These two colleagues are also piloting the curriculum and they will also be providing
Barton and Slusuarenko
reviews of how the pilot is going in their classrooms.
professional Teacher- After having gone to my first
goals and convention, I am seeing how I can be a teacher
engaging in leader even outside of my own school. I want to
continuous be a presenter at a conference, which would Consider how I can be more
6.2 and Integrating Innovating require me to have something that is worthy of engaging, different, and
purposeful presenting, which requires me to be more effective in the classroom.
professional effective in the classroom and innovative so
growth and that I have something to share with colleagues
development in the broader community.
This topic is a high value for our campus as we look at new curriculum for the
Value of topic for audience.
entire campus. This presentation time well spent for the entire staff.
She did very well running this PD. She kept the group focused and engaged. She
Overall delivery by Candidate of the professional development
covered the topic completely but did not fill the time with fluff. The interaction
experience, including audience engagement, pacing, tone, and
response to questions. during questions and discussion showed that she was fully prepared for this
Analysis and Summary of Audience Assessment
Directions: Record assessment data into Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies of assessment tool with submission. Include at least one graph in your summary.
I gave a presentation of the piloted curriculum reviewing it’s pros and cons so that the staff may be able to make an informed decision
about whether we would like to purchase this curriculum for the school. After the presentation, staff members were given an
evaluation of my presentation. All said that they agreed or strongly agreed that I was effective in presenting my findings as shown in
the graph below.
Most, if not all, staff members stated that their knowledge of the piloted curriculum was increased as shown by the graph below.
In the short answer question of “What aspects of this presentation were most useful or valuable?” staff members stated that student
work samples (I brought student books into the presentation), the survey, and specific examples were useful or valuable.
Overall, I feel that my presentation was a success and that going forward, I can improve my presentation by utilizing the free tools
available (ie. Curriculum Support Workbook by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) more heavily from the beginning of the pilot.
Below in order:
Presentation Slides
Presenter Evaluation Form
Results of Presenter Evaluation Form
Uncovered 7th-
Dinosaur Trails
Mixed negative responses - slow, too much writing, confusing if absent one day, book
was boring, too long, etc
Student Work Samples
Materials up-to-date and attractive? ✔✔✔ Add comments here:
Lesson/activities easy for youth to Known for their videos by other teachers
understand? ✔✔✔
Enough depth?
2nd Grade - Habitats & Biodiversity
Easy to lead and teach? ✔✔ ✔ -Twig requires good classroom management skills
Online dashboard ✔✔✔ -Its depth only goes as far as the teacher is willing to take it and will need
Quality of lab and lab materials ✔✔✔ additional resources. Uses too much time and energy to drive one single point.
Interactive lab/activities ✔✔✔
-student centered instruction (more work from the student)
Enough resources? ✔✔ ✔
Differentiated resources? ✔✔ ✔
from EdReports
Curriculum Piloting
- Educator Led Review Teams Programs ontent/uploads/2019/02/Instructio
Level of effort
Level of
effort the
put into the
Your TWIG knowledge
Level of TWIG
knowledge at
start of
Level of TWIG
knowledge at
end of
Strongly Strongly
Neutral Agree
disagree agree
Presenter was an
Presentations were
clear and organized
Presenter stimulated
student interest
Presenter was
available and helpful
Strongly Strongly
Neutral Agree
disagree agree
Content of
was helpful
and achieved
what it sought
was organized
Your answer
Your answer
Submit Clear form
Publish analytics
Level of effort
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent
Level of perceived effort the presenter put into the course
Your TWIG knowledge Copy
Level of TWIG knowledge at start of presentation Level of TWIG knowledge at end of pres
Presenter was an effective Presentations were clear Presenter stimulated Prese
lecturer/demonstrator and organized student interest
5/7/23, 9:36 AM Course evaluation
Presentation Copy
Content of presentation was helpful and achieved Presentation was organized and well pl
what it sought to achieve
I really liked how she surveyed her students how they appreciated the use of
Twig. I like how she gave honest feedback about how useful it was for her kids
and her strategies to let them critical think for themselves.
Esther brought a level of expertise to her presentation and was well versed on her
area of study. She also brought helpful feedback/interest of students. Well done!
Since this is curriculum that we may all use at our school next year, all of her
information regarding what will or will not be beneficial for us, was very helpful. 3/
5/7/23, 9:36 AM Course evaluation
I wouldn’t.
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5/7/23, 9:36 AM Course evaluation
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 17