Ijiset Ncisct 220505
Ijiset Ncisct 220505
Ijiset Ncisct 220505
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Volume 9, Special Issue, May 2022
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor – 6.72 | www.ijiset.com
However, keep in mind that the majority of the the industry, such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS),
technology is proprietary and may require a licence which is important for ensuring power supply continuity
from QUALCOMM Corp. There is a lot of material for household and business customers during power
on wireless communication for battery monitoring outages Suresh et al. suggested a PLC-based battery
and management. The Global Positioning System health monitoring system for a UPS utilising ESP8266
(GPS) uses satellites to deliver data that provides modules and SCADA, which sends out alert signals
location and time to GPS receivers all across the when the batteries are in critical condition or when the
world. It synchronises the operation such that the temperature is too high [6]. A battery monitoring system
repeating signals are sent at the same time each time. for UPS utilising ESP8266 was also developed by Sardar
Because some satellites are farther away than others, et al. [7]. The system could keep track of the battery's
the signals, which travel at the speed of light, arrive voltage, current, and temperature. To detect dead battery
at a GPS receiver at somewhat varying times. The cells, Hommalai et al. designed a battery monitoring
GPS satellites' space is frequently established by system for UPS using wireless communication [8].
measuring the amount of time it takes for their Several studies have also been conducted on the
signals to reach the receiver. The receiver can development of a battery monitoring system for electric
determine its position in three dimensions when it vehicles that uses wireless communication. Dhotre and
calculates the space to a minimum of four GPS colleagues. ESP8266 module was used to construct an
satellites. The precision with which a GPS edge may automatic battery charging and engine system for an
be identified is determined by the type of receiver electric vehicle [9]. When the battery health falls below a
used. The accuracy of most consumer GPS systems certain threshold, an SMS is sent to the user. The user
is around 10 metres. Differential GPS (DGPS) is a can then respond by SMS to have the engine start
technique used by other types of receivers to achieve automatically to charge the battery. Mathew et al.
substantially higher accuracy [5]. ESP8266/GPS was suggested a wireless battery monitoring system for
used to monitor and manage an EV battery when I electric vehicles that uses a 2.4GHz radio transmission
was a little wiped out. Android is a mobile operating technique. The transmit module (monitors batteries) and
system that runs on phones, tablets, and a growing controller module make up the modular design (receives
number of other devices, ranging from wearable batteries status). Bacquet et al. also created a battery
computing to in-car entertainment. Android is a management system for electric vehicles that uses
Linux- based operating system that, like Linux, is 2.4GHz radio communication. They proved that radio
free and open source software. Because it is Linux- communication may be used to monitor the battery of an
based open source, it is frequently developed by electric vehicle in adverse conditions. Luo and
anyone. The OS can notify you of a replacement colleagues formulated A battery monitoring system for
notification by SMS, Email, or even the most current EV supported GPRS communication consists of an
articles from an RSS Reader. Unfortunately, it is online monitoring terminal that uses a GPRS data
always necessary to have a live internet connection transmitter unit to measure battery parameters (voltage
or at least a GPRS internet connection in order for and temperature), as well as a user and temperature)
the gadget to be ready to travel online to meet with a GPRS data transmitter unit and a battery
people's needs. Furthermore, the OS runs a lot of monitoring interface.. A battery management system for
processes in the background, which consumes a lot EVs employing ZigBee communication and point-to-
of battery power. point wireless topology was proposed by Rahman et al.
Technology supported Wireless [10]. Because of its low power consumption, low cost,
Battery Monitoring System great reliability, and low data speeds, ZigBee was
For safety reasons, reliable battery management chosen. They came to the conclusion that wireless
is essential. Battery failure can be caused by a variety battery management systems are important for EVs
of factors, including battery degeneration and primarily to balance the charge and extend battery life,
aesthetic flaws. Manual battery monitoring systems but they are ineffective at controlling battery
are similar to standard battery monitoring systems in temperature. Menghua et al. have developed a lithium-
that they do not save data to a database. However, ion battery monitoring system for EVs that collects and
only the data acquired in real time will be displayed. displays voltage, current, temperature, and other battery
As a result, adopting wireless technologies to parameters on a smartphone utilising WIFI connectivity.
remotely monitor battery systems is critical. There Based on the previously enclosed work, it appears that
there is no automatic monitoring system accessible to tell
are a variety of battery copy
monitoring available
systems at:
that use
the user about the battery's performance. As a result, the
wireless communicationhttps://ssrn.com/abstract=3917899
that have been created for
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Volume 9, Special Issue, May 2022
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor – 6.72 | www.ijiset.com
2. Methodology
System Overview
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Volume 9, Special Issue, May 2022
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor – 6.72 | www.ijiset.com
interface. The user interface displays a Google internet. Additional modifications are frequently
Maps-supported map of registered battery made to strengthen the system by adding extra
monitoring devices with red markers. The red functionalities. The concept is frequently used in
marker will bounce continuously if the battery smartphones by building smartphone applications
voltage condition of a tool is approaching cut- that assist users in battery monitoring and serve as
off discharge state. By clicking the bouncing a power degradation reminder. In order to
red marker, the device's information, such as strengthen the online connection, Ethernet is
position (latitude and longitude), battery frequently employed to obtain a much stronger
voltage reading, and measured time, can be internet connection than GPRS.
viewed. The user/admin frequently uses this REFERENCES
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tracking battery deterioration such that 249, 2017.
notifications are sent to users of a battery
monitor on a regular basis as shown in fig 4.
The study outlined the design and
development of an IoT-based battery
monitoring system for electric vehicles, with
the goal of ensuring that battery performance
degradation can be tracked online. The goal is
to demonstrate that the mental concept is
frequently realised.The system's event is
made up of a hardware event for the battery
monitor and a web-based battery monitoring
interface. By combining a GPS system to
detect the coordinate and show it on the
Google Maps application, the system is
capable of transmitting
Electronicinformation suchat:as
copy available
position, battery state, and time via the