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Learning Outcomes
The course has been planned to equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes of using
computer hardware and application programs. Specifically, the course seeks to;
1. Equip participants with skills on how to use computers to perform various activities
2. Equip participants with skills on how to use Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint
and Excel
3. Equip participants with skills on how to use internet (Emails and search engine)
and management of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
4. Equip participants with skills on how to protect personal computers, information
and/or data from harm.
2.0. Target Group
The course is intended for UDOM students, UDOM staff, in-service teachers, form four/form six
leavers and other professionals.
3.0. Date
Registration deadline: 30th April, 2021
Course dates: From 1st May, 2021 to 4th July, 2021 (Ten weeks).
The course will be delivered through Workshops and practical sessions in computer labs.
6.0. Prerequisites/Eligibility
7.0. Certification
All participants will be awarded certificates `of participation at the end of the course
9.0. Location/Venue
The course will be conducted in the Computer Laboratory (Lab 6 and Lab 7) found in the College
of Informatics and Virtue Education (CIVE)