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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of the study was to compare automated and manually conducted (slice-by-slice) virtual orbital
Paper received 25 January 2021 wall reconstruction in terms of PSI design, manufacture, and clinical application for orbital fracture
Received in revised form management.
2 March 2022
Patients with orbital wall fractures were evaluated for the potential for treatment with PSI, based on
Accepted 26 May 2022
automated virtual wall reconstruction; these formed the main group. The surgical outcomes of these
Available online 3 June 2022
main-group patients' treatments were compared with those of the control group, which comprised
patients randomly selected for this study, each of whom had the same orbital trauma patterns and were
Fracture reconstruction
also managed with PSI. However, the control group patients were treated using ‘slice-by-slice’ virtual
Orbital fracture orbital reconstruction.
Orbital implant Mean volume differences between the intact and reconstructed orbit were 0.65 ± 0.26 cm3 in the
Patient-specific implant (PSI) main group (n ¼ 23) and 0.57 ± 0.23 cm3 in the control (n ¼ 27; p ¼ 0.837). In both groups, no cases of
implant malposition or enophthalmos were detected after surgery. Orbital shape difference was similar
for the main group and the control, at 3.3 ± 3.5% and 3.25 ± 2.5%, respectively (p ¼ 0.929). Diplopia was
diagnosed at the 3-month follow-up in 13.0% of the main group and in 11.1% of the control (p ¼ 0.651).
The average times spent on computer-aided design (CAD) procedures, including segmentation, virtual
orbital reconstruction, and PSI design, were 36.7 ± 6.9 min in the main group and 72.9 ± 7.7 min in the
control group (p < 0.001).
Within the limitations of the study it seems that PSI based on automated virtual reconstruction is a
relevant alternative treatment option for orbital fractures because of its clinical efficacy that is similar to
PSI based on a ‘slice-by-slice’ CAD protocol.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-
Facial Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.
1010-5182/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
Y. Chepurnyi, O. Zhukovtseva, A. Kopchak et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 50 (2022) 686e691
creation of the virtual model, which could be used for further fractures associated with zygoma or maxilla fractures, or extensive
manufacturing. Thus, PSI design requires virtual restoration of the damage to the orbital floor and medial wall, with total involvement
orbital walls, based on segmentation of computed tomography (CT) of the apical part.
data (Noser et al., 2010; Gander et al., 2014; Chepurnyi et al., 2020b; Patients were randomly divided into two groups, with no sta-
Rana et al., 2019). The CT segmentation is exceptionally important tistically significant differences in age, sex, or fracture type distri-
for creation of a true-to-original or desired orbital shape, integrity bution e these were checked afterwards (Table 1). Randomization
of the orbital walls, and further precise orbital reconstruction was conducted by applying a computer-assisted random number
(Wagner et al., 2015; Fu et al., 2017; Fuessinger et al., 2019). How- generator, with patients assigned to the main or control group ac-
ever, orbital walls are complicated structures, with low thicknesses cording to even number or odd number, respectively. The main
that may cause their misrepresentation on the conventional CT, and group comprised patients where automatic virtual orbital recon-
therefore require special approaches for segmentation (Essig et al., struction was applied for PSI design. The control group comprised
2013; Wagner et al., 2015; Visscher et al., 2016). Such artificial de- patients where a manual segmentation algorithm was used for PSI
fects, as well as the true defects of the orbital walls caused by design. The patients in both groups were operated on by the same
trauma, should be eliminated by editing of the virtual model of the two senior surgeons, who were unaware of the method of PSI
orbit, before creating the PSI design (Wagner et al., 2015; design used.
Visscheret al., 2016). In the main group, DICOM files of the CT data were imported to
There are several methods currently used for orbit segmenta- Disior Bonelogic® CMF Orbital Analysis Software (Helsinki,
tion, including manual (‘slice-by-slice’), atlas-based, and model- Finland), which converted them into voxel maps and performed a
based methods, each with different levels of involvement of spe- three-dimensional rendering of the craniofacial bone structures,
cialists in the process (Wagner et al., 2015; Visscher et al., 2016; using threshold settings. Next, the software segmented the orbits
Jansen et al., 2015; Nilsson et al., 2018; Chepurnyi et al., 2020). and automatically performed a virtual reconstruction of the orbital
‘Slice-by-slice’ segmentation has been considered the most precise wall using the model-based method. Thus it was able to determine
method. However, according to the literature, this method is time- the wall defects caused by orbital fracture, and measure the defect
consuming and is recommended by most of the authors only as an square and prolapsed soft-tissue volume. To restore these regions,
option for complicated cases. Additionally, it requires close the software automatically superimposed the mirrored, intact
collaboration between surgeon and bioengineer to achieve the orbital model and renewed the surface of the damaged one. Next,
appropriate virtual anatomy before launching PSI design proced- the bioengineers evaluated the quality of the reconstructed surface
ures (Spalthoff et al., 2019; Rana et al., 2019). of the damaged orbit, and its applicability for PSI design, according
On the other hand, the model-based method permits automatic to the demands and suggestions of the surgeons. Approved virtu-
or semi-automatic orbital segmentation in the software environ- ally reconstructed orbits then underwent further CAD procedures.
ment, reducing the length of time required for the procedure In the control group, virtual reconstruction of the orbital walls
(Wagner et al., 2015; Visscher et al., 2016; Jansen et al., 2015; Fu was performed using slice-by-slice segmentation. To perform such
et al., 2017; Nilsson et al., 2018; Chepurnyi et al., 2020,2020b; a reconstruction, DICOM files of the CT data were imported to the
Taghizadeh et al., 2019). However, the sensitivity of automated CAD software (D2P, v., Simbionix Ltd/3D Systems Inc., Beit
segmentation and virtual orbital wall repair in different orbital Golan, Israel), from which virtual orbital models were obtained
trauma patterns, as well as the limitations of their clinical appli- using threshold settings. Further orbital wall surface reconstruction
cation, require further investigation. was conducted using slice-by-slice segmentation, and edited ac-
The study aimed to compare automated and manually con- cording to the contours of the mirrored and superimposed virtual
ducted (slice-by-slice) virtual orbital wall reconstruction in terms model of the intact orbit.
of PSI design, manufacture, and clinical application for orbital The CAD/CAM procedures used for PSI design were the same for
fracture management. both group e STL files of the virtually reconstructed orbit were
exported to CAD software (Geomagic Freeform Plus, Rock Hill,
2. Materials and methods South Carolina, USA). Further processing of the model included
wrapping, smoothing, and fixing procedures. The implant design
This prospective comparative study was based on the analysis of was obtained by creating the required shape of the surface, and
clinical manifestations and CT data of patients, who underwent subsequently transforming it into an object with a defined thick-
orbital reconstructions at the Kyiv Regional Hospital and Kyiv ness. Next, clearance of the object and the creation of holes for
Emergency Hospital, Ukraine. The study was approved by the Ethics fixation were performed using Boolean operations. After validation
Committee of the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University (No. and correction by clinicians, the STL file was sent to the manufac-
126, November 13, 2019) and met the requirements of the Decla- turer (Imateh Medical Ltd., Kyiv, Ukraine) (Fig. 1).
ration of Helsinki. Written, informed consent was obtained from all All patients in both groups were examined preoperatively, on
individual participants enrolled in the study. the first day after surgery, and at 1 and 6 months after surgery,
Inclusion criteria for the study were: 1) isolated unilateral following a standardized algorithm, including local status exami-
orbital fracture of the orbital floor and/or medial wall; 2) orbital- nation (facial symmetry, Hertel exophthalmometry), and evalua-
wall reconstruction with PSI; and a follow-up period of at least 3 tion of visual acuity, double vision, and ocular motility (the ‘follow-
months. Exclusion criteria were: 1) anophthalmos; 2) age <18 my-finger’ test). Visual fields were also recorded. Orbital wall de-
years; 3) injury of the globe that restricted surgical reconstruction fects were classified according to the ‘Arbeitsgemeinschaft für
(e.g. retinal detachment or globe rupture); 4) total loss of vision in Osteosynthese fragen, cranio-maxillo-facial’ (AOCMF) classification
one or both eyes; 5) neurological disease that influenced eye system (Kunz et al., 2014). The position of the PSI was evaluated,
motility or vision; 6) history of radiation or chemotherapy; 7) based on CT scans after surgery, in line with the study by Zimmerer
mental illness; 8) lack of interaction with a physician during the et al. (2018). The evaluation criteria for determining the clinical
postoperative period, or non-compliance with medical recom- success rate were: 1) comparing the degree of residual enoph-
mendations; 9) absent or low-quality CT scan before or after sur- thalmos in each group (enophthalmos was considered if absolute
gery; 10) patient refusal to participate in the study; 11) any of the values were less than 14 mm by Hertel's test, or there was a dif-
following orbital fracture patterns e trap-door fractures, orbital ference of more than 2 mm between both eyes); 2) assessing the
Y. Chepurnyi, O. Zhukovtseva, A. Kopchak et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 50 (2022) 686e691
Table 1
Demographical and orbital wall fracture distribution.
Fig. 1. PSI design, based on automated virtual orbital wall reconstruction: (a) orbital fracture, initial condition; (b) automatically reconstructed orbital floor in CAD software; (c) PSI
design; (d) validation of the PSI position inside the orbit.
orbital volume between the intact and reconstructed orbits; 3) the Indications for orbital reconstruction in all cases of the main and
presence of double vision; and 4) implant malposition. In addition, control groups were orbital wall fractures associated with double
the time spent on CAD procedures, the duration of the surgical vision. The patients of both groups underwent a standardized
intervention, and early (1 month after surgery) and long-term surgical procedure of orbital reconstruction with PSIs. A trans-
postoperative complications (6 months after surgery) were conjunctival approach was used in cases of isolated orbital floor
evaluated. fractures; involvement of the medial orbital wall, or the presence of
Y. Chepurnyi, O. Zhukovtseva, A. Kopchak et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 50 (2022) 686e691
two wall fractures, was managed via a subciliary approach. The 4. Discussion
surgical procedure included repositioning of the prolapsed soft
tissue content followed by PSI placement, without intraoperative Orbital reconstruction using PSIs has become an effective,
navigation. PSIs in all cases of main and control groups were fixed evidence-based treatment option in recent decades (Bittermann
to the orbital rim with two 5 mm screws (Titamed BVBA Alpha). The et al., 2014; Zimmerer et al., 2016; Rana et al., 2019; Kim et al.,
positioning of the screw holes was determined by the existing 2019). The main advantage of PSIs is the restoration of precise
clinical conditions and suggestions of the surgeon. orbital shape and volume following surgical intervention. For these
Postoperative CT scans of all patients were imported to Disior reasons, numerous authors advocate the clinical application of PSIs
Bonelogic® CMF Orbital Analysis Software (Helsinki, Finland), for orbital reconstruction as a routine treatment option (Rana et al.,
where orbital shape and orbital volume differences between the 2019; Chepurnyi et al., 2020). However, some disadvantages of PSIs,
intact and reconstructed orbits were measured. To determine shape such as their time-consuming and complicated design process,
differences, the software's automatic superimposition feature was have limited the wider clinical application of this technique.
used for ‘point-to-point’ comparisons between reconstructed Nonetheless, PSIs have become a preferable solution for managing
orbital models and mirrored intact orbital models. The software complicated cases of orbital fractures featuring enophthalmos,
indicated areas of discrepancy in colour and presented these as secondary orbital deformities, or postenucleation socket syndrome
percentages. (Dubois et al., 2015; Mommaerts et al., 2016; Ka €rkka
€inen et al.,
Statistical analysis of the data included the calculation of means 2018; Spalthoffet al., 2018; Wilde et al., 2019).
and standard deviations for the evaluated parameters. Non- PSI design and manufacturing are based on the virtually
parametric tests were used for analysis. The Mann-Whitney U reconstructed ‘true-to-original’ anatomy of the orbit. Usually, this is
test and Fisher's exact test were used to compare the differences the most time-consuming stage of PSI design, with extensive
between groups. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. To test involvement of the software operator, mainly for virtual model
for interobserver and intraobserver agreement for all measure- editing (Noser et al., 2010; Wagner et al., 2015; Mommaerts et al.,
ments, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and 95% confi- 2016). When applying manual segmentation during virtual orbital
dence interval (CI) were measured for orbital volume and orbital wall reconstruction, the bioengineer indicates the desirable orbital
shape estimation. Calculations were performed using SPSS statis- contour of the orbit in each CT slice, which takes a significant time
tics software (IBM, USA). for each clinical case. Several algorithms have been proposed to
simplify this procedure. Jansen et al. (2015) evaluated the capability
3. Results of the automated and semi-automated methods of atlas-based
segmentation for orbital volume measurement. They concluded
The mean age of the patients enrolled in the study was 35.8 ± 13.4 that the automated method is quick, but suboptimal for clinical use
years (range 18e70 years old). Comparing the results of the main in comparison with the semi-automated method. Wagner et al.
(n ¼ 23) and control (n ¼ 27) groups, the mean volume differences (2015) demonstrated that model-based orbital segmentation for
between the intact and reconstructed orbits were 0.65 ± 0.26 cm3 volume measurement has a precision comparable to manual and
and 0.57 ± 0.23 cm3, respectively (p ¼ 0.837). No cases of enoph- atlas-based methods. Additionally, they indicated that this method
thalmos after surgery were detected in either group. Orbital shape can provide reliable orbital segmentation in cases with poor CT
differences were similar for both groups, at 3.3 ± 3.5% and quality. Later, these authors successfully performed the first at-
3.25 ± 2.5%, respectively (p ¼ 0.929). No cases of implant malposition tempts to apply automated virtual reconstruction of unilateral
were observed in either group. However, at the 3-month follow-up, midface defects (Wagner et al., 2015).
double vision was diagnosed in several cases: three in the main The results of this study show that automatic orbital segmen-
group and three in the control group (p ¼ 0.651). Other clinical pa- tation allows users to perform virtual orbital reconstruction more
rameters and complication rates are shown in Table 2. easily and 70% faster than seen in traditional approaches. Virtually
The average time spent for CAD procedures, including segmen- reconstructed orbital models are exported for further PSI design in
tation and virtual orbital reconstruction, was 36.7 ± 6.9 min for the much more acceptable conditions, without triangular mesh defects.
main group and 72.9 ± 7.7 min for the control group (p < 0.001). The In general, PSI design and manufacturing in both groups of patients
average period from ordering the PSI to its delivery to the hospital in our study took less than 3 days from the time of order to delivery
was less than 3 days for both groups. The average duration of surgery to hospital. Such a timeline is acceptable for orbital fracture man-
was 57.5 ± 14.7 min for the main group and 58.3 ± 11.3 min for the agement in most cases.
control group (p ¼ 0.633). No cases of PSI correction, its rejection Concerning clinical application, PSIs based on automated virtual
during surgery, or implant incongruity to orbital anatomy were orbital reconstruction demonstrated results uniformly similar to
observed in either group. The intraobserver and interobserver ICCs those for the control group, for which PSI design had been based on
for all modes of segmentation are shown in Table 3. slice-by-slice reconstruction. Both groups showed precise orbital
Table 2
Summary of clinical outcomesa.
Y. Chepurnyi, O. Zhukovtseva, A. Kopchak et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 50 (2022) 686e691
Table 3
Intraobserver and interobserver ICCs for main and control groups.
Orbital volume Intraobserver ICC 0.973 (95% CI 0.962e0.990) 0.978 (95% CI 0.964e0.989)
Interobserver ICC 0.984 (95% CI 0.976e0.993) 0.987 (95% CI 0.982e0.994)
Orbital shape Intraobserver ICC 0.975 (95% CI 0.964e0.989) 0.979 (95% CI 0.968e0.986)
Interobserver ICC 0.985 (95% CI 0.977e0.995) 0.986 (95% CI 0.978e0.993)
volume renewal, with discrepancies of less than 1 cm3. These re- complete ophthalmological recovery. Both groups in our study
€ negg et al. (2018), and explain
sults are comparable to those of Scho demonstrated similar results regarding double vision, the fre-
the absence of enophthalmos in both groups of patients after sur- quency of which was in range of 11e13%. This result calls for further
gery. However, in consideration of the higher importance of orbital investigation of soft-tissue-related factors involved in the rehabil-
shape restoration, as noted by Essing et al. (2013), it was decided to itation of orbital fracture patients.
analyze orbital shape based on superimposition of the intact and This study had several limitations, relating to the exclusion of
reconstructed orbital models. This analysis showed that the mean some orbital trauma patterns from the evaluation. The software
shape differences between the intact and reconstructed orbits in used, as with similar programs, performs automatic segmentation
the main and control groups were 3.3 ± 3.5% and 3.25 ± 2.5%, based on mirroring and superimposition of the orbits. This explains
respectively. Such results represent a highly accurate level of the inability to perform automatic virtual reconstruction of bilat-
reconstruction, as a consequence of the correct positioning of PSIs, eral orbital wall defects, which is one limitation of this automatic
which correlated with the preplanned positions in all cases. No algorithm. Inadequate virtual orbital reconstruction in cases of a
complications relating to PSI application were found in our study totally damaged apical part of the orbital floor and orbital medial
(Fig. 2). wall e also excluded from this study e can be similarly explained.
Nevertheless, numerous studies have indicated that the influ- The high risk of incorrect positioning of PSIs inside the orbit,
ence of accurate reconstruction of orbital geometry on clinical without apical support, contraindicated the use of automatic seg-
outcomes may be overestimated in the literature. Our results mentation in such cases. Some authors have proposed defining
correlated with the study by Zimmerer et al. (2018), which sug- statistically shaped orbital models, based on a large sample num-
gested that precise reconstruction is often unable to predict ber, for different populations and facial anatomies, as a possible
Fig. 2. Orbital fracture management with PSI, based on automated virtual wall reconstruction (same patient): (a) 3D reconstruction; (b) axial view of reconstructed medial wall; (c)
sagittal view of supported apical part of PSI; (d) frontal view.
Y. Chepurnyi, O. Zhukovtseva, A. Kopchak et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 50 (2022) 686e691
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