angle; Ir, iris). (C) iOCT section of the trabectome (arrows) within the iridocorneal angle. Iris is not visualized due to the shadowing of the


(A) (C)

Fig. 3. Intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT) during trabecular aspiration. Courtesy of Heindl et al. (A) Video image. The aspiration
cannula (arrows) is placed within the iridocorneal angle. To maintain intraocular pressure, an irrigation cannula is additionally placed within the
anterior chamber (asterisk). The horizontal line demonstrates iOCT scanning direction. (B) iOCT image of the iridocorneal angle before placement of
the aspiration cannula. Iris and trabecular meshwork are shadowed by scleral tissue (Co, cornea; CA, chamber angle; Ir, iris). (C) iOCT cross section
of aspiration cannula (arrow) within the iridocorneal angle. With a non-parallel scanning direction, the tip of the instrument is difficult to visualize.

(A) (B)

Fig. 4. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). Courtesy of and adapted from Wecker et al. (A) Illustration of anterior chamber
depth (ACD) measurement. In their paper, the connecting line between the nasal and temporal angle recess served as baseline. The maximum
perpendicular distance from the baseline to the posterior surface of the cornea was defined as ACD. (B) Representative AS-OCT section showing an
open trabecular meshwork (white arrow).

that a larger TO size had a significant glaucoma. In a subset of their data (Jordan et al. 2013), they noted that
correlation with deeper ACDs. How- looking at patients with pseudoexfolia- these patients had higher IOP reduc-
ever, there was no statistically signifi- tive glaucoma, in which trabectome tion as compared to POAG patients.
cant effect of TO size on IOP in surgery has been found to be particu- Although their data set was too small
patients with chronic open-angle larly efficacious in previous studies for valid statistical analysis, it was

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

postulated that a larger TO size may with potential for further investigation. The UBM may be used to confirm the
correlate with a greater reduction in The technique imaging the AHO path- presence of a cyclodialysis cleft, as seen
IOP. ways from Schlemm’s Canal through in the case report by Berk et al. (2017),
The AS-OCT has also been shown to to the episcleral venous plexus with in which the cleft had also been
objectively determine changes in ante- swept-source OCT was first described detected on AS-OCT. Osman et al.
rior chamber anatomy. Akil et al. mea- by Uji et al. (2016). Volume scanning also reported the use of the 35 MHz
sured various anterior chamber with swept-source OCT was first per- UBM in identifying a 360-degree cilio-
parameters pre- and postoperatively formed at the nasal and corneal limbus, choroidal effusion in a patient who
after trabectome surgery using swept- with resultant scan images converted presented with persistent hypotony fol-
source AS-OCT in open-angle glau- into en face images (at the level of the lowing trabectome surgery. The under-
coma patients, including the angle conjunctival epithelium) using in-built lying cyclodialysis cleft was only
opening distance at 500 lm software. Based on these en face visualized with an 80 MHz UBM.
(AOD500) and 750 lm (AOD700) images, the scleral vasculature maps
from the scleral spur, trabecular-iris at three different depths (superficial,
Kahook Dual Blade (KDB)
space area at 500 mm2 (TISA500) and intermediate and deep layer networks)
750 mm2 (TISA750), angle recess area were constructed by using the motion The KDB was introduced in 2015
at 500 mm2 (ARA500) and 750 mm2 contrast enhancement technique on the (Greenwood et al. 2017) and, like the
(ARA750), trabecular-iris angle (TIA), basis that vessels were detected as dark, trabectome, is used in AbIT to achieve
anterior chamber depth (ACD), width moving objects against the brighter complete removal of trabecular tissue,
(ACW) and volume (ACV). Pre- and sclera (Uji et al. 2016). Yoshikawa with no implantable device. However,
postoperative measurements were com- et al. (2018) utilized this same tech- in contrast to the trabectome, the KDB
pared to explore differences after AbIT nique in patients undergoing trabec- is a single-use, non-electronic device. A
with and without concurrent cataract tome surgery to obtain preoperative sharp distal tip is used to enter Sch-
surgery. Despite the observable short- and postoperative images of the AHO lemm’s Canal through the TM, which
term differences in the evaluated pathways (Figs 5 and 6). The authors is lifted by a ramp to facilitate cutting
parameters and IOP reduction, there found that the SS-OCT provided an by two parallel blades. The KDB
was no analysis to correlate these easily reproducible, non-invasive and exhibits a promising efficacy and safety
factors. The authors suggested follow- convenient method of assessing the profile and is clinically indicated in
up with serial AS-OCTs over time in AHO. Identical AHO pathways could patients with mild-to-severe glaucoma.
both open- and closed-angle glaucoma be identified in the same patient both The most common complication is
patients to determine the utility of AS- before surgery and after surgery in intraoperative blood reflux from col-
OCT in the longer-term follow-up of about 80% of subjects. In comparison, lector channels, which have been
post-trabectome patients. the use of the AS-OCT to identify the shown to resolve spontaneously
The feasibility and reliability of AHO pathway is usually achieved by (Greenwood et al. 2017). Other com-
using AS-OCT to assess ACA anatomy identifying the intrascleral lumen which plications include postoperative IOP
are well established. Only a short has been found to localize to angio- spike and posterior capsule opacifica-
duration is required for the scan, there graphically positive signals in primate tion (Greenwood et al. 2017). Postop-
is good repeatability, excellent intra- eyes (Huang et al. 2017). However, the erative hypotony is rare and has not
and intergrader reproducibility, and relationship between functional AHO been reported elsewhere in the litera-
anatomical structures can be identified pathways and identification of the ture apart from the single case report
easily – especially the trabecular cleft intrascleral lumen needs to be further including in our review.
which may not be apparent clinically clarified as it remains unclear how the
on gonioscopy. No contact with the function of the AHO pathway affects Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM)
patient is required to acquire images, the size of the lumen and vice versa. It Postoperative application. Like its use in
hence making the AS-OCT also suit- was noted that there were no significant patients undergoing trabectome sur-
able for use in the immediate postop- quantitative or qualitative morpholog- gery, ultrasound biomicroscopy
erative phase with minimal risk of ical changes after trabeculectomy sur- (UBM) has been used to support
wound dehiscence or ocular infection. gery although IOP reduction was cyclodialysis cleft elucidation after
The AS-OCT may also be used to achieved. This may be because postop- combined KDB and phacoemulsifica-
confirm findings resulting from opera- erative changes in the AHO may have tion surgery as described in a case
tive complications, such as cyclodialy- been too minute to be noticeable on the report by Shue et al. (2019). A 55-year-
sis cleft causing hypotony, as described OCT volumetric scans. Techniques old man with POAG underwent KDB
by Berk et al. (2017) Limitations of AS- with increased sensitivity and refine- surgery and was found to have IOP of
OCT include shadowing artefacts and ment could yield more useful informa- 4 mmHg on the first postoperative day.
the difficulty in identifying structures tion which may aid clinicians in While postoperative best corrective
such as the scleral spur. targeting surgical sites and assessing visual acuity (BCVA) was normal at
The use of swept-source OCT volu- postoperative direct outcomes. the outset, he developed macula
metric scans to evaluate aqueous changes and his BCVA OD dropped
humour outflow (AHO) pathways has Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) to 20/40. However, the lack of overt
been reported, with the functional Postoperative application. The UBM has intraoperative complications, reason-
evaluation of AHO pathways and their been used to detect postoperative com- able postoperative BCVA and the
effect on anatomical structure an area plications after trabectome surgery. presence of 360° iridotrabecular

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

(A1) (B1)

(A2) (B2)

Fig. 5. Illustration of objective measurement of the post-trabecular aqueous outflow pathway. Courtesy of Yoshikawa et al. Preoperative and
postoperative reconstructed B-scan images of the same post-trabecular aqueous outflow pathway are shown in A1 and A2, respectively. The outflow
pathways (red arrowhead) were measured from Schlemm’s canal (yellow arrowhead) to the episcleral veins (B1, B2). The measured area (yellow area)
increased postoperatively from 5338 to 5714 pixels.

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)

(G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L)

Fig. 6. Representative images of the aqueous humour outflow pathway before and after surgery. Courtesy of Yoshikawa et al. The temporal limbus
of a 32-year-old woman who received trabectome surgery in her left eye. Preoperative images (A–F) and postoperative images (G–L) are shown
contrastively. (A, G) Merged images of the vasculature maps from three scleral layers in different colours: (B,H) Superficial layer in red; (C,I)
intermediate layer in green; (D, J) deep layer in blue. (E,K) The identified aqueous outflow (yellow line) delineated on the enface image. (F,L)
Reconstructed B-scan obtained by re-slicing the volume scan data along the identified aqueous outflow pathway in the x-y plane. Post-trabecular
aqueous outflow pathway width seems to increase postoperatively.

contact on gonioscopy that obscured of goniotomy. This prompted Shue and tool to evaluating this as a cause of
cleft visualization led to a low initial colleagues to undertake diagnostic postoperative hypotony.
clinical suspicion of the cleft. There is anterior chamber reformation with vis-
also a paucity of literature describing coelastic, to confirm the presence of a
iStent and iStent Inject
cyclodialysis clefts resulting from KDB cyclodialysis cleft which was then
goniotomy. UBM revealed moderate treated with argon laser photocoagula- The iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass
anterior chamber depth with irido- tion. The utility of UBM to identify the (Glaukos Corporation, Laguna Hills,
corneal touch peripherally and the supraciliary effusion seen in cyclodial- CA, USA) was given FDA approval in
presence of supraciliary fluid at the site ysis clefts provides a useful supportive June 2012 for use in conjunction with

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

cataract surgery, with the purpose of transitioning into cataract surgery. AS-OCT
reducing IOP in adult patients with Indocyanine green (preimplantation/ The AS-OCT has been employed for
mild-to-moderate OAG. It has a baseline) and fluorescein (postimplan- the iStent Inject to determine the pre-
second-generation counterpart – the tation) angiographic patterns were cise location of the implants postoper-
iStent Inject (Glaukos Corporation), compared up until 1-minute past signal atively (Gillmann et al. 2019), to
which was FDA approved in June initiation. The time to the first signal analyse the effects of implantation on
2015, for reducing IOP in adult mild- shows from baseline angiography sig- the structures of the iridocorneal angle
to-moderate POAG patients undergo- nificantly decreased after device after surgery (Gillmann et al. 2018;
ing concomitant cataract surgery implantation. Post-implantation signal Gillmann et al. 2019) and to correlate
(Samuelson et al. 2019). intensity ratios were also 11.2-fold the placement of the device to postop-
Both devices are made of heparin- greater than baseline signal intensity erative IOP-lowering outcomes (Gill-
coated, non-ferromagnetic titanium, ratios. Angiographic improvement and mann et al. 2019).
meant for ab interno implantation into IOP reduction were documented in all Gillmann et al. (2019) performed
Schlemm’s Canal (Saheb & Ahmed patients with no reported complica- AS-OCT imaging (Spectralis OCT;
2012). While the iStent Trabecular tions. However, the exact correlation Heidelberg Engineering AG) with
Micro-Bypass creates a unidirectional between these two parameters was not radial sections passing through the
outflow via a sideways cannula with established. implants and additional sections
three retention arches, the iStent Inject The authors also observed variation 500 lm temporally beside each
creates a multidirectional outflow via in angiographic response after trabec- implant. The iStent Inject was clearly
four perpendicular holes (Pillunat et al. ular meshwork bypass. Areas with low identifiable as a  360 lm long hyper-
2017). Both devices have demonstrated signal preoperatively that subsequently reflective hollow device within the TM,
favourable safety and efficacy profiles. had iStents implanted were found to with the central lumen and side holes
Potential adverse events include stent demonstrate new signal postoperatively appearing as areas of decreased reflec-
obstruction by iris tissue, hyphema, (termed ‘new recruitment’) (Fig. 7). tivity (Fig. 8A). However, substantial
posterior capsule opacification and Within the same eyes, iStents OCT signal loss was noted to occur
stent malposition, including under- implanted adjacent to regions with within the shadow of the iStent Inject,
and over-implantation (Fea et al. prior angiographic signal demonstrated impairing visualization of the area on
2014; Voskanyan et al. 2014; Arriola- brighter and earlier signal postopera- the posterior side of the implant (Gill-
Villalobos et al. 2016; Popovic et al. tively (‘earlier recruitment’). Other mann et al. 2019). The amount of
2018). patients demonstrated the lack of iStent Inject extrusion into the AC
Our search identified five studies ‘new recruitment’ but the presence of was measured to assess whether over-
describing the use of anterior segment ‘earlier recruitment’, within the same or under-implantation occurred. In this
imaging with the iStent class of devices eye. The authors postulated that each study, all the scans clearly showed
(Table 1). site was independent of another due to normal angle structures post-iStent
the observation of different types of Inject implantation and visualized
Aqueous angiography responses within the same eye and that 92% of implants (versus 88% with
With aqueous angiography, it is possi- other factors apart from distal AHO gonioscopy) (Gillmann et al. 2019).
ble to demonstrate the effect of iStent pathway regulation may contribute to The authors postulated that the
Inject implantation on aqueous out- these observations. remaining 8% of implants which were
flow pathways in the immediate post- The main limitation of this proce- not visible on the AS-OCT were hugely
operative period. In a study by Huang dure is that follow-up aqueous displaced and lodged within the ciliary
et al., indocyanine green aqueous angiography is difficult to justify since sulcus. The inadvertent burying, or
angiography was used to establish there is often no clinical indication for over-implantation, of the iStent Inject
baseline angiographic AHO patterns further invasive ocular procedures. It within the trabecular tissue is not
in the nasal hemisphere of the eye prior may be more feasible to utilize the uncommon (Popovic et al. 2018) and
to commencing iStent Inject implanta- AS-OCT instead to evaluate angio- may have clinical implications as bur-
tion in the operating room (Huang graphically altered regions – tracer- ied iStent Inject implants are associated
et al. 2019). After tracer introduction, based imaging may provide better with higher postoperative IOPs (Gill-
infrared and angiographic images were functional assessment of aqueous out- mann et al. 2019). The AS-OCT may
captured by the Spectralis HRA+OCT flow dynamics compared with sole be used to verify the precise location of
(Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Hei- structural evaluation (Li et al. 2013). seemingly well-positioned iStent Inject
delberg, Germany), mechanically sup- Real-time measurement of aqueous implants on gonioscopy but with para-
ported by the Spectralis FLEX Module humour dynamics also remains chal- doxically poor filtration.
(Heidelberg Engineering GmbH). The lenging due to intraoperative time In a separate paper, Gillmann et al.
images were acquired immediately pos- limitations and the need to avoid (2018) quantitatively assessed, via AS-
terior to the limbus, near Schlemm’s unnecessarily compromising visual OCT, the dilation of Schlemm’s Canal
Canal, with the subject looking in outcomes (Huang et al. 2019). Inflam- post-iStent Inject implantation and
different directions. Once the two matory stimuli during and after sur- postulated that this anatomical change
iStent Inject implants were embedded gery may also influence both the may contribute to the postoperative
in the TM, fluorescein aqueous angiog- intracameral and episcleral venous IOP-lowering effect. Under AS-OCT,
raphy was used to document outflow pressures, confounding findings on Schlemm’s Canal appears as a hypore-
immediately after implantation, before aqueous angiography. flective ellipsoid area behind the TM

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Fig. 7. Sequential aqueous angiography in glaucoma patients with trabecular meshwork bypass (TMB) in initially low outflow regions showing new
angiographic patterns. Courtesy of Huang et al. (A-H) The first patient. (I–P) The second patient. (A–D and I–L) First, indocyanine green (ICG)
aqueous angiography was performed. (D, L) Second, TMB was conducted (blue arrows). (E–H and M–P) Third, fluorescein (FL) aqueous
angiography was performed immediately after TMB. (B, F) In the first patient, black arrows point out conjunctival pigment on the cornea that
blocked fluorescence transmission. This location serves as a reference point across all images for that eye. (D, L) Red arrows point out nasal regions of
the eye without initial ICG signal. (H, P) Green arrows point out regions of new fluorescein angiographic signal after TMB. (C) This image serves as
an example of how to calculate an angiographic signal intensity ratio. A 75 9 75-pixel region of interest was placed postlimbal near the region of
TMB (white boxes). For each region of interest, the signal intensity was normalized by dividing it by the signal in a region of known background away
from the proposed areas of TMB (yellow box). This allowed for the assessment of signal intensity in any image, internally normalized to the settings
on the Spectralis. A ratio of 1 would imply that the signal intensity in that region of interest was no different than the background. s = seconds after
signal initiation.

and 320 lm anterior to the angle Canal in eyes undergoing combined The authors proposed that the iStent
(Fig. 8B) (Gillmann et al. 2018). Sch- iStent Inject and cataract surgery may Inject may have a dual IOP-lowering
lemm’s Canal diameter is estimated to be attributed to the phacoemulsifica- mechanism – reducing aqueous outflow
be approximately 121 lm (Irshad et al. tion procedure itself (Zhao et al. 2016), resistance via a bypass of the trabecular
2010). This case report demonstrated a greater extent of dilation has been meshwork (as intended) as well as
marked dilation of Schlemm’s Canal recorded in eyes undergoing combined inducing dilation of Schlemm’s Canal,
along most of the angle circumference surgery compared with standalone cat- as also observed following canaloplasty
after iStent Inject implantation, reach- aract surgery, suggesting that iStent procedures (Kuerten et al. 2018). The
ing 390 lm at the widest point. While Inject implantation does cause Sch- IOP-lowering outcomes of iStent Inject
part of the dilatory effect on Schlemm’s lemm’s Canal dilation. implantation may be correlated with

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021




Fig. 8. (A) Typical appearance of an iStent inject device on anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). Courtesy of Gillmann et al.
The central lumen and side holes on either side of the head are clearly identifiable. Position and depth of implantation within the angle varies widely;
some devices protrude (a–c) and others appear buried within the trabeculum (d). (B) Appearance of Schlemm canal on AS-OCT. The Schlemm canal
(arrows) has the appearance of a hyporeflective ellipsoid area lying immediately behind the trabecular meshwork. Its dimensions are highly variable
from markedly dilated (a) to barely visible (c) or not visible at all.

the degree of device protrusion into the stability, and no adverse events were Challenges in XEN45 Gel Stent
anterior chamber as well as postoper- reported. implantation include precise placement
ative Schlemm’s Canal dimensions, and positioning of the stent intraoper-
both of which can be quantified by atively, as well as optimal postopera-
XEN45 Gel Stent
the AS-OCT. tive bleb assessment and management,
To date, the XEN45 Gel Stent remains necessary to minimize bleb fibrosis and
UBM the only commercially available FDA- scarring (Skuta & Parrish 1987; Fea
Postoperative application. The UBM approved MIGS that lowers IOP et al. 2017; Olate-Perez et al. 2017;
may be used postoperatively to locate through the creation of a filtration bleb, Vera et al. 2019). Various imaging
misplaced iStent Trabecular Micro- similar to trabeculectomy surgery modalities have therefore been
Bypass implants. In a case report by (Chatzara et al. 2019). XEN45 Gel Stent explored to enhance postoperative bleb
Mantravadi et al., the stent was lost implantation allows the creation of a management. A total of 9 studies,
during implantation as it was being filtration channel through the ab interno detailing the use of AS-OCT, anterior
repositioned after the inadvertent approach with minimal disruption of segment OCT angiography and in vivo
occurrence of localized iridodialysis. underlying lymphatics and drainage confocal microscopy, were identified in
Intraoperatively, they were unable to systems. This shortens surgical time, our search for the use of imaging in
locate the misplaced stent. On the first minimizes damage to surrounding tis- XEN45 Gel Stent implantation surgery
postoperative day, the implant still sues and theoretically decreases the risk (Table 1).
could not be visualized with gonio- of bleeding, scarring and subsequent
scopy and was suspected to have bleb failure (Gedde et al. 2009; Saheb & AS-OCT
migrated into the supraciliary space. Ahmed 2012). Complications include Postoperative application. Anterior seg-
UBM confirmed this suspicion, with ptosis, hyphema, hypotony with or ment imaging has been used to objec-
the stent being successfully detected in without choroidal effusions, cystoid tively assess bleb morphology and to
the superciliary space, posterior to the macular oedema, as well as implant evaluate structure–function correlation
ciliary body. No intervention was per- blockage, exposure or malposition in blebs. Fea et al. utilized the AS-OCT
formed in view of the patient’s clinical (Sng et al. 2019; Hong et al. 2020). to evaluate the maximal height of the

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

bleb, total area of hyporeflective cystic ‘success’ and ‘failure’ groups in terms characteristics of a well-functioning
spaces, bleb-wall reflectivity and bleb- of bleb-wall cyst-like structure area early bleb. Olate-Perez et al. also
wall thickness, up to 1 year after (BCSA), bleb-wall cyst-like structure described the use of AS-OCT in corre-
surgery. Considering their study sub- density (BCSD) and bleb-wall thick- lating bleb morphology and reflectivity
jects as a whole, there was no change in ness (BT) after approximately with function. The authors found that
the measured parameters and morphol- 7.5 months after surgery. cystic morphology with low reflectivity
ogy of the bleb over 1 year, indicating Utilizing a combination of the was associated with a higher incidence
that any morphologic changes that above-mentioned parameters, Len- of functional blebs and postulated that
occurred after surgery probably did zhofer et al. (2019a,2019b) classified bleb morphology may predict bleb
not progress beyond postoperative XEN45 blebs into four different mor- functionality.
month 1, which was when the first phologies – uniform, subconjunctival AS-OCT has been used to compare
AS-OCT images were acquired in their separation, microcystic multiform and differences in bleb morphology
study. However, when comparison was multiple internal layers (Fig. 9). The between trabeculectomy and XEN45
made between functioning (‘success’) presence of microcystic multiform mor- gel stent surgery. Teus et al. compared
compared with non-functioning phology was attributed to bleb encap- the bleb morphologies among healthy
(‘failure’) blebs, the authors found that sulation by the authors and its eyes, eyes with successfully functioning
functioning blebs had significantly appearance at 3 months was a predic- blebs after trabeculectomy and eyes
greater bleb height and cystic spaces tor for surgical failure at 12 months. A that underwent XEN surgery, on AS-
at 3 and 6 months, as well as signifi- uniform bleb morphology was associ- OCT. The authors found that the
cantly lower wall reflectivity at all ated with higher mean IOP at 1 week height of XEN45 blebs was signifi-
timepoints during their study. The and 3 months compared with other cantly lower than trabeculectomy
correlation between higher bleb-wall morphologies, and its presence at blebs, with the absence of subepithelial
reflectivity and non-functioning blebs 9 months was predictive for surgical fibrosis in XEN45 blebs compared with
has also been previously reported by failure at 12 months. The subconjunc- its presence in 40% of trabeculectomy
Ciancaglini et al (2008) and Addicks tival separation morphology appears as blebs. XEN blebs appeared morpho-
et al. (1983), and the authors proposed a diffuse distribution of fluid with small logically more similar to healthy con-
that the density of the bleb connective intrableb cysts seen and may suggest junctiva, and this was attributed to the
tissue may hence determine postopera- less fibrosis and consequently a lower relative greater restriction to flow in the
tive functionality of the bleb. outflow resistance of the bleb. This XEN45 gel stent, as governed by the
Mastropasqua et al. (2020) also morphology was associated with lower Hagen–Poiseuille equation.
reported AS-OCT findings while mean IOP over the first year postoper- Additionally, AS-OCT has also been
assessing the differences between atively and may demonstrate OCT used to detect intraluminal stent

Fig. 9. Bleb morphology in anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) after XEN Glaucoma Gel Stent Implantation. Courtesy of
Lenhzofer et al. Bleb morphology in AS-OCT was classified into four groups. (1) Uniform (top left and top right): No fluid-filled hyporeflective spaces
in the subconjunctival space. (2) Subconjunctival separation (middle left and middle right): multiple small spaces in more superficial layers. (3)
Microcystic multiform (bottom left): multiple cystic hyporeflective areas in deep layer separated by thin septae, which are highlighted with arrows;
their thicker bleb wall makes the bleb appear encapsulated in AS-OCT. (4) Multiple internal layer (bottom right): Hyporeflective spaces in deep and
superficial layers of conjunctiva with channels of fluid parallel to the surface of the sclera, highlighted by arrowheads.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

obstruction postoperatively. Rigo et al. superonasal conjunctiva. As optically Mastropasqua et al (2020) reported
(2019) demonstrated the use of AS- clear structures that were round or oval the use of the AS-OCTA (AngioVue
OCT in detecting obstruction of shaped, they were scattered in distribu- OCTA system; Optovue Inc., Fremont,
XEN45 gel stents by connective tissue, tion with no signs of clustering and CA, USA) in the measurement of
which were not visible on slit-lamp were surrounded by a hyper-reflective vessel displacement areas (VDAs),
photography. The imaging characteris- wall. Postoperatively, microcysts major vessel displacement area
tics (reflectiveness of material) further appeared to be of heterogeneous (MVDA), non-flow whole area
allowed the authors to postulate the shapes and sizes, their distribution (NFWA) and bleb-wall vessel density
origin of the connective tissue – as from became more clustered, and the sur- (BVD) (Fig. 10). VDAs were defined as
the anterior chamber or from out- rounding wall exhibited low reflectiv- flow-void areas in the whole OCTA
growth of episcleral fibrous tissue. ity. There was a significant image, delimited by flow vessel signals,
AS-OCT may also be used to deter- postoperative increase in both mean whose size had to be at least one-third
mine stent positioning, which may be microcyst area and mean microcyst of a single quadrant of the colour-
correlated with surgical outcomes. Len- density, from preoperatively to coded angiographic map. MVDAs
zhofer et al. (2019a,2019b) described 12 months after surgery. The authors were defined as the largest flow-void
the use of AS-OCT (Visante OCT; attributed these findings to progressive area in the whole OCTA image.
Zeiss, Germany) in determining the aqueous percolation after stent implan- NFWAs were defined as the sum of
effect of outer stent position on post- tation. In addition, the mean subep- each VDA, including the MDVA. BVD
operative reduction in IOP and number ithelial connective tissue density was defined as the percentage area
of IOP-lowering medications. Layers of (SCTD) decreased significantly from occupied by vessels in the whole
implantation were classified as intra- preoperatively to 6 months but 3 9 3 mm OCTA image. The authors
and subtenon, or intraconjunctival, increased by 12 months postopera- demonstrated that VDAs were found
depending on the location of the outer tively. This was attributed to a slower in all successful blebs but only in
lumen as observed on the AS-OCT. manifestation of tissue rearrangement 28.4% of failed blebs. Significantly
The authors found that deeper implant in the deeper layers. Of the above higher NFWA, VDAs and MVDAs
position in the intra- and subtenon parameters, only the SCTD was signif- were found in the ‘success’ population
group was associated with higher IOP- icantly different between the ‘success’ (Fig. 11). Conversely, lower mean (SD)
lowering efficacy and lower needling and ‘failure’ groups with a greater BVDs were found in the ‘success’
rates. There was a significantly greater SCTD found in the ‘failure’ group, population at 46.19 (3.82) versus
IOP reduction in the intra- and sub- suggesting the presence of new or 54.15 (4.40).
tenon group compared with the intra- increased alternative aqueous humour Hence, the AS-OCTA may allow for
conjunctival group at week 1, week 2, outflow induced by the stent implanta- the early assessment of bleb vascularity
month 1 and month 12. At 6 months, tion. This was noted to be contrary to – which is associated with bleb dys-
while there was no difference in IOP findings by Ciancalini et al., who pre- function – while changes remain clini-
reduction between both groups, the viously reported that all IVCM param- cally undetectable. This is supported by
number of IOP-lowering medication eters correlated well with bleb Seo et al who reported a good corre-
was significantly lower for the intra- functionality following trabeculectomy lation between OCTA colour and
and subtenon groups compared with surgery (Ciancaglini et al. 2008). brightness densities of the bleb-wall,
the intraconjunctival group. Further- with bleb vascularity after trabeculec-
more, the needling rate was signifi- AS-OCT angiography (AS-OCTA) tomy. Early detection of vascularity by
cantly lower in the intra- and subtenon Postoperative application. The AS- OCTA can allow for targeted interven-
groups compared with the intracon- OCTA may enable the surgeon to predict tion or increased follow-up frequency
junctival group, at 12 months. Overall, surgical success through the measure- for eyes, which are at higher risk of
the intra- and subtenon groups showed ment of bleb angiographic parameters failure.
higher qualified success at 12 months. after XEN45 gel stent implantation.
Mozo et al. also described the use of Overall, less vascularized blebs have
AS-OCT to confirm the presence in a been shown to be correlated with lower
single patient of a short XEN segment IOP values after filtering surgery This systematic review summarizes
that had gone unnoticed intraopera- (Hayek et al. 2019; Seo et al., how imaging has been explored for
tively and was observed on follow-up 2019a,2019b). Histological studies use in all three preoperative, intraop-
in clinic after surgery. (Picht & Grehn 1998; Sacu et al. erative and postoperative stages of
2003; Messmer et al. 2006) have also MIGS.
In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) demonstrated that less vascularized The minimally invasive nature and
Postoperative applications. IVCM has blebs are less inflamed and less prone fine surgical precision required in
been used to examine postoperative to fibrosis due to the reduced supply of MIGS have provided an impetus for
bleb changes in XEN45 gel stent fibroblast-stimulating cytokines. The surgeons to explore intraoperative
implantation surgery. Utilizing the inflammatory response has been linked imaging as an aid to maximize surgical
IVCM HRT II/Rostock Cornea Mod- to trauma and the degree of postoper- success. Outcomes of angle-based
ule (RCM; Heidelberg Engineering, ative inflammation, as well as to the MIGS depend on good visualization
Inc, Franklin, MA, USA), Fea et al. preoperative state of the conjunctiva, of angle anatomy and accurate evalu-
observed that preoperatively, micro- episcleral and integrity of the blood- ation of surgical end points. Even
cysts were already seen in the aqueous barrier. minute variations in implantation

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

(A) (C) (E)

(D) (F)

Fig. 10. Angiographic and structural scans of a functioning filtration bleb. Courtesy of Mastropasqua et al. (A) Vessel density perfusion map
(warmer colour corresponding to greater flow) showing numerous and confluent vessel displacement areas (VDAs) (asterisks) and the major vessel
displacement area (MVDA) (arrowhead). (B) Slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the XEN gel stent-related filtration bleb. (C) En face optical coherence
tomography (OCT) angiogram showing a rarefied bleb-wall vascularity. (D) Co-registered structural B-scan showing the blood flow signals (in red)
within the bleb wall. (E) En face OCT bleb-wall image highlighting the XEN gel stent (arrows). (F) Co-registered structural B-scan, showing intra-
bleb-wall hyporeflective cysts (arrowhead) along with a microcyst (asterisk) inside the typical ‘double-layer’ hyper-reflective signal of the XEN gel
stent (red arrow).

depth of angle-based devices have been on endothelial graft orientation and limit the efficacy of angle-based MIGS
shown to influence postoperative effi- positioning. Intraoperative imaging and this has been corroborated by
cacy – intraoperative imaging may be may also serve as an invaluable teach- imaging studies (Hann et al. 2011;
able to provide the resolution needed ing tool for observers and novice sur- Wecker et al. 2017). The potential of
to achieve this level of surgical preci- geons. These key benefits are relevant imaging to define the structure, func-
sion (Heindl et al. 2015; Junker et al. and translatable to MIGS where pre- tion and distribution of collector chan-
2017). Ablative or excisional angle- cise manoeuvring and implant place- nels and AHO pathways in individual
based procedures may have better out- ment are crucial to success. However, eyes as well as the effect of TM bypass
comes with clear surgical endpoints, while intraoperative imaging technol- device implantation on these AHO
which may be better defined with ogy has seen significant advancements pathways is an area for further
intraoperative imaging (Wecker et al. in recent years, remaining challenges research. Once better understood, this
2017; Gillmann et al. 2019). Current discourage the widespread clinical use information may allow a more targeted
FDA-approved subconjunctival MIGS of this technology. These include tech- approach to the placement of angle-
involves the use of stents which, with nical difficulties in incorporating imag- based MIGS devices, which may yield
their microlumens, also demand ing modalities into the surgical more predictable and efficacious post-
greater placement precision to ensure microscope, variable quality of images operative outcomes (Huang et al.
good outcomes. iOCT has been and optical interference from ocular 2019). Imaging studies in subconjunc-
described previously in the PIONEER structures or surgical instruments tival MIGS have established correla-
(Ehlers et al. 2014) and DISCOVER (Heindl et al. 2015; Ehlers et al. 2017; tions between preoperative structural
(Ehlers et al. 2018) studies, with the Junker et al. 2017). and functional conjunctival character-
vast majority of iOCT utilization in With increasing confidence and istics with postoperative outcomes.
these instances being in corneal trans- familiarity with MIGS, there is grow- This understanding may be used to
plantation. The real-time visual feed- ing interest in improving patient selec- improve the predictability of subcon-
back provided by iOCT was found to tion and in better predicting treatment junctival MIGS.
aid surgical decision making and tech- response. AHO pathways and the dis- This use of imaging to elucidate
nique, as well as provide information tal outflow resistance are postulated to structure–function relationships may

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

(A) (C) (E)

(B) (D) (F)

Fig. 11. Angiographic and structural scans of a failed filtration bleb. Courtesy of Mastropasqua et al. (A) Vessel density perfusion map (warmer
colour corresponding to greater flow) showing scattered vessel displacement areas (VDAs) (asterisk), without evidence of the major vessel
displacement area (MVDA). (B) Slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the XEN gel stent-related filtration bleb. (C) En face optical coherence tomography
(OCT) angiogram showing a dense bleb vascularity. (D) Co-registered structural B-scan showing numerous and wider blood flow signals (in red)
within the bleb wall. (E) En face OCT bleb-wall image highlighting the XEN gel stent (arrows). (F) Co-registered structural B-scan, showing only one
isolated bleb-wall hyporeflective cyst (asterisk) contained inside the hyper-reflective signal of the XEN gel stent (arrow).

deepen our understanding of the mech- complications, provide objective infor- trabectome and KDB surgeries (Berk
anisms of action of MIGS and provide mation of implant location in relation et al. 2017; Shue et al. 2019).
corroborative outcome measures of to surrounding anatomy and assess the Imaging may play an important role
efficacy postoperatively. While angle- postimplantation structural impact of in the postoperative diagnosis and
based devices such as the iStent were MIGS devices. Imaging has been management of bleb failure and scar-
postulated to function via simple shown to have a critical role in locating ring after subconjunctival MIGS.
bypass of the TM, AS-OCT studies misplaced MIGS devices, which is Imaging studies have characterized
now demonstrate the possible addi- often challenging clinically due to the the process of bleb scarring and con-
tional effect of Schlemm Canal dilation size and location of these implants. An solidation, through parameters such as
in reducing IOP (Gillmann et al. 2019). in vitro study not included in our bleb height, area of cystic spaces, bleb-
The AS-OCT has also revealed signif- review compared the utilization of wall reflectivity and thickness (Fea
icant changes in anterior chamber three imaging modalities – the UBM, et al. 2017; Lenzhofer et al.
anatomy after trabectome surgery. AS-OCT and B-scan ultrasonography (2019a,2019b); Teus et al. 2019). Infor-
Further studies may be useful in exam- – to locate two intentionally misplaced mation on these bleb parameters may
ining the correlation of these anatom- iStent implants in human cadaveric be used to further establish correlations
ical changes to long-term IOP eyes. This study reported that UBM in postoperative structure–function
reduction. More advanced AS-OCT may be most useful in locating iStent outcomes. AS-OCT may further iden-
modalities such as the 3D-micro-CT implants in the anterior or posterior tify the pathophysiology of failure –
and SD-OCT have also been used to chamber, while the AS-OCT may be demonstrating obstruction of subcon-
evaluate distal outflow pathways and used for stent detection in the anterior junctival stent tip by fibrotic tissue,
may be potential imaging modalities chamber (Ichhpujani et al. 2010). Being encapsulation or diffuse subconjuncti-
for future studies evaluating correla- easily accessible, these imaging options val scarring. This may allow a more
tions between anatomical changes and are likely to be clinically useful in targeted approach to postoperative
clinical outcomes (Kagemann et al. locating missing MIGS implants. In bleb management and needling. In
2010; Hann et al. 2011; Li et al. 2017). addition, imaging may be used to addition, imaging may minimize the
Overall, anterior segment imaging in confirm the occurrence of other risk of inadvertent stent truncation and
MIGS appears to be applied most in MIGS-related complications – the damage during needling of XEN45
the postoperative phase. It has been UBM and AS-OCT have been used to blebs, particularly when there is poor
used to identify procedural diagnose cyclodialysis clefts after both visualization during the procedure due

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

to significant encapsulation or subcon- Au J, Goshe J, Dupps WJ, Srivastava SK & Fea AM, Belda JI, Rez kas M, J€ unemann A,
junctival haemorrhage. Ehlers JP (2015): Intraoperative optical Chang L, Pablo L, Voskanyan L & Katz LJ
This review aims to be comprehen- coherence tomography for enhanced depth (2014): Prospective unmasked randomized
visualization in deep anterior lamellar ker- evaluation of the iStent inject () versus two
sive but nonetheless faces certain lim-
atoplasty from the PIONEER study. Cornea ocular hypotensive agents in patients with
itations. Due to the heterogeneity of 34: 1039–1043. primary open-angle glaucoma. Clin Oph-
the data collected, no meta-analysis Bartelt-Hofer J & Flessa S (2020): Compara- thalmol 8: 875–882.
could be performed to pool the results tive efficacy and cost-utility of combined Fea AM, Spinetta R, Cannizzo PML, Con-
of the studies. The expansive spectrum cataract and minimally invasive glaucoma solandi G, Lavia C, Aragno V, Germinetti F
and various definitions of ‘MIGS’ surgery in primary open-angle glaucoma. Int & Rolle T (2017): Evaluation of bleb mor-
necessitated that we focused our review Ophthalmol 40: 1469–1479. phology and reduction in IOP and glaucoma
on only FDA-approved MIGS. The Berk TA, An JA & Ahmed IIK (2017): medication following implantation of a
Inadvertent cyclodialysis cleft and hypotony Novel Gel Stent. J Ophthalmol 2017:
use of imaging in other ‘MIGS’ proce-
following ab-interno trabeculotomy using 9364910.
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Teus MA, Paz Moreno-Arrones J, Casta~ no B, outflow pathway after trabecular meshwork Additional Supporting Information
Castejon MA & Bolivar G (2019): Optical surgery using swept-source optical coher- may be found in the online version of
coherence tomography analysis of filtering ence tomography. PLoS One 13: e0199739. this article:
blebs after long-term, functioning tra- Zhao Z, Zhu X, He W, Jiang C & Lu Y (2016):
beculectomy and XEN stent implant. Schlemm’s canal expansion after
Appendix S1. Acta Prisma checklist.


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