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The University of Dodoma

Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Research

and Consultancy

College of Informatics and Virtual Education

Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)
Short course on ICT Proficiency (IPC)
1.0. Introduction
This short-course aims to equip students, small scale entrepreneurs and individuals with interest
in practical skills on how to use computers to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in their day-to-
day activities and hence add comfort and reliability to whatever they do. It also, focuses on building
capacity of individuals on how to use ICT as a self-empowering tool in the current competitive
market economy.

Learning Outcomes

The course has been planned to equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes of using
computer hardware and application programs. Specifically, the course seeks to;
1. Equip participants with skills on how to use computers to perform various activities
2. Equip participants with skills on how to use Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint
and Excel
3. Equip participants with skills on how to use internet (Emails and search engine)
and management of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
4. Equip participants with skills on how to protect personal computers, information
and/or data from harm.
2.0. Target Group

The course is intended for UDOM students, UDOM staff, in-service teachers, form four/form six
leavers and other professionals.

3.0. Date
Registration deadline: 30th April, 2021
Course dates: From 1st May, 2021 to 4th July, 2021 (Ten weeks).

Fee and Mode of Payment

Course fee: 50,000 Tsh. per UDOM student/Staff:

100,000 Tsh. for participants other than the mentioned above.
All payment should be deposited in the following bank account;

Bank Name: CRDB


Account Number: 01J1082491700

Payment for: Short Course on ICT Proficiency (IPC)

4.0. Course Content

1. Computer basics and Operating Systems Management

2. Basics of the internet and social media
3. Microsoft Word 2016
4. Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
5. Microsoft Excel 2016.

5.0. Method of Delivery

The course will be delivered through Workshops and practical sessions in computer labs.

6.0. Prerequisites/Eligibility

It is expected that participants should be graduates of primary education or above

7.0. Certification

All participants will be awarded certificates `of participation at the end of the course

8.0. Mode of Application

Application/registration should be made using an online form by clicking HERE

9.0. Location/Venue
The course will be conducted in the Computer Laboratory (Lab 6 and Lab 7) found in the College
of Informatics and Virtue Education (CIVE)

10.0. Registration and Inquiries

Course coordinator: Mr. Frederick Julius Msangi.

Department of Education Psychology and Curriculum studies (EPCS)
Mob: 0655637188

Cc all inquiries and registration to;

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